essential oils n oleoresin - copy

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  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


    II Module

    Essential oils &Oleoresins

    1Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu

  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy



    S"ices dier from her's in 'eing only "arts of"lants that are very aromatic

    %ormally derived from "lants gro(ing (ild insemitro"ical or tro"ical regions

    Fe( s"ices can 'e incor"orated directly into food"roducts) most re*uire further "rocessing

    $article si+e reduction or milling is most (idelyused

    !egree of ,neness - determined 'y its ultimateuse e.g. distillation e/traction 'lendedseasonings0

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering

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    Milling - !emerits

    2y e/"osing the material to e/cessively hightem"eratures

    2y e/"osing the volatile oil in the ru"tured

    cellular tissues to loss 'y eva"oration and3oro/idative change 2y altering the "hysical character of the

    "roduct e.g. creating a "asty mass instead

    of a free-running "o(der as occurs (ithnutmeg and mace0 There'y in4uencing its su'se*uent shelf life

    and value as a 4avoring material

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    S"ecial Treatments

    6aving high volatile and3or ,/ed oil content e.g.cara(ay cumin0

    7round (hite "e""er if "re"ared from (hole 'lac8"e""er 'y a "rocess 8no(n as decortication

    Cardamoms the seeds of (hich must 'e ,rstremoved from the tough 4avorless ca"sule in (hichthey normally remain until re*uired

    The 'lending of curry "o(ders that calls for amultistage milling to achieve the desired color and

    te/ture Mustard seeds that must 'e "artially deoiled &

    desolventi+ed "rior to grinding for use in "re"aredmustard "o(ders

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    Essential oils :s Oleoresins

    Essential oils - "roduced 'y in;ecting thes"ice 'ed (ith steam and then se"aratingthe distillate into the essential oil and

    (ater. This "roduces a very strongsmelling oil.

    Oleoresins - 'y soa8ing s"ices in a solvent(hether (ith a com'ination of ethanol and

    (ater or he/ane. One of the ,nal stages in"rocessing is to remove the solvent toacce"ta'le levels.

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    Essential Oils

    Cellulose - contri'utes nothing to the aroma &4avor

    The aromatic "ro,le - determined 'y theessential oil content.

    Measured as aromatic strength - >uantitativere"resentation

    Aromatic character ? >ualitative re"resentation The volatile oil "ree/ists in the "lant and is

    usually contained in s"ecial secretory tissues younger "lants "roduce more oil than older ones 'ut the *uality of such oils may lac8 the fuller

    aromatic attri'utes normally associated @@ are "rocessed commercially & of these only

    a'out @ are "roduced in signi,cant *uantitiesTechnology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering

  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy



    !istillation is a "rocess of se"arating thecom"onent su'stances from a li*uid mi/ture 'yselective va"ori+ation and condensation.

    !istillation may result in essentially com"lete

    se"aration nearly "ure com"onents0 or it may'e a "artial se"aration that increases theconcentration of selected com"onents of themi/ture.

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    Modern distillation ? 5 methods

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    Water Distillation - the "lant material is loadedinto a still ,tted (ith a slo(-s"eed "addle stirrer

    covered (ith (ater that is 'rought to a 'oil 'y

    su'merged steam coils !istillation is continued until all the essential oil

    has 'een recovered the condensed (ater 'eingcontinuously returned to the still

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    6ydrodistillation of "lant material involves thefollo(ing main "hysicochemical "rocesses 6ydrodiusion 6ydrolysis !ecom"osition 'y heat

    Hydrodifusion- !iusion of essential oils andhot (ater through "lant mem'ranes

    (hen the "lant material is soa8ed (ith (atere/change of va"ors (ithin the tissue is 'ased ontheir "ermea'ility (hile in s(ollen condition

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    Hydrolysisin the "resent conte/t is de,ned as achemical reaction 'et(een (ater and certainconstituents of essential oils

    Esters are constituents of essential oils and inthe "resence of (ater es"ecially at hightem"eratures they tend to react (ith (ater toform acids and alcohols.

    Efect o Heat Almost all constituents ofessential oils are unsta'le at high tem"erature.

    To o'tain the 'est *uality oil distillation must 'edone at lo( tem"eratures

    The rate of diusion usually increases (ithtem"eratures as does the solu'ility of essentialoils in (ater.

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    Steam Distillation -The most common methodof e/tracting essential oils uses a very similarsetu" to (ater distillation e/ce"t instead of 'eingimmersed in the hot (ater steam is "assedthrough the "lant material.

    The steam 'rea8s o"en the cells containing theessential oil and the steam and oil then "ass into

    the cooling cham'er (here li8e (ith (aterdistillation t(o "roducts are created - essentialoil and hydrosol.

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


    Distiller Components1. $lant material. Steam & va"orous

    essential oil

    5. Steam inlet9. Condenser=. Circulation of cold (ater

    in0. Circulation of cold (ater

    out0B. Essential oil layer. Floral (ater layer

    aromatic (ater

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    Water and Steam Distillation -The "lantmaterial is loaded onto a frame (ithin the still'ody ,/ed a'ove a layer of (ater (hich can 'e

    'rought to a 'oil 'y su'merged steam coils. This techni*ue is (idely used for the distillation

    of green her'aceous materials

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


    Ste"s "rior to distillation

    Most her's and s"ices re*uire some"re"aration "rior to distillation.

    The unit o"erations involved include a0

    cleaning) '0 comminution) c0 soa8ing"articularly of hard materials such ascinnamon 'ar8) and d0 loading andcharging (hich re*uires close attention to

    avoid channeling or uneven e/"osure to thesteam as this can have a very signi,canteect u"on the sensory characters of the oil.

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    Advantages & Disadvantages o SpiceEssential Oils

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    D-limonene the maincom"onent of orange oil is"roduced in a gland inside ofthe rind of the fruit. !-

    limonene is e/tracted or steamdistilled

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


    Eugenolis an allyl'en+enethat is found in clove oilnutmeg cinnamon and 'ayleaf. It is slightly solu'le in(ater and solu'le in organicsolvents

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    se of S"ice Essential Oils

    A uniform 4avor strength give an end "roduct (ith a consistent "ro,le

    re"resent a "art of the total availa'le 4avor in thes"ice and this can limit their usefulness. E/ 'lac8 "e""er and ginger the volatile oil only

    gives the characteristic odor of the s"ice) the"ungent "rinci"les 'eing nonvolatile are not

    "resent in the distilled oil.

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


    These can 'e recovered 'y e/traction of selected driedand ground her's and s"ices

    organic solvents are chosen that o"timally dissolve 'oththe essential oil and the desira'le non volatiles "resent

    After e/traction the solvent is removed and the resultingconcentrated e/tract is 8no(n as an oleoresin

    Custom made 'lends are also oered to suit the s"eci,cre*uirement of the 'uyer.

    S"ice oleoresins are mainly used in "rocessed meat ,shand vegeta'les sou"s sauces chutneys and dressings

    cheeses and other dairy "roducts 'a8ed foodsconfectionery snac8s and 'everages. India en;oys thedistinction of 'eing the single largest su""lier of s"iceoleoresins to the (orld.

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


    olar solvents containing hydro/y or car'o/ygrou"s and are relatively reactive chemicals thatare misci'le (ith (ater.

    They are generally "o(erful solvents of a (iderange of ingredients. Some "ose ,re ha+ards.

    !onpolar solventsare generally hydrocar'ons

    or chlorinated hydrocar'ons that are relativelyunreactive and immisci'le (ith (ater.

    They tend to have limited solvent "ro"erties'eing 'etter for oils and fats.

    The hydrocar'ons may "ose ,re ha+ards (hilethe chlorinated solvents are non4amma'le 'utmay 'e relatively to/ic.

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering

  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


    Solvent E/traction -Oleoresin

    reparation o t"e ra# material - !ried her'sand s"ices must ,rst 'e ground to ensure solvent"enetration.

    The smaller the "article si+e the greater thenum'er of ru"tured cells the interfacial area andthe s"eed of achieving e*uili'rium in thee/traction.

    Too ,ne grinding can lead to slo( solvent"enetration slo( "ercolation of the solventthrough the mass and diHculties in recoveringsolvent from the s"ent material

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    E$posure o t"e material to solvent - This involvesthree "hases Addition of solvent to ensure even (etting of the dry mass

    "eriod of maceration to allo( a'sor"tion of the solvent ande*uili'ration 'et(een solutes and solvent

    continuous re"lacement of the miscella (ith fresh solvent.

    These conditions are in4uenced 'y the nature of thestarting material the design of the e/tractor and (hetherthe system is o"erated under gravity or forced-"um"circulation.

    The system of recycling the solvent is economicallyim"ortant and is dictated 'y the solvent selected thedegree of heat treatment feasi'le (ithout damage tola'ile constituents the esta'lished 4o( rate and theo"timum s"ice3solvent ratio.

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    Separationof miscella from e/tracted material andremoval of solvent.

    The stri""ing of solvent from the desired e/tractivesis critically im"ortant to the character and 4avoring*uality of the resulting oleoresin.

    Many s"ices contain highly volatile constituents sothat the removal of solvent must 'e carried outunder lo( tem"erature conditions so as to avoidloss or damage of these.

    The use of high vacuum is indicated 'ut this canalso lead to volatile losses.

    For this reason the lo(er the 'oiling "oint of thesolvent the 'etter hence the attraction ofsu"ercritical CO that does not have these "ro'lems

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


  • 8/10/2019 Essential Oils n Oleoresin - Copy


    SFE Se"aration of chemicals 4avors from the

    "roducts such as coee tea ho"s her's ands"ices

    The "roducts (ere mi/ed (ith su"ercritical 4uidto form a mo'ile "hase

    the mo'ile "hase is su';ected to "ressures andtem"eratures near or a'ove the critical "oint forthe "ur"ose of enhancingthe mo'ile "hase solvating "o(er

    The "rocess 'egins (ith CO in va"or form. It is then com"ressed into a li*uid 'efore

    'ecoming su"ercritical.

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    The system must contain a "um" for the CO a"ressure cell to contain the sam"le a means ofmaintaining "ressure in the system and acollecting vessel.

    The li*uid is "um"ed to a heating +one (here itis heated to su"ercritical conditions

    It then "asses into the e/traction vessel (here it

    ra"idly diuses into the solid matri/ and dissolvesthe material to 'e e/tracted

    The dissolved material is s(e"t from thee/traction cell into a se"arator at lo(er "ressure

    and the e/tracted material settles out The CO can then 'e cooled recom"ressed and

    recycled or discharged to atmos"here

    Technology of Food Flavorants and ColorantsA.Sangamithra !e"t. of Food Technology #ongu Engineering


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    Technology of Food Flavorants and Colorants 5

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