e.q.u.i.p.p. ministry training class

Post on 08-Dec-2014






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Life Changers Church

The objective of this study is to thoroughly prepare each person to do the work of the

ministry (Ephesians 4:12). God has called each believer into various capacities of servanthood

and service. Our responsibility is to be prepared to go to work when our “number is called.”

He does this in order for His Kingdom to be advanced and to use us to introduce others to

Him so they can know Him in a more personal and intimate manner.



1.Jesus’ charge to “make disciples” (Matt. 28:19)• Disciples, mathetes: “A learner; it denotes one who

follows one’s teachings. A disciple was not only a pupil, but an adherent; hence they are spoken of as imitators of their teacher.

1.To EQUIPP the saints for the work of the ministry…(Eph. 4:12)

• Equip, katartismos: Complete furnishing, equipping

Why E.Q.U.I.P.P.?

• Educate: To develop the faculties and powers of a person by teaching, instruction or schooling. Drill, indoctrinate. To qualify by training for a particular calling.

• Qualify: To provide with proper or necessary skills, knowledge, credentials. To make competent.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

• Undergird: To strengthen or secure; to give fundamental support; provide with a sound or secure basis.

• Instruct: To furnish with knowledge, especially by a systematic method; teach, train.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

• Prepare: To put in proper condition or readiness.

• Push Out: To push outward…

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Things You’ll Need For This Course•Study Bible

•Notebook exclusively for this class

• (Computer or tablet will suffice)

•Writing Utensils

•Concordance/Bible dictionary

•Funding for extra books

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Lesson One:The Call To Ministry

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

The Call To Ministry

“Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure, for if you do these things, you will never stumble…”-2 Peter 1:10

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

JESUS: Our “Model” for Servanthood“And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave-just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.”-Matt. 20:27-28•The call to ministry is a call to servanthood.

Serve, diakoneo: To be a servant, attendant, wait tables and offer food and drink to the guests. To attend to anything that may serve another’s interests.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Understanding Servanthood•It is of the utmost importance that you understand servanthood as it will affect your attitude and motivation behind heeding your call.

•Servanthood is one of the key calls of God to the Church. Without anyone being willing to answer this call, it will be impossible to fulfill the plan of God in the earth.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Understanding Servanthood•Upon examining God’s method for leadership training and development, we learn that God’s pattern for developing budding leaders and the refinement of their characters is through servanthood.

• “Who….made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant.” (Phil. 2:7)

• Biblical Examples (Moses/Joshua, Elijah/Elisha, Paul/Timothy, etc.)

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Understanding Servanthood•Key Characteristics of Servants:

• Faithfulness

• Humility

• Willingness

• Gratitude

• Obedience

• Love

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

The Call To MinistryKey Questions To Ask:

•Who Calls?

•How Does He Call? (How You Can Tell)

•How I Am “wired”? (My Equipment)

•Am I Faithful To The Call?

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Preparing For The Call To MinistryHow To Prepare:

•Study, study, study!! Why?• “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts, and

ALWAYS be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear…”-1 Peter 3:15

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Preparing For The Call To MinistryHow To Prepare for Your Call:

•Dedicate & Consecrate • “Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of

wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.” -James 1:21

•Complete Submission• “Therefore submit to God…”-James 4:7

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Preparing For The Call To MinistryHow To Prepare:

•Be Patient While You Prepare• “But let patience have its perfect work…”

-James 1:4

•Become Clear On Your Call• “Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make

your call and election sure, for if you do these things, you will never stumble…”-2 Peter 1:10

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Activation Exercise & Homework:

“ONE WORD”•Homework: You will ask God by next week to give you one clear word concerning your calling. You will write this down and share it with the class next week.

•Activation: You will partner with someone and give them one clear prophetic word & word of knowledge.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Lesson Two:Discipleship

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church


Lesson One: The Call To Ministry• Why E.Q.U.I.P.P.?

• To Make Disciples

• Equip the saints for the work of ministry

• The call to ministry is a call to servanthood.

• Key characteristics of servants• Faithfulness, humility, willingness, gratitude, obedience,


• Preparing for your call: dedicate, consecrate, submission, patience, become clear on your call.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Discipleship:What is it?

Disciple, mathetes: “A learner; it denotes one who follows one’s teachings. A disciple was not only a pupil, but an adherent; hence they are spoken of as imitators of their teacher.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Discipleship:What is it?

“Be followers of me (imitate me), just as I also follow (imitate) Christ.”-1 Corinthians 11:1

•Followers, mimetes: An imitator

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Jesus’ Teachings on Discipleship•Take up your cross-Lk. 9:23-26

•Cost of following Christ-9:57-62

•Cost of being a disciple-Lk. 14:25-34

•Rewards of following-Mark 10:28-30

•Disciples reject Jesus-John 6:60-66

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

The Process of Discipleship

•The Call• Salvation, sanctification, intimacy w/


•Revelation of God’s plan for one’s life

•Assignment to a mentor

•Service, Sacrifice, & Submission

•Loyalty, commitment, faithfulness


E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

The Price of Discipleship

Count the Cost: Luke 14:28•Price: The amount for which a

thing is bought or sold.

•Cost: The expenditure involved in the manufacture of a thing or product.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

The Power of Discipleship

“And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of disease.”-Matthew 10:1

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Seven (7) T’s of Discipleship


Teach: To impart knowledge of or skill in

Trail: To follow along behind

Train: To teach a particular skill or type of behavior through practice and instruction over time.

Tutor: To teach or instruct, esp. privately

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Seven (7) T’s of Discipleship

Transfer: To cause to pass from one person to another

Try: To endeavor to evaluate by experiment or experiences

Trust: To have confidence in; to rely upon or place confidence in someone or something; rely or depend on.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Activation Exercise:

“SEE A PICTURE”•Activation: This exercise is designed to activate prophetic visions. You will use your faith to receive a picture from God that pertains to the person you are ministering to. Once the picture is received, you are then required to render a description of the picture through the prophetic word.

•Homework: You will ask God by next week to give you one clear word concerning your calling. You will write this down and share it with the class next week.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


• Review assignment from last week (“One Word”)

•New Assignment• Draft personal discipleship (development) plan

• Include the following info: • What I know of my calling

• Experiences/training that I’ve already had

• Three areas that I need to grow in (personal, spiritual, etc.)

• What I am presently doing about this

• Who is called to disciple me?

• Who am I called to disciple?

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Lesson Three:The Believer’s Authority

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

The Believer’s Authority

“Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you”-Luke 10:19

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

AUTHORITY:What is it?

• The power or right to give orders, make decisions, and enforce obedience.

• A person or body of persons in who authority is vested

• A power or right delegated or given

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Authority:What is it?

• (#G1849) Authority, Exousia: 1. From the meaning of “leave or permission,” or liberty

of doing as one pleases

2. The ability or strength with which one is endued.

3. The right to exercise power or the power of rule or government. The power of one whose will & commands must be obeyed by others.

4. The freedom or right to act; delegated power.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Authority:We have authority (power) to:

• Trample/tread, Pateo: To advance by setting your foot upon. To encounter successfully the greatest perils that Satan would use to attempt to thwart or hinder the preaching of the Gospel. (Luke 10:18-19)

• Preach, Kerysso: To herald, to proclaim openly (Mark 3:14)

• Teach, Mathēteuō: To teach or make a disciple (Matt. 28:20)

• Remit (pardon) sin, Aphiemi: To set free or send away (Jn. 20:23)


Authority:We have authority (power) to:

• Cast out demons, Ekballo Daimonion: To cast/drive out (with a notion of violence). (Matt. 10:1)

• Cleanse, Katharizo: To make clean (in a moral sense) To free from the defilement of sin. To pronounce clean (in a Levitical sense). (Matt. 10:8)

• Raise the Dead, Egeiro Nekros : To arouse the dead (spiritually & naturally); cause to rise. (Matt. 10:8)

• Heal Sickness & Cure diseases, Therapeuo Astheneo: To heal, cure or restore to health (Matt 10:1 & Luke 9:1-2)


Authority:Anointed to cause a S.P.A.R.K. wherever we GO!

•S-Seated in Heavenly Places (Eph. 2:6)•P-Power over the enemy (Lk. 10:19)•A-All Authority Given (Matt. 28:18)•R-Right to Act (Mark 6:12)•K-Kingdom Advance!! (Matt. 11:12)

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Activation Exercise:

“WRITE WHAT YOU HEAR”•Activation: Each person should pray to God asking Him for divine instruction. Immediately after praying, everyone should begin to write down what they hear or what they see. Once you complete this task, you will then ask God who the Word is for and give them that piece of paper. We may ask you to read aloud what was written.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Homework:• Continue to work on personal discipleship

(development) plan setting S.M.A.R.T. goals for your development.

• Final copy is due on Wednesday, July 31, 2014

(Print off one for me)• Include the following info:

• S-Specific

• M-Measurable

• A-Attainable

• R-Realistic

• T-Timebound

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Lesson Four:Faith of the Believer

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Faith of the Believer

“Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”-Hebrews 11:1

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Faith of the Believer

(#G4102) Faith, pistis: Primarily, firm persuasion; a firm conviction based upon hearing. Assurance or guarantee; believing or trusting.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Faith of the Believer

Faith: Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. Firm belief in something for which there is no proof; complete trust.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

How Faith Comes

“So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” -Romans 10:17

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Measure of Faith:• “For I say through the grace given to

me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith.”-Romans 12:3

*Dealt, merizo: To distribute a thing among people. Bestow, impart.


Measure of Faith:•Warning against going beyond the measure God has given. (Rom. 12:6)

•Principles of faith are the same in any area (i.e.-salvation, Spirit baptism, deliverance, healing, finances, etc.). You don’t apply “more” faith in one area versus another. You exercise your faith.


Characteristics of Faith:• Works by Love (Gal. 5:6)

• Without works is dead (James 2:20)

• Meant to be exercised (Rom. 12:6)

• Meant to live by (Habakkuk 2:4)

• Impossible to please God without it (Heb. 11:6)

• Walk by faith, not by sight (2 Cor. 5:7)


Enemies of Faith:• The spirit of fear (2 Tim. 1:7)

• Doubt (Matthew 14:31)

• Unbelief (Hebrews 3:12)

• Rationale/logic (2 Cor. 10:5)

• Lack of understanding (Proverbs 4:7)

• Inactivity/Unwillingness To Act (Ex. 4:24)


The Process of Faith:• Identify your problem (mountain)

• Find the solution (in God’s Word)• Make your request known (speak to the mountain)

• Take Action

• Meditate, meditate, meditate

• Say what you “see,” NOT what you see • Let Patience have its perfect work (God’s Timing)

• Possess Your Promise






E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Quiz:Are You Ready???

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

Question #1:• What does the acronym E.Q.U.I.P.P stand for?

• Why is being equipped important?


Question #2:• The call to ministry is a call to:

a) Preach

b) Servanthood

c) Travel the world

d) Be served


Question #3:• The Church’s primary responsibility is to:

a) Feed the poor

b) Clothe the naked

c) Visit those in prison

d) Make disciples


Question #4:• Identify the 3 which ARE NOT included in the 7

T’s of Discipleship:

a) Teach g) Thrust

b) Trail h) Train

c) Thresh i) Trust

d) Tutor j) Tickle

e) Transfer

f) Try


Question #5:

Explain what a disciple is biblically speaking.


Question #6:

Explain/define the biblical definition of authority.


Question #7:

Define biblical faith….


Question #8:


Explain how faith comes (cite scripture also)

Question #9:

Name 3 characteristics of faith.


Question #10:

Name 3 enemies of faith.


Lesson Five:Sacrifice

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church


Sacrifice: The act of giving up something highly valued for the sake of something else considered to have a greater value or claim.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


(#G2378) Sacrifice, thusia: The act of offering or that which is offered. A sacrifice, victim.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


“I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which is your reasonable service.” -Romans 12:1

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


“No one has greater love [no one has shown stronger affection] than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends..” -John 15:13

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


“Feed my sheep…”–John 21:15-18

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out



E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Lesson Six:God Still Speaks

Hearing The Voice of God

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church

LOVE LISTENS“My sheep hear my voice, and I know

them, and they follow me.”

–John 10:27

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

God communicated with His people in different ways and various means. Listed below are some of the ways that God’s Spirit communicated with His people:

“The Word of the Lord came unto me…”“Thus saith the Lord..”“Hear the Word of the Lord…”“And the Spirit entered unto me when He spake unto me…”“The Spirit lifting him up and conveying him by vision to Jerusalem…”“The hand of the Lord was upon me…”“What do you see?”

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Divine Communication

• The Word of God• Dreams/Visions• Angelic Encounters• Unexplainable Supernatural Experiences• Spiritual Gifts• Church Leadership• Appearances of the Lord• Burdens• Futuristic Predictions

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Divine Communication

• Impressions/Knowings• Audible Voice• Audible Only To Your Ears• Internal Audible Voice• Sentence Fragments• The Natural World (God’s Order of Creation)• Physical Manifestations in Our Bodies• Spiritual Senses• Signs & Wonders• Dreams & Interpretations• Fruit of The Spirit (Galatians 5:22)

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Divine Communication

1.All interpretations belong to God (Gen. 40:8)

2.Write down what was revealed (Daniel 7:1)

3.Search the Word First

4.Learn To Discern (Heb. 5:14)

5.Wait On The Lord (Hab. 2:1-4)

6.Understand Your Love Language

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Interpreting What You HearPrinciples of Interpretation

1.Sinful lifestyle/Unconfessed sin (Ps. 66:18)2.Mistreatment of Spouse (esp. wives) (1 Pet. 3:7)3.Ignorance To God’s Ways (Hosea 4:6-7)4.Unforgiveness (Lack of Forgiveness)5.Doubt/Unbelief

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Hindrances To Hearing

God’s Voice…1.Will NOT violate scripture…EVER!2.Will ALWAYS require faith (Heb. 11:6)3.Will be accompanied by peace (Col. 3:15, James 3:17, Is. 55:12)

4.Will be more authoritative than every other voice 5.What He speaks He will also establish/confirm out of the mouth of 2-3 witnesses (Deut. 19:15)

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Discerning the Voices You Hear

1.Name five ways that the Lord speaks.

2. Name one thing that can hinder you from hearing the Lord’s voice?

3.True or False: When God speaks to you it will always line up with scripture?

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Unit Review

LOVE OBEYS“If you love me, obey my commands.”

–John 14:15

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Then He said to them,

“Take heed what you hear. With the same measure you use, it will be measured to you; and

to you who hear, more will be given.”

-Mark 4:24

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


“If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land.” Isaiah 1:19

• You learn how to obey, through your capacity to suffer. (Philippians 2:8)

• Remember, many are called, but only a few are chosen. You ever wondered why? (Matt. 20:16)

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


• Group Prophecy Exercise


• Ask God to speak to you concerning something that challenges you greatly. Step out and obey what He asked you to do. Share with group next week.

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Lesson Seven:Prophetic Ministry (Part 1)

Essentials of the PropheticTraining, Equipping & Activating People in The Prophetic Ministry

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

Life Changers Church


•Prophecy starts with desire…• I must desire it-1 Corinthians 14:1, 39

*Desire (greek), Zeloo: To be zealous for, to burn with desire, to pursue ardently, to desire eagerly or


E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


•To reveal your future destiny

•To give/receive direction

•To give warning

•To provide counsel

•So God can share His secrets & thoughts

•To advance His Kingdom

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


Prophecy is the unveiling of the heart, mind, purposes and will of God to His people.

It is the communication of the desire and mind of God to His people or to a given individual, family, community, state, nation,

region or continent.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


Prophecy: A supernatural utterance not known to the speaker prior to speaking that is said in a known tongue.

The word “prophecy” in Hebrew is the word “naba” which means: “to flow, boil up or over; bubble or pour forth words; to gush. It is “Spirit-inspired speech.”

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


“But he who prophesies speaks edification and exhortation and comfort to men.”

-1 Corinthians 14:3

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


Edification: To build up, establish, strengthen, to make effective.

Exhortation: Comforting encouragement provided in times of disappointment & affliction resulting in strengthening the resolve of the believer; consolation.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


Comfort: To cheer and encourage; dispelling of grief while imparting strength.

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

ESSENTIALS OF THE PROPHETIC-cont.Four Realms/Levels of Prophetic Ministry

1.Prophecy of Scripture“no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation.”-2 Peter 1:20-2

2.Spirit of Prophecy“…for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.”-Rev. 19:10

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

ESSENTIALS OF THE PROPHETIC-cont.3. Gift of Prophecy

“…to another the working of miracles, to another prophecy.”-1 Cor. 12:10

4. Office of the Prophet “And He gave some apostles, and some prophets…”-Eph. 4:11

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


Prophecy of Scripture:All Biblical revelation prophesied in the OT/NT is the prophecy of Scripture. This speaks of the declaratory and revelatory elements of God’s Word as the highest revelation to mankind. Prophetic utterances must be judged by the prophecy of Scripture. The logos (written word of God) is the highest and purest form of communication from God. (2 Tim. 3:16-17)

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


The spirit of prophecy is the anointing of the Holy Spirit that enables men and women whom do not have the gift of prophecy or calling to the office of a prophet to speak prophetically under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. If believers release their faith when the spirit of prophecy is present, they will prophesy. (Revelation 19:10; Acts 2:14-18)

E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out


Gift of ProphecyThis gift is given to certain believers to bring the Word of the Lord to the congregation. This gift has no aspect of foretelling revelation attached to it. It speaks to men edification, exhortation & comfort. Those with this gift should not move outside of their realm of edification, exhortation & comfort. Not all Christians have the gift of prophecy. (1 Cor. 14:3)

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Office of The Prophet/ProphetessProphets are vessels whom Christ has chosen to function consistently and accurately in the realm of the Word of Knowledge, Word of Wisdom, Discerning of spirits, confirmations, revelations, illuminations, prophetic utterances (foretelling & forthtelling), predictions, visions, dreams, correction and ministry confirmations. All who prophesy ARE NOT prophets. (Ephesians 4:11, Acts 13:1; 1 Corinthians 12:28-19)

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An inspired declaration of the divine will of and purpose of God. It is spirit-inspired speech but not predictive in nature.

Its primary use is for edification, exhortation,

and comfort.


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Foretelling: To predict or indicate beforehand; to make predictions; to make inspired declarations of what is to come. To foretell future events before they actually occur.


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Interesting Facts About The Gift of Prophecy

•To prophesy means to flow forth or to “bubble up” like a fountain and to speak.

•Gift can be given in a number of ways:• By the Holy Spirit Himself-1 Cor. 12: 11• Through Impartation-Romans 1:11• By prophecy & laying on of hands-1 Timothy


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Interesting Facts About The Gift of Prophecy

•This gift can be stirred up-2 Timothy 1:6

•Gift of Tongues + Interpretation of Tongues=Gift of Prophecy

•Always prophesy in proportion to your level of faith-Romans 12:6-8


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1.REVELATION:• The recipient receives a revelation from God.

(God Speaks)• Normally comes in the form of a dream, vision,

actual word, knowing, impression, perception, etc.

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•The recipient then interprets the word after its received.

• When we receive a prophetic word, it is OUR RESPONSIBILITY to search out the interpretation and application thereof.

• If you require assistance with interpretation, ask God, they belong to Him anyways (Genesis 40:8).

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•The recipient then seeks wisdom from God how to apply the revelation that has been received.

• Many times (if not all) a measure of God’s wisdom is needed in order to know how to apply the communication received. (i.e.-the when, where, how, etc. )• This can come through the word of wisdom, asking

God for wisdom, etc.

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HOW THE PROPHETIC WORKS-cont.Degrees of Revelation:

• Spiritual perceptions or impressions: • This is often perceived by the human spirit or mind.

• Body Impressions: • A sensation or impression is felt in certain areas of

your body. This is one way God makes us aware of someone else’s condition, disease, or pain.

• Emotional Impressions:• The Lord will allow you to feel certain impressions

in your emotions.

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HOW THE PROPHETIC WORKS-cont.Degrees of Revelation:

• Spiritual Senses (Sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste, etc.)

• Other means of communication like:• Angelic visitations• Trances• Dreams and visions• Visitations of the Lord Himself• Word of God

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• The “Blind” prophet exercise


Begin to compile your notes from each session and begin to prepare for the final exam.

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Lesson Eight:Prophetic Ministry (Part 2)

& Spiritual Gifts

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Life Changers Church


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Gift of Prophecy

“…to another the working of miracles,

to another prophecy…”-1 Corinthians 12:10

• Prophecy: A supernatural utterance not known to the speaker prior to speaking that is said in a known tongue.

Spirit inspired speech that has a threefold purpose: 1) Edification, 2) Exhortation, and 3) Comfort.

You All May ProphesyTwo Types of Prophecy

• Forthtelling: An inspired declaration of thedivine will of and purpose of God. It is spiritinspired speech but not predictive in nature.Its primary use is for edification, exhortation,and comfort.

• Foretelling: To predict or indicate beforehand; tomake predictions; to make inspired declarations ofwhat is to come. To foretell future events before they actually occur.

Differences Between Gift of Prophecy & The Office of the Prophet

Gift of Prophecy• Brings Word of the Lord to

Congregation• Not a “foretelling” gift, rather

“forthtells” (God’s will)• Realm=Exhortation,

edification, and comfort• In some cases also has gift of

tongues & interpretation• Mostly has strong passionate

prayer life (loves to pray)

Office of Prophet• Same, plus to individuals• Ministry Confirmation• Prediction of Future• Dreams (lots of them) &

Interpretation/Visions• Correction • Direction• Words of Wisdom/Knowledge• Discernment of Spirits• Wide Range of Authority • Words spoken MUST to come to

pass• Gives guidance• Have gift of Leadership

What is a Prophet?Prophet:

A person who speaks on behalf of a deity.

A spokesperson or mouthpiece for God

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Prophets are vessels whom Christ chooses to constantly, consistently, and accurately function in the realm of the word of Wisdom, word of knowledge, discernment of spirits, ministry confirmations, revelations, illumination, prophetic utterances, prediction of futuristic events, dreams, visions, corrections and the like. All who prophesy are NOT prophets.

Prophetic Definitions

• Nabi-The official Hebrew word for the official prophet. It appears 309 times in its noun form and almost 600 times in its verb form in the OT. This term when traced through the OT referred primarily to one who speaks on the behalf of someone else.

Prophetic Definitions

• Chozeh-An ancient word for a prophet. This type of prophet is one who receives communications from God more from visions and dreams than audible words. Prophets who say they “saw” the word of the Lord more than heard it are examples of this type of prophet.

Prophetic Definitions

• Ra’ah or Roeh-The ra’ah prophet is the seer. The seer focuses on the way in which the prophet receives God’s messages. It is said that this type of prophet also has a strong shepherding element attached to their mantle for ministry.

Different Types of Prophets

• Governmental

• Judicial

• Literary

• Musically & Poetically Inclined

• Shepherding

• Watchman

1 Corinthians 12:1

“Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren,

I would not have you ignorant.”

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• Word of Wisdom• Word of Knowledge• Faith• Gifts of Healings• Working of Miracles• Prophecy• Discerning of Spirits• Different Kinds of Tongues• Interpretation of Tongues

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A Look at Spiritual Gifts from The Holy SpiritGift Groupings

1.Gifts of Revelation: Gifts that Reveal Something

•Word of Wisdom•Word of Knowledge•Discerning of Spirits

•Gifts of Power: Gifts that Do Something•Gift of Faith•Gifts of Healings•Working of Miracles

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A Look at Spiritual Gifts from The Holy SpiritGift Groupings

•Gifts of Speech/Utterance: Gifts that Say Something

•Different Kinds of Tongues•Interpretation of Tongues•Prophecy

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Revelation:

Word of Wisdom: The word of wisdom is a word of God’s wisdom given to a person to direct him and to help him understand God’s mind, plans and purposes for the future.

A supernatural revelation from God’s mind concerning a future event.

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Revelation:

Word of Knowledge: Reveals facts in the mind of God relating to things which are past or present. These facts are things that COULD NOT be known by natural knowledge by the individual receiving the revelation from God.

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Revelation:

Discerning of Spirits: A God-given ability to see by supernatural means into the realm of the spirit. It is the divine ability to see insightfully into the spirit realm and deals with the entire class of spirits: angelic, demonic, as well as human. A person manifesting this gifting will be able to discern the presence and activities of the divine, demonic, or human nature; will be able to know (supernaturally) what forces are influencing a particular type of behavior.

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Power:

Gift of Faith: A supernatural ability to believe and/or trust God without succumbing to reason, doubt, fear, etc. This Faith given by the Holy Spirit causes the miraculous and supernatural to occur each time it is manifested.

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Power:

Gifts of Healings: A supernatural ability given by the Holy Spirit that removes sicknesses, diseases and infirmities without modern medical intervention.

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Power:

Working of Miracles: Supernatural or divine intervention by the Spirit of God through the use of a human vessel that interrupts/disturbs the ordinary course of nature or order.

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Utterance:

Different Kinds of Tongues: A supernatural utterance by the Holy Spirit in languages spoken through a human instrument never learned by the speaker, nor understood by the speaker, nor necessarily always understood by the hearer. An utterance in an unknown tongue.

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Utterance:

Interpretation of Tongues: The supernatural showing forth by the Spirit of God the meaning of an utterance in other tongues. It is not a translation (word for word) of tongues, rather an interpretation (meaning of the message) of tongues.

Note: A tongue uttered in a corporate/public meeting, then interpreted is equivalent to prophecy. (Tongue + Interpretation=Prophecy)

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Gift DefinitionsGifts of Utterance:

Prophecy: A supernatural utterance not known to the speaker prior to speaking that is said in a known tongue.

Spirit-inspired speech that has a threefold purpose: 1) Edification, 2) Exhortation, and 3) Comfort.

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MOVING IN THE SPIRITDeveloping The Prophetic Ministry

“For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are the sons of God.”

Romans 8:14

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Moving In The SpiritKeys To Developing Your Gifting

1.Through prayer and study of the Word of God• Intimacy with God is key

2.Know Your “Gift Mix”

1.Release Your Faith (In Speaking What You Hear) In Proportion To Your Measure of Faith (Heb. 5:14; Rom. 12:6)

1.Learn to Move in YOUR Own Anointing (1 Cor. 14:31)

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Moving In The SpiritKeys To Developing Your Gifting

5. Revelation, Interpretation and Application

6. Learn How To Receive A Word from The Lordi.e.-single word, a sentence/sentence fragment, picture, etc.

7. Timing is Everything

Sharing the word at the right time in the meeting

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Moving In The SpiritKeys To Developing Your Gifting

8. Learn to Discern Your Own Thoughts & Feelings

From The Holy Spirit’s

9. Stir Up Your Gift

10. Sensitivity to the Spirit is Key

Has the anointing “lifted” to prophesy, etc.?

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Moving In The SpiritKeys To Developing Your Gifting

11.Be Bold!

11.Learn How To Speak Prophetically, etc.

11.Cultivate Self-Control and Temperance In Your Gift (1 Cor. 14:32)

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• Name that gift exercise


Begin to compile your notes from each session and begin to prepare for the final exam.

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Lesson Nine:Deliverance Ministry

(Part 1)

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Life Changers Church

WHAT IS DELIVERANCE?• In a nutshell, deliverance is when God

sets the captives free.

• As long as there are people who are captive and bound, there will always be the need for deliverance.

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WHAT IS DELIVERANCE?• Deliverance is a battle of power

• Whoever is stronger wins the battle (Luke 18)

• You will never set others free if the power of God doesn't flow freely in your life.


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WHAT IS DELIVERANCE?• Satan’s Battle Plan is to bring

people into captivity.• The only way that you can free people is

if you are not a slave yourself.


• ANYONE who is bound needs to be set free.

• Believer or non-believer

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Matthew 15:21-26

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WHAT ARE DEMONS?• Evil spirits (Fallen Angels) beings

without bodies, belonging to the unseen or spiritual realm, embodied in human beings.

• The word “demon” comes from the Greek word “daimon” or “daimonion” meaning unclean or evil spirit.

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WHAT ARE DEMONS?• Demons Have Personalities:

• They have knowledge (Mark 1:24)

• They know who they are (Mark 5:9)

• They have a will (Mark 12:43-44)

• They have emotions (James 2:19)

• *They can speak (Mark 1:24)

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• They pervert the Word of God and seek to hinder the gospel (1 Thess 2:18)

• They hold their captives (2Tim.2:26;1Tim.3:7).

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• They blind the minds of unbelievers (2Cor.4:4).

• They sow tares among wheat (Matt.13:39).

• They seduce people (1 Tim. 4:1)

• They trouble people (1 Sam. 16:14)

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• They deceive people (Rev. 12:9)

• They buffet people (2 Cor. 12:7)

• They oppress people (Acts 10:38)

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• Luke 13:11

• Jesus is anointed to heal those oppressed by the devil. (Acts 10:38)

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Oppress, Katadynasteuo: To exercise harsh control over one; to use one’s power against one.

• To hold down by exercising spiritual power against, to exercise over

·      Evil spirits hold people down by exercising spiritual power over them primarily in a couple of areas: Mind, Will, Emotions, Physical body

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Key Verse: Matthew 12:28

“If I cast out demons by the Spirit of God then the Kingdom of God has come upon you”

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What is A Bondage?Bondage:

•Condition of being under the control of some external force; physically restrained

•Condition of a slave, unable to be free

•Person is forced to bow and yield

The person wants to be free but is unable to achieve that without help


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What is A Bondage?

Key Verses: Luke 13:16

“So ought not this woman, being a daughter of Abraham, whom Satan has bound — think of it — for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath?"


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•Ungodly soul ties

•Mental and emotional breakdowns

•Chronic sickness and disease

•Barrenness, miscarriages, fertility problems

•Marriage and family breakdowns

•Financial setbacks and losses

•Accident prone


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•History of suicides, or premature or violent deaths

•Mistreatments and abuse

•Inability to settle down


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• Deliverance Activation


Bring someone to church with you on Sunday and next week Wednesday (or Thursday for the Westside) that needs to be set free in an area of their lives.

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Lesson Ten:Deliverance Ministry

(Part 2)

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Life Changers Church


By “giving place”

“…nor give place to the devil.”-Eph. 4:27

Place, topos: Any place or portion or space marked off. An inhabited place; opportunity, power, occasion for acting.

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How We Give Place…

•*Ancestral Sins

•Personal Sins

•Books, literature, music, movies

•Sexual Behavior• Every type of sex outside of marriage

• (Masturbation, molestation, rape, pornography, etc.)

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How We Give Place…(cont.)

•Abuse (Emotional, physical, verbal)




•Soul Ties

•Spiritual Neglect

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YOU MAY NEED DELIVERANCE IF…•You were raped or molested

•Chronic illnesses

•Exposure to pornography

•Chronic Depression

•Chronic Gambler & Spendthrift

•Controlled By People

•Chronic Headaches/mental confusion

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YOU MAY NEED DELIVERANCE IF…•Involvement (past or present) in:

• Occult • Freemasonry• Psychics, fortune tellers, horoscopes, etc.• Yoga • False religions• Abortion (had one or participated)• Divorce

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•Multiple tattoos or body piercings

•Desire constant attention

•Church hopper

•Legalistic Church or denomination

•Controlling pastor or church

•Difficult time finding & keeping a job

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YOU MAY NEED DELIVERANCE IF…•Rebellious, Stubborn & Disobedient


•Miscarriages or barrenness

•Afraid of demons, deliverance, etc.

•Constantly Fall Asleep in Church

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• What made you seek out deliverance at this time?

• Do an interview, so you can get an “inner view” (of what’s going on)

2.If they are not a Christian use wisdom in ministering salvation to them FIRST prior to receiving deliverance.

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HOW TO MINISTER DELIVERANCE3. Show Compassion and care

4. Walk in faith, courage and authority.

DO NOT be intimidated by any demonic manifestation.

5. Trust the Holy Spirit and allow Him to be

your guide

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7. Don’t assume anything…every deliverance is different.

8. Use your spiritual weapons to cut every demonic C.O.R.R.D that has their life


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Cut The C.O.R.R.D!!

•C-Confession of Sin

•O-Overlook (Forgive)




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Deliverance Activation


Prepare for your final exam

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CONCLUSIONE.Q.U.I.P.P. class & associated materials are one of the teaching

components of Life Changers Church in Cincinnati, OH.

No part of this publication may be reproduced, or transmitted in any form without the prior permission of the publisher and lead

teacher. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2013 Life Changers Church


E.Q.U.I.P.P. Educate, Qualify, Undergird, Instruct, Prepare, Push Out

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