entrepreneurial profile ep10 stefan van eerde feb 2015

Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Gallup identified the 10 talents of highly successful entrepreneurs. This report presents the intensity of yourentrepreneurial talents in rank order.

This report does not determine whether you should start a business, but rather how you can apply your talents mosteffectively in an entrepreneurial endeavor.

Entrepreneurship is theart of turning an idea intoa customer.

You can useentrepreneurial talents tostart or grow a business.Alternatively, you canapply these talents whileworking for an employeror pursuing highereducation.

Use this report to focuson your dominant talents.Seek support andpartnerships for yourcontributing andsupporting talents, whichwill improve yourpotential for success inan entrepreneurial role.


Business Focus


Creative Thinker







Dominant:You have a high level of

this talent. You consistentlyand naturally lead with thistalent to achieve success.

Contributing:You show some

evidence of this talent. Youmust deliberately apply thistalent to achieve success.

Supporting:You do not lead with

this talent. You shouldreinforce this talent withpartnerships and supportfrom others to achievesuccess.

Gallup®, StrengthsFinder®, and the EP10TM talent names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. Copyright © 2013 Gallup, Inc.All rights reserved.682495922 (Stefan van Eerde)


STEFAN VAN EERDEDominant Contributing Supporting

Knowledge-SeekerDefinition: People who are especially talented in theKnowledge-Seeker talent understand that information is avaluable asset. They have a deep desire to acquire knowledgeabout all aspects of their business. They search for newinformation to solve problems and succeed in complex businessenvironments.

Your Talent: You are likely a natural student, seekinginformation to constantly improve your business. You activelyacquire detailed knowledge about all aspects of your business.Use your talents to anticipate the knowledge you need toimprove your business.

Business FocusDefinition: People who are especially talented in the BusinessFocus talent couple sharp business instincts and a fascinationwith making money. They have an uncanny ability to look atdata from which they can form unique insights. Ultimately, theyevaluate decisions through the prism of profitability.

Your Talent: You naturally think about things with your businessin mind. You judge the value of an opportunity, a relationship, ora decision by its effect on your business. You are profit-orientedin your decisions and actions. Continue to establish andachieve clear goals and seek new opportunities for yourbusiness.

Risk-TakerDefinition: People who are especially talented in the Risk-Takertalent embrace challenges with enthusiasm. They have astrong, charismatic, and confident personality. They naturallyfocus on the rewards of success instead of potential failure.They emotionally connect with customers and exceed theirexpectations.

Your Talent: You likely show enthusiasm and positivity whentaking on challenges. You are ambitious and charismatic. Yourself-confidence allows you to see past barriers and assumesuccess. Harness these traits to set and accomplish yourbusiness goals.

Creative ThinkerDefinition: People who are especially talented in the CreativeThinker talent have a curious intellect that helps themconstantly imagine new products, services, and solutions. Theyare quick learners who explore various options and considernovel solutions as they anticipate the future needs of theircustomers.

Your Talent: You are quick to try new things and learn aboutdifferent ways to accomplish your business goals. Your naturalcuriosity leads you to ask the types of questions that uncoverpotential new products or services for your customers. Alwaysask questions and consider a full range of ideas and solutionsto challenges.

DeterminationDefinition: People who are especially talented in theDetermination talent pursue their goals with tenacity. They areintensely committed to success and are eager to take quickaction. They rely on high motivation to turn adversity intoopportunity. They can see beyond roadblocks and visualize abetter future.

Your Talent: You likely have a great work ethic. You tend tothrive in high-pressure situations and are eager to makedecisions and act quickly. Continue to confront obstaclesdirectly. Remain undeterred by failure. Use your naturalenthusiasm and energy to convince others to give you their bestefforts.

Gallup®, StrengthsFinder®, and the EP10TM talent names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. Copyright © 2013 Gallup, Inc.All rights reserved.682495922 (Stefan van Eerde)


STEFAN VAN EERDEDominant Contributing Supporting

PromoterDefinition: People who are especially talented in the Promotertalent speak boldly on behalf of their company. Theyconsistently communicate a clear vision of their business tocustomers and employees. They are great salespersons with anability to form deep relationships and convince others to followtheir well-defined business growth strategy.

Your Talent: You are a natural leader and a forceful promoterand defender of your business. You tend to speak boldly onbehalf of your business. You can powerfully communicate yourpoint of view. Use your clear, strong voice to convince others toimplement the decisions you make for your business.

Relationship-BuilderDefinition: People who are especially talented in theRelationship-Builder talent have strong interpersonal skills thatallow them to build a robust and diverse personal network. Theyrely on relationships to access resources and informationessential to the success of their business.

Your Talent: Your positive attitude and high level of integrityallow others to trust you. You likely use that trust to buildbeneficial relationships for your business. Use your naturalability to forge relationships — with customers, employees, andinvestors — to help your business succeed.

ConfidenceDefinition: People who are especially talented in the Confidencetalent are keenly aware of their abilities. They harness thisawareness to take quick and decisive action. They seizeopportunities knowing they will succeed and use their talents topersist in the face of uncertainty and failure.

Your Talent: You likely have a clear and accurate appreciationof your actions and abilities. You use this awareness to buildtrust with and have influence on others. You use your talents tobuild relationships with people who can help you achieve yourbusiness goals.

DelegatorDefinition: People who are especially talented in the Delegatortalent can trust and empower others to help grow theirbusiness. They know what their employees do best and positionthem to take responsibility for tasks at which they are mostlikely to excel. They can relinquish control and focus on growingthe business.

Your Talent: You likely understand that for your business to besuccessful, you cannot do everything yourself. You appreciatethe importance of teamwork. You tend to identify specialabilities in other people and work well with them in a way thatcontributes to the success of the business.

IndependentDefinition: People who are especially talented in theIndependent talent can single-handedly start and operate abusiness. They rely on high energy and extreme commitment tosucceed in the grueling grind of business creation. They firmlybelieve their actions decide the fate of their business and aremotivated to make things happen.

Your Talent: You likely understand the power of good teamworkcombined with your own abilities. It is important to rely on thepeople you trust to achieve your business goals. Avoidsituations where you have to make a last-minute businessdecision without considering others’ opinions.

Gallup®, StrengthsFinder®, and the EP10TM talent names are trademarks of Gallup, Inc. Copyright © 2013 Gallup, Inc.All rights reserved.682495922 (Stefan van Eerde)

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