ems207 week2-chap7

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Advanced Assessment for the Paramedic Class Week 1 - Text Chapter 10


NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Health & Physical Assessment in Nursing

First Edition

Chapter 7

General Survey

Donita D’Amicoand

Colleen Barbarito

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

The General Survey

General Survey

a.k.a. The Size Up

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care Principles & Practice Volume 2: Patient Assessment© 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ

Ed’s S3

Sixth Sense of Sickness

Sick or Not Sick?

a.k.a = BS factor

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care Principles & Practice Volume 2: Patient Assessment© 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ

Size It UpDispatch: See the Woman,

Chest Pain, corner of Williams and 42nd

Size up the Scene and the patient.. Looking for?

Your “Initial Impression is?...

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern Bledsoe et al., Paramedic Care Principles & Practice Volume 2: Patient Assessment© 2006 by Pearson Education, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ

Case Study

8y/o male fell down a flight of stairs

• c/o buttock pain, right forearm deformity, headache with possible short +LOC.

• Pt is very calm, constantly asking if his Mom is there, GCS 15

• Vitals WNL, C-collar, LBB, right arm splinted +PMS

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

• Airway clear – Name is Oliver• Multiple head contusions• Right forearm deformity• Circumferential contusion (some

old some new) both wrists• Bilateral knee abrasions with full

ROM• Contusions to anterior/superior

chest wall, spaced at either side of sternum

• Multi layer contusions to the buttock

The Size Up











NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

General Survey = The Size Up

Use of Senses During General Survey• Vision• Hearing• Smell• Taste(?)• Gut

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

General Survey = The Size Up

Class Exercise:

Partner up and size up the person next to you for:

15 secondsthen

90 seconds

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

General Survey = The Size UpWhat did you learn?

<0:90 Size Up

The Purpose of the general survey is to obtain information to guide your physical assessment & examination.

Getting you to your version of the“Differential Diagnosis (DDx)”

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

The General Survey

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Components of the General Survey

• Physical appearance

• Mental status

• Mobility

• Behavior

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Components of the General Survey

Physical Appearance• Body shape

• Build

• Assessment of function and symmetry

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Components of the General SurveyMental Status

• Orientation

• Affect

• Mood

• Anxiety

• Speech

• Self awareness– Own presence, medical hx, etc..

Other than visual observation how do you assess mental


NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Components of the General Survey

Mobility• Posture

• Gait– Stumbling– Shuffling– Limping

• Range of motion

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Components of the General Survey

Behavior• Grooming

• Bodily odors

• Hygiene

• Facial expression

• Mood

• Level of anxiety

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Age Related Considerations

• Developmental stage

• Regression from current stage

• Interaction with caretakers

Components of the General Survey

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Components of the General Survey

Height and Weight

• Ask the patient?

• Proportionate?

• Estimated?

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Figure 7.2 Measuring the client’s height with a platform scale.

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Figure 7.4 Measuring the client’s weight with a standard platform scale.

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Table 7.1 1999 Metropolitan Height and Weight Tables, Men and Women, Ages 25 to 59

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

• Length of infants

• Consider proportion

• “Length based measuring device”

• Actual Weight (when possible)

Components of the General Survey

Chronological Age and Developmental Stage Considerations

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern


NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

The Signs

• Temperature

• Pulse

• Respiratory rate

• Blood pressure

• Pain

• Oxygen saturation

• (newest) End tidal CO2

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

VitalsUse of Vital Signs

• Obtain baseline data

• Detect or monitor a change

• Monitor clients at risk

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Going “Ye Ol’ Schoole”

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern


Temperature Routes

• Oral

• Rectal

• Tympanic

• Temporal Also works (if all else fails):•“Warm and Dry”•“Cold and Wet”

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

TemperatureFactors affecting Body Temperature• Age• Diurnal variation• Exercise• Hormones• Stress• Illness

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Pulse and Pulse Points

Pulse rates is affected by:• Age• Gender• Exercise• Stress (stressors)• Fever• Hemorrhage• Medications• Positional changes

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Pulse and Pulse Points

• What do we look for when palpating a pulse?

• Common locations?

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Pulse and Pulse Points

• The value of auscultation of an Apical HR?

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern


• Rate

• Quality

• Effort

• Sounds

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Blood Pressure

Mechanical vs Manual When?

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Blood PressureFactors affecting BP:• Cardiac Output• Volume• Peripheral Vascular

resistance• Viscosity (Crit)• Vessel compliance• What else?...

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Blood PressureOrthostatic BP• Clinical Indications• >20/10mmHG Change• >20 points HR Change• Pause in each stages

• Supine

• Sitting, feet dangle

• Standing

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Box 7.1 Korotkoff’s Sounds

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Box 7.1 (continued) Korotkoff’s Sounds

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Pain – Yes it’s a Vital Sign

Pain Assessment• Pain history• Observations of behaviors• Physiological changes• Pain history• Location• Intensity

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Pain – Yes it’s a Vital Sign

• How do you ask the pain question?• What is appropriate?• Cultural considerations

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Figure 7.15 The Wong-Baker “Faces” pain rating scale. Source: From Hockenberry, MJ, Wilson D., Winkelstein ML:Wong’s Essentials of Pediatric Nursing, ed.7, St.Louis, 2005, p.1259. Used with permission. Copyright Mosby.

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Pain – Yes it’s a Vital Sign

Pain Assessment• Quality• Pattern• Precipitating factors• Methods to relieve pain• Impact on ADLs• Coping strategies• Emotional responses

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Pain – Yes it’s a Vital Sign

Physiological Responses to Pain• Sympathetic

• Parasympathetic

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Oxygen Saturation

The noninvasive pulse oximeter uses light pulses to measure percent of oxygenated hemoglobin based on calculations associated with the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve (simplified)


NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

Oxygen Saturation

Factors affecting Noninvasive O2 saturation?

• Circulation

• Hemoconcentration

• Temperature

• Nail polish

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

End Tidal CO2 Detection• The concentration (measured as partial pressure) of carbon

dioxide (CO2) at the end of an exhaled breath• Expressed as a percentage of CO2 or mmHg.• The normal values are 5% to 6% CO2

• Equivalent to 35-45 mmHg (pressure)• CO2 reflects cardiac output and pulmonary blood flow as it is

transported by the venous system to the right side of the heart and then pumped to the lungs by the right ventricles.

• When CO2 diffuses out of the lungs into the exhaled air, we measure it through a capnometer• A Capnometer measures the partial pressure or maximal

concentration of CO2 at the end of exhalation.• Tip:

• During CPR, the amount of CO2 excreted by the lungs is proportional to the amount of pulmonary blood flow.

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

End Tidal CO2 Detection

Easy Cap II CO2 Detector• The normal values are 5% to

6% CO2

• Equivalent to 35-45 mmHg (pressure)

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern

End Tidal CO2 Detection

Capnography Wave Form

NVCC EMS 207 - K Deal & E Stern


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