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Marketing reportMarket for cosmetics and personal

care productsEmiratesMay 2014

ContentsM Statement Page

Number1 Introduction 32 UAE exports 33 UAE imports 44 Re-export 55 Egyptian exports to market Emirati 76 The most important countries for

several pain War UAE market8

7 Market data:

The most important features of the market Market size Purchasing power Price levels Promotional tactics Customs treatment



Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi


8 The most important specialized exhibitions that are held in this area in the UAE


9 The contact details of companies importing the UAE


10 Recommendations 16

Marketing reportMarket for cosmetics and personal care products in the UAE

I. Introduction:

The UAE ranked first in average per capita spending on cosmetic products which amounted to $ 156, and the total size of the cosmetics market in the state five billion dirhams in 2013, and is expected to reach more than 6.5 billion dirhams by 2018. This is due to the high entry retail as well as local consumption patterns linked to climatic factors of the area, such as high temperatures and salinity in the water, which makes individuals more spending on personal care products.

2: UAE exports:

Next statement shows the volume of exports UAE of the next item:

Value in thousand U.S. dollarsItem number: customs

Description Value Value2010 2011 January-

September 2011

January-September 2012

33071010 Creams and shaving foam

26 49 45 17

33071090 Other 332 79 49 1733072000 Personal deodorants,

sweat and sweating inhibitors

8800 16000 12000 13000


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

33073000 Scented bath salts and other bath preparations

6600 6600 13000 16000

33079010 Depilatories - - - 012233079020 Paper bags are scented

and perfumed1000 379 258 371

3303 Fragrances and Beauty Water

56000 120000 92000 64000

3304 Preparations BeautyA & Accessories preparations and skin care preparations Care nails of hands and feet

31000 44000 31000 39000

3305 Preparations Hair Care 21000 40000 26000 34000Total 124 758 227 107 174 352 166 405

Source: Customs Emirates + Ministry of Economy

- Previous statement to increase the value of exports from the UAE cosmetics products, personal care during 2011, reaching about $ 227.1 million compared to $ 124.7 million during the year 2010 and an increase of about 82%, while the value of exports fell the UAE during the period January - September 2012 compared with the same period of 2011, reaching nearly 166.4 million compared to $ 174.3 million, a decline of about 4.7%.

                                                         Third: UAE imports:

The statement follows the volume of imports from the UAE The following items:

                                                   Value in thousand U.S. dollars

Item number: customs

Description Value Value2010 2011 January-

September 2011

January-September 2012

33071010 Creams and shaving foam

10310 10874 7600 10149


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

33071090 Other 2000 4800 4000 340033072000 Personal

deodorants, sweat and sweating inhibitors

86000 138000 100000 112000

33073000 Scented bath salts and other bath preparations

22900 22900 28900 23900

33079010 Depilatories 20800 26000 19900 2240033079020 Paper bags

are scented and perfumed

15700 18200 14000 16300

3303 Fragrances and Beauty Water

537 300 587 200 432 300 410 800

3304 Preparations BeautyA & Accessories preparations and skin care preparations Care nails of hands and feet

505200 677000 501 600 524 500

3305 Preparations Hair Care

182800 184000 137000 139000

Total 1300000 1600000 1200000 1200000

Source: Customs Emirates + Ministry of Economy

- The above table shows increase in the value of imports from the United Arab Emirates items mentioned in 2011, reaching nearly $ 1.6 billion in 2011 versus $ 1.3 billion in


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

2010 and an increase of about 23%, and worth during the period January-September 2012 about 1, 2 billion dollars unrealized value that achieved during the same period of 2011.- The most important items of imports, the UAE during the period January to September 2012 in the Customs item number 3304 (or preparations Accessories Beauty and skin care preparations and preparations Care nails of hands and feet) where valued at approximately $ 524.5 million compared to $ 501.6 million during the same period of the year 2011 followed by the Customs item number 3303 (Perfume and beauty water), valued at about 410.8 million compared to $ 432.3 million in customs and then the item number 3305 (hair care preparations) where amounted to about 139 million dollars against 137 million dollars during the same period of 2011 Then the customs item number 33072000 ( Personal deodorants, sweat and sweating inhibitors) where valued at approximately $ 112 million compared to $ 100 million dollars during the same period of 2011. 

Fourth, re-export:  As previously mentioned numbers do not mean the previous statement mentioned that these imports are consumed in the UAE market, but are re-export to other markets, and the following statement illustrates the size of the re-export of these items:

Value in thousand U.S. dollarsItem number: customs

Description Value Value2010 2011 January-

September 2011

January-September 2012

33071010 Creams and shaving foam

1200 956 638 2700

33071090 Other 236 513 461 59433072000 Personal

deodorants, sweat and sweating inhibitors

28400 26600 20000 28000


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

33073000 Scented bath salts and other bath preparations

4900 4900 5300 1900

33079010 Depilatories 959 1500 866 70433079020 Paper bags are

scented and perfumed

4400 7300 4300 7500

3303 Fragrances and Beauty Water

223000 240000 175000 199000

3304 Preparations BeautyA & Accessories preparations and skin care preparations Care nails of hands and feet

123000 128000 96000 99000

3305 Preparations Hair Care

38000 82000 56000 77000

Source: Customs Emirates + Ministry of Economy

Fifth: Egyptian   exports: The statement shows the next volume of Egyptian

exports of the following items:      Value in thousand U.S. dollars

Item number:customs

Description Value Value2010 2011 January-

September 2011

January-September 2012

33071010 Creams and shaving foam

- - - 1

33071090 Other - - - 0.1933072000 Personal

deodorants, sweat and sweating inhibitors

69 191 141 174

33073000 Scented bath salts and

- 991 888 3


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

other bath preparations

33079020 Paper bags are scented and perfumed

- 0.98 0.98 -

3303 Fragrances and Beauty Water

36 36 0320 3

3304 Preparations BeautyA & Accessories preparations and skin care preparations Care nails of hands and feet

258 838 596 961

3305 Preparations Hair Care

3300 5800 4000 6000

Total 3663 7856 5626 7142

Source: Customs Emirates + Ministry of Economy

The value of Egyptian exports of this sector of the market through the United Arab Emirates in 2011 compared to 2010, reaching about $ 7.8 million compared to $ 3.6 million, As evidenced by the initial increase of Egyptian exports of products of this sector of the UAE market during the period January-September 2012 compared with the same period of 2011, an increase of about 26.7%, reaching values of about 7.1 million compared to $ 5.6 million.


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

The most important export item, which achieved an increase during the period January to September 2012 in the Customs item number 3305 (hair care preparations) where valued at approximately $ 6 million compared to $ 4 million dollars during the same period of 2011, followed by the item number 3304 where the customs value of approximately 961 000 compared to $ 596 000 dollars during the same period of 2011.Sixth: The most important exporting countries of the Emirati market:

Customs 33071090- other item:  -

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 33071090 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

Germany 1300France 887England 426United States 183Turkey 113Italy 92Spain 69China 65Switzerland 48

Customs 3307200- item: - personal deodorants, sweat and sweating inhibitors

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 33072000 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

Germany 33800Argentina 18500


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

Indonesia 11400France 10300United States 8700Philippines 7100England 3900Turkey 2800Of Poland 2400Italy 1900

Customs 3307200- item: - personal deodorants, sweat and sweating inhibitors

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 33072000 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

Germany 33800Argentina 18500Indonesia 11400France 10300United States 8700Philippines 7100England 3900Turkey 2800Of Poland 2400Italy 1900

Clearance item 33071010 pastes and shaving   foam:

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 33071010 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

Germany 3500England 2800Turkey 1200France 767


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

Switzerland 300Of Poland 289India 270Bulgaria 208Thailand 131Belgium 131

Clearance Item 33073000: scented bath salts and other bath preparations

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 33073000 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

Germany 8600Italy 5100Of England a 3900China 1800United States 1200France 739Malaysia 598Thailand 453India 210Greece 119

Clearance Item 33079010: Depilatories

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 33079010 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

France 17000Pakistan 1300Italian A 839England 711Spain 586United States 333


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

Germany 283India 275Of Poland 226Saudi Arabia 174

Item 2 0 330 790 Customs: Depilatories

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 33079020 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

England 1700Thailand 382China 268Of Poland 233Ireland 192France 182United States 141Germany 115Italy 108Philippines 80

Clearance Item 3303: Perfume and Beauty Water

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 3303 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

France 202000United States 52300Italy 47600England 39400Spain 17200Switzerland 15200India 9200Bahrain 5100Saudi Arabia 3000


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

Indonesia 2600Clearance Item 3304: Preparations A & Accessories Beauty and skin care preparations and preparations Care nails of hands and feet

 The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 3304 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

India 97500France 97100United States 51700Germany 48200Italy 27000Thailand 26400England 25300Spain 25300China 23600Of Poland 18600

Clearance Item 3305: Preparations Hair Care

The most important countries of the supplier of the item Customs 3305 for the UAE market                                           Value in thousand USDJanuary-September 2012State Value

United States 16400Saudi Arabia 14000Germany 12500France 12300Spain 11600India 11000Italy 8500Egypt 6100Belgium 4800Philippines 4100

Source: Ministry of Economy UAESeventh: market data: -


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

The most important features of the   market:

Can monitor the most important features of the market the United Arab Emirates through a number of actors in this market and that is the most important of which are as follows:

It is an open market deals with all countries without restrictions cash / no quota system or imported goods is restricted or prohibited (except What hurts health and security). Strategic geographical location of the UAE are located in the heart of the Gulf and the continuation of the role that was played by the past as a hub for trade between the East and the Indian sub-continent with the space of transactions to include countries and geographic areas sprawling. Near Emirates area serve market population of over three billion people (and is intended to market Asian countries - Gulf region - Commonwealth of Independent States - countries of Africa) and the presence of the means of transmission quick and direct with major centers in this huge market helped the state to play a major role in the field of trade re-export. Composition of the population in the state, where the proportion of Emiratis representing not more than 11.5% of the total population and the largest percentage of the citizen Asian (Indian - Pakistani - Iranian .....) and controls many of these nationalities in the style of business in a large number of installations in the UAE, which definitely affect the orientations of these facilities. Consumer multiple slides according to the combination of income and consumption habits that are different concerns from one slide to another as a result of the multiplicity of races and nationalities within the UAE market. The multiplicity of factors driving the purchase of a slice Consumer to another while characterized by a large


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

segment of consumers Emiratis and Europeans and some Arab nationalities purchasing power of high interest factor of quality and brand as a motive for buying There is also also slides consumer of Asians who represents the price factor biggest motivation, mostly when making a purchase .

The continuous increase in the number of population is expected to increase as the population of the Gulf region (including the UAE) from 30 million in 2000 to 60 million in 2030. The size of the market:

The size of the UAE consumer market about 8.2 million people, according to estimates by the National Center for Statistics, represents Emiratis (who called Citizens) is less than a million by 11.5%, while a foreign state employees (who are called non-citizens or residents) ratio 88.5%. Acquires the emirate of Abu Dhabi, the largest percentage of the UAE citizens account for about 42.6% of the total, followed by citizens in the Emirate of Dubai rose 17.7%, then the Emirate of at a rate of about 16.2%, followed by the rest of the other Emirates,   which  means that these three UAE concentration of about 76.5% of the total UAE nationals, which must be taken into account when targeting marketing slide for UAE nationals when marketing any product .

Constitute the overwhelming majority of foreign residents in the consumer market, where Emirati numbering about 7.3 million, a rate of 88.5% of the total UAE population. Purchasing power:  Characterized by the purchasing power of citizens to rise severe as a result of rising incomes, which have the UAE the highest average per capita household expenditure at the level of Arab countries, and that about 59 dollars a day, but it should be noted that in spite of the large size of the foreign communities in the market the consumer Emirati However, it should be taking into account the different


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

purchasing power in accordance with the slice to which they belong. According to unofficial estimates represent the Filipino community the largest percentage in the number of foreign residents, followed by slightly ahead of the Indian community and then Pakistan, then Iran, then Egypt and then Jordan and the Palestinians, and other communities, and it must be noted in this regard that the Asian community represents the largest census in the UAE market.

Due to link the purchasing power of income levels, we Will display The following are estimates of monthly income for families in the UAE, according to the consumer segments:

The origin of the family

Average monthly income

Emirati familyEuropean familyArab familyAsian family

54 940375482210016892

This and levels vary monthly incomes within each slice with an increasing low-income families in Asian than in other segments, it also should be noted that about 72.7% of Emirati families more than the average annual income of 240 thousand dirhams annually. Price levels in the United Arab   Emirates:

Prices vary depending on the sale of these products brand and origin.

Promotional methods:

- Constitute the most important advertising promotional methods followed in the UAE to promote various products and during the period January-August 2013 the UAE has maintained the first position at the level of the Arab states in ad spending, valued at 3.9


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

billion dirhams, compared with about 3.8 billion dirhams during the same period of 2012 The growth rate was about 3%, for the same period of 2012 and was the most important means of advertising during the period mentioned in the order are: newspapers and outdoor advertising and road and then magazines, then the announcement of television and cinema advertisements and then finally the announcement on the radio.The means used for advertising in the UAE are as

follows in order:Means ad Spending PercentageNewspaper

ads2.1 billion


Foreign ad banners

576.1 million dirhams


Magazine ads

524.1 million dirhams


TV ads 469 million dirhams


Radio ads 124 million dirhams


Ads Cinema 102 million dirhams


  - Constitute advertising by printing brochures and guides the most important promotional methods followed in the UAE and sometimes advertising in newspapers to promote the UAE Of these products by the big hypermarket stores, as well as specialty shops in these products , As these stores are in the work offers a price from time to time.

Tariff treatment:

- Granted imports from Arab Republic of Egypt at this time and under an agreement to facilitate and develop trade exchange between Arab countries, As for other countries it applies customs duty of 5%- Vendors:


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

- T represents the most important in hypermarkets and shops including: Lulu Hypermarket, Carrefour, Abu Dhabi Association, and in addition to specialty shops in the sale of such products.

Eighth: the most important specialized exhibitions that are held in this area in the   UAE:  -The name of the exhibition

Website of the exhibition

Beauty world Middle East


Ninth: The contact details of UAE companies operating in this area of the (attached): -Tenth: Recommendations: -

There is a good opportunity for Egyptian products in that market, where Egypt occupies an advanced position in the list of countries exporting these products to the UAE market:

Taking into account the quality of the products and price competition or presentations from time to time because the market is open in the UAE market these products and has a large number of brands. Interest in participating in international exhibitions held in the United Arab Emirates in this area and the above-mentioned table above and in which we can promote our exports, not only in the UAE market, but the neighboring regional markets. Intensification of promotional efforts through various means of propaganda and to provide the Office of Commercial catalogs and adequate information on the Egyptian production in order to be used in a promotion with him among importers

Sincerely yours,First secretary of the trade " Noha Mahrous Ali "


Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt

Commercial Representation Office                Abu Dhabi

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