email- linkletter · attached to each edition of the...

Post on 14-Jul-2020






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Welcome to this edition of the linkletter. 2014 CONCERT ‘Don’t Judge a Book by its Cover’ WOW – what a week at WHPS!! Congratulations to all of our amazing students for their fantastic performance at the concert last Monday evening. This night is always a wonderful community night. One of the few times that we come together as a whole school group to celebrate student performance and achievement. All the participating students are to be highly commended on their display of teamwork and positivity. Not to mention the wonderful display of performing arts skills. As always these nights (whilst amazing on the stage) take many hours of hard work behind the scenes. Thank-you to all of the staff at WHPS for their hard work, dedication and commitment to our students. We have an amazing staff team who always work together for the betterment of the students and the school. Having worked in many schools, I can confidently assure you all that you are lucky to have such a committed staff. Special thanks also to Tanya and Peta for their support in this year’s concert. Their professionalism and positivity is always a highlight for our students. Also, a big thank-you to all of our parents and friends who came along to support the concert. Our students really appreciate having such a wonderful audience to perform in front of. Your positivity is greatly appreciated, thank-you. Over following days, it has been wonderful to share in the concert aftermath with all the students in each classroom. Our students have been talking, sharing, laughing and reflecting upon a great concert night (and process). I have had the pleasure in sharing in lots of reflections from the students in their writing, oral presentations, discussions and, in many cases repeats of the dances from the night. There’s nothing like seeing children singing and dancing in corridors, classrooms; even on the way to the toilet! This reiterates our philosophy that performing arts is a highly valuable component of holistic learning. As a continued compliment to this our Prep-2 students continue to enjoy their music classes and Mrs. Jamie Thompson continues the development of our school choir. This is a great opportunity for all interested students. In amongst a very busy fortnight for the school, we continue to support many curriculum areas. Last week we celebrated Science Week! To help celebrate our science teacher Cathy James set up some very simple and fun science experiments in the Science room for the students to explore and participate in throughout the week. Science is a wonderful vehicle to promote students who are thinkers and problem solvers. To foster curiosity in young minds is a life skill that will empower learners to investigate, challenge, observe and reflect. These skills will hold students in good stead through secondary school and beyond. Maths Minds All students are encouraged to participate in the mathematics challenge competition. These challenges will be attached to each edition of the newsletter. This week’s challenge requires students to send a photo of their work to: Please see the attachment for further details.

Watsonia Heights Primary School 61 Henry Street, Greensborough 3088 (03) 94354617 Email-



August 2014 EDITION 4/ TERM 3 - Week 7

Extra-Curricular In and around our school of late, students have the opportunity to participate in some great extra-curricular opportunities. These include: Social skills group Student Choir Library club Junior School Council 100 faces project Upper School – Chinese museum excursion School Athletics and representative Athletics carnivals Rugby clinics, leading up to the Rugby Gala Day Next week our Year 3/4 students will also experience an excursion to the Chinese Museum and our Prep-2 students will be involved in a Street Scene Incursion. Curriculum Day This was an invaluable day for staff to meet and work hard on our curriculum. Our focus was to review and improve our provision of Mathematics across the school. We shared in a great day of professional learning which was facilitated by Monika Gruss, an expert in the teaching and learning of Mathematics. The staff had the opportunity of improving our professional knowledge and application of a differentiated mathematics curriculum that promotes open ended tasks; focusing on quality provision and maintaining high expectations. This curriculum day the staff was able to spend considerable time (otherwise not available) to further unpack and extend our mathematics program for students at WHPS. 80’s Disco Bingo Night As you are aware our major fundraiser for the year is happening tomorrow night. Our 80’s Bingo Night promises to be a bucket load of fun! If you haven’t paid for your tickets yet, please do so via the school office. For those whom are undecided, come along and enjoy a great night of FUNdraising, laughter, socializing and great prizes! 100 faces Over the past two weeks we have had some student representatives from Years 3-6 participating in a Banyule council workshop on student voice. This has enabled students to meet our local Mayor, Cr Craig Langdon and work alongside him in a workshop to develop students’ understanding of the Banyule council and their role within the community. Students were given the opportunity of expressing their views about the positives and negatives of life in Banyule (from a students’ perspective). We also shared ideas about how our local area could be improved. Our students then developed some artwork and participated in a photo shoot to provide a visual medium in which children can ‘have a voice’ within our local community. The photographical representation of this project will culminate in a launch in October. The photos and ideas will be publicly displayed at local council venues such as local libraries and Watermarc. Al the students involved did an amazing job it sharing their ideas and representing themselves and our school confidently and articulately. Bunnings BBQ A HUGE thank-you to the parents whom recently supported the school via their volunteering of time at the Thomastown Bunnings BBQ. Thanks to Lauren Sheedy, Peter Pruouse, Owen Geraghty, Poh Chua, Andrew Hall, Lachlan Hull-Brown, Daneil Prior, Kate Long, Richard McCallum, Rachel Doherty, Edmund Lascaris, David John, Wayne Norton, Chrissie McPherson, Adam Romano, Richard Illingworth, Aleisha Barker, Rochelle Barnett, Cathy Williams, Paul Phelan, Pierre Scotney and Trudi Waterfall for their commitment and support. Your support of the school via this fundraiser is very much appreciated. In amongst the busy lives that we all lead, giving of your personal time is very generous. Thanks to your support we managed to raise around $1000 for the school. These funds will be targeted directly towards bolstering our school’s literacy resources.

Skaterz on Curriculum Day Thanks to all the families who chose to attend Skaterz in Eltham on our recent curriculum day. A proportion of your entry fee has been donated back to the school. As a result you have raised $180 for the school. This will be most helpful in purchasing further physical education resources for our students. Policies School Council has recently approved the following policies. Special Religious Instruction Policy First Aid Policy These are now available for review, consultation and comment on the school’s website. Canteen A copy of the new menu is attached . Languages in 2015 Thank-you for the feedback on our re-instatement of our language provision in 2015. The results can be seen below. This feedback will be sued to inform our curriculum decisions for next year.

Athletics Day Today we have 55 students participating and representing the school at the district Athletics carnival. Good luck to all the students involved and congratulations on the great achievement of making our representative team. Father’s Day Next Sunday, 7th September is Father’s Day. As part of the Community Links commitment to supporting our students and families, they have organized our Annual Father’s Day stall. This will be held next Friday, September 5th. Students are asked to bring along some small change to purchase a gift for Dad, Uncle, Grandpa or any significant male in their lives. Gifts will range from $1 - $7 per item. Wishing all those men out there a wonderful day, I hope you enjoy the acknowledgement for all that you do support our students! Any parents who are able to help out serving on the stall are asked to come to the General Purpose room at 8.50am on Friday. Father’s Day breakfast On Friday September 5th, 7.30-8.30am, we will be holding a Father’s Day breakfast. This is for students to share in a bite to eat before school with any men who have a significant role in their lives. This doesn’t have to be Dad, it could be an uncle, grandad, guardian or friend. If you are interested in attending, please return the attached return slip. This will help us with catering requirements. I hope to see lots of Dads here at school on that morning.


5 cent Thursdays This term each class has a 5-cent collection tin to raise money for our school. Any 5-cent pieces can be brought in and added to our collection. The tins will be weighed each week and results announced at assembly. There will be a special prize for the grade that raises the most money. Which grade will collect the most 5-cent coins this year? By Junior School Council. Enjoy the weekend ahead. Regards, Michael


For Week beginning 25th August 2014

Ryan Prep H Doing some great work.

Lachie Prep C Doing some fantastic writing about the concert and an awesome picture of Mr. Kent in a tutu.


Prep C Always having a smile on his face and making Prep C laugh every day.

Bailey 1/2S For his super human effort for making the stage at the concert even though he was sick.

Kristi 1/2WP For trying hard with everything you do.

Elena 1/2WP For trying really hard in Maths. Fractions are tricky but you got it!

Tomas 1/2E Working hard in Maths on fractions.

Tahlia 1/2E For her fabulous performance in the school concert and assisting others backstage.

William 3/4T For his sportsmanship at House Sports.

Jaylee 3/4T For her enthusiasm towards concert and helping her peers on the night.

Tess 3/4M Showing excellent listening skills during Mathematics last week.

Eboni 5/6R For her excellent portrayal of Old Mac in the school concert.

Monique 5/6B On an outstanding performance in the school concert.


Each fortnight there will be a Maths Challenge that will be sent home in the

newsletter. The most creative entry will win 100 house points and there will be 10

house points for every entry received.

This week’s challenge is…

To construct a 2D or 3D shape using everyday things from around your


Handy Hints:

You could use corks, straws, blu tack, marshmallows, gummy lollies, toothpicks, paddle

pop sticks, pencils, rolled up paper, sticky tape and so on.

Bonus points if you can name the shape and work out how many sides/edges,

corners/vertices and faces it has!

Please take a photo of you with your entry and submit it via email to or bring in a hard copy and place it in the Maths

Challenge box at the office.

We look forward to seeing your fabulous creations! The Maths Team.

House Points

Place House Points

1st Wattle 14,540

2nd Banksia 10,660

3rd Waratah 8,675

4th Boronia 8,675


August 2014

Sat 30th 80’s Disco Bingo Night


September 2014

Mon 1st Prep – 2 Street Scene


Thu 4th Grade 3/4 Chinese Museum


Mon 8th Division Athletics

Tues 9th Grade 5/6 Camp Information


Fri 12th 2015 Prep Playdate

Tues 16th Gala Rugby Day-Grade 5/6

Fri 20th End Term 3

October 2014

Mon 6th Term 4 Commences

Wed 8th Grade 3/4 Camp Rumbug

Tues 14th 2015 Prep Playdate

Wed 15th State Schools Relief Casual

Clothes Day


Thursday 4TH

September - 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM

Make a Gift for Dad Scratchboard Craft

Colouring Competition Jumping Castle Face Painting

Dad’s Paint Can Challenge Gift Wrapping BBQ Supper


(03) 9430 0100 or via our website

Check out our website @ for further information and other in-store activities


You are invited to join us for our annual Community / Information evening.

Where: Bunnings, 11 Dalton Road Thomastown VIC 3074.

When: Thursday 28th August 2014

5.45 for a 6pm start

Until 8pm

During the course of the evening, there will be a brief presentation on how Bunnings has

contributed to the local Community. We will talk about the fundraising opportunities that exist for

our valued Community Groups and Non- Profit Organisations going forward.

Following the presentation there will be light refreshments served.

Unlike our regular Family Fun Nights this evening is not geared towards children, however we

understand that you may need to bring your child / children with you and some free activities have

been organised.

Bookings are essential. Please complete the Update of Communication Details form so that we

can update our records and return via email by Monday the 23rd of August to enter our raffle on

the night.

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