emancipation proclamation by kharizzmatik

Post on 24-Oct-2015






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    Emancipation Proclamation by kharizzmatik

    Direct Link: http://kharizzmatik-ep.blogspot.com/

    I didnt mark prologue as chapter one, so you have 79 chapters + prologue = 80

    chapters, all posted + epilogue.

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    Table of contest:

    Prologue: 5

    Chapter 1: 9

    Chapter 2: 20

    Chapter 3: 32

    Chapter 4: 42

    Chapter 5: 52

    Chapter 6: 62

    Chapter 7: 71

    Chapter 8: 85

    Chapter 9: 94

    Chapter 10: 110

    Chapter 11: 123

    Chapter 12: 139

    Chapter 13: 150

    Chapter 14: 164

    Chapter 15: 175

    Chapter 16: 189

    Chapter 17: 200

    Chapter 18: 208

    Chapter 19: 223

    Chapter 20: 239

    Chapter 21: 260

    Chapter 22: 281

    Chapter 23: 296

    Chapter 24: 316

    Chapter 25: 345

    Chapter 26: 371

    Chapter 27: 399

    Chapter 28: 422

    Chapter 29: 449

    Chapter 30: 487

    Chapter 31: 514

    Chapter 32: 546

    Chapter 33: 575

    Chapter 34: 607

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    Chapter 35: 635

    Chapter 36: 681

    Chapter 37: 714

    Chapter 38: 745

    Chapter 39: 775

    Chapter 40: 812

    Chapter 41: 841

    Chapter 42: 871

    Chapter 43: 904

    Chapter 44: 938

    Chapter 45: 972

    Chapter 46: 1005

    Chapter 47: 1056

    Chapter 48: 1086

    Chapter 49: 1123

    Chapter 50: 1154

    Chapter 51: 1182

    Chapter 52: 1229

    Chapter 53: 1261

    Chapter 54: 1292

    Chapter 55: 1325

    Chapter 56: 1352

    Chapter 57: 1376

    Chapter 58: 1417

    Chapter 59: 1443

    Chapter 60: 1467

    Chapter 61: 1491

    Chapter 62: 1521

    Chapter 63: 1550

    Chapter 64: 1588

    Chapter 65: 1628

    Chapter 66: 1661

    Chapter 67: 1685

    Chapter 68: 1709

    Chapter 69: 1735

    Chapter 70: 1783

    Chapter 71: 1825

    Chapter 72: 1863

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    Chapter 73: 1901

    Chapter 74: 1951

    Chapter 75: 2003

    Chapter 76: 2064

    Chapter 77: 2112

    Chapter 78: 2164

    Chapter 79: 2212

    Epilogue: 2279

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    "This is a world of compensations; and he who would be no slave, must

    consent to have no slave. Those who deny freedom to others, deserve it

    not for themselves; and, under a just God, can not long retain it." -

    Abraham Lincoln

    Sixteen years ago today a girl lay on the damp ground, in the middle of a dark

    small shabby barn that smelled faintly of hay and manure, and gave birth to a

    premature baby girl. She was desperately frightened, for herself and her baby.

    She endured the best she could, gritting her teeth and remaining silent despite

    the severe pain, pushing through it and welcoming the baby into the world all

    alone. She cut the umbilical cord with a pair of garden sheers and swaddled the

    baby girl with rags she found, doing the best she could to keep her warm. She

    knew it was too soon for her to be born, knew there was no way it had been 9

    months already. The baby was tinyshe wasnt sure how much she weighed but

    it couldnt have been much more than 5 pounds. Her cry was weak, her body

    slightly blue, but she refused to give up on her daughter. She held that tiny baby

    all through the night, rocking her and shushing her, trying to feed her but having

    absolutely no clue how to get her to latch on to the breast.

    The afterbirth frightened the girl, sending her into a panic attack. She had no clue

    what was going on, horrified at the thought of having twins. She still hadnt

    figured out what she was going to do with the one she had as it was, had no idea

    how she was going to raise a child.

    She was still a child herself, barely sixteen and utterly nave. As she held that

    baby through the night, gazing down into her scrunched up face and stroking her

    tiny hand wrapped around one of her fingers, she imagined a world beyond the

    one she lived in. A world where her baby girl could flourish. Where she could go

    to school and have friends, a world where she could fall in love and marry. A

    world where her daughter could have her own house, her own career, her own

    family. A world where her daughter had choices, freedoms.

    Because the girl had none. She was a slave, at the mercy of the people who

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    owned her. She was kidnapped as a baby, both of her parents murdered. The

    kidnappers knew they could get a pretty penny for her and auctioned her off to

    the highest bidder, not caring what they wanted her for or what would come of


    Shed gotten lucky though, for the most part. She knew she couldve ended up in

    a pedophile ring somewhere but she hadnt. She was purchased as a present, a

    child for a woman who desperately wanted a daughter but couldnt bear her own

    anymore. Shed already had a son, his birth traumatic and leaving her barren.

    They couldnt legally adopt, as the husband had an extensive criminal record and

    they wouldve never been approved. So they bought on the black market.

    It didnt go over very well, the girls presence backfiring. Instead of filing the void

    the lady had, she merely reminded her of her inability to ever have her own

    daughter. She had been pushed aside, cast off. She carried their same last name

    but she was no more family to them than the next person. As soon as she was

    old enough to walk and talk, she was left to fend for herself and forced to help

    take care of their needs.

    The family was powerful. She wasnt entirely sure what they were involved in, but

    she knew it wasnt good. They owned a few slaves, and over the years shed seen

    more than one murdered at the familys hand when they tried to flee. There was

    no escaping. Youd be found if you even attempted it, and youd be killed in front

    of everyone to send a message to the others. They owned you.

    She didnt see their son much, as he was off in boarding school throughout the

    year and usually spent summers traveling with the family. She was always left

    behind while they vacationed, but never was she left alone. There was always

    someone watching her.

    The fall the girl turned 15, the father fell ill. Their son came home to help his

    mother while his father was out of commission, so-to-speak. He was eighteen at

    the time and was volatile, but he wasnt too harsh to herhe didnt threaten her

    or beat her as he did the others, and he wasnt demanding of her. He ignored her

    for the most part, barely even noticing she was alive. But after a few months it all

    shifted and he started sneaking into her room at night, laying with her and

    touching her, hovering over her and pushing himself into her.

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    She wasnt educated but she knew the facts of life. When her period stopped

    coming, she knew what that meant. She wasnt sure what to do, who to tell or

    what to say. Shed finally grown brave enough to confess to her mistress that a

    child was growing inside of her, when the son came home and announced to the

    family that he was to be married to a local girl from a well-off family.

    She knew then that she couldnt say anything. They were counting on the

    merging of the families for their livelihood and the fact that she was pregnant

    because of their son, despite the fact that she hadnt instigated their contact,

    would be blamed solely on her. Theyd blame her for ruining their future, for

    ruining their plans.

    After awhile the father recovered and the son moved out, leaving her back to

    being overlooked. She kept her pregnancy a secret, hiding it the best she could.

    No one paid her much attention anyway--no one noticed.

    So as she sat in that barn, rocking that tiny baby, she allowed herself to forget

    the way she lived. She allowed herself to dream of a better world for her child.

    She allowed herself to dream of her child having a future where she could shine.

    She kept the baby hidden away for a few days, the baby surviving and

    surprisingly thriving given the conditions. But she couldnt keep her a secret


    The mistress faintly heard the baby crying one evening and walked out to the

    barn, where shed been hiding out with her. The mistress was shocked to say the

    least. The girl was so frightened, afraid they were going to sell the baby or even

    worse, end the babys life. She'd seen slaves get pregnant over the years, seen

    their pregnancies terminated and babies disappear. But the mistress surprised

    her. Because as the mistress gazed into the babys face, she saw her sons

    features shining back at her. She knew the baby was her blood.

    She wouldnt accept the baby as family, refused to acknowledge it out loud, but

    she allowed her to keep her. And for sixteen years the girl did the best she could,

    been the best mother she couldve been. She couldnt escape the life she had

    been sold into, but she held hope that someday her daughter would find

    something better. And she did all she could to prepare her for a better life,

    despite the fact that she knew very little about the outside world herself.

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    The baby grew into a beautiful child. The slaves doted on her but the family

    ignored her for the most part. Occasionally theyd catch the mistress staring at

    her, smiling when she didnt think anyone was watching. It gave the girl hope

    that maybe her child would be freed. They didnt treat her like the others either,

    didnt beat her or work her too hard. There was some kindness there, under the

    surface. Compassion for the bastard child their son created.

    The summer before that childs 12th birthday, however, everything changed. The

    mistress and master of the house got into a car accident, dying upon impact.

    Instead of being freed, as they all hoped, the son stepped in and took over. The

    son had turned into a harsh man, his hostility growing as he aged. He had not an

    ounce of kindness inside of him, no compassion what so ever.

    He still had a soft spot for the girl he had impregnated, despite the fact that over

    a decade had gone by since they last had contact. After he took over he started

    sneaking into her room again at night and having his way with her. She never

    fought back, knowing fighting his advances would mean death. He owned her and

    she got off easier than most. All she truly had to endure was a few minutes of his

    panting sweaty form hovering over her at nightthe others were beaten bloody.

    The man wasnt stupid, he knew the child was his daughter and he didnt like it

    one bit. For four years the girl was abused and tortured, and her mother

    protected her the best she could while still protecting herself. She knew shed be

    no help to her dead and had no choice but to sometimes sit back and allow her

    daughter to endure it.

    The wife eventually figured it out, realized that the child slave was her husbands

    illegitimate daughter. The woman had been unable to carry a baby to term, all of

    her pregnancies ending in miscarriage. She was infuriated and wanted the child

    gone. She demanded her husband dispose of her.

    That girl, who birthed that tiny baby alone in the barn, was my mother. And that

    baby, who survived despite the odds stacked against her, was me. My name is

    Isabella Swan, and today is my sixteenth birthday.

    It would surprise people if they knew the world I was born into existed. Abraham

    Lincoln delivered the Emancipation Proclamation in 1862, outlawing ownership of

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    other human beings, but it didnt end there. People were still bought and sold,

    bound to servitude, stripped of all rights and privileges. I was born in 1989, well

    over a century after Lincoln abolished slavery. Slavery exists in every in corner of

    America, the slave trade in and out of the cities and suburbia kept secret. With

    enough money, you can buy anyone.

    Its the year 2005 and today Im being sold.

    Chapter 1 - Survival of the fittest

    Sleep is good, death is better; but of course, the best thing would to

    have never been born at all - Heinrich Heine


    Youve gotta get up soon sweetheart, my mothers voice said softly beside me.

    I grumbled incoherently, keeping my eyes closed and turning over away from

    her. She sighed, reaching out and stroking my brown hair softly. She was quiet

    for a few moments and I could feel her hand trembling, her breathing shaky. She

    was taking this hard.

    Charles will be back soon, she whispered, barely audible but I flinched as his

    name escaped her lips. You know what will happen if youre still in bed when he


    Maybe its for the best. Maybe hell kill me and get it over with, I mumbled. My

    mom sobbed loudly upon my words, losing the composure she was fighting hard

    to keep. I sighed loudly and mumbled a quick apology, not wanting to upset her.

    I pulled myself up into a sitting position and glanced over at her. She was sitting

    on the floor beside the mattress we slept on. Our room was a sectioned off loft on

    the top of a barnthe same barn Id been born inand was a few feet from the

    house. The room itself was about 6.5 feet high and about 10 feet by 10 feet. It

    was small, for sure, but there was a large window that took up nearly the entire

    wall that made it appear to be more open.

    My moms face was swollen, her cheeks streaked with tears and eyes bloodshot. I

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    had to look away quickly, unable to bear it.

    Charles Swan, the man whose blood pumped in my veins and whose DNA I

    shared, left two nights ago for a business trip to speak to a 'potential buyer'. He

    went away often for that reason, as he not only sold real estate as a front but he

    ran a significant identity theft and forgery ring, but I wasnt fooled. I knew what

    he was off selling right nowMe. Id overheard him and his wife discussing me a

    week ago. She told him she wanted me gone and I suspect she was insinuating

    he murder me, but he instead decided Id be sold. He told her he could get a

    good bit of money for me and said he had someone in mind that was looking. He

    was due to return this morning.

    I was frightened, there was no doubt about it. I had no idea what the future held,

    where Id be sent to and what situation Id be put into. Id also never been away

    from my mother and that was what scared me the most.

    I dont have a lot of life experience. I can count the number of times Id been off

    of the Swan family property in my entire life on my fingers. Ive never had a

    chance to socialize and can probably name every person Ive ever met off the top

    of my head. Ive only ever met one person my age and that was a slave Charles

    bought last year. She had been here for a little over a week when she tried to

    escape. He caught her a mile down the road and dragged her back, pulling her

    into the house by her hair. He beat her to death right in front of me and left her

    lying on the floor for hours. I was forced to clean up the blood and bits of flesh

    embedded into the wooden floor after he finally removed her body. It was

    gruesome and made me vomitId gotten a pretty bad beating for that.

    And besides Charles and his father, Id never actually spoken to another man

    before. I didnt remember much of Charless father, he was rarely around, and

    Charles had always been cold toward me. All of the slaves here were female, and

    when visitors came we were kept locked away. Men frightened me--they were

    foreign, unknown. I'd gotten plenty of glimpses of other men, the ones paid to

    stand guard around the perimeter of the property, but I'd never had any

    interaction with them. The only ones who interacted with the guards were the

    one's who were stupid enough to try to flee. They weren't always out there and

    you couldn't always see them when they were, but you always knew there was a

    chance that you were being watched by someone in the shadows. It was like they

    were taunting us, letting us know that technically slipping away undetected was

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    possible, you just never knew when. It was gambling with your life and very few

    were willing to take that risk. The ones who did always failed.

    Im up, I muttered eventually. I climbed up from the mattress and walked over

    to the dresser, grabbing whatever was on top. All of my clothes were old and

    tattered, hand-me-downs that were my mothers when she grew up.

    I put on a white shirt that was covered in stains and slipped on a pair of jeans.

    They were worn and faded, holes worn into both knees and the bottoms frayed. I

    didnt have any shoes, hadnt had any in years. My feet were rough, the skin

    thickened and tough from going barefoot. It didnt bother me anymore, I could

    step on a nail and it probably wouldnt even register.

    My mom walked up behind me with a comb and started running it through my

    hair, trying to get the knots out. It was fruitless It desperately needed a good

    washing. She gave up after a minute, grabbing a rubber band and pulling it back.

    I heard the sound of a car coming up the driveway and my heart started racing. I

    was frozen in spot, frightened. My mom dashed to the widow, glancing out. Her

    eyes were wide, her expression panicked. She knew just as well as I did that my

    time was running shortshe knew where Charles had gone.

    The car came to a stop in front of the house, the engine cutting off. I heard a car

    door slam shut and listened intently, waiting to hear any sign of someone being

    with him.

    Hes alone, my mom said, sounding pleased. I exhaled loudly, realizing I had

    been holding my breath. She turned and smiled lightly at me, her expression

    relieved. She walked to me quickly, pulling me into a hug and squeezing tightly.

    Maybe he changed his mind.

    I laughed bitterly. Yeah, right.

    She sighed, pulling out of the hug and grabbing my hand. Dont give up hope

    Isabella, she said sternly.

    I nodded, more to appease her than anything. She didnt need to know that Id

    given up hope a long time ago when I realized that an entire world existed

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    beyond oursa world I knew very little of.

    We started for the door, wanting to get over to the house to greet Charles before

    he decided to come looking for us, when the sound of gravel crunching and the

    light purr of an engine registered with our ears, indicating a car was coming up

    the driveway. My head snapped toward my mom quickly, fear and panic written

    all over my face. Her expression matched mine.

    Isabella!!! Charles yelled from the house. Get your ass in here now!

    I was shaking lightly, more scared now than ever before. My mom tried to smile,

    obviously wanting to comfort me, but it came off looking like a grimace.

    Come on, she said softly, leading me out of the room and down the stairs. We

    headed into the back of the house and Charles was standing in the foyer, gazing

    out the front door. He heard us coming and glanced in our direction.

    Did I call for you Renee? he asked, his tone sharp. My mom froze in spot,

    glancing between Charles and I quickly.

    I just thought she started.

    You arent here to think. Get your ass upstairs to my room, well deal with you


    My mom nodded and tried to let go of my hand, but I clutched onto it tightly. She

    sighed, using her other hand to pry my fingers away. Itll be okay sunshine,

    dont worry. Just listen to Charles and be on your best behavior.

    I nodded and she leaned over to kiss my cheek lightly before retreating up the

    stairs. Charles shot me a pointed look and I walked the last few steps into the

    foyer. I stared down at the ground, shaking with fear and chewing on my bottom

    lip trying to keep my composure.

    The front door opened and I heard a man speaking instantly. His voice was

    smooth and slightly soft, the exact opposite of Charless. I glanced up in their

    direction and nearly gasped at the sight of him. He was fairly tall, with bright

    blonde hair that was slicked back and sparkling blue eyes. He was wearing an

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    expensive looking suit and was talking into a cell phone. He was staring right at

    me and raised his eyebrows questioningly when he saw me looking at him. I felt

    fear shoot through me, afraid of what his reaction meant, unsure if hed be upset

    that I had looked at him. Charles tended to punish us if he caught us staring at

    him. I blushed, embarrassed, and stared back down at the floor.

    The man continued to talk on his phonehe was talking about some shipment

    coming in somewhere. He hadnt spoken to either Charles or I, not even really

    acknowledging us. After a few minutes I peeked back up and saw Charles

    standing across the room, looking almost as nervous as me. My brow furrowed in

    confusion, as Id never seen him like that before. Charles was always in control,

    never off his game. But now now he looked rattled. He kept glancing over at the

    blonde haired man nervously, his eyes darting down toward the floor.

    Even more fear rocked me as I realized that Charles was afraid of the man. It

    was written all over his face.

    The blonde haired man finally told whomever he was speaking to that he had to

    go and snapped his phone shut.

    All was completely silent then, the only sound I could hear was the blood

    pumping through my body furiously. I stood frozen in spot, afraid to move.

    She looks horrible, the man said after a moment, his voice oozing disgust. My

    eyes widened, his words hurting. Id had pretty much every insult imaginable

    thrown at me from Charles and his wife and I usually shrugged it off, but

    something about this virtual stranger cracked my tough exterior.

    I know shes not the greatest looking girl Charles started, but the blonde

    haired man cut him off.

    I didnt say she was ugly, he said sharply. Charles stopped speaking abruptly.

    But she does look horrible. Youve got money, you cant afford to dish out a few

    bucks on a decent outfit or a pair of shoes for the child? Christ, look how tore up

    her feet are!

    I, uh well Charles mumbled. I peeked up at saw the blonde haired man

    staring at me. My eyes met his and a slight smile crept onto his lips.

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    I looked back down after a second, eye contact with him being slightly

    uncomfortable. I wasnt used to it, the scrutiny of his gaze causing me to fidget.

    How much? he asked after a moment.

    Well I was hoping to get one for her, Charles said. The blonde haired man


    One, eh? Whens the last time the girl had a good scrubbing?

    750? Charles asked, his voice hopeful. I mean, shes still a virgin.

    The blonde haired man was quiet. I didnt dare look up but I could feel his gaze,

    could sense him staring at me. My heart was racing wildly at the mention of my

    virginity, fear rocking me. The only knowledge of sex I had is what the women

    around here mentioned. Id seen Charles have sex with my mother before, have

    heard them more times than I could count, and I remember clearly her crying

    afterwards, completely disgusted. Sex in my eyes was nothing but a repulsive

    form of punishment.

    I glanced up again eventually, the silence wearing me down. My eyes met his

    again and he raised his eyebrows questioningly, so I looked away quickly,

    chewing on my lip nervously.

    She cant even keep eye contact with me. Theres no way thatll fly at my

    house, he said, finally breaking the silence.

    Girl, Charles said sharply. My head shot up and I looked at the blonde haired

    man, making sure to make eye contact. The last thing I wanted to do was

    infuriate Charles, as a beating would make this day worse than it already was.

    Sorry Master Charles, I said softly. The blonde-haired man smiled after a

    moment, cocking his head to the side and eyeing me up. He finally nodded.

    Shes got potential. Ill give you 500.

    Charles frowned. With her age and virginity, I could get a lot more for her from

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    the auction. My eyes widened at the mention of the auction. I knew from the

    others that girls who were bought and sold at the action were typically turned

    into sex slaves and prostitutes, whereas people occasionally got lucky in private


    The blonde haired man smiled. Possibly, but she isnt worth that much for what I

    want her for. Its evident shes not used to being around people, you said she

    cant even read or write.

    I finally broke eye contact at his mention of reading and writing, glancing back

    down at the ground. Charles didnt know, but I had learned the basics of both

    over the years. The other slaves taught me what they knew, which wasnt much,

    and the rest I picked up on my own over time. Charless wife had a habit of

    watching TV with the closed captioning on, which helped a lot. Id been blessed

    with an amazing memory and it had all come pretty naturally to me. It was kept

    a secret though, because an educated slave was typically viewed as a more

    dangerous slave.

    Shes a damn good worker, can cook and clean with the best of them. Charles

    mumbled. Obedient. Worth every penny of 750.

    I can tell. Did you chip her?

    No, never had a reason to. Shes been here since the day she was born, never

    showed any indication of thinking about leaving.

    My brow furrowed in confusion. Chipped?

    650, and thats my final offer. Ill have to have her chipped and its evident you

    have nothing for the child, so Im going to have to shell out the money to get her

    set up properly.

    Charles was quiet for a moment. Youve got a deal, he finally said.

    I glanced up again and the blonde haired man smiled. Ill be back tomorrow with

    the cash. Clean her up a bit for me, Im not taking her anywhere with me looking

    like that.

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    Charles nodded, reaching his hand out to shake the blonde haired guys. He

    snapped open his cell phone and dialed a number, heading for the door. He

    paused in the doorway, turning back to look at me briefly.

    Whats your name, child?

    Isabella, I said softly, barely audible.

    Excuse me? he said, raising his eyebrows expectantly. He hadnt been able to

    hear me.

    My names Isabella, sir.

    He smiled and nodded. Well, happy birthday Isabella.

    Thank you, sir, I said, slight taken back. Hed been the first one to wish me a

    happy birthday, my own mother not mentioning the fact that I turned sixteen

    today. But birthdays werent typically acknowledged for the most part, as there

    was nothing to celebrate. The older the slaves got, the less useful they were. At a

    certain point, they were deemed so useless that they were eradicated. My mother

    had always tried to shield me from that, not wanting me to know that slaves

    faced their own form of genocide.

    He nodded and headed out to his car. I stood frozen in spot, not daring to move

    until Charles excused me. Charles stood at the door and watched as the car

    started up and the blonde haired man pulled out of the driveway. He sighed

    loudly and turned toward me. I glanced up at him and saw his expression was

    ruthless, his glare menacing.

    He walked toward me quickly, closing the distance between us. I braced myself,

    unsure of what he was going to do, when his hand shot out and slapped me hard

    right across the face. My head jerked sideways and I brought my hand up to my

    cheek, stinging pain shooting through me. I tasted the bitter saltiness

    immediately, realizing Id be chewing on my lip and pierced the skin with my

    teeth from the force of his hit. My eyes welled up with tears and I tried to look

    away and fight them back, not wanting him to see me cry. I sucked on my lip,

    nearly gagging on the disgusting blood taste but not wanting him to see it. The

    sight of blood tended to urge him on, like it taunted him to draw even more. He

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    grasped me by my chin roughly and pulled my face toward him, forcing me to

    look at him.

    That man is powerful, important. Dont you embarrass me girl, you hear me? he

    yelled, his face a mere few inches from mine. I could smell the stench of alcohol

    on his breath, feel the slight spray of saliva from his words.

    Yes, Master Charles, I whispered, losing the fight and tears running down my

    cheek. He sighed, exasperatedly, and pushed me backwards. I stumbled but

    thankfully was able to stay upright.

    Go to the kitchen and help with lunch while I go deal with your mother, he said.

    I nodded.

    Yes, sir. I headed for the kitchen, where a slave named Clara already had lunch

    started. She glanced up at me when I entered and smiled sadly.

    You okay? she asked softly. I nodded but didnt say anything. The side of my

    face was throbbing, tears still running down my face.

    I grabbed a spoon and went to the stove, stirring pasta that Clara already had

    boiling. I closed my eyes and sighed when I heard the familiar sound of thumping

    start from upstairs. Charless room was directly above the kitchen and we could

    hear the headboard of the bed hitting against the wall when he had his way with

    her. That was his way of punishing my mom; he usually never raised a hand to

    her, he degraded her in different ways.

    They came down eventually, Charles heading to his office and my mom joining us

    in the kitchen. I could see the streaks on her face from where she had been

    crying, but she smiled at me trying to pretend nothing was wrong.

    After we finished making lunch, my mom and I headed outside to the garden. We

    were only allowed to eat when invited to and that normally only happened once a

    day, usually at night. I got down on my hands and knees and started pulling

    weeds. We lived in Phoenix, Arizona, which happened to be one of the hottest

    and driest places in the country, so it didnt take long before I was sweating

    profusely and my skin was turning pink from sun exposure.

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    Charless wife returned home and she headed into the house. Shed been staying

    gone a lot lately, which was quite a catch-22. It helped me, as she tended to

    single me out to torture purely for amusement, but my mom suffered more when

    Charless wife was gone. My mom said they used to appear to love each other,

    but their marriage had turned into one of convenience for the most part. I surely

    wasnt an expert on relationships, but I do know that whatever type of bond they

    shared now wasnt something Id ever want to be a part of myself. It was

    unstable--they were always fighting and screaming and angry at each other. I

    imagined that couldnt be love.

    I wasnt exactly knowledgeable about love though, either, so what did I know. I

    guess what I felt for my mom was a form of love and I liked to believe she loved

    me, but our situation didnt exactly condone really deep connections. You had to

    detach yourself somewhat from everyone else to survive in this life. You never

    knew when someone close to you was going to be hurt right in front of you, or

    when their time would be up and theyd be killed. There was nothing you could do

    to stop it, as intervening would only land you the same fate as them. You had to

    look out for yourself first and foremost, no matter how much you wanted to care

    for others. I wasnt sure Id ever actually felt what love was really like and knew

    romantic love was completely out of the question. I had no desire to experience it

    anyway, no desire to allow myself to be vulnerable. Vulnerability was the quickest

    way to land yourself six feet under.

    My mom tried to stand up for me, shield me from the bad as much as possible. I

    felt like a burden to her, often wondered if it wouldve been better had I never

    been born. I never said those things out loud, knowing shed disagree and tell me

    how precious I was and how much I meant to her. A part of me wondered if

    maybe me being sent away was for the best. I had no idea what I was getting

    myself into, and maybe I was being sent off to certain death, but at least my

    mother wouldnt have to carry the weight of my existence on her shoulders


    After a few minutes, Charless wife came back outside and waltzed out to the

    garden, glaring down at me. I heard you were sold to the Cullen family today,

    she said, her voice sounding smug. I glanced up at her and saw a sinister smile

    playing on her lips. Theres no way youre good enough for them.

    She laughed to herself, amused, and turned to walk back away. My heart was

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    pounding frantically and I glanced over at my mom, who was absent-mindedly

    pulling weeds and appeared to be shocked.

    Do you know who they are? I asked after a few minutes. My mom sighed,

    stopping what she was doing and sitting up on her knees.

    I heard the name often growing up. Powerful family. Organized crime. They

    arent the type you cross, if you know what I mean.

    I nodded, realizing now why Charles had been so nervous in the blonde haired

    mans presence. He had seemed nice enough but there had been a confidence

    about him that was intimidating.

    Youll be okay, my mom said finally, going back to work. Youre strong, always

    were. Youll survive it. Honestly, anything has to be better than this place.

    We worked in silence after that, both of us lost in thought. The back door to the

    house opened eventually, Charles and his wife walking out. Renee, bring Isabella

    into the house and get her cleaned up real good.

    My mom stood up and held her hand out to me. I took it and she hauled me up

    off the ground. We started toward the house slowly. I kept my head down, trying

    to avoid eye contact as we walked past Charles and his wife. Before we cleared

    them, however, Charless wife kicked her leg out, tripping me. I went flying,

    closing my eyes and throwing my hands out to brace myself for impact with the

    ground. I landed on my hands and knees, pain shooting through my limbs. I

    hauled myself up and saw that my hands were scuffed and littered with gravel. I

    glanced down and saw that my knees also had been scraped, a streak of blood

    running down my right leg and staining my pants.

    You got dirt on my shoes, slave, Charless wife sneered, narrowing her eyes at


    Sorry, Mistress, I said softly.

    Charless wife snickered but Charles groaned. Clean her cuts out good while

    youre at it, he said to my mom.

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    We headed up stairs to the bathroom reserved for the servants. My mom started

    filling the tub up with water while I stripped my clothes off. I slipped inside the

    tub, hissing as the steaming hot water made contact with my sensitive skin. The

    water caused my palms and knees to sting.

    I dipped my head back and she grabbed the shampoo, pouring some into her

    hand and lathering it up in my head. I closed my eyes and sighed contently,

    feeling her fingers massaging my scalp. I knew this was one of the last few

    moments Id get with my mom and I was savoring every second of it. I had no

    idea where I was going or what Id be doing, but I did know what I was leaving

    behind and that fact hurt.

    Chapter 2 - Change is inevitable "In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes

    on. -- Robert Frost


    I hauled the large window open and sat on the windowsill, gazing out. I had on a

    pair of plain black Capris that my mom had managed to scrounge up and a pink

    tank top that Charles had gotten from his wifes closet, much to her dismay. He

    also purchased a pair of black flip-flops last night, not wanting me to be barefoot

    today. His wife hadnt been very happy about that, despite the fact that hed only

    apparently paid a dollar for them. I could hear them arguing over in the house

    half the night over it.

    Everyone else was outside working but I was forbidden from leaving the room in

    the barn, Charles not wanting me to get dirty. I was sweating, the humidity

    intolerable, and my mom said I had a slight bruise on my face from Charles

    hitting me yesterday. I hadnt seen it myself, as I didnt exactly have access to a

    mirror, so I wasnt sure how bad it actually was. My mom tended to downplay

    those sorts of things. I also could feel the sunburn on my cheeks from working

    outside so much yesterday, and my palms and knees were scuffed up but besides

    that I was fairly well put together. My hair was clean, the knots all out, and it

    hung loosely down my back.

    I was gazing down at my mom, who was working in the garden. She looked

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    exhausted, had been up all night with me sobbing and holding me tightly. It was

    our last night together and she didnt want to waste a single moment of it.

    I heard the car approaching and Renees head shot up as she froze. She glanced

    between up at me, looking panicked. I turned my head to look at the car, it was

    black with dark tinted windows, expensive looking. I watched as the blonde

    haired man stepped out of the drivers seat, closing the door behind him. He was

    on his cell phone again and paused, looking up at me in the window. Charles

    walked outside and greeted him but he ignored Charles, focusing his attention on

    me. He turned away after a moment, smiling.

    They went inside the house and I sighed, running my fingers through my hair,

    nervously trying to make sure I was decent. They were in Charless office, their

    laughter ringing through the house and filtering out the open windows. My heart

    was pounding frantically and I felt slightly sick, light-headed and queasy. I hadnt

    eaten in awhile, Charles refusing to feed any of us last night because hed caught

    Clara sneaking a bite of food while cooking dinner. Shed only swiped a bit of

    sauce off of a spoon, claiming to ensure it was done properly and tasted good,

    but Charles didnt care. Tasting anything without permission, regardless of how

    insignificant, was stealing in his eyes. He called us all out into the yard at

    dinnertime and tied her to the railing of the porch, forcing us to watched as he

    whipped her with a piece of cord. It was brutal, hearing her screams and

    watching her cry, being unable to do anything to help her.

    Charles hollered for me from the house eventually and I stood up, taking a deep

    breath. I glanced around the room Id shared with my mother my entire life,

    taking it all in one last time before heading out. I walked across the yard slowly,

    making sure not to fall as I was clumsy by nature and the last thing I needed was

    to embarrass myself already. When I reached the house I stepped inside and

    glanced up, making sure to make eye contact with the blonde-haired man. His

    smile fell immediately upon seeing me, and he groaned loudly.

    What the hell happened to her face? he asked, his voice sharp and angry. My

    eyes widened, as did Charless.

    Shes clumsy, she fell, Charles muttered quickly. The blonde-haired man

    sighed, shaking his head.

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    Do you have any makeup? Your wife has to have foundation or something to

    cover up the bruise.

    Uh, Im not sure how my wife will feel about that, I mean her makeup cost a

    fortune, was special ordered and mixed, Charles said.

    Well I cant take her in public with a fucking handprint on her face, Charles, the

    man spat. Charles recoiled from his hostility and nodded.

    Yeah, okay, hold on. Charles retreated from the room quickly, heading past me

    up the stairs toward his room. I heard his wifes voice after a moment, yelling

    she definitely wasnt happy about it. Charles yelled back at her and they started

    fighting loudly. I was used to their fighting by now and it surely wasnt anything

    new that I was the source of conflict.

    The man walked forward to me. He reached his hand out toward my face and I

    flinched instinctively. Im not going hit you, child, he said softly. He ran his

    fingers lightly along the bruise, surveying my face. His touch was soft and

    surprised meno one besides my mother had ever touched me so gently. Youll

    be alright, it should cover up nicely.

    A loud crashing sound came from upstairs, following by more screaming, and I

    jumped. The blonde-haired man groaned loudly. Such ingrates, he muttered,

    more to himself than anything. But what do you expect from a man who would

    sell his own flesh-and-blood.

    I glanced at him with surprise and he smiled lightly. Yeah, Im not stupid. I know

    youre his.

    A door slammed upstairs, echoing through the house and vibrating the walls. We

    both flinched from the sound and he dropped his hand. Charles came downstairs

    scowling, holding a small bottle of liquid foundation in his hand. He paused in

    front of me, glancing between the bottle and me, unsure of what to do. I knew

    nothing of makeup and neither did he. The blonde-haired man cursed under his

    breath, snatching the bottle harshly from Charless hand and opening it. He

    tipped it and pored a bit out onto his finger, bringing it up and rubbing it into my


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    When he was satisfied with how I looked, he closed up the bottle and slipped it in

    his pants pocket. Charles looked at him incredulously and the man smirked.

    Thank your wife for the makeup for me, will you? And be thankful I dont take

    more than that. Everyone knows theres consequences to delivering damaged

    goods, what were you thinking laying a hand on her after you had just sold her?

    Did you get a kick out of getting a last few licks in? Did you at least leave the

    childs virginity intact?

    I glanced up and involuntarily smiled at Charless stunned expression. The man

    caught me and I stopped instantly, afraid of coming off as smug or defiant, but

    he didnt react. Charles wouldve beaten me to a pulp if he ever caught me

    reacting that way.

    Yes, shes still pure, Im absolutely positive shes never whored around. Id never

    touch her in that way and Im the only male shes been around.

    The man froze, eyeing Charles skeptically. Ever? he asked, slightly hesitant with

    disbelief. Charles nodded.

    Besides my father when she was a small child and now you, shes never spoken

    to or even been in the same room with another man.

    The man pinched the bride of his nose, groaning. No wonder shes so

    apprehensive. He chuckled after a moment before laughing loudly. Oh, this is

    going to be fun. Real fun.

    Things grew quiet, Charles looking slightly scared and the man seemingly slightly

    frustrated but borderline amused about something. I was a bit shocked and

    frightened by the mans reaction; he wasnt making much sense to me. What was

    so funny about me not having experience with males? And the fact that his words

    were dripping with sarcasm concerned me. Pleasure doing business with you,

    Swan, he said after a moment.

    You too Mr. Cullen, sir, Charles mumbled back. The man turned and glanced at

    me, raising his eyebrows expectantly.

    Is there anything youd like to take with you? I shook my head no as I didnt

    have any personal possessions. Okay, I guess well go then.

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    He held his hand out to me and I furrowed my brow, confused, unsure of what he

    wanted. He sighed loudly, snatching a hold of my hand and pulling me toward the

    door. The man paused and pulled my hand up, looking at the fresh scrape on my

    palm. He turned and glared at Charles briefly, shaking his head. His expression

    was hostile, his eyes narrowed, and I felt my heart start racing. It was clear this

    man could be terrifying when he wanted to be. I turned and gave one last glance

    at Charles before being pulled outside.

    He led me toward the car and without thinking I froze, stopping abruptly as my

    gaze fell upon my mother standing in the garden. She was staring right at me,

    her expression horrified. We both knew it was coming, we both knew I was

    leaving and had come to grips with it in our own ways, but watching it happen

    was something entirely different. Harder than I imagined it would ever be.

    The man felt my resistance, refusal to take another step, and glanced around

    with confusion trying to figure out why Id stopped. His eyes fell upon my mom

    and he sighed. Is that your mother? he asked. I nodded and felt the tears

    welling up in my eyes. He exhaled loudly, something between a huff and a sigh,

    seeming frustrated but not entirely angry. You can have a moment to say


    My head snapped in his direction, shocked. You mean it? I asked cautiously,

    trying to keep my hope at bay. I didnt know this man, didnt know if it were

    some type of trick to test me.

    His expression mirrored his frustration. I wouldnt say it if I didnt mean it, he

    said pointedly. He nodded in her direction. We have things to do, I dont have all

    day. Go.

    He dropped my hand and I glanced over at my mom. I started sprinting in her

    direction, kicking off the flip-flops along the way. I leapt at her and she caught

    me, both of us stumbling backwards. She hugged me tightly. My baby girl, she


    The tears fell from my eyes and I squeezed her tightly. Ill miss you mom.

    Ill miss you too. And dont you give up hope, Isabella. Promise me. Youre

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    destined for more. I nodded, unable to speak through my now heavy sobbing.

    She pulled away after a moment, reaching out and brushing my tears away from

    my cheeks.

    I didnt ruin my makeup, did I? I asked her cautiously; afraid the hard work to

    cover my bruise had been wiped away. She smiled and shook her head.

    I glanced behind me, noticing the man glancing at his watch with an annoyed

    expression on his face. My mom sighed. You need to get going, she said. I

    nodded, leaning over and kissing her cheek quickly. I turned and started back

    toward the car, picking up my shoes along the way and slipping them back on

    while staring down at the ground. Walking away from her was the hardest thing

    Id ever done. My mom was the only true constant in my life and I knew, walking

    away from her, Id likely never see her again.

    I reached the car and he opened the passenger door for me. I slipped inside and

    grabbed the seat belt, putting it on. Id only ridden in a car a handful of times and

    felt slightly out of place. He climbed into the drivers seat and buckled up, starting

    the car up and pulling away. I stared out the side window crying quietly, trying to

    fight back the tears but they continued to spill over. There was soft classical

    music playing on the car stereo, thankfully loud enough to drown out my shaky


    Im not sure if youre aware, but my name is Dr. Carlisle Cullen, he said after a

    moment, breaking the silence. I glanced at him quickly with confusion, slightly

    caught off guard by the title. He smiled lightly. Yes, I assure you I am indeed a

    real doctor.

    I nodded once, acknowledging Id heard him. Sorry, sir, I didnt mean to seem

    like I didnt believe you. I just thought I trailed off, stopping myself before I

    said too much.

    He smiled, seemingly slightly amused but there was a subtle seriousness in his

    eyes. I thought Id learned how to read people pretty good over the years, a trick

    you have to pick up to keep yourself out of the line of fire when you live the life I

    do, but I was having a hard time grasping his moods. He wasnt reacting the way

    I was used to people reacting, his expressions conflicting. I imagine thats not

    the part of my life people would inform you of. No, nothing scandalous or exciting

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    about practicing medicine, right? he asked.

    Right, I said softly, chewing on my bottom lip nervously, unsure if he was being

    playful or if he were annoyed at the insinuation of his other lifestyle. I winced as

    my teeth dug into the sore spot that had been busted open the day before.

    So what do you know about my family?

    I shrugged. Not much. Just that your family may have ties to organized crime,

    I said hesitantly, unsure of how much I was allowed to know. Charles always

    shielded us from his work, anytime someone questioned or hinted about his

    illegal involvements hed punish them severely.

    He nodded and thankfully didnt lash out or appear upset--he seemed to be

    thinking about something. Do you know what it means to be tied to organized

    crime? he asked after a moment.

    Not exactly, I said. Is it like in the movie The Untouchables?

    He looked at me with a look of disbelief before breaking out into hysterical

    laughter, catching me off guard. He composed himself after a moment, wiping his

    eyes, which had started watering.

    I suppose you could say that. I wasnt aware you were a fan of such movies, he

    said, glancing over at me.

    My eyes widened, and I felt dread creeping up into me. We hadnt actually been

    allowed to watch TV and I wasnt sure if he was aware of that. I just practically

    confessed to having seen at least some of the movie The Untouchables, which

    would indicate Id been disobedient.

    Master Charles was a big fan of it sir, watched it often. It was just a movie so I

    wasnt sure how off-base it was.

    He smiled. Its fairly accurate, I suppose. It is a story based on my organization,

    after all.

    I nodded, outwardly remaining calm but that fact frightening me a bit. I hadnt

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    seen the entire thing, of course, but it was chocked full of dangerous men and

    violence. He was quiet for a moment before sighing. Look, were going to get

    this out into the open now. Im going to tell you what I feel you should know, and

    if you have any questions youre free to ask them. Theres one thing youll learn

    quickly in my house, and thats that were open people. We dont hide or keep

    secrets inside the walls of the Cullen property, never have and were not going to

    start now. Youll hear and see things that you probably shouldnt, but the fact

    remains that you will. By the time we reach my house I want you to be well

    aware of what is and is not expected of you. I anticipate a certain adjustment

    period but I want things to go as smoothly as possible from the start.

    I nodded in understanding. He paused for a moment and seemed to be thinking,

    judging by his expression. First and foremost, I expect allegiance. Anything less

    than complete loyalty and youll be deemed a traitor and face the consequences,

    and in case youre unaware the punishment for treason in my world is death.

    Youll see that I run my household differently from others and your life is going to

    be nothing like it was with your father. You will have a certain amount of freedom

    within my house and your life with us will grant you some sense of normalcy, but

    dont let it fool you Isabella. I own you. If you defy me, or act out beyond what I

    think is normal behavior, you will be punished. But I will not routinely beat you

    just for the sake of doing it, as I think thats despicable. I am not a child abuser,

    my own children can attest to that.

    I was looking at him with a bit of surprise, his words sinking in. It was hard to

    reconcile it all or understand exactly what it was he was telling me. Id only ever

    lived one way, and had no idea what he meant by having certain freedoms or

    normalcy. I had no idea what normal was.

    He was looking at me expectantly, obviously wanting me to say something in

    response. I was unsure of what to say or how to react so I blurted out the first

    thing that came to my mind. You have children?

    He nodded. I do. Three teenage boys. Two eighteen year olds and a seventeen

    year old.

    Twins? I asked curiously. He shook his head.

    The eldest was adopted when he was almost a year old. The other two were

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    born back-to-back. We basically went from childless to having three boys within

    one year. I felt a dread creep through me at the prospect of being in close

    proximity with three boys close to my age. I was barely comfortable enough

    around Dr. Cullen to even speakhow was I going to deal with three males my

    own age? I had no idea what to expect with them, how to act around them.

    He noticed my worried expression and smiled lightly. Yes, I know. Youve never

    been around men, much less teenage boys. Youre in for quite a shock. He

    laughed to himself, shaking his head. Dont worry though, my sons know what is

    expected of them and will act appropriate enough. They can be rambunctious at

    times but I like to think theyre decent boys for the most part. Theyll never raise

    a hand to you, as theyve been raised to respect women. Theyll also never force

    themselves upon you for the same reason. You may find them to be a bit

    flirtatious but I assure you, theyre relatively harmless. You may actually grow to

    enjoy their company.

    I nodded, unsure as to whether or not that could ever be a possibility but not

    disagreeing with him. I didnt know him well enough to know if he was lying but I

    was quite relieved to hear that there apparently werent any plans of abusing me.

    So what is expected of me? I asked cautiously.

    He sighed. Quite a few years back I relocated my family to Washington from

    Chicago, for safety purposes. Im still very much involved in the business in

    Chicago; Im a Consigliere, or advisor of sorts within the organization. My familys

    been held in high regard within the order for a very long time and its ingrained in

    me, but I maintain another life in Washington where I indeed do practice

    medicine. Im able to handle a lot of my other affairs from afar, but it takes a lot

    of time out of my life and I often have no choice but to travel to Chicago and take

    care of things in person.

    He glanced at me, I assume to gauge whether or not I was keeping up and how I

    was taking the information. I had no idea what it all had to do with me but I

    nodded in acknowledgment so he knew I was listening.

    Because of my work, I have very little time for other things. My household still

    needs ran and maintained, and thats where you come in. Id usually go for

    someone older, but my boys are grown now and can take care of themselves for

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    the most part so they dont need anyone to look after them. I figured it might

    work out better now if I brought someone closer to their own age into the


    So basically cooking and cleaning? I asked. He nodded.

    For the most part, yes. I dont expect you to wait on us hand-and-foot, though.

    The boys are free to keep their rooms as they want. The most youll have to do

    for them is likely laundry, as Im quite sure none of them know or even care to

    know how to operate a washer or dryer. If they do request you to do something

    in their bedroom, than you are expected to do so, but its not often thatll

    happen. The older two are good at pulling their own weight and the youngest is a

    bit finicky with his stuff, so Im not sure hell ever invite you inside his bedroom

    much less ask you to touch his belongings. And unless they invite you in their

    rooms, you arent to enter them under any circumstances, do you understand?

    Yes, sir, I said softly.

    Basically, as long as the main parts of the house are kept up with and we have

    clean clothes to wear there wont be any problems. As far as cooking goes, youre

    responsible for dinner being ready around 7pm every night. Breakfast and lunch

    were typically either not home or we fend for ourselves, but if one of us asks that

    you make us something of course you should do so.

    I nodded. It seemed relatively easy so far, I didnt quite grasp why hed need to

    stoop so low as to purchase a slave.

    And your wife, sir? Where is she? I asked, noticing he hadnt mentioned his

    boys mother. His expression shifted, as he visibly grew upset. He didnt respond

    or even turn to me and acknowledge what Id said, instead glaring straight ahead

    at the road. I could tell I hit a nerve by bringing up a sensitive subject.

    I gazed out the side window, thinking. I was trying to come to grips with

    everything, trying to understand what my purpose was.

    Do you have another question, Isabella? Dr. Cullen asked after awhile, seeing

    the slightly confused look on my face. I looked over at him and saw he was

    watching me expectantly.

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    I guess Im just curious why you bought me, sir.

    He smiled lightly. Why you in particular, or why did I buy someone period?

    Both, I guess. I mean I do wonder why me but I just dont see why you had to

    buy a slave. Couldnt you just hire a cook and maid? At least you wouldnt be

    breaking the law that way.

    He laughed loudly, startling me. Dear, nothing about my life is legal, which is

    exactly why legal help is impossible. Have you already forgotten the part where I

    said there were no secrets inside our property? I cant simply hire someone and

    hope they dont see anything, or if they do they keep their mouth shut. No, I

    need to know my secrets are safe.

    That makes sense, I guess, I said.

    He smiled and drove in silence for a while. As for why you, he said eventually.

    Well maybe Ill explain that to you another day.

    After being in the car for about 20 minutes he pulled into a parking lot of a large

    building and shut the car off. I glanced over and saw a green, blue, and white

    sign. I couldnt read the entire thing but I made out the part that declared it was

    a Medical Center.

    Dr. Cullen turned to me, his expression serious. I expect you to be on your best

    behavior inside of here. Ill try to make this as comfortable as possible for you, as

    I know youve likely never been to a hospital or had an exam before, but until

    you get chipped I cant let you out of my sight. Do you understand?

    Chipped? I asked hesitantly, not at all understanding what he was talking


    He pinched the bridge of his nose and appeared frustrated. Its a small

    microchip, do you know what one of those is? I shook my head no cautiously.

    GPS? he asked, raising his eyebrows. I shook my head no again. Its hard to

    explain, youll just have to see for yourself, he said with a shrug.

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    He stepped out of the car quickly and I unbuckled my seatbelt. He walked around

    and opened the passenger door, holding his hand out to me again. I took it this

    time, timidly. He helped me out of the car and closed the door, turning and

    leading me toward the building. He let go of my hand as we walked inside and he

    walked slowly down the wide brightly lit hallway, making sure I was beside him

    the entire time. He stopped at a door at the end of the hallway and knocked.

    A dark skinned man opened the door quickly, smiling widely as his eyes fell upon

    Dr. Cullen, showing off a large gap between his front teeth. He moved to the

    side, waving his hand to motion us inside. Dr. Cullen stepped past him and I

    followed. The other man closed the door behind us, locking it. My heart started

    racing at the sound of the lock clicking.

    Just in time, he said in a thick Middle Eastern accent. So, this is her, he said,

    turning to me. His eyes roamed up and down my body slowly, making me

    uncomfortable. I wrapped my arms around my chest, feeling slightly exposed.

    Yes, Dr. Cullen said simply.

    The man walked across the room and opened up a drawer, rifling through it. He

    pulled out a small box and a white packet containing a syringe. He opened the

    box and pulled something out so small that I couldnt really see it, but it sat on

    the tip of his finger. He glanced up at me and smiled. Come and sit, he said,

    motioning toward a chair beside him. I looked at Dr. Cullen and he nodded, so I

    took the few steps forward and sat down nervously.

    The man opened the syringe and smiled down at me. Lean your head forward

    toward your knees, he said. I did as he said and felt his hand grab the hemline

    of my shirt and pull it up to expose my back. My heart started racing fast and I

    panicked, jumping up quickly. The man grabbed a hold of my shoulder, gripping

    me tightly and threw me back down into the chair. He grabbed the back of my

    head and forced it down roughly. I cried out and Dr. Cullen groaned.

    Be careful with her, Ishmel, he said. The man let go of my head immediately.

    Dr Cullen stood in front of me and brought his hand out, laying it gently on the

    back of my headnot enough to force me down, but enough pressure to keep me

    in my position. My shirt was pulled back up again, exposing my back. I felt

    something cold being rubbed between my shoulders and then a sharp sticking

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    pain. I cried out again and Dr. Cullen sighed. He moved his hand, stroking my

    hair lightly.

    After a second the pain subsided and my shirt was pulled back down. Dr. Cullen

    let go of me and took a few steps back. I sat upright in the chair but didnt dare

    get up. I gazed down at the floor and could feel a tear stream down my cheek.

    Dr. Cullen thanked the man and he left the room, shutting the door behind him.

    Dr. Cullen was quiet and stood in place. After a moment I couldnt take it

    anymore and glanced up. He was staring at me intently.

    Are you okay? he asked. I nodded hesitantly. I was going to have a full exam

    done today but I can already tell that wouldnt go over very well. So I guess it

    can wait a few days, Ill just have to do it myself when we get home.

    Chapter 3 - Home Sweet Home

    You come into the world with nothing, and the purpose of your life is to

    make something out of nothing -- Henry Louis Mencken


    Dr. Cullen drove in silence. He hadnt said much of anything at all since leaving

    the medical center. I wasnt sure if this was his usual demeanor or if Id upset

    him when I panicked. He hadnt explained exactly what theyd done to me but I

    had a pretty good idea that Id been chipped, whatever that meant. That made

    me nervous, the talk of microchips and GPS. It couldn't be good, that I was sure


    His phone rang and he picked it up, glancing at the screen. He sighed

    exaggeratedly, seeming frustrated, and flipped it open. Dr. Snow, what do I owe

    the honor? he said in an oddly chipper voice that didn't match his expression. I

    could hear a male voice respond on the line but couldnt make out what was

    being said.

    What?! Where is he?!

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    Dr. Cullen huffed after a moment, thanking the doctor and hanging up. He

    pushed a few buttons on his phone and put it back up to his ear, listening to it


    A voice picked up followed by a beep and Dr. Cullen groaned. Edward Anthony

    you have exactly 20 minutes to call me back or the car is gone, he said sharply.

    He snapped his phone closed and sighed.

    Dr. Cullen was quiet again, an uncomfortable silence lingering in the car. After a

    moment my stomach growled loudly and I blushed, embarrassed.

    Dr. Cullen glanced at the time. Did you miss breakfast this morning? he asked.

    Charles doesnt allow breakfast, sir.

    I glanced over and caught him rolling his eyes. Its no wonder you all were so

    skinny. Whens the last time you ate?

    The night before last, I said. Dr. Cullens head snapped in my direction and he

    looked at me incredulously.

    Christ, you need a cheeseburger, he muttered. I smiled lightly.

    He drove for another minute or so before slamming on the brakes and swinging a

    quick right into a parking lot. I glanced up and saw the golden arch and my eyes

    widened. I wasnt completely ignorant to the outside world. Just because I didnt

    personally experience things didnt mean I didnt know about their existence. I

    occasionally got my hands on newspapers and magazines and skimmed through

    them when no one was around, since they didnt know I could read. I watched

    my fair share of television over the years also. I never got to sit down and

    indulge, but I could sneak peeks when no one was paying me any attention and

    Id listen to it from another room when Charles or his wife were watching. So just

    because I was technically a slave from the day I was born, hidden from the

    outside word, didnt mean I wasnt aware of what McDonalds was.

    Have you ever had fast food? he asked as he pulled up to the drive-thru. I

    shook my head no and he sighed. What do you want?

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    Uh, whatever you want to get, I said, slightly stunned that he was not only

    buying me something to eat but that he was asking me what I wanted. That was

    definitely a first.

    Just pick out what you want, he said, shrugging. I glanced over at the menu,

    slightly overwhelmed.

    Chicken Nuggets, I guess? He nodded, ordering a McNugget combo with a coke.

    He paid for it with a silver credit card and handed me the bag of food.

    You can eat in the car, he said. I smiled and thanked him but he waved me off

    like it was no big deal. I was taken back by it all. To him it seemed like nothing

    special but it meant a lot to me. Such a simple gesture but Id never had

    someone be so nice to me.

    I ate slowly in silence, savoring every bite despite the fact that I was famished. I

    enjoyed the bubbliness of the soda also, having never had it before. Charles

    always forbid us from anything but water and the occasional glass of milk or fruit

    juice if he deemed it necessary.

    Dr. Cullens phone rang eventually and he picked it up. He shook his head and

    flipped it open. That was 27 minutes, Edward.

    There was silence as Dr. Cullen listened to the person on the phone. He stopped

    at a red light and reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes.

    Its only been two weeks, son. Two weeks back in Forks and you cant stay out

    of trouble. Maybe public high school isnt for you, maybe you should go back to

    Grand River Academy.

    I nearly laughed out loud as I heard the person on the phone scream NO but I

    kept my composure, not wanting to seem like I was eavesdropping. I gathered

    that Edward was one of Dr. Cullens sons.

    The light changed and Dr. Cullen still had his eyes closed. Sir, the lights green,

    I said hesitantly, unsure how he was going to take me interrupting. His eyes

    popped open and he glanced at me, smilingly lightly while hitting the gas.

    Yes, thats her, he said, glancing over to me briefly. But quit changing the

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    subject. Ill be home in a few hours and well discuss it then.

    Dr. Cullen shut his phone and shook his head. Have I mentioned that my

    youngest son has a knack for getting into trouble? He looks exactly like his

    mother but I swear hes a clone of me at his age. Hes already following directly

    in my footsteps.

    And hes the finicky one? I asked.

    Dr. Cullen smiled. Isabella, do you even know what finicky means?

    I smiled sheepishly, blushing from embarrassment. No, sir.

    He laughed. Picky. Particular. Fussy. Big ol pain in my ass.

    I laughed loudly, stopping myself abruptly and covering my mouth with my hand.

    I looked at him with wide eyes. Sorry, I mumbled.

    He smiled. No need to apologize. Laughings good, you should do it more often.

    I nodded, smiling. We finished the drive in silence, neither of us saying another

    word until he pulled into the airport. I was slightly afraid of flying, having never

    even considered the option of me ever getting on an airplane, but I kept quiet.

    Dr. Cullen reached into the backseat and grabbed a bag. He pulled an orange pill

    bottle out and opened it, pulling out a tiny white pill and handing it to me. I

    looked at him questioningly.

    Its Ativan, for anxiety. Itll ward off a panic attack.

    I nodded and took the pill from him cautiously. There was a voice inside of me

    screaming not to trust him, as anyone who purchased another human being as if

    they were a possession shouldnt ever be trusted. But there was a part of me that

    was slightly comforted by Dr. Cullen, as irrational as that may have been. Even

    though he was hard to read and often seemed annoyed and frustrated by me, he

    had been surprisingly kind overall. He was staring at me expectantly so I popped

    it in my mouth, swallowing it.

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    I followed Dr. Cullen inside the airport, staying close by his side at all times as he

    returned the rental car and started checking us in for a flight to Seattle. I

    followed him through security, following his cues as I was completely out of my

    element. My fear was surging and I was shaking lightly, having never been

    around so many people before. It was nerve racking.

    Dr. Cullen pulled out an ID card, handing it to me. I glanced down at it and saw it

    had my picture on it. All of it was right except for my birthday, which was off by

    two years.

    We took a seat, having another few minutes until the plane boarded. I was gazing

    down at the ID card, a little confused, and Dr. Cullen glanced over at me.

    Happy 18th birthday, he said. I looked at him and cocked an eyebrow. He

    smiled. I cant have a minor working in my home, child labor laws and all that.

    Merely for precaution. I nodded, a little surprised hed go so far. I was used to

    being hidden, no one ever knowing I existed.

    I felt the drug kicking in after a moment, a light relaxing feeling overcoming me.

    I was immensely grateful, my fear dissipating.

    A lady came over the intercom, announcing our plane was boarding. Dr. Cullen

    purchased first class seats, refusing to fly coach himself and refusing to let me

    out of his sight. I panicked a bit at take off and when we hit a bit of turbulence at

    the beginning, but it wasnt as bad as I expected. I drifted off to sleep halfway

    through the flight, utterly exhausted from not having slept the night before.

    The flight itself was only about 3 hours long. We landed close to 5pm and Dr.

    Cullen nudged me awake. I followed him off the plane and out of the airport, into

    a parking lot. He led me to a Black Mercedes with dark tinted windows, unlocking

    the passenger door and ushering me inside.

    He drove to the waterfront and we boarded a ferry around 5:30. I was excited

    but tried to contain itId never been on the water before and it was utterly

    beautiful. The trip on the ferry took about an hour, and we slipped back in the car

    to head back on the road.

    It seemed like wed been driving forever when Dr. Cullen finally slowed and pulled

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    off the main road, onto an overgrown path. It appeared to be in the middle of

    nowhere, no other houses nearby. It was dark now and I glanced at the clock on

    the dash. 9:20 pm.

    The weather here was shocking. I was used to the hot dry air in Phoenix but the

    air here was cool and damp. Everything in Phoenix was open and brown;

    everything here was green and shrouded with overgrowth.

    He drove down the narrow path for a few minutes, nothing around us but trees,

    before coming to a clearing. My eyes widened and I gasped as the house came

    into sight.

    It was massive. I always thought Charles had a big house but this one was over

    twice the size of his. The house itself appeared to have been here for a long time

    but was in amazing condition. It was white, three stories high with a large porch

    wrapping around the first floor. The clearing the house stood on had a few large

    trees scattered around, I imagine shading the house during the daylight.

    Dr. Cullen led me to the front door and opened it, motioning for me to step

    inside. I did so timidly, feeling completely out of place. The house was graceful,

    classicI felt like me just being here degraded it.

    I stepped into a large room, large enough that it couldve originally been several

    rooms, and glanced around. Everything was different shades of white, making it

    seem open and airy. The entire back wall was glass and I could see out into the

    backyard, faintly making out the trees in the dark.

    I glanced beside me, to the left, and saw a platform with a piano sitting on it.

    Behind the piano was a door that led to the kitchen, from what I could tell. There

    was a living area ahead to the left, I could see the couch. To the right was a

    massive staircase with some rooms behind it, but I couldnt tell what they were.

    Dr. Cullen closed and locked the front door and pressed a few buttons on a

    massive keypad on the wall. He walked past me and entered what I believed to

    be the kitchen and I heard some cabinets banging around. I wasnt sure what I

    was supposed to do, if I was supposed to follow him. He hadnt said anything,

    though, so I stayed in place, staring down at the ground.

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    I heard movement after a moment, someone coming down the stairs. I peeked

    up and my eyes widened as I saw the massive form. He had short dark hair,

    slightly curly. He had bigger muscles than Id ever seen on a person before and

    was at least 6 foot tall. He looked young, his facial features still slightly soft, but

    his body was intimidating. My eyes shot back down at the floor, my heart racing.

    He paused at the bottom step and I could sense him watching me.

    Hey, son, Dr. Cullens voice rang out. I looked over and saw him standing in the

    doorway from the kitchen, looking at the boy who had just walked down the

    stairs. He was holding a sandwich and I got nervous, unsure if I shouldve done

    that for him.

    I couldve made you something to eat, sir, I said softly, my voice cracking from


    Nonsense, child, Im perfectly capable of throwing together a sandwich, he said

    with a smile. I nodded and turned my head to look back down at the ground. He

    sighed and walked over to me, stopping in front of me. He reached his hand out

    and gripped my chin, pulling my head up to look at him. Relax, he said softly,

    giving me a small smile. I returned the smile but it did nothing to calm my


    I heard someone else coming down the stairs and Dr. Cullen let go of me, moving

    away from in front of me. I glanced over and saw a tall boy with slightly tanned

    skin and curly blonde hair.

    Isabella, this is my middle son, Jasper, Dr. Cullen said, motioning toward the


    Hello Isabella, Jasper said politely, smiling.

    Hello, Jasper, sir, I said.

    And this is my oldest son Emmett, Dr. Cullen said, motioning toward the large

    dark haired boy. I glanced over at him and he smiled, nodding.

    Hi, he said. I smiled.

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    Hello, sir.

    He laughed loudly, startling me. Oh, no that wont do. I cant be much older than

    you. Sir is completely unnecessary.

    Sorry, I said softly, smiling lightly.

    Dr. Cullen laughed, amused at something. I looked over and saw him shaking his

    head. He cleared his throat after a moment. Wheres Edward? he asked.

    Emmett rolled his eyes. In his room.

    Is he alone? Dr. Cullen asked, his voice hesitant as if he really didnt want to

    know the answer to the question. Emmett shrugged.

    Dr. Cullen shook his head. He pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and dialed a

    number. Get your ass into my office within the next five minutes, he said

    quickly before hanging up. He smiled at me. You must be hungry, Isabella. Why

    dont you go into the kitchen and make yourself a sandwich. After you eat Jasper

    can show you to your room. Ill have some clothes purchased for you tomorrow,

    but Ill try to scrounge something up for you to sleep in tonight.

    I nodded and hesitated, but turned to walk away. I paused as I stepped inside

    the massive kitchen, taking it all in. The countertops were marble, most

    everything dark and metalthe exact opposite of the rest of the house.

    Someone brushed past me and I flinched away from the unexpected contact. I

    glanced up to see Emmett looking at me questioningly, obviously skeptical of my

    reaction. Jasper walked in behind him and smiled lightly at me.

    Hungry? he asked, raising his eyebrows. I nodded and he opened the fridge

    door, glancing around. Emmett grabbed a loaf of bread from the counter top and

    undid the twisty tie while Jasper pulled out some ham and slices of cheese.

    Uh, I can do that, I said, breaking my stance and heading toward them.

    Jaspers hand shot out toward me and I froze abruptly, instinctively recoiling

    backwards, bracing for him to hit me. He furrowed his brow and my eyes widened

    when I realized hed only raised his hand to wave me off.

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    I wasnt going to hit you, he said incredulously.

    Sorry, Im just used to it. I said, my voice soft. He sighed.

    I can imagine, he muttered. He grabbed some bread Emmett held out to him

    and made a sandwich quickly. He pulled off a paper towel and handed it to me

    along with the sandwich.

    I took it hesitantly. Thank you, sir.

    Youre welcome. I stood there and ate my sandwich quietly. Emmett made

    himself one and left, heading back upstairs. Jasper put everything away and

    cleaned up, turning to face me when he was done.

    He was silent, his expression curious. His gaze was making me nervous and my

    hands started to shake. He sighed after a moment and turned around, facing

    away from me.

    Jasper, sir? I said when I finished my sandwich. Wheres the trash can?

    He smiled and opened up a cabinet beside him, where the trash can sat. I walked

    forward and threw my paper towel away.

    Come on, Ill give you the tour, he said. He pointed out the dining room

    adjacent to the kitchen. We walked back out into the big room and I followed him

    toward the living area, where he pointed out the TV and stereo system and

    gaming systems and computers. I smiled politely, not really understanding why

    he was bothering but it was nice of him anyway. He pointed out the bathroom

    and laundry room under the staircase, and another room, which he indicated was

    locked constantly and only Dr. Cullen entered.

    We started walking for the stairs and Jasper hesitated. Piano, which you might

    want to stay away from. If Edward catches you touching it hed probably break

    your fingers.

    His voice was serious and I felt a small surge of fear at his words. I had yet to

    meet Edward, but I gathered he was the most troublesome of the Cullen kids and

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    from what others said hed likely be the least friendly.

    We headed up the wide staircase to the second floor and into a paneled hallway.

    He pointed out him and Emmetts rooms at the front and then toward the back he

    pointed out Dr. Cullens room and his office.

    We turned to head for the stairs again when a voice suddenly shouted a string of

    profanities from the vicinity of Dr. Cullens office. I froze, my eyes wide with

    surprise. Jasper laughed, shaking his head.

    That would be Edward. He takes some getting used to.

    Jasper led me to the third floor, coming out into another long paneled hallway.

    The front was an immense room that Jasper stated was the library. We walked to

    the back and Jasper paused.

    This is Edwards room, he said, pointing to the one on the right. And this will be

    yours, he said, pointing to the one on the left. Each room has its own


    I nodded, thanking him softly. He smiled and opened up the bedroom door,

    waving me inside. I stepped in cautiously and Jasper flicked on the light. My eyes

    widened in surprise at the enormity of the room. It was fully furnished, a massive

    bed with a mahogany headboard and tan comforter on it was sitting in the back

    of the room with a matching mahogany dresser and vanity with a large mirror.

    The room had plush white carpeting, the walls a soft tan color. There was a tan

    leather couch near the front of the room with a small mahogany table in front of

    it. I glanced around and my eyes fell upon the flat screen TV that hung on the

    wall. I gaped at it for a moment, blinking rapidly and shaking my head.

    Are you sure Im supposed to sleep in here? I mean, there has to be a mistake.

    He laughed lightly. No, no mistake. Definitely your room. Make yourself

    comfortable, Ill see about your clothes to sleep in.

    Jasper turned and walked out, shutting the door behind him. I stayed frozen in

    spot, glancing around, taking everything in. To say I was stunned would be an

    understatement. I was completely taken back, out of my element.

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    After a few minutes of complete silence, a door slammed across the hall, startling

    me. I jumped and yelped, grabbing my chest as my heart started racing. Soft

    knocks came on my door and it was pushed open slowly. I turned around to see

    Dr. Cullen in the doorway. He smiled and held out some clothes.

    Theyll be big on you but its the best we can come up with right now.

    Thank you, I said, taking the clothes from him. He nodded and turned to walk

    away but hesitated.

    This is your home now too, Isabella. I hope that youll grow to be comfortable

    here. Just remember everything Ive told you and you shouldnt have any

    problems. But if any should arise, dont hesitate to come to me with them.


    Okay, I said softly.

    Chapter 4 - A whole new World

    "Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until

    they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born." --

    Anais Nin


    I started hyperventilating the moment Dr. Cullen closed the door to my bedroom,

    leaving me on my own for the rest of the evening. My knees were wobbly and I

    walked slowly over to the tan couch, collapsing on it. I felt so foolish, falling apart

    as I was, but I couldnt help it. I wasnt frightened per say, wasnt panicking from

    fear. I was just utterly overwhelmed and confused, unsure of the turn my life was

    taking. Everything was happening so fast, nothing making sense. I wasnt used to

    change, everything was so new to me I didnt know how to take it all.

    After I calmed down enough to function, I stood up and stripped my clothes off

    quickly. I picked up the clothes Dr. Cullen had brought me and unfolded them. I

    pulled on the pair of red and black flannel pants, rolling them up at the waist a

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    few times to make them fit slightly better. They still swallowed my small frame,

    dragging the ground. I grabbed the shirt and eyed it hesitantly. It said Forks High

    School on the front with a picture of a football. On the back were the letters C-U-

    L-L-E-N, which looked to me to likely be their last name, along with the number

    21. I slipped it on, it falling nearly to my knees.

    I walked over to the door leading to my bathroom and pushed it open. I turned

    on the light and gasped. The bathroom was massive, white tile and a huge

    garden tub in the corner. There was also a shower with frosted glass doors and a

    large sink with a big mirror above it. It was stunning, to say the least.

    I found towels and washcloths in a cabinet near the toilet and grabbed one of

    each. The towel was fluffy and soft, smelling faintly like flowers from the

    detergent used on it. I walked over to the sink and washed my face, getting all of

    the makeup off that Dr. Cullen had put on me that had yet to wear off. I dried it

    off and glanced up in the mirror, frowning. Dr. Cullen was right--you could clearly

    make out the faint handprint shape in the bruise. It wasnt as bad as I originally

    suspected though, Id had a lot worse. Ever since Charless wife figured out my

    paternity she took a liking to marking up my face. Id been beaten so hard before

    that my entire face was swollen and I was barely able to see out of either of my

    eyes. My nose had been broken once during a beating but I was never given

    medical attention for it. Charles never got us medical attention for anything; he

    always said if something happened to one of us that wouldnt heal on its own

    hed do us a favor and put us out of our misery. My nose had a bump to it and

    was slightly crooked now, but it wasnt too horrible. Id been relatively lucky

    when it came to permanent damage; besides the slight disfigured nose all I had

    were scars. Id watched other women lose teeth and break serious bones that

    never reformed properly, slightly disabling them. One girl was blinded in one eye

    from a kick to the face. This bruise--this was nothing. It would fade and with it,

    the memory. Bruises were easily forgotten.

    I turned off the light and walked back into the bedroom. I walked over to the

    door to turn off the light and paused. I could faintly hear music coming from

    across the hall. I c

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