eletromag fim

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    Relatrio Trabalho de simulao eletromagntica

    Para pbi=1000; pc=1; pa=2000; n=650 ;i=1; gap=.25

    Neste caso, vemos uma concentrao de densidade de fluxo no lado de largura ta dosolenide, pois o trecho que envolvido pela bobina. Tal resultado tambm refletiu nos

    grficos de linha de fluxo e no vetorial.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.69935E+01__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.67788E+01__________________________________

    Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para n = 200

    Agora reduzimos o nmero de espiras para 200 e vemos densidade, linhas de fluxo e

    vetores concentrados nos mesmos pontos do ensaio anterior. Isso ocorre porque no houve

    mudanas nas dimenses do solenide, ou seja, variam os valores das densidades de fluxo,

    como observado, mas continuam concentrados nos mesmos pontos de antes. J a foraresultante diminui em relao ao primeiro ensaio, observamos que tanto a densidade de

    fluxo (proporcional) e o numero de espiras (inv. proporcional) diminuram, porm a

    densidade de fluxo teve uma queda mais acentuada, acarretando assim a reduo da foraresultante.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.66211E+00__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.64178E+00__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para n=1000

    A anlise dos grficos anloga ao caso de n = 200. Quanto fora resultante,

    observamos que a densidade de fluxo subiu, mas o nmero de espiras cresceu mais

    acentuadamente, acarretando assim na reduo da fora resultante.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.16553E+02__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.16045E+02__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para i=10

    As densidades de fluxo seguem concentradas nos mesmos pontos. Nota-se tambm

    um natural aumento da densidade de fluxo e da fora resultante em relao ao primeiro

    ensaio, j que ambos so proporcionais corrente.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.69935E+03__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.67788E+03__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing and

    plotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell StressTensor methods.

    Element Item Name Method DirectionFVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para i= -10

    Invertemos a corrente mas mantivemos o seu mdulo. A anlise dos grficos, da

    densidade de fluxo e da fora resultante anloga anterior, exceto o grfico vetorial que

    tem o seu sentido tambm invertido devido Lei de Lenz.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.69935E-05__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.67788E-05__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing and

    plotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell StressTensor methods.

    Element Item Name Method DirectionFVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para gap=1

    A partir de agora, mexemos nas dimenses do solenide. Dessa vez aumentamos o

    tamanho do gap, que j tinha uma concentrao pequena de densidade de fluxo que ficou

    ainda menor com o conseqente aumento da rea. Assim, ta passou a concentrar ainda mais

    densidade de fluxo. Esse aumento de rea tambm refletiu na fora resultante, ao qual inversamente proporcional, fazendo-a cair consideravelmente em relao ao primeiro

    ensaio. A intensidade densidade de fluxo, inversamente proporcional rea, tambm


    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.29437E+00__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.29020E+00__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para gap=.1

    Temos uma situao contrria anterior: com o gap menor, sua rea diminui e ele

    passa a concentrar mais fluxo do que antes. Tambm faz aumentar a fora resultante e a

    prpria intensidade da densidade de fluxo, pelos motivos j explicados anteriormente.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.38403E+02__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.38004E+02__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing and

    plotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell StressTensor methods.

    Element Item Name Method DirectionFVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para ta=2

    Neste caso vemos a rea relativa a ta aumentar consideravelmente, ocasionando uma

    natural desconcentrao na densidade de fluxo observada nos grficos. A intensidade da

    densidade de fluxo cai pelo mesmo motivo. Observamos tambm um aumento da fora

    resultante, causado pelo aumento do caminho magntico.SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.27154E+02__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.26700E+02__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the cross

    section (an axisymmetric model).The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para tb=2

    Agora a rea que aumenta relativa tb. Como a mesma j concentrava pouca

    densidade de fluxo, agora concentrar menos ainda, aumentando a concentrao em ta.

    Devido a esse aumento de rea, a intensidade da densidade de fluxo sofre ligeira queda, e

    com o aumento do caminho magntico a fora resultante sofreu um tambm ligeiroaumento.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.69982E+01__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.67835E+01__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para tc=2

    Mais uma vez aumentamos um trecho do solenide que concentra pouca densidade

    de fluxo. Assim essa rea passa a concentrar ainda menos fluxo e a rea relativa ta ainda

    mais densidade de fluxo (j era antes a rea de maior concentrao). Assim notamos um

    aumento na intensidade da densidade de fluxo em pontos prximos ta e diminuio domesmo prximo tc, pelo motivo j explicado. Vemos tambm um aumento na fora

    resultante causado mais uma vez pelo aumento do caminho magntico, porm dessa vez o

    aumento mais acentuado devido ao maior tamanho do trecho aumentado .

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.85124E+01__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.82738E+01__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para td=2

    Novamente aumentamos uma rea de pouca concentrao de densidade de fluxo,

    fazendo mesmo se espalhar em outros pontos do solenide, notadamente ta. Assim,

    percebemos um aumento na intensidade da densidade de fluxo nesses outros pontos, pelo

    mesmo motivo alegado no item anterior. A fora resultante sofre um ligeiro amento devidoao tambm ligeiro aumento do caminho magntico.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.69869E+01__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.68800E+01__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para ta=1;tb=1;tc=.75;td=1

    Agora aumentamos as dimenses do solenide mas mantemos as propores, ou

    seja, ta = tb = td > tc. Mas agora os valores esto mais prximos. Isso significa que ta

    continuar concentrando a maior parte da densidade de fluxo, porm as outras reas passam

    a concentrar tambm uma quantidade maior, em detrimento de ta. Esse aumentogeneralizado das reas causado pelos aumentos de ta, tb, tc e td faz com que a fora

    resultante diminua.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.11878E+02__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.11752E+02__________________________________

    Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para pbi=3000

    Agora ns triplicamos a permeabilidade do ferro. Com isso ns temos uma queda

    grande na relutncia do ferro e um conseqente crescimento da intensidade de densidade de

    fluxo e tambm da fora resultante, ambas inversamente proporcionais relutncia. Pelos

    grficos tambm notamos um aumento generalizado da concentrao da densidade de fluxonos pontos do solenide.

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY VIRTUAL WORKLoad Step Number: 1.Substep Number: 1.Time: 0.1000E+01Units of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.73146E+01__________________________________

    SUMMARY OF FORCES BY MAXWELL STRESS TENSORUnits of Force: ( N )Component Force-Y

    ARM -0.70898E+01__________________________________Note: Maxwell forces are in the Global Cartesian coordinate system.Virtual work forces are in the element ESYS coordinate system.

    The forces correspond to a full 360 degree revolution of the crosssection (an axisymmetric model).

    The following element table items are available for printing andplotting of the forces obtained by Virtual Work and the Maxwell Stress

    Tensor methods.Element Item Name Method Direction

    FVW_Y Virtual Work YFMX_Y Maxwell Stress Y


  • 7/27/2019 Eletromag Fim


    para pbi = infinito

    Agora temos a permeabilidade do ferro tendendo para o infinito. Dessa forma, a sua

    relutncia tende a zero, o que aumenta a intensidade da densidade de fluxo e a fora

    resultante, pelos motivos explicados no item anterior. Porm nos grficos notamos as

    maiores concentraes de densidade de fluxo nas partes mais interiores do estator, o maisprximo possvel da bobina.

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