evaluation on website

Post on 19-Mar-2017






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Evaluation on website

Unit 13

navigation In my website i included a navigation bar.

The navigation bar i created helps the viewer travel around my website easily. It also makes my website look more professional and neat.

Also in My website i added hyperlinks on images and buttons. For example i added my blogger page link to the image of the blogger logo. When the logo is clicked it will take the viewer to my blog page.

use of grid/structure I kept my layout plain and simple. I didn't want to put too much writing because the viewer doesn't want to read and essay. I kept the writing short and added more pictures of posters and logos.

colour On my website i wanted to keep the colours a mix of mellow colours. So i found a moving background of the sun rising on a miami beach. The colours suited the banner i made and also suited my poster.

I think it suited my banner and poster well because i kept all the colours i used mellow and misty.

interactivity: dynamic or static contentOn my website, i have many different interactive buttons and images. For example i have a slideshow which can be seen on the gallery page. It shows the viewer all of the poster made from my class.

I also have a moving background. This is also interactive to the viewer because it moves.

use of imageryI used many different types of images on my website. For example I added a photo of my poster on the home page. I added this so the viewer knew what they was looking at when entering the site.

I also added images of social media logos and the logo of the international reggae poster composition. I did this so viewers can press the image and know exactly where the link will take them.

I also added a slideshow on my gallery page, I embedded the slideshow and it shows images of all the posters created by the people in my class.

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