elevation enhanced visualization of coastal corridor imagery

Post on 03-Feb-2022






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Landsat 7 satellite image from February 15, 2000displayed in bands 4, 3, and 2.

Intermap Technologies Global Terrain Data (GT2).Intermap Star-3i Airborne Interferometric SAR.

Shaded relief image, GT2 data with an overlay ofa Landsat 7 satellite image (DEM scale of 1).

Elevation Enhanced Visualizationof Coastal Corridor Imagery



Copyright © 2001 CGTC, Mississippi State University

Dr. Roger L. KingNCRST-E Consortium Director(662) 325-2189rking@ece.msstate.edu

Dr. Charles O'HaraNCRST-E Consortium Coordinator(662) 325-2067cgohara@erc.msstate.edu

Map prepared by John Cartwright, Computational GIS/RS Lab

Shaded relief image of the Mississippi Gulf Coast with Intermap Technologies GT2 data. The 5 meter resolution IFSAR data has beenshaded with an solar azimuth of 225 degrees and a solar elevation of 45 degrees, the digital elevation data was scaled by a factor offive. For further enhancement a Landsat satellite image, displayed with bands 4, 3, & 2, was used as an overlay.

Elevation data are used for many purposesin transportation planning. Uses range fromcalculation of grades to estimation of cutand fill amounts for highway construction.In the environmental assessment oftransportation projects, elevation data areuseful for efforts that range from watersheddelineation to visualization of the landscape.

Most readily available digital elevationmodel (DEM) data provide a "bare earth"depiction of the landscape in which treesand other naturally occurring vegetativecover is removed from the landscape. Also,DEM's do not typically show man-madestructures. In contrast, digital surfaces thatare available through InterferometricSynthetic Aperture Radar (IFSAR) provide alandscape surface that includes the texture ofthe vegetation cover as well as the shapes ofman-made structures. Therefore, the use ofIFSAR digital surface models (DSM's) suchas those provided by Intermap's GT2 datacan provide an enhanced visualization byimproving the ability to assess vegetationcover and the urban landscape.

Intermap Technologieswww.intermaptechnologies.com

GLOBAL Terrainwww.globalterrain.com

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