esfahan sheikh lotfallah mosque3

Post on 04-Jul-2015






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YOU CAN WATCH THIS PRESENTATION IN MUSIC HERE: Thank you! Please see also : Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque is one of the architectural masterpieces of Safavid Iranian architecture, standing on the eastern side of Naghsh-i Jahan Square, Isfahan, Iran. Construction of the mosque started in 1603 and was finished in 1618. It was built by the chief architect Shaykh Bahai, during the reigh of Shah Abbas I of the Safavid dynasty. It is registered, along with the Naghsh-i Jahan Square, as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.



Sheikh Lotfallah Mosque is one of the architectural masterpieces of Safavid Iranian architecture, standing on the eastern side of Naghsh-i Jahan Square, Isfahan, Iran.Construction of the mosque started in 1602 and was finished in 1619. It was built by the chief architect Shaykh Bahai, during the reigh of Shah Abbas I. It is registered, along with the Naghsh-i Jahan Square, as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

Moscheea Sheikh Lotfallah este una dintre cele mai spectaculoase moschei din Iran. Construită în perioada 1602-1619, în timpul domniei Şahului Abbas cel Mare, i-a fost dedicată socrului domnitorului, Şeicul libanez Lotfallah, un învăţat islamic care fusese invitat la Isfahan pentru a superviza planurile moscheii regale (numită în prezent Moscheea Imamului) şi pentru a conduce şcoala teologică.

The mosque is unusual because it has neither a minaret nor a courtyard, and because steps lead up to entrance. This was probably because the mosque was never intended for public use, but rather served as the worship place for the women of the shah's harem

Moschhea Sheikh Lotfallah este deosebităde oarece nu are nici un minaret şi nici curte interioară iar la intrare are scări. Se pare că datorează aceste deosebiri faptului că nu a fost destinată uzului public ci trebuia să fie doar loc de închinăciune pentru femeile din haremul şahului.

Sound: Zohreh Jooya - Thou Passes Through Me (poem by Mowlana Rumi)

Text and slide2 images: Internet

Pictures: Sanda Foi oreanuş

Nicoleta LeuCopyright: All the images belong to their authors

Arangement: Sanda Foi oreanuş


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