emhnikh llhmokpatia vnovpreio oikonomiknn renikh ... · emhnikh llhmokpatia vnovpreio oikonomiknn...

Post on 07-Dec-2018






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A9~va 29 <l>EJ3pouapiou 2016

ApI9~. npWT :M8TOK 8'1031264 E=2016


Kap. LEPJ3ia~ 10101 84 A9~var. Mrroupvcvou21069874932106987506

nsoz . DTTWt;;n.z,



IXtT: H apl9. II 1524/679/2.12.1996 llVO (Lu!Jcpwvia EKAX. Toupxloc).

LE OUVtXEla TP,t;;avwTtpw OXETIK~t;;!JE TP'Vorroio oa~ KOIVOTTOI~9p,KEp, LU!JcpwviaEAEU6tpwv LuvaMavwv EE-ToupKia~ OTOVTO!Jta TWVrrporovnov TTOUKaAUTTTOVTaIcrro Tl'1Luv9~KP, EKAX KOI uorepc crro TO apl9. TAXUD/1206/06-Add.6-Final-EN tvvpacpo TP'~EupwTTa'iK~t;; ETTITpOTT~t;;,oa~ KOIVOTTOIOU!JEouvnuuevc, Via EVP'!Jtpwa~ occ, TP'V TEAIK~AlOTa TWV TTp0'i6vTWV, TTOUKaAUmoVTaI aTT6 TP'VArroecon 96/528/EKAX (L227107-09-1996), P,orrolc oU!JJ3a6i~EI !JETit;;aMavtt;; TOUEvcppovropcvou LUOT~!JOTO~TOU2012.



LUVp'!J!Jtva: Akrro KaAum6!JEvwv rrpolovnov (m:Al6Et;; 26)

TMHMATOL liIOIKHLH~ 6ft. EIIIMEAHTHPIO AAPI:EA:EH~ep. nQpuAaPil, ~1./..y~!.<?.Ap~O. npwT ....• .Q~..HH •••••••••••••• , •••

I :)::i1C, ••..•••••.•.•. , •. u••••,••" •••••" ••••••••••..



1) EfI.Y.T ATT"",!C;Kalew"ailovl~C;2) ll/VOT]E"WTEPIKooVVnoStcrEWv3) ll/VOT]EcrwTEPIKOUE.\tvxou4) YnoupyEio napaywVlK~C;AvacruYKp6T~OT]c;.nEplll6lv1ovTOC;KOIEvtpYElac;

ll/vOT]AypaTIK~ nO.\m~.!IIEevwv LXtcrEWV& npaWa~t; npdioVTwVAxapvoov5 - T.K. 101 76

5) YnoupyEio Avamuq,C; KOIAVTaywvlcrnK6T~Tat;ll/VOT]noI.iTlK~t;fllESvouC;E~nopiou,Ep~oU & Kopvapau 1, T.K. 10563, A6HNA

6) onEKEnEA)T~~~a fllaKpaTIKooVIuvalvlayoov KOIOpl~oVTiwv~wvAxapvoov 241- T.K. 104 46, A6HNAB) ll/VOT]flH.III.m.

7) KEVTPIK~'EvwOT]Enl~~T~piwv EIvIil&x;AKa~~~lac; 7 - T.K 106 71, A0HNA

B) E~nOPIKaKOIBI~~XOVIKilEm~EI.~~pla9) EnayyEA~OTIKaKOIBIOTEXVIKOEm~EI.~T~pla10) IUv~~oc; ~vwv Blo~~xovwv

'OEV<>q>WVToc;5, A0HNA11) Iuv~oc; Blo~~xovloovATTI~C;KOInEipOiO

A\JEPIK~C;10 - T.K 106 71, A6HNA12) IUv~oc; Blo~~x6vwv Bopsiou EIvIo&x;

n.\OTEiaMopIX6(lou1 - T.K 546 24, 0EIIAAONIKH13) IUv~OC; BI~~. 0rocraIJoC;& KEVTp.EIvIMoc;

6l lJEvJ(tAou 4 - T.K 382 21, 80110.[14) IUv~~oc; 00000.\IKooVBlo~~xoVioov

M.Avrona 2 - T/(412 22, MPlIA15) nov£AMvloc;Iuvoc~oc; E~ywyEwv

KpaTivou 11 - T.K 105 52, A6HNA16) IUv~oc; ~WyEwv sooelou EIvIil&x;

tuarekr Mop/XO{3ou 1 - T.K 546 25, eEIIMONIKH17) IUv~oc; ~VIKooV Emx/",wv ~YWV~t; fllaKiv~OT]C;$poUTwv, IlaxavlKoov& Xu~oov

IKoplac;32A - T.K 16675, ANQ rIlY'PAllAlB) navEA.\~VlOC;Iuvoc~oc; BIOTE)(VIoov& Blo~~Xavloovn;\EKTIK~C;

Iwn/pcx; 2-4 - T.K 105 58, AeHNA19) Iuvoc~oc; Enl)(Elp~v n.\EKTIK~c;-ETOi~ouEvM~OToc;EIvIil&x;

Ep~ou 1BA - T.K. 546 24, 6EI/NIKH20) IUV~E~Ot; Avwvu~wv ETOIPElooVKOIE.n.E.

6l &v!(tAou 16 - T.K. 106 72, AeHNA21) E9VI~ Iuvo~oanov~lo EIvI~vlKouE~nopiou

MfJrpan&.~ 42 - T.K 105 63, AeHNA22) Opyovl~6c; npooo9~0T]t;E~ywvoov

M. AVTUna86-88, T.K 16346, HIIIOynOIlH23) O~oanav~lo EKTEAwVlOTWVEIvIil&x;

KopaiOKOU82- T.K 185 32, nEIPAIAI24) IUlvloyoc; EKTEAwVlOToovA9~vac; - nEipalO25) IUlvloyoc; EKTOOVIOTooV6EOOO.\oviK~

r. E:E!ITEPIKHA1ANOMH1) rpa<PElorEV.ll/VTploc; TEAwVEiwvKOIE.'P.K2) ll/vOT]OpyilvWOT]C;3) ll/VOT]fllE6voovOIKOVO~IKooVIxtcrEWv4) ll/vOT]zoou, 0~6Twv KOITEAwv.OIKOVO~.Ka9EOTooTwv



Annex 1

Technical transposition I from HS codes 1996 to HS codes 2012 of annex I of theagreement between the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkeyon trade in products covered by the Treaty establishing the European Coal and SteelCommunity.

(Official.Journal L 227, 07/09/1996)

- Iron ores and concentrates, other than roasted iron pyrites

2601 11 0000 Non-agglomerated

2601 120000 Agglomerated



Manganese ores and concentrates, manganese oresand concentrates with a manganese content of 20 % or more, calculatedon the dry weight

waste fromthe manufacture of iron or steel

2619002000 - Waste suitable for the recovery of iron or manganese

2701 Coal; briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal

- Coal, whether or not pulverised, but not agglomerated

2701 11 0000 Anthracite

2701 12

Coking coal2701121000

Other2701 129000

2701 190000

2701 200000 - Briquettes, ovoids and similar solid fuels manufactured from coal

2702 jetLignite, whether or not

This technical transposition must not result in any change of the scope of annex I of the agreementbetween the European Coal and Steel Community and the Republic of Turkey.



r-·----------Lignite, whether or not pulverised, but~ot agglomerated------ --If 2702100000 -


I 2702200000 Agglomerated lignite._---------_._-


270400 Coke and semi-coke of coal, of lignite or of peat, whether or notagglomerated; retort carbon

270400 10 00 - Coke and semi-coke of coal

2704003000 - Coke and semi-coke of lignite

7201 Pig iron and spiegeleisen in pigs, blocks or other primary forms

7201 10 - Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight 0,5 % or less of phosphorus

- - Containing by weight not less than 0,4 % of manganese

72011011 - - - Containing by weight 1% or less of silicon

7201 10 11 10 - - - - Pig iron ingots with a length of not more than 350 mrn, a widthof not more than 150 mm, a height of not more than 150 mm

7201101190 - - - - Otherf-----

7201 10 1900 - - - Containing by weight more than 1 % of siliconI--7201 1030 - - Containing by weight not less than 0,1 % but less than 0,4 % of


7201 103010 - - - Pig iron ingots with a length of not more than 350 mrn, a width ofnot more than 150 mm, a height of not more than 150 mrn, containing byweight not more than 1 % of silicon

7201103090 - - - Other

7201 109000 - - Containing by weight less than 0,1 % of manganese

7201 200000 - Non-alloy pig iron containing by weight more than 0,5 % ofphosphorus

7201 50 - Alloy pig iron; spiegeleisen

7201 5010 00 - - Alloy pig iron containing by weight not less than 0,3 % but notmore than 1 % of titanium and not less than 0,5 % but not more than 1 %of vanadium

7201 509000 - - Other

7202 Ferro-alloys-

- Ferro-manganese

- - Containing by weight more than 2 % of carbon

172021T 20 00- - - - With a granulometry not exceeding 5 mm and a manganese'I content by weight exceeding 65 %---~----------~-7202 II 80 00 - - - Other

- Other than ferro-manganese, ferro-silicon, ferro-silico-manganese,ferro-chromium, fcrro-silico-chromiurn, ferro-nickel, ferro-molybdenum,ferro-tungsten and ferro-silica-tungsten

720299 - - Other than ferro-titanium, ferro-silica-titanium, ferro-vanadium andferro-niobium

7202991000 - - - Ferro-phosphorus

7203 Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron are and otherspongy ferrous products, in lumps, pellets or similar forms; iron having aminimum purity by weight of99,94 %, in lumps, pellets or similar forms

7203 \0 00 - Ferrous products obtained by direct reduction of iron are

72039000 - Other

7204 Ferrous waste and scrap; remelting scrap ingots of iron or steel

7204 \0 00 - Waste and scrap of cast iron

- Waste and scrap of alloy steel

720421 - - Of stainless steel

720421 10 - - - Containing by weight 8 % or more of nickel

720421 1010 - - - - Scrap

7204 21 10 90 - - - - Other

720421 90 - - - Other

7204 21 90 10 - - - - Scrap

7204219090 - - - - Other-

720429 - - Other

7204290010 - - - - Scrap

720429 00 90 - - - - Other

720430 - Waste and scrap of tinned iron or steel

7204 30 00 10 - - - - Scrap

7204300090 - - - - Other



--- ..-~----- --l- Other waste and scrap

----------.--~-. f------720441 - - Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust, filings,

trimmings and stampings, whether or not in bundles

720441 10 - - - Turnings, shavings, chips, milling waste, sawdust and filings ;

720441 1010 - - - - Scrap

720441 10 90 - - - - Other

- - - Trimmings and stampings

720441 91 - - - - In bundles

720441 91 10 - - - - - Scrap

720441 91 90 - - - - - Other

72044199 - - - - Other

7204419910 - - - - - Scrap

7204419990 - - - - - Other

720449 - - Other

72044910 - - - Fragmentised (shredded)--7204491010 - - - - Scrap--------7204491090 - - - - Other-

Other- - ---

72044930 - - - - In bundles

7204493010 - - - - - Scrap

7204493090 - - - - - Other

72044990 - - - - Other

7204499010 - - - - - Scrap

7204499090 - - - - - Other

7204500000 - Remelting scrap ingots

7206 Iron and non-alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms (excluding ironof heading 7203)

7206100000 - Ingots

- -----17206900000 - Other_.-------_. __ .-- --.------~-.•-7207 Semi-finished products of iron or non-alloy steel--

- Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon

7207 11 - - Of rectangular (including square) cross-section, the width measuringless than twice the thickness

- - - Rolled or obtained by continuous casting

7207 11 11 00 - - - - Of free-cutting steel

- - - - Other

7207 II 1400 - - - - - Of a thickness not exceeding 130 mm

7207 II 1600 - - - - - Ofa thickness exceeding 130 mm

7207 12 - - Other, of rectangular (other than square) cross-section

7207 12 1000 - - - Rolled or obtained by continuous casting

7207 19 - - Other

- - - Of circular or polygonal cross-section

720719 120O - - - - Rolled or obtained by continuous casting-

7207 1980 - - - Other

7207198010 - - - - Blanks for angles, shapes and sections, rolled or obtained bycontinuous casting

720720 - Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon-

- - Of rectangular (including square) cross-section, the width measuringless than twice the thickness

- - - Rolled or obtained by continuous casting

720720 11 00 - - - - Of free-cutting steel

- - - - Other, containing by weight

7207201500 - - - - - 0,25 % or more but less than.0,6 % of carbon

7207201700 - - - - - 0,6 % or more of carbon

- - Other, of rectangular (other than square) cross-section

7207203200 - - - Rolled or obtained by continuous casting

- - Of circular or polygonal cross-section



r-720720 52 00- - - - Rolled or obtained by continuous casting-----~----.-.----

I--.-~-~------.-.--I------~- ~-----.-------.~------------72072080 - - Other

7207208010 - - - Blanks for angles, shapes and sections, rolled or obtained bycontinuous casting

7208 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm ormore, hot-rolled, not clad, plated or coated

7208100000 - In coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with patterns in relief

- Other, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, pickled

7208250000 - - Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more

7208260000 - - Of a thickness of3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm

7208270000 - - Of a thickness ofless than 3 mm

- Other, in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled

7208360000 - - Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm

720837 - - Ofa thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 m

7208370010 - - - Intended for re-rolling

7208370090 - - - Other

720838 - - Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm

7208380010 - - - Intended for re-rolling

"7208380090 - - - Other

720839 - - Of a thickness of less than 3 mm

7208390010 - - - Intended for re-rolling

7208390090 - - - Other

720840 - Not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled, with patterns in relief

7208400010 - - Of a thickness of 2 mm or more

7208400090 - - Of a thickness ofless than 2 mm

- Other, not in coils, not further worked than hot-rolled

720851 - - Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm

7208512000 - - - Of a thickness exceeding 15.mm

1·---- --------------------- ~------------ -----1- - - of a thickness exceeding 10 mm but not exceeding 15 mrn, of a ', width of

------------_._-- I- - _._-----------------------7208519100 - 2 050 mm or more

7208519800 - - - - Less than 2 050 mm

720852 - - Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm

7208521000 - - - Rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a width notexceeding 1 250 mm

- - - Other, of a width of

72085291 00 - - - - 2 050 mm or more

7208529900 - - - - Less than 2 050 rnm

- - Of a thickness of 3 mIDor more but less than 4,75 mm

720853 1000 - - - Rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a width notexceeding I 250 mm and of a thickness of 4 mm or more

7208539000 - - - Other

7208540000 - - Of a thickness ofless than 3 mm

720890 - Other

f-7208 90 80 - - Other than perforated

72089080 10 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

7209 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm ormore, cold-rolled (cold-reduced), not clad, plated or coated

- In coils, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced)

7209 150000 - - Of a thickness of 3 mm or more

720916 - - Of a thickness exceeding 1mm but less than 3 mm

720916 1000 - - - 'Electrical'

7209169000 - - - Other

7209 17 - - Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding I mm

7209171000 - - - 'Electrical'

7209 179000 - - - Other



-----------~--~ -- -~~-----~--·-----··I7209 18 - - Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm--.-._ .._--------_._._----- -----------"7209 18 10 00 - - - 'Electrical'

- - - Other

7209189100 - - - - Of a thickness of 0,35 mm or more but less than 0,5 mm

7209189900 - - - - Of a thickness of less than 0,35 mm

- Not in coils, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced)

7209250000 - - Of a thickness of3 mm or more

720926 - - Of a thickness exceeding I mm but less than 3 mm

7209261000 - - - 'Electrical'

7209269000 - - - Other

720927 - - Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding I mm

720927 1000 - - - 'Electrical'

720927 90 00 - - - Other

720928 - - Of a thickness ofless than 0,5 mm

7209281000 - - - 'Electrical'

7209289000 - - - Other

720990 - Other

72099080 - - Other than perforated

7209908010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

7210 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm ormore, clad, plated or coated

- Plated or coated with tin

721011 - - Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more

7210 II 00 10 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

7210 12 - - Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm

72101220 - - - Tinplate

7210122010 - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes

:---.-------~.-.-~~- . ---------.-.---.-~-other than rectangular (including square)

~-~---~-~ -----_ .._-----_ .._.--_ ..

72101280 - - - Other--

7210128010 - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

721020 - Plated or coated with lead, including terne-plate

7210200010 - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

7210 30 - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc

7210300010 - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

- Otherwise plated or coated with zinc

721041 - - Corrugated

721041 0010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

721049 - - Other

~7210490010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

7210 50 - Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium andchromium oxides

7210500010 - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapesother than rectangular (including square)

- Plated or coated with aluminium

721061 - - Plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys-7210610010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes

other than rectangular (including square)

721069 - - OtherL7210690010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes

other than rectangular (including square)

721070 - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics

72107010 - - Tinplate, varnished; products, plated or coated with chromium oxidesor with chromium and chromium oxides, varnished

7210701010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated or simply cut into shapes



.-.------- ..--~~-~--,-.---. -.other than rectangular (including square)

f-~~-------. _. .--~--------.-72107080 - - Other

7210 70 80 11 - - - - Of non-alloy steel, painted, varnished or coated with plastics onat least one side, excluding products with a final coating of zinc-dust (azinc-rich paint, containing by weight 70 % or more of zinc) andexcluding products with a substrate with a metallic coating of chromiumor tin

7210 70 8019 - - - - Other

721090 - Other

72109030 - - Clad

7210903010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding, orsimply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square)

72109040 - - Tinned and printed

7210 90 4010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding, orsimply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square)

72109080 - - Other

- - - Other [than silvered, gilded, platinium-plated or enameled]

7210908091 - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding, orsimply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square)

7211 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than600 mm, not clad, plated or coated

- Not further worked than hot-rolled

7211 13 00 00 - - Rolled on four faces or in a closed box pass, of a width exceeding150 mm and a thickness of not less than 4 mrn, not in coils and withoutpatterns in relief

7211 14 - - Other, ofa thickness of4,75 mm or more

7211140010 - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7211 140090 - - - Of a width not exceeding 500 J?m

721119 - - Other---- --

7211 1900 10 - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7211 190090 - - - Of a width not exceeding 500 mm

- Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced)

-~-"---~---" ----- --- ~.----~---.-----7211 23 - - Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon

----"------~-~--7211 23 20 - - - 'Electrical'

7211232010 - - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm--"

- - - Other

72112330 - - - - Of a thickness of 0,35 rnm or more

7211 23 30 10 - - - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

- - - - - Of a width not exceeding 500 mm

7211233091 ------ In coils intended for the manufacture of tinplate

72112380 - - - - Of a thickness ofless than 0,35 mm

72 I I 23 80 10 - - - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

- - - - - Of a width not exceeding 500 mm

7211 23 8091 - - - - - - In coils intended for the manufacture of tinplate

7211 29 - - Other

72 I I 2900 10 - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7211 90 - Other

7211 9080 - - Other [than perforated]

- - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7211908010 - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

7212 Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of less than600 mm, clad, plated or coated

721210 - Plated or coated with tin

7212101000 - - Tinplate, not further worked than surface-treated

7212 1090 - - Other

- - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7212 1090 II - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

721220 - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc

- - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

72122000 II - - - Not further worked than surface-treated--



- 721230 - Otherwise pl~ted or coated with zinc ------- -------------- ----~---I..----------~-.-.-"..-..-- -

- - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7212 30 00 II - - - Not further worked than surface-treated--

721240 - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics1----72124020 - - Tinplate, not further worked than varnished; products, plated or

coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides,varnished

7212402010 - - - Tinplate, not further worked than varnished

- - - Other

- - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7212402091 - - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

72124080 - - Other

- - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

- - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

7212408001 - - - - - Of non-alloy steel, painted, varnished or coated with plastics onat least one side, excluding products with a final coating of zinc-dust (azinc-rich paint, containing by weight 70 % or more of zinc) andexcluding products with a substrate with a metallic coating of chromiumor tin

7212408009 - - - - - Other

721250 - Otherwise plated or coated

72125020 - - Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium andchromium oxides


- - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7212502011 - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

72125030 - - Plated or coated with chromium or nickel

- - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7212503011 - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

72125040 - - Plated or coated with copper

- - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

i7-21250-40-Tl---- r-'- -------------l- - - - Not further worked than surface-treated--- ..-~--- ------.------~-.--- ----,----------

- - Plated or coated with aluminium--

72125061 - - - Plated or coated with aluminium-zinc alloys

- - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7212506111 - - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

72125069 - - - Other

- - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

72125069 II - - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated .

72125090 - - Other

- - - Of a width exceeding 500 rnm

- - - - Other [than silvered, gilded, platinium-plated or enamelled]

7212509013 - - - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

721260 - Clad

- - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7212600011 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated

- - Of a width not exceeding 500 mm

- - - Not further worked than surface-treated

7212600091 - - - - Hot-rolled, not further worked than clad

7213 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of iron or non-alloysteel

7213 100000 - Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations producedduring the rolling process

7213 200000 - Other, of free-cutting steel

- Other

7213 91 - - Of circular cross-section measuring less than 14 mm in diameter

721391 1000 - - - Of a type used for concrete reinforcement

7213912000 - - - Of a type used for tyre cord

- - - Other



f72T3-9T41 00--- -..--.--.~- - - - Containing by weight 0,06 % or less of carboni------- ------.----~..--..----- . ---.-.-7213 91 4900 - - - - - Containing by weight more than 0,06 % but less than 0,25 % of


7213 91 7000 - - - - Containing by weight 0,25 % or more but not more than 0,75 %of carbon

7213919000 - - - - Containing by weight more than 0,75 % of carbon

721399 - - Other

7213 99 1000 - - - Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon

7213999000 - - - Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon

7214 Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel, not further worked thanforged, hot-rolled, hot-drawn or hot-extruded, but including thosetwisted after rolling

7214200000 - Containing indentations, ribs, grooves or other deformations producedduring the rolling process or twisted after rolling

7214300000 - Other, of free-cutting steel-

- Other

721491 - - Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section

721491 1000 - - - Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon--

7214919000 - - - Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon

721499 - - Other

- - - Containing by weight less than 0,25 % of carbon

7214991000 - - - - Of a type used for concrete reinforcement

- - - - Other, of circular cross-section measuring in diameter

7214993100 - - - - - 80 mm or more

7214993900 - - - - - Less than 80 mm

7214995000 - - - - Other

- - - Containing by weight 0,25 % or more of carbon

- - - - Of a circular cross-section measuring in diameter

7214997100 - - - - - 80 mm or more

7214997900 - - - - - Less than 80 mm

[72i4999500 - - - - Other---~--~~ .--.----~.-..•-- --.~-.-7215 Other bars and rods of iron or non-alloy steel

1-721590 - Other [than of free-cutting steel, not further worked than cold-formedor cold-finished; other than not further worked than cold formed or cold-finished]

7215900010 - - Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad

7216 Angles, shapes and sections of iron or non-alloy steel

7216100000 - U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn orextruded, of a height of less than 80 mm

- L or T sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn orextruded, of a height ofless than 80 mm

7216210000 - - L sections

7216220000 - - T sections

- U, I or H sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn orextruded, of a height of 80 mm or more

~721631 - - U sections

721631 10 00 - - - Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 220 mm

7216319000 - - - Of a height exceeding 220 mm

721632 - - I sections

- - - Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 220 mm

7216321100 - - - - With parallel flange faces

7216321900 - - - - Other

- - - Of a height exceeding 220 mm

7216329100 - - - - With parallel flange faces

7216329900 - - - - Other

721633 - - H sections

7216331000 - - - Of a height of 80 mm or more but not exceeding 180 mm

7216339000 - - - Of a height exceeding 180 mm

- L or T sections, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn orextruded, of a height of 80 mm or more




17216401000 L sections-- -

7216409000 - - T sections

7216 50 - Other angles, shapes and sections, not further worked than hot-rolled,hot -drawn or extruded

7216501000 - - With a cross-section which is capable of being enclosed in a squarethe side of which is 80 mm

- - Other

7216509100 - - - Bulb flats

7216509900 - - - Other

- Other

- - Other [than cold-formed or cold-finished from flat-rolled products]

7216990010 - - - Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad

7218 Stainless steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finished productsof stainless steel

7218100000 - Ingots and other primary forms

- Other

721891 - - Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section

721891 1000 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

721891 8000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

721899 - - Other

- - - Of square cross-section

7218 99 11 00 - - - - Rolled or obtained by continuous casting

- - - Other

7218992000 - - - - Rolled or obtained by continuous casting

7219 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width of 600 mm or more

- Not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils

7219 11 0000 - - Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm

721912 - - Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm

7219121000 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

1-7219 T29000--- - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel ----·--~------lI

----~-""---.- _ .."------_ ..•. ---721913 - - Of a thickness of3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm

7219131000 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

721913 9000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

721914 - - Of a thickness of less than 3 mm

7219141000 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

7219149000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

- Not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils

721921 - - Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm

72192110 00 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

7219219000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

721922 - - Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm

721922 10 00 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

7219229000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

7219230000 - - Of a thickness of3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm

7219240000 - - Of a thickness ofless than 3 mm

- Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced)

721931 0000 - - Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more

721932 - - Of a thickness of 3 mm or more but less than 4,75 mm

--7219321000 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

7219329000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

721933 - - Of a thickness exceeding I mm but less than 3 mm

721933 10 00 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

7219339000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

721934 - - Of a thickness of 0,5 mm or more but not exceeding I mm

7219341000 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

7219349000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel



r 721935--~--- Of a thickness of less than 0,5 mm---~------- -

----------,."----7219351000 Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

------~-- - -

7219359000 Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel --- - -

721990 - Other

7219908000 - - Other [than perforated 1

7220 Flat-rolled products of stainless steel, of a width ofless than 600 mm

- Not further worked than hot-rolled

7220 II 0000 - - Of a thickness of 4,75 mm or more

7220 120000 - - Of a thickness of less than 4,75 rnm

722020 - Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced)

- - Of a thickness of 3 mm or more, containing by weight

72202021 00 - - - 2,5 % or more of nickel

7220202900 - - - Less than 2,5 % of nickel

- - Of a thickness exceeding 0,35 rnrn but of less than 3 mm, containingby weight

72202041 00 - - - 2,5 % or more of nickel

7220204900 - - - Less than 2,5 % of nickel

- - Of a thickness not exceeding 0,35 mm, containing by weight

72202081 00 - - - 2,5 % or more of nickel

7220208900 - . - Less than 2,5 % of nickel

722090 - Other

7220908000 - - Other [than perforated 1

7221 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of stainless steel

7221 00 10 00 - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

7221009000 - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

7222 Other bars and rods of stainless steel; angles, shapes and sections ofstainless steel

I - Bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or


17222 11-----------------1

- - Of circular cross-section -l--_ .. ,. --------.~.--- ..~--- ..-.- ,----- -- Of a diameter of 80 mm or marc, containing by weight- - -

"7222 11 11 00 - - - - 2,5 % or more of nickel

7222 11 1900 - - - - Less than 2,5 % of nickel

- - - Of a diameter of less than 80 mm, containing by weight

7222 11 81 00 - - - - 2,5 % or more of nickel

7222 11 8900 - - - - Less than 2,5 % of nickel

7222 19 - - Other

7222 19 1000 - - - Containing by weight 2,5 % or more of nickel

7222 199000 - - - Containing by weight less than 2,5 % of nickel

722230 - Other bars and rods [other than not further worked than cold-formed orcold-finished and other than not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded]

72223097 - - Other [than forged]

7222309710 - - - Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad

722240 - Angles, shapes and sections

7222 401000 - - Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded

72224090 - - Other [than not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn orextruded; other than not further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished]

7222409010 - - - Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad

7224 Other alloy steel in ingots or other primary forms; semi-finishedproducts of other alloy steel

7224 10 - Ingots and other primary forms

7224101000 - - Of tool steelI

7224109000 - - Other

722490 - Other

72249002 - - Of tool steel

7224900229 - - - Of rectangular (including square) cross-section

- - - Other



7224 90 02 89--- Hot-rolled or obtained by continuous casting------ .•..-.--~-- - - -

----.-------,--.~.---. ----- - Other

- - - Of rectangular (including square) cross-section--

- - - - Hot-rolled or obtained by continuous casting

- - - - - The width measuring less than twice the thickness

7224900300 - - - - - - Of high-speed steel

7224900500 - - - - - - Containing by weight not more than 0,7 % of carbon, 0,5 %or more but not more than 1,2 % of manganese and 0,6 % or more butnot more than 2,3 % of silicon; containing by weight 0,0008 % or moreof boron with any other element less than the minimum content referredto in note I (f) to this chapter

7224900700 ------ Other

722490 1400 -----Other

- - - Other

- - - - Hot-rolled or obtained by continuous casting

72249031 00 - - - - - Containing by weight not less than 0,9 % but not more than1,15 % of carbon, not less than 0,5 % but not more than 2% ofchromium and, if present, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum

7224903800 - - - - - Other

7225 Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more

- Of silicon-electrical steel

7225 II 00 - - Grain-oriented

7225 II 00 10 - - - of a thickness exceeding OJ 6 mm

7225 II 0090 - - - other

7225 19 - - Other

7225191000 - - - Hot-rolled

7225 199000 - - - Cold-rolled

722530 - Other, not further worked than hot-rolled, in coils

722530 1000 - - Of tool steel

- - Of high-speed steel

c- ----~7225303010 - - - Not further worked than rolled; not further worked than surface-

treated, including cladding or simply cut into shapes other thanrectangular (including square)

-~7225309000 - - Other

722540 - Other, not further worked than hot-rolled, not in coils

72254012 - - Oftool steel

722540 1230 - - - Of a thickness of4,75 rom or more

7225401290 - - - Of a thickness less than 4,75 mm

72254015 - - Of high-speed steel

7225401510 - - - Not further worked than rolled; not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding or simply cut into shapes other thanrectangular (including square)

- - Other

7225404000 - - - Of a thickness exceeding 10 mm

7225406000 - - - Ofa thickness of 4,75 mm or more but not exceeding 10 mm

7225409000 - - - Of a thickness of less than 4,75 mm

722550 - Other, not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced)

72255020 - - Of high-speed steel

7225502010 - - - Not further worked than rolled; not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding or simply cut into shapes other thanrectangular (including square)

'7225 50 80 00 - - Other than of high-speed steel

- Other

722591 - - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc

722591 0010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding orsimply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square)

722592 - - Otherwise plated or coated with zinc

722592 0010 - - - Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding orsimply cut into shapes other than rectangular (including square)

722599 - - Other

- - - Not further worked than surface-treated, including cladding or



------,--------simply cut into shapes other than rectingular (including squar~j~--------

-- --_._--- r---------7225990011 - - - - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics on at least one side,

excluding products with a final coating of zinc-dust (a zinc-rich paint,containing by weight 70% or more of zinc) and excluding products witha substrate with a metallic coating of chromium or tin

7225990019 . - - - Other

7226 Flat-rolled products of other alloy steel, of a width of less than 600 mm

- Of silicon-electrical steel

7226 11 - - Grain-oriented

- - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

7226 11 00 11 - - - - Of a thickness exceeding 0,16 mm

7226 11 00 19 - - - - Other

722619 - - Other

722619 10 00 - - - Not further worked than hot-rolled

7226 1980 - - - Other

7226 198010 - - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mmf----722620 - Of high-speed steel

7226200010 - - Not further worked than hot-rolled; of a width not exceeding 500 mm,hot-rolled, not further worked than clad; of a width exceeding 500 mm,not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced) or not further workedthan surface-treated, including cladding

- Other

722691 - - Not further worked than hot-rolled

722691 2000 - - - Of tool steel

- - - Other

722691 91 00 - - - - Of a thickness of 4, 75 mm or more

722691 9900 - - - - Ofa thickness of less than 4,75 mm

722692 - - Not further worked than cold-rolled (cold-reduced)

722692 0010 - - - Of a width exceeding 500 mm

- - Other

[7226991 0 06--- - - - Electrolytically plated or coated with zinc---------------------1

-----------------1------------------=--- - Otherwise plated or coated with zinc7226993000

--- - - Other

- - - - Of a width not exceeding 500 mm, hot-rolled, not further workedthan clad; of a width exceeding 500 mm, not further worked thansurface-treated, including cladding

72269970 11 - - - - - Painted, varnished or coated with plastics on at least one side,excluding products with a final coating of zinc-dust (a zinc-rich paint,containing by weight 70% or more of zinc) and excluding products witha substrate with a metallic coating of chromium or tin

7226997019 - - - - - Other

7227 Bars and rods, hot-rolled, in irregularly wound coils, of other alloy steel

7227 100000 - Of high-speed steel

7227 20 00 00 - Of silico-manganese steel

722790 - Other

7227 901000 - - Containing by weight 0,0008 % or more of boron with any otherelement less than the minimum content referred to in note 1(f) to thischapter

7227905000 - - Containing by weight 0,9 % or more but not more than 1,15 % ofcarbon, 0,5 % or more but not more than 2 % of chromium and, ifpresent, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum

7227909500 - - Other

7228 Other bars and rods of other alloy steel; angles, shapes and sections, ofother alloy steel; hollow drill bars and rods, of alloy or non-alloy steel

7228 10 - Bars and rods, of high-speed steel

7228102000 - - Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded; hot-rolled,hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad

722820 - Bars and rods, of silico-manganese steel

72282010 - - Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section, hot-rolled on fourfaces

7228201010 - - - Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded

- - - Other

7228201091 - - - - Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad




~------------ r- ------------ - Other

:--72282091 00 - - - Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded; hot-I rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad,722830 - Other bars and rods, not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or


7228302000 - - Of tool steel

- - Containing by weight 0,9 % or more but not more than 1,15 % ofcarbon, 0,5 % or more but not more than 2 % of chromium and, ifpresent, not more than 0,5 % of molybdenum

7228304100 - - - Of circular cross-section of a diameter of 80 mm or more

7228304900 - - - Other

- - Other

- - - Of circular cross-section, of a diameter of

7228306100 - - - - 80 mm or more

7228306900 - - - - Less than 80 mm

7228307000 - - - Of rectangular (other than square) cross-section, hot-rolled onfour faces

7228308900 - - - Otherc-

722860 - Other bars and rods [than not further worked than forged; other thannot further worked than cold-formed or cold-finished]

72286020 - - Of tool steel

72286020 10 - - - Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad

72286080 - - Other

7228608010 - - - Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad

7228 70 - Angles, shapes and sections

7228701000 - - Not further worked than hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded

- - Other

7228709010 - - - Hot-rolled, hot-drawn or extruded, not further worked than clad

7228800000 - Hollow drill bars and rods

7301 Sheet piling of iron or steel, whether or not drilled, punched or madefrom assembled elements; welded angles, shapes and sections, of iron or


-~--~--- - -~------.~-----------7301 100000 - Sheet piling

7302 Railway or tramway track construction material of iron or steel, t~following: rails, check-rails and rack rails, switch blades, crossing frogs,point rods and other crossing pieces, sleepers (cross-ties), fish-plates,chairs, chair wedges, sole plates (base plates), rail clips, bedplates, tiesand other material specialised for jointing or fixing rails

7302 10 - Rails

- - Other [than current-conducting, with parts of non-ferrous metal]

- - - New

- - - - Vignole rails

7302102200 - - - - - Of a weight per metre of 36 kg or more

7302 10 28 00 - - - - - Of a weight per metre of less than 36 kg

7302104000 - - - - Grooved rails

7302105000 - - - - Other

7302109000 - - - Used

7302400000 - Fish-plates and sole plates

7302900000 - Other


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