effective teaching enhancing professional practices

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Effective Teaching Enhancing Professional Practices. The Basheer Qusim School PS 53X Principal- Collin M. Wolfe Ed.D. What Can Improve Your Effectiveness as a Teacher?. Planning and Preparation Classroom Environment Instruction. Planning and Preparation. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Effective Teaching

Enhancing Professional Practices

The Basheer Qusim SchoolPS 53X

Principal- Collin M. Wolfe Ed.D

What Can Improve Your Effectiveness as a Teacher?

1.Planning and Preparation

2.Classroom Environment


Planning and Preparation

Demonstrating Knowledge of Content and Pedagogy

• Demonstrating Knowledge of Students

• Setting Instructional Outcomes• Demonstrating Knowledge of

Resources• Designing Coherent Instruction• Designing Student Assessments

Planning and Preparation

For the instruction year 2011-2012, at PS 53X are

focusing on Deigning Coherent


Deigning Coherent Instruction by

Learning activities that engage students as they advance in content

Instructional materials and resources that meet the needs of your students

Instructional groups that support the students’ learning needs

Lesson and unit structure with sequenced unveiling of content

Are you designing coherent instruction?

Are learning activities matched to instructional outcomes?

Does higher level thinking take place in your classroom?Do students have the opportunity to explore challenging

materials or resources?Does small group instruction build on students’

strengths?Are your lessons structured with reasonable time

allocations?Are you lessons differentiated to meet individual needs

of students?

Classroom EnvironmentStaff at PS 53X have two foci

for classroom environment: Establishing Culture for

learning and

Managing Student Behavior

Classroom EnvironmentEstablishing a Culture for Learning

Teachers convey the education value of what is being taught to the students.

Clear expectation for what students are learning and their expected achievement level.

Students pride in their work is reflected in their interactions with classmates and teachers.

Have you established a culture of learning?

Do you portray a genuine passion for the content?

Do you communicate the importance of learning and hard work to your students?

Are you conscience of students ability and demand high levels of effort?

Do students take initiative in improving the quality of their own work?

Do students ask questions to gain a further understanding of content?

Classroom EnvironmentManaging Student Behavior

Clear expectations for student conduct within the classroom and school.

Continual monitoring of student behavior

How the teacher responds to students’ behaviors

Are you effective at managing student behavior?

Do you acknowledge good behaviors? Is students’ behavior in your classroom

generally appropriate?Are you frequently monitoring students

behavior? Is your response to behavior effective?Are you able to monitor students’ behaviors

without speaking?

InstructionAt PS 53X we are trying to


Using questioning and Discussion,

Engaging Students in Learning, and

Using Assessment in Instruction

InstructionUsing Questioning and Discussion

Quality of questions and prompts, which cause students to think and reflect.

Discussion techniques that promotes learning.

Students actively participate in lessons and discussions.

Are you effective with discussion questioning in your classroom?

Do you students ask higher-order questions in discussions?

Do you ask open-ended questions?Are many students actively engaged in

discussions?Do you call on all students, even if they do not

volunteer?Are you students able to discuss, without your


InstructionEngaging Students in Learning

Activities and assignments are aligned to the goal of the lesson.

Students are properly grouped for instruction.

Instructional materials and resources are selected for their impact on students learning.

Structure and pacing of the unit or lesson

Are you engaging your students?

Do your learning tasks have multiple correct responses?

Do students have some choice on how they complete their learning task?

Do the materials and resources support the learning goals or your students?

Do students have an opportunity to reflect on the lesson and consolidate their understanding?

Do your students suggest modification to learning tasks or resources, to meet their needs?

InstructionUsing Assessment

Clear assessment criteriaMonitoring of student learningFeedback to studentsStudent self-assessment and


Are you using assessment in instruction?

Do your students clearly understand characteristics of high quality work?

Do your students assess their own work?Does your feedback include specific and timely

guidance for students?Do you make adjustments to a lesson to

enhance understanding of individual students?Do students help establish the evaluation


As we continue the school year, will look more in depth in improving our

planning and preparation, classroom

environment, and instruction

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