entrepreneurship summit

Post on 22-Oct-2014






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SUMMITEntrepreneurship Societies in Finland join forces

on 10th August 9-18 in Aalto Venture Garage

Programme draftBuilding and planning the entrepreneurship movement

Time What, who, how?

8 – 9.30 Breakfast & mingling

9.30 – 9.40 Will Cardwell, Aalto Center for Entrepreneurship: What kind of startups does Finland need?

9.50 – 10.00 Audiodraft: How can an entrepreneurship society help a startup out?

10 – 11.30 Lessons learned and fast failures – 10 minute presentations from the ESs

11.30 – 13:00 Lunch at Garage. Roundtables on different workshop themes. Update on different startup-related projects (Brightminds, Bolder Academy, Business Model Canvas competition)

13 - 14 What kind of a Finland we want to build – a joint workshop on the vision, mission and continuity problem ESs face. Q& A with Kristo

14.15 – 14.30 Taneli Tikka on student entrepreneurship

14:30 - 16 Workshop time on given themes:

16 – 17.30 Wrap-up, roadmap and action points

18 - > Dinner in downtown Helsinki, paid individually

h3 things you should prepareWe warmly welcome you to join a day of doing. However, there are three things you should take into account beforejoining us in Helsinki.

Speak up! Suggestions by 6th August

Put on a showPrepare a 10 minute presentation of 10 slides. The format is the following: 5 slides on your best practices and biggest lessons learned as well as 5 slides on the biggest failures or pain points.

These can be small, big, concrete, theoretical, light – whatever you want to share.


Prepare a calendarPlease prepare a rough calendar of the events for fall. Doesn’t have to be final - just in general what kind of things you are planning on making, what kind of workshops and on what kind of themes.


Prepare a calendarPlease prepare a rough calendar of the events for fall. Doesn’t have to be final - just in general what kind of things you are planning on making, what kind of workshops and on what kind of themes.


Themes to discussWe suggest the following workshop themes. Please also suggest other relevant themes!

Practice makes perfect. Speakers, themes, workshops. Outside events to take part in. Best practices – marketing, resources, students, researchers, startups, financing, registration. Information flow between ESs. Cross-ES Projects. Enternship programme, Startup Guide, Seriesseed.com, Silicon Valley trip, what else?Impact. Stakeholders in Finland and abroad, PR, mentor boards. What is the strategic level message we want to convey?


P.S Bring your swag! Stickers, flyers, posters – the more concrete the better.

hQuestions? Comments?Shoot! jens.sorensen (a) aaltoes.comkristo.ovaska (a) aaltoes.comlinda.liukas (a) aaltoes.com

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