engagement marketing: build brand awareness, earn trust, and grow loyalty

Post on 20-Aug-2015






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Engagement marketing: build brand awareness, earn trust,

and grow loyalty

Riaz Kanani Operations Director


Ray Coppinger Online Marketing Manager


Merinda Peppard EMEA Marketing Director


What is Engagement Marketing? Ray Coppinger (@raycop), Online Marketing Manager EMEA @marketo

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Marketing Worlds are Converging

Lead, Opportunities, Customers, Demand Generation, Funnel,

Revenue, Sales Cycle, MQLs, SQLs

Brand, Loyalty,

Audience, Engagement, Reach, Frequency,

Monetization, ROAS, CLTV

Business Marketer Consumer Marketer

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In the past, the needs/language/worlds of business and consumer marketers were seen as very different. B2B markets talked about funnels, pipeline, MQLs, SQLs etc while B2C marketers were focused on reach, ROAS and CLTV. Today, increasingly B2B and B2C marketers are asking the same question…

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How can B2B and B2C Marketers…..

… build deep, enduring relationships with our

customers … … at an individual, personalised level … … through engaging experiences … … tied together across channels and time … … at scale … … to drive conversions they care about … … and get insight into spend and effectiveness …

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Some of the key challenges faced by both B2B and B2C marketers are captured in the questions in this slide. Marketers need to shift from mass to 1:1 marketing with their customers –this can be achieved through engagement marketing.

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Engagement is Connection

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But what is Engagement Marketing? Lets start by thinking about what we mean by Engagement… When I am engaged by a piece of content or an event – it is an experience which emotionally affects me. In those moments of engagement, I am open and receptive to new ideas. It is an incredibly powerful experience regardless of how fleeting it may be.

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Engagement is Commitment

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To be engaged to someone is a commitment to a relationship. It is an agreement between two people/parties, which signifies an on-going balanced partnership.

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Engagement is Action

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To engage with something is to take an action – to be moved to do something be that buy, subscribe or on the other side unsubscribe or delete.

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Engagement Marketing attempts to genuinely connect prospects and customers with a company by “engaging” them in a two-way dialogue. Engagement Marketing places emphasis on the creation of valuable relationships and encourages both parties to see mutual advantage in that relationship.

Engagement Marketing Defined

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1. It supports the creation of relationships with individuals which can help them to make a purchase decision and beyond sale, makes them loyal, repeat customers.

2. It cultivates advocates who will build your position as a thought leader and improve your image in the market.

3. By focusing on relevance, 1:1 communication and multiple-channels – engagement marketers have a greater chance of not being filtered or ignored by those they want to connect with.

Why is Engagement Marketing important?

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Post-sale, an engaged customer is likely to become a loyal, repeat customer. It cultivates advocates who will build your position as a thought leader and improve your image in the market. Engagement Marketing attempts to avoid filtering through providing memorable, 1:1 experiences.

Engagement marketing: Using data science to go further

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Engagement marketing requires a greater understanding of your customer. It relies on two aspects to be successful – content and context. Without both your efforts to engages will fall flat.

72hrs of you tube video

571 new websites

100m new emails

277,000 tweets

.. created every minute

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We have all heard the phrase Content is king Lots of content being created Need to cut through the noise Cant rely on getting the perfect content that jives.. So with all this content being created..

The age of context

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.. its irrelevant if it is not delivered in the right way. Marketers need to understand the what, why, where and how of their customers to ensure the content is received and understood. Its not pleasant eating a pizza out of the gutter ;)

Channel agnostic

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The challenge of course, is alongside the growth in content has been a growth in the number of channels and with it the amount of data that a marketer has to deal with. Consumers though don’t distinguish between channels. They don’t think about the email channel or the mobile channel. They expect everything to be joined up. They expect you to understand what went on before and that it makes sense.

A clear picture?

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So how do you get a clear picture? To deliver on context you need to understand the data being sent back by your customers. As Ray said – it is about having a 2 way conversation.. The first step is not to worry about the amount of data being generated. A forrest research report found that around 45% of marketers were hamstrung just worryign about the pile of data they had. But the trick is to take it one step at a time.

What should you think about?

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First Think about the different phases your customers might go through And don’t stop at the sale – look beyond. The sale is merely the beginning of the relationship

What do you know?

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For each of those what might work at each of the touchpoints – whether that is in store, over the mobile or via social. Before you do any heavy integrations test the touchpoint messaging and see the response! Whether that is a 1-1 message via social or a triggered message via email or mobile apps.

Fast data versus slow data

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So that sgets you started and most of the hype spends time on what you can do in realtime. If someone does X then do that. don’t forget slow data. There are patterns in your data which allude to behaviours of your customers that you may not be aware of. There may even be phases that arent immediately obvious. Mobile phone example? Its not about generating lots of noise for the sake of it. But frequency does help – if the messaging is right.
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Used patterns in the data to identify about 25 products that assigned each shopper a score. could also estimate a due date to within a small window so Target could send coupons timed to very specific stages of her pregnancy.

Engagement scoring

Source: Miu

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Another case study, this time looking at attributing a score to each of your recipients. This is obviously custom to each company based on whats important. Everyon’s list is different – did you do several competitions a few years ago to help build your list? Their motivations are going to be very different to those who have been buying regularly from you. Don’t forget timing can play a part here – someone might be disengaged due to their point in the lifecycle and not just because of their previous reasons for interacting. For example the extreme example is an insurance company – you really don’t care about which insurance company to use until the 3 day run up to renewal so how do you keep them engaged.. Once you understand this, tailoring your messaging accordingly can deliver a significant increase in performance – a project recently delivered a 133% uplift in click rate.

What we speak about becomes the house we live in - Hafiz

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With all this comes a level of responsibility though. You do need to be clear about how you are using the data. Regardless people don’t want to feel spied on so copy is important. Target example – position another non related product alongside the related one. Timing.

› Think about the touch points with your customers across the various channels

› Start with what you know

› Use slow data to better understand your customers to then tailor more messaging to more customers

› Do start slow

› Be careful about how your communicate

Key takeaways

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Think about the touchpoints with your customers across the various channels. Don’t just think about if this than that type messaging Use slow data to better understand your customers to then tailor more messaging to more customers. Do start slow. Be careful about how your communicate.

Thank you

Always Be Relevant. Raymond Coppinger (@raycop), Online Marketing Manager EMEA @marketo

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The Importance of being…Relevant

Impersonal and poorly timed messages make your prospects/customers think, You don’t know who I am. You don’t know what I want.

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As obvious as it seems it is important to look at why relevance is important. Out of the 3000 or so marketing messages, we are exposed to in our daily lives – we remember 4. That means that 2996 fall into the irrelevant bucket. Simply being ignored is one type of irrelevance but being irrelevant can elicit another response and that is active filtering – this is where your message is acknowledged and judged to be so irrelevant, that prospect/customer actively filters your messages/brand. So yes, relevance is hugely important.

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This is the butcher shop my Grandfather was a customer of for 40 years. The butcher knew a huge amount about my Grandfather…

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Relevance is something which has always mattered…let me tell you a little about my Grandfather… My Grandfather was a Now the butcher knew everything about my Grandfather - his favorite cuts of meat, the time & day he would appear at the door of the shop every week. He also knew that a few times a year, there would be some big orders as family would be home for holidays.

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He also knew what he did, like follow the local club every Sunday. This allowed him to create experiences for my Grandfather.

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On top of knowing my Grandfathers meat requirements, he also knew what he was interested in - the local GAA club, the weather and local politics so going to collect the meat was an experience for my Grandfather. So much so he was a customer of the butchers for 40 years.

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Why am I telling you this?

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It demonstrates the power of knowing your customer, all the way from who they are, what they like and critically WHAT THEY DO…

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Slide 1: Behavioural Segmentation • TBD

“It’s not who I am underneath but what I do that defines me.”

Batman says it best…

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Beyond Demographics… To be truly relevant, you not only have to know the demographics (and in some cases the firmographics) of your audience, but critically how they behave.

• Gender • Age • Geography • Income • Interests • Job title • Industry • Company size

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Knowing demographics and firmographics tells you what someone MIGHT be interested in – behavioral data tells you what they ARE interested in.

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Behavioural Targeting: Key to Relevance Tactics to Increase Email Engagement

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The key to relevance is behavioral targeting. So you want relevancy and engagement – but this requires sophisticated targeting that combines online body language (web traffic, search behavior, email response) plus transactional data plus with lifestyle and demographic data (personas) When behavioral cues are not used, email can be experienced as a dissonant interruption. What the sender considers a coordinated "drip campaign" may feel more like water torture to the receiver.

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Example: Topic of Interest Triggers #1

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So what we do at Marketo, is listen for your behaviors. In fact, Marketo listened to billions of behaviors across our customer base last year. It listens for what events do you attend, what content do you download, what web pages you visit. And these behaviors tell us specifically what your interested in. Some examples of our interest streams are email, social, content marketing and technology. So when we see that you have a specific interest, we pull you out of the default stream, and place you into the stream that matches your specific interest. And these streams tend to have less content, so once you go through them, we place you back into the default stream, and fortunately, the system is smart enough to simply resume you from where you left off, unless new content has been placed, in which case you’d get that first.

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Example: Topic of Interest Triggers #2

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Standard Nurture Behaviour-Based Lift

Open 21.7% Open 34.0% 57%

Click to Open 23.4% Click to Open 37.1% 59%

Click 5.1% Click 12.6% 147%

Behavioural Targeting: The Impact

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So the results of using behaviors in order to increase relevance are pretty compelling. Here are email engagement statistics for standard nurture versus nurture triggered by behaviors to determine interest. You can see there is almost a 60% lift in terms of open and click to open rates. And there’s a huge lift for click rate, which is a much more meaningful conversion rate than the open rate, assuming of course there is a call to action in the email. For click rate, we saw around a 150% lift, or 2.5 times better performance compared to the click rate of the standard nurture.

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How to target based on Behaviours

Email Social Website Which emails did a consumer

open and/or click on? Did a consumer mention

your company on Twitter? Did a consumer visit your

website? If so, how recently?

Which emails did she NOT open and/or click on?

Did she navigate to your site from Facebook?

What content did she download or view?

Which type of offer does she respond to most often?

Did she share one of your messages?

What keywords were used to navigate to your site?

How long ago was her last interaction with an email —

three days, three weeks or three months?

Did she comment on one of your blog posts?

How long did she stay on your website?

Who responds frequently, who rarely interacts?

How many pages did she view while there?

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Listening & Responding to Behaviours

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A colleague bought a pair of jeans called “Jet Blues” on Bonobos.com and they sent him an email referencing the purchase of these jeans and suggesting a shirt to go with them. Simple. Relevant. Effective.

Behavioural Targeting in Action

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Content + Context = Relevance What

Where How Why When

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Content in Context can lead to relevance.

Adopt new technologies effectively or face competitive obsolescence. A study by MIT Sloan Management Review and Capgemini Consulting

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Hello and thank you for having me on todays’ webinar. I would like to talk today about social media as a key marketing channel for engagement. I will also give you some examples of how Hootsuite uses social media as a platform for engaging with our community and customers. If you are unfamiliar with Hootsuite, we are a social relationship platform that allows you to manage your social strategy in on easy dashboard. We have a free product but also an enterprise product for large businesses. It’s interesting, where social media sits today in the organisation. MIT and CapGemini did a great study on embracing new technology and and came to this conclusion-- change or “face competitive obsolescence”. Many embrace Social for marketing and PR but the real opportunity for organizations I s leveraging the reach, efficiency and value of socia– across the orgl. B2B customers are now completing nearly 70% of their buying journey online. At Hoosuite, we know that our potential customers are out there in social media sending buying signals. They are listening to what our customers think about our products and services. In many cases, they are witnessing first hand how we support our customers when they have issues. This means that our buyers are very informed by the time they engage with our sales team and our customers are more empowered than ever. This transparency is a huge opportunity for our organization. So here are a few tips about engaging on social media

Tip 1: Tailoring your customer engagement










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Tip 1. Being Everywhere is challenging – its important to tailor the message based on the channel your customer is using. We might be familiar with all the social channels but do you know how your customer is interacting on each one? Did you know that Pinterest is most popular with mostly females or that 40% of Linkedin’s – 300 milion business users check in daily ? Use your customer data to inform your engagement strategy on these social channels. If you have a platform to manage all these channels in one place like Hootsuite, its not such a daunting task.

Tip 2: Empowering your team

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Tip 2 Empower your whole team on social. An engagement team or marketing team can only reach so far. You now have your channels that you’re investing in and growing, but imagine the reach of your content if all of the employees at your company could also amplify your message. If your company has 10,000 employees, and the average number of friends each of them has on facebook is 100, and the average number of followers on twitter is even just 25, then you can have an extended reach of over 1.25 MILLION people. Every comment on social is a golden opportunity- if a comment is an opportunity to make that personal connection, companies dont blog or tweet, people do, real time marketing- make sure teams are listening, jump in on a conversation and thank a customer. Two most improtant phrase you can say online are ‘THank you’ and ‘Im sorry’ At HootSuite, engagement is a team sport. We use a social empowerment model where our social team creates content, education, processes and best practices to empower employees across our organization to engage with our community of customers, prospects and influencers via social. Even as an organization where most employees have social media expertise, we have a social media center of excellence that helps our employees keep up with the pace of change in social and stay on the leading edge.

Create Distribute Engage Measure Amplify

Content Engagement Paid Initiatives

Tip 3: Create Great Content

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Tiip 3. Creat great content. Engagement starts with great content that you can use to engage with your audiences, and paid initiatives, like paid social ads are a great way to amplify content that is performs well organically. Creating great content is not always as easy as it seems but make sure you analyse the statistics of what your customers engage with and learn from that. Now I’ll dive a little deeper into how we do social marketing at Hootsuite. The content goal in marketing is to attract, educate and empower our prospects and customers . So here are a couple examples of how we did this.

"Most self-promotions are works of

attention-seeking desperation. This one's

practically a work of art.” –Adweek

Game of Social Thrones

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This is a great example of content to attract new people to your brand into the top of your sales funnel. We’ve found that content that plays on pop culture works well to attract people into the top of your marketing funnel. Recently, we created a video called the Game of Social Thrones that was produced in the style of the open sequence from HBO’s hit show Game of Thrones. In our version, the major social networks were portrayed as the seven kingdoms. The video shows how the social networks have built walls around their kingdoms and how Hootsuite sits at the center, connecting the kingdoms. We launched the video to coincide with the new launch of the show’s fourth season in early April. We a Game of thrones infographic was well received, so we built on that data and created something bigger and better. The important message here is – Be the show, not the commercial.


750,000+ YouTube views

Media pick-up by: Mashable, TIME, Adweek, FastCompany & AdAge

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The video was a big hit, quickly reaching over 750,000 views on YouTube and resulting in really complementary press coverage in TIME, AdWeek FastCompany, AdAge and more.
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Example 2: Here is a Mid-funnel example using a “how to” style guide. March 2 of this year would have been Dr. Seuss’ birthday. Who doesn’t love Dr. Seuss. To commemorate the day, we created a Dr. Seuss inspired Guide to Twitter. These types of how to guides and top tips are great for the mid funnel to educate your customer. But the fun part of this was that the infographic featured social media tips written in fun Seuss-inspired rhymes. The important message here is – Tell stories with heart. Really connect to the emotions of your customer. Even in the B2B technology world, this is possible.



115,000 total views

10,000+ shares generated through our blog, SlideShare, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, as well as our Social Media Today syndication and LinkedIn channel

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HootSuite: Dr. Seuss infographic received 115,000 views, 10,000+ shares generated through our blog, Covered on Slideshare, Social Media Today syndication, LinkedIn channel – and of course facebook, twitter google+ Our customers had fun with it, submitting their own Seuss inspires social media tips via our blog comments section.

Thought Leadership

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Example 3: Bottom of funnel This is an example of a LinkedIn thought leadership article on 7 must-have mobile apps by our CEO Ryan Holes. We also distributed it through our owned company channels and our employees shared it with their networks. Creating great thought leadership written by approachable figureheads in the company not only brings credibility and personality to your organisation, it can also have a direct impact on sales. The important message here is – Let personalities shine through thought leadership.

Results: 6,000+ click-throughs to hootsuite.com on the day the article was published Mobile app had a 78% bump in downloads

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Results: This article resulted in over 6000 clicks-thrus to Hootsuite.com. The day the article was published, HootSuite own Mobile App saw a 78% bump in downloads, which throughout a week leveled out to 500 downloads/day, which was 15% above the previous average. It was the best week of mobile downloads in at least the last 12 months before that.

Be the show – Not the commercial Tell stories with heart

Content Tips

Let personalities shine

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Be the show, not the commercial Nobody listens to a sales pitch. Tell stories with heart – people like to share things that make them smile, laugh and cry. But social media is also a great place to share your thoughts on issues that matter to your customers. Use LinkedIn and your company blog to build thought leadership and let your employee’s personalities shine through .

Social Engagement Results

Growth in blog traffic since 2012

Of blog traffic comes from social

Of unique page views to

landing pages driven

by social

Contact sales form fills driven by


450% 50% 19% 31%

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In summary, here are some numbers around our companies social engagement results. 450% - growth in blog traffic since 2012 50% of blog traffic – 1.5 million visits a year 19% of unique page views to landing pages driven by social - 20k/month 31% of form fills driven by social



merinda.peppard@ hootsuite.com

Short link: ow.ly/ywB4F

Get in Touch:

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Be the show, not the commercial Nobody listens to a sales pitch. Tell stories with heart – people like to share things that make them smile, laugh and cry. But social media is also a great place to share your thoughts on issues that matter to your customers. Use LinkedIn and your company blog to build thought leadership.

Summary Ray Coppinger (@raycop), Online Marketing Manager EMEA @marketo

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Demographic Behavioral Segmentation

Mass Advertising 1:1 Communication

Point in time Blasts Continuous Relationships

Limited content across isolated channels

Deep content across integrated channels

Intuitive decision making Data-driven automation


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New Rule #1 is that marketers need to make a shift from demographics-driven marketing to behavior-driven marketing I can tell my friends and colleagues anything I want about how much I am working out, but this Nike device on my wrist actually *knows* and can What I *do* tells you a lot about what my interests and intent are – well before I ever express anything explicitly Think about Amazon in this context – they are playing close attention to what I like and don’t like….not making assumptions about me based on who I am, how old I am, or where I live….it’s that behavior that they are using to think about what will be most relevant and useful to me…<Next slide> New Rule #2 is that marketers need to use that behavioral data to make a shift from communications that are general in nature to communications that are truly individualized on a 1:1 basis Think about Amazon again in this context – they are noticing that I was exploring fall and winter boots, but didn’t buy anything yet. They sent me a note saying “Hey Sanjay, just wanted to let you know those boots you were looking at 2 weeks ago just went on sale.” It was a message just for me. Not even a general email about “boots” – something specific about me. I love that – that makes me pay attention because it is relevant. New Rule #3 is that marketers need to shift from point in time communications that are disconnected from each other like these puzzle pieces – and therefore never form any kind of cohesive thread or picture – to communications that form a continuous relationship that gets deeper and deeper over time This level of personalization means that you no longer have to market AT customers You can build long-term relationships WITH customers. These relationships start the first time a consumer hears about you Grows as they engage with you, purchase from you, and become advocates for you Think about Amazon again in this context – they are not just talking to someone about their point in time needs, but they are continuously learning about me. They are using their accumulated experience with me about what I like and what I don’t like to communicate with me about particular genres of books and authors…and, importantly, not about others. It’s now our responsibility to create these relationships with more people, faster than we ever have before And we can do it…<next slide> New Rule #4 is that marketers need to graduate from siloed communications to integrated, multi-channel engagement that actually shows someone that you know who they are and that you are listening to them There’s no longer a separation between television advertising and direct mail There’s not even a separation between offline and online, or traditional and digital Amazon has been integrating engagement across channels for a long time – specific behaviors on a webpage by an individual trigger a unique communication in email that is aware of exactly what I did on that webpage As marketers, we have to coordinate campaigns that make the most out of every channel. Finally, New Rule #5 is that marketers must finally move beyond subjective, gut level decisions to data-driven ones that allow them to finally put John Wanamaker (or at least his infamous quote) to rest In our new world, marketers no longer have to guess at which campaigns drive results Marketers no longer have to guess which customers are ready to buy And they can prove their value, illustrating how every marketing touch impacts every revenue dollar Amazon uses data to not only know what is working, but also to predict what might work in the future – they are able to detect patterns and correlations that might suggest that if someone has purchased a book about baby names and a baby outfit that maybe they might be in the market for a crib Every marketer can now rely on data to use the right campaigns across the right channels …<next slide>

Thank you!


Riaz Kanani Operations Director


Ray Coppinger Online Marketing Manager


Merinda Peppard EMEA Marketing Director


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