evaluation part2

Post on 24-Jul-2015






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Evaluation- part2

Evaluation- part2Tony Mutombo

What have you learned from your audience feedbackEvaluation Part 2Film ideasThroughout the project we did various questionnaires. We started the task trying to fish a target audience, ones that would like our original ideas. This didnt work out very well, and despite having an audience, my partner and I had to create many questionnaires in order to expand our target audience, which also forced us to change/drop some original ideas.

Evaluation Part 2

My partner and I decided that our movie was to belong to the horror genre, mainly because it was our favourite genre. The first questionnaire created was for the choice of what subgenre our movie was to belong to. We asked 20 people in our audience what theyre favourite subgenre was and it resulted to the slasher subgenre; concluding that our film was to be from a slasher. Other questionnaires featured questions asking the audience what they would like to see in the antagonist.

Evaluation Part 2Would they like to see a clever and sly killer like the Dark Knights Joker?

Evaluation Part 2

or a tall, masculine slayer like Friday 13th Jason Voorhees.

Evaluation Part 2

We also tried to connect more with our audience, and we asked five members to give us in brief notes, their ideal horror movie and looked out for the similarities in all. Then for the final questionnaire we wanted to find out what our original respondents thought of the final project. I did this by creating more questionnaires asking them what they had thought about my magazine front cover and movie poster mock ups.

Evaluation Part 2

We also filmed the reaction of the audience that viewed the package via focus groups and presentations. Thanks to this we found out their true opinions; we received constructive criticism and they helped us think of ways of improving our promotional packages. One idea that my audience pointed out was drilling the movie into the mind of the audience. Here they pointed out that an effective way to advertise is to make the product we are advertising stuck into the brains of our audience, which we found as really helpful feedback. My partner and I also wanted to focus on the links in the movie. We believed that in order to persuade the audience into doing something, whether it being to watch a film or to buy an item, they need to continuously be reminded. Here we created an emblem or logo to our movie with the upside down crucifix. This relates to the movie because Jack strongly believes that he is 'ridding the world of sin' and that his actions are for the greater good, he also believes that he is pleasing his God when doing so. The upside down cross, currently (in this day and age) is perceived as the symbol of anti-Catholics. Jack's victims are those that do not follow Christ and his beliefs. We hope to use this as a symbol in order to remind our target audience of the movie "GRIM" just the same way as the big yellow 'M' is recognized by the audience as the sign for McDonalds. We also tried to think of other ways to make the movie stick in the brain of our target audience. Below we brainstormed different magazine front covers and movie posters that purposely look similar so the target audience are automatically met and are familiar with the movie. Evaluation Part 2

Target audienceMy Target Audience within the pitch complemented our film idea, they said that the film itself was original and they complemented how my partner and I wanted the audience to empathise with the protagonist. They liked how we took the conventions of many horror films, and adapted and creatively added on to it. For example, we used two pieces of existing media texts as inspiration: Evaluation Part 2One was Nightmare on Elm Street which was about Freddy Krueger. A man that had been accused of sexually abusing children attending a pre-school and was hunted down by the angry parents of those who he abused and was burnt alive. His tale was a tale of revenge as he then hunted down the children he allegedly abused as a scheme for revenge.

The other existing piece of media would be the Da Vinci Code as Silas, a troubled devout Christian who dons a metal cilice on his thigh and proceeds to flagellate himself with a whip for the sins of murder.

They liked how we took both characters and took each of their wrong doings and created his (Jacks) backstory. A common convention within horror movies is that the audience arent too aware of the protagonist, and normally dont side with him, my partner and I wanted to make our audience realise that our protagonist genuinely believes that he is doing right and serving God as he is disgusted by the vile sinful behaviour happening in one of his catholic schools. A productive criticism that we did receive from our target audience was that our protagonist did lean too closely to Silas of Da Vinci Code.

They recognised that both characters killed their victims whist wearing the maroon monk cloak and were both indulged in self-harm and self-punishment. My partner and I begged to differ, but if the issue was of a concern to our target audience, we decided to act upon it and tweak some changes. My partner and I decided to regulate Jack's self-punishment and self-harming rituals, and did our best in order to make the audience sympathise him whilst also fearing him and his capabilities. We also wanted to keep it realistic. That there was a chance that a normal teenage boy like Jack could be lurking around their school.

TrailerI showed my movie trailer to a group of people all within my target audience, and then asked them to give me their feedback on what they thought was good about the video, and what they thought could have been improved on. Evaluation Part 2

Positive FeedbackEditing was very good, the shots were very clever and I can see your visionI like this, your villain looks interesting, I like how you didnt want to show his face, really made me wonder who he wasThe lip-syncing and instrument syncing was perfectly in time with the musicThe clip opens up like a real movie trailer, and the killer is different to the others In the slasher horror industry, I really like thisThe non-diegetic mixes in very well with the trailer, the heartbeat was a good effect

Negative Feedback I couldnt really get the narrative, why did he just start targeting people?This person failed to realise that in the first shot, my antagonist was being released from his therapists office. Id like to think that my antagonist wasnt just targeting people but that he was present in every shot to see their flaws, and just like God he judged them to be sinners and that they should pay for their sins with their life.

Maybe would have been good to see just a few more shots of the antagonist, show the lunatic that the protagonist is concerned he may beI wanted my audience to decide on who to believe. For example, in the beginning of the trailer, my protagonist and antagonist lock eyes whilst they walked past each other in the corridor, this was the first time they meet and my protagonist gets an unshakable vibe. She believes that Jack Grimshaw (antagonist) is crazy, judging him on absolutely nothing, and when calling out to the supporting characters they dont believe her. I wanted to project Jack as misled teenage boy, so that the audience could side with him as they realise that he just doesnt realise that what he is doing is wrong. Showing more shots of Jack being a lunatic, I believe, would lose this element.

At times the lighting was poorThis is a fair comment. As I went through the effort of working out how to position the camera properly in order to get the perfect shot, I had realise that in almost every shot I had taken, it was ambient lighting. Theres only one shot were I used lighting and that was the close up shot of one of my characters face in the trailers montage. I wanted to include ambient lighting in my movie trailer as I felt it would be one of the ways to make my video seem natural.

Overall feedbackOverall, I am really pleased with the feedback i received from the group of people within my target audience who i showed my video to, as the majority of the comments were all really positive. The few negative comments i did receive I feel were either due to things which i could not control (inconsistent lighting), which I believe to be a good thing as it means the actual core of the video was well made and most definitely a success. I feel that through the process of receiving feedback on my film trailer I have learned a lot about how to make effective trailers in the future. The main thing that I have learned is that when planning for the video, in your head you know what you want your video to look like and what kind of techniques you will use to achieve this look, but what you need to think about is how the audience will read the media text and how will they understand it. What I mean by this is that the audience will interpret the video differently as audience interpretation of texts is affected and influenced by outside factors.

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?Evaluation Part 2Research and PlanningWhile planning and research I used lots of different programmes. One programme I used regularly was YouTube. I got most of my help from the internet and websites such as YouTube and Trailer Addict with the latter as one way of researching horror movies and trailers. Evaluation Part 2

Google was another useful search engine that I used while undergoing my research, I used Google images to search for photos of actors, those that played either the supporting role or protagonists in horror movies when thinking of characters for the narrative of our movie. I used it to also look at horror movie posters and magazine front covers as well as the antagonist and used it to study their characteristics as I tried to emulate what made them so frightening. Evaluation Part 2

I used Google to find out information about movie producers and even stumbled upon online movie reviews, which took me to different websites that appeared on the search engine and even the discovery of YouTube online film critics group CinemaSins. I read comments left by members on YouTube to find out the personal thoughts that the audience had about the film or franchise in total. I believed this was necessary because as the audience could see what the movie lacked, and I took advantage of this as I used their criticisms of the films to make sure our movie would have solutions, avoiding the same criticism and therefore benefitting, making a much better more enjoyable movie.Evaluation Part 2

CinemaSins is a movie-related comedy YouTube channel created by Jeremy Scott and Chris Atkinson. The channel's most famous and frequent videos are its Everything Wrong With... series that offers humorous but true, critique and commentary on movies. Exposing the huge and pinpointing the missable mistakes made by producers and directors within the films they look at, their style and judgement of films helped me understand what is necessary to put in and leave out of my movie trailer. The group have critiqued a few slasher movies and I studied these videos and looked at the comments left by their viewers to further understand what should be in my film. I watched their How To Make A Slasher movie video, as they gave a sarcastic tutorial on how to make a typical slasher movie of this generation.Evaluation Part 2

Movie channels such as Sky Sci-Fi/Horror and Film4 were also available for research as I settled down and watched several slasher films to further my knowledge in codes and conventions, be familiar to the narratives and therefore when coming to producing my movie trailer, become imaginative and differ my movie from the others. This helped me as I saw the different types of locations and settings being used in the movies, the different types of narrative that would often come to the same conclusion, and even helped me distinguish the different camera angles being used in these movies as I studied how editing and different camera shots could have an effect on the audiences understanding of whats happening. Evaluation Part 2

We also used Blogger a lot in our project to write about our work as we went along with it. Blogger was good and easy way to keep track of our progress while working; we blogged every step that we took during the course of the project, from the introduction to our project to the evaluation. Blogger was useful as we could embed pictures and videos onto our blog, from different websites to show where we were getting our ideas and inspiration from. We could also embed all of our planning documents, such as our target audience profile, questionnaires and call sheets as well as our analytical documents such as overviews and analysis. I used and treated my Blogger as if it was a diary/journal as I was constantly updating it with ideas and progress. Microsoft Office was also used for research & planning. It was the greatest platform that I used in order to complete my work on, with my analysis and overviews as well as planning being written on all different Microsoft platforms. I used Microsoft Word when constructing my questionnaire and multiple other work documents, even a script for a few scenes in my trailer.Evaluation Part 2

Mobile phones, the Bluetooth embedded within them, Laptops and personal IPads all contributed in our research and planning. My phone helped me during the planning stage as it was great for organisation and meeting up with my partner and making plans on when was best to film our movie trailer, to find out more information about the research and planning and to even contact one another whether there was a problem with our project that needed addressing.Evaluation Part 2

During the filming stage, we took lots of pictures of the possible settings on our phones and we sent them to one another, discussing whether if they were good locations to film. We also would use the images and show a small group of our target audience to see what they would think, helping us as their contribution would help make our final production more effective, and it would also help us get to know our target audience better as we continuously communicate with them. Mobile phones were very reliable and were in use more than we were first expecting.Evaluation Part 2Construction and editingMy partner and I used a Sony camera and tripod to film our movie trailer and take the shots of our magazine front cover and movie magazine. The tripod helped hold our camera steady to get perfect still footage. After filming, we uploaded our footage onto an iMac with a fire wire and uploaded it to Adobe PremierePro. From here, out of all the shots and clips we had taken on our camera we would choose the best footage, ones that we wanted to include in the trailer, and edit them, putting them along a timeline and including effects to produce a two minute long, effective movie trailer. We also used Adobe Photoshop to make our movie magazine front cover and movie poster for our movie franchise. Photoshop helped us turn a still raw shot of our antagonist and turn it into a chilling movie poster with great editing and effects. The final production of our work after improvements and feedback was then uploaded to the blog.Evaluation Part 2conclusionFor the most part i used each of these pieces of technology and kit individually in order to complete the process of making the ancillary texts and piecing together my film trailer. However, it is how these products worked together and made the process much more simple than it could be. If I wanted to change anything from a blog post on Blogger to a section in the video, i could be online in seconds and would always have our footage or products with me due to the portability of the memory sticks and SD memory cards. It would not have been a hardship to have to carry the cameras at all times either. To summarise, the whole process was enhanced for me and my partner thanks to the advancements in technology. Evaluation Part 2

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