engineering e business applications for security

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  • 8/6/2019 Engineering e Business Applications for Security


    IBM Global Services

    April 2005

    Engineering e-BusinessApplications for Security

    By Sharon Hagi,

    Senior IT Architect, IBM Canada Ltd.

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    In todays economy, enterprises are evermore dependent on reliableand secure application software to enable their critical business processes.

    In particular, e-Business applications provide critical linkage between

    customers, suppliers and partners. Enterprises today have realized that

    their success will necessitate considerable attention to the security

    and privacy of their application software, and particularly their

    e-Business applications.

    Vulnerabilities and threats related to e-Business application programs

    can be seen as occurring at all the different levels of the application

    system, including:

    denial-of-service attacks proliferating from mal-ware or worms

    sophisticated application Web Services interface exploits or script-based

    injections that cripple and damage the application and its data

    network interception due to protocol weaknesses

    defeat of encryption due to faulty cryptographic key management or

    encryption methods

    database administrators being able to easily steal and sell database

    content or sensitive configuration parameters

    application programmers who place undetected malicious code that

    can cause widespread security failure and can even enable subverted

    and malicious masquerading of critical business transactions

    All of these vulnerabilities and threats result in loss of confidentiality,

    integrity and authenticity.

    Traditionally, enterprises have prioritized and focused their IT security

    strategies and budgets on protection of the network perimeter and physical

    access control to the application system environment. Their goals have

    been directed at universal elimination of external threats at lower network

    levels and common infrastructure technical services, as well as through

    restriction of certain types of physical and logical access to the application.However, the reality today is that these measures are simply inadequate in

    light of the wide spectrum of threats and vulnerabilities that are seen

    affecting application systems.


    2 Abstract

    4 The Motivation for

    Application Security

    10 Challenges

    14 Methods and Recommendations

    for Application Security Strategies

    38 Integrated Application Security

    Services Model

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    Applications, data and business processes can be attacked even when a

    very good network and infrastructure security program is in place.

    For example, good network perimeter defense using firewalls, intrusion

    detection systems (IDS) and other network security components must still

    ensure the applications can be accessed by legitimate users and therefore

    at the same time can facilitate an opportunity for a so-called legitimate

    user to attack impudently at the vulnerable application interface level.

    In the same manner in which mature software and systems development

    organizations engineer for failure to ensure quantifiable degrees of quality

    and predictable reliability, the notion is that there is a clear need to

    engineer applications for security. Engineering applications for security is

    a concept that applies to all the different levels of the application system.

    Methods include attention to operational and functional policies, processes

    and standards. Rigorous security conscience design, defensive coding,

    continual testing, metric collection and monitoring ensure that risks

    related to application development, maintenance and management are

    systematically mitigated and reduced as part of a comprehensive risk

    management life-cycle.

    This paper contains highlights of methods and recommendations that

    can be utilized by organizations working through the complex maze of

    application security. Organizations require a methodical approach as part ofa cost-effective enterprise remediation and assurance program to improve

    security and privacy compliance for their critical e-Business operations.


    Processes can be attacked even

    when a very good network

    defense exists

    Attention to operational and

    functional policies is important

    Improve compliance for critical

    e-Business operations.

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    Manage risks throughout the

    application development lifecycle

    Risk scenarios and measures for

    applications need to be defined

    Risk Management

    Organizations need to understand their exposure and sensitivity to security

    events as they relate to development, maintenance and management of

    applications. This understanding leads to appropriate strategy and allocation

    of budget and spending on security to offset and mitigate the risks.

    Organizations have been focusing typically on applying risk management

    subsequent to application development and deployment. The focus of risk

    determination in such cases has been largely on the network and the shared

    IT infrastructure supporting the application and, to a lesser degree, on the

    processes involved in designing and developing the software.

    In addition, there is often a need to have metrics available to understand

    scenarios and risk measures particularly relevant to applications and their

    management. In absence of these instruments, development organizations

    have gaps in their risk management and their appreciation of their complete

    risk picture. The deficiency is due to incomplete analysis of exposures,

    scenarios and potential loss to the business, attributed to security failures of

    the application itself and/or the application development process. Methods

    devised to address the gaps clearly require the use of quantification and

    benchmarking to assess and measure risk due to security concerns intro-

    duced during the design or coding of an applications (e.g. insider attacks).

    Unfortunately, we have observed that this kind of risk managementshortcoming is indeed widespread in the market place and have concluded

    that in many cases it serves to explain why market analysts continually

    report on the lack of strategic focus and often insufficient budget allocations

    to deal with risk specifically in the application security context.

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    Financial reporting systems are

    dependent on applications and their

    associated security

    Regulatory Compliance

    The legislative landscape and the resulting regulatory requirements place

    increasing emphasis on the role of corporate governance with respect to

    application software assurance. The tenets of regulations such as Sarbanes

    Oxley specify that corporate governance, which is principally composed of

    executive management, be responsible for providing transparency, integrity,

    and accountability over regulated financial reporting and data.

    While the subject matter of information security is not specifically discussed

    within the text of the act, the reality is that modern financial reporting

    systems are heavily dependant on applications and their associated security

    controls, processes and audit-ability. Any review of internal controls would

    not be complete without addressing controls and processes specifically

    around application development and maintenance. An insecure application

    system would not be considered a source of reliable financial information

    because of the possibility of unauthorized transactions or manipulation

    of financial data. In the eyes of auditors, there is no clear distinction

    between applications that help run the business (e.g. billing systems)

    and applications that help service the customers (e.g. e-store, medical

    electronic records, etc.)

    Other regulatory requirements with focus on application security and

    privacy include the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Actof 1996 (HIPAA), Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA), EU Data Protection,

    Basel Accords (Basel II guidelines promulgated by the Bank for

    International Settlements), Bill 198, Personal Information Protection

    and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA) and other Canadian Privacy

    Laws. Regulatory requirements have specific implications on organizations

    developing and managing applications in their e-Business environment.

    Compliance is non-trivial when considering the complexities of modern

    and highly distributed application systems.

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    Security vulnerabilities in applications

    can have large business impacts

    Fixing a ruined reputation is

    exponentially more expensive than

    building in application security

    Costly defects can be traced to

    deeply rooted design flaws or

    process shortcomings

    Corporate Reputation and Public Image

    Negative publicity about security vulnerabilities in applications impacts

    potential sales and plays a major role in eroding user confidence in not

    only the products but also the companys value-add services. For financial

    institutions, insurance companies, medical, transportation, utility and

    telecommunications firms the impact can be rather devastating.

    Application security events resulting in customer data being lost, financial

    data being compromised or altered, medical records exposed, even

    cyber-terrorism and crime can all damage customers and shareholders

    confidence and impact business growth potentials for a substantial period

    of time.

    In addition, one might also consider that in light of increasing government

    regulatory pressures, any incident, even a relatively minor one, may indeed

    flag the organization for some closer attention from compliance auditors.

    Security advocates in mature software and systems development organiza-

    tions often attest to the fact that it is exponentially more expensive to fix a

    ruined reputation resulting from an application security failure than it is to

    build the right processes and methods that could have caught and fixed the

    exposure that lead to the failure in the first place.

    Cost Of Redesign/Reengineering Due To Security Failure

    The cost to companies needing to continually fix various vulnerabilities andsecurity flaws in systems and application portfolios is significant. Loss of

    revenue is one cost component but more importantly, in many cases,

    companies have had to postpone significant strategic initiatives and divert

    considerable investment capital in order to revamp their application

    security posture. Since most serious security defects can be traced to deeply

    rooted design flaws or process shortcomings, there is a realization that to

    truly address security, companies need to fundamentally look at their

    software security architecture and design and even more so, focus their

    security re-engineering efforts on the development processes.

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    Applications have to be designed

    systematically for security

    Effective and practical application development and management security

    needs to be appropriately prioritized and consideration must be given to

    questions such as:

    Is there sufficient thought given to costs involved in continually

    fixing applications for security vulnerabilities?

    What are the costs involved in a possible re-design/re-engineering

    of processes and applications should they fail an audit?

    What are the cost saving in addressing security at the early

    requirements and design stages?

    What are the risks to the company in accepting application

    security status quo?

    More often than not, security for applications is viewed as an ancillary aspect,

    something that can be retrofitted later on. There is also ample evidence from

    organizations such as the Carnegie Mellon Software Engineering Institute

    (CMMI) to suggest that in an analogous manner to software defects, security

    defects and related concerns are far easier and significantly cheaper to fix

    when they are uncovered and addressed in the early steps of the develop-

    ment process. Applications have to be designed systematically for robustness

    and for security as early as possible so as to reduce the costly need to re-

    design and re-engineer when its not really practical or economically feasible.

    The following chart illustrates the exponential cost increase to correctdetected security defects with respect to the development and maintenance

    phase in which the defect is discovered.

    Source: IBM Corp.

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    75% of attacks against websites and

    web-based applications come at

    the application layer

    Skilled hackers exploit exposed

    application-level information to gain

    access to systems and data

    Hacker Activity Statistics

    A recent Garner report states that over 75% of attacks against websites

    and web-based applications come at the application layer and not lower

    infrastructure and network layers. If e-Business organizations place

    all their efforts and trust in good network security but not as much effort

    toward their application security, they are in actuality missing key risks and

    therefore have critical business gaps.

    From observed hacker malicious activity statistics, we know that hackers

    are now seldom interested in defeating the network or the infrastructure

    low-level defenses. The adversaries today are well aware of the fact that

    applications are typically less defended than the rest of the IT infrastructure.

    For example, hackers may be interested in directly probing and discovering

    unsafe SOAP method implementations to pass in SQL script injections

    based on known database vulnerabilities. Exposed XML Schema often

    makes it extraordinarily easy to postulate how a specific attack can in fact

    be structured. In other examples we see skilled hackers employ rather

    clever social engineering tactics to entice and recruit employees with sensi-

    tive roles to obtain artifacts such as unprotected XML configuration files

    for J2EE application servers. The information in those files is often

    sensitive enough and can be used to gain levels of access and enable

    unauthorized deployment of application components.

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    Vulnerabilities need to be managed

    in more than one type of platform,

    framework and configuration

    Spending on IT security is significant,

    and needs to be targeted effectively


    There are several challenges in mitigation of risks in applicationsystems and development processes which effective strategies must

    take into consideration:




    Compressed time-to-market


    Application security incident response


    Managing vulnerabilities in todays largely heterogeneous and highly

    distributed application systems is a significant task. There is a need to

    manage vulnerabilities in more than one type of platform, framework and

    configuration. There is a need to manage vulnerabilities from third-party

    software, components and subsystems. There is a need to manage

    vulnerabilities in the software the enterprise develops itself.

    Since applications are really part of the automated manifestations of

    business processes, there is little to suggest that one will be similar to

    another. Each one is more or less unique and therefore must be treated

    and addressed separately from a security perspective. The shear number of

    combinations, variations and configurations is enough to cause major con-

    cern over how to really tackle and deal with this undertaking in any cost-

    effective manner. The answer is that there are, of course, methods and

    processes that do help and we shall examine some of them more closely.


    Most businesses today have a specific budget allocated to IT security. IDC

    has reported that while larger organizations traditionally tend to spend the

    most money, smaller companies today are surprisingly allocating a fair por-

    tion of their IT spending on security. The question often asked by CIOs(Chief Information Officers) and CSOs (Chief Security Officers) is whether or

    not the budget allocation is effective at addressing the risk comprehensively.

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    Required application security skill sets

    are in short supply in the market place

    Pressure to beat competition and be

    first to market is not a new challenge

    As we saw earlier, with gaps in risk management as it relates to application

    security, there is no quantification of risks and therefore we can expect that

    budgets may not appropriately align to address application risks in a manner

    typically expected by senior management. Perception in the industry is also

    that application security tends to be an expensive business undertaking.

    There is little appreciation of the real cost saving because of lack of metrics

    collected over the life-cycle of a business application. Using metrics and

    statistical methods on observations would indicate overall cost of a

    stressful event in the life-cycle of an enterprise application verses the

    cost of developing the application with the ability to either prevent the

    event or successfully recover from it.


    Engineering security into applications and associated processes and

    methods involves a wide range of roles and skills, including:

    Application security architects

    Developers with specific security and cryptography training

    Security platform, product and integration specialists

    Security assessment experts

    (system certifiers, product evaluators, ethical hackers and auditors)

    Security system administrators

    This combination of skill sets is in short supply in the market place and

    organizations are challenged to manage those valuable resources on anon-going basis in terms of career development and other HR issues.

    Outsourcing and contracting out work to a trusted third party specializing

    in security for application development and maintenance can be a practical

    solution to many of the skills acquisition, supply and management issues.

    Compressed Time-To-Market

    The continuous pressure to beat competition and be first to market is not

    a new challenge. If history is a guide, the challenges facing development

    organizations in transitioning to higher maturity levels (e.g. Capability

    Maturity Model levels) has always been the fear that increasing process anddocumentation overhead would slow things down and hence harm the

    companys potential profitability.

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    Implementing application security

    requires careful planning

    Monitoring efforts must be designed in

    conjunction with efforts to collect and

    analyze process metrics

    When planning to incorporate security into the processes and development

    life-cycles the very same reaction is to be anticipated. Overwhelmed by the

    overabundance of implied processes and plans, an organization may draw

    back from adopting application security practices. Like any other maturity

    based engineering model, the application security engineering model

    includes requirements to document processes and procedures and to follow

    up with reviews and testing to ensure they are performed as documented

    and mandated by policy.

    While a number of processes, plans, and other types of documentation will

    be required, and hence overhead will be incurred, careful planning and

    choosing the right kind of risk management process will ensure the most

    effective size and priority of the investment in these activities. A single

    security plan may meet the requirements of many process areas within a

    typical development organization. In more complex cases a longer term,

    multi-phase transition plan may be required. In many cases the process

    re-engineering is not as revolutionary as some may see it. It really

    emphasizes the same common sense practices that have been

    implemented for software quality assurance for many years.


    Throughout the application development and maintenance security

    processes it is necessary to measure progress and monitor for success.Methods include processes that can be used to validate the appropriateness

    of and compliance with written policies, processes and business control

    measures designed to address application security. Typically, monitoring

    efforts must be designed in conjunction with efforts to collect and analyze

    process metrics. The metrics are quantifiable aspects that are used in

    assessment and risk management activities to compare against pre-deter-

    mined benchmarks.

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    Responding to security incidents

    requires analyzing and evaluating

    large amounts of information

    Application Security Incident Response

    A significant challenge for enterprises managing application systems and

    operations is how to organize a response to application security incidents.

    Security information, even when it is compartmentalized into one area,

    involves sifting through large amounts of information in real-time. In a

    complex enterprise, there are alerts from firewalls, intrusion-detection

    systems, application audit trails, database logs, messages from operating

    systems, etc. All of which need to be analyzed and evaluated before an

    appropriate response can be formulated. In many organizations, this has

    led to the institution of a Computer Security Incident Response Team.

    Other organizations have outsourced the monitoring of key elements of

    their application security infrastructure and let outside agencies handle

    the first-response duties.

    Security is not and cannot be a cookie cutter process. There is no magic pixie

    dust that can be sprinkled over a protocol to make it secure. Each protocol must be

    analyzed individually to determine what vulnerabilities exist, what r isks they may

    lead to, what palliative measures can be taken, and what the residual risks are.

    S. Bellovin, AT&T Labs Research, RFC 2316, Report of the IAB Security

    Architecture Workshop

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    Engineering security into application

    systems is a critical discipline

    Methods and Recommendations for Application Security Strategies

    Engineering security into application systems is a critical disciplineand should be a key component in multi-disciplinary, concurrent or

    distributed development teams. This applies to the development,

    integration, operation, administration, maintenance and evolution of

    e-Business application systems as well as to the development, delivery,

    and evolution of software-based products. Security concerns are addressed

    throughout the development and maintenance life-cycle. Competencies

    and capabilities can be delivered as tools, systems, products or as a

    collection of processes and services.

    In general, the key steps involved in application security strategies involve:

    Gaining a quantified understanding of the security risks associated with

    an enterprise e-Business application

    Establishing a balanced set of security requirements in accordance

    with identified risks

    Transforming security requirements into security controls and process

    guidance to be integrated into activities of development disciplines

    and methodologies employed on a development project and into the

    definition of system configuration, operation and maintenance goals

    Establishing confidence or assurance in the correctness and

    effectiveness of security mechanisms using assessments, reviews,

    testing and certification

    Determining impacts due to residual risk associated with

    security vulnerabilities in a system or its operation which are

    determined acceptable

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    The focus at IBM has for many years been one that covers the breadth and

    depth of the discipline of engineering security into software. IBM, through

    its numerous product development arms and research laboratories around

    the globe, has produced some of the most advanced methods, tools and

    products that cover a broad range of application security aspects. These

    range from code analysis, testing tools and sophisticated risk management

    systems to process engineering, systems and software architecture and

    security consulting methods delivered by IBM Global Services. This paper

    focuses on key methods showcased in a number of services being offered

    as part of the Integrated Application Security Services model recently

    introduced by the Security/Identity & Privacy Practice in conjunction withthe Application Management Services (AMS) and Application Innovation

    Services (AIS) groups within IBM Global Services.

    Source: IBM Corp


    IBM has introduced an Integrated

    Application Security Services model

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    A comprehensive and well-communi-

    cated security policy is fundamental

    Development security standards are

    required for compliance

    Typical strategies for mitigation employing the IBM services focus on

    these key areas in addressing e-Business application security:

    Complying with Regulations

    Development and Maintenance Life-Cycle Processes and Methodologies

    Training and Awareness

    Monitoring and Security Intelligence

    In the following sections we provide several important highlights of

    methods and recommendations that enterprises can leverage to enhance

    their application security efforts and provide deeper insight into issues

    that may need to be considered.

    Complying with Regulations

    By examining compliance strategies devised by IBM for its customers using

    audit guidance such as the Control Objectives for Information and related

    Technology(COBIT) from the Information Systems Audit and Control

    Association (ISACA), we are able enumerate several key recommenda-

    tions as they relate to application security controls and processes.

    Security Policy for compliance, there needs to be evidence in the form of

    written and comprehensive policy that addresses application development

    and maintenance business requirements. A security policy is something

    very fundamental for any organizations security program. While mostsecurity cognisant organizations do have some form of policy, in many

    cases we have found it did not document managements desire or criteria

    as it relates to the effort of developing, deploying and maintaining critical

    business functions implemented in computer software. In addition, there

    needs to be clear evidence of effective policy communication to developers,

    administrative and operational staff.

    Security Standards for compliance there needs to be evidence of the

    existence of appropriate security standards related to the development

    environment (e.g. tools, platforms, components etc.). Standards are typicallycollections of system-specific or procedural-specific requirements that

    must be met by everyone involved in the development, deployment and

    maintenance of an application.

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    A broad range of application security

    controls are required

    Architecture, Design and Implementation of Security Controls - Fundamental

    controls for applications with impact on financial reporting or privacyand confidentiality of an individuals private records such as medical

    records, involve ensuring that only people who are authorized to use

    an application can access it. And once they do, they are able to use the

    application and data in a manner that guarantees confidentiality and

    integrity as well as ensures there is continual monitoring and auditing of

    everything transpiring that has any impact on the companys compliance

    with the regulations. This includes controls in the following areas:

    User account management; provisioning; activation; change control

    enforced at the application level.

    Authentication, Authorization and Auditing (AAA) assurance

    Credential storage and management

    Use of cryptography to facilitate authentication, protect confidentiality

    and integrity of data and provide forms of non-repudiation for

    transactions and critical activities.

    Protection from mal-ware and viruses

    Resiliency - ability to detect security conditions and ensure that further

    actions by the user or the application will not adversely impact the data

    or the business process integrity.

    Continuity ability to detect service failure arising from possible security

    events and rely on redundant capabilities to recover operations without

    adversely impacting data or the application.

    Segregation of Duties Whereby it is demonstrated that sufficient

    segregation is in place, enforced by the application system as well as

    within the software development life-cycle (SDLC), so that no single

    person involved has the capabilities required to control, monitor and

    audit any process from start to finish.

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    Effective monitoring must be capable

    of detecting security issues affecting

    the application

    Security of an application system,

    as a whole, is only as strong as the

    weakest link

    Monitoring Evidence must be provided that application systems are being

    effectively monitored for security events. Effective monitoring, whichaccording to guidelines must be capable of detecting security issues affect-

    ing the application, requires the use of correlation analysis, intelligence and

    the appropriate tools and statistical techniques. Examining network logs for

    application attacks is often not effective if the application is not designed

    to report or capture the right type of event information. For audit purposes,

    it is important to design and document monitoring goals that focus on

    timely identification of security issues affecting the application and the

    creation of action plans to address those issues.

    Physical Security while physical security is outside the scope of this paper,

    we feel compelled to mention that compliance and audit readiness will

    involve steps to ensure that physical access to the application infrastructure

    and systems supporting the application development processes is appropri-

    ately restricted, controlled and monitored. General guidelines range from a

    simple lock and key to controls as sophisticated as biometric identification

    systems and multi-factor authentication.

    Establishing the physical boundaries can be difficult in todays distributed

    computing application environments. A data center supporting the enter-

    prise business systems may have very strong security controls, while a

    remote site or office may simply not have the same levels of control.

    A principle of security would dictate that security of an application system,

    as a whole, is only as strong as the weakest link. In this case the concern

    may be that an adversary can choose to attack the application indirectly

    using the less secure remote site/office as a launch pad. In either case,

    auditors will be examining and ensuring that physical access to the

    systems is restricted uniformly and access is monitored and reviewed on

    a periodic basis.

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    Software is not just code

    Development and Maintenance Life-Cycle

    The application software development life cycle (SDLC) is a conceptual

    model used mainly in a software engineering and project management

    context that describes the stages involved in the applications development

    project and subsequent maintenance. When we get into security issues

    surrounding the SDLC we cannot avoid talking about what software really

    is. The ANSI/IEEE Standard 610.12-1990 defines a standard glossary of

    software terminology. It includes software product definitions of:

    Development Program

    Development Project Plan

    Requirement Specification

    Architecture and Design Description

    Source Code

    Object Code

    Test Plans

    User Documentation

    Hence, software is not just code. Consequently, security and assurance

    methods or activities should not be exclusively focused on reviewing source

    code or practicing defensive coding techniques alone, as they will likely not

    lead to a secure application!

    In general, nearly all SDLC methodologies, to some degree, follow stepsthat include: Project Requirements and Planning; Product Requirements

    and Specification Analysis; Architectural or High-level Design; Detailed

    Design; Coding and Unit Testing; System Testing; Production, Operation

    and Maintenance.

    Various SDLC methodologies have been developed since the early days

    of computing to guide the processes involved, including the waterfall/

    V-shaped model (arguably the original SDLC method); rapid application

    development (RAD); joint application development (JAD); the spiral model;

    Rational Unified Process (RUP) and many other examples with differentvariations on the theme.

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    Security assurance methods apply

    throughout the SDLC

    To better illustrate how specific security assurance methods work within

    the SDLC, we employ the classic V-shaped model. While this model may

    not necessarily be the best or even the most popular model, it is well

    understood, which makes it an excellent illustration tool to show the basic

    quality assurance processes involved in most SDLC models and how they

    map back to the early planning, design and implementation phases.

    The following diagram shows the progression of application development

    life-cycle activities in the classic V-shaped model:

    Processes and procedures for security are placed within these unifying

    life-cycle frameworks. They are incorporated as gateways, checkpoints and

    qualifying steps to ensure that risk reduction and appropriate controls are

    being addressed prior to transitioning to subsequent phases. In addition,

    metrics collection and audit functions can be closely integrated so that

    analysis can occur throughout the processes, and monitoring can establish

    how well the development and maintenance process are meeting the

    security objectives of the enterprise as well as the applicable regulations.

    Source: IBM Corp.

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    A Threat and Risk Assesment

    must be conducted

    A threat and risk assessment

    must be conducted

    Requirements and Planning

    During this phase, activities are required to review and ensure that security

    policies are updated and include application security and development

    interests. In addition, this phase is an ideal launch pad for initiatives

    targeted at the applications regulatory compliance and audit objectives.

    Security standards are revisited and reviewed to ensure they contain

    appropriate specifications for software development and maintenance

    (e.g. hardware, software, environment access, build tools, platforms, etc.).

    Standards for security components and protocols need to be defined using,

    for example, standard profiles for security controls, where some of the

    following criteria can be considered:

    Interoperability what standards and profiles are necessary for

    interoperability with other platforms, peers and partners?

    Topology how will application components be deployed and distributed

    and will that have any impact on selection of standards and profiles for


    Manageability and Ease of Use what is the impact on user experience?

    Accountability what monitoring facilities and methods will need to

    be considered?

    Performance what impact will the standards have on overall

    performance requirements?

    Confidentiality, Integrity and Audit-ability

    Requirements and planning phases fundamentally have to include some

    form of threat and risk assessment (TRA) as part of the enterprise risk

    management framework. A TRA is conducted to determine principal busi-

    ness risk exposures and mitigation requirements for the application. The

    TRA examines information assets that are being impacted and handled by

    the application as well as the assets composing the application system itself

    (e.g. components, databases, APIs). These assets are subject to a sensitivity

    analysis which uses vulnerability and threat information and correlates this

    information to scenarios and benchmarks. This is performed to determinethe likelihood of occurrence and impact severity, and provide prioritization,

    mitigation recommendations and quantification of the residual risk.

    The TRA process feeds specific mitigation requirements and criteria into

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    ensuing phases for design and implementation. It is recommended to

    employ standard risk management methods and emerging industry

    standards such as the IEEE Std. 16085 Software Engineering:

    Software Life Cycle Processes, Risk Management.

    There are also a number of additional security tasks that require attention

    during the project management and project planning stages:

    Security clearances and qualifications of resources assigned to the project

    Segregation of duties and the impact on project scheduling and costs

    Security of the development environment

    o How sensitive information is communicated and handled by staff and

    external parties (e.g. secure email, instant messaging or other forms of

    collaboration tools)

    o Source code repository and documentation management system access

    control and protection

    o Configuration management database, provisioning and deployment/

    distribution systems security

    o Development workstation security

    o Build and testing environment security controls

    Architecture and Design Methodologies and Activities

    Similar to any software and systems engineering discipline, there is a need

    to promote order and consistency in the way the enterprise develops securitycontrols and solutions for e-Business applications. A consistent approach is

    required to provide the technical guidance for developing security architec-

    tures with clear linkage to other disciplines involved in the design, creation

    and operation of the application. In addition, risk management, security

    strategies and business requirements need to have specific delineation and

    integration points as there needs to be logical flow from the threats, vulner-

    abilities and risk to the counter measures, security controls and patterns

    which are designed as part of security architecture and design activities.

    IBMs own Method for Architecting Secure Solutions (MASS) is a goodexample of a solution design methodology incorporating the requirements

    of security engineering for applications. In fact, MASS is the basis for much

    of the application security architecture and design services available from


    Numerous security tasks are

    required during project planning

    and management

    IBMs Method for Architecting Secure

    Solutions (MASS) is a good example of

    a solution design methodology

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    Collaboration of architects and

    designers in other disciplines is

    critical to ensure seamless integration

    of the solution into the applications

    overall design

    At a high-level, the architecture and solution design activities related to

    application security can be seen as applying in all levels of the enterprise

    e-Business application framework and infrastructure, including hardware

    layers, network services, distributed object communications and messaging,

    management application framework services, common services including

    identity, authentication and authorization, business process and transaction

    orchestration, and so on. Processes and methods work in conjunction with

    SDLC, risk management, monitoring and metrics activities and phases to

    ensure the incorporation of security controls and assurance in every layer

    and every subsystem of the application.

    As seen in the following process diagram, baseline application security

    requirements, derived from business requirements analysis, regulatory

    control objectives and specific risk management activity outputs, including

    vulnerability assessments, risk assessment and corresponding asset profiles,

    are used to form security and privacy controls and mitigation requirements.

    Security architecture principals, design patterns, policies and standards are

    used to derive the security solution outline. Collaboration of architects and

    designers in other disciplines is critical to ensure seamless integration of

    the solution into the applications overall design.

    Source: IBM Corp.

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    Focus on physical design

    and cryptographic-oriented

    systems development

    Application frameworks support

    business logic and provide all

    necessary services

    Architectures, patterns and best practices are good at providing solutions at

    higher levels. Security low-level solution design activities provide more

    detailed blueprints and design specification for platform and technology

    dependent application security components and nodes. They also include

    low-level cryptographic details on how crypto APIs, toolkits, protocols and

    specific hardware and/or software components are to be integrated.

    The activities in application security low-level solution design also focus

    on physical design and cryptographic-oriented systems development.

    Dedicated cryptographic solution design is needed, for example, if the

    application requires use of specific low-level security and crypto services

    not available or accessible in the environment and not found in any off-

    the-shelf solutions. It is also needed in cases where requirements call for

    functionality such as custom secure application level messaging, specialized

    encryption key management and other customized security related controls.

    In e-Business applications, the application itself is but the manifestation

    of the use cases or processes that implement business logic. Much of the

    enabling functionality and facilitation of services are provided by the appli-

    cation framework. The application framework is a construct supporting the

    business logic and provides all the necessary services using technologies

    and components, such as middleware services (e.g. J2EE containers);

    content rendering and user interfaces (UI) such as .NET clients, Web

    content, wireless application gateways, etc.; databases; identity managementand directory services; PKI certificate services; protocol gateways (e.g. Web

    Services adapters), legacy services connectors (e.g. IMS/CICS/JCL), virtual-

    ization management, clustering and load management; operating system

    platform services, storage area networks (SANs) and others.

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    Security low-level designs will be quite

    pervasive in the application framework

    The following diagram illustrates some of the many constructs involved in

    application frameworks which are the main focus areas in design activities.

    Undoubtedly, much like the architecture, security low-level designs will

    be quite pervasive in the application framework. Many development

    organizations producing high assurance application solutions on COTS

    framework components have addressed some of the following security

    structures within the framework:

    Structures and design for Credential Issuance and Management

    Integrated PKI services helping users obtain and manage their digitalidentities using certificates

    Multi-factor authentication and policy-based conditional access control

    components and subsystems

    Secure storage of sensitive credential data (e.g. password encryption or

    hashing, private key protection using hardware security modules (HSMs),

    bio-metric patterns data protection, etc.)

    Source: IBM Corp.

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    Granular data access control

    policy enforcement

    Identification, Authentication

    and Authorization

    Designing highly available and

    guaranteed transaction logging

    Structures and design for Flow Control

    Transaction integrity measures that prevent transaction replay,

    masquerading, repudiation or unauthorized modification

    Communications confidentiality using encrypting protocols such as

    transport layer security (TLS), Internet protocol security (IPSec),

    XML-Encryption, XML-Signature, cryptographic message syntax (CMS)

    S/MIME, etc.

    Legal bearing non-repudiation mechanisms using digital signatures,

    trusted time services, user-transaction contract management principals

    Structure and design for Privacy

    Encryption of persistent data in databases and files

    Granular data access control policy enforcement provide a form of

    privacy-based access policy enforcement, which ensures that authorized

    parties can only access and view information which they are permitted to

    access based on privacy legislation, policies or contractual obligations.

    Information collection, processing and distribution management, logging

    and auditing for privacy regulatory compliance

    Structures and design for Access Control

    Identification, Authentication and Authorization - these are hot topics

    today, especially in the area of Web Services applications. A number of

    competing standards and methods are available but the intent is tofacilitate identity management, authentication management via single

    sign-on (SSO) or reduced sign-on (RSO) and communication of security

    assertions containing things such as privileges between applications using

    federated trust services.

    Structures and design for Auditing, Monitoring, Integrity and Resiliency

    Logging and tracing facilities designing highly available and guaranteed

    transaction logging; secure activity and event logging that prevent sensi-

    tive data (e.g. user credentials or account numbers) from being included

    in operational logs (e.g. in violation of privacy policies or regulations).

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    Secure coding practices ensure that

    software modules are developed to

    address known vulnerabilities

    Security reviews are a very effective

    tool for revealing coding errors and

    security coding issues/exposures as

    compared to testing

    Coding and Building

    Security activities in the coding and building phases are mainly focused on

    the following:

    Safe coding

    Secure configuration handling


    Building (compiling, linking and packaging) with security

    Application of defensive/secure coding practices ensures that software

    modules are developed to address known vulnerabilities. Practices involved

    include techniques and methods for memory and buffer management that

    prevent overflow, techniques and methods for input validation checking,

    correct and safe use of APIs, safe remote invocation, safe metadata and

    interface definitions, correct use of cryptographic toolkits and security

    functions and so on. Tools and computer aided software engineering

    (CASE) products are available and can help at all levels of the design and

    development process, including specialized code analysis tools that, in

    many cases, integrate into the Integrated Development Environments

    (IDEs) (e.g. WebSphere Studio, Microsoft's Visual Studio or Borlands

    JBuilder) and work in conjunction with CASE tools such as Rational Rose,

    Purify, Quantify etc.

    Secure handling of application configuration information is something thatis often overlooked by many development organizations. It may surprise

    some to find out that many developers can leave highly sensitive configura-

    tion items, such as database users and passwords, in configuration files that

    can be viewed without restriction by anyone and are therefore a serious

    exposure. Specific methods and techniques are required to ensure safe

    handling of configuration files and parameters to reduce such exposures.

    Code reviews and peer reviews are arguably the most important processes

    that are most frequently advocated by mature development organizations.

    According to available statistical data1 , testing alone finds one defect per 4hours staff lab time. Formal review/inspection finds one defect per 1 staff

    hour. Hence security reviews are a very effective tool for revealing coding

    errors and security coding issues/exposures as compared to testing.

    1 Based on data from documented results from ISO certified companies who have attained a minimum SEI Level 2 (or better)

    designation; IBM, Hewlett Packard, Motorola, Boeing etc.

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    Use a combination of both automated

    code analysis tools and process


    The goal of the reviews is to detect security problems (potential security

    defects) as close as possible to their point of origin. The earlier a security

    problem is detected, the easier and cheaper it is to fix it. The process

    should involve extensive metrics collection to track and document sources

    of errors and defects, leading to improvement of both the application and

    the development process. The bottom line is that, reviews improve not only

    software quality but also security.

    Fix security errors early = Fix security errors cheaply!

    Here too we see the use of a combination of both automated code analysis

    tools and process frameworks to develop effective security code review

    methods and processes.

    As a general guideline, code review methodologies should concentrate on

    correct, efficient and defensive/secure coding techniques, and usage of:

    Method calls and input validation (e.g. cross-site scripting, SQL injections)

    Class structures

    Code reuse practices and use of dangerous APIs


    Correct SPRNG (Secure Pseudo Random Number Generators) seeding

    Device drivers

    Infrastructure access Protocols

    Encryption Methods/performance/administration

    Scoping and name space issues to reduce errors resulting in security


    Data access controls

    Memory management (e.g. buffer overflow protection)

    Access to OS functions and admin APIs

    Port mapping

    Exception and error handling

    Tracing and debugging issues as they relate to exposing sensitive data Logging

    Configuration and provisioning management

    Cryptographic methods and implementation

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    Security activities involved in

    the build processes

    Obfuscation techniques


    Patching and upgrade methods

    3rd Party API integration

    Compilation and other code build issues

    OS authentication

    Garbage collection Java

    Security activities involved in the build processes, which include things

    such as compiling, linking and packaging for deployment, include:

    use of code obfuscation tools to prevent certain degrees of reverse

    engineering of object code which can lead to exposure of sensitive

    information embedded in the code itself (e.g. initialization data such as

    crypto initialization parameters or sensitive intellectual capital)

    application of technologies and methods to deal with issues around

    trusted software distribution and updates (e.g. signed code), digital rights

    management (DRM), trusted computing, licensing and so on.

    Testing and Security Controls Validation

    In later phases of the SDLC, the focus shifts from designing and building

    security controls to validating that the security controls will be effective.

    Execution of testing and validation activities in the SDLC is preceded by

    the definition of appropriate testing plans that correspond to all aspectsrelevant to use cases, the application component model, and the opera-

    tional model. The following diagram illustrated processes involved as an

    example in how effective testing plans are created.

    Source: IBM Corp.

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    Testing plans incorporate specific guidelines for the following types of

    testing activities:

    Unit Testing

    Integration Testing

    System Testing


    Unit testing guidelines specify the source-level security functional

    verification criteria that are the responsibility of the developer/programmer.

    For example, unit testing would specify how a developer is to verify that a

    particular code segment executing data encryption is actually encrypting

    the data in the correct and expected manner.

    Integration testing guidelines support component-wise system integration

    as well as cross-organizational integration and interoperability testing that

    focuses on security aspects. For example, such testing would be conducted

    between development teams working in a B2B Web Services project where

    the teams collaborate in order to execute tests designed to verify security

    functions of interfaces and messages passed between the applications.

    System testing guidelines take the user view as well as the adversary view of

    the application. System testing involves testing all of the implemented use

    cases and user interaction models to see if any avenues or exposures existthat could permit a user to override security controls or even defeat them.

    Ethical hacking techniques and penetration testing are an integral part of

    building more comprehensive test plans.

    Certification testing typically involves an independent accreditation third-

    party and is a final step toward achieving industry security assurance

    certification for standards such as the Common Criteria (ISO 15408),

    Europay, MasterCard, Visa (EMV) standard, Federal Information Processing

    Standard (FIPS), Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA),

    Defense Information Technology Security Certification and AccreditationProcess (DITSCAP) and others.


    Ethical hacking techniques and

    penetration testing are an integral

    part of building more comprehensive

    test plans.

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    Production, Operation and Maintenance

    Most standard organizations identify four types of maintenance wherespecific security assurance activities are integrated:

    Adaptive Maintenance modification of an application because of some

    changes to its external environment or requirements

    Corrective Maintenance - modification of an application to correct a

    defect or security vulnerability

    Perceptive Maintenance - modification of an application to enhance its

    functionality, hence potentially impacting security assurance

    Preventative Maintenance - modification of an application to anticipate

    a problem and ease future maintenance

    A major element of on-going maintenance activities involves continual

    vulnerability and risk management processes, security testing and re-certifi-

    cation to ensure the continued security assurance levels of the application

    system. Among the testing activities included we can find, for example:

    Application Security Controls Testing a type of validation testing that

    focuses on applications conformance to security requirements using

    black-box, data-driven or I/O-driven security testing. The test plans

    are derived from system testing plan guidelines.

    Application Security Vulnerability and Risk Assessment and Review -

    white-box or logic-driven testing designed to uncover systematic or

    process security defects. This type of testing is based on detailed knowl-

    edge of software design and implementation and can occur after the code

    has been changed to add a new feature, or perform fixes. The test plans

    are derived from integration and system testing plan guidelines.

    Application Security Error-Oriented and Component-Oriented Testing -

    focuses on assessing the security resiliency and recoverability of the

    application in the event of error conditions such as memory overflow,

    storage capacity limit attainment, network outage, OS or hardware faults.

    This type of testing is necessitated by the potential presence of errors in

    the maintenance processes leading to security vulnerabilities. The test

    plans are derived from unit testing plan guidelines.


    On-going maintenance activities

    involve continual vulnerability and

    risk management processes, securitytesting and re-certification

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    Metrics should be collected

    throughout the SDLC and

    operational life-cycles

    Application Code Security Metrics

    Application Secure Development

    Process Metrics

    In addition, we see the growing importance of integrating automated

    testing, vulnerability scanning and discovery systems that test the

    application on a regular and continual basis and can be used to report

    on any discovered vulnerability points, unsecured services, security and

    privacy policy violations, unprotected resources, exposed sensitive data etc.,

    in a continual way.


    A metric is a quantitative measure that characterizes an attribute of:

    The application software development process

    The quality and security assurance process

    A software product or application system.

    To help determine how good the enterprises efforts are at achieving their

    assurance goals for application security we see the appropriate inclusion of

    activities needed to collect metrics data effectively throughout the SDLC

    and operational life-cycles. It is recommended that, at the very minimum,

    metrics are collected and analyzed to provide some idea of the possible

    issues around the development of the application: number of lines of code

    found with security errors, function points with possible input validation

    concerns, feature points missing security test plans, effort size (staff

    months, man years), etc. Metrics are essential in those areas where we

    need most control of our security efforts and processes.

    Some traditional approaches in structuring metrics include:

    Application Code Security Metrics: used to identify security quality of

    application code

    Metric: Number of Security Defects per module or package of similar


    Perspective: Total Released Security Defects (Development perspec-

    tive) vs. Customer Found Security Defects (Customer perspective)

    Application Secure Development Process Metrics: used to identify quality

    of SDLC security processes and their QA.

    Metric: In-process security faults per module or package per

    phase/process. Containment Effectiveness (per phase and total)

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    Maintenance Metrics

    Reliability and Resiliency Metrics

    Estimation Accuracy Metrics

    Developer Metrics

    Perspective: Phase Containment Effectiveness, Total Security Defect

    Containment Effectiveness. Maintenance Metrics: used for assessing security processes around the

    maintenance environment

    Metric: Number of New Open Security Problems, Total Open

    Security Problems, Age of Open Security Problems, Age of Closed

    Security Problems, Cost to Fix Security Problems, Mean Time To

    Repair, Mean Time To Isolate, etc.

    Reliability and Resiliency Metrics: used to identify and predict

    application failures due to security faults

    Metric: Failure rate, TBF Time between Failures, MTBF Mean Time

    between Failures

    Estimation Accuracy Metrics: to determine the viability of estimates for

    application security

    Estimation Accuracy

    Developer Metrics: used to measure or define an indication of

    application security properties

    Modularity and compartmentalization of code for which indication of

    following the proper defensive coding principals can be a guide to

    the overall survivability of modules and subsystems in the event of

    a security event.

    Complexity measures which assess the goodness of security in a

    structured design:

    Coupling - the degree of critical interdependence of each pair

    of elements.

    Cohesion - the degree of tightness of each element,

    communication cohesion.

    Information hiding - the degree to which low-level details are

    hidden in the elements.

    Code complexity measures which assess the complexity and

    understandability of the source code. Simplicity inevitably leads to

    more secure applications. The more complex and less understand-

    able the code is, the less secure it can be.

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    People are really the most important

    component of achieving desired

    security at any level

    Development of technical application

    security training courses

    Employees with critical security roles

    should undergo a certification process

    Training and Awareness

    As seen for application security, the power is clearly in the process.

    However, people are really the most important component of achieving

    desired security at any level. For an application security assurance program

    to be successful, it is necessary to create a security culture where employees,

    contractors and partners are educated on security policies, specific

    processes, why security is important and what behavior is expected of them

    Most employees will do the right thing if they know what it is, and most

    employees have a very specific role to play within the development and

    operational aspects of the application for security to be achieved.

    A training and awareness program will obviously need to include technical

    aspects that aid in the design and implementation of secure applications.

    Approaches such as safe coding practices, defensive and resilient design

    patterns are only a sample of the possible technical topics that staff will

    need to be aware of and trained in. A general strategy will also determine

    if a custom education program needs to be developed and maintained

    internally or outsourced to a third party. For example, development of

    technical application security training courses could be an aspect left best

    to a subject matter expert third party company, whereas internal process

    and policy education and awareness can be designed, developed and

    delivered by the enterprises IT Security Organization.

    In addition, there may be a need to examine education delivery options for

    course material. Depending on the need and complexity of the material,

    computer based training and/or instructor-led material should ideally be

    incorporated. We also recommend closely examining the implementation

    of a specific secure application development certification process for

    developers and administration staff. Employees with these critical roles

    should require a certificate attesting and validating their knowledge of

    necessary security requirements.

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    Effective monitoring requires the

    use of correlation analysis,

    intelligence and use of tools and

    statistical techniques

    Metrics monitoring criteria are

    required to define specific

    response triggers

    IBMs new Security Intelligence

    managed service provides critical

    advisories for the risk management

    and application life-cycle processes

    Monitoring and Security Intelligence

    Application security events should be monitored throughout the life-cycle.

    Depending on the size and complexity of the application system and

    infrastructure, a very large amount of security event information may be

    generated. Effective monitoring requires the use of correlation analysis,

    intelligence and use of tools and statistical techniques. Regardless of the

    scope of security monitoring, the result should be identification of security

    issues and the creation of action plans to address those issues. Monitoring

    of collected metrics for processes related to the SDLC and maintenance

    are also important.

    Metrics monitoring criteria are required to define specific triggers which

    will drive timely response to certain negative patterns which will require

    immediate or high priority attention. For example, suppose that for a

    certain e-Business application it is of value to measure the number of

    times security vulnerabilities failed to be identified or captured during

    code review processes. This metric may indicate the code review

    processes are not as effective as they should be in capturing these issues.

    The development organization must be capable of identifying weaknesses

    and provide plans designed to remedy the deficiency in the process or

    the method being monitored.

    Security intelligence for applications is meant to collect, analyze anddisseminate information designed to equip the enterprise with the

    necessary tools to effectively mitigate and resolve threats involving and

    affecting application systems infrastructure on a continuous basis.

    IBMs new Security Intelligence managed service is an example of a service

    that provides critical advisories and information for the risk management

    and application life-cycle processes. The service provides specific data

    collection on today's global complex technical security environment where

    this data is then analyzed and converted into specific threat mitigation

    knowledge, making it a powerful tool in developing application specific

    mitigation and counter measures on an on-going basis. The goal is to stayahead of adversaries and indeed market competitors.

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    Application security engineering

    and development methods can

    help achieve business application

    assurance goals.


    We have seen a significant array of activities and issues that are involved in

    application security carried out throughout the SDLC. It is important to

    emphasis that while this may seem overwhelming to many inexperienced

    enterprises, a combination of expert guidance, effective risk management

    and crisp definition of security business strategies will help prioritization

    and steer IT spending capital to achieve the business application assurance

    goals. Continuous improvement, reusability, measurement and monitoring

    of the security processes and practices will promote consistency, cost savings

    and ultimately will lead to the success of the application security engineering

    and development methods and consequently the expected reduction in the

    amount of application security related incidents.

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    Integrated Application Security Services Model

    In an effort to help customers address security for e-Business applications,IBM has expanded its security services offerings, with an emphasis on

    security vulnerability assessment, security process development for the

    application SDLC, security architecture and solution design and

    implementation as well as managed services including Security

    Intelligence and Incident Response support.

    The integrated services model for application security is possible due to

    the strong partnership between the IBM Global Services Security/Identity

    & Privacy Practice and Application Management and Innovation Services

    (AMS/AIS). In addition, through collaboration with industry best-in-class

    partner companies, IBM is able to bring together comprehensive application

    security services and leading edge technologies, tools and capabilities.

    IBM Global Services is uniquely positioned to deliver these services due

    to its access to the IBM software product development and research arms

    from which security and privacy (S&P) consulting lines of business draw

    vast capabilities.


    IBMs integrated services model

    for application security

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    In-depth review of specific

    processes and controls around

    the application development and

    maintenance life-cycles

    Apply best practices to design

    and develop specific application

    security processes

    Customized application security

    architecture based on sound

    principles and standards

    The following is a synopsis of the services offered:

    Application Security Process Review

    This service provides an in-depth review of specific processes and controls

    around the application development and maintenance life-cycles. It is

    particularly effective at going to sufficient depth to verify that security

    controls intended to be in place have processes in place to ensure they

    are implemented. The review is typically conducted against predefined

    application security process standards and best practices such as ISO/IEC

    17799, benchmarks and maturity capability models such as SEI

    CMM/CMMI,SA-CMM and SSE-CMM. The processes are reviewed or

    inspected along all aspects of the development life-cycle process.

    The emphasis is incorporation of specific risk processes into broader

    engineering and assurance processes.

    Application Security Process Development

    By employing strong process development methodologies such as the IBM

    ITPM methodology, IBM Rational Unified Process model (IBM RUP), SEI

    CMM/CMMI, SSE-CMM maturity model goals and ISO/IEC 17799, this

    service identifies best practices to design and develop specific processes

    that can be infused with the application development life-cycle model in

    use by the customer, and provides the introduction of security controls,

    checkpoints, monitoring, metrics and audit capabilities to ensure

    application development processes are secure end-to-end.

    Application Security Architecture

    Every enterprise developing secure e-Business applications will need at

    some point a consistent method to design and conceptualize an application

    security solution and architecture. Be it for packaged or commercial off

    the shelf (COTS) software that requires extensive customization or perhaps

    a new J2EE or .NET application, the enterprise architecture and in particu-

    lar the security architecture, should be based on sound methodologies,

    security design patterns and best practices. IBM consultants analyze the

    business and application strategies as well as any existing security policythroughout the clients enterprise, or a subset of the enterprise, and provide

    application security architecture principles that can be used to make

    management and technology decisions consistent with the organizations

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    Design and implement application

    security controls and subsystems

    Review source code using analysis

    tools and manual walkthroughs to

    validate the security of application

    software modules

    application security objectives. Methodologies are based on Common

    Criteria (ISO 15408), ISO 7498-2 for technology recommendations and

    ISO/IEC 17799 for process recommendations. The customized application

    security architecture will provide a comprehensive, standards-based

    framework for managing the application security program and ensuring

    that it is consistent with the business objectives.

    Secure Application Solution Design

    Implementing security at any level can be complex, even more so when

    considering security system design. Aspects that require considerable

    engineering attention and cryptographic expertise when designing a security

    system are addressed in this service. Advanced encryption techniques,

    cryptographic key provisioning, management and exchange, tamper-proofing

    persistent data and databases, conditional access control, digital signatures,

    secure email, signed code and trusted computing, integration of smart

    cards, biometrics and advanced hardware security modules and crypto

    acceleration solutions are just a few of the many application security

    controls and subsystems IBM consultants can help design and implement.

    Application Security Code Reviews

    This service provides and facilitates review processes for source code

    using analysis tools and manual walkthroughs to validate the security of

    application software modules. The reviews are offered in a wide range ofprogramming languages and development platforms. The service is also

    aimed at inspection of security protocol design and implementation,

    security metadata, interface definition, information hiding, obfuscation,

    configuration data usage and more.

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    Ethical hacking and application

    penetration testing

    Identifying the security requirements

    Threat and Risk Analysis geared

    towards application security

    posture and software

    engineering process

    Application Security Testing

    The focus in this testing and assessment service is on the application

    design and implementation as opposed to the processes. The testing and

    assessments focus on the application itself, interfaces (web content, web

    services and GUI), subsystems, integration and aggregation points, transient

    data, transactions, platforms (concrete or virtualized), networking services

    employed and any database or operating platform services. The incorporation

    of ethical hacking and application penetration testing throughout provides

    a hands-on component which works well with the entire assessment

    framework for both legacy, new (developed) and third party components.

    Application Security Controls Review

    This service provides a "health check" type of assessment of general

    application security controls. IBM consultants review the application

    security controls from a broader organizational perspective. The service

    includes identifying the security requirements (policy, standards, proce-

    dures, including those to meet its legal requirements, ISO/IEC 17799 and

    other ISO standards), what is in place, what is currently missing or weak

    and what can be done to improve it. The service is typically useful

    to customers who are seeking to get a snapshot of their application

    development security maturity and what gaps they have in their high

    level architecture, design and processes.

    Application Security Risk Review

    Risk review and assessment is a vital element of the enterprise application

    security program. This service provides a TRA methodology using industry

    standards such as IEEE 16085 specifically geared towards the measurement

    of the applications security posture and the software engineering process

    involved in its construction and validation. Starting with identification and

    enumeration of assets, data and business transactions and processes handled

    by the application, consultants will determine sensitivities, conduct scenario-

    based analysis and provide reports indicating exposures, including potential

    legal and regulatory compliance exposures. The assessment will also test thesecurity controls of the application and identify areas that require additional

    controls enhancements, process improvement and investment prioritization

    and strategy for the vulnerable assets.

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    IBM Global Services Learning provides

    a broad range of security education

    and awareness services.

    IBM Security Intelligence Servicesis part of the Managed Security

    Services portfolio

    Learning Services

    IBM Global Services Learning provides a broad range of security education

    and awareness services. An extensive library of classroom and e-learning

    courses is available to help customers build critical application security

    competencies and keep development and operational staff skills up-to-date.

    Services range from Security Engineering Practices, Security Clinics for

    J2EE and .NET developers to Hands-on Security Qualification Testing and

    Advanced Penetration Testing for the Ethical Hacker.

    Intelligence Services

    IBM Security Intelligence Services (ISIS) is part of the Managed Security

    Services portfolio and is a key component of keeping our customers up

    to date with the latest advisories, vulnerabilities and threats related to

    platforms, middleware, COTS components and development tools.

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    Sharon Hagi, Security/Identity & Privacy Practice, IBM Global Service,

    IBM Canada Ltd, 3600 Steeles Ave. East, Markham, Ontario, L3R 9Z7

    ( Mr. Hagi is a Senior Architect in the Security and

    Privacy service delivery organization at IBM Global Service. He

    received his Hon. B.Sc. in Computer Science and Physics from the

    University of Toronto. Mr. Hagi has a solid background in the telecom-

    munications and software industries. He has worked on a range of

    information technology projects including multi-channel applications

    for mobile banking, brokerage and m-commerce, financial risk

    management large-scale analytical engines, software engineering and

    design for telecom equipment and development of high speed switch

    fabrics for Frame Relay and Asynchronous Transfer Mode WAN

    protocols. He was in charge of leading technical engineering groups

    for security product development including firewalls, smart card

    applications and embedded hardware security modules. He has also

    led a security services and professional consulting practice in Canadas

    leading cryptography technology firm. He was involved in specification

    and design of security solutions for distributed and ubiquitous

    computing application frameworks, integrating wireless access security

    technologies, 3G cellular mobile intelligent communication systems,

    WLAN, WMAN and satellite networking, as well as advanced public-key

    enablement (PKI) concepts for which Mr. Hagi holds a number ofinternational patents. Subsequent to joining IBM in 2003, he became

    lead architect for application security consultancy projects. Mr. Hagi is

    a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers and

    the Association for Computing Machinery.

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    [1] Christopher Fox, CA and Paul Zonneveld, CISA, CA,IT Control

    Objectives for Sarbanes-Oxley, Issued by IT Governance Institute

    [2] Systems Security Engineering Capability Maturity Model, SSE-CMM,

    Model Description Document, Version 3.0, June 15, 2003

    [3] Dunsmore, and Shen, Software Engineering Metrics and Models, the

    Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Company, Inc. 1986

    [4]Application Security Best Practices at Microsoft, The Microsoft IT group

    shares its experiences, White Paper Published: January 2003

    [5] Huaiqing Wang and Chen Wang, Taxonomy of Security Considerations

    and Software Quality, COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM June2003/Vol. 46, No. 6

    [6] J. J. Whitmore,A Method For Designing Secure Solutions, IBM Systems

    Journal - Vol. 40, No. 3, 2001

    [7] IEEE Std. 16085 Standard for Software Engineering - Software Life

    Cycle Processes - Risk Management

    [8] ISO/IEC Std. 17799 Standard forInformation Technology Code of

    practice for information security management

  • 8/6/2019 Engineering e Business Applications for Security


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    IBM Canada Ltd.

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    IBM and the IBM logo are trademarks or

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