employees and net-wages · 2010. 10. 6. · visinata na isplatenata neto-plata po vraboten,...

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    VRABOTENI I NETO-PLATI - sostojba oktomvri 2009 -

    EMPLOYEES AND NET-WAGES- Status October 2009 -


    VRABOTENI I NETO-PLATI - sostojba oktomvri 2009 -



    EMPLOYEES AND NET-WAGES- Status October 2009 -

    Skopje, avgust 2010 / Skopje, August 2010

    STATISTI^KI PREGLED: Naselenie i socijalni statistiki

    STATISTICAL REVIEW: Population and Social Statistics


    ul. "Dame Gruev" br.4, Skopje


    "Dame Gruev"- 4, Skopje

    Telefon/Phone +389/02/3295-600Faks/Fax +389/02/3111-336

    WEB-stranica/WEB site: http://www.stat.gov.mk

    Odgovaram-r Blagica Novkovska, direktor

    Person responsible:Blagica Novkovska M.Sc., Director


    CIP - Каталогизација во публикацијаНационална и универзитетска библиотека "Св. Климент Охридски", Скопје


    ВРАБОТЕНИ и нето-плати : состојба октомври 2009 = Employees and net-wages : status October 2009. - Скопје : Државен завод за статистика на Република Македонија = Skopje : State statistical office of the Republic of Macedonia, 2010. - 40 стр. : табели ; 29 см. - (Статистички преглед / Државен завод за статистика на РепубликаМакедонија. Население и социјални статистики = Statistical review / State statistical office of the Republic of Macedonia, ISSN 0580-454X. Population and social statistical, ISSN 1409-8997 ;

    Текст напоредно на мак. и англ. јазик

    ISBN 978-608-227-003-6

    а) Работна сила - Македонија - 2009 - СтатистикаCOBISS.MK-ID 84426506


    Vo Statisti~kiot pregled br. (664) "Vraboteni i neto-plati vo Republika Makedonija vo 2009 godina" se prezentirani podatoci od statisti~koto istra`uvawe "Godi{en izve{taj za vraboteni i neto-plati" sprovedeno vo 2009 godina. Pregledot pretstavuva prodol`enie na serijata izdanija od ovoj vid.

    Vo publikacijata se objaveni podatoci za vrabotenite i neto-platite spored kadrovskata evidencija po belezite: pol, vozrast, raboten odnos, vid na sopstvenost, {kolska podgotovka i rabotno vreme. Pokraj niv, prezentirani se i podatoci za strukturata na vrabotenite spored visinata na isplatenata neto-plata po vraboten, strukturata na delovnite subjekti spored iznosot na najniskata i na najvisokata neto-plata po vraboten, kako i spored rasponot na najniskata i na najvisokata neto-plata po vraboten i drugo.

    Vo funkcija na polesno i kvalitetno koristewe na podatocite koi gi sodr`i publikacijata, dadeni se metodolo{ki objasnuvawa.

    Dr`avniot zavod za statistika se nadeva deka publikacijata }e ja ispolni svojata uloga na javnosta i na korisnicite da im ovozmo`i sogleduvawe na osnovnite podatoci za vrabotenite i neto-platite za opredelen period, a eventualnite zabele{ki i predlozi za podobruvawe na izdanieto }e gi primi so blagodarnost.

    Skopje, avgust 2010 Direktor

    m-r Blagica Novkovska


    The Statistical Review no. (664) “Employees and net wages in the Republic of Macedonia in 2009” contains systematised data from the statistical survey “Annual report on employees and net wages”, which was conducted in 2009. This review represents a continuation of the series of editions of this type.

    The publication presents data on employees and net wages according to personnel records, by different topics: sex, age, type of employment, types of ownership, educational attainment and working time. Besides these data, also presented are data on the structure of employees according to the amount of the net wage per employee, the structure of business entities according to the lowest and the highest net wage per employee and according to the range between the lowest and the highest net wage per employee etc.

    For the purpose of easier and proper use of published data, there are also methodological explanations.The State Statistical Office hopes that this publication will meet its objective of providing the public and data users

    with the basic data on employees and net wages for a given period. All remarks and suggestions aimed at improving the publication would be greatly appreciated.

    Skopje, August 2010 Director

    Blagica Novkovska M.Sc

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 6644


    PREFACE ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3

    METHODOLOGICAL EXPLANATIONS .............................................................................................................................................................................. 6

    EMPLOYEES IN THE REPUBLIC OF MACEDONIA ....................................................................................................................................................... 7

    EMPLOYEES BY TYPES OF OWNERSHIP, 2009 .........................................................................................................................................................11

    EMPLOYEES BY TYPE OF EMPLOYMENT, 2009 ....................................................................................................................................................... 15

    EMPLOYEES BY AGE, 2009 ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 16

    EMPLOYEES BY EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT, 2009 ................................................................................................................................................ 18

    EMPLOYEES ACCORDING TO WORKING TIME, 2009 .............................................................................................................................................. 20

    BUSINESS ENTITIES ACCORDING ............................................................................................................................................................................. 22

    TO LOWEST NET WAGE, 2009 BUSINESS ENTITIES ACCORDING TO HIGHEST NET WAGE, 2009 .................................................................... 24

    BUSINESS ENTITIES ACCORDING TO THE RANGE BETWEEN THE LOWEST AND HIGHEST NET WAGE, 2009 ............................................... 26

    EMPLOYEES ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF PAID WORKING HOURS, 2009 .................................................................................................. 28

    STRUCTURE OF EMPLOYEES ACCORDING TO THE NET WAGE AMOUNT, BY SECTORS, 2009 ........................................................................ 30

    DISTRIBUTION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, BY SECTORS AND BY TYPE OF OWNERSHIP, 2009 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 32

    DISTRIBUTION OF BUSINESS ENTITIES ACCORDING TO THE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES, BY SECTORS AND BY TYPE OF OWNERSHIP, 2009 ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 36


    PREDGOVOR ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3

    METODOLO[KI OBJASNUVAWA .................................................................................................................................................................................... 5

    VRABOTENI VO REPUBLIKA MAKEDONIJA .......................................................................................................................................................... 7

    VRABOTENI PO VIDOVI SOPSTVENOST, 2009 .................................................................................................................................................... 11

    VRABOTENI SPORED RABOTNIOT ODNOS, 2009 ................................................................................................................................................. 15

    VRABOTENI SPORED VOZRASTA, 2009 ................................................................................................................................................................... 16

    VRABOTENI SPORED [KOLSKATA PODGOTOVKA, 2009 ..................................................................................................................................... 18

    VRABOTENI SPORED RABOTNOTO VREME, 2009 .................................................................................................................................................. 20

    DELOVNI SUBJEKTI SPORED IZNOSOT NA NAJNISKATA NETO - PLATA, 2009 ............................................................................................ 22

    DELOVNI SUBJEKTI SPORED IZNOSOT NA NAJVISOKATA NETO - PLATA, 2009 ......................................................................................... 24

    DELOVNI SUBJEKTI SPORED RASPONOT POME\U NAJNISKATA I NAJVISOKATA NETO - PLATA, 2009 ................................................ 26

    VRABOTENI SPORED BROJOT NA PLATENI RABOTNI ^ASOVI, 2009 ............................................................................................................. 28

    STRUKTURA NA VRABOTENITE SPORED VISINATA NA NETO - PLATATA, PO SEKTORI, 2009 ................................................................... 30

    DISTRIBUCIJA NA DELOVNITE SUBJEKTI SPORED BROJOT NA VRABOTENITE, PO SEKTORI I PO VIDOVI SOPSTVENOST, 2009.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 32

    DISTRIBUCIJA NA DELOVNITE SUBJEKTI SPORED BROJOT NA VRABOTENITE, PO SEKTORI I PO VIDOVI SOPSTVENOST, 2009.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 36

  • Statistical review / 664 5


    Izvori na podatoci

    Podatocite prika`ani vo ovoj Statisti~ki pregled se dobieni vrz osnova na godi{noto statisti~ko istra`uvawe za vraboteni i plati.

    Edinici na nabquduvawe se delovnite subjekti i edinicite vo niven sostav. Izve{tajot se popolnuva spored organizacisko-teritorijalen princip na nivo na op{tina. Ako delovnite subjekti imaat edinici vo sostav nadvor od op{tinata na svoeto sedi{te, vo izve{tajot ne se davaat podatoci za niv. Vo toj slu~aj, edinicata vo sostav popolnuva drug izve{taj. Ako delovniot subjekt vo ista op{tina ima dve ili tri edinici vo sostav so ista dejnost kako i negovata, vo toj slu~aj podatocite za niv gi dava delovniot subjekt.


    Vo istra`uvaweto se opfateni 7911 delovni subjekti. Odgovor e dobien od 5595 delovni subjekti, ili 70.7%. Pri obrabotkata (presmetuvaweto totali, proseci i frekvencii) na podatocite e izvr{eno ponderirawe so ponderi od primero~niot izbor. Koristeni se podatocite od Fondot za penzisko i invalidsko osiguruvawe na Republika Makedonija za vrabotenite kako pomo{ni podatoci za podobra estimacija na vkupniot broj na vraboteni vo 2009 godina.

    Podatocite vo publikacijata se odnesuvaat samo na onie izve{tajni edinici {to dale podatoci. Odreden broj izve{tajni edinici imaat dostaveno samo del od potrebnite podatoci, {to rezultira i so razliki vo brojot na vraboteni po oddelni belezi vo publikacijata. Poradi presmetkite od primerokot i izvr{enite zaokru`uvawa na presmetanite rezultati, mo`ni se mali otstapuvawa na zbirovite od rezultatite dobieni so sumirawe na oddelni stavki {to gi sostavuvaat zbirovite.


    So istra`uvaweto se opfateni delovnite subjekti od site vidovi sopstvenost (privatna i druga) so isklu~ok na makedonskite pretstavni{tva vo stranstvo i individualnite zemjodelci.

    Vraboteni se lica koi rabotat vo delovnite subjekti i lokalnite edinici vo privatna i druga sopstvenost (op{testvena, dr`avna, zadru`na i me{ovita sopstvenost).

    Vklu~eni se: site vraboteni koi zasnovale raboten odnos so delovniot subjekt, bez ogled dali se vo raboten odnos na neopredeleno ili na opredeleno rabotno vreme, kako i dali rabotele polno ili pokuso od polnoto rabotno vreme i koi dobile plata spored odrabotenite ~asovi vo polnoto rabotno vreme propi{ani od delovnite subjekti i spored kolektivniot dogovor.

    Ne se vklu~eni: licata koi rabotat po dogovor za delo, licata koi samostojno vr{at dejnost-profesija i licata koi rabotat kaj niv i individualnite zemjodelci.

    Pod polno rabotno vreme se podrazbiraat odrabotenite ~asovi vo rabotno vreme propi{ano kako polno rabotno vreme od rabotodavcite i spored kolektivniot dogovor.

    Neto-platata - gi opfa}a primawata za rabota vo polno, pokuso od polnoto i podolgo od polnoto rabotno vreme (prekuvremena rabota); nadomestocite od sredstvata na delovniot subjekt za godi{en odmor, dr`avni praznici, platenoto otsustvo do sedum dena, platenoto otsustvo za stru~no obrazovanie, za boleduvawe do 21 den i sl.; nadomestocite na tovar na drugi delovni subjekti za vreme pominato na ve`ba po pokana na nadle`en dr`aven organ, civilna za{tita, vr{eweto gra|anski dol`nosti i sl.; razlikite na ime zgolemuvawe na startnata osnova i vrednosta na bodot; primawata po periodi~na presmetka i zavr{na smetka i vrz osnova na raspredelba na dobivka bez ogled na toa na koj period se odnesuvaat; primawata na pripravnicite i primawata vrz osnova na minat trud.

    Neto-platata - ne gi opfa}a isplatite na vrabotenite od sredstvata za zaedni~ka potro{uva~ka, isplatite koi gi tovarat materijalnite tro{oci (dnevnici, patni tro{oci, primawa za prevoz od mestoto na `iveewe do mestoto na rabota i sl.), nadomestocite za boleduvawe podolgo od 21 den, kako ni isplatite po dogovor za delo.

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 6646


    Data sources

    Data presented in this Statistical Review are based on the annual statistical survey on employees and net wages.

    Units under observation - are business entities and their component units. Reports are filled out according to the organisational-territorial principle at the municipal level. If the business entities have parts or component units outside the municipality where they are located, they don’t report for those units. In that case these component units fill in another report. If the business entity has two or three component units in the same municipality performing the same activity, then the business entity provides all required data.


    A total of 7911 business entities were covered in this survey. Answers were received from 5595 business entities or 70.7%. During processing (calculation of totals, averages and frequencies), data were weighted by using weights from the sample). Also, data on employees obtained from the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund of the Republic of Macedonia were used as additional data for better estimation of the total number of employees in 2009.

    The data in the publication refer only to reporting units which gave answers. A certain number of reporting units gave only part of the needed data, which resulted in differences in the number of employees by certain topics in the publication. Due to the calculations of the sample and rounding of the calculated results, slight deviations are possible in the totals, which are obtained by summing up individual items.


    The survey covers business entities from all kinds of ownership (private and other) except Macedonian representatives in foreign countries and individual farmers.

    Employees are persons who work in business entities and local units in private and other ownership (social, state, collective and mixed).

    Included: all persons who have a formal job attachment in business entities, regardless of whether for an indefinite or a definite period, or whether they work full time or less than full time, and who received wages for hours worked in full time prescribed by business entities and according to the collective agreement.

    Excluded: employees with temporary employment contracts, persons who work in their own business or professional practice and their workers, and individual farmers.

    Full-time means hours worked in the working time prescribed as full-time by employers and according to the collective agreement.

    Net wage - covers payments for full time work, less than full time work and more then full time work (overtime work), payments in respect of annual vacation, public holidays, paid leave up to seven days, paid leave for educational purposes, for sick-leave up to 21 days, etc., payments for time spent in army service and civil duties, etc., differences based on increasing the base salary and the value of the salary point, payments based on periodical or final settlements, profit-sharing bonuses, no mater which period they refer to, payments for trainees and payments based on work experience.

    Net wage - does not cover payments from common assets, payments of per diem allowances, travel expenses, reimbursements for transport to work and home, etc., payments for sick-leave over 21 days as well as payments based on temporary employment contracts.

  • Statistical review / 664 7



    Vkupno vraboteni

    Total number of employees vkupno2)

    Total2) indeks


    Indices 2009/2008


    Women indeks


    Indices 2009/20082008 2009 2008 2009

    0 VKUPNO 434 858 426 252 98.0 180 443 178 602 99.0 TOTAL


    12 852 13 716 106.7 3 207 3 454 107.7 A AGRICULTURE, HUNTING AND FORESTRY

    01 Zemjodelstvo, lov i soodvetni uslu`ni dejnosti

    10 176 11 250 110.6 2 791 3 068 109.9 01 Agriculture, hunting and related service activities

    02 Odgleduvawe na {umi, koristewe na {umi i soodvetni uslu`ni dejnosti

    2 676 2 466 92.2 416 386 92.8 02 Forestry, logging and related service activities

    B RIBARSTVO 120 132 110.0 34 35 102.9 B FISHING

    05 Ulov na riba, dejnost na mrestili{tata i ribarskite farmi, uslu`ni aktivnosti vo ribarstvoto

    120 132 110.0 34 35 102.9 05 Fishing, operation of fish hatcheries and fish farms; service activities incidental to fishing

    V VADEWE NA RUDI I KAMEN 3 373 3 420 101.4 328 258 78.7 C MINING AND QUARRYING

    VA Vadewe na energetski surovini 72 67 93.1 1 2 - CA Mining and quarrying of energy producing materials

    10 Vadewe na kamen jaglen, lignit, vadewe na treset

    72 67 93.1 1 2 - 10 Mining of coal and lignite; extraction of peat

    VB Vadewe na drugi surovini i materijali, osven energetski

    3 301 3 353 101.6 327 256 78.3 CB Mining and quarrying, except of energy producing materials

    13 Vadewe na rudi na metal 1 326 1 454 109.7 82 86 104.9 13 Mining of metal ores

    14 Vadewe na drugi rudi i kamen 1 975 1 899 96.2 245 170 69.4 14 Other mining and quarrying

    G PRERABOTUVA^KA INDUSTRIJA 107 706 104 751 97.3 52 373 51 958 99.2 D MANUFACTURING

    GA Proizvodstvo na prehranbeni proizvodi, pijalaci i tutun

    16 693 16 708 100.1 6 111 5 797 94.9 DA Manufacture of food products; beverages and tobacco

    15 Proizvodstvo na prehranbeni proizvodi i pijalaci

    13 206 11 945 90.5 4 575 4 195 91.7 15 Manufacture of food products and beverages

    16 Proizvodstvo na tutunski proizvodi

    3 487 4 763 136.6 1 536 1 602 104.3 16 Manufacture of tobacco products

    GB Proizvodstvo na tekstil i tekstilni proizvodi

    40 173 39 738 98.9 32 339 32 061 99.1 DB Manufacture of textiles and textile products

    17 Proizvodstvo na tekstilni tkaenini

    4 535 4 362 96.2 2 388 2 598 108.8 17 Manufacture of textiles

    18 Proizvodstvo na predmeti za obleka, dorabotka i boewe na krzno

    35 638 35 376 99.3 29 951 29 463 98.4 18 Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur

    GV Proizvodstvo na ko`a i predmeti od ko`a

    4 645 5 769 124.2 3 338 3 963 118.7 DC Manufacture of leather and leather products

    19 [tavewe i dorabotka na ko`a, proizvodstvo na kuferi, ra~ni torbi, sedla, sara~ki proizvodi i obuvki

    4 645 5 769 124.2 3 338 3 963 118.7 19 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear

    GG Proizvodstvo na drvo i proizvodi od drvo

    2 913 2 897 99.5 459 529 115.3 DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

    20 Prerabotka na drvo, proizvodi od drvo i pluta, osven mebel, proizvodstvo na predmeti od slama i pletarski materijal

    2 913 2 897 99.5 459 529 115.3 20 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 6648



    Vkupno vraboteni

    Total number of employees vkupno2)

    Total2) indeks


    Indices 2009/2008


    Women indeks


    Indices 2009/20082008 2009 2008 2009

    GD Proizvodstvo na celuloza, hartija i proizvodi od hartija, izdava~ka dejnost i pe~atewe

    5 018 5 021 100.1 1 859 1 789 96.2 DE Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing

    21 Proizvodstvo na celuloza, hartija i proizvodi od hartija

    1 781 1 754 98.5 608 533 87.7 21 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products

    22 Izdava~ka dejnost, pe~atewe i reprodukcija na snimeni mediumi

    3 237 3 267 100.9 1 251 1 256 100.4 22 Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media

    G\ Proizvodstvo na koks, derivati na nafta i nuklearno gorivo

    882 862 97.7 207 204 98.6 DF Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

    23 Proizvodstvo na koks, derivati na nafta i nuklearno gorivo

    882 862 97.7 207 204 98.6 23 Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

    GE Proizvodstvo na hemikalii, hemiski proizvodi i ve{ta~ki i sinteti~ki vlakna

    2 214 2 049 92.5 1 104 1 076 97.5 DG Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres

    24 Proizvodstvo na hemikalii i hemiski proizvodi

    2 214 2 049 92.5 1 104 1 076 97.5 24 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

    G@ Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od guma i proizvodi od plasti~ni masi

    5 765 4 266 74.0 1 698 1 360 80.1 DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

    25 Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od guma i proizvodi od plasti~ni masi

    5 765 4 266 74.0 1 698 1 360 80.1 25 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

    GZ Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od drugi nemetalni minerali

    3 640 2 960 81.3 544 471 86.6 DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

    26 Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od drugi nemetalni minerali

    3 640 2 960 81.3 544 471 86.6 26 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

    GY Proizvodstvo na osnovni metali i standardni metalni proizvodi

    13 352 12 944 96.9 1 787 1 952 109.2 DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

    27 Proizvodstvo na osnovni metali 6 228 5 550 89.1 515 534 103.7 27 Manufacture of basic metals

    28 Proizvodstvo na metalni proizvodi vo metaloprerabotuva~kata faza, osven za ma{ini i uredi

    7 124 7 394 103.8 1 272 1 418 111.5 28 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

    GI Proizvodstvo na ma{ini i uredi, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    1 968 1 576 80.1 409 340 83.1 DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

    29 Proizvodstvo na ma{ini i uredi, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    1 968 1 576 80.1 409 340 83.1 29 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

    GJ Proizvodstvo na elektri~ni i opti~ki uredi

    4 035 3 856 95.6 1 145 1 112 97.1 DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

    30 Proizvodstvo na kancelariski i smeta~ki ma{ini

    494 501 101.4 154 135 87.7 30 Manufacture of office machinery and computers

    31 Proizvodstvo na elektri~ni ma{ini i aparati, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    2 819 2 713 96.2 737 772 104.7 31 Manufacture of electrical machinery and equipment n.e.c.

    32 Proizvodstvo na radio, televiziska i komunikaciska oprema i aparati

    424 347 81.8 118 78 66.1 32 Manufacture of radio, TV and communication equipment and apparatus

    33 Proizvodstvo na precizni medicinski i opti~ki instrumenti i ~asovnici

    298 295 99.0 136 127 93.4 33 Manufacture of medical precision instruments, optical instruments and watches

  • Statistical review / 664 9



    Vkupno vraboteni

    Total number of employees vkupno2)

    Total2) indeks


    Indices 2009/2008


    Women indeks


    Indices 2009/20082008 2009 2008 2009

    GK Proizvodstvo na soobra}ajni sredstva

    1 685 1 533 91.0 304 245 80.6 DM Manufacture of transport equipment

    34 Proizvodstvo na motorni vozila, prikolki i poluprikolki

    933 911 97.6 196 164 83.7 34 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers

    35 Proizvodstvo na drugi soobra}ajni sredstva

    752 622 82.7 108 81 75.0 35 Manufacture of other transport equipment

    GL Prerabotuva~ka industrija nespomnata na drugo mesto

    4 723 4 572 96.8 1 069 1 058 99.0 DN Manufacturing n.e.c.

    36 Proizvodstvo na mebel i drugi raznovidni proizvodi, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    4 156 4 069 97.9 959 956 99.7 36 Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.

    37 Recikla`a 567 503 88.7 110 102 92.7 37 Recycling


    13 939 12 965 93.0 2 218 2 081 93.8 E ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER SUPPLY

    40 Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas, parea i topla voda

    8 161 7 449 91.3 1 319 1 217 92.3 40 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply

    41 Sobirawe, pre~istuvawe i distribucija na voda

    5 778 5 516 95.5 899 864 96.1 41 Collection, purification and distribution of water

    \ GRADE@NI[TVO 25 333 24 574 97.0 4 204 3 709 88.2 F CONSTRUCTION

    45 Grade`ni{tvo 25 333 24 574 97.0 4 204 3 709 88.2 45 Construction



    50 Proda`ba, odr`uvawe i popravka na motorni vozila i motocikli, proda`ba na malo na motorni goriva

    5 831 5 857 100.4 1 087 920 84.6 50 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, retail sale of automotive fuel

    51 Trgovija na golemo i posredni~ka trgovija, osven trgovija so motorni vozila i motocikli

    10 249 9 678 94.4 3 146 2 964 94.2 51 Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

    52 Trgovija na malo, osven trgovija so motorni vozila i motocikli; popravka na predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    59 775 57 699 96.5 27 140 26 408 97.3 52 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and household goods

    @ HOTELI I RESTORANI 13 265 13 668 103.0 5 311 5 736 108.0 H HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS

    55 Hoteli i restorani 13 265 13 668 103.0 5 311 5 736 108.0 55 Hotels and restaurants


    27 446 26 881 97.9 5 882 5 760 97.9 I TRANSPORT, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS

    60 Kopnen soobra}aj, cevovoden transport

    18 962 18 704 98.6 2 796 2 777 99.3 60 Land transport; transport via pipelines

    62 Vozdu{en soobra}aj 189 144 76.2 104 82 78.8 62 Air transport

    63 Pridru`ni i pomo{ni aktivnosti vo soobra}ajot: aktivnosti na patni~kite agencii

    2 833 2 572 90.8 935 834 89.2 63 Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; activities of travel agencies

    64 Po{tenski aktivnosti i telekomunikacii

    5 462 5 461 100.0 2 047 2 067 101.0 64 Post and telecommunications

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 66410



    Vkupno vraboteni

    Total number of employees vkupno2)

    Total2) indeks


    Indices 2009/2008


    Women indeks


    Indices 2009/20082008 2009 2008 2009


    65 Finansisko posreduvawe, osven osiguruvawe i penziski fondovi

    6 912 6 692 96.8 4 528 4 372 96.6 65 Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funds

    66 Osiguruvawe, reosiguruvawe i penziski fondovi, osven zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    1 367 1 404 102.7 710 750 105.6 66 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funds, except compulsory social security

    67 Pomo{ni aktivnosti vo finansiskoto posreduvawe

    134 133 99.3 52 59 113.5 67 Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation


    24 176 21 950 90.8 9 673 8 950 92.5 K REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES

    70 Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot

    1 105 805 72.9 425 323 76.0 70 Real estate activities

    71 Iznajmuvawe na ma{ini i oprema bez rakuva~ i iznajmuvawe na predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    216 226 104.6 72 85 118.1 71 Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods

    72 Kompjuteri i srodni aktivnosti 2 156 1 863 86.4 970 936 96.5 72 Computer and related activities

    73 Istra`uvawe i razvoj 806 741 91.9 360 346 96.1 73 Research and development

    74 Drugi delovni aktivnosti 19 893 18 315 92.1 7 846 7 260 92.5 74 Other business activities



    75 Javna uprava i odbrana, zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    41 377 42 328 102.3 12 240 12 882 105.2 75 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    K OBRAZOVANIE 33 548 34 085 101.6 19 790 20 307 102.6 M EDUCATION

    80 Obrazovanie 33 548 34 085 101.6 19 790 20 307 102.6 80 Education


    32 788 32 058 97.8 22 854 21 931 96.0 N HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK

    85 Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 32 788 32 058 97.8 22 854 21 931 96.0 85 Health and social work


    14 667 14 261 97.2 5 666 6 068 107.1 O OTHER COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES

    90 Otstranuvawe na otpadoci i |ubre, sanitarni i sli~ni aktivnosti

    2 575 2 423 94.1 298 313 105.0 90 Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities

    91 Dejnost na organizacii vrz baza na za~lenuvawe

    1 678 1 595 95.1 697 689 98.9 91 Activities of membership organizations

    92 Rekreativni, sportski, kulturni i zabavni aktivnosti

    7 879 7 498 95.2 3 250 3 178 97.8 92 Recreational, sporting, cultural and other amusement activities

    93 Drugi uslu`ni dejnosti 2 535 2 745 108.3 1 421 1 888 132.9 93 Other service activities

    1) Podatocite se ponderirani1) Data are weighted2) Podatocite se odnesuvaat samo na onie izve{tajni edinici koi dale podatoci za dadenite belezi2) The data refer only to reporting units which gave answers for the specified topics

  • Statistical review / 664 11




    Total1)Sopstvenost / Ownership

    privatna / private druga / othervkupno






    Women0 VKUPNO 426 252 178 602 287 716 117 311 138 536 61 291 TOTAL


    13 716 3 454 11 033 2 774 2 683 680 A AGRICULTURE, HUNTING AND FORESTRY

    01 Zemjodelstvo, lov i soodvetni uslu`ni dejnosti

    11 250 3 068 8 811 2 458 2 439 610 01 Agriculture, hunting and related service activities

    02 Odgleduvawe na {umi, koristewe na {umi i soodvetni uslu`ni dejnosti

    2 466 386 2 222 316 244 70 02 Forestry, logging and related service activities

    B RIBARSTVO 132 35 132 35 - - B FISHING

    05 Ulov na riba, dejnost na mrestili{tata i ribarskite farmi, uslu`ni aktivnosti vo ribarstvoto

    132 35 132 35 - - 05 Fishing, operation of fish hatcheries and fish farms; service activities incidental to fishing

    V VADEWE NA RUDI I KAMEN 3 420 258 3 287 246 133 12 C MINING AND QUARRYING

    VA Vadewe na energetski surovini 67 2 67 2 - - CA Mining and quarrying of energy producing materials

    10 Vadewe na kamen jaglen, lignit, vadewe na treset

    67 2 67 2 - - 10 Mining of coal and lignite; extraction of peat

    VB Vadewe na drugi surovini i materijali, osven energetski

    3 353 256 3 220 244 133 12 CB Mining and quarrying, except of energy producing materials

    13 Vadewe na rudi na metal 1 454 86 1 454 86 - - 13 Mining of metal ores

    14 Vadewe na drugi rudi i kamen 1 899 170 1 766 158 133 12 14 Other mining and quarrying

    G PRERABOTUVA^KA INDUSTRIJA 104 751 51 958 97 548 48 492 7 203 3 465 D MANUFACTURING

    GA Proizvodstvo na prehranbeni proizvodi, pijalaci i tutun

    16 708 5 797 15 316 5 331 1 392 466 DA Manufacture of food products; beverages and tobacco

    15 Proizvodstvo na prehranbeni proizvodi i pijalaci

    11 945 4 195 10 560 3 730 1 385 465 15 Manufacture of food products and beverages

    16 Proizvodstvo na tutunski proizvodi

    4 763 1 602 4 756 1 601 7 1 16 Manufacture of tobacco products

    GB Proizvodstvo na tekstil i tekstilni proizvodi

    39 738 32 061 36 777 29 738 2 961 2 323 DB Manufacture of textiles and textile products

    17 Proizvodstvo na tekstilni tkaenini

    4 362 2 598 4 111 2 478 251 120 17 Manufacture of textiles

    18 Proizvodstvo na predmeti za obleka, dorabotka i boewe na krzno

    35 376 29 463 32 666 27 260 2 710 2 203 18 Manufacture of wearing apparel; dressing and dyeing of fur

    GV Proizvodstvo na ko`a i predmeti od ko`a

    5 769 3 963 5 769 3 963 - - DC Manufacture of leather and leather products

    19 [tavewe i dorabotka na ko`a, proizvodstvo na kuferi, ra~ni torbi, sedla, sara~ki proizvodi i obuvki

    5 769 3 963 5 769 3 963 - - 19 Tanning and dressing of leather; manufacture of luggage, handbags, saddlery, harness and footwear

    GG Proizvodstvo na drvo i proizvodi od drvo

    2 897 529 2 875 529 22 - DD Manufacture of wood and wood products

    20 Prerabotka na drvo, proizvodi od drvo i pluta, osven mebel, proizvodstvo na predmeti od slama i pletarski materijal

    2 897 529 2 875 529 22 - 20 Manufacture of wood and of products of wood and cork, except furniture; manufacture of articles of straw and plaiting materials

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 66412




    Total1)Sopstvenost / Ownership

    privatna / private druga / othervkupno






    WomenGD Proizvodstvo na celuloza, hartija

    i proizvodi od hartija, izdava~ka dejnost i pe~atewe

    5 021 1 789 4 971 1 757 50 31 DE Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products; publishing and printing

    21 Proizvodstvo na celuloza, hartija i proizvodi od hartija

    1 754 533 1 754 533 - - 21 Manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products

    22 Izdava~ka dejnost, pe~atewe i reprodukcija na snimeni mediumi

    3 267 1 256 3 217 1 224 50 31 22 Publishing, printing and reproduction of recorded media

    G\ Proizvodstvo na koks, derivati na nafta i nuklearno gorivo

    862 204 862 204 - - DF Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

    23 Proizvodstvo na koks, derivati na nafta i nuklearno gorivo

    862 204 862 204 - - 23 Manufacture of coke, refined petroleum products and nuclear fuel

    GE Proizvodstvo na hemikalii, hemiski proizvodi i ve{ta~ki i sinteti~ki vlakna

    2 049 1 076 1 822 983 227 93 DG Manufacture of chemicals, chemical products and man-made fibres

    24 Proizvodstvo na hemikalii i hemiski proizvodi

    2 049 1 076 1 822 983 227 93 24 Manufacture of chemicals and chemical products

    G@ Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od guma i proizvodi od plasti~ni masi

    4 266 1 360 4 144 1 321 122 39 DH Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

    25 Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od guma i proizvodi od plasti~ni masi

    4 266 1 360 4 144 1 321 122 39 25 Manufacture of rubber and plastic products

    GZ Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od drugi nemetalni minerali

    2 960 471 2 315 300 645 171 DI Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

    26 Proizvodstvo na proizvodi od drugi nemetalni minerali

    2 960 471 2 315 300 645 171 26 Manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products

    GY Proizvodstvo na osnovni metali i standardni metalni proizvodi

    12 944 1 952 11 786 1 709 1 158 243 DJ Manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products

    27 Proizvodstvo na osnovni metali 5 550 534 5 550 534 - - 27 Manufacture of basic metals

    28 Proizvodstvo na metalni proizvodi vo metaloprera- botuva~kata faza, osven za ma{ini i uredi

    7 394 1 418 6 236 1 175 1 158 243 28 Manufacture of fabricated metal products, except machinery and equipment

    GI Proizvodstvo na ma{ini i uredi, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    1 576 340 1 350 311 226 30 DK Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

    29 Proizvodstvo na ma{ini i uredi, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    1 576 340 1 350 311 226 30 29 Manufacture of machinery and equipment n.e.c.

    GJ Proizvodstvo na elektri~ni i opti~ki uredi

    3 856 1 112 3 708 1 067 148 45 DL Manufacture of electrical and optical equipment

    30 Proizvodstvo na kancelariski i smeta~ki ma{ini

    501 135 501 135 - - 30 Manufacture of office machinery and computers

    31 Proizvodstvo na elektri~ni ma{ini i aparati, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    2 713 772 2 625 732 88 40 31 Manufacture of electrical machinery and equipment n.e.c.

    32 Proizvodstvo na radio, televiziska i komunikaciska oprema i aparati

    347 78 347 78 - - 32 Manufacture of radio, TV and communication equipment and apparatus

    33 Proizvodstvo na precizni medicinski i opti~ki instrumenti i ~asovnici

    295 127 235 122 60 5 33 Manufacture of medical precision instruments, optical instruments and watches

  • Statistical review / 664 13




    Total1)Sopstvenost / Ownership

    privatna / private druga / othervkupno






    WomenGK Proizvodstvo na soobra}ajni

    sredstva 1 533 245 1 308 225 225 20 DM Manufacture of transport equipment

    34 Proizvodstvo na motorni vozila, prikolki i poluprikolki

    911 164 911 164 - - 34 Manufacture of motor vehicles, trailers and semi-trailers

    35 Proizvodstvo na drugi soobra}ajni sredstva

    622 81 397 61 225 20 35 Manufacture of other transport equipment

    GL Prerabotuva~ka industrija nespomnata na drugo mesto

    4 572 1 058 4 546 1 054 26 4 DN Manufacturing n.e.c.

    36 Proizvodstvo na mebel i drugi raznovidni proizvodi, nespomnati na drugo mesto

    4 069 956 4 043 952 26 4 36 Manufacture of furniture; manufacturing n.e.c.

    37 Recikla`a 503 102 503 102 - - 37 Recycling


    12 965 2 081 5 458 698 7 507 1 383 E ELECTRICITY, GAS AND WATER SUPPLY

    40 Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas, parea i topla voda

    7 449 1 217 5 390 689 2 059 528 40 Electricity, gas, steam and hot water supply

    41 Sobirawe, pre~istuvawe i distribucija na voda

    5 516 864 68 9 5 448 855 41 Collection, purification, distribution of water

    \ GRADE@NI[TVO 24 574 3 709 20 752 3 245 3 822 464 F CONSTRUCTION

    45 Grade`ni{tvo 24 574 3 709 20 752 3 245 3 822 464 45 Construction



    50 Proda`ba, odr`uvawe i popravka na motorni vozila i motocikli, proda`ba na malo na motorni goriva

    5 857 920 4 173 755 1 684 165 50 Sale, maintenance and repair of motor vehicles and motorcycles, retail of automotive fuels

    51 Trgovija na golemo i posredni~ka trgovija, osven trgovija so motorni vozila i motocikli

    9 678 2 964 8 972 2 832 706 132 51 Wholesale trade and commission trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles

    52 Trgovija na malo, osven trgovija so motorni vozila i motocikli; popravka na predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    57 699 26 408 53 376 24 685 4 323 1 723 52 Retail trade, except of motor vehicles and motorcycles; repair of personal and household goods

    @ HOTELI I RESTORANI 13 668 5 736 12 785 5 369 883 368 H HOTELS AND RESTAURANTS

    55 Hoteli i restorani 13 668 5 736 12 785 5 369 883 368 55 Hotels and restaurants


    26 881 5 760 22 341 4 888 4 540 872 I TRANSPORT, STORAGE AND COMMUNICATIONS

    60 Kopnen soobra}aj, cevovoden transport

    18 704 2 777 15 788 2 333 2 916 444 60 Land transport; transport via pipelines

    62 Vozdu{en soobra}aj 144 82 144 82 - - 62 Air transport

    63 Pridru`ni i pomo{ni aktivnosti vo soobra}ajot: aktivnosti na patni~kite agencii

    2 572 834 1 413 568 1 159 266 63 Supporting and auxiliary transport activities; activities of travel agencies

    64 Po{tenski aktivnosti i telekomunikacii

    5 461 2 067 4 996 1 905 465 162 64 Post and telecommunications

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 66414




    Total1)Sopstvenost / Ownership

    privatna / private druga / othervkupno






    WomenY FINANSISKO POSREDUVAWE 8 229 5 181 6 285 3 953 1 944 1 228 J FINANCIAL INTERMEDIATION

    65 Finansisko posreduvawe, osven osiguruvawe i penziski fondovi

    6 692 4 372 4 807 3 168 1 885 1 204 65 Financial intermediation, except insurance and pension funds

    66 Osiguruvawe, reosiguruvawe i penziski fondovi, osven zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    1 404 750 1 356 729 48 21 66 Insurance, reinsurance and pension funds, except compulsory social security

    67 Pomo{ni aktivnosti vo finansiskoto posreduvawe

    133 59 122 56 11 3 67 Activities auxiliary to financial intermediation


    21 950 8 950 19 534 7 643 2 416 1 307 K REAL ESTATE, RENTING AND BUSINESS ACTIVITIES

    70 Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot

    805 323 270 85 535 238 70 Real estate activities

    71 Iznajmuvawe na ma{ini i oprema bez rakuva~ i iznajmuvawe na predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    226 85 226 85 - - 71 Renting of machinery and equipment without operator and of personal and household goods

    72 Kompjuteri i srodni aktivnosti 1 863 936 1 420 639 443 297 72 Computer and related activities

    73 Istra`uvawe i razvoj 741 346 177 30 564 316 73 Research and development

    74 Drugi delovni aktivnosti 18 315 7 260 17 441 6 804 874 456 74 Other business activities



    75 Javna uprava i odbrana, zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    42 328 12 882 6 122 2 700 36 206 10 182 75 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    K OBRAZOVANIE 34 085 20 307 1 299 600 32 786 19 707 M EDUCATION

    80 Obrazovanie 34 085 20 307 1 299 600 32 786 19 707 80 Education


    32 058 21 931 8 633 5 371 23 425 16 560 N HEALTH AND SOCIAL WORK

    85 Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 32 058 21 931 8 633 5 371 23 425 16 560 85 Health and social work


    14 261 6 068 5 986 3 025 8 275 3 043 O OTHER COMMUNITY, SOCIAL AND PERSONAL SERVICE ACTIVITIES

    90 Otstranuvawe na otpadoci i |ubre, sanitarni i sli~ni aktivnosti

    2 423 313 455 62 1 968 251 90 Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities

    91 Dejnost na organizacii vrz baza na za~lenuvawe

    1 595 689 205 123 1 390 566 91 Activities of membership organizations

    92 Rekreativni, sportski, kulturni i zabavni aktivnosti

    7 498 3 178 2 673 954 4 825 2 224 92 Recreational, sporting, cultural and other amusement activities

    93 Drugi uslu`ni dejnosti 2 745 1 888 2 653 1 886 92 2 93 Other service activities

    1) Podatocite se ponderirani

    1) Data are weighted

  • Statistical review / 664 15



    Vkupen broj na vraboteni

    Total number of employees

    Broj na vraboteni na neopredeleno vreme

    Total number of employees on indefinite

    period of time

    Broj na vraboteni na opredeleno vreme

    Total number of employees on definite

    period of timevkupno






    WomenVKUPNO 426 252 178 602 385 810 158 539 40 442 20 063 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo

    13 716 3 454 12 296 3 073 1 420 381 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 132 35 130 33 2 2 Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 3 420 258 2 650 204 770 54 Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 104 751 51 956 91 492 44 299 13 259 7 657 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    12 965 2 081 12 647 2 040 318 41 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 24 574 3 709 22 689 3 601 1 885 108 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    73 234 30 292 67 206 27 327 6 028 2 965 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 13 668 5 736 12 171 4 890 1 497 846 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski

    26 881 5 760 25 823 5 593 1 058 167 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 8 229 5 181 7 459 4 721 770 460 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    21 950 8 950 17 956 7 381 3 994 1 569 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    42 328 12 882 42 184 12 827 144 55 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 34 085 20 307 25 781 15 095 8 304 5 212 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 32 058 21 931 31 633 21 674 425 257 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    14 261 6 070 13 693 5 781 568 289 Other community, social and personal service activities

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 66416


    EMPLOYEES BY AGE1), 2009

    Vkupen broj na vraboteni / Total number of employees



    broj na vraboteni po vozrast / Number of employees by age

    do 19 g.

    up to 1920-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64

    65 i pove}e

    65 and moreVKUPNO 405 878 1 616 17 248 44 661 54 276 60 590 59 067 60 085 54 872 40 353 12 819 293 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 13 554 37 308 957 1 219 1 535 2 266 2 267 2 543 1 893 521 6 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 132 - 8 7 16 36 21 25 18 2 - - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 3 420 - 81 221 332 495 658 656 625 313 40 1 Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 102 662 379 5 014 10 887 14 306 15 065 15 960 16 360 14 509 8 737 1 396 49 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    12 965 9 168 578 1 001 1 563 2 188 2 690 2 503 1 801 460 4 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 22 910 126 689 1 645 2 643 3 192 3 329 3 658 3 629 3 320 666 12 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    72 895 406 4 299 8 999 12 211 15 021 10 412 8 691 7 082 4 480 1 190 105 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 13 239 132 1 079 2 214 2 083 2 151 1 873 1 660 1 204 705 135 3 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 26 692 156 884 2 336 3 014 3 932 4 378 4 158 3 607 3 218 1 005 4 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 8 229 5 352 1 878 1 460 864 686 877 1 039 848 220 - Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    20 379 177 1 103 2 995 2 667 2 843 2 484 2 405 2 647 2 204 843 10 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    30 087 18 1 546 4 928 4 512 3 573 3 375 3 796 3 718 3 189 1 420 12 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 33 385 88 742 3 478 3 813 4 091 4 596 5 517 4 427 3 867 2 733 33 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 31 838 21 459 2 167 3 132 4 237 5 113 5 574 5 491 4 074 1 559 12 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    13 493 61 516 1 371 1 866 1 993 1 729 1 751 1 831 1 702 632 41 Other community, social and personal service activities

    1) Brojot na vrabotenite spored vozrasta (tabela 4) se razlikuva od podatocite vo tabela 1 - Vraboteni vo Republika Makedonija, bidej}i golem broj na izve{tai dobieni od terenot se so nepotpolni podatoci. Pri~ini za necelosnite podatoci se: nepostoeweto na takva evidencija kaj davatelite na podatoci i neodgovorot od nivna strana.

    1) The number of employees by age (table 4) is different from data in table 1 - Employees in the Republic of Macedonia because of the large number of reports obtained from the field with incomplete data. Reasons for incomplete data are: reporting units have no such records, and also non-response, again from reporting units.

  • Statistical review / 664 17


    EMPLOYEES BY AGE1), 2009

    Vkupen broj na vraboteni / Total number of employees



    broj na vraboteni po vozrast / Number of employees by age

    do 19 g.

    up to 1920-24 25-29 30-34 35-39 40-44 45-49 50-54 55-59 60-64

    65 i pove}e

    65 and moreVKUPNO 405 878 1 616 17 248 44 661 54 276 60 590 59 067 60 085 54 872 40 353 12 819 293 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 13 554 37 308 957 1 219 1 535 2 266 2 267 2 543 1 893 521 6 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 132 - 8 7 16 36 21 25 18 2 - - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 3 420 - 81 221 332 495 658 656 625 313 40 1 Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 102 662 379 5 014 10 887 14 306 15 065 15 960 16 360 14 509 8 737 1 396 49 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    12 965 9 168 578 1 001 1 563 2 188 2 690 2 503 1 801 460 4 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 22 910 126 689 1 645 2 643 3 192 3 329 3 658 3 629 3 320 666 12 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    72 895 406 4 299 8 999 12 211 15 021 10 412 8 691 7 082 4 480 1 190 105 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 13 239 132 1 079 2 214 2 083 2 151 1 873 1 660 1 204 705 135 3 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 26 692 156 884 2 336 3 014 3 932 4 378 4 158 3 607 3 218 1 005 4 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 8 229 5 352 1 878 1 460 864 686 877 1 039 848 220 - Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    20 379 177 1 103 2 995 2 667 2 843 2 484 2 405 2 647 2 204 843 10 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    30 087 18 1 546 4 928 4 512 3 573 3 375 3 796 3 718 3 189 1 420 12 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 33 385 88 742 3 478 3 813 4 091 4 596 5 517 4 427 3 867 2 733 33 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 31 838 21 459 2 167 3 132 4 237 5 113 5 574 5 491 4 074 1 559 12 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    13 493 61 516 1 371 1 866 1 993 1 729 1 751 1 831 1 702 632 41 Other community, social and personal service activities

    1) Brojot na vrabotenite spored vozrasta (tabela 4) se razlikuva od podatocite vo tabela 1 - Vraboteni vo Republika Makedonija, bidej}i golem broj na izve{tai dobieni od terenot se so nepotpolni podatoci. Pri~ini za necelosnite podatoci se: nepostoeweto na takva evidencija kaj davatelite na podatoci i neodgovorot od nivna strana.

    1) The number of employees by age (table 4) is different from data in table 1 - Employees in the Republic of Macedonia because of the large number of reports obtained from the field with incomplete data. Reasons for incomplete data are: reporting units have no such records, and also non-response, again from reporting units.

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 66418





    Stepen na {kolska podgotovka / Educational attainment

    bez obrazovanie

    Without education

    nezavr{eno osnovno


    Incomplete primary education

    osnovno obrazovanie

    Primary education

    3 godini sredno obrazovanie

    3 years of secondary education

    4 godini sredno obrazovanie

    4 years of secondary education

    vi{e obrazovanie

    Higher education

    visoko obrazovanie

    University level education

    magistra- tura

    Master's degree (MSc.)


    Doctorate (Ph.D.)

    VKUPNO 405 145 1 869 3 045 43 447 48 655 198 582 20 624 83 537 3 286 2 101 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 13 554 141 452 3 466 1 509 5 335 496 2 079 70 4 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 132 - - 7 17 81 6 20 1 - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 3 420 - 51 643 1 232 1 068 87 337 2 - Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 102 698 789 1 323 15 515 19 481 52 798 3 117 9 483 187 7 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    12 965 36 301 1 882 2 667 5 758 583 1 695 38 6 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 22 910 233 284 4 274 4 088 10 479 687 2 772 92 1 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    72 602 251 158 4 106 5 894 49 818 2 416 9 759 196 3 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 13 239 76 86 1 095 1 991 8 586 448 951 7 - Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 26 332 10 52 2 089 4 966 14 881 1 019 3 240 73 1 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 8 229 10 - 64 49 3 061 622 4 221 190 11 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    20 200 124 25 1 466 1 844 8 327 1 012 6 918 286 198 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    30 087 3 9 753 1 730 13 771 1 436 11 773 527 83 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 33 385 25 22 3 226 579 2 639 6 243 18 263 1 072 1 315 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 31 838 11 191 3 289 1 240 15 711 1 807 8 791 362 437 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    13 554 159 90 1 573 1 368 6 271 645 3 234 182 33 Other community, social and personal service activities

    1) Brojot na vrabotenite spored {kolskata podgotovka (tabela 5) se razlikuva od podatocite vo tabela 1 - Vraboteni vo Republika Makedonija, bidej}i golem broj na izve{tai dobieni od terenot se so nepotpolni podatoci. Pri~ini za necelosnite podatoci se nepostoeweto na takva evidencija kaj davatelite na podatoci i neodgovorot od nivna strana.

    1) The number of employees by educational attainment (table 5) is different from data in table 1 - Employees in the Republic of Macedonia because of the large number of reports obtained from the field with incomplete data. Reasons for incomplete data are: reporting units have no such records, and also non-response, again from reporting units.

  • Statistical review / 664 19





    Stepen na {kolska podgotovka / Educational attainment

    bez obrazovanie

    Without education

    nezavr{eno osnovno


    Incomplete primary education

    osnovno obrazovanie

    Primary education

    3 godini sredno obrazovanie

    3 years of secondary education

    4 godini sredno obrazovanie

    4 years of secondary education

    vi{e obrazovanie

    Higher education

    visoko obrazovanie

    University level education

    magistra- tura

    Master's degree (MSc.)


    Doctorate (Ph.D.)

    VKUPNO 405 145 1 869 3 045 43 447 48 655 198 582 20 624 83 537 3 286 2 101 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 13 554 141 452 3 466 1 509 5 335 496 2 079 70 4 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 132 - - 7 17 81 6 20 1 - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 3 420 - 51 643 1 232 1 068 87 337 2 - Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 102 698 789 1 323 15 515 19 481 52 798 3 117 9 483 187 7 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    12 965 36 301 1 882 2 667 5 758 583 1 695 38 6 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 22 910 233 284 4 274 4 088 10 479 687 2 772 92 1 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    72 602 251 158 4 106 5 894 49 818 2 416 9 759 196 3 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 13 239 76 86 1 095 1 991 8 586 448 951 7 - Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 26 332 10 52 2 089 4 966 14 881 1 019 3 240 73 1 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 8 229 10 - 64 49 3 061 622 4 221 190 11 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    20 200 124 25 1 466 1 844 8 327 1 012 6 918 286 198 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    30 087 3 9 753 1 730 13 771 1 436 11 773 527 83 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 33 385 25 22 3 226 579 2 639 6 243 18 263 1 072 1 315 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 31 838 11 191 3 289 1 240 15 711 1 807 8 791 362 437 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    13 554 159 90 1 573 1 368 6 271 645 3 234 182 33 Other community, social and personal service activities

    1) Brojot na vrabotenite spored {kolskata podgotovka (tabela 5) se razlikuva od podatocite vo tabela 1 - Vraboteni vo Republika Makedonija, bidej}i golem broj na izve{tai dobieni od terenot se so nepotpolni podatoci. Pri~ini za necelosnite podatoci se nepostoeweto na takva evidencija kaj davatelite na podatoci i neodgovorot od nivna strana.

    1) The number of employees by educational attainment (table 5) is different from data in table 1 - Employees in the Republic of Macedonia because of the large number of reports obtained from the field with incomplete data. Reasons for incomplete data are: reporting units have no such records, and also non-response, again from reporting units.

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 66420



    Vkupen broj na vraboteni

    Total number of employeesBroj na vraboteni so

    Number ofpolno rabotno vreme

    full-time employeesBroj na vraboteni so skrateno rabotno vreme

    Number of part-time employees








    VKUPNO 426 252 178 602 412 949 171 363 13 303 7 239 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 13 716 3 454 13 528 3 389 188 65 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 132 35 122 30 10 5 Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 3 420 258 3 410 253 10 5 Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 104 751 51 956 101 331 49 638 3 420 2 318 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    12 965 2 081 12 935 2 066 30 15 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 24 574 3 709 24 330 3 675 244 34 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    73 234 30 292 69 077 27 901 4 157 2 391 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 13 668 5 736 12 424 5 157 1 244 580 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 26 881 5 760 25 500 5 550 1 381 210 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 8 229 5 181 8 214 5 173 15 8 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    21 950 8 950 21 661 8 815 289 135 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    42 328 12 882 42 277 12 850 51 32 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 34 085 20 307 32 363 19 254 1 722 1 052 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 32 058 21 931 31 907 21 823 151 108 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    14 261 6 069 13 869 5 789 392 280 Other community, social and personal service activities

  • Statistical review / 664 21



    Vkupen broj na vraboteni

    Total number of employeesBroj na vraboteni so

    Number ofpolno rabotno vreme

    full-time employeesBroj na vraboteni so skrateno rabotno vreme

    Number of part-time employees








    VKUPNO 426 252 178 602 412 949 171 363 13 303 7 239 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 13 716 3 454 13 528 3 389 188 65 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 132 35 122 30 10 5 Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 3 420 258 3 410 253 10 5 Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 104 751 51 956 101 331 49 638 3 420 2 318 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    12 965 2 081 12 935 2 066 30 15 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 24 574 3 709 24 330 3 675 244 34 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    73 234 30 292 69 077 27 901 4 157 2 391 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 13 668 5 736 12 424 5 157 1 244 580 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 26 881 5 760 25 500 5 550 1 381 210 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 8 229 5 181 8 214 5 173 15 8 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    21 950 8 950 21 661 8 815 289 135 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    42 328 12 882 42 277 12 850 51 32 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 34 085 20 307 32 363 19 254 1 722 1 052 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 32 058 21 931 31 907 21 823 151 108 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    14 261 6 069 13 869 5 789 392 280 Other community, social and personal service activities

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 66422





    Bez neto-plata

    Without net wage

    Do 3 000 den.

    Up to 3 000 den

    3 001- 3 500

    3 501- 4 000

    4 001- 4 500

    4 501- 5 000

    5 001- 5 500

    5 501- 6 000

    6 001- 7 000

    7 001- 8 000

    8 001- 9 000

    9 001- 10 000

    10 001-12 000

    12 001-14 000

    14 001-16 000

    16 001-18 000

    18 001-20 000

    20 001-25 000

    25 001-30 000

    30 001-35 000

    Od 35 001 i pove}e

    Over 35 001

    VKUPNO 42 719 2 662 253 145 559 198 1 216 343 1 029 2 630 3 273 1 789 13 175 5 389 3 369 1 960 1 320 988 1 438 433 318 232 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 1 579 204 - 2 48 2 8 - 4 71 182 162 619 101 124 1 52 - - - - - Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 22 - - - - - - 1 - - 4 - 1 4 - - - 12 - - - - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 71 5 - - - - - - 2 4 - 10 20 4 21 1 1 5 - - - - Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 6 807 803 128 33 90 55 219 102 212 455 462 370 1 652 1 035 433 324 133 91 152 59 - - Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    109 15 1 - - - 1 - - 3 3 9 4 18 7 9 12 8 14 4 - - Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 2 718 247 3 1 68 3 3 3 12 21 151 313 758 566 169 183 17 - 68 - 66 66 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    16 258 632 103 107 277 35 645 199 663 1 595 1 798 399 6 087 1 432 1 012 175 322 112 399 88 94 85 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 2 543 149 5 - 28 5 126 30 76 110 455 110 1 035 271 74 25 2 3 1 20 - 20 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 3 696 223 1 - 46 90 66 3 14 166 112 214 1 463 173 174 196 236 219 189 92 1 19 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 195 3 2 1 - - - - 1 1 4 2 17 17 16 17 14 12 54 31 1 2 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    3 212 111 3 - - 2 4 2 - 7 20 115 415 663 458 554 34 246 369 95 113 1 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    641 2 - - - 1 1 1 - 1 3 7 25 113 220 120 45 22 56 23 1 - Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 719 20 2 1 3 1 13 1 29 24 23 17 192 299 26 25 4 14 18 5 - - Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 2 628 166 4 - - - - 1 7 80 11 11 565 460 436 225 369 222 71 - - - Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    1 520 82 - - - 3 132 - 11 92 46 48 321 234 199 107 78 23 46 16 42 39 Other community, social and personal service activities

    Struktura / Structure

    VKUPNO 100.0 6.2 0.6 0.3 1.3 0.5 2.8 0.8 2.4 6.2 7.7 4.2 30.8 12.6 7.9 4.6 3.1 2.3 3.4 1.0 0.7 0.5 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 100.0 12.9 - 0.1 3.0 0.1 0.5 - 0.2 4.5 11.5 10.3 39.2 6.4 7.9 0.1 3.3 - - - - - Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 100.0 - - - - - - 5.0 - - 17.8 - 6.6 17.8 - - - 52.9 - - - - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 100.0 7.0 - - - - - - 2.4 5.3 - 13.5 28.2 5.3 28.9 1.5 1.5 6.5 - - - - Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 100.0 11.8 1.9 0.5 1.3 0.8 3.2 1.5 3.1 6.7 6.8 5.4 24.3 15.2 6.4 4.8 2.0 1.3 2.2 0.9 - - Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    100.0 13.8 0.9 - - - 0.9 - - 2.7 2.9 8.3 3.9 16.4 6.7 8.7 10.9 7.4 13.0 3.4 - - Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 100.0 9.1 0.1 0.0 2.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.8 5.6 11.5 27.9 20.8 6.2 6.7 0.6 - 2.5 - 2.4 2.4 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    100.0 3.9 0.6 0.7 1.7 0.2 4.0 1.2 4.1 9.8 11.1 2.5 37.4 8.8 6.2 1.1 2.0 0.7 2.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 100.0 5.8 0.2 - 1.1 0.2 5.0 1.2 3.0 4.3 17.9 4.3 40.7 10.6 2.9 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8 - 0.8 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 100.0 6.0 0.0 - 1.2 2.4 1.8 0.1 0.4 4.5 3.0 5.8 39.6 4.7 4.7 5.3 6.4 5.9 5.1 2.5 0.0 0.5 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 100.0 1.7 1.1 0.5 - - - - 0.5 0.5 1.8 1.0 8.9 9.0 8.3 8.6 7.0 6.2 27.9 15.6 0.5 0.9 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    100.0 3.4 0.1 - - 0.1 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.6 3.6 12.9 20.6 14.3 17.3 1.1 7.7 11.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    100.0 0.3 - - - 0.2 0.2 0.2 - 0.2 0.5 1.1 3.8 17.6 34.3 18.7 7.1 3.4 8.7 3.6 0.2 - Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 100.0 2.8 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 1.8 0.1 4.0 3.4 3.2 2.4 26.7 41.6 3.6 3.4 0.6 2.0 2.6 0.8 - - Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 100.0 6.3 0.2 - - - - 0.0 0.3 3.0 0.4 0.4 21.5 17.5 16.6 8.6 14.1 8.5 2.7 - - - Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    100.0 5.4 - - - 0.2 8.7 - 0.7 6.1 3.0 3.2 21.1 15.4 13.1 7.0 5.2 1.5 3.0 1.1 2.7 2.6 Other community, social and personal service activities

    1) Podatocite se odnesuvaat samo na onie izve{tajni edinici koi dale podatoci za dadenite belezi

    1) The data refer only to reporting units which gave answers for the specified topics

  • Statistical review / 664 23





    Bez neto-plata

    Without net wage

    Do 3 000 den.

    Up to 3 000 den

    3 001- 3 500

    3 501- 4 000

    4 001- 4 500

    4 501- 5 000

    5 001- 5 500

    5 501- 6 000

    6 001- 7 000

    7 001- 8 000

    8 001- 9 000

    9 001- 10 000

    10 001-12 000

    12 001-14 000

    14 001-16 000

    16 001-18 000

    18 001-20 000

    20 001-25 000

    25 001-30 000

    30 001-35 000

    Od 35 001 i pove}e

    Over 35 001

    VKUPNO 42 719 2 662 253 145 559 198 1 216 343 1 029 2 630 3 273 1 789 13 175 5 389 3 369 1 960 1 320 988 1 438 433 318 232 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 1 579 204 - 2 48 2 8 - 4 71 182 162 619 101 124 1 52 - - - - - Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 22 - - - - - - 1 - - 4 - 1 4 - - - 12 - - - - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 71 5 - - - - - - 2 4 - 10 20 4 21 1 1 5 - - - - Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 6 807 803 128 33 90 55 219 102 212 455 462 370 1 652 1 035 433 324 133 91 152 59 - - Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    109 15 1 - - - 1 - - 3 3 9 4 18 7 9 12 8 14 4 - - Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 2 718 247 3 1 68 3 3 3 12 21 151 313 758 566 169 183 17 - 68 - 66 66 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    16 258 632 103 107 277 35 645 199 663 1 595 1 798 399 6 087 1 432 1 012 175 322 112 399 88 94 85 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 2 543 149 5 - 28 5 126 30 76 110 455 110 1 035 271 74 25 2 3 1 20 - 20 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 3 696 223 1 - 46 90 66 3 14 166 112 214 1 463 173 174 196 236 219 189 92 1 19 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 195 3 2 1 - - - - 1 1 4 2 17 17 16 17 14 12 54 31 1 2 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    3 212 111 3 - - 2 4 2 - 7 20 115 415 663 458 554 34 246 369 95 113 1 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    641 2 - - - 1 1 1 - 1 3 7 25 113 220 120 45 22 56 23 1 - Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 719 20 2 1 3 1 13 1 29 24 23 17 192 299 26 25 4 14 18 5 - - Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 2 628 166 4 - - - - 1 7 80 11 11 565 460 436 225 369 222 71 - - - Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    1 520 82 - - - 3 132 - 11 92 46 48 321 234 199 107 78 23 46 16 42 39 Other community, social and personal service activities

    Struktura / Structure

    VKUPNO 100.0 6.2 0.6 0.3 1.3 0.5 2.8 0.8 2.4 6.2 7.7 4.2 30.8 12.6 7.9 4.6 3.1 2.3 3.4 1.0 0.7 0.5 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 100.0 12.9 - 0.1 3.0 0.1 0.5 - 0.2 4.5 11.5 10.3 39.2 6.4 7.9 0.1 3.3 - - - - - Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 100.0 - - - - - - 5.0 - - 17.8 - 6.6 17.8 - - - 52.9 - - - - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 100.0 7.0 - - - - - - 2.4 5.3 - 13.5 28.2 5.3 28.9 1.5 1.5 6.5 - - - - Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 100.0 11.8 1.9 0.5 1.3 0.8 3.2 1.5 3.1 6.7 6.8 5.4 24.3 15.2 6.4 4.8 2.0 1.3 2.2 0.9 - - Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    100.0 13.8 0.9 - - - 0.9 - - 2.7 2.9 8.3 3.9 16.4 6.7 8.7 10.9 7.4 13.0 3.4 - - Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 100.0 9.1 0.1 0.0 2.5 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.4 0.8 5.6 11.5 27.9 20.8 6.2 6.7 0.6 - 2.5 - 2.4 2.4 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    100.0 3.9 0.6 0.7 1.7 0.2 4.0 1.2 4.1 9.8 11.1 2.5 37.4 8.8 6.2 1.1 2.0 0.7 2.5 0.5 0.6 0.5 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 100.0 5.8 0.2 - 1.1 0.2 5.0 1.2 3.0 4.3 17.9 4.3 40.7 10.6 2.9 1.0 0.1 0.1 0.0 0.8 - 0.8 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 100.0 6.0 0.0 - 1.2 2.4 1.8 0.1 0.4 4.5 3.0 5.8 39.6 4.7 4.7 5.3 6.4 5.9 5.1 2.5 0.0 0.5 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 100.0 1.7 1.1 0.5 - - - - 0.5 0.5 1.8 1.0 8.9 9.0 8.3 8.6 7.0 6.2 27.9 15.6 0.5 0.9 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    100.0 3.4 0.1 - - 0.1 0.1 0.1 - 0.2 0.6 3.6 12.9 20.6 14.3 17.3 1.1 7.7 11.5 3.0 3.5 0.0 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    100.0 0.3 - - - 0.2 0.2 0.2 - 0.2 0.5 1.1 3.8 17.6 34.3 18.7 7.1 3.4 8.7 3.6 0.2 - Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 100.0 2.8 0.3 0.1 0.4 0.1 1.8 0.1 4.0 3.4 3.2 2.4 26.7 41.6 3.6 3.4 0.6 2.0 2.6 0.8 - - Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 100.0 6.3 0.2 - - - - 0.0 0.3 3.0 0.4 0.4 21.5 17.5 16.6 8.6 14.1 8.5 2.7 - - - Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    100.0 5.4 - - - 0.2 8.7 - 0.7 6.1 3.0 3.2 21.1 15.4 13.1 7.0 5.2 1.5 3.0 1.1 2.7 2.6 Other community, social and personal service activities

    1) Podatocite se odnesuvaat samo na onie izve{tajni edinici koi dale podatoci za dadenite belezi

    1) The data refer only to reporting units which gave answers for the specified topics

  • Statisti~ki pregled / 66424





    Bez neto-plata

    Without net wage

    Do 3 000 den.

    Up to 3 000 den

    3 001-

    3 500

    3 501-

    4 000

    4 001-

    4 500

    4 501-

    5 000

    5 001-

    5 500

    5 501-

    6 000

    6 001-

    7 000

    7 001-

    8 000

    8 001-

    9 0009 001-10 000

    10 001-12 000

    12 001-14 000

    14 001-16 000

    16 001-18 000

    18 001-20 000

    20 001-25 000

    25 001-30 000

    30 001-35 000

    Od 35 001 i pove}e

    Over 35 001

    VKUPNO 42 719 2 662 152 5 29 53 336 120 541 1 863 2 466 929 11 766 4 569 2 101 2 303 1 077 2 269 2 991 2 611 1 218 2 657 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 1 579 204 - 2 - - - - - 48 147 48 628 57 118 20 63 24 70 19 92 39 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 22 - - - - - - - - - 4 - - 1 - 2 - 6 3 - 6 - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 71 5 - - - - - - - - - 2 11 - 10 1 10 8 - 5 10 10 Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 6 807 803 71 4 29 8 57 37 61 308 229 125 1 571 957 355 521 219 205 381 374 116 376 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    109 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 4 7 3 6 6 20 49 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 2 718 247 - - - - - - - - 96 268 622 564 98 72 73 39 210 99 167 163 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    16 258 632 81 - - 2 256 83 427 1 301 1 485 294 5 596 1 471 797 708 339 584 774 539 305 584 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 2 543 149 - - - - 5 - 40 107 400 93 1 049 313 83 91 30 32 30 68 4 50 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 3 696 223 - - - 44 2 - - 61 92 54 1 380 306 158 170 98 295 343 204 17 251 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 195 3 - - - - - - - - - - 15 - 3 3 2 11 3 19 16 121 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    3 212 111 - - - - - - - - 8 - 351 504 313 325 11 305 497 247 234 305 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    641 2 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 11 52 303 18 254 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 719 20 - - - - - - 12 - - - 38 20 1 12 24 12 113 381 40 46 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 2 628 166 - - - - - - - - - - 225 150 77 303 159 657 289 262 117 222 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    1 520 82 - - - - 16 - - 38 3 44 281 226 90 72 39 78 223 87 54 187 Other community, social and personal service activities

    Struktura / Structure

    VKUPNO 100.0 6.2 0.4 0.0 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.3 1.3 4.4 5.8 2.2 27.5 10.7 4.9 5.4 2.5 5.3 7.0 6.1 2.9 6.2 TOTAL

    Zemjodelstvo, lov i {umarstvo 100.0 12.9 - 0.1 - - - - - 3.1 9.3 3.1 39.7 3.6 7.4 1.2 4.0 1.5 4.4 1.2 5.9 2.5 Agriculture, hunting and forestry

    Ribarstvo 100.0 - - - - - - - - - 17.8 - - 6.6 - 11.2 - 26.4 11.6 - 26.4 - Fishing

    Vadewe na rudi i kamen 100.0 7.0 - - - - - - - - - 2.3 15.9 - 13.6 1.4 13.6 10.8 - 7.1 14.5 13.9 Mining and quarrying

    Prerabotuva~ka industrija 100.0 11.8 1.0 0.1 0.4 0.1 0.8 0.5 0.9 4.5 3.4 1.8 23.1 14.1 5.2 7.6 3.2 3.0 5.6 5.5 1.7 5.5 Manufacturing

    Snabduvawe so elektri~na energija, gas i voda

    100.0 13.8 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3.5 6.0 2.8 5.2 5.4 18.6 44.7 Electricity, gas and water supply

    Grade`ni{tvo 100.0 9.1 - - - - - - - - 3.6 9.9 22.9 20.7 3.6 2.7 2.7 1.4 7.7 3.6 6.1 6.0 Construction

    Trgovija na golemo i trgovija na malo; popravka na motorni vozila, motocikli i predmeti za li~na upotreba i za doma}instvata

    100.0 3.9 0.5 - - 0.0 1.6 0.5 2.6 8.0 9.1 1.8 34.4 9.0 4.9 4.4 2.1 3.6 4.8 3.3 1.9 3.6 Wholesale and retail trade; repair of motor vehicles, motorcycles and personal and household goods

    Hoteli i restorani 100.0 5.8 - - - - 0.2 - 1.6 4.2 15.7 3.6 41.3 12.3 3.3 3.6 1.2 1.2 1.2 2.7 0.2 1.9 Hotels and restaurants

    Soobra}aj, skladirawe i vrski 100.0 6.0 - - - 1.2 0.0 - - 1.7 2.5 1.5 37.3 8.3 4.3 4.6 2.7 8.0 9.3 5.5 0.5 6.8 Transport, storage and communications

    Finansisko posreduvawe 100.0 1.7 - - - - - - - - - - 7.5 - 1.7 1.4 0.9 5.6 1.6 9.5 8.2 62.0 Financial intermediation

    Aktivnosti vo vrska so nedvi`en imot, iznajmuvawe i delovni aktivnosti

    100.0 3.4 - - - - - - - - 0.3 - 10.9 15.7 9.7 10.1 0.4 9.5 15.5 7.7 7.3 9.5 Real estate, renting and business activities

    Javna uprava i odbrana; zadol`itelna socijalna za{tita

    100.0 0.3 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0.2 1.7 8.1 47.3 2.9 39.6 Public administration and defence, compulsory social security

    Obrazovanie 100.0 2.8 - - - - - - 1.7 - - - 5.3 2.7 0.1 1.7 3.3 1.7 15.7 52.9 5.6 6.4 Education

    Zdravstvo i socijalna rabota 100.0 6.3 - - - - - - - - - - 8.6 5.7 2.9 11.5 6.1 25.0 11.0 10.0 4.5 8.4 Health and social work

    Drugi komunalni, kulturni, op{ti i li~ni uslu`ni aktivnosti

    100.0 5.4 - - - - 1.1 - - 2.5 0.2 2.9 18.5 14.9 5.9 4.7 2.6 5.1 14.6 5.7 3.6 12.3 Other community, social and personal service activities

    1) Podatocite se odnesuvaat samo na onie izve{tajni edinici koi dale podatoci za dadenite belezi

    1) The data refer only to reporting units which gave answers for the specified topics

  • Statistical review / 664 25





    Bez neto-plata

    Without net wage

    Do 3 000 den.

    Up to 3 000 den

    3 001-

    3 500

    3 501-

    4 000

    4 001-

    4 500

    4 501-

    5 000

    5 00

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