enhancing resilience for community across indonesia -idep foundation

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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UNISDR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk UNISDR Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 Reduction 2015-2030

Mainstream global challenges:

• Improved understanding of DRR : Improved understanding of DRR : exposure, vulnerability, hazards; exposure, vulnerability, hazards;

• Strengthen disaster risk governanceStrengthen disaster risk governance,, including national platforms;including national platforms;

• Accountability Accountability for disaster risk for disaster risk management; management;

• ““Build Back Better” Build Back Better” preparednesspreparedness• Recognition of stakeholders Recognition of stakeholders roles; roles; • Risk-sensitive investment Risk-sensitive investment to avoid to avoid

the creation of new risk; the creation of new risk; • Resilience Resilience of health infrastructure, of health infrastructure,

cultural heritage and work-places; cultural heritage and work-places; • Strengthen international Strengthen international

cooperation cooperation and global and global partnershippartnership, and risk-informed , and risk-informed donor policies, programs and donor policies, programs and fundingfunding

• Indonesia’s major challenge = 17000 islands, cultural ethnicities

Community Resilience…

• Disaster Preparedness• Emergency Response• Recovery• Sustainable Living

Everybody has a right to dignity, security, and safety from disaster and everybody can also learn how to get prepared and how to be resilient.(Indonesia National Regulation No. 24/2007 article 26 & 27 about community rights and responsibility)

Implementing Community Resilience

• AssessmentAssessment of community and government-level plans through village meetings, transect mapping, FGD interview.

This assessment is related to hazards, vulnerability and capacity toward disaster management and risk reduction capabilities.

Implementing Community Resilience

• TrainingTraining (holistic) regional risk assessment, mapping, CDMG, first aid, admin & documentation, recovery strategy, nutrition/ food security and community logistics

• Establishment of CDMG Establishment of CDMG with endorsement by Head of Village through cultural hierarchy and village local regulations

Implementing Community Resilience

• Village policy Village policy related to disaster management planning and SOP’s of Disaster Management designed for each village unique conditions eg. Geography, cultures, hazards

This policy gives the CDMG legal power - ensuring their roles, actions and financial needs are considered by higher level government authorities.

Implementing Community Resilience

• Warning signs & sound Warning signs & sound installation installation for hazardous, at-risk and vulnerable area sites.

• Disaster Risk Reduction Disaster Risk Reduction activities activities at the community and school levels – inclusive training and educational media products.

Implementing Community Resilience

• Simulation and field Simulation and field exercisesexercises conducted independently by community groups with support by local government authorities

Mainstreaming of CR…

• Information dissemination at schools level

• Campaign/ media distribution related to community resilience awareness raising

• Community resilience campaign through regional traditional arts

• Advocacy for related stakeholder inclusions

• Assistance on establishment of Disaster Management Agency

• Assessment and risk analysis

• DRR socialization

• Establishment of CDMG at village level

Support for Local Government…

• Training and capacity building

• Supporting the crisis centre

• DRR media campaign that can be replicated



Lack of Government initiatives

on lead and managemen

tLack of

knowledge on DRR and


Disaster isn’t the

sexiest of issues

Government focus still on ER not



Involvement of

Private Sectors

Lessons Learnt

* Community involvement from beginning will build a sense of ownership of the program, contributing to long-term sustainability

* Need more focused assistance at government-level to ensure mainstreaming of DRR issues and their successful capacity to build community resilience

Using traditional art performances is more effective to disseminate DRR knowledge to all community levels

Need to make more attractive training packaging for DRR activities at the community level



Sejak 1999

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