environmnetal science with mrs. jensen. station 1 blue station 2 yellow station 3 pink station 4...

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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Environmnetal Science


Mrs. Jensen

What Do Humans NEED?

Station 1 BLUE Station 2 YELLOW Station 3 PINK Station 4 GREEN Station 6 WHITE

Human Needs Continuum

Work Cooperatively to choose the following: TOP 5 things humans need—

most important BOTTOM 3 things humans need

—least importantWhen finished, send 1 person to record results on white board.

What Humans Need vs. Want

Life does NOT exist without Water Food/Nutrition Clean Air/Oxygen Health/MedicineHave you ever NOT had access to any of these?

Earth Day ExpressDuring the readings, think about how life in the US is different from other parts of the world. US Population = 300 million+ World Pop. = almost 7 BILLION

What can YOU/ME/WE do to help?

Apollo 13 and the Earth

What problems are the crew of Apollo 13 facing?

How can these problems be solved?

Do you see the correlation?

What problems are the crew of Apollo 13 facing?

Running out of Power No Waste Dumps Only Solutions can

come from materials they have on the shuttle

Do you see the correlation between the Apollo 13 and


Fossil Fuels Where should we put

our waste? Solutions must come

from the Earth

….and how can taking this class help?

Raise Awareness Learn small changes we can make

every day that have a BIG impact Become GLOBAL citizens

The purpose and goal of environmental science is SUSTAINABILITY.

Sustainability Meeting the needs of the

present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What Do YOU Think? Do you have any reusable cups?

How much do you save?

How much would you pay for a reusable cup?

Should people by them to save $ or to save the Earth?

Click icon to add picture

An Ecological Footprint is a measure of the amount of resources from Earth needed to support a person’s lifestyle.

Do You Have Big Feet?

Access this document on the Shared folder—Students, Environmental Science, “Ecological Footprint”

Homework: You will be asked to share your results in class tomorrow, but you may turn in assignment today….but don’t forget you learned!

ReDuce, ReUse, ReCycleTip of the Day

Each of you will be responsible for sharing a tip over the course of the semester on recycling days.

I will give you several examples, and a couple days to research and create.

FORMAT: RRR topic/Reading Why it is important to RRR this product/effects

on the Earth Solution/What we can do to help!

Effects on the Earth

You should create several questions for classmates to answer from the readings for this part.

1. How is our plastic debris/garbage negatively affecting our oceans?

2. What are some negative effects of paper bags?

Solutions How are other places around the globe

tackling this problem?

Make something from them! http://



Things to Consider Do you ReUSE the paper or plastic bags? How can you remember to bring the

reusable bags? Can you make a statement?

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Tip Day 2Starbucks hoping new plastic cup entices customers to reuse them

4 BILLION paper cups generated each

Year by Starbucks (Americans drink 400Million cups of coffee each day) Set original goal of 25% of users for 2015, but reduced it to 5%

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Tip Day 4Use Less Paper

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