english for the scientist : clement duval, maítre de recherches au c.n.r.s. (editions centre...

Post on 02-Jul-2016






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The Identz/ication_o/ Ovganzc Corn STIG VICIHISL, (I. E. c. Gad, c?

ounds, 4th Edition (1st English Edition). by

Price 4.5 S. openhagen, ‘I 954. XV + 346 pages, 26 f1g.

‘I’hc I~ook ww written for degree students at the University of Copenhagen and origin;Ltcd 26 years ago. Its subtitle is A nlunzral o/ qtralifatzve and qztanfifative mctlrods :uicl its scope is, thcrcforc, from the main title.

appreciably greater than might bc gathered

A good Icature is that at the very commencement it iu strcsscd that the of the 1111 known substance Shoulcl be exa-ninccl. ant1 if necessnrv ~11 rification B

urity cf ected

before proceccling. 11eterminations of the us&l criteria -- &dting point, boiling point, etc., are described, and mcthocls for purification, including chromatography ancl 1011 exchnnrrc. discussed t 16 IXWCS~. There follow three more sections: detection and clctcrmiiint’ibn of the clc&~c~i&i %(30’ pages), preliminary c.xnminntion and general tests (9 pages) ancl detection and estimation (the Reviewer would prefer the word “clet.crmtnaiion”) of functional groups (299 pages). The last section is obviously the most important one of the book nncl deals with (K) the hydroxyl grou carboiiyl grou compounds,


(7 P , (3) carbohyrlratee, (4) carbosylic acids, (5) esters, amincs, (8) amino acids, (9) nmiclcS, (lo) nitrilcs and isoc

1 x ) cliaso compounds, (x2) a20 compounds. (13) azoxy compouncls, (14) 15) nltro compounds, (IG) nitroso

liyclroxylamincs, :~ncl isonltroso compounds, (I 7)

? uinones,

18) substances containing active oxygen, e.g. peroxides and

c oublc (I 9) I IliL ogen compounds,

bond (22) the triple boncl, (LO) sulphurcontaimng substances, (21) the

(23) hydrocarbons. The book may be consldcred as successfully dealing, at least in outline, with an

enormous field within a reasonable space. Compression has necessarily been inevi- tnblc, but very full (and up-to-date) references to the original hterature arc given. In the Reviewer’s opinion, the book will prove not only of great value to University stuclcnts but also to industrial organic chemists who have occasion to ascertain the iclcntlty and/or purity of organic substances.

‘I’hc English is good, no doubt helped by the collaboration of Dr. I’. SYKES of Cambr~lgc University Chemical Laboratory.

N. STIGWIWIW (Mallchcster)

1~92~lr.~ll /OY tire Scicrt~st par CLl!MENl IhJVAI.. Maitre de Recherchcs a.11 C.N. ILS. (IXitions Centre National tic la Rccherche Scientifique), 13, Quai Anntole France, I’aris, 1954 (4dme bdition), g6 pages, prix 450 fr.f.

1.a teneur tic ce.pctit livrc consiste en une mGthode d’enseignement de l’anghiis, clans lc cadre clc ,,L’ertscignemcnt technique prtfiavatoivc cl la rschcvche”. En pnrticu- licr, il Sert d’outil pour le tours au C.N.l<.S, dii Profcuseur CLl~hIIcNT bJVAL, destin6, au pcrfcctionnement ties Btuclicrnts sachant tlGjA l’anglais 1itti:raire.

Chaquc leGon comporte un vocnbuleirc technique adapt6 :I, tel ou tel sujet: photogrnphie, &at clcs corpS, analyse chimique, par cxemplc. Puiu, clans clcu phrases tlbtachdes, cc vocnbulaire est niis en oeuvrc. Enfin cles textes en anglniS cl’auteurs CdltibrCS (~<INSI’ISIN, 1<USSlsLL, SODDY, LORD l<A\‘LISIGlI) Sent prOpOS6S pollr &-C cspliqiibs. L’arfois un th3me termine la leGon.

Cet OUVrilgc sc rccommancle en vuc de la culture clc 1’anglais pour la compd- hension clcs testes scicntifiqucs, car tcl est bicn tout d’aborcl son but. Par son voca- bulalre 11 scra cn outrc utile nux chercheurs mOme clbjh familiari& avec cctte langue ct qui sernicnt en pr6sence clc termes techniques inconnus cl’cux.

M. JUAN (Paris)

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