estimating aircraft emissions and their relative … hanoi...estimating aircraft emissions and their...

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Estimating Aircraft Emissions and their Relative Impact on overall Ambient Air Quality over

D lhiDelhi

Manju Mohan1 and Jemson Rupini2

1Center for Atmospheric Sciences,Indian Institute of Technology-DelhiIndian Institute of Technology Delhi

New Delhi,

2 Chawmanu R.D BlockDhalai District, Tripura

International Workshop on Regional and Intercontinental Transport of AirPollution 13-14 October 2008; Hoa Binh Hotel Hanoi; VietnamPollution, 13-14 October, 2008; Hoa Binh Hotel, Hanoi; Vietnam


Air Travel is undertaken merely by 5 percent of theld’ l iworld’s population

A person flying a distance of 10,000 km (two ways) ends upp y g , ( y ) padding more than a tonne of CO2 (Air France/KLMreport)

Contribution of the civil aviation sector-passenger andfreight to Climate Change is 4-9 %. However, the totalclimate impact of NOx emission is 2-5 times greater thanCO l NO i th t j ll t t fCO2 alone. NO2 is the amongst major pollutant fromaircrafts

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Operation of Aircrafts

The Landing and Take-off (LTO) cycle: It includes all theg ( ) yactivities near the airport below the altitude of 3000 ft

Cruise :All the activities at altitude above 3000 ft

Ai t ffi t di i th t f t h h dAir traffic studies in the upper part of troposphere showedthat about 60% of aircraft NOx was generated between 10-12 km of which 93% is in Northern Hemisphere that mayincrease few percent of global ozone concentrations in thisatmospheric layer

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Present work deals only with the LTO cycle emissions; thisis less studied as per literature and focus of the present


Air traffic in India has substantially high growth rate.

R l d l t i t i li h b t 85% f thRegular and low cost private airlines shares about 85% of thepassenger air traffic.

IGI airport at Delhi is the second busiest airport in India and aboutIGI airport at Delhi is the second busiest airport in India and about23% air traffic in the country is shared by this airport.

There is a continuous increase in NO2 concentrations in Delhi thoughth h b l ti i t i i lit f th ll t tthere has been relative improvement in air quality of other pollutantssuch as CO due to introduction of CNG and improved emissionstandards.

Could air traffic be responsible for this which is not accounted for inthe regular city emissions?

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Annual Trends of NO2 in Delhi2

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Annual distribution of aircraft movements at IGI airport






95720 107650120530


of a







ber o

02000-2001 2002-2003 2003-2004 2004-2005 2005-2006 2006-2007


S AAI d D lhi I i l Ai (P) L d (DIAL)S AAI d D lhi I i l Ai (P) L d (DIAL)


Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Sources: AAI and Delhi International Airport (P) Ltd (DIAL)Sources: AAI and Delhi International Airport (P) Ltd (DIAL)

i i i i iThere is 2.4 times increase in Aircraft movements from 2000 to 2007 (i.e., from 95,720 in 2000 to 2,26,300 in 2007)

Average Landing and Take off (LTO) cycle in 2005 was 520 perAverage Landing and Take-off (LTO) cycle in 2005 was 520 perday which rose to 675 per day in 2008

The exhaust emission from aircraft are CO2, water vapour,The exhaust emission from aircraft are CO2, water vapour,NOx, SOx, CO, non methane hydrocarbon, other gases andparticles.

It is expected that these emissions may add to the air pollutionproblems of megacities.

It i th f t tif i i f i ftIt is therefore necessary to quantify emissions from aircraftmovements and assess the magnitude of impact on ambient airquality.

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008


Assessment of aircraft emissions of key airypollutants at IGI Airport in Delhi

Impact of aircraft emissions on urban air quality

T th t ib ti f i ft i i tTo assess the contributions of aircraft emissions tothe total city emissions and ambient airconcentrations of an urban airshed.

Compare the estimates with other studiesd t d l h i th ld

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

conducted elsewhere in the world

Operation of Aircrafts

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Time and Thrust Setting in Operation Phase

Operating phase Time-in-mode (minutes)

Thrust setting(percentage of rated thrust)

Approach 4.0 30

Taxi and ground idle (in)

7.0 7

Taxi and ground idle (out)

19.0 7

Take-off 0.7 100

Climb 4.2 85

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Aerial view of IGI AirportAerial view of IGI Airport

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

P ki b t IGI i tMohan and Rupini

HTAP Hanoi Workshop, 13-14 Oct., 2008

Parking bay at IGI airport

Operation of Aircrafts Contd.

In this study, the times for approach, taxi, take-off andy, pp , ,climb are taken from a standard LTO cycle; i.e. 4 min forapproach, 26 min for taxi, 0.7 min for take-off and 4.2minute for climbminute for climb .

Fuel consumption and emission indexes of an aircraft forue co su pt o a d e ss o de es o a a c a t oeach operation mode are taken from the ICAO-Engineemissions data bank.

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Aircraft Emission Calculations

Ei,m=∑∑na la.e Fa,e,m Ee,m,i tm,a

Ei,m annual emission of pollutant i for mode m, (kg/yr)

na number of engines of aircraft type a, (-)na number of engines of aircraft type a, ( )la.e number of annual LTO cycles for aircraft type a with engine

type e, (-)Fa,e,m fuel consumption for aircraft type a with engine type e in mode m,(kg/s)a,e,m p yp g yp ( g )

Ee,m,i emission factor for engine type e and mode m and pollutant i, (g/kg)

tm,a time in mode m for aircraft type a, (s).

(Developed by Woodmansey & Petterson)

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Emissions Calculations

Emission of Species X = Σ ([Number of LTO cycles) x (Emissions Factor)(i k ) All Ai f f Ai f Y f S i X(in kg) All Aircraft of Aircraft Y for Species X

Fuel consumption = Σ [Number of LTO cycles] x [Fuel Consumption]Fuel consumption = Σ [Number of LTO cycles] x [Fuel Consumption](in kg) All Aircraft of Aircraft Y

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Aircraft LTO emissions at IGI airport for 20052005

Estimated amount Estimated amount Estimated total of LTO emissions from International flights


of LTO emissions from Domestic flights


amount of LTO emissions

(t/ )(t/year) (t/year) (t/year)

HC 86 263 241 732 327 995HC 86.263 241.732 327.995CO 573.354 1606.670 2180.053

NO 833 533 2335 851 3169 404NOx 833.533 2335.851 3169.404SO2 58.183 163.045 221.228

1 1 3 3 434 32 898 68Mohan and Rupini

HTAP Hanoi Workshop, 13-14 Oct., 2008

Total 1551.353 4347.327 5898.68

Comparision of aircraft LTO emission at IGI airport for 2005 (estimated based onComparision of aircraft LTO emission at IGI airport for 2005 (estimated based on assumes aircrafts distribution at Ataturk Turkish airport and actual distribution of

aircrafts types at IGI airport)









s in










424.1 67.8328.0 221.230


Aircrafts emissions

LTO emission at IGI airport calculated with reference to aircrafts distribution at Ataturk Turkish airport

LTO emission calculated with actual distribution of aircrafts types in IGI ariport

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Aircraft LTO Emissions at IGI Airport for 2007

Estimated amount of LTO emissions fromInternational flights

Estimated amount of LTO emissions from

domestic flights

Estimated total amount of LTO

emissionsInternational flights(t/yr)

domestic flights(t/yr)


CO 706.337 1909.727 2616.0645HC 106.270 287.32 393.5941NOx 1026.886 2776.394 3803.2854SO2 71.697 193.847 265.5448

Total 1911.161 5167.288 7078.489

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Air Quality ModellingAir Quality Modelling

Simplifying Assumptions:

Emissions are continuous (aircraft movement is continuous andequispaced) throughout the day that leads to

Steady state emissions

Ground level area source ( wake vortices have a downward thrust andcontributes more to glc and extremely high emission temperatures andrunway movement help in rapid mixing to create a single box likesituation and maximum emissions during ground idle or taxi (in out)situation and maximum emissions during ground idle or taxi (in-out)phase

Thus a Gaussian ground level area source model is applied

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Thus a Gaussian ground level area source model is applied.

Air Quality ModellingQ y g

ISCST-3 model also recommended by MoEF, GoI isl dselected

ISCST-3 model was applied to predict 24 hourly averagepp p y gand annually averaged concentrations of NO2 and SO2, byusing the meteorological data and emission inventory ofDelhi

The ambient concentration of NO2 and SO2, from theaircraft at IGI airport was also estimated by using ISCST-3 d l3 model

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008


IGI Airport

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Decade-wise Trend of Distribution of Various Sources

Source 1970-71 1980-81 1990-91 2000-01

Industrial 56% 40% 29% 20%

Vehicular 23% 42% 64% 72%Vehicular 23% 42% 64% 72%

Domestic 21% 18% 7% 8%

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008


Annual Trends of Emissions of Various Pollutants in Delhi

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

G id l ifi ti f D lhi h i th l ti f it i t ti d IGI i t

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Grid classification of Delhi showing the locations of monitoring stations and IGI airport

Methodology contd.

Comparisons of Model Results with CPCB Observedvalues.

M d l ti t f id d th i tModel estimates for grids around the airport

Contour representation of highest 24 hours averageContour representation of highest 24 hours averageconcentrations and annual average concentrations for allthe grid

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Annual NOX Concentrations from Aircraft Emissions

Annual Average Concentration of NOX (all site)for 2004 at Delhi City (µg/m3)

Emission Emission Percentage concentration

with IGI airportconcentration without IGI


gincrease due to contribution of



IGI airport emission

53.3 52.0 2.3 %

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Annual Average Concentration of NOX at Delhi City (µg/m3)

Stations Emission concentration

with IGI airport

Emission concentration without IGI


Percentage increase due to contribution of

IGI iairport IGI airport emission

Janak Puri 52.2983 51.7694 1.0216 %

Sirifort 57.4649 57.1717 0.5132 %

ITO 79.1806 78.9346 0.31164 %

Shadara 62.0063 61.8764 0.20991 %

Nizamuddin 71.3172 71.0484 0.3783 %Nizamuddin 71.3172 71.0484 0.3783 %

Shazahabaugh 66.8622 66.5289 0.5008 %

Ashok Vihar 60 2 59 9 0 44 %

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Ashok Vihar 60.2 59.9 0.44 %

Annual Average NOX Concentrations at all the Grids Around the IGI Airportall the Grids Around the IGI Airport

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Wind RoseWind Rose

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Annual Average Concentration of NOX at Delhi (µg/m3)

Grids around IGI Emission Emission Percentage increase airport in the

distance of 2 Kmsconcentration with

IGI airportconcentration

without IGI airportdue to contribution

of IGI airport emission

Grid 103 41 9952 40 5353 3 60155 %Grid 103 41.9952 40.5353 3.60155 %

Grid 104 54.6239 49.1058 11.2372 %

Grid 105 63.3111 50.2768 25.9251 %

G id 106 62 4172 52 0663 19 8802 %Grid 106 62.4172 52.0663 19.8802 %

Grid 114 42.3792 39.0494 8.52715 %

Grid 117 63.7693 49.7133 28.2749 %

Grid 125 43.2531 39.5714 9.3051 %

Grid 128 50.3442 44.4471 13.2679 %

Grid 137 33.4563 31.1011 7.57272 %

Grid 138 42.1054 39.5827 6.3732 %

Grid 139 46.2599 44.0254 5.0755 %

Grid 140 45 7 44 1 3 5 %

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13-14 Oct., 2008

Grid 140 45.7 44.1 3.5 %

Contour Representation

Concentrations contour for NOX without IGI airport (Highest 24 hours average concentrations)

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(Highest 24 hours average concentrations)

Concentration contour for NOX with IGI airport (Highest 24 hours average concentrations)

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

g g

Concentration contour for NOX without IGI airport for 2004(Annual average concentrations)

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13-14 Oct., 2008

(Annual average concentrations)

Concentration contour for NOX with IGI airport for 2004(Annual average concentrations)

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

(Annual average concentrations)

Another Case Study

By Pison and Menut, 2004:

Study Area: Parisone national airport (Le Bourget)two international airports (Roissy-Charles-de-Gaulleand Orly)located less than 30 km away from the city centerlocated less than 30 km away from the city centerEstimation of Aircraft Emissions

Mesoscale version of the CHIMERE model was usedMesoscale version of the CHIMERE model was used

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

The air traffic inventory used forthis work was developed for totalpmasses of VOCs, CO, NOx; CO2 andSO2 distributed among the four LTOphasesphases.

Total annual emitted massesTotal annual emitted masses(tonnes/year) were compared toknown emitted masses for North-American airports of various sizes(assuming similar fleets) foradjustment of uncertainties injemission data. (Figure 1 )

Figure 1: NOx and VOC emissions as functions of the number of LTOs. Circle, square

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

and diamond: 1998 data for the three airports of the Paris area.

Contribution of Aircraft Emissions: Delhi

Comaparison of Aircraft Emission with Anthropogenic Emission








of e


m a











Aircraft emissions


Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Results: Paris StudyAi f E i i i P i f NO b 6000Aircrafts Emissions in Paris for NO2 are about 6000tons/year (Figure i) for year 1998 while for the present studyaircraft emissions contribute about 3803 tons/year for NO2 iny 22007.

Contribution of Aircraft NOx emissions towards total NOxemissions ~ 13.25 % for Paris [Table 1](against 2.4 % forpresent study in tonnes/year)p y y )

Table 1: Emitted masses during a weekday (24 h) in the whole area (tons)

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Results: Paris StudyCHEMERE model results for Paris study shows that the maximumnegative impact of air traffic emissions on Ozone concentrations happenat night and consists in a decrease of already low Ozone concentrationd t f t O tit ti b NOdue to fast Ozone titration by NO

The maximum positive impact happens at daytime in remote areas andat altitude where the chemical system is not saturated with NO

In areas where chemical system is saturated with NO, the increase ofy ,NOx accentuates the Ozone concentration and vice-versa. The evolutionis opposite in non saturated areas

As per this study, net impact is negative showing that airports induceenhanced titration of Ozone by NO

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008


Aircraft emissions has less significant impact on total cityemissions in Delhi

However, aircraft emissions have significant localised effecton the Ambient Air Quality. An increased concentrationsQ yupto 28% (approx. 14 µgm-3) in the present case is estimated

Air traffic is expected to increase worldwide at the 5%Air traffic is expected to increase worldwide at the 5%annual growth rate. The expected increase is far greater forAsia-Pacific region which is about 50% of worldwide traffic.In this context, the aircraft emissions are potential sourcesthat may lead to deterioration of the local air quality

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

Conclusions contd.Air traffic emissions significantly impact the Ozone chemistrydepending upon the presence of NOx in the emitting atmosphere

Aircraft emissions also have great potential to significantly impact theaerosol chemistry

Air traffic emissions increases both greenhouse gas emissions and otherair pollutants; all these emissions together could subsequently lead toclimate changeclimate change

Future studies needed to quantify these impacts on atmosphericchemistry vis à vis emissions for varying size of air trafficchemistry vis-à-vis emissions for varying size of air traffic

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008


Delhi International Airport (P) Limited (DIAL)India Meteorological DepartmentC l P ll i C l B d D lhiCentral Pollution Control Board, DelhiCAS and CE Dept., IIT Delhi USEPA and EUUSEPA and EU

Mohan and RupiniHTAP Hanoi Workshop,

13-14 Oct., 2008

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