english idioms

Post on 06-May-2015






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Common English idiomatic expressions


English Idioms

An idiom is a commonly used expression that has a special meaning. This

meaning is often different from what the words say in a literal sense.

“A Bird In The Hand Is Worth Two In The Bush”

Having something certain is better than striving for more and taking a risk, because chances are that you could lose everything.

“A Blessing In Disguise”

Something good that isn't recognized at first.

“A Fool And His Money Are Easily Parted”

A foolish person can easily lose his/her money.

“A Piece of Cake” Something that can be accomplished very easily.

“Actions Speak Louder Than Words” It is better to do something than just talk about it.

“Never bite the hand that feeds you”

Never harm someone that has helped or is helping you.

“Barking up the wrong tree”

When you are trying to find something, but you are looking in the wrong place.

“under the weather”

Feeling ill

“back in the pink”

Very strong and healthy

“on cloud nine”Feeling extreme happiness or elation.

“That hair is so behind the times”

Old fashioned or out of date

“keep me in the loop”

Fully informed and in the know

“Never bite off more than you can chew” To take on a challenge that is too big

“on the blink” Isn’t working properly or is out of order

“out of the blue” Suddenly and unexpectedly

“head in the sand” Refusing to think about an unpleasant

situation or face the facts.

“on the ball” Competent - Doing a good job

“in the black” Making a profit

Out of debt

“hit the hay”Went to bed

“Knock on wood” I'm much better now. To have good fortune and hope it will continue.

“off the wall”

Strange or very different

“a bed of roses” an easy and pleasant situation

“get to the point!”the essential information. Skip the details

“a backseat driver” Someone who criticizes from the sideline

Annoyingly giving unwanted advice

“Get off my back!”Quit nagging or bothering me.

“wet behind the ears”Either very young or inexperienced.

“Against The Clock” Rushed and short on time.

“An Arm And A Leg” Very expensive. A large amount of money.

“Bite Your Tongue” To avoid talking.

“Blood Is Thicker Than Water” The family bond is closer than anything else.

“Dog Days of Summer” The hottest days of the summer season.

“Keep An Eye On Him” You should carefully watch him.

“Lend Me Your Ear” To ask for someone's full attention.

“Pick up your ears” To listen very carefully.

“Raining Cats and Dogs” A very loud and noisy rain storm.

“The Ball Is In Your Court”It is your decision this time.

“Till the cows come home” A long time.

“Use Your Loaf” Use your brain. Think!

“Wag the Dog” A diversion away from something of greater


“When Pigs Fly”Something that will never ever happen.

“Your Guess Is As Good As Mine” I have no idea.

The end


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