evaluation project progresion

Post on 14-Aug-2015






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Evaluation - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learned in the progression

from it to the full product?

By Harry Pennington

- Since then however we have researched and looked at tutorials on how to effectively use the camera to get good quality shots and that has had a huge impact on how our final piece turned out.

- For example in the real production in the picture shown above, we used the natural light to our advantage to create a dark intimidating scene to reflect the character, the preliminary doesn’t do anything about the lighting, leading to a mundane shot. The production shot was done with chiaroscuro lighting in mind.

- Yes, during our Preliminary task we had little idea on how to effectively use the camera and get good angles, resulting in shots which didn’t work, the angles were either not level or positioned in a way that led to the scene not being presented in a good way which ultimately didn’t give us a very good preliminary task.

Editing- Editing was also of a poor standard for our preliminary, you could hear as much background noise as you could the speech and the clips were poorly stitched together, this lead to a jumpy and unrealistic piece.

- Since then we researched how to use the editing program Adobe Premiere Elements 11 through tutorials and forums and our final piece was of a much higher standard.


- In terms of lighting there is also a huge jump in terms of quality from our Preliminary task to final piece, in our Preliminary task the lighting wasn’t managed at all leading to the scene having arguably too much lighting for the entire piece with no variation at all.

- But in our final piece we have a mixture of lighting, ranging from the dark scene with the ‘boss’ in the second scene to a decent lighting in the first. The variation gives a good cut.

Natural Circumstances- We also learned that we can’t control the weather and worked around the weather to give an authentic look so it conformed to the codes and conventions of our genre.

- This meant we had to make sure it was cloudy during the car scene as to have it either sunny would be odd of this kind of film and raining would of provided for very precarious filming.

- This is different to the Preliminary task where we just filmed inside on a sunny day regardless of anything in terms of codes and conventions and therefore doesn’t give an authentic look.

Genre- We have also come a long way from conforming to the genre itself. In the Preliminary task you’d have a tough time trying to figure out the genre of the video if there was one at all.

- We made it hastily and therefore paid little to whether the video fitted into the genre we was aiming for.

- In the final piece however we made sure that this was rectified and so the video is clearly a British crime film. You’d be hard pushed to mistake it for a romantic comedy.


- So overall we have come a very long way from our preliminary task to our final piece. Every aspect our conduct has improved to give a much better product.

- The editing, camera angles, lighting, acting and sound of the final piece are professionally done where as the preliminary task was done quickly without a sense of purpose.

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