electronic european language portfolio groningen cercles seminar nov 2011

Post on 07-Nov-2014






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The Central role of the learner in the 117.2010 eELP model

Anne-Marie Barrault-Méthy

Université de Bordeaux EA 4140 LACES

LILAMA project (www.lilama.org)


- The CERFL has brought about tremendous changes in educational systems

- At micropolitical level (agents), the CEFRL and the ELP has transferred language management agency from teachers unto society at large

- Symmetrical overhauls have taken place locally at Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV

- As a consequence, the 117.2010 eELP model was developed

How has the central role of the learner been acknowledged in this eELP?

- 3 research questions:1. How have language policy recommendations been taken

onboard this eELP?2. How is the eELP the instrument of plurilingualism in a

local context?3. What are the lessons learnt?

- eELP development was based on language management theory


I - The theoretical grounding of the eELP

II - A brief description of the 117.2010 eELP model

III - The eELP as the instrument of plurilingualism in a local context

a) a) The law faculty’s policy instruments of multilingualism: CLIL, mobility programmes, increasing the language offer, ELF, EIL, groups for social inclusiveness, making teaching efficient, certification, jurislinguistics and employability and ICT tools

b) b) The implicit policy of the law faculty is plurilingualism

I – The theoretical grounding of the 117.2010 eELP model

- Spolsky’s language management theory (2009)

- Language ecology (Ricento, 2000)

- Recommendations as a major discursive form in language policing (Wodak, 2006)

- Making the eELP as relevant as possible to the international, national and local contexts based on language policy recommendations analysis

- The eELP was developed following the analysis of a corpus of recommendations from the Council of Europe, the European Union, the French ministry of higher education, the Aquitaine region and other stakeholders

- Some of the work was carried out in the framework of the LILAMA project (www.lilama.org)

II – Description of this eELP model

III – The eELP as a local instrument of plurilingualism

IV - Discussion- Implicit policy of pluralingualism at the law faculty

- We believe that the distinction between implicit and explicit language policies is powerful and promising


- The 117.2010 eELP model was conceived as a tool to empower learners

- Starting point: paper-based, accredited ELPs

- Institutional backing grew along the years

- The eELP has triggered much institutional overhaul

- Not just a tool: a trickling policy

Thank you


Philippe Pomédio (technical manager): philippe.pomedio@u-bordeaux4.fr

Anne-Marie Barrault-Méthy (project manager): ammethy@u-bordeaux4.fr

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