el tabernacle christian college school opening 11 january...

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EL Tabernacle Christian College School Opening – 11 January 2017

EL Tabernacle Christian College is part of the Ministry and is in its 13th year of existence. The school is responsible for the academic and administrative aspects. The church is responsible for the Spiritual wing. The school rely and depend fully on the church for its spiritual input. The church impacts directly on the spiritual wing of the school. The 2017 academic year started on a high spiritual note. As usual, the first day of school begins with the youth service that is open to parents, family members and the congregation. Over the past twelve years this service developed into a pace setter, a direction giver for the upcoming year. This year was no exception as the attendees heard the voice of God again. Prophetic utterances that will guide them and keep them throughout the year. The principal’s welcome address was short and sweet. She welcomed the old learners, parents and teachers as well as a special word of welcome to the new learners, teachers and parents. She thanked the Apostle, the visionary and founder; the Roscoe family and the School Board. She thanked the parents for coming, their support and prayers. She asked all the teachers to stand as well as each grade, to receive the typical College welcome. She also asked the class of 2017 to commit to a 100% pass rate. They all shouted out “100%” when asked about the pass rate at the end of the year. The school’s Spiritual wing was flapping briskly as Br Lance, the chorus leader, led the songs and worship. As an ex-pupil he knew exactly what to do and how to lead the school in worship. The learners were singing along, jumping and of course shouting, let’s give the Lord a Shabach! He started to shout the name of Jesus and the learners followed suit. The more the name was exclaimed, the more you could feel the atmosphere change. One life, one destiny… heaven! There is no doubt that the school is a reflection of this Holy Ghost ministry. The worship and the way the Holy Spirit moves in the school shows you how it is ingrained and inculcated in the school. Minister: Past Jude Roscoe Title: A New Beginning Scripture: Genesis 1:1-3 May you prosper EL Tabernacle Christian College this year 2017. Reclaim what is ours. Good to start of the year with God, to be in the house of God. God don’t like the 2nd place, He wants to be put first. The Apostle’s vision that is still rolling on. We just go on serving the Lord, fulfilling his purpose for our life. Pastor Jude welcomed every new child, parent and teacher. May the atmosphere and warmth in this church cover you. Scripture: Genesis 1:1-3 Why did I read that scripture? When the school was opened it was 12 years ago, we are in our thirteenth year. That whole cycle is for 12 years. Restart that cycle again. What does God do, He also does the same. There can be a new beginning. If today did not work for you, there is another day where you can restart. If you fail on one day, there is another day. You can say: I can do it. The problem is not for ever, the trial is not forever. Sorrows last for a season but joy cometh in the morning. Remember joy is waiting for you when you wake up. No matter how things end, it will have a new beginning. Claim this day for yourself. You can start all over again.

It is the start of another 12 years, a new beginning. If this week is not good, there is another week. If this month is not good there is another month. If this year is not good (2016), there is another year. In 2017 something good can happen. 2017 is our year, a new beginning. Start afresh in 2017. Believe that God will prosper our way. The mistake people make is they want to serve a God of History. Bring God out of History. Bring Him out of 2016 and put Him into 2017, then maybe God will do something for you. Take Jesus out of history, He is the same yesterday today and tomorrow. Start all over with God and you will have a refreshing. God created everything perfect, but the earth was without form and void – something happened. Void mean there is nothing in it, it is empty. The first thing that moved was the Spirit. We can have a new beginning. The Spirit moves on bad people, things that is not good. The spirit moves on darkness, when it is gloomy. Wait for the Spirit of God. There will be a New Beginning. God said let’s begin again. EL Tabernacle let’s begin again. EL Tabernacle Christian College let’s begin again. Don’t bring the problems of the past 12 years into 2017. It’s a New Beginning. God is a God of the RE He can do it again. You can have a Revival. You can have a Refilling, He can fill you again. Thank God for a place where the Spirit of God moves so that you can have a new beginning. You can start over again. You can have another chance. I don’t care what problem there is in EL Tabernacle Christian College. Let the Spirit move over EL Tabernacle Christian College. Let it move from class to class, from teacher to teacher. Let the Spirit of God move. He can change things around. When the Spirit of God moved, He could not keep quiet. It is time that the Spirit of God move in EL Tabernacle College, move on the teachers, move on the learners. What we need is Spirit filled teachers and Spirit filled learners. We need to be more Spiritual. We need to read our Bible more, we need to pray more. It is time to be more positive. It is time to speak. EL Tabernacle Christian College – Let there be light in 2017. God is not scared for something new that is why He came with the New Testament. Tell yourself that 2017 is my year, I am going to make it. To every problem, there is a solution. If the old thing don’t work, try something new and work your plan.

Try again. It is the beginning of the second 12 years. We will try again and we will succeed. EL Tabernacle is moving on to the new beginning. I am starting over. God has given me a second chance. Leave the past in the past. The Apostle said, 2017 is my year. Say to yourself that 2017 is my year. We begin with God the Great I Am. You can have a new beginning, a new start. No matter how the devil kicks you down, you will rise again. EL Tabernacle Christian College it’s a new beginning. I will read more, fellowship more, testify more, worship more and giving more thanks. Start it off with Him and you will end it with Him. A new mind. Concentrate on the positive what God wants to do for you. In 2016 we looked too much at the problem. In 2017 we looking at the solution. We are on a battlefield and the Devil will fight you. Pick up a new jawbone new experience with God. Leave the old weapon, pick up a new weapon. May in 2017 everything be new to you, a new experience, a new infilling of the Baptism of the Holy Ghost. Throw the problem away and pick up the new jawbone for a new year, new season, a new dispensation. When the Spirit has come on you, the solution has come. May the Spirit come on EL Tabernacle in 2017. You can face anything in 2017, just take Jesus with you. New Year’s resolutions will fail, but take Jesus with you in the New Year. Take God with you and let the Spirit move before you. The old is gone – the new has come. Closing prayer Past Jonathan: Eternal Heavenly God and Father. It is a new beginning of time. The old is gone – the new has come. The shew bread never got stale in the Shekinah Glory. When they went back for it, it was new. It never got stale. This is EL Tabernacle, the Shekinah Glory keeps us fresh, keeps us clean, keeps us new. That’s why it is called the New Birth, the Baptism of the Holy Ghost………. Tell yourself I am new on the inside. I am going to use this new year. We not going to bring last year into this year. We starting afresh. God bless you! Let’s give God a hand of praise.

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