evaluation question 2

Post on 14-Dec-2014






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How effective is the combination of your main and ancillary texts?

Evaluation Question 2.

• Before I made the promotional poster advert, I looked at my final cut video and assessed what were the most memorable aspects and what bits of the video had a meaning behind it to get ideas on what to include into the promotional pack.

• From looking back at the completed music video, I decided that the actual word ‘Torn’ could be used in both my promotional poster and my digipak.


These were possible images to create synergy through-out my promotional


• From research into promotional poster adverts, I found that majority of posters had the image of the main singer – this allows the target audience to immediately identify who and what the poster is about.

• So from this research, I decided that I should have the face of the singer on the poster.

I was able to connect the music video and poster advert by featuring the main singer in the poster wearing the same thing in the final music video.

I was also able to get the word ‘Torn’ in the poster in the same way as it was shown in the actual music video.

When the target audience sees this image of the singer and ‘Torn’ together on the poster, they can immediately connect it to the music video that comes with it.

As you may have seen, I have connected my two ancillary products together by using the same picture of the main artist sitting next to the word ‘Torn’.

This will allow the target audience to remember the connection between the poster advert and the digipak and hopefully make a link between the two, along with the final music video.

Completed digipak.

Poster Advert

Music Video


As you can see, I have made sure that all my media products have some sort of synergistic connection.

To allow me to do this, I have incorporated the newspaper cuttings of the word ‘Torn’ in all three of the products..

• I do believe that I could have increased the synergy in the digipak by adding a one or two more photos of the main singer. As the only picture is featured on the back and the remaining panels relate to ‘Torn’.


• I think that I have effectively created synergy between the main product and the ancillary tasks.

• There is enough material for the target audience to create a link between the three products and will allow them to immediately identify between them.



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