elisa corporation & mit house_n “personal device assisted healthy life style” project mit,...

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Elisa Corporation & MIT House_n “Personal Device Assisted Healthy Life Style” Project

MIT, House_n, Cambridge

October 5th 2007

Annakaisa Häyrynen / Elisa Corporation


Short Introduction on Why Finland & Elisa

Motivation for Elisa’s participation

example use case

business goals

What is Elisa, Where is Finland?

You know Santa Claus… He lives in Northern Finland

Nokia is from Finland

Elisa was established 125 years ago – it is even “rumoured” Bell himself invested in the forerunner of Elisa; Helsinki Telephone Company

Elisa: Key figures (2006)

Revenue 1 518 M€

Personnel 4086

Fixed network subscribers 1 319 600 (incl. broadband, ISDN, cableTV, analogue & others)

Mobile subscribers 2 488 900

Listed in OMX Helsinki

Mobile Phones

5.6 m. mobile subscriptions

Penetration > 100 %

Population of Finland currently 5.3 m

Early Experiences – Case Annis

I think I know and attend a good diet but..

I have tried… and tried… and failed in finding the way to exercise on right level

– I have been member of health club – I almost started hating exercise!!!

– I consult with expert frequently on same issues, get new program for exercise – never get down to doing it…

– etc…

Early Experiences – Case Annis

I’ve got pile of books on healthy diet, devices & I’ve been member of web based club aiming to support weight loss.

I’m aware I belong (or soon will) to sub-healthy / semi sick group ; I know I have family burden for blood pressure & cholesterol.

Use Case On Motivation – Case Annis

Especially after my son was born,

– I have not been able to get rid of some extra weight gained (not even much…)

– I’ve been SO busy; renovating oldish house, riding & taking care of my horse, working, trying to keep up with my social circles & my parents starting to have health problems…

… being a quite typical representative of “sandwich” generation

Interest in the Study

Could the boost for healthier life be right kind of motivational system,

seamlessly fitting to my everyday life practices,

exploiting THE personal device I have ALWAYS with me – My Mobile!

eventually help me to succeed in improving my lifestyle?

People Like Me vs. People Less Passion?

If the situation is like described;

What is the situation for less knowledgeable, with less interest and passion to find out…?

Discovering Elisa’s Role in Well-Being Business In general; operator in Finland is well trusted and

integrated in everyday life of its customers consumers organizations small businesses

Through different “enablers” broadband, cable, mobile, services

– easier everyday life– communication; social, 1to1,

multichannel…– pleasure– security, automation, …– integration; control of everyday life &

services– well-being; – ++ health.

The Skills of Elisa

Operator has many skills and possibilities for developing solutions fitting to everyday practices Exploiting existing user


– in-depth customer knowledge through ethnographic survey

Infra (networks & platforms)


Business Potential

Huge business potential globally!

More than half of U.S. adults are overweight (64.5%) and nearly one-third (30.5%) are obese (Stephen Intille)

In the U.K. estimate 12 million semi sick people, 20% of the population.

In Finland 500 000 patients of type 2 diabetes

My Aim in Elisa

Developing competences in the well being behavioral / motivational area

convincing results,

based on which it is possible to design services to promote the adoption and

attending well being and healthy lifestyle

My Aim in Elisa

Elisa recognized as player on the “preventive sickness” field

exploiting mobile skilled Finnish population as study sample

My Aim in Elisa

Human perspective; recognized need for more understanding;



pursuing for the moments of happiness!

Value Add to What Is Already Known?

Currently the device and service variation is considerable:

integrated services or services / devices flexibly fitting to ordinary active person’s life not available.

Integration of Digital and “Real” Life is not there yet…

Value Add to What Is Already Known?

Sub-healthy / semi-sick –target group still pretty much unstudied target group.

Already sick (with symptoms) and “Enthusiasts” have been under study for long.

The business potential of ordinary people as making the part of their every day life flexible is huge!

The critical mass.


Elisa is looking to discover its role as service provider

in the field of well-being & health

based on increased skills in human perspective;

motivational aspects, desires &

collaborative/open innovation approach.

Thank You!

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