edward tashji armenian allegations

Post on 23-Mar-2016






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The Truth must be told


ff ьс тold bу Еdwrrd тlshli

fumсrian flеgationsтhe тruth пilust be тo|d

Al ,4gto6io0fдPhl6t


Rosс tnt€rлltiomlPuьlishiпg нousr


тheтrum Nш'ь€тo|d ф EJ\аr.r rБhji

o by ЕdNard тaslrji, Deсеmьer' 26' 2о00All righis rеsenеd No рaтl ofthis рuьlicаtion matьс reproduсed,stored i|r a Etтiеvаl sуstеmj or tmnsлitted. nr aпу fom or bу аnymсаns, еleсtгоniс. пeсhmjсal' рhotoс.руing. rсcоrdin8 or otheN'ъе'яnhout рriоr рсrmьsioп оfthe pub]ъhrrаnd tnе coругight holder.

ISBN: 19з0574з5.5

Prjalсd in the Uпnеd slates of Ameilсa

2* Pгintiпg: Auclst. 2004

Rose lnlсmаlionаl Puь]ъhing нoцse

мdnknd iswonllo сr.оte' tгoФ кeltio lo


сЬ thcir livеs tocelhФ as husьand аnd wifс' lhсy асhiеved пo wеam.no fgпe. аnd nо sieninсаnt effесt upon thе еvenls of Ьumаn history al|a ,ве Yе| |с \ .л t porе lе ' a ,в ,еоLa , i1 o| 1dfu l .oфрьt 'оп ,which thь writer in thь his fiБt |nевгy effon. рroudly рroсlаifis 1o bеьъ lilelоng inspinlion iп hь search for ЬrotherЬоod !fioпg !еoрlesshаring а mutua| histoгy and сulnlre, with еtеmal lovе aпd рIofoundrеsрeсt foг пy ьelovсd ршnts' Geoigo aпd ьaьеl Tashji' lhе раgeslrelein аrе dсdiсаiеd lo фen sасIеd mеmory in cratitudе lor thеn eift of

Dеflst motЬ аid lalhеr ]n уоuI пame l ofгсr tЬо rcadrr a lrue livinesLоry of mу lifе|on8 оtтоns in an аrra whiсh not oпe реБоn ofmy dn-nicity has ьаd thе сoumge or the dеsnе to dwеll, ln yoш wisdom youhаvе instillсd in lhе Ьеarts of уоuI tlvo sоns lhс Philоsoрhy thal lo!еmnst рrrvаil over hаtrеd, For youг mоnumоntаl eift to us lо ьe iiее ofxлimosilуj l р]edge lo you lо соntinuе уour missiоn of сultuв] hsРmony, апd thelеfoE' l dеdicаlс this !vоrk, be|ot the wor|d. to 'оu Ьoth

buf |o|hg sФ' с{Йrn

Ihстruo мщ' h r J'l ь) Еdlтd тshji


сь фe Рrсраlxtion of lhь lubЬj.grарhy lЬеre $аs no intсrviсs with or

malсriаl oьвnrсd from lnt hъlоrian, govenm.nt oficiаl. oruпrlersilyaсadеmiсiап, тhеrc дIе реoр|с t. wЬоm l lrпurn eternаllу E"lсfu] lоrt|reiI eц]drnсс. illеir molзl suPРоfl' tllсir спcourRgemеnt' аnd аЬovе al|.tlreillovс notоily tъr Drc Ьul foгa|l hun1аnity, Аs.ьеpaeсs \rhiсh follow wiL] desсIibе' thс sienifiсапt сoпtiьltions madс Ьу tЬe рёоplc ьс.lorv. аIe prеsепlсd here яith lhс deеp lo!е' гmtоlпd Iespесt. aпd undy.

Мt bсlo!сd Lаlе раrenls, Goоrgс апd lzaье|тashj];my bс|о!еdя]1.с оf flоItу.lwо }сaъ. Маryl М|,|ъjik вu|t[' thс lаtс DI, sеlihatlnвii'likiina|, Dr. okhy сumЬul AknепL М., Еrgiilr кi ikоlllj. н]sсвсe въЬoр vsсlоlоd ofsсoр|es. thс PrЬаte oГlьo Ukrаnriап oЕtЬodoх съlrсhithс А'!lrЬьhoр, MclФрolitаn and сlеrg! оltъc sушпonhоdох (in тulkish' sirrlani) сЬuгсh] and Di, ̂ ta [ nr l pгау G.dьlcs eaсh о|thеm lоr nret wЬdоfu ' соmPas'oп апd huпаn1q'

As dre паms listcd аЬove. $]|l Ье inсfudеd nr фjs bОok, xddi..ionа]nllоrлаtioп irr thrs seсlion wolId ьe Iерсliliо0s' нowclcr, ] frustin 3L]so.d соn sсiспс e. ехteпd ProФr rсс oen't'oп toаgеntlеm'n $hо 'sЬeloпd ргаnc. and ссaainlу ьeyоnd mу зЬiiilу to Ьопоr him wilh сх.prсssioпs of rефeсi lоvо. and ]no|oun! g|3tilrdc Fоr уеaБ. Dr' AlаЕrimhadUцed, P|e!ded.аi lines with lruJraliоn аnd a hlnlot angсr Lnhis vоj.е. dсmaпdсd lьat thъ Ьоok Ьe wlitteп' Wnhоul hь frirndsьllr'ьь Palienl gUjdаnсс. and suрpon' thь сonrрilntiоD of hъtоilсa| сveпЬаnd }оaБ оlехреriсnссs.lhъ Ьiоgгaphу wо0]d Лol haYe ьeеn brоughl

I rелain ijr уour elem,l dсЬl. deаI ftiспd' my m.Dlоr, пrу ье

un ьс тold b' Еdwдrd Tshjj


oъе Amdсan сo|lеee diсrj.iarу dеfin€s lhе wold autoьioglaрlrуаs ..an aссouпrof!реБonъ lifе writtсn Ьy hin'her,''

lt ъ oьvious thаl my сditiоn sаs рrintеd ala fimе priol lо оur..pоiilicаl cоtrсctnes'' еrа' lor сеnajn]у the denпidon should аьо in.

Nоs wе пrау сoпеcllу рIoсeed, вookshel!сs аr filled вitърDbllshed пatетials реfiaininе to cvcry fасel оl.nlmnn erlstепсе' оfсjvjl]7зtiоп.Ieliaiоn. sсiеnсe. naturc.lristоryj !о]njсs' and аs !п eхaпrp|e ol оuI ..аdvалссd,, сivilizatiоn' tvе mау inсIudе еvел ьooks aьoutроrnoeralhy. Nаmе thе suьjесt' to ьe sulе somcоnc sолсwhore hэswrjtlen а ьоok aьoul ii l,Iьtоfiс events. famons Fcoр]ej anj dьсoveriesjiпveпtiоns. сoо*ьоoks' ad infinilum] усs eaсh has bееп Еsетсhеd andwrinсn aьout ьy апthоп lYondside siпсе thе inсeрlion ofthс prinlоdword, sо dоos the rvoгld пeеd вnothel biовдpЬу? Proьаьly not. сsрc.сirlly sinсe lhе аutьor iп h]s Iifеtinre hasnot, and лost likcly si|1nсvсrьe Есognized |оI anу аpрreсiаЬlс асhicvсneal оrsuссe$' NoR tъat welrar € соnсludсd wilh оur humi|n'' рсmn пе ю dеsсriЬе drе siпсегеlссLiпвs оfлany рeoрle who wou|d сha|]епeе e!еп the suesеniоn lЬаtlhn wnler Ьаs not асьiеvеd suссess апd famе durine Ьь iifeiime, ltnrоuld ьe undеБtood lhаtnеilЬсrhas Ьссn mу oЬjcсtile in my iiI.е]onge|Гons рer.ai|ring lо тulkъh.Armсniaa ъьlоry and rеl.ti.ns As a rеsu|t we lrave Ьcсn mаnifсstly сondефned bу oпe соmuпitу aпd

тhс tjбi itreаsuggestioп wasmаdеto mе thаt I shоuld wilte aьook toоk plдсе in 1968ilhе signifiсaпсс ofthаl уc,r Nillbе desсribеdin а 1аlсr сhаPtсr' sinсe lhеn. til| the .Esепt limе manу реoрle, evепthоsc notрсБoaаl|у lnvol!еdiп lhе suьjeсl maltеr' hlvе Ерeдted lо mеlhis ide,' nоt пtre]у lо ье сoпршrcntalу. ьut Ьeсаlse lЬеy truly Ьс'lieved thal tЬeте was a need fог onr $ory tо Ьc told, Alter а ]ong anddeeрlу рeБолal considеrаtiоn. аelссine ihat 1ъь Ьiоgrаphу indеed hadto ьc а slоry nлlikс аny оlhсr, I deс]dod to gо aъead. Mosl assurcdlу.tъere wou]d nevеrbе a sjmi]агtrue life ехpеIiеnсe as r'ill Ьc dсsсriЬed

вut {тittсn ьy wЬoml

шстruih п{un ьс тo'd ь' Еdt*d гБhji

ссaаnny nоt me| I Ras Ь.m ofhn|nЬLе ьасkgФund' sLilс.сdDoor ьеakЬ durjag my уоutЬ. }вs slrу' l!сkjne thс sсЬolаr|у сredеniaьоle!еп a noviсе,lthоr. апd as ifthcsс Llerё n.l сhallсnging епоцglr, lhad ne!Ф сonsidered fiуsеllсaраь|о оl ilrnueпсing thс inlс1|ссt oI theеmоtionsolаnуoDe ье}oпdlheageоfsiх, so, no' пot пe' сеftainlynollo р0n a. .,bDl.gz?/Lr

..вut rvhо kiows Ьсlto the е!епls o|'our liГс. thап you?.. I.veьссn asked...tlоrv сan уoU dсay lo peорle оГgооd Ni]|' iftsрeсtiтc ofthсil nаtionаl оrigiп. уour сfГоns on Ьсhа|fоf lrаrirопу and Ьrotheг

Now lt thс ]inal slаge of nry ]i|с, {]i\рсlIing .аnicI Deeаtjljtу.llrave ьеguп tъe hlmЬk anсmрt to dеsсr]ь0 ьёrё lhс сvспts nr thе |ilе of1|rь wlitеr As еitтeпlе]' he!рГп| ha!e Ьeеп thс iпdi!id0aь rr!са|оd iп]nу acknоs]сdgmenls. esрeсia]|у Dr A1а Еrin. l hа!е сoпe 10 reсog.nizе lhаlours ь а living stоIуwh]сh сoпveуs а f,сssage to all реoр|esBy anу пrсasuв. ье сan nоi оbsNe oш сounfу and ndmN мTr d'*ide, withоut lhe Еalizatioп thi \4аnki!d is аt thе lh.esh.|d оf sс]f-denruсtiоn' нalrcd. raсism, рo]itjсll сonlrof,lаlion. fаmine. po!0nу.poL]utnln' сrime rЛd immomlitу. souпds !сry dсрrсsnre, does ilпot?

тhь ьook dосs nоt n|geсst lhаt thе solurj.ns ьr the рrоЬlепsshiсh р|адuо tlrс сar1ь are tо ье.оund in thеse pаges. вut n dоcs о1тсIlhe rerder а fa.fuaLассоuпt oIonе llсragс Aлсriсап.s Iife]оng ded]сa.tiоn to the reducl]on. ]| trol tlrс toIаl c|iпrinаliоn' оl thr rvoБt оlourпondъ ilь thal ьеiпghаted,ln tiсl, аs aЕsultol.оlrhumЬlcсffoiswc havс ploven lhat iпdоod goodпcss .nd сo]nPа*'о. саn с|л|nalеЬale and !спвеаnсe, suссes lnlghlЬe aсЬiсled with a сol|egс dсgrсс,il might ЬеЬkine x сakе, and il сouId соnссivаlrlу cvсп ьс tans]orm.

ьthьrvhat*е hаledonс? Asуou reаd t]resс ]inсs. аrс уou аsk.iп! rInlь аutЬor сlajпs to have цnс.vсrсd а nrуstcliоus lоmlIr to аnuпattliпlb]с п]lаliол? тhе answеrs аle deьаlаЬ|c. whjсh пеaпs sonеhа!е sajd tь!( I hаve ,.l sucсeeded ir1 Jh.t сonnntrtеd eпelous лduлforsivаь]e sirь !gаjn* mу рeорlе whi|e at lhс sxmс funс aпd w'll1сq!alеmрЬasъ, оlьсrs hа!с sаid qUilс the сoпtвry' lh,l.ur tirelеss еl.l r , d r o i l т с i ' L a , ] е \ , ! , Р . Р Jф ( оп \ ] o l , , ! | i в \ . , , р , i , с , . ,

tЬeу sеп'e !s aл endсаvо| whiсlr slrоuld bс сmu1аtсd Ьу aL] peоples oI1|]ь fа|lеInrg eafrh тhо rсrdсI oftЬь ьook $rjl h.nсlil|ly dесide, орl

шt bс тold ьу Еdтsd тБhji

lng inг а coпdеmnatiоп о. сommсndаtiоn, Fоr me, Unequivoсa|ly, l'dhoрc itвould ьс llrс txltcr Ьul lhоn !o! eхрeсted lhis sепtimепt, уes?

тnс |ifeloag enьfl' lъe fеп'enl wьh, соuрlcd witlr thе nБion of, .oо . ] i ' ,m| io ' , J JN* , -nd io , , t " р ,o 'р |сd , | ' l o r l l 1 loof lье aпсestral ьюthеIlrооd ьсlwссп tЬc тurkish and the Ameпiапрeоples Wе|l,lhat ьjLБt fine;Ьul il.уoL аre пot oГcilhеIbaсkgюund'$hy ыlould yol ьс intсlcsIсd еnough tо reаd drь ьook?

Fns y' }ou havе раid tЬe pricс огthis Ьoоk аnd iI wоu]d bc alvаslё tо dЬсlRt it whiLе you аlt lоаdinc lЬс Fоrепord so.оndiу, andfar ]nore inrрoiantlу, ifуоu аrc а loljлg г,rеnl' j]^уоu are с|osеlу аf'fi|]аtеd Njth аny rcligioш оr еdlсatonа| iпslituliоn, if уou ale сon'cеmed aьout lhе tistоriсаl ассurасу oГа |oуаl aпd *auпсh аliy of thсUпitсd stаtcs. aad ]ina|]y i| уou ьelielе tlrat aoоdпes musl Prсvаilo!еrеvil,lhеп thь ь з slory Nolth rоаding Му mаif, сhlL]cпgс jn lьъsolk ь to maintаnr tIc intсrсs of lhе rеadеr' еsрeсiaIlу ilthе readеI lsoucidс oГthс тurkьh and Arfuспian соnrпuпniеs, вul thе оffеring ofthк tert рrоn1ьеs to ьe faсп|aIlу infoanэlivс xnd ассurаtс. sЬi]с hорjng to ьe pirilosорtriсal|у stimulxting' \vhether l ссeеd jn tЬis епneavor, at thь time rcnrаi.s шrсrlаin] hotоvcr' tho aссuгaс} o| drеlо|lowine рagсs аnd the hоnesly o|.1} пrot]!аt]оn iп ргcpаIing thьапtobiogmPhу Б tolall} iпefulаьlе' тЬe IеаdеI wil| nnd no Psсudo.ny]ns] no fi}lhjсal pIaссs oI еvспts. in lhь worki tлсrс \уi11 Ьс аuthсnl'сnllnes, рIaces, datrs (ivhtrе роs]Ь1е) .r evenls' fФnr whjсЬ hаsсvolvсd аn Amсrjсаn ..Frjсnd ol.(ье тurks...

Алd noN, thе соnlfuvеьу' lье iпeхpliсдь|c di|cnnnа $hiсlr tlrьwntсrhаs lhсd nоsL oI tlrь life. As thepages Ьercij] ri|1rс!сaL, iherеhаs ьeеn. for sе]| oler cighty уеаБ, а mалi|сslaliоn ot. Ьntсr h,tmdrvilhin tЬe Аmreпiап сo]nпuni0r (ouбjdс oItne RеPпь]iс.l.тUrkеу)'low.d thе тulkьh nаlion аnd hоr peоplе. I| lhе tаdeг has еven аfr]almlm kaowlеdee оf lhe hьtory of lhеse рeoplеs. il ь a cсrtаinlylhat lhе Ameпiап vеБiоп ofthс evсDts which had takсn р|a.e in oltomап тurkсy duliлg thе eаIlу уeaБ ofi[n ссf,iury, Ь,!сbeеo.еad ovelэ]rd o!сI a3а]п, lD t]rс Unilсd slаlеs .| Amсriсa and iп nraпy оthelсоnпtries. ihc ̂ mсn]аn loБресtjle o|the jnosl lrвgiс ре.iod of тUrk.ъЬ.Ameajаn hslоry hа5ьеcпaсссрtеd as,,Jl./i..//а.. As a |сsu|I, xre]eпt|ess rnd hiдh|} finапссd |novcmсnt fully aсtive to lhis daуlemаinеd unсhа]|еngcd, аnd nDmеrous noп Anneпiaп дut|rоБ лaverу'nм ьооks on the subjссt о|а пуlhiсаl gепосidе nrniсled Upon lЬe

u* ьс тold ьt trdllrd тr\[ji

Аmеnian poluLаtiол of тulkey. Duriпg fiъ mоnumспlаl опslaughtUpon lhе hъlоry аnd honоr оf the тulkьlr peоplе' whаl !уаs thс rе.sроnse of тulkeу and in раiticпlаr. thс].urkъh'Аrneriсan сommпnlt'.l

Dеryins аll сoпрrеhensiоn. thero wts по |еspоnse, no et].сtivсaсtiоn tо сofесt lhс hъtoriсal faьnсaions oгохllсmьl роliticаl erоuPslunсtioпiпc lо lhis dаy' in thc tJniled statcs.

olen опe daу thеrc aPрeэrсd аn individuаl ьoФ оl an Ai|nеniаn

mother' rYЬo Puь|iсLу dес|ared hn strоng oррositiоn to drе дrnn'iиn

рosniof,, аnd thсre уou havе пу iпе\рliсaЬ|e dilсmmа: Do I follоR lhероpular and ospolsed Positioп оfjnу orvn peoPlс. or dо l Еmaiп fanьful to mу own fllndamсntal рIinсiрles, aпd ]rcmfl tо eivc vоiсе toсount|еs iaсts rYhiсh fiun ьe.оlsidсrсd iflhеIе ь toьe n rаtlоnaLап.1lnьiasсdrсviсrтof this]noslсoncitjoussuЬjсdl тhе latter hаs t,осn

тhe qnЕ has rсlсtred Ьriсflу to Ьь pareпts aid their l1lo sоns.o|shiсh lrc is the уоuпeer' As this аutoьiograрhy \Yill dеsсriьo aсnLаlnames xnd еvenls, a morе speсil1с idсntiliсаlion оf mу fa'ni|y md lhаtol.фуscl|.l Ьсliсvc. тоuld аssьtd1е rеаder in Ьсine mоre авaIеol'thсЬaсkgrouпd ofФnё whо Ьxs ьeсоme lо ьe kлorvn аs а "тul,k Dostu..]n|||kisЬ' o|: Friепd oI|hе 7]u'ь,

Мy mоdrel, whom I hlt identificd as Ьеnrg ьoп ol.Аrmсniаnanсеstrу' Rasь.m in thс city оfвalikesiг(otlоmаn)тtrLkсу Mу fltherwas tье oп|у сhjld o|sуriаn olthоdoх рlrепts Ь.m in Urtir (otlоnraпоra) тU[keу, kmrvп tоdaу as $аnlnтfа, тhь сoппunitу ki.lvi эcsi'}a,i/ €r iп тшkьъ' hаd (аnd still dоc'' ргоsPered in спlfurс and rehgi.n |or ссnturiсs. as did all tlrе ethaj. and rеligiоus grouгs. яithinthе otlotrln Еmрirc, тnе oftпan ,,i//.' sуslеm wxs instituted lо dii]Гсrenliаtе the пraпу sеgfieaв ог ]ts pорulatiоп suсь !s] сlссk. Amь.Jervъh' кnrdьh, Апnепian, Мus]im тllkь|r, sуriаn ofiЬоdоl' аmоngolhе6. A land ofmultiрle fаitьs' languages. and ed]niс origins, l]ourislriпg iп ьarmоn', lоng Ьсforc tЬese fteedons саmc to ttre л.!. !?/dвссаL.е п) г'hr' s.. 1^' x ' e|0,,! Aпег J' , '1

does not aрpeт al thе end оloursua]аnre,Nly пifоъ рaгепts qere bоth оl Armеniаn ьirth, a|sо born n

ottоnrап тцrkеу' нсr fat|rеI, who diеd iп Nlаsасhusсns. UsА, whensltе Nаs tlшеe yeаф o|аgс. hэd ьсcn ьо.r ]n Аdiуапаn. and hеI 'nothеrЬаd ьeсn Ьоm in liаrput, тп her hолe Аrmсnian and ЕDglisь sсrс sро.


^rп.цhn All€rlion'. The тrulh мurt ьe тdn ьу вd{0rd тr6hji

kе.' wheЕ$ ь oш3 my !аrents spoke to my ьotheг, теМcе' in тщ*-ish аnd to me in АmeniФ. wе Vеle rдised wfth tn€ culfure, thе foo&!mnsiс' md the hьtory ofou! pФпts md рфрle a6 d€sсribеd by tьem,totаIly void of au Дiшsjry, foг the lmd, thе nаtion. Фd tlе pфрle ofтhе Repuьliс of тшkеy. т!ъ wб their lеglcy to thеn ю!s,

маy lhry rФt in peaоq


I t

т|'. тru'h llщl !t тdd bl Е'lsird тпьji

Tablе ofсoЛtеnts:

Iт вЕG^N |N oттoмAN тURкЕYa' тlle ]jvs аDd eхрепеnсёs 01 fry рateпsb' тte саlnпilу oГ{аrand rc]oсrtiоn сa |9l5с, A hofific jouiiеу сonсludеs i]] пjvа|,

ll lN тI]Е МIDsт oЕ wAR АND АNсUlst]. А LovЕ sтoRY' .]1916:а M} pтeпь meol fol 'hс tir{ .]nеь, A l.fuвееgid' ап onomап оfliсgr i(d i lсtсtc. мв|.iage' аn iпlеrDrеlсг ii Alepрo. дid r DDjo.оppоnunityа sерxrrlion аs |athorcmie.oEs lо l]rе U s, oгАm*i.а

ЕsтAвLls]JItiG A NЁW LIЕЕ Ь- тLiЕ NЕlv \YoltlD, са 1920:Pe з0

a ^dьЬwшhеls dау оtt ап епlirc diу ]i ! movLс dtаtеr'b оneуеаroГsсpmllion,rcuijo'с' ]]аrd worki[g рa'.пLs hale sо sопs апl ьфоnс,o,'. o}I.,J Id' нomс ]itъ'сол]пluп]ry LiГe,.nd adjusmeпE

^N AмЕRIсAN пoмЕ FILLвD wIтн тнЕ сULтURЕ ANDLANGUAGЕS oF тURкIY Pg, ]5a то the oldсr son in тulkьh. rnd lo thеуоUng* iп Amciirtrь, мliy i.riеs аnd соmпtnls Ьltтu*ьh lnere${аs dьlrnt,с Aуаrenеsoftiliтurkshsenld, тhis кшano.хlelds to oшlivEs in NсwYork сtrt

v As А тЕI]NАGЕR, IlRsт AssoсlAтIоN W|т'{ тL,Rкs:

д Ii ou.homе. friепdsh]plilh тurks hсФБЬ, A mапiаgg, oи ..,л,)' J4,/. t t аs шпnцсdс тho л6l мiddle Еanеп ьапd in Nоп Yolk'd,.мо'n. |'!е Гоlпd.тtrrkish tьпi|).' lrflе. iп sl' ALьаnsl,,e' тhe тurkьll if.n),i' оuI hoпrilье еpilome olrccoпсiIirnоn'

FlvЕNAVАL DoстoRs ANDтLlЕ|R FА]vlILIЕs вЕсoМЕ oURltll^TlvЕsа , .We] .omспyсh i ]d ren .n ln i s }ou rhomc , .

l l


Ь' тhе me$lce оf АLL religions luшlled in oш homё,с, тhе тurkьh NZv, retuпs, |eneБ mаinшin our hrо!ьerhоod'c' our пs! vьit to тurkеу! aпd mу dеыiпy ьtrоmеs irrеvoсэble.

!т .тнЕ PR€slDЕNт нAs сB"ANтЕD YoU AN AUDIЕNсЕг.

а, A tо'ally inфпсеivaъ|reхpcriеn.o 1963,b, From l1rе |ейеБ of gоveпmеnt, to the ьumblc olАnaфliас. Аt the Мausоlеuп оf AlаfuIk, а lalеmеnt in nE вoo*.ol.нonot,d, ,.I m!|orc you sn' ftь ьook mun ьe ftns|aGd,.,

vп] RЕтLRNING нoМЕ. тнЕ мAGNIтUDЕ oF мY AFFЕстIoNвЕсoмЕssUPRЕMЕ: Р3,6?J, веJ ne tremьfl(оfJ _UlUJ

b' ЕаIlу aоlivil]es схEnd ] 7 ygав in lhе Anrdolu сiUь,о, Рub|iсspeфhes, mсcnng,demonsrаlions.lhоusandso1lёteп't our tЬnd tiр lo тurkеyi l933 lnееtinЕ wii\ lhе tЬnd PФsidcnt,


х мY вАslс PнlLosоPнY AND ЕsPoUsЕD PosгтIoN oРтнЕтLRKISн NAтIoN, ̂ ND тнЕ ARМЕNIAN ALLЕGАтloNs:

PE. l49

lifY CoNсLUDING sтAтЕмЕNтs тoтURкlsнYoUтlr] P3 l34

вRlЕF DЕsсR]PпoN oIPRoJЕстs, МвЕтINGS:

soмЕ oF oUR AстlvlтtЕs.Pв.93

тнЕ RЕADЕR oF тнlsМY сoNсLUDiNG sтAтЕМЕNтs тo

1 l

,шeTrulh lvhiьстo|d hу Еdttd 1хЦl

дtftor.s qrete

Фuе ь no оoпссivaьrе wa} in Nhiсh lllc аuthо| сan рФ!е thо stаlс.

]nеnts' oрini.ns, des.riptjоns of a ]ife iп oltofiaf, тlrkсy аs revealed ton]e in oul hof,e' dlnnc thс lifсtime of nrу ьc|o!сd г!rсnG' wnhш thcfюпl сЬарteБ оl nris book, ]vhere th. influcDсes оl пrу Фrents hаdmаnitъstсd ilsеlli|r оuгhomе' are spoсifiсаl|у desсIiьеd as Lrспrсmberthеm' тhсil гxсtnal eхpenепсеs are рrсsсntсd herc wnh пo eхаgeеIltions о. рosоaal intcrpretltiоns oп пrу рrn lll wсlс to ellеr п aresepagеs uпtruthl.ul statсmсnls or ехреIiеnсes ofn1у pаrents. t mighl dс.ссive lhe Iеаdel ьut опс daу' mауЬс !сry sоon, l wil] ьa!е to аn$vсr lоmy соd fоr any dсl iЬсrаlс de сеptiоn ln оrdеr iо makе оI prоle а рo'пl'l Ьo!е nolresoted to гraпd оfапу kiпd, drь l so|emлlу $сaI to you,

ln likc mалnе], вьеrе lhе rпthоl lаcks sресifiс kпorvlcdgc o|nаmes. dаtсs. рlасеs. .nd еvепls' it Nill Ьс sо stаlcd l аm пo*' ljljf,glhe linаl phаsо оlmу liгс апd thс puФоsё |оr thъ аutoьiовmрlrу Б nolsсlf аggmndizeпеnt оr finanсial eaiп, тhь autlrепljс comрilаtion оfc!еnts aпd eхрeгienоes nri!сs to слPlrаsizе а рhilоsoDhу оllo!с andсoщ)a$ion ьсntg fаr morc desiгJьlё lnd сonstпсlivс draп hatеd andt|rе сопuрlon ol yопng minds' веfolе пrу Gоd' fiь is Inу lсgaсу' поtonlу lo фe тurkish аnd Аmrcniaп pсoр|е5. ьull. all Nlаnkind, Aссeрtthь lhercfolc as пrу humьle ejтоft lо солtinue tlre |olе and lhс \lsdо'nоlmy Ьс]оvеd pаreпls to a dсgrсс Гаr Ьcуопd theiг cхpeсlаtiоns' аndсerlajn]у Ьсyond nr' sсoрc to fullу с.mрrehend mу destlnу оi ьё.оffinв a по5t uniq0е F'?,Z/ o/d. Il, i!

.Е JNcfd flдst.i

тt.rrU'|' NlDj t €тorJ ьJ ьJцлdтшiji

qt 6egдfl ifl o''otr.'n Фг*еI.

бъь most uni.]Dе nо.y Ьеga. iп oltoman тurkеу, manу уeaБ bсtоrсthо bnЙ о|lhe аudrоr. тiow drеn. it may Ьс asked, со!|d !n luфьiog.aрI]у begiп ьеforе thс a hоr rvаs bom] As tЬе Еadеr $i|L dьcover.thъ aulllоntiс dosсiiрtiоn of d1с ]ifс of опе ..a!еmge.. Arcпсап. 'sn|lсd wiIt fiaлy ]neхpliсаь|e evеnls whiсh Ьad сопгоundеd FooFles о|diпъEnl b!сkgrouпds' as wеll аs dre аud]or himsсlt It is lhе еvеntswhiсh look р]aсе in а соunnу аЬоut *hiсh mоsl Ameriсaпs had |ndсkлowlеdeе duliпg thе onоmаnpсriod, r'hiсh are mosl Pertiпent to thlsfаclxа| $ory аs n ьrjngs togеlher а youпg nran аnd а yonng womаnwhо hld lery ]irt|e iп сопrmоn. ьut s|tаrcd t]rс 1овl uрheаva| and Ьum!п suffеIin8 сausеd Ьy а Wond War сonfllgra|on ]vhiсh had de.sn!уcd thсir wаy оl.lili jn $en homеIBпd, Аs fal аs knowlеdgе or rсc.ognitiоn is соnсеfrёd,l fее|nraпу of jnу fсl|ow.AmсIiса.s wоuld hаvсdLtll.ultу in loсlti]1g а staшсh allу of tlrе Lrnitrd siаiсs. а nаtion o|аlпrоst sеventу jniIlion рсoрlс. on lЬс wоrld fiaг

д ' е | дье |1 " , ' j i " " ' oоn /1oP | | а . J ' , ' R , I l с . | , I L |Nе ' ,Ф Arфеniln раIепls iп а lаmiLy ofsiх сhildrcn Fаlhсr ceо€ё тnshji$аs Ьoflr as tЬсоnlу child otsnryаni(s'rian orrhodoх) рll €nts' i|rthetown о| Urth] тurkeу' liь Dlme lrаd ьееп сirсi (Plопоun.сd Jnei)N1onolаr' тasьji. and mUсh olhь |i|с in Urla (loday lnolvп as s!пliшla). rсmins laknos'n lo lhъ \nlerdue to the faсt mу iDtсrс$ 1n oпrf.m]|у hislоrу had пotdclelорed dulnrg tlrе |ilelimc of m}" ьо]o!сd |atЬеr, ] dо know my рэlсmаl erаndlаthеr ъad ьeen сrjрplеd ьу sе!сlэаallrilь. which iо а lc$еr dеgrеe has ьeeп раssed oп to mс, My рalсFnl] grаndm.lher hаd delotсd hеr |ifс свIiпs fol ьеr nrvаlid husЬапdiand e!сh ol.!1efu had аsрьеd lheir sоn wоu]d Ьсcоmo l dосtоr' тЬоughhь youth was une!епtful, mу fаther Ьссamс сduсatсd and hдd bеёnfluепt i|r Аraьiс, гrсDоh. Annсlriаn. oltonan тDrkish. апd ЕnglьЬ. tlеsроkс and rу|otc thсsc l3ngDаges'аnd as late пou]d havе it. hь ]ineuis.liс ассопр|isьпrспts weЕ to ье mоst ьenefiсiа] to him tоNаrd lhс сonсlusioп of lhе Filst Wor|d war,

l 5

Бt ье тоld ь} rdli id тДlji

Dunnc my fоmativе уeаil lьtcf,]ng lo l|rc sloriеs of фy Ье']о!ed pдrепts.l donot rcсall а siлgle сопrmепr гr.m mt fat|rсr рeгtBiпing to anу soсia| or ро]niсаl соnniсЕ aпong tЬе nufrcrols сlhп'с апdrelicions сntities lilnrgiпhamony in Ьь tоNn aлd the пeighьorineсii.iеs oГsouthсaslсm тUrkeу. Dear lье sуrjаn Ьоrdcr вui in drесasc o|ny поtьer' }here hеrЬirih plасe, ввlikеsn' srs оn lhс wеnem rcgjопof thс сountгу' nеar lhе Aсeсаn cоast. солditions Rёre drastictl|y diflъrmt аnd е!еntuauy most lolati|e' ̂ s n htd ьcen i|r Uг|a. and in othсrrеgions oг thс сmрnе. вalikesir Ьad nDmсюus etьлiс dъtriсts whеrсGIеek, Afrеnian, тlrkьh and оtЬсгсommuaniеs ivould Iеsjde iп fr!tual ьаmопу aпd poасe' I! а1l dьlriсts eaсh сom]nпnnу сnjoуеd ргоpcrtу оwпeNhip' manyNilЬ fаrm|xnds, tade aпd ьusjnсss lenlxrсs, lherrсsPссlivе рIеss (Iiпitеd to шс dеvсlорnent of lhll Lime). thсtr sсhooь,сьurсhеs, аnd сivilmаtieБ, weE all соndпсtсd in freеdoпr $]thоut ln.ierfelепсе Aоn lhе сcntаl ottoman gоvemmenl' тhс сcnntl сommerсial aIеа оl ваlikеsiI wo01d Ьrine all еthniс gro!рs t.eсthсr. whelеlradе wоuld tаkс р|aсe' lhе ьlths lvоп|d Ьr vьiled aпd сo.].сc hoпsсs$ou|d bе filled Nith lhе аIoma of тUrlish сotтсc and de|]сious |ood

ву lhе snndаrds of oш сommuпiliеs jn lhc mоdcm аee. sеwoD]d nnd lifе iп вalitesй muadanс and void ofp|eдntres, тrаve| toеgioлs nсаr Дrd fal wдs сопrfron аnd alailaЬLе lо апyoпе яho dсsircdto !ьit otьеrсniеs' My mоihеrvou|d f,enrjоn lоwns (hсп) whiсh Дeсitiсs now' suсlr as:Maaъa. тсkirdаsЬ, Yalova' аnd the mljoI ciliеsofIzmil. вursa' aпd Istanь!|. аs dсsinatioпs vhele lafril! nсmbс's uscd

тlrс cсltuliсs ol mutua] h,rmо.' а|nong thе indigenous рсо.рlеs, inс|udine lhc сhrjslian aпd Мuslifu сommшitiсs, eпtelсd an.f,inonspеriod bward lьс lаtс l800s, Pоlitiсаl stnЁ аnd сommuna]susр|cions Ьсgan to dеsloу a ьnl.riсаl аnd сultu.a| ыotherhood Whо didx'hat agаinst whо'n, and wьeп' dеnends оп Nlrо descliьеs lье fu]aаilопoftlrе еsential сhаrасtеI of dre сoеIjstеn.с of mапу sоeпreпts oгoitoman sосiеtу. тье d,rk сlonds of hatlеd аnd rеvоlLtion pleсеdеd thесonl0lsioп ofs n!1ioп' аnd lhс rr!еIlrelatiопs ofa wоrld war сreвtеd ahuф,л cal.|nity оl imeasunЬlс рrорonions. ньlorians to lhь daуditтег оп fiеn intсrрrclalion of elenls which lоok рlасе in ollоmаnтUrkcу ьеfore aлd durjf,g tlrе рeriоd o|thе Ftrn Wond wаI,

ui hс Told Ьу ldwrd т,.ьji

тhе positioп ofthe аUlhоrpсtainiig Lo tlrе сoпi]icl bеtt'ссn lhrтuгkish and Amcniаn Feорles оfotloпaп Turkeу hэs Ьосn dcsсribеdto nre eхtent thal l mmаln enrрhatiсal|у оppоscd to the Amenlrп al|еgаlion that the otomап ]еadeБ ьаd са сd oui rл organized se,o.,d€uроn tъe Аmепians ofтurkcy' $aaing in |915, Win\ tЬa' sa'u. !уlаLrепrа]nslо ьс added1A elсаi dоаl l dat say Radrer thаn слtcr herе theтulkish pеБPссlives. 1еr us relieN Алreпian sоurсcs] сeitlinlу nуbrсthlсЛ wou]d not fau]t me fol snсh а fairgеsllle' ву then (Апnеnlaп)оwn рUьlъьed slаtеmenБ, *е learn tnat in |885 the Aпnеnakап Pоliliсal Pafly ваs еstаЬ|ьlrсd in oltomаn тurkeyNitlr thе intеnl ofсalsingсi!]l uпIest аnd rеvоn ioл аgainsl the otto]nan аutЬoritу ап] the сolntry \ еrr fоr siх сenluries тurks' Aпrеniaпs, and оther minоnlies hаd

qllhо avоwedpоsnionof rьеаut|rorьрrо тurknh аs itсeгtain|у ьцnу thеп not prеsспt in thь rvork, the рositiоn оf thе тurkьh Govenmеnt аnd its hьtоrirns ьased upon its ow. rсsсаrсh оi iG owп re

тo do so $ou|d surely i.vilс lhc wmlЬ оlthe аnd.тu*ish eIе.пeпts ьу dеnouпcin8 mt otтenncs аs netly рro.тu*ьh proраganda'вut whаt wоlld lhсy sау lо fiy pгеsепting леrе thе itrcfutaЬle .оfimeлls of ,4/'7.,i.Л sоurces?

lп the ongonrg deЬаtc. atthъ writ]ngsPaппiпg morc thfur сlвlrцrГ ' r J "в , , , -1 n ,рал i . | , ,nd , , l d ' . . l ' 0 ' i |е Г l l Lnn ,o ' , сс " isеarсь ofhьtolicаlxсcпrасу study' ifyou t'il|,lhе Аmenlаn PскFс..ti!с and thсrс yol will dьсoveг thе lluth.

I|the Aneriсaп mеdjа аnd nrost ol its FoLjtiсal lеades аcсерtlhc Aфeniф!еIsioпof ils hьtory ja onоnаn тUrkеу, thеn вthеI tlranсьastisе this Nlitсr. hс stould bе apр|aц.ed fol Еvealine hcre whаt ъpjtsсntсd b,Amenjаn wr]leБ theпsеlvеs, Dоes not thь Postuф on фуPa||'dis?1Ф'"Lу1o1аI lock ofbjas il1 еjlhеt .!i]еLliоn'

Lеl us oьseNe, ьriеnу' lhс Amef,аkаn Pafly stгiсtly Гrom аn''?'e",4, wljtеls viоwроinl' la 196]' a bоok вas puЬlъhеd. /i/eаThе Аlпепiaп Rе\Dhlionа]! |||a'e,e'l' authoЕd ьу Ms, Lonье NаI.ьапdjm, ln her 220 page ьоok' оn paве 90, wс nnd tЬe Гol]owing lnt.oduсtion: .тh€ Arnrспaka! Paay was lhe fiБt Amrenisп politiса|ра..у nr the l9." сeпfurу to oncаge ]n rеvo]ulionаrу aсtiviтlсs л wаs


тЬ. тлth }hdbsft|d ьr trd!пd таlЬji

oцanizсd at Van (аn olto]naa тurkьЬ сnу). in |885 bу lhс sп]deпts oГ\4с l с , . , . \ P ' | jча| , , . .

Tlrъ ffcniоr. thь crcaiо. ofdis"ner. wаs Ьoпr in Islanbll (сon.stаnlinорlс then)' jn !343, hь lаlhel а welllhy Ьапkсr, lftеresling, to, , J . l ' , з ' , o t .dcJ |n r A ,n , , ь ' , с r , , я | |o Е Р , . ' . | с ре .е . , , ,oaпd subjugllion of tlre Alпrспiaпs ьу тurks, sо. hеIе \'с havс . so'оIа \еа'h! 1пnыiаn bаkkе|'|п the (!1оn) сaрital ol ottоfuln тпrkсyтhis сont|аdiсtjоп. thъ Arncniап fmud sill ьe desсriЬed ьу fur|hеrехaпр]сs iл а latеI сhдрtcr

In NаlЬаndiаn.s Ьоok' on раgс 97. ыre prсseпts: flie P],gr.,]ol |h. Аrпеfukdл Pu !' and withiп ils sеvon scсt]oпs, Pln ]l. d.sсilbesits мel/,oas' iп P"a. as ГoLlоvs: ..'. ьу inсu]сalin8 nr the Pe.plс tьсsрirit of sсlf.dеfеnse. tnjniлelhеm in the usс оI.апns апd nrililary dь.сip|]пё' supр|уing thenr Rith arnБ а!d Dronсу, 0пd org,niziлв gueillа

тhь eхarnр|e ofАrmсnian loуallу is cхс,npLinсd ьу уetдnоthсreпtitу knoNa as ihe lluпсhаkian Rсlolutiоnalr- Panу

тьc н0nсhakian Reloluliоnxry Pаrtу *gs lоmсd ьу scveпRussiап Ameniаns апd il was lhе lь( sосialьt pslt} iп lьehоmсlaпd'тhesо young Мarхьls wсrc |ronr weallьу Ь.urgоoь familiеs in R0siаsъo ъad fi.аnсial|у suрDonеd thсi| ..сl €alive., s.ns nl сst!ь|]shine ln]887. in Gеnсvl. swilzellапd' lhis оthcrcхапrplе olAmсnian llеasоnfor tЬе рulposе oг Гla|rcrin8 rсYo|utiоnдry асtiliry in olюmаn тпrkсу,Nа|ьаndiaп on page ||0 оffes thе ЕBdег, jn раa' l|rc Го|lowiпg: ,. ,тhе tlпnchaks sa фat thо схыnre soс]al organizаtiоп i|r тuгkъъ Агnrenia (1). сolld ьc changed ьу !jо]сnсe аgаinsl lhо тtrLkьh Go!еmnrcnt, and desсriЬсd thе foliоn'jng mсtьods: PФ.agаndа, Agitаtioп'тrпоr. organizаiion, апd Pсasaпt and workсr Aсtilitiсs'' Undсr tlrehcаdng тelгoг. ve tind this intеrcslnre enlrу:..','1'сlтоI waslо Ье пsedas а merhоd ofploteсdnc |hс рсoрlе апd вjппlng their соnfideпсе lntЬe нunсhаk р|одmm, тhc Pndy аimсd аt teпоrizing lЬr oltоnraпсo!еmmспt' th0s сonlliьUting toward lо\усrinЕ lhe prсshge оtnrаt re.

ei]nо аnd wolkiпc lоNrrd its сolnр|ete dЬlnlсgratiоD. TЬe govеmmоntnsell was nolto ьr rЬe onlу fосns оl1епor]n lactiсs, тhс нuпсhаkswaпtсd to anDiЬi|ale t]re nоstdaneеIous oflhс Armeniапs aпd тu ьhnrdiliduaь sho wсrе lhеп wоrking Iоr thc gоvеmment' rs *еLl аs tоdсnroу all sрics аnd infоmсБ, тo a$]sl thсm i|r can}ing оul аll of


тЬс тrtlh мliьcт0|d bу Еdvrrd тlshii

thеse ieпoasl асts. thе раfiy wns to оrgaпizе aп exсlusiУе ЬIanсь. sрс.сiiсa|1уdсvotсd lо perlirmriпc aсts ofteпoism, ,,..

МyаutoЬiogвphу hasnotЬсen dъnаctcd, tju$ |c|l n wouldbeuse|ul ю desсIiье ьIjeflу. hсlt аt lhс ьeginning o|my book' thе еveпtstlknrв рlaсe oltoman тurkсу PRIoR lothe Elgiс e!еnts оfthс First

вel.ore wе Фluп to ваlikеsn. |оt me introduсe the most inlanrous of tье Аmеniaп rеvо|utiоnаry оrgаnizаlionsl in АФeniaп lhisпrапiaсвl baDd of miscreаnts ъ саi|od: Da!,,dtб,/,i,пi iп тш,kislr:Dasnл.k.g,,; аnd Ьenеr knoln iп Епg|ish: The Аanсnian Rсvolu.tionаryFсdemlion ll sсeпs thе wогds .Amепian. and .Rc!оlutiоnary'

I hlvе mепtioпеdtьIее. ьutillrrс ьаfoDitЬ eФup in thjsfафi|уог |е\o| ' ,о га| i , . , э .d ' t ) 2 | | \ j R I ,Eо .o . Г ]еЬ , |е I8o lpnnre shadow of the оlhеr Аmrепiaп..hatе mеIсlrапts.'' whosс рhilosoрhуо|Ьаlс сontjnuеs to drь dау

A ьrirf nrtrоdпсiion o| thо Dаshnak (апotьег sреIlnrg) grоuрwоuld aьo Ье usсfultо lhе reаder' jf ilis lо uпdеБlaпd thе АJлcniаn

Фc Dаshnаk раnу сaпrе iпto ехьleпсc iп RLБsix, in iЬс yсai ls9о'mlепded lo ье a nrelgеr of!аriоus ̂ meniаn pо]iliсal groups' and lьеfоl|owine is takсn lrom thсn рnпtеd paпрhlе|.., ,tЬеАпnеnian Rсvo.пtlioЛаry Еedera!оn (ARЕ)' k.own as Daыnraksoutioun (уcs, a.othоrsрсl|1ng)' саrjсdonthisstrugg]ewilhа]|а!aiIaЬ1сmсаns] Politi.а1ас'lnjn' Proрaganda' апd, at times. аined slrugglс',''.

тheехtеntоfthс'fanаti.ъm ja oltom,n тurkey was tmпыatеdhele in lhe t]nitсd stаtсs, as descпbed ьу the followinв two еха|nplсs.l lеfоasm: iп |9з:]dulinвсhli*nаsMassnrаnArmсniаnсhurchinNelv YoIk сiiу, tЬе Aanсniаn вishор тоurjаn ьаs knifеd lо dеath bуDashnak пeпЬеls ьeсаusс оlsоmc iлlenal probleп. Duling lhе l970sаDd thc l930s, theirA's A L.A group пuтdеrеd of nеanу siхty тu rkishdiр|omats аnd innoсenl Аmeiсan сili|iаns in thсn саmраign of temrаgainnтUrkъh оfпсiaь and тulkьh sоciаl and ьUsinсss сеniФ

A|oreпiап tеrrоIьm in thс Uniied slаtеs raьed its uglу hеad fоr1|rе fiБt t]mс in lhе сitу ol.saпtа вsфalа. сa|ifoniа. in l97з. wlrсn аl].уоa.old mаn' naпcd Ymikym. nulderеd lhе тu|kьh сonsul ссn.

тЬe тrulЬ illшl ье т''ld ц' ЕДnrd тahji

Ior two dcсаdes lhe \oгld beсamс aыаlt оf вlrat llrе тurks hadknоlvп lФ njлсly yоаls, пxmсlу lhat !сь .| Amсnian ieлll аgainstтulks rvou|d сonlinuе' аnd пot оnlу dunпg lhс ottоmаn peпоd. butthrоuchout the woгld' еven almоs JiJ|' ],eaБ aflеr thе end oГthc гьstWorld wаL Ameriсan aпd Еuroрean media for t|]e nNt li]ne rvеrc fi|lсdwilь ,,Ameaiаn тca оrьп.., tЬe tеп1usсd ьу thс hсadlnres lol thе b.гьаrоus atlаcks. Nсlcr ьсforе лаd drе еditorjаls роnrаycd aп an.IArmсnian position, aпd аs ir Ьаd naрPсnсd in ottoпaп т0rkсy. Arлe-niаn ьnаticьm сventua|]у dеslroy.d ilsсlt tn thе eпd, almon аll оlt|rose rnnoсcnlтurkьlr аndnoп.тurkish сilizсns who serе пurdetdinnumсюus соunties. Ьy maniaсa| Amreпiln ехtrcmьls. ч,с/e,ol сyс,|1orn dtinq the с.]1|1i.1 iл оltоЙап fuГkq'

Еlenluаlly tЬc Ameniаn lrаtс |nеl.haпts put аsidс thеn Ьomьslnd а0lomаtiс тсaрoDs aпd сonnеnсed a лсw аnaсk acliпst lhс тlrk.jsh реoр|e jл r ditтсlепt al €пa tье sсhoo| .lаsioom, 'гhь епdеalor{hiсh сoпliпues lo lЬk daу will Ьс dьсussеd lltеr in tЬь ьооki howc!сr 1оl Us поN rеfum to вa]ikesir rлd thе е!епts аIound tho l9l5 pc.riod, the yсxr Aanепians сlajm ds the ьсgimilrg olthe..genoсide'''

Dlring hсr уоuth. mу mother l7aЬe1 Nоu|d on nrmу oссаsions dс-

sсIiьe tо пe hеr memories оf tlre рoli!сal orgrnizаtiоns wьiсh I Ьa!ёЬriсflу i|rtrоduсеd abоvс, ,,Iп thсir mсctiпgs lhеre woп|d а]ways beрhуsiсаL сопflonlаtions aпd nUсЬ sрil]ine of ьIoоd iп our lоWn огвalikesii'. wo!]d Ьc oпe of her slalсntnts'

l would аsk ..wсre lhс fiЕЬ6 ьепvсcn lhс Arпrепlaпs and lhс

tIег lespоnse soU]d Ьc аn сmplrаliс: ,'No!..

whсп l vou|d eпquire' .,тhеn Ьсtweeп ]'йoп did thс сопti!пtа.

she.d rеsрond' ..ll wаs alNaуs aпrоne оne Armспiап рolitiсalcrouр asanБt another grоuр''' тhcn ыrе,d сontinuo,..l rсmеnrЬеr сопvereаliолs in our home; thе Dаshnak яould atlaсk lьc н8nсhaks. ihенunсhаks {ould Ьеal uр drс Ramga!аr. thc muluаl h e and t]ghtinв

Yes indеed' thсsс had ьееn the statomenls ol my ло!hеr, andthere was mоIе, пuch nrоE:..тhis сontiлua|aЛd lio|enl uf,nstьеcа|lеkпo*'n to thc аntЬоritiеs, аid oш (Amenйп) cfiurch leаdes wcrc


тnстruшNlD*Ьe roldby ldtr,d].r\lji

wаnrcd 'nапу funсs lо tсminate rhь desLгuсtile ьehaviol. аs |t wоuldrc$]tf hаmlul re!сtioп l(Naгd thc eпtilc Annеnim соmmunitу',,

тъe waпiпgs o|the oitonrаn autnorit' rсmained Unnеedеd'.ndlYjth lhс resu|t that Алnеniал рolitiсa|gюuрs hаd |о. 'J leaб eпgagedjn Еvо]ulionary аctiуitiеs аgain! tьё oltопraп statc' tlrе рlislrt ol allАmre.iзns thФughоul tъe couпtгу was ЬrоUsht to ihс thrоsЬoId оf

тo сonrрound thо саLаmit} оlthe disinlеgra!оп oГtьe ottomanЕnrрile. shе епtеred tЬc FiБi wоrld war lYitЬiп в gloьal соnfliсt, тheRusixпs. tnс вlnъh, аnd thе Еreлсh wеrе пoIе tlran eаgеr lo seсurc^rmсniaл mi]itаr' suрpoa iп lhеir s'ar against onоmаn тDrkеy. aadLhe! xideJ thc Amепiапs iп tlreilЕЬelliоп а8ainst lhс land whiсh hаdРrcsoffed fien AnneЛjаn сu|furc. rc|igion. and ]аnc!аge tor оver 'ш

тhс otlоmаn сra was slоslу aпd рainгul|у сominc to a сlоsоaf,d ]л shеer desperаtioп' the go!сl]шспt cЬosс lо roloсatс the ArfieпiBп рoрulаtiоп to lhе I]aslсm rсgions о|ns ёnрnе ii a fiпa]lneпrpt tomаlttаln ts сo.tоl аnd s.!сrсrgпtу о| ns hoпelаnd A|l Ameniаns$erе torсed to lсa!е ваlikеsiг aпd оlьеI areas. as hamrолу аnd Ьrotlrсlhoоd пcrc rcр]aсedьу hated aпd inlоlemЬ]e humаn suftъnr"'

сЪ lhё .ounl|es numьeг ol Ьoоks *rirtcn Ьу hьLoriаnsj pо]iriсiаns]rcрonсis. and writes] lnеsгёсtive ofthenрositioD сoпсcпrcd with tlЕрсoр]оs and lhc Реriod to *'ьiсh lhь ьoоk rcгeБ. lhe eraрt1с dсscilр.tiоns о|h!frаn sufferiпg' deрrivatioп апd лаssaсlсs. ha!с Ьсе. схсс9si!еlу exhiьiled wilh Ьеа|1jvrcnсhing ddаjl,

suсlr а nапэlivс Ni|l aot Ьс |о!nd jn lhсsе pagеs еveп фoughлу motЬо.s sorjes did indeеd iпс|ude lhе sufferiлg sьс enduЕd as аgn| oi aboul sеveлleen уeaБ оf a8е, I wi|| howсvcr' re]аle оne olheilсIгiьlс moлents. aner 1lrе lo|lowing оЬsсNаlion] Dlnnc thе periоd ofcn|niry and warfа|с ЬeN'eеn Amеnians anJ тu.ks vhiсh пo onе willdьаg]тс haPрсnсd. bn'вl klll gs took рlaсе. реrрetated Ьу саch sidс

hп|oсеп|s оп bо|h s1dеs pеrishе.| b\, 111е 11о|УЙll!,Му ]nоthеI rуаs thе sо|с sпflivоr oГr timi]' o|фn, shе ha! по

lоglсaL reаsоa to revс,l to me whаt ыrе rеmenrьеred. Whаl shе |ladseеn, тhе intеnt oГlh]s ьоok ь not tо desсriЬс thc схtсnt oГthc sulГeFilrgоIпурeоplе гот thаl yoп mu*loоk eьеrvhere' 11wasasar, whаt


шlbстo|d ц'Еdw*d 1*hji

eье пеeds t. Ьe sаid? Еverуопe епdured thаt holтiьlс periоd in hislоry'ln spilе of the sufferinc oГthс Ameпian pe.рlе, l am ооDvnrсеd Iтw^s Noт as theЕsu|ro|аn оrgаnizеd .genoсide , Loоk xt thс пaр ofт!rkeу, tЬcn апd tod!у' пу nolhоls njghtmarьh jоumeу Ьegаn ln Ьеrtowп ol.ваljkсsn and елded iп thе t.wn kiown as кi|ь' jn soulhсast.emтu!keу;г rnо|wh iсnwasnradеоnfоo l

тhе neхt сhapter wi]l Prcsелi a tоtal|у uпехlесted dсvс]оp|neDtвJ | F | | ' с |о , |o* i j , cv Io . . , .o .о reo f |с Dя ' г ' ]mе ' I ' i с ,

Dйnc nany |оns сonleбalions sith mу Ьеlo!еd molьorаьоulЬеI exрeriеnсеs, l had onen аsked...Mоnr' у.u los уoul eniiге f!фjlу,Plеаse thiпk сarсful|у' do уoп rcmcпrbel elегseejлg a timilу mепьеr'оrсvсD a strапgeг' killёdbу а тпrkьh рeБoп?'

неI Esрoпf to Фе wa jDn б t aln Eсoгdrng it hсlс:..l don1геmе'nьer the lосatioп оr thе date' but оne day l sinrеssed a паn оnhоБс. altaсk adeгense|es mаn оп drе grоuпd,,

,.Monr... I pгеsed оn. ..рlcаsо i,/,t сaгelu|ly аboDt the PеБопоn lhе hФrse: wаs nс а soLd]еr, did hе weаr a пnifoпl?..

,,No' n tvаs not a soldieI,,,,,Do

уоu rсmcmЬсrNolts sрoken jn тlrkьh or Amьiс?..\o , | |е| п ' bе ' i r . . nе i 'hе o| l ' . . , ' аgr . , го| *d\ i |

еltherсrсоkоr Amreniапj ьut it lvаs a laпguagсthal l.о!ld nоt rcсоg'

..сould it have Ьeen Ku|dьh?..Аffer a lоng Dause, n! лothсI leр]icd, ..it сo0ld ha!с bееп

тhсn, аs lсaБ slow|у fil]ed hеr eycs. ..I rvьh че ьad nоvсr srсп drоsе

ву lhъ схсЬаnge dre Ьопendolselfc.б ofwar uрол a]|thс сth-пiс реoр|е5. сеnainlу wаs nоi dесIeased' bul it doеs rсvral dul maayArmсnians аnd тцгks losl thсn li!еs to drс кurdish ьricаnds. whо lradьeen rvithoul a|lсeianсe to,,]l s.|srл,l.'/' Аs а Ьomelеs уolne tс|n'gее' mу nоthе.s dсstiny ьrоuglrt tо hёr cirсllnstаlcеs rvhiсh shе cоuldnоt hale foresеen or drсamed оt


U! hё тdd ь} td}9rdтrsnii

qЛ lftс 'ai.r$ of qмдI andдBuisft' д щ1'с slort'сд .1916.

qt hld takеп siх agonizingпоnlhs for mу motheгlо aпivе in lhс lownofкilь. а!d thoueh пuсn оfthс сlcnts in кi|is. xlс unknorvп lо rhеaulhоL whal is known ь lhаl fiу пrоthеI, аs а rс|пeеё aпd witЬ no fam.1|у. hа! ьeсone acquainted *'nh aп Ameniаn faпrilу Nлo hаd inlned

тhis totally uпeхресlсd de!сlорment ocсulEd а |e9 daуs aftегhеIаm!аl in Ki]ь' тhеAшсniаn сhureh lsьtсd t|re rе|oсalеdAme.nians in оьtainiпg ы]eitcr. rоsettlemспt' and york, |t aррeaБ to пc thаtzаьe|\ odуsеу Ьad beеn рredetепninсd Ьy Gоd, ьесa(se tho fist o|mlпy со|nсldcnсes took рlасe whilс sъё wrs ьenrg Gkea l. tЬe Аme.пiаn сhurсh by a stanscr in hо^е dбvn сшiаgс, lt was therе tЬat an\ t r . ' Jп ld | ' i | v "

( Jn ^| ' J 1o t r r . р |e , , '^еЕо|е| " , , i . l "Рвёing hoпrеlсss. уoune, *'itь по fami]y, а.dсeftlinlуin dсsрonlс nееdо|поurьllmcnt. tъe о.lу deсьiоn shс сould пrдke Ьeсamс qDne Фьv!оUs Мy mothcraссерtеd dlis лaeniliсent gеsturс Ьy рooр|e oinегоwпсthnjс аnd rеljeious ьасkgm0nd' aпd thе faпilyъ sоn and dаuglLсl Dс.ing о|tье sаDе аcс as mу пrоlhel, сnaЬiсd tho lапrilу tо acсrрl her аsoпe of thеir owa т\o iteпs of mаjor signinсanсc alr iлс|udоd in llre. г x | . r n . Р ' i ' . ь е f r с с г . | A , n t ' ь 1 | а | i l a | d n ) n i | . е ,

тhе hummilаlian cеnure oflhis fалilу had nп ullелol mопvсwhiсh beсаjne elidсnt а lclv fooпtlrs aftеr моlhеrjоiпed ьeI nсw.lаm.il}..тhe fami]yъ sоn was ofла[уine аgе' and mу mothс.s wаftPеБoпаlilу аnd boautу' aррea|cd tо lЬe епtirc fдmilу. hсnсс thcnhoрeihаt my mothr r , zвье , мou d mJпу lhc] rsоп|ar ]norc Ььtoliсаl]y signifiсaпt asреct, n lhо lасr that to lhь Uау. LлеAmenlаns сontinue ю aссuse tl]c тDrks of сo]nпittin8 ihс ъeinousсгi]ne of.gсnосide'' dl,,iлs thе hоst]lities arouпd the yсff o| I9l5, iпnrc tо}n о|Kilъ, an Aгnrоniаn ]ъfri]Lу was |^'iпa i|1l||ёi o|л hoпlе!

тhеrеfоre саn wс nоt д$шne thele wcrc other Am'спlаl аlosiiгуaпi fanriliсs aьо resjding in кilъ? As mу фother hаd 1i!сd lhёrotirrаьoul threе уeаБ. thе,gсnосide' is рrоvсn eroundlсssl


тhст.ulh мon b€ гоld ьуЕd}!rdтrJ'jl

|amilуъ dаughicг (l Ьnve aо nапеs аnd noпe s]|L ьс !lvсnlсd), оn aben.h in lhсn fаnrilу,s gardcn. аdjaсent to a wajk\yау zаЬсL Ьad ьeenlely dьtв$сd Ьссalse shс Ьad rесеi!сd а lеttеr flom hсr ЬrodrсI Мiпas, sеni lо hеr tiom Bа1jkсsiI, тhе |ollosjf,g rуill eхplajn Ьоlv М1nаskncrn$ЬeIе to lосalе my mоi|rеr тl]e Аrmёniаn сhn|сЬrs hаd kepl rс.сoids of its mепье6, аnd then lосatiоп 0пd shtцs wоuld ьe mаdeknо$п tо lhe сhпIchcs in the Losns flom rvlriсь drсу Ьаd Ьесn scpa'rаted Му unсlе. ]сarnnrg ofnrу пothе.s loсаtiоn, had writlеn tо hеI.а.d llеIdьtrcslls d!сto thc fасt drat she соuld not rеad Arпrсп'aa |nrvhiсh tnс |сtter Ьаd bеёn vriltcn,

тhс |аk1ib, ',аs сoп|еГsалl i11 т|l-kish oлb'' .nd lhсtеJоrе shесou\d na1Геаl1hь vеIу iпponаnl ?.a.rl (тhе suьjссt о|lhс lаneuagеNill Ье djsсussеd in а lаtеr сhaрtel,)

Asthеtsoуoung girь wсrcсneгоsed lvnh my лоiьегъ uр5с!liпe di|cmmз, fюm the nеa!ьу walkNаy. drеIe aрpcatd lwо youn8 ottomап offсе6 wa|kingьrьklу, ьut thcn s1ow0 as drсy aрPr.rсhcd thе

уоUпg ladies smilсs wсlt схсЬanged ьut no wо|ds wele sрokсn as twоnld nоt hаve ьe€n аnрroрпatе

Мy mоthels dеsсriрliоn огопr оfdrе omсen rсmlins vivid in

Thе фсеГ s]i dеscnbеd gas |o bе.оh1. пlf |o|her'l сou|d not hоре to Гl|ly dcsсIiьс ьеr inFrсsiоDs of Ьer fi6t

. ,g | ,n , r ) " , l с | , o ' | |о - r , |e ъ l l ov Ig r i l ь , Jd ,q ' , , l с :тhe,сЬosen oпe,.wastаllсrdranhь feIlо1r o|.l]сcr' аnd on tlre

heаd of hь youlhful. hаndsomс faсe. he worc a nrosl slrik]f,e l,lpdl(thс lЕadgсar чoб ьу onomаn оIпсеrs)' It яas iп drc nuрё ol a/.;b0l mаdс frоm lamь.s Г!r' \уith lustous сlose]' спl|оd woo] нis eФуunjfom hаd a hiвh сollдr, ьulбf,ed сlose tо hь neсk. witь а gоld.сolоred ta$е] resline on еасh shоuldсr' A gоld sash sаs ncаl|y$raррcd olound hь ыim яaьt. to Nьlсh а meta| Ь.aсe ]vаs !!асhсd.and hсld a |ons eDсased $lord. сaпiеd оп hъ |elt side' нь kпiсkсrsnuлed tоusc6 wсrc finedinto ]оnc. sЬinуьoots As my mоthd wou|ddesсibе hnn 10 me. nеI еусs ьоu|d glьtcn yjth t|re n1е]noriсs огьсIliБr sieht oГthь рrinссly уоuпg пran. тhс gnь gigвlсd at сaсh оlhсr,and rvhьрсltd tЬe сojnфеnts Nhiсlr oпlу уoung gi s сan mаke' Аh,whо were lhсy? сould lhc gi|s hорc tо nrаke the aсqпаjf,lапce оГthеsс


u* ье тold ьу Еd}тd т{sl'ji

wе kлow оf lhс Еsulls ЬUt hоw it сanс abоut' are uDкло*n,oпe of tlrе twо ofiссis Nаs впtfus Nаkаs (Nаkk!sh). aпd tлс othel, asmсnlonсd, \уаs mу I.alhel апd eасlr of thеjn was. сhr]stixn siiryаni!fu*ou|d aрpeaг that on|у l'lo|l}avood сould сreаlе suсь ! sсгipt, ьut tььпaпative ъ not the сrсаtion ola sс.iрlпrilel. уet it оссцпedjusl as}oп

тhc eх!сl сituфstanсеs.еmаjn unknо*n. Ьп lhal glоrious daуdld aп]!с s'hen thе ьealtifulrоtngсс girl аnd the ollоmап offiсerwеrci]rt]odnсed lhrоugh гlmily аnd lriends' anlj onс dау. in thе 9!rе gаFdеп, on а sunny attоmoof, aпd on fie scjne ьeDch. thь ЬсаUtiful slоlt

тhе de.1uie young gir| vas scаiсd !схl tо Lhь hlndsоfrc оflicсr'.]оsc, ьut пot tоo сlosе. аnd shе sIow|y rсmolcd tъe lellеr iroпr ilswlink]cd cnvо|oрс аs hсr hаnds rфmb]ed iп !пtiсiр3tiол of \уhat ЬеrьrotЬсr hаd writlen to her тhе olfrсеI rcad drс Annсniаn соmsFоndonсс аlоud, and tanslatеd еaс|r sеnlеDcс inlо (onоmаn) тurkьh, oьviously, ils соntсnt cал!оl Ьc |ilоnlly rсроalcd hele' лry сlетnremolуof mу mothcr's rcсo1]есtjоn ь аs fo|]о$5:

Ехрrcssions.l.lоve lпd lопgiпe fol hь sistеr, ZаЬе|] hь wъhсstоrherwell bеiпgj hъ,?',г,na to thсn nonrс inваli!оsn (lhcsigniIiсaпсe of the RЕтURN тo тI]EIR нoмЕ wil|be dьсu*сu ]п. L!.сiсhaplсr)i Ьь аskinв лу dсnil0lс mоlhсr ГoI попeу (l)i аnd lhen thеmо* disfurЬing nеRs: тlе' mу uпс|c Minаs, was рIсрarnle lо lmvс| tothe сily о|]znrn (whеЕ the сrccks аnd тurks were еng.gеd п sevёreь!ti|e)' with drс iпteltioп oljоininвlt\c оfu|k А|frу k] ligh1 аgoiпsl

tt cоuld Ьc аlgucd thal shal eьe сoukl he do, aftеI *hat lhстпrks had doaе? Yеs' it ъ ]jeьаtaь|c' ьtrt slrоtrld wе !оl.оnsidсr it.note!еn iesрeс| the nrousаnds оf Gсman.^meliсаns lnd ita|iaлAmeliсапs Nho worс militarу Цnitъфls lnd $!gcd цar uроп lhe соuп.lriсs of tncn anсeslral hоmеlmds' ,, ././a]sс o| tlre Uпitсd stаlеs? Мупnd.s joinьg lhе enenу camp, Nas .еnrinьсcnt оl thc ArmеnianRe!Ф]ulionаry oпslдueht uрол /,.n, hолe1аnd]

тjr sp]tе of hеr hаrdnl]Ps. ]ny lnolher sаs ti|lсd $nh ange. аt]Yhаt slre saw as hсr Ьrothс.s bсtrауa], rjррed t]re |etlег iпto p]есes asth.ugh n might erase lhat she ь!d just lrеard,


D* Ье Told ьy Еd!!rd тДhji

Nоq' wh,t1No nссd fоra sсIilrt. ibr evcn d0ring а NаI. thе dе.s]re fol hapрnrcs and altьсtion ь аn ilrhel €nt quahtу о|hпmаn cхls.tспсс; esресiаllу so for |оnеly' ,о!ne рсoр|c,

Frоm thъ рoint oп. пuсh ь uf,knоwn, вut dre уoung соuP|elYаs аL!всled lo оасh оI|]еI. fеll iп lovе. aпd lhе otnоеr oьtaпеd ретmьsioп froп hь сoпnаnding оliсcr to maгry the gid аnd ьtlng hel tоhь rсsidспсе, Iiеr .laпil,,. sаs dс!аsаtedl how соuld she dо s0сh аlh]ng?] Dсаr Reа.ler. ьefoЕ уоu tьlnk grainie dсmanded llrat slrеmarгу rЬen зon. соnsidсr thь: DulinЕ drе pe.оd jf, Nhiсh shе lrad Iе.sided in then hon1е' lhсrс had Ьeеn a tiпе wьеп lьс еntile fаmi|y hаdЬсen snuсk ьу ! sc.оus l|lness rcаusс uпknowп), aпd trу mо'hсl, tolhe Ьest оf her aь]|nies' hld lir]lу d.votсd heБеlf !о tдkе саrс.l lhсmuniil lhcу vеtt Еstoled tоhealth'

lп аddnnJn, liom thс olsct of heг sny. she ъad lаborеd аs asсlлsl.css апd asisted her ,lаmj|у. finапcially. widriп hсr сaFaсiryАlas' lovc fol tЬе Гanrilуъ soп (rhe kind оllоvc Nhiсlr ь пeeded lbr anru.uаl|у Ьaгру mаdаeс) Ьаd not ьeеп aьlе to b]о$оm 1n hеr hеаfr

sерaФtion оссufted аnd the уoung сouрle rvсfo mаtiсd (чtichс1е|eу. uпknowп), andbcgаn |iгс аs lrusЬand and *'ife

АЬоUl а yфl |ater the Nаr *аs сon]ngto a co!сlusioп' ьut lhc maior

сnies оl тurlrey wсre undеI foreign fi]|ilаry cоnnll тlrе сitу oг^lepРо, $hiс! lrad bcоn 0ndсr otiолап аdmiпьtmlфn' Ьe.аmc a сirywlrсIс Еng|ish and Frеnсh rvere now sрokеп alоng wnh drc fnigсnопslancuaeсs of тulkish, А biс. ann Aшспian, Politjсаl af,d militаflсo.diliоns in lЬc сounllу rсqunеd l ьё!y otjntсrprctcБ who had cоnmoпd oftъёselaagMeсs iп translatiпg dьсoц6о аnd doсu'nеnts,

Nfу i.alhеr sаs traasfсned to thе пa,jor сjty оI.A1еррo. апd lifel.or lЬc уоUпg cоuрle ьeсafie very cоmfortaЬ|e jndeedi фey tnlndtIrсmiolves Nаntjne for vеr} litl|e' Nevеfthоlсs, the оnonran Епрnёfoсеd nol on|у а саiаsrорЬic rvзI, Ьul drе exъtenсeоfthс sultanateваsfueatenеd Nоfo]d: Гоreign PoNсв as wе|L0s an inоrеаsrng сonnngeлtоlуоunв oltоnмn oifiфв llФm Nhiсlr Ьe8an lhе You.g т trkq m.vс.nсit). drivеn Ьу tЬе iпspiгationаl IgadсБhiр of Мustвfl Kе]nal' shohad 01о vьion оlсstаьlьhi|rg а neя sёculr nrtiоn, нь iпсomparab]eaссoлrp|]shmеnl, iп ехftiсаting thс тшkish homeland гr.m 3n апcicnl,nldolcnt. nroпalсЬу ]п1о l dсmосratiс Rсрuь|]с, ьfuuвht lо hlm theпlmc oI.Alаlпk: l.аtЬсI ofthе тUrks нe ъ rссognizеd аs опe ot rhс

un ьс тold bу Еdтrld тшhji

tlolld.s grеatesl nаtjоn ьUiLdeБ ofthс Past mi|lсnnfum seраntioл ofсlrurcЬ (or rо|i8iоn), lrоm statс] rcсоgnitjоn ol.wоfren,s ngЬls, сhangiag the ̂ rаьiс sсriрt inlothe Latп a|рь!ьеl' initiat]ngtЬe wеsterп sty]eol. dress' еduсation |oI еveгуопе, westem с|assiсal апs, demосmlicelссtioлs, a i!е malkеt sуstсm. аnd so muсh norс. Ьroughtlhс Rсp0Ь'iic оfтu|tсу into схьteaсe, аnd he as lЬе аlсhneсt о| thе new' dупaп'сnatiоn. Ьссаmс ils fist eIeсled Presidenl

qц !s i.ч ьгtllу ktum to ц|еppo'

тhе wiпds ofunсenаinry Ь|cN thlon8hоut lhr |aad, As соun!les рeoрlе ofmaлу ctrltules аnd |aneuxgсs hrd а.no Ьеfоm, lhс Рeорies ofthc dуing сmрirc Ьоgаn tо seek а гrсsh slаn in thаl лer l']d

гathс.s сomand ог sеveml lап8uagеs l|lowed my рarеnв.aссess to vаfuaь|c infoanаlio. аЬоUt ыidс{рrcаd jmmigrаtlоn l. lhсUЛilсd stаtgs оfAmеnса' md d]ey' loо, уеamed Ior a |]fe оfpeaсe andoрporluпilу' вut iпsufljсiепt fuпds sееnred to nrakе tlreil dlеam цnal.lаiпaь|e' onсe a8дin, as ifЬу Divi|rс will, dсslnrу ьron8ht а lоtаllу Un.expeсted tum оf е!еnБ shiсЬ mаdе еaсЬ of lhсm $рrcmcly hаPрy,whilс al lЬс samc iimс сrushсd wilh sоfow Gofio nanes аnd sрeсiliсdetails аrе Dnkn.яn)' Ьut lhe oррonunitу vls as fol]овs: М} lalhеr,ьeсause ol' ьъ iпpoftаnt wolk. ьеfliеnded аn А.nеnian вentlелanлаnred Nadikian, чith а Ьrothсr whо hаd immigratcd lо lhс Unitcdsiаics Ьcforc lhе wаrъad Ьegua' тhе ьrothеr ln the Unilеd sl еs Ьlsсagff to t]лd а yolng lаdt (Аmtnian) li!Ф тцtkеу' *ilh lhe iпEnlionoffiafyjng Ьer (il *'a5 сопrпoп рraсliсe theп); thс ьюtlrel in тurkеуd iпdeed jneelа уoungАmеniaD Nomаnwhо аereеdlо thе pюроsа].апd thе ьюthеI ojтсltd lо рxy mу fаillеls раsagс (Ьy sh]р) lо lЬсUnited stаtеs il'Ьe rvоuld aссоnрlny lhс уоuпg ]adу to Ameпсa t)

тьс ьгideъ ехpеnses wеЕ раid Ьу the ьrolheБ' Мy Гatheгъраssagс tо lhс Unitсd states яas now аssuren Ь0l,.и,wo01d hс lealeh i s*] fcо lonсycаr .а lФno?

тhс сhrоnоlоgу is uпkпоNn: hоlYс!сr' dсsрitе tьe рain suсhsерanlion wаs sure to саusе. mу modrel ш8cd nrу fathсr to aосорi drьrаrс oPрortunity wnh thc Ьoрс tЬаt in lhc aсar futurе sъe voпldjоin ъerh0sьаnd in lhс New Wоr|d


шi ьe тold ьу Еdtr.d тlsьji

то cхPеditе thеir dераflulеs' mу lilhcr' nоw thзt hъ nilnarуseпiсс hаd сndсd. оЬtainсd Ьь pаspol1uпdсI tьe.ane ot.Naidikiаn.is drс thnd .Ьrorhel,аnd the escоrr огtЬе Ladу опlу loowп !s Fсridс

Thс паil of еvents I.vе папatёd Unti| now Б oлly оne o1tlremi|lions ot.thosсwhоsc li!сs}еl €tоnr BPа.t ьy а rvоrld war, LlсLс wtsа younc' eduсаled mаn \уlю had to lеavе nь Nife апd esсоfl n lаdt tоAnеIiса iл oft]el fоr her tо nany l mаn whоm shc hаd поl jnеt i]r реЕsоn Joy. soпow, antiсipction, uпсerlainlуj ho!сj aпd а1l lhе lrMrапenоlions mmPaeed in tlre ninds aпd hearts oГm} l.uturе рarс!в, sсpa.ratоп rvаs mоst раinful. ald d]cillсаrfu]еmьIcсes reпindеd lhсm onссagaiп o|thе hofitiс anс.clтссts огNаr

весause оj.thс |oreign рrescnсc in t|rc |aпd, Fгeпсh рlssроitswсtс оЬtаinоd nr фe сitу ol вenur (сa.ital оl рrcsсnldaу Lеьaлon).and my lаlhс.s !аsрoll. wittеn пostlу in Frenсh' shоlvs] N nс:GеoIяеs Noldiяiani Dсpаnurc dаlс] sсрteпьer 1з.,'' 1920: P!Фosе оlтIip тojoin hь ьгоlheг iп тroу' New Yоik' ^ddiliоnаl idепtnу iпГor

ltуаs in tlre lоln ofтrоy'Nеь York' whсrс mу гalhсI апd tье ьr еб Ье, Есridc. mсl fоr thе nБt tinе hеIluluE husЬаnа' тhoпelr mnсlr ьuпkлo*n' $hat wc dо knoN ъ tlral thе сouр|e indеed mаmrd |n аnАr,nrcniап сhurch jn тlоу' shere there hаd ьeеп а sizеaьlе Аmеntanсоmmnnil,, аnd aftеNalds livedhaрpi]у оvоraltсr' (snlеly, thal ъ thеbсn соnсlusiф for lьat stolу. ъп.t il])

My mоthеL npoп my falhеisjoume} tо Amсrjса lо сsсоlt thсwould ье bride.hadbсcоmс a|onеолcс aваiл. sЬе sесured rеsidenсe inаn оIpьапaaе sсhoо| foг уouf,g Ameniаn Nomеn, and duling hel slaylёnmed lo sрcаk t|lо Апnепian lапgцagе, whiсh яаs lо ьeсonе а mаg.ЛifiсеnlsuФrьс for my fathеI *hеn theу }€Iе reuпted оne yet |xtсr,(Wьу shс сou|d nФlsPеa! ̂ meniаn and spokе onlу тulkьh. sill ьсdъNsсd i|r a laler сhapter')

lltherc lrad Ьеen nuпеrous сorlesр.ndеncоs ьоtwcсn my рaIcпts ь nоl knоNn' Ьnl аs ilwill ьe dеsсnьed ln lhе лсxt сhарtеI. 'nуfat]rет did' dur]ng Ihе yсxr огsepalаtiоп. сonшuп]сate to hь Ьiide hьdilficllt |ife in thе nеw wond, aпd thаl he qas dclсrпnrеd to m|se themоnet which won|d pау for пry ]not]]els Рsаgс to tЬс Llnitеd statеs


тhс тп.Ь мшl ь. тоld ьу Еdwrd тaЬji

0ъсt drcam wN сvсntшlly fuln|td' oлс усar |аtоr. my mothсl'nдфеd lzaьe|Nordi*ьп on hеIFftпсh pa$рoгt' shows deрfiture:,une.l.. l92Il PuФоsе of hel trip: то Ejoin heг husьаnd iп Nerv Yoй.

тЬеir оngiлal раssрons tre still in eхьlenсе' мd аl lЬъ limе'tlresе doсunents 9E inсludф in пy unique eхhibition' wlrich in ]998was a'ye, lо lhе Nдtiопal LiЬmгy in АntaЙ' тuгkеу (lhis Nill Ье de-sсriЬсd in а lаtсt сhаptсo,


II], Фstд6tisfiin8 с лl.a! ri'с ifl thс ФQ\! qvoftd. сq. t92o.

$! l " ' , ^ 1 ' r Р- 'g , 1 , ' a d , 'е|е| , .o nЬ rг| , , 'onUnЬmjliаrtо him. faосd а trauпrlriс lilь' ]]rr bсуond whаt lre соuldhаveanLiсiрnеd нъ cоmmапd of Епelьь Prсsспlod h1m rvth а пrajо| adlaпtacе. пеvenhe|ess the рro!сrЬiа L Уr..8 ./go /./ sеrе nо\yllcrс lo ЬеГound t'ъ medjсll еduсat]оn wolld not Ьe anlsct lо ьld. аs соnlаcGаnd funlrеI рIo|es5ioп]l l.]ining яcrсnot a!а]|alr]elо ]nу ].athеr вuthсdid ьelriоnd лuпоIons АIпreпians rёsidjлg in town {тroу, New Yогk)

An.nc nis fiкi nсеds wеIе ajоь. a р|асc 1о Ljvс, and а lrаtrсut,At this pоiпt 're ьait ь o.mxjоI si8nifiсапсe, lor rt Pa!еd thc waуlь. усt anоthсI Unсхpссted oррonun]o тhсrо Ьad bееп two Amcn'anьarьeп in тroу, вho hаd Ьeen ьilter епепriс5. thсirсn.ritу схаsреratedьу lhе liсl lhаlthсir slФрs fаcсd cасh olhеr оn oгрosnс sides огlhеsа|lс stlееt' (Again' nаf,сs aЛdspeсifiсs аIe uпkDorvn ) оnс оГtlrc ЬаЕи. ь , , d i , , i \еo o] , ]е 1 ' | . ' , |o$ ) | J ' сd 4 | ' с , , i 1 . 'п ' t r iп ,10 lhс схtсnl llmt mу fаd]cl had beeп аd!ъеd лоt iо flеquепt his slrфьесause hе я,s unfriспd|у аnd oЬnoхious lo boot, вut nrу fatlrc. jg

ло|сd thе aрраAnLlу goоd,dvjсс. аnd оnс daу entеIеd lhe еsaь]ъh.mсai о|lhc,.nаstу,.. ьarьеr f.r l h,nсDt' Bссx!se оltlrь,,пoпrсntn's.'dесьion. а DNfuaLf|iепdslriР de!сloрсd aпd thс ЬalЬcr pгосured a rоomfol rепt and аjоЬ Гor lhс tоuп8 cnrigruпt!

тhe оnсe lроn'ari]nо dаshing. eduсllеd. ottoпan mililary of.tiсcI fоUпd lrimselГNorkjng аs x dьhwаs|rer in a reslаur,nt' ja ̂ InсFjс!. тЬсrc яаs alwаrs а псcd for dnЬLуаsЬes Dсmeаniпg? Nо, nol rt!ll' сопsidеrlhъ] lоl siхda'sа \reek hc rvas lssurсd olа hоl пcal. aпdЬе ваs Iraid a salаrу ja ,Аlnсriсап nronсу]. oп hjs dly.1l' tnr l.i.еnthс lуould eo to a пrоvie rvnh a lоаfоlЬrcad, а]rd гemliл in lh. thсatсr

onс dаy. fol *hate!сI rca\оn' hь Ьоs dссla.ed, ..Yоu lrc

Му fathеr sпrilеd рol]te|у'тhаi е!епnrg, ЬоNсvсr' ]n hъ r.on' Ьо nlrnсd thе р!ge! olъь

diсtioпaгy and loшd thсdсfinitioпolthc $ord: Еtred,

шl ьс тold ь} Еd'кld тNhji

seeting nо lоeiса| .onnссtion. the neхl m.mine he,l,,,.dtо

б . | с l | . | . i , o i i Fo |o " , . t | . , a | . е ,е !о l , е , о l , o , р " i . t ' | е1 |on tifue. ьuL deprivеd hinБеLfоllhс many сomtьfts anа рrelsuфs оiпоst pеоple. Witlr hъ sаlinвs. оnс dоl|arьoсane two, фn ьeсaпe oпehundred' and when hе lеamed ьe сou|d с!Iл exlв пonеу. nе wоrkс.lоn hЦ dау oi] as aеl|. Dеtепri|ralion and lhс |аЬor olоno уеаr ассl.' ' |1 ,еd е1o s | ' 01е , ъ | \ i , \ ъ , | \ гd . J , , , l с ) , i р ,o ]o '

tn l92|. ml mоthсr afiived in tЬe Unnеd slаIеs, аl a t|rne w|reпthс слieratiоn quolа inlo th. сounlrу was аьоut to ьe fillеd, неI ыripdосked ]n thе сilу o|Providenсе, Rhodс ь|аnd.whсrс, forthоslieЬlоsIеasoп' епiвппts сou|d ье dсniсd cntry,

ссttile limс olт Iiom hisjoь' mу Гathег was lеuпilеd witь hьbrjdе: however' thenехuьeraлсe $as i]nрсrilсd duс 1o 1lrс laсt thаl thcпеw !пival ьad dеvеlоpеd a Ьаd сoпghj

My |аlhсr plсadсd dсsFсratс|y..тry nоt tJ соueh! Il.lhс erа]ninеIsееsyouсougn ing.hes i l ] sendtФ!b&k l . .

тhc linс bесaпrе slroaеI wЬile lЬе рresuЕ aпd d]е tеnsiоD ьc.сaпё uпсопlroIl!ь|e' Fi]rаllу' it $as hсr tUlц nrс схаllinсrwls a htrgc.rа|l аnd hеftу mаD. and anylling Ьut lrjondlу' нe clоwlen'

,,lvh} 1Ьe

Мy fadrеrьuпiеd !о rеpl-\,,..ltъ ьcсаUsc sЬс is схсilcd. sir.'Aпеr Rhat apреared to ье епd|es questions, the охamiпоrl]1тсd

а |argс stаmр and рIessed iloп loр оfthс еalrу aрPL].аtjоn |оm MуfathеI he|d hь Ьreath аs hс stnggled lо reаd n li.n thе di\ranсe: DearGоd' whаl wоrd wolld аррсar?

тhе slапp ]vas reпo!сd, and tlrеIe it wаs' in lareс Ь|xсk lсttск:АDMIт' FаtЬеI ьuБt into lcаIs аnd MotlEr as$Lmei thе цоБl Wheishe wаs tоld the magnifiссnl nсws' shс bоeаn to соDgh rgаjn My ,ir1her, оn thе !сrgo оI.hуstorjа' 8raььеd ьеr arm aпd ruslred hcI аваy ье'Ibre thё ехаn1jnФ lоok notiсe' сod ье р.аьed. fu|fi|L|nсDt оf nrсir

qп тIoу, NФI Yo*, tlrс joуоUs young coщlс ljosсd шсйsing|c о.frаs а hхпnоus m3nsioaj simРlу beсause йeу were onсе аgairr irr еасh

t l

ld ьc Told ь] ЕdrYlrd тд5hii

oфels ams' At lhat timс in тю,, a |arge tехti]е соmрany nаmеd ка.lоote & Peaьо!у, nаnпla.пlrсd thс fаnrоus Апо]Y slrills' со]|aG, а!dnссk ties Il wаs рeг.eс( lbr lzаЬсl, sinсс shс соuld сrea!е.raaiс wnh аnссd|c and llтеad тЬсi.jоу в!s soрrеme In аdditiоn. shе suт,risedmу flther wnh thаl ы]c hаd пanagеd 10 leam Armсnian, in тu*eу,dцriпg !Ьеn tсar of sсраrxnon

вut then hаpPiness wаs to сndnrе mапу сhal|eпges. Jzаbс|соuld nоt sPcak Епg|ьh, апd had djfliсU]tу аt work. morе so wlreп tг)'inc lо сommuniсatе rvitlr stmngeБ, ноlсvei ё!сn in l92l and fо.усaъ thereаller' lnere hаd ьсcn a sizеaьle AmМian сofimпnfу i|rтюу' тhe gюсer' tъe ьпlсhcr' txilor. evеn tlre пailmап' the dосlоr, оlсouБe lhс сЬurсЬ' апd аll ol lhсn.сwlу-made frieЛds,]vеге ol Ameniап ьaсkglound. As a resull, l.or thc rсs of her lifе. lrеr lng|ish фпrai]rеd рoor тhere ivсrс no siiryаni inTloy;theу firsl sс!|ed in woFсhсslсr, NIass,. thсп Ne]v.Ieпеу'

Work мd Ьосопе mу paЕnts, Раnnc. and n sаs nоl loпg bс.ГоЕ lathег \Yas rсmо!сd |rom thс kilсlrcл aпd ьIougьt iпto the diningroопr of bettеI hotеь. tl rvоrk аs а яanсr (ownrg to his пrulli liпg!аl, i l , . ' d pе ' o ' J г ] ] , | ' ' ,

" ) . L 1е с о0р | с | \ ъ Ь ! . i r е ' п ! J , I l '

п1оlЬn, Dпrine а роIiоd wЬeп woгk was sсаrcс, mу fathels eanings

Fatъеr used lо lс]| mc thаt сvery evеning iп their rооm. hс\rol|d сmpry lrЬ росkсls oпtо а lаblе tо show hь wile hь еamings гoI1ьё dау: five,lоn. fineen, Nentydollaп' andnоrc' A lтgсr аpаrnnспtan! a sаvings ассоunt аt thс bапk ьeсaпе tьe ftunsоlthсirlaЬor, тhеnсопrьinеd elmincs' еven аt thаltimе. inсrеasеd then savines drаmati

tt rvаs to lakr Гouг yсаs оl.tirеlеss wоrk. rvhen thе AпrеriсдnDreаn ьeсame fulnltd] I]oпе owneshiplтhеу pцrсhаsсd а two lаm'iу house, $h1сh stands to thь dау witь tlre samе address:2зo, lO]istlееt. тhсIс пеre naghЬ.6 neхt door. асrоs dre strеe! all over town

thс Aanсnians wеге e!еryвhere'ln my dеsilе lo nrаiпtaijr aссuraсy' lhe lо]lowi|rg a.e sоmе of

tьс Гaniljes with whom our pаrenls shared n1uсh timс and ГrieпdslriрPaрazian, сhaknа*ian (Ьoth of Nhoп NеIе сousins о| Mоtner' inвaLikсsь). Masгоьiдп' sаrk]ssiai' тutui.jiап. Quinoпs (ап АmМъimаfiсd lо a сUЬаn), Ganjmiв]r, and Kасhаjian amопg лапу otlreБ'


шtьетold ьyldlrdтsЦ|

тhе lrLler two |amilies Ьссэmс imрoaаnt dur]ng the уouпg аdu|tуеа|soГlheaudrоI. whiоh took Plасе in Nerv Yоrk сitу,

LiГс fоr lhс сntnc .omпuпi1у sьgЕd a сon]mоn sсenаilо: аdjLБtine to а new rvаy оf]ifе, wогk, шьiлg ofсhi|drсn, fаm]lу рroьIems,and lhc lbrquilоus gossiр

Еvclуоnс knсп just аьol' e!еrylh]ng of the |ives ог tЬcirneighьoБ Duri.g thаt реrnJd' rhc опl). оlьеr citiеs lhаt hаd Armсniаnсomпunitiсs wore lhe lo*1rs near вostол, Маss,. and l.Rпs iп Rhоdeьlaad, тho спomous поlenеnt of^nnсniаns to сa|itbпria a]к' Utrrс'slаlеs oссuпеd nraDу усaБ lаtсr' Mу рaronts, firsl lrоmс lrad a tеnапt,reпtrng a laцe apaltnсnt оi lhe sёсond лоoI' lt ]vas aD Aijnсnia! wЬоspokе оn]у тurkьh (lho s!ьjосlОГ|anguage ь ехrcmеlу imроrtant. ьutпol lr{e' I hаvс nоt lorgorcn)] dailуvisits, kссрine Ьome. raьing chi]drсn..hlrсh рiсniсs and soсiаl gаtllcrings] аnd lъё rеsuгgепсе of сoп.lеn1]ous Аmreпiап pоlitiсаlраnjсs (nоlhjng to dо s'nь,4,,с,,j..л рo1itiсs). аll these tусrc рemanеnl сoпrponепts ог Апnсnian lifс in тrоу'

тn |927.nrет!sh]jlа|nilуЬс.алc lhreс in пu.rьeI, as lhеn firstson cсoцe (Teпenф) ws ьоm' ̂ liсr а |ew mоnlьs. Mоtheг fеLl thеnеed to rcfunr tо wdk; оссаsionall)' ste вould ьIin8 hеI Nоlk for ttсcompany intо oDr hоmё. Whеn she wоUld gо lо lЬс fасtory. sЬо lvФu|d|cxvс hсr ьaby jn the саre огher lепanl |i wxs during thаt tjme тeФ'(ьe рrefeпсd hь сlrоscn namс). ьосаmс схрosed to lhe тulkish |an.guаge tiom hls сaretakеr As ! rеsu]t' пrу parenls ьcдап spеxliлg tо

бi'е yеtrs wtrс to раs un!|tlrenseсопd сhild was ьоm. аlU llUugпсa.h hld уeaфed ioг а ьаЬу 8i|,|. it was nоl lо Ье тhеnleсond soп sдsnaпеd Еdlуаlt. aпd rсsсmb|.d hъ |alhеIjцst аs тегrу resemьlсd оuImоlhсI' Wlh two сhl|drёn, Mothег рсгfoшеd herjoЬ dnliсs аt hоmcнcr sсw]ne lа]сnts keрl hеr ьusy aDd elenfuаlly somс оl ьеr геfia|eГrien!s ьоuld ьe с liсal о|hеr lо| .nсg]ссt]nc' her съ]|dren вut moreсo]nplciпts ]Yel € tо foliоNi lather hаd Ьoeп lery сffiсiспt st сoпstruс.tiоп апd nоme rераirs. and аs а resull оur home wдs a|ways in дооd.опdiljоn, тhс nonс Iionl eпtranсе tо tlre гIoпt dооrstаnds tо thf dаy,Wl]en our рalепts ьIou8hl our рrivat. te]eрho.os' rЬe), соuld noL сalltheil lriепds ьесausе none of tЬсm ъad a lе]еPhoлe] тhеу Ьad Ьесomethr сп!]r о|thсй neigЬьos' t]eпсе, ouг pаIеnls werc a|wxys cоnsidоled

Armфlrп ^пэg160ш -Th. тrurh мud ьe тolr by Еdwd т0фl

аs ь€ilg wеalthу, whiсh of сoф lhey weЕ nol. нагd wolk !юducеd


IV, /t Anсriс.lп t|onc fltсd W|ft |hс сullurс cлdqgnsuasсs ofыцrkсI.

J fo l t r rnо | - i | " I J , l ' цo ' |o 'o| . |о! (л\ , 'L , ,е J tLоп d | 'pшсndonesliс tвпqujlitуi tьсy lrad eпоuЕlr prоЬ|cms tryjng tо mаkе a]iviпg lhiIe raьing tЬeiIl1vо sоDs'

our lromе had Ьесomс af, схtсnsion o|lhеirPrеliоus lifе in ottоmаn тurkcу (оlhсr tЬаn lhe аndсd' modсrп сonveniспсс'. реr.anrnreto iаneпаees. Гoоds' nusiс' hпrily reIat]опships. а!d tЬс inhсrcnt hоsрi.ta|ily sьowп 1oсonstaDt vьitоБ, Whо оаn rсаl]t cхnlаin ]t? Mу рrrеnlsspokе lo тeггy in тU*ish. lо mс thсу sроkо in Arпrспian, апd пуьrothcrаnd I spokе to е&h olhe.iп Еng|ьh.

Еvсntua|ly. as wе glе\r оldеI, еveryоnc UndсБlооd whаt Nаsbе]ng sаid' rеgard|еss ofNhicЬ lаnвlagс wаs Ьсin8 sрokоn' тhc mаjordiffеIеnсеs ofthe ьrоlhеБ'рсrsonrlitiсs ьесаmе verv evldеnt duriпgthc сanу yсаNj aad аs а lсsull it develoPеd iпto сoпfrопL,hоna| ex'сhаngеs' ̂mong tЬe fulnу differenсes was 'rс attitudc оf сaсл soп 1о.$adшеrраIепtsФd drеь hопrе |ifе IfI sеemlо sщccs here thаl myoldcr Ьrothсr *аs а dсvil aм | was an angcl (Rhiсh deliпilеlу Ь noL m]r]nlсntiоn), thсn fiatьe оne d'y тefy ln hlsьoоk mjgЬtdesсiьс mс asа ,dсviL,' аnd | $trо|у wоц]d nol Rапt lhlt lо haррeD' !i!e уeаIs ofseФratj.i iп aae. сaп mдkс ! sicпifiсant diffel €nсе uрo. yoшe сhn.dreп. еspeсiаlly lmong Ьoys, l]сDcс. I h0d аnvауs Ьеen сloser tо mуpaЕnts. and оUr homс lifс. lyhcrсаs тоfty вas Фore lhe .noftal аndmьсhiе!.us' уоunв ьоy' rvho a|waуs keрt о!r lives iлtelesli|r8,

spenning пrоre tiпе ilr ou| ho|nс рrсscntсd me wnh the !аLu.aьle оpроr0пiry ог lьtеninв to thе .oп!сБatiоns oГ mу раrnls bомccn сaсh othсr аnd Nilhсolnl|e* !ъnors. Мy latьсr rnaiпtaiпed. fогmany yсабj a соnslаnl сoгеsрondeпсe lith lhь .U.fаLj.(a natile ofUfa, тurkеy) snlуaлi fliепds. аl| огвhom hаd sсtt]сd in lhс воstоnаlса, Amonglhоse t.aniljes 1YeIe: IeterваБoum (the рries ofoulnБlsугiaп-olthodox сhulсh in Wo'!*lе0, YасоnЬ таshji (nо m]аtiоn)Iьгаhiпr кUrkд', A|Ьсlt сЬаvоo[. sait ва1ii' ann othels lvhоse nlmсs L

тЬстruih мudbe'l.old ьу Dd'ttrd тщьii

do поi Eлemьеr' соn!евations вitЬ most of lhе Amоniапs rуould ьe]n Ameniаn. Ьut wnh lhe siiт}!пь' *as mоsLy nr тUrkish

ЕvеЛ a5 ] сhild, I had lсaflrеd frопr lhёsc сonvсБаttоns thattherе схьtеrl a ьittегaпiФositу oa ilE раt оfdrс Amепilns lоwardфeтurkьh рсoрtе, Who cou|d ь|amё lhem anсrtЬeьsuffenпg ]. n1оtwar tom hоmelаnd? lntrrсsing|у' ьо\еvei lhs ваs поt lhе сasc \ihthе siryаnj fami]ies. I Do Noт RЕМЕМвЕR АNY нosтILЕ oRllAтЕFUL сoMМЕNтs гIoп оur sulуanj |rjоnds' for the тurks. Infаct lheу spokе тurk]sh lrcсjу. апd in s]ritc ofthёn зuftring nl ihe ma.jor waI. dreу aIwaу5 yсa.ned lъr.,l.,,l.i?/,лЕ,' (our homo]3nd)I

Wht thс sii|уanidid not dър]aу towаrd the тulkish peoPlеthesame ьilter hаlrёd lhat lhс Almcnians hBdllwaуs (аnd сопtinnе to tшsd at ). vchсm ently exрre$ed' rеmainсd i|reхpliсаьlе lо mсasа сhild,Aftеr all, lhё siiryаni аьo sufГеIеd the la!аgеs.|wаri hо}' соUld f,voсhrъlian cоллruпilies ьe so Philosоphicа1|у diffеrепt?

вut lо а yonпg Ьoу, роlitiсal сonfiiсls.1yfu'. сl|nriс hatгеds, andа|l lьзt ,ъluiГ, whiсh gюwn{ps wеIe a]wdys lalkjag аьonl. сеflliпlуwcrc пot imPотвnt' тoys. exmсs. thе nrovlеs nоя thсsс wcrc mostwonhy ofmy inlеЕ51. тhe оnlу dtin8 t lспеnrьеr Ь a.h1|d Nаs flrаtevery тhаnkseivnrg Daу rve had rurkeу for dnlnel. whiсh rvаs аl| | hаdknowп aЬolt тurkcy, BUl the ..sеedi. hаd ьссn рlаntcd while lоlJlуnDаware oГ tlre et].ссts !рon mс оllЬе пaпу slatеmenis ьy сountlеss

ln our hоmе oul parenls sрokс to сaсlr оthсг ]n тurkih' thсphоnocraРh аnvаys рlaуcd тuгkish musiс, sоmо AшЬiс' and very lсяAmеn]aп rёсorаiaes' whсn вuеsts would vьil аnd altсr dlnner $asfinьhеd' lhe woпеn sоп|d remаin in d]е kilсhen аnd thс mеn in dre1iving rоom would ine!itab|у disсuspoIitiсaiissuеs and lhс \lаr nr ot.tопrап т!rkeу, Му fаtЬеI was gl!ауs diрlomаliс in Ьь оpnriопs lhentheу diifeЕd *nh lhosс of Ьь AлrеDlап guests' Fathсr *аs a|$aуscоnсiliatог}' fоund Гa0!t on а1|sidеs, апd eпрhas]zсd thс neеd fог лotЬеine mircd ilr зпinositу lo{аrd thсn fonrel ho]ne|and' ̂mсn'апcuеsls cоUld пe!еI aссерt suсь a ,,Ьizailс.. оudoоk. bul аIier hаvingь€en sen'ed sucЬ а dсliсiоus dinner (mоthсis тtrlkislr сookjn8 wаs awоrk of art), no оne NоuLd dаre eпeдgс jn a Iirtile dсьаlc: аfter aI]'I J | . . | .o | ъе vd -oo J , ' е . 1 rd . ' d рo ,n i с . r J ' l d { J


тhстnih NtBnь. тoldьyЕdNldr.rn'ii

o" . . . | " . . , ! ] , . | | |о \ , \ ry \o , t l аo i J r J . - ' п г ,Р . |оlа|niL} ]ifс iл naay^mеniаn anJ оtьerеlЬпiс hопrсs. шьi|rg сhlIdlcn.finxлсirl diijclItjсs. n1linlаiпing сuIluЕs. langUаge. aпd rс|igion Ьаdьeen a frajоr сопссm of fanriliсs staain8 a nсп lifс in lhс Unitedslаtes тhеаnifudc оfопrParсnБ towаrd т0lkеy. m! tьстurkrsh рсo.plе rYаs ]nапi|сstlу сonirary tо lъe гeе]incs iп othcт Aпnепian Ьonrсs]Nе hxle retёfied lо lh]s err|rсг' But aпоthel uпiqrc fсaturc схьlсd inоur ho|ne' aпd drаt was fie dаi|у usа8c оf Inrсe lang!аges: ЕпsЬsh.

With thс Ьirth oflhе! lirs s.n тeпслсc Geоrcс тaыii. lrapр!nes чаs intсmrnglcd sith wоft],' haгd work' апd the lnсcnаlпty iоrthс futurс As lhe r'сoks ьссamс months, оuг рвl €пts ьecаmе аsarс оtаn ]nёsсaрlbIe сon.]lioп ]Yhiсh had Ьcсп t|э пs рlаltcd lromthoir Iirrmсrhоnrelmd: lье ЬittеI hаtred Ьy lhс ̂ mсn]аns toNаrd nnуthiпe тurkish,вut our parc.c hаd ьсea' аnd.]rvаys rсmaijrеd. vоid oгall апПnoJtvand аs l resull thеу were uпaь|e lo .fit. i|rto lhc сomnшlnу' Wnh nlпrеrous ftieпdlу Aпnеnian |.miLiеs. it Nаs.nly tte Mefоъian lir.]ilу]Yjth whom thсу лad spоkcn in тtrrkъh, la аddill.п lо llris sad сoпdition, ihе Аl]neпiаn Folniсxl раfriеs (whiсh had сaused havoс in o!to.mаn.тUrkсу). wcro tаnsрlапled iп тroу' a5 we|l аs onrer сines whс|сthе Arfrеniaпs Ьаd sett]еd. МоlhеI aлd !.аthсrТaыr]i wсrс dсlсnninсdnolto in|est tlrеil son wilh hаtrсd аnd tЬс sаmс detemja,ti.n \yоu|dbeсхlсndсd tо lhсil .Ll@It| whosс afiilll Ras Ьlill рla o|the lutule

ll $аs ntnt.ned eJr|iеr lhat ьоtь of 'nу рarсDts spokо Тu&islrаnd Аrfuсnian' togelhФ Rith tьc otheг |anguаges sрokeD Ьу my hthсrЕaсЬ oflhem sorkсd vcry lrаId tо oЬtain шс Amoiсxп drсаm o|homсоlneБhiр' In time,lhe fпils ofthсn ]аЬos indеed Ьr.ughl tJ lhёmlhеil o\уn honе in тroу, Nсs Yоlk: , tWо I!mi|' housе rrhiсh llапdsb t]1is .a} тhе aРadmспt on thc scсoDd flоoI of lhr dwе|lilrв wаsЕпted toа тurkьh{рeakilrЕ Aanсnian fаm]lt. and аs r renlh mу olderьIot|rеr, тelr}, Ьeваn to lеаrп lhс тUrkьh |angпаgо' тhс rеason being'whсл оUr molher wenl lо wo.k (l hllt not ьссп ьorп уct), shс wouldlcavс hcr son Nnh lhе ]adу lеnaпt uпtil she retulпеd n.ojn hel Nоrk,тhis аltentive ]аdy сommuпiсatсd with тelrу in tЬе тurkъh ]аngtragсыrd as arеsull, itр.onrрtсd m} раltnts to do nrо sаmс,

F]!с усas later. оf, Februlr, 7. l9з2, Еd*'aгd ьeсi]ne thelЬlnh тashji',nd ь]s tnsl laлguagc (of the tlrlee wьiсlr lre еvеntuаllуsроke), ьесarnе tЬr аnсiсnt Аmсniаn lапgnagс, Mоlhсr h,d lо ].lvс


тьстrulh пIud ьt тold br ЕdvrtdтБhij

her emрlоyпеnt ьuL сontinuсd Norking fol thе Aпow shlrt ооmPanyiiorn hоmс, Anоthсr nУe уells had рassеd whсD lоI finaпсial rеasonsяat]rсr тashji ьegan io сoпsidеr molinc thc |аmil! to the сitу оlNепYoIk. thе rleslinаlion оГhundrcds ofdrоusапds oI.if,migmnls aпiling

wni]с МоlhеI hвd f,ajnhjf,сd our honе iл тIoу' *orklng аndIaьiпg hоr two sоDs. !аthel fouпd work ia se!сrаl cхо|usive hоteь inNe\Y York сjtу. тrуinc to sаvс а pогtioп ofhь lnсomс' he tо.k rе$'donсс iD a lumьhed aраfimcnt Bu1uпeхpeсtеdly ьаd timеs stnсk о!rlami]y аnd Iеsultеd iп lьe selling oГlhc саr aпd a foФсlosure Фn ourЬomc Моthсr тas|]lj dеpaгted |юfi тrоу Ьy sеlhrg $hatеvеr sheсou|d' sаid hсr sаd falеwelь tо hсr fпсnds. аnd wnh her twо sons,moved lo Nсl! Yоlk.iry tо jonr ouг falhеr' тhe eхаct datе ь Uпkлowп,ьпt t rvas аьoutsiхуeaп oгrcc' аndтarуеlеvеп,

Wс sеftlеd in ош fathс.s rentсd аpаInnепt n] a two l.amilyhоUse oqпed ьу r snrlani fаmi|у. МI, кеIi]n вa4z and hь Nifе Luсувazaz ' loсаtcd аl | 6." streеt, iп Nе\ Yоrk сiiy,

тhс l'оllowila scvоra| yеars lоlnd oпr раrсnв yolking hard'пr' Ьe]ng enlеred jalо sаinl Еmnсъ хalier Pафсhia| scЬool аnd теп)into рub|iс sсЬоoь lсonlinlоdаt mysсhoo|whеп thе гrmi]ymovedtol5'. srrcсt nr Nlаnлаttдп. sпd lrom there lо вank strееt. iп loaеr Mаn.h0naп. olr aFаnmenls had ьeеп lirmъhcd Ьу our рalcnts, sпd a con.tinuous liieDdsьiр cоnlinuсd willr sеrсlэl Аmеnian йmi1i.s Nllo alsо]ivсd i! drс NcN yоrk lftа, Iаthеr mai|rtаnred nis ftiепdship wnh hьsn]}anj |rjends rсsidiпg in Lhe вoston arеа, нouse auests' d'пnere'соnveбаtiоns' musiс рlaуеd оn thс phoпogвpЬ, and yсas .t vапоnshеаlth FrоbLеms оn m, Parl, wcrо amоng ttre с!nу пrеfrоaes ol oul, t 1 \ с ц Yo I l , , r A | о r l а ' . г ' ? r ' I p ' o v ь е с а j п . \ e , J r , о | .

.ln tinЕ bolh our !аrcnts ьeФnе Aпrсriсan сilizсns' fо| whiсh lhеуwоrс dесрlу рIoud, вut сitizеnship саmс to оUrmolhФ snh diiliспhуL!сkjng lhс aЬililу 10 sреak Еng]ъь, shс tvаs аdvьed lо eо lo nightsсhool 10 lcаm lhе |an8uage' Again' being surounded ]rу AmtnlanГriеnds. who nсeded Iо leаm ЕnglьЬ? МоLhels wоrkiлg tbl уеaБ шlhс gаmcnl industry had given tсr пdnnепtary iпtюdu.|;.n 1о thсЕnglьh lаnguagе, тhе ploьIem wаs lhat thс pсop|е v]th whоm shсъpokе.. on a d!i]y Ьаsъ, сoп|d nоl sреak !пclьh eithсr] so. Motьer

тhсTrulh Ntunь. тoldЬyЕdlldтrn'ii

o" ф. ) |оте , ! . , . г | |о \ , t r " \o ' t i аo i J r J , f ' J ' г ,e . |оla|niL} ]ifс iл many^mеniаn and olьerеlьпiс hопrсs. шьi|rg сьiIdrcn.nnxЛсial diffiсlItjоs. n1!in1!]пing сuIluЕs. lаngUаge. aпd |с|igion nаdьeen a nnjor сопсеm of faпiliсs staflinв а nсп lifс in lьс Unitedslаles тhеаnifude оfou|ParсnБ tow3rd тl.kеy. mJ tьстu][rsh рсo.рlе уаs mа гсstlу сonlrary tо lъc ]ъe]incs iп otheт Aпnепiаn Ьoпres]тс haуе reffied lо lhjs eanrer' вut oпоthel0пiqrc fеaturс схislсd inоur holle' and lrat *'аs the dai|у usавc оf tlrrcc lang!аges; Еngьsh.

With tЬe Ьjnh oflhеir lirs sоn тedспсc Geоreс тanii.lrapрines vаs intсm]nglсd Nith wofiy' hard work' aпn the lnсcn0lnty iоlthс fulxrс As lhe wooks Ьссаmс пron.]Б, ouг раl €lts ьecаme а$arс оtan ]nеsсallb|e сond]tioл ]YЬ]сh had ьeеп tmпsрlапtсd гrom ntir Inmelьoпelmd: tье ьittеI hаtred Ьy lhс ̂ mcn]аns toward lnуlhiпg тu.kish,вut our parс.c hаd ьсca, аnd.nvJys rсmaiпеd. vоid огаll апimosiпаnd аs а reslll lhеу were uпaьle lo .nt. i|xo lhс сomnrunnу' \!iLh nl.пrсrоus ftiепdlу Annеnian гamilies. it Nаs оnly tъe Mesroьian lirni]у]Yith vhопr thcу fiad spоkcn in тшkьh, la аdditl.n lо this sad сoпdilion, tье Almeпiаn рolitiсal pаtiеs (whiсh had сaused havoс i]r otto.'nап.тUrkcу). wcrc tЙnsрlфlcd iп тпry' а5 well as other c|nes whс|сthе Amеninns hai] sett|еd. Моlher and lathсr Taыr]i wcrc dсlсrлinсdnollo in|estdrensoп wilh hаlrcd аnd tЬc sаmс determiлаljоn v.uld becхlсndсd to thсn ./.llg}zf wЬosс adjlll sаs slill Pдa oГ tьe ГunЕ

lt Nаs mеntioned ёаr|iеrthlt ьоfi of'ny PдrсnG sроkc Тtrlkishаnd Arntniaf,j tоgelhсr silh lhe oфeг |aпguаges sрoken Ьу my tathс|,Еaсh oflheп sогkсd vcry hаId to oЬtanr tЬс Amсriсаn drсаm o|hоmсоsnelslriр' тп tinre, thе lпils ofthсir ]aьos indеed Ьfuught tJ lьеmlhеil own Ьomс in тroу, Nсlv Yоlki а two lаfujlу hоuse ryhiсh slапdslо t|is da' тhе aрaanепt oп lьc scсoпd i]оol of thc dwеllilrв wasIeпEd lо a тuгkish.sрelkijrg Aanсnian fаm]|y. aan аs а renLllny оlderьIotЬеI. тсгrу' ьеgan tо lexrп lhс тtrtkьЬ |af,guаgc тho rсason being'rvhсл оnr mothcr wenl l. sork (l hаd nоl ьесп borп усt)' slrс wоuldlсrvс hсr son wilh thе |ndу lеnanl uпlil ыre Еtulned nom ho sоrk,тhь аrcntive |,dy со'nmuпiсalсd l'ith тeпу in rhe тulkъh hDguaeсa as aresull' jtрroпрtеd mу ра|тпts to do drе sаmс'

|ji!с усas Iatcr. of, Februlr! 7. 19]2, Еdwапl lreсljne t|relьuflh таshji, аnd his liпl lалguagc (oitье thleе wьiсл lrе evenluаllуsрoke), ьeс!]ne the anсiсnt Aлrrсniап lапenаeс, \4оlhоr hаd l. lcаvc


тhe Tnih lfu* ь€ тold ьy ЕdMfl тsln

hеi еmPloynrеnl ьut сoпtinued workinc lоr thс Аrтow slri.. сompanyli!Ф hоmc, Anоlhсr nvе 'сaБ hдd рa$еd whеn for nnаnсial Еasonsлalhсr тashji Ьegxn to сoпsidеI пoling the l.aфilу to lhс сnу ofNеwYо|k. the desinariоn ol hшdrсds оГlhousands of immjgфnls аfiving

whilс Modlel had mainlаined oDr hofiс in тroу. rvo*lng aпdraъiпe Ьer tso sоns, !.al|rеI Гon|лd work in selerll ехсlusive лоlсls пNе$ YoIk сitу' тrying 10 sa!е а роrtiоп ofЬь inсопre, he юоk msi.dcnсc iп a fumььеd aраrtfienl вut unсхрссtеdlу ьad tnrcs struсk оurlami]y xnd resultеd in the selling о|the сf аnd a torосlоsulе oп oulьomc Mоlhсr тas|r]i dеparted floп тюу bу sоllinc ryhatеler slreсou!d' sаid hсr sаd fxrеrvelь tо ьеI iriспds. ]nd wilh hor lwо sопs,moved to NФi Yоlk ciqr tо.join our fаlhсr' тhe eхact dale is unknoNn'Ьпt t rvas aьout siх уeaп of acе' аnd тсrry сlсveп,

Wс sсttled in oul fadrегъ renlсd аpaitmont nr а No.fаnrilyhоtrse оqпed ьу a snг,ani |аmi|у. Mr' Kсrnn ваaz апd hъ wilе Lпсyвazaz ' lФсаtеd аl |6." sftеi iл NeN York сnу

тhс I.оl|оrving sсvсral усаБ |оuпd our рrеnк vоrklng hard.пy Ьe]ng enlered intо sаinl Franсь хaliегlаIосhiаl sсhоol аnd тс'ryinto рuЬ|iс sсlrooь.l сoпtiпued аl m! sсhоol wlrсл tlrc fаjn]|у moved to151,slrcсt in Manhanап. апd lrom tЬёrё tо вrnk strcоt. in |owel Маnhаttаn. olr aраnmcnis Ьad Ьеen fumished ьу oцr раrсnc. апd а сon-tinuous fliепdыriр сoпtinцed wilh sc!сlаl Аinспian fа]ni]ies *'hо аьolivсd in llrc Nrw Yо.k area Iather mаintаincd hь friendship rvith hьsi]D'ani |riends rcsidin8 in lhе воЬ1oп аrсa' ноusс guсsls' dlmeN,сon!еБаtions. nrusiс phуed оn the PhоnogmPh' апd уеaь ol vanоusheа]th рroЬ]ems on nrу paa' sеrс afiong thc саiy nremories of our, | .e . ' N . ( \o ' t l i ] A r ! | i сaп . | ' т г1г ' oц Ь ' .аn ! \е , ] imрo l

q] iлe ьoLh oul Psсits ьФame Aпeliсan сilizепs' lоr яhiсh thсywcrс асcр]у рllud вutсilizeлsьjг сane lо oпr mothсr with diffiсullуLасking the аЬility tо sрeak Епg|ьh' she wаs adlisсd to gо to пlglrtsсhool lо ]еam thс lаnguagе, Аgsiп, ьеiпg lurоlndсd Ьу Аrnrcnlaпniелds. wlrо пeсded tо lсarn ЕnglьЬ1 моthеis вolkine lbr уeаБ inrhс garmсnt industr' hзd gj!еп hеr rudim.nlаry intoduсtloп to thoЕngljsъ lxneuаee' тhе рIоьlen was thаl lhc рeoPlс \!ith whom she.\роke..oп a daily bаsь, соuld not spсаk Еn8lish еnhеrj so' Mothсr


тl'.тtJ'|' мU! bP тоld Ьt ЕdnlrJтrlьji

таshji,.n ftv..r lhrеe evеiiпgsofeдсЬ weсk, аltended аdull.lаnguaeссlassеs in а nеarьу puьliс sсhoо| l wi]| nсvсl tъrgd hеr nоteЬoоk аndPeпсiь. апd herсoпnrg lome and tеring'.нow thс hс]l с,n l |erfr to

our |аlhоr ъad oblainеd hь сnizепship еarliеr, yjthоul аny diг.tjс0]1у. ьUt lьis rvas.ot tЬс sjtualion for oul лоlhеr' tl was whiIcтcrry\ras in theU,s Аmrу towа.dslЬссndоflhе seсond Wоnd War' lvhenoul pаIenls hаd eоnc to thо оftiсe о| Jftnricration aпd Nаluгa|izatioп'During that deсisive еveпt' опе Ьunоrоus stоrу staпds оut: Му лоlhеrЬad ьeеn аwarё oi lhе wоrd ]щ|. ьut s'hen thc rха|ninсr аskod hci..нalс you elсI ьеeп in рnsол]..witЬ emPhxliс Pridс shс rсрliсd.

Nоdсnrg thе oЬvious аLаrm оn tъe |aсe оlфe ехanrinеr' п1y lithсr сamс Iо the rсs.uc ьу statjпg shе ьаd леlel Ьeen inсalcеmledтherе lPрeared а hi]т of a snrilс ол lЬс схаmi!сrt fаcс, ЬUt mothorтаshji madе hеInna|аpреaL] ..Мс gоod Afieriсaa i\'rу son ln Аneп.аnArmyl МоgoоdAne.сanl,.

seleral weеks l[еr' пrolher Ьесаme a pюud Dаturа|izcd сitizспol.thо Unnod staEs oгAпeliса.

our homс li|с nr шс сitу wаs snnilаr to olr оаnу сhi|dhоod inтIoy Mу Ьеinc c|osо lо nу lаmjlу. kefl ]nё al hofoе morе drrп пryЬrolhcr, аnd аs а rсsull ol sрсnding iпe вitЬ oul tequeпt vьnоБ. iьeсame nоге aware of lьe Aшсniаn апfuositу towtrd аntlhi.g тшk.ish тhеЕ rvаs оne схcсPt]оn' and that sаs the Gаniбiаn ьfui|у rvnhrvlrоп oul fаmilу hаd Ьrсл !сry tiiслdLу in тrоy тhс раrenls' NishanandNevan. weie тurkъh si]ё,king anddlеnnvo daughteб aпd soп' a|lolwhom hаd ьосn bom ]n тroу, *'et iапi|ill *'ith тuгkjsh зnd Aпnе.niln Flther Nшhaп had plsуed a тuгkьlr insппnепt cаllеd lhс ll, anапсjenl stгi]rgеd instшnсnt frоm {hiсh еlоl!еd lhe mоdem glilаr'т|reirson, сhаnсs, Ьоgan lo leаm lo рlav the violiп' ьut as he gгerv heьe.аmе inlerened li the xl' aпd v]th hь fathcis asьtаncе. пe $ould|ьlen ю trаnу тцrkish Есо.dijrgs Аt thаl рcriod no oпс сou|d hаvcГolesеen drat nr lь adult liГе. сhiсk, as hс was сa|lсd. wоuld bссomсthe mоst tаLentcd and сcсsful ^meiiсаn.Ьоrn l/ьl jn lhс Unitеdsфlсs, Wilh tllrсlоsо йеf,dshiрbeпveеn lhе xvo |anilies.тu jsЬ f,u!с, l.оods, and |aпeuage' ьeсаmе аn inteall рan огоur honrе.lifе, вnlanу intеrеst ]n lhссоuDtryo| dlс Pcoр|c оfтur(ey \уаs nоl to ьo |omdin mу соns.iоusnсs, I had ]oаmed ofAmеnian harcd lor !l| thines

]rп.iiiп Auellioo. - тh. тruih мn* ьc тold ьу !d?r.d тФhjl

тшkisn aццф oш hоmе' md уеt nuch of тщtisь сuitше wаs to befound iп our hoФ. In fаd we nad nevФ Фen net a тurkisь Pбon, ltws oDг love for тшkish лlsiс md ny aiф.ьhip witь сhiоk lЬаt nyintфst Ь дlltьiпgs Tuikish еvolyrd'


l.h € IiI'h t|unbe1n|d Ьr td'яrd тrlЬji

V, A' q 'сmqsсr,Лr!| o:.oсi0| ion si| i Tlr i ' . д д-|llсfliaп ̂ 6\urdirT'

o ' - ье|o tеd | , " о "o l .

' eрd ' г . . ' с \ сo |с , , , ' . о 'd qnс| | . J '

Drеаn: a ьeаutГu| оne faпrjlу Епg|]sh т!dоr. iп saiпt Alьans. iп lhсвоrough ofQuеens. New YoIk. тhь пrаjor еveпt iD oul |ivеs ьесa|nеthе unехреcted ехtеnsioп оГ our аfтeсtiоn Гor тпrkсy аnd hеr реoPlс, jtaрpcаlсd to mс yсаrs later, thаl аl1о| n hаd Ьeen рredeslinon. Ьeсаlsсhаd {с nоl mo!сd tо s3int Alьaf,s. thс suьsequent e!еnts ехtсndjngthrough mlnу yeaб would лot havе oссuпеd. and therеfore oш tlulуamazin8 sioryсоuld поt hаvс Ьссп Nrittcn'

Frоm тroу to Nсw Yоrk с]tу. crt.nding tо lhо suьDrь olsaintA]ьans' Nс\ York' оur tiпrilу |iit сoпtjпued lье sаme sсепаno] LvoiiсhildIеп. оссasioпal ilInсscs, сuItLtrс. lаngnа3сs. frcquсnt УisitоБ оnlhе wееk.ends, сouplеd NitЬ t|lе р|оЬlеms which.|e рrevаleDt in mо$lromсs, ьIоUeht ns nrto аdп|йoоd,

Мt Ьr.lhеr теФ'' .оnfury lo al] lred].lьns. mamеd a lo!еl!giгI naпed, Магie Louis Aьdu|lаlr' *'ho \gs ьоm oimlgninсenl Lеьaлcsc pаIcnts, тhcу rсmanr mагriсd lо tль dау. thc pаrcnls ог Гоur ЬсаU.lifu] dаughteк аnd йe crandPаrenls оl.еjeht Ьеaulil0] eraf,dсhjldren(Аsарrou{]uпсle J сould nol desсr]ьe theпапy orъerwaу.)

Аflеr тегry.s ]nariaЕе. Еdваrd beсаme tьe пехt.lаrgec, of .rуpаIents, rrhon lhеу wьhеd to see hаррilу mаtriеd' вul аs a teenаgеI,лаlтiадe яas sоmсwhсre in l|re distаnt t.ulrrc, нс was iлlсrcstеd ш tарсreсordes. тпrkisЬ musiс. а.d oьlаjaing а .?.,'6,t,' а тUrkish dflmplаyed on фe lаp. struсk lvilh h!Лds Фd firgeь As ! сhi|d, I гemеmЬ еI l ь rennц ф oul тnlkъл апd Аrа Ьiс rcооlt in8s аnd ,,ассompanуnrg..

thс mnsiс as I uscd the sidс оf oпr рhоDogrlрh or tаЬlс. as my..drun'''Altоrmuсh р|оаdine. mу Pаrenls рunh4cd lоr mc mt tnst (ofmaf,у)d4,.!ta aпd I рlaycd rtа]mosle!сrydаyj my раrспts rYсrс 'пdсeil veryрitjent' oпe daу. duгi|rg a !is]! to the Gdnjmian ho]nе, wе |еаjnedсhiсk had ьeсonrе рrоflсiеnt wilh his ll inslnmеnt, аnd Еveаlеd lo usьis dosnс l. jьrfr а musiсj] ьапd' l *4 cxuЬсfunt in fry supроn аndoffеrеd rnуsel|!s the lrummеI оl dre Ьann. sоoп thetаftе. we |orfredthсl8l Midd|е.Еaslem вaпd in Nеw YoIk сill,It яas сa|lеd: лor

тhе т.ulh мunьс r.old ьl Еdнrd lhshjj

/tсs' АIпrеnian |.rsunnse' Wе fоrmcd а file.рieсe ьаnd сoпs$ting o|тulkъh aDd wеstem iпsllurnenls' г|а!сd ьу yoшe nrсn Ьоm |п lhеUniiсd stаtеs, апd |ike mysеll tЬе сhj|drёn o|Аmeniаn fami|iсs, Duгing thаt ti]nc. thc саnynftiеs, an oцanizеd апd и|enlеd grоup оfyoUлgлusiсians, was a фritу. af,d lЬc,\ъflltes Ьeсаnre relу wе|l kповn aadiп great dеmand. our rеI,enoire inсlпdеd тпrkъh. Апnеnian. AгJblс.lnd sолс сIееk. danсes апd songs. As n ваs in mt lromе. theсаn]mian familу sрokе тulkьь and as a rcsult lьеу fаvоled ТUrkshmuslс тhls Promрted сЬiсk to lсаrn mаnу гu.kъh voсaь' danсеs. rn.strunеnhls' as wel| as с|nssiсаl тurtьh сomроsitiоns' oш audiспссswere prnnalilу wilhjn lьс Ameniаn аnd lhe sn|уani. (sуrjaD ofthоdoa) сommunities Mуjoу was suрrene тo рcrlоm for livе audiепсеsthаi Nсrc nеvе| Underoпe huпdгed реoрle, ьесamс a mаjоrсhа|Iс.8с tоа уouпg fiаn (lhe аltho0j rv|rosc soсial inlсmсtiоn Ьаd oссuftd onlуNith house guеsts' вut there hе wаs. plaуing а musiс ье |o!еd, on aтurkish d|тln Nhiсh AnеIiсans ьаd nеvсr bоI.оre sосn: рlаyinд ььdrun wnh rhllhmiс fuсnEсy' Noncоfthсse aпrдziпg уоцncf,еnсourdтеad a sjnglе nоte о|mпs]с. thоу leа|Iеd Ьу еaI, рlaying a musl. !Б.siпrilal1o Afrеriсаn or аnу wсsсIп musiс, wc ьeсanre ргоГess nrlsjтo plау ihс musiс wе епjoуed rnd get рaid lоr it wаs mоrc dran rveсoD]d схFсоt we Ьecаmе пеnrьeБ огire Aпrсriсаn Mшiсiаns Uлioп;n *as lhсf, аnd сontinuсs to Ьс todау] Loсa] 802' our voсаьп|аry in.сt]ded drc word gв а tеm sill пsed lоday. rсfсшi|]g lо а пruысd enexgсmenl oI реIfonraпсе. Му оrjginаl union cаrd, nоy fift} уеаБlаtсt. cал ьe found Nitlriп пrу е\hibnion nоlv hоusсd jn thе Nаtiопa|Liьrаry' in ̂ nkаm, саpita| ofтu*eу' тhЬ will be inс]udсd in а lаtеI

What Гo|lФws is nn асtuаl incidспt whiсЬ т anr пol aьle Ф рro!сьnl swсаI to its vеraсitу' Аt the agе оlaрnrохimatсLy сiglrtеel mу nБleхPosurc to схnlmс Aaneпiаn аьsuldilу lоok pl!сe

of grouр Nаs еngаgсd to plау musiс lor a сhurсh sгonsorсd.o . |a | |L , - ! l |Un1 l Jпе . ,ob l tn . ' . | | oь . ъ | 'd i l \ rвn ' ' . . , , 1 io 'o \е \ \o , | ' .п ) , с J |еJ l \ \ , JLoоr вJ lRоo| r , | .о | l ' я | r , е J | . i |hаd Ьссn a роpuIa. pLaсеfor sос]аl асtivitjеs With an аudiеnсе оt ovеr1*ohпndrcd пеn. ыomеn and сhildrсп, everythiпg hаd рroсeedсdvсrywell, Al oDс рoiпt оur lсadсr, сhiсk. Ьсgаn to plау aп old li'vonteтlltьh !oсal: it was a sоng sh]сh I hаd knоуn for maпу уеaБ aпdhad sung at hоmс, wjthоut рIi0 rclreaьal оr реrmъsiоn t.rоm сhiсk,


un ьё nid ь! гdMrd тДhji

and wilh mу drum undФ ny lrft а!n, ] sооd np and aPрrоaсlrcd а$xDding miсюphопо. аnd аl lhс рrорer momеn! Ьеgаn to sine the sоng

our grФuр was momепIаri|у sьoсked, !пd аllof0 suddеп rnanуь .е . l ' п ! JL , \е , |аgе ,ь ' i ЬJеd o , | \ .о Ь r i . - \ , | | - сdJ | , i ' e ' o1,in]еd "nd е L\or"ьlе lса. оn оl hс "rd сn.. o,!hсо оJ' m Ь с'".-in а mо$ роsilive Nаy' smi]еs were eve.Yrvhеrе LlЬi]e thс Рeоplесlaрped in ulъоп. ] lrаd suпe lhЕе vеБes влd we сoлсludеd to a rеsоuпdiпg aрplаusе. сven oul tenrрd!|lепtаl сьiсk аррюved, il *аs а

тhen il haрPсnсd аs оur erоuР lоok а brcаk. а eсndеfian aРрrоaсhed mе. аррeаrеd to ьс l]-iсnd]у.nd sith 1sljghl s]tlIe' sрс]king]f, Amеniаn he said lhe |o|lo$]ng| ,,Mу son. уour soлg was !eг, we|ldonе. е!еryonе enjоуеd it, вut lrеIеаftеI rvhеn yoU plау тl|kьh son8s.plау /}?,,,st.,4,, ЬeсaшeyoL| arc noL рomilted 1о sing thс words IN

тhele ь пo histolian wlrо сan ЕfеI tо Ihе evеnl whiсh ] ьаvejIst rcvсalcd, ьccаusс it hаppо.сd lо,'? а!d соd ь mу олly \уinrсss,At aЬout |8 уeaБ of аcс. I nad undсБlоod whаl x mсmЬсr o. tЬcсhunh вoаrd oI.Dncсloф had sаid to mс' ьul ald]at 1rпrс | сould nolfuIlу gmsр the s]gпifiсaпсе оl|rъ соп!о]ulеd state]nenl' то aсссрt, olрelпit, тulkъh musiс plaуеd ynh тUrkьЬ in*шnеnБ. Ьut to p,?l,il,,vосаь nc lN тurk]sh wаs m! tirst сYрcriоn.о with lh. aЬslrdil! оI,Jпd llrе il]оglсa| роsition ofdrе Arпrепiап соorо]uпitу' тЬе aьsurdjtеs\verc tо сФлtiпuе lhгоugЬout пrу adull life тhat ilst еvепt пrust havelrflal indcliьь nnаgс in mу nrnrd fol пrс lо leсаll il lilidlусvcл fiftу

Dulinc ош futurс mшiсаl .аrccr wс sсrс саlсfu| nоt i. .tрsс.' оurАnnепian audiепcеs' Whсп wе рerfolлred Ьсforе snlуani, sephardiсJсws. оr аl times. AmеIiсan аudiсDсcs. wc аnlаys р]аyсd olr DNiс! , ' l i i а ' о . . ) l g J ' n с , . d , о . , ' t l с l ' , | 0 , l , l i ' ! t , u 4 ,

аhv,ys оvefu'Ьсlfringlу и../ '?..n?4 l lm Pп]ud tо cnРh]sjzс onon lL , . s jDJп i r п . | i Jn ь l ' ' 3 | , , 'Л g|оLг ! , ' | J1е лo| ' 'hс i ' . J - - 'i ) , o ре rъ | ,

" , l | е ' , d . fП , . l i o ' : i ' ь е ! . г е | i е * Jре , , ,

with 1а1onl, р0ьliс re.оgniti.n. ann ьmq пhсlЬсr il ]s in ноL.lywood or Nor /ts' band' аnьts сa. bёсonrе obnolious egоtьls so twаs rrilh сhiсk сaninrian. e!еn thоUgh hъ fаmе Ьесame estаь|ishеd


шibст0|d ц. ЕdмrdтдЦt

yеаБ aflеrоur grolP w$ dьsоlvсd tle and l hаd рrоЬlеms uпlikе thоrcslofourьдпd, duё rо the.асt l lоsеnled hь ьrash tmаtmсnt ofрсol|e,whiсh woseпеd whеп hе drаnk My..escaре..oссufted .ne dаy Nhеnolr sijrlani сhшсл nr New ]ersеу Ьe|d а soсix]funсtioп ьilh оurgrolррсrfolпriпg al diflъrеnt sеssioпs with anotъer gюnp oI tfuсe.runсnnscn1|ed тhe aarobе.l Boуs,

Al lhe vеry outsеt lъea l hсard nre musiс оL lhis grоuр. I Ie'rтemьеr hоw nnmсnselу Pleаsеd l was Ьeсausе lhеу рerГоmed inтurkish. тhё smаll glоUp was lеd ьу John GаmЬсd, x'hо ]V!s а mastеr\ iоhrьt, lt ]vou|d rеqlne mаnу раges lо desсibе thс uniqrc talent aлdinрссcaьLe реmoпllilу of mу nсw friеnd, .Iоhп саЙьed, нс stud|edаnd PсIfol]nеd сlsssiса| тurkish musiс lо a degгee unеq!а]сd ьу апуolhсr Amсri.ап.ьоЛr nrusiсian' wilh hь сoшin Jасk Gaфbed' whоpLауed the ril аnd lhс taЙл (aп аnсieDt тUrkъh sdtgсd instп|nеnt)'rЛd l]arlу ЕseЬak' вhо lrlаyсn drc,, and thе./a?!'*. (thс тulkishdrum)' lhъ erоuр of thгеe. in ta|ent, chа|асtеI and lереftonс' wаs talnlper]оr ю $е c1оuр l Ьelоnged. l wanlсd sо nu.tr lо bе аssoс!аle'lwnь lhе сaФьod grolр, xnd аftcI ехlепsivе negot]аtiоns Nith сhiсk. ьo

рсrnrntcd me to.ёr|оm wnh Ьоlh grouрs oп соndiiion that uрoп сoпlliсting datсs I would сhoose to nmаnlwilЬ lhе N./ /teJ

Mу $|рrcmсjоу wаs ыron lived' аs tЬe amпgеmепt рr.vсd toЬc i dьanёr At r fufure funсtion чhen bоth glоUрs Nсrе ьгought to

eсtЬcr agai|r. aпd qhile on slаgс' сhiсk. wЬо гeekеd.||lquо|. аsauIted]Фhn аnd acсusсd hiпr of.ne,line,'mс, lt $аs a discraсct.ul nrcidслtlnd my оn|у solution was lo sidс mуsсlfrvitЬ thе lru|у рrot.ssionаlDrusiсians af,d sо I rсnаnred vitlr the саЙьedg|оup fol tlre tstоlthссоnсcfl' Мапу уeаБ offriоndshipсoпtjnuсd jf, оuIgIоUр offouras vе

рсrfоrmed for оuI snryaf,j.ommuni0/. John ьad ьeen an lnsрi'аtjоn loфe аnd illc mсmoies оf пry bеlоved .,ЬrоlllеБ., witl еmain ]n my hеaltforБ kmg аs I1j!е, A1|ihrce, т !п saddenсd to sау, аre no |onger snhus, т$o nnPоnmt toFiсs лust ье iпс|uded ln mу tlс|сDсe to tlrе сar,Ьсd grоUр. сvеnts *'hiсh hаve аffссtсd пеdeeply

l Duina пumerols pсrformaЛсes of thе Gаmьed gronp. afinь frusj.iаn wоuld join our gro0p] мr, таrik вu]ul' а тurkьh een.tlепaп оГсхtmоrninary ta|еnt, as а сo]npоsсr. musician оiаl] jf,nru.

melts. a.d а ie!сhel o|тпrkьh musiс aпd h]slоry таrik was lо ьe.ome lhc vсry fi6tтulk цith яhom l hаd Ьeсoпrе lеry Jiiendlyito ihьdaу !уe le|er lо оa.h othеI аs &аrde,\'л тlrkьh wоrd ГoI,,r 6,'ll",'

тhетrulh п{B! ьс тold bу Еdlsd тNhji

тhсLс вill ьс nссd Гor mс tо rciir lo таrik in tho lirl]ow]f,g chаPtesilhёreI.orе Ьriefl,l,d hkё lо iпtоduсe lhеpersоп ]vьom l0п |ronolеd torеlir as ldr,etl,,: тlik hld соmе lо tlrе Unjted states ftoп тulkеуsolking fol tье тulkьЬ ]пfounаtion oгfiсс nr Nеw Yоrk сitу. in thссаnу ,50s, нc hаd str]died аt lhс рrestigiols ]DilIiаrd sсhoо| olMusjс'and dоvоlоd ъs ]itъ tо fi!$с aid his Turkъh heitage. tIe maпiedFruпсеs' aп lta|iап.AпrсIiсап Roпan сatЬoliс ьеaury Frапcеs апdTaik had two sons and. о!cп1xа|1y. rсtirсd to Flоrida oaе o.таrikъсolDtlсss musiсаl aсhicvсmсnв hаd tо ьс hь sriting tъe frusjс l.or an^meriсаn orсьсnrа dunng а ьlstoriс ФrГоmanсe' It vas ltlс сс]сbIаtion ol.thе 50.,'Аnпileьaгу оlthe jnusiсal сarеег оloпe оlтurkеуъmоn renorvпсd tan,, рlaуeБ' Мastеr AЬnrel YaФn, тso olсhestlаs,опе Amегiсап oпe Middlс !аstоflr. рcrlоrлсd clаsi.аl and.ontсmро.rary тпrkъh music tо an аudief,сe оl olеr 5о0 реoр|e' Wilh тarikъgenius' an Afie.сan orсhсstm Рlayеd тulkьь sеlесtiоns in !ссoпрanjпent rrith a Мiddlс Еastсm оIсnоfta тlrс lancl 8l!uр {'as ооll.рlьсd оl^mсnian. сrссk. JoNьh, syriаn onъodох. Аrаьiс and тurkъh mlsiсiаns] t0|у reрiescnt,live о| tьe hаmoпy amoпg ethniс апdrellgjоus еnltiеs in otоfian тu.key тЬG Ьаmo.lоus E]atioпshipсoпtinuеs lo tlris day in tье Rерuьlic of тulkeу, Phоiо8lаpьs of tlrъЬьlоIiс сoпссn аrc on dьрhу nуcхhiЬitioл iЛ Ankarа. тurkсу'

2 John GаrаЬсd lсlt a lecаоy оllovе,nd kindnеs iо his lаmily, his sуIjaп onhоdoi сьuгсh. апd his сouпdes гnends' tlis dеmiseсrushеd лrе aDd l Icerct thаt nrу сoпtacts witlr lrь Гamil]r did not сon.tinue' ьut in l999 a tоtaIly unехрected develoрmeпtlоok р]асe JohD,sdаughlсl. мД'ilуn (nо$ Mre' вc|lo). mаdс соnlасt lvilЬ fiс Ьy tсlс.рhоne, seаlсning loiа nnal,,соnlасf'яith her |xthеr' J.hn пas rё!еredbt hь еnlre lnn1i]y and ьу еleryone пho knеw him. вulMari|уn hadпannliлеdа keе! interest in hсI fаtltеls пusiс алd tо this daу tras keрthъ violi.' shс wаs seаl.hinc lor the PrоverЬЬl

..neеd|e ia the haу'na.k.'' that ьсing a reсording mldе by hеr hlьer many !eав ago. ilwasaп LP rесоrdiпe саl|с]i /, л! 6ry'йл G,,deл, aпd aftеrsсarсhingаt ]епgth foj а сopу of hеI fаtheis jnusjc, shе}as аd!ьсd to |сaсh outlo пe nr а final аttеnrpl to sесtrlt tЬat ЕсоIdin.e, веingverу сmоtionaI(no aрologics Plоasej). mt сyes moьtened as l rе!сaLed thаt tho reсornshe t'аs sеekjng \Yas iп ]nу рossession, It was оьvious lhat she too be.сame еnrotiоnal аs shе аtle|nрled to ехрIes lrelsLаlilrlde for $|rat ] hаdрroроsсd, tll lсs tllan а wсоk. I hаd rcсоdсd on a сasoltс ta!с Ь.lll

тhс тПth }|ushe1t'd tу Еdwird ткьji

sides of lhе LP reсording тocсlher *ith a соlor photoсоpу оt thс.jxсkct.l рrерcЕd a lъl oiфe sсlcсtions' аs wrll аs а рeБопal |еttёr dеsсriЬine ]nу уеаБ offгiendsьiр with. aad my lovс fol hеI fatЬeг'Nеёd I descriЬс hсr suPrc|nеjoу? I am dеeр|у ъaрру аnd hоnolеd tоЬa!е bеen able lo ofсl MБ, Мxlilул Galaьed вel]o, апd hеr t.аmily' аllеаsule ofjnemоries оfhеi ьelоved fаtncr, аnd my ьelo!еd 6r.l/'..,

']{.) аL oЬ,оgmр\\ |.d |с е, сo J| | q l |о 5e.!rа реоpе, v],оп,

ье]ie!сafтесted my yопth аnd ou l nutual ехреri enсes rvhi сh yсаБ |atеrweЕ to havе a signifiсаntplaсс in а mo* unique story.

oпе nnal сommenl mпst Ьс mаdе aьout mу friеnd сhiсkса.imian. п' Nifеъ сousin' тhoЦchbоm in ̂ meriса. сhiсk bесаmс aФasler of tъc тurlrьh ,l tle inсоIlomlеd hъ inslrumenl and mпslс intoAneriсaпjaz' lnd Fсrlоmcd with numсюus Ameriсan Оnhestrxs оnslаeо. сluЬs aпd reсordiпes. in sрitе о|Nr рсБonаlity сlаshes,I rcmainрroDd ihat I hаd ьeеn a ра'1 ofhь iлilial musiс сarсоr, нc hаs a]soр6ed awаy. and I mьs him deеp|I сhiсk ftnаjns jn fi' nеаn, Аs nrtlrе сasе of,ohn GaixЬсd, Nith a fеw sепtenсes I havс рaid triьпtс tоN'o ta|еntеd musiсiапs whо dolotсd tЬсn lvcs aпd tЬеil anьtry 1о themtrsiс огtьсn anссstгдl homе|a.d. тurkey, тhсre wil| ье оtlrеr lеleтеnфs to thе sLtЬjсct ofmusiс aDd rеlаlеd evenls ln lаlсI сhаplсrs. bulnow we пusl rеluф tо o0r hоmс in sаint Аlьaпs' Quеens. NeN Yоrklyhere two пrajоrеvепls Pеninenl tо lhъ Ьoоk toоkрlaсе.

тЬе !еrу nвl тшkъh Peson that vьitсd oul Ьоmе ]n sainr A]bans wаs x Nlcstlel nаmсd Yusuf$iikr0 Gnrьiiz, Мy ьrothс. had goпelо а wrеnljng mаtсh in whiсЬ Yusuf (йe nane wo usсd to саll Ьiп),ц'as tо сoпреlе. вeinethс алiаЬ|r сlар tlrat ье вas, frуьrotherтerrywcnt tо thе Nlеstliпg alenа aпd at the соnсlпsion of thе nralсlr. he intrоduсen hjmselllо Yusuf in тuгkisь апd an in1nсdiatc friепdshiр de.vе]оped' sinсe YusD|hаd reсеntly aпivсd iп Ne*'Y.rk, he sроkс noЕnвlьh. ьut тerгy ьad boсоmс very hсlрft]to him, espeсiallу in lmn*lаtiоn аnd drilijrв hin to thе nanу рlаcсs hе needеd to go' soоп lfterthеn mосling, тelrу ьrоugьt hь пerv Гriend lо оur homc: fФ Yusut ilwas likс entnnc Fаrаdьс,lnsl. he was enbraсёd bу our nоther. whocхc|anrc& ..Hо| gеldin aihЙ ! ' ' (тurkish for: wеlсome' пу sоi )

нь sеnses ьгоught to ъim lhе mаe.ifiссnt аrоmа of тurk]shсooking, as rve|l as thc mсlоdiс sounds о|тu*ьh nDsiс hеard from lhe

Б' ьe тo'd ьytrd{лdтшhji

stеIeо' onr fiБt imрrсssio! оlhim was his sizс: whсn I soоd nохl tohim, уоu соuld nоt sеe fie' тhаl nighl. tЬere $ёrr no ]eftоlers fог us tоenjoу the f,eхt dar. oш lif,ily had ьесопreYusufs laпrilу. and lhouehьe Епrajnсd сlosс to hь раrenls. tlrc suьsсquспt уeаrs оl ГIiеndslriрcascd hъ lоDeine forhь гxmily iп тlrkey, нь wrеstling саrеer |aslеd аshon timc duс to thс lасl lЬаt vrоst]incj аs it ъ lodatj lras a crotesquеti'rсе' and when YusufRas to|d thаl he had to losс slreп oldeled. lrekпe]v hе lrаd lo |еave lhе.ърo|t.'||c e\спfuаl|' sсttlсd in а suЬпlь ofсlriсago and nariеd а lоvelу Amс|iсаn Ladtj nlmсd Annс, нс сof,linUеd the trаde he hаd leаmсd in тorkсу' fietа| |ound.у' our с]о5сlriendsъit соnt]f,ued Ibr nany yеa*, untrl t]ty aьo ра$ed вwaу,

qr hаd ьeсn al а soсiа] l.unсlnln qьelc тcггу hаd псt a тurkъh gепtlеjnaп with whопr a fliспdslriр of лаnу yсаБ lуаs lо dсvсtоp, DUringthс саrlу |950's. oЁuz Rсnr тiirkkаn. Pt,D', аnd his wiГе' Gnntеkinт0rkkan, ьcсаmc lrieпds olour lirmily aпd weЕ o!еrjoуed ьу lhе affeсlioп dьpl!уed ьу oll рareDts DосtoI тinkkаn hаd dсgrссs nr Laтaпd exрelimeлtэl Psyслo|ogу, аnd hаd lаug|rt at сoluпЬia UnivеБilуoпI fricndshiр сопiiпUсd lо thсрrсscnltimс,

Dпring th]sirei1оd oJ nу louth' mу PioГou.d and ехtrordinaryiпEIеn iп aпуthiпe тu*ьЬ ьad поt уelеvоl!еd, ьut iп oldег lо Еveаltlrc i|rtrоduсlоI' evcnls. {c mU* ЬIiсfly rсfum to thc iлtсшсlatioпslripо|lhreе lаmiliеs: ouБ. the саnimiaa, аnd thе Kасhаjiаn' lnmjliеs' тhёfixn]r !саis o1.lhсndship hаd bcgln iп тrо!' Ncw York' bсlore I rvasьоm тhеGаnifrians ё!еntua|lyпоved tJ t]t сitуо|NеwYork, a\sеhad. and tье KaсIrajiвn lamilу had nrоled tо lhе воston arеa МI,сеоrgс Кaсhаjiап was the Ьюtlrel ofМБ, Nсwalt саЛnnian. and oulсоnlасE NitЬ thо Kасhаjians соnIinued оnly as а re$ntоf.urсlosс le.laljоп$iр wi.h Lhе саniфiап |aпilу. сeorge !пd Аznii.кaсhajian hadfive сlrildгеп, thc yоulgсst naпed Магу, ьon nr Wltсl1orvЛ. Mаssa.сhusсlts wЬеn Mа]уwastЬErуcаБ ofagс. ы]e ]оst her father. апd he.sа]nt|у mоilErwxs Icfl wilh fivс.Ьi]dlсn аnddсstitutс, Uрon hьdсаill'frolher AлiI.р|eаded вnh lho l.сaiArmeni,n сhurcЬ lо Ьu.у hеrhusьand. ьul tъe сhur.h.Ф.!ed сning |aсk ol.Гunds тhеn. holre!еr' a |oсаl Рrоtestanl сlrurсh реrГomеd з huпranitaliaп вesture. and tlre fаLhelwas Ьtrlied wilh a сhrislian sсrvi.с. /, схрсnsсs фiа' тЬс уoungfrоtъer' whо wаs tillоd ivith griёl.tbr hеr lаm]|у.s |o$. ьeсame схtrеnrelу angrу al hel сlrurcь for demапding nrоneу fiБt, Аsа Еsult. ыrе

тhетrulь nh(Ьt'l.old hr Еdwrrd тБhji

e!епtua|Iу hаd аl] fi!о ol hсr сlrildrcn ьaрtizеd jn thе Prоtеstаntсhшch, ln spitе of thе ехtiе е diffiсп|tiсs fаcеd ьу drе Iiпri]у' mothсr^znif kсPt her faпilу tоgetьеr

Yса6 |atcr' my mоlhсI, МБ' Kaсhаjiaa, аnd hсr sьleFjn'|awMБ, Nсwad Ganimiaa, ,,сonsрirсd.' to aпange aD iпtюdЦсlion ofMаrytolhь wlitеI. oпe dау Mаry аnd hсr nodrеI lrad !ьited Аuпt Nesаaъhоmс in Nеw Yolk. whiсь .esu|tеd ia a vьit to оUr hоDre iп saiпlAlь!пs Unlъfunаtеly.lhc соrdiа|visn didnot lum oui thс waу dre..соn.

Аcsiп |ask: Rhoсxa eхрlаln t?тhisепtne sсеnario N,s rсрсaiсd thLeеуeaБ lstеI, and t]rь time

. вtNcol on Mау.1.', 1953' Маrу аnd Еdwаrd $cle пraпied in thesyrjаn orthоdoх сlrurcЬ i|r Wesl New York' NсwlсБсу' WЬeп sоmе.lhi]rg is рtdeslined. ntlс сan Ьe по lоgiсal an$Yеl ro{|rу Мary would agrеe lо livс in lhс samc lrоusс wilh hег in la*s' tir|rom hсr Гamily,s hoпе Iп faсt, she bесаmс mt !аltпts. ьelo!еddaugЬtei. FФur dаys aftсr оUr nБt уeddnrg annlvcsаry, my wilс lostlrel ьelo!еd пrorъ.r' аnd siх mo.tЬs |аtcr. I lost пу father l959 wxs а

our |ives iп ouг sаinlAlbаns homс, соnlinucd sith пutur] Ьlе. hаF

monу. lnd olсoпisс fllm tinrе to time *'e a|sо Ьаd a sрrinklingol..Mуsoп 1Iаs not likе tь$ bе|.re Ьe gotлaпiеdI..

Nalulallу tьеrе hrd nоt Ьссn апу reasoп tо douьl lhe !.vё olfiуmоihФ and nrу wilе, ьut tЬough thе сany yсаБ соцld nol *veаL thсехtremе Ьаrdshiрs whiсЬ пy wjfe and l h,d lo сndurс.l сan stаtс al tnstimе lhlt mу wilс Маrу lоok cаre of]nу agjng mоlher her mоihсЕiпtаN nr a maпner whiсh боst r'omсл rvоlld пo1сare |or а dсс]innrgparent, всcаUsс of Mаrу\ patiеnl ellоfts, l wаs lЬle to n]lI]l| лу оbligations oГa loling son 10 mу ьеlоved mоtЬor в0l аll in аl|. оUI hоmеsas aьaрру рlacе*herс my mother ]ived сonnbrhblу aad ма'1апd tсоnlinuеd \Yогkjng' tendif,g to оur home and frequеntguеsts

oпe evening, when Маry renLmed from Nork Ghe was lhе аssъlаnt ma!аgс!оfa s!рeпnarke0' shе Nаs notiсeаЬlу eхcited Rhen sheanпounсеdi,,Mom.I found a тu*ьlr Гaлrilу hсre i. sаint ̂ ltаns.,

A тulkъь Nаva| olliсоr. Dr, scdаt Deinsu .пd hъ sj1.Мсlilra. Ьad Iеntеd an арanfuеnt noarthс sаint AlьаnsNaval нosрtа|нe had workeа ihсrс fоr оnе уeal aiеr whiсh hс hаd to rсtllt lo пБ

Thcтruo' Md Ь! r.old ьy Edtrlflтr\lji

Nau] роn iп тurkеу. Ai1eI a ьrief coЛ!сБation сvсл lЬсп MДусоuld сommuпiсale i|r Tulkish Ьy lс]сPhоnс. {'c invned lhеm to оurlronrc, A lсw daуs |аterthс уoung тurkish соuplc visilсd us andqс beсаmс mothсr. lslеi аnd ьrоtЬer' l. .оmPlеle strапgеБ: all wе kпеNrbоul then sas фal йeу wele l,,-fisn. Frоm jnу motЬe.s cхquisilотurkrsh сooki]rg, to oul sрcakin8 iл тurkьh. to our р|aуing тurkьhmusiс. саusсd oш cucsts to leеlаs th.ugh tЬeу rveф wilh tЬenfаmj|iеsin lstаnЬli вul lhсй sIау in thе Uniled slales $аs сoпiпg to аn епdаnd lhсtr dсраnurс rvas trul)' sadfola|lo|us'

O ' с yо , ' q , , | ' n" . , ЬJ цhе ' мJ ) , " ] , i ,е i \о| . , j o | i .еd " i | ' oе .|ighllrvо Na!аl о|iсeБ sроailrg thе тurkьh stxr xnd сrсsссntсnЬlсmол lhсir сарs' As itлad Ьcon wiLh tъe Derinsu сouР]с' вe по]Y had ts'or ' , с пL } \ , \ . I do ' |o| , ' l ' ] ,е l г J | ' i |е ' , hе ,е , Io j o| с ]с i | , 'rvoтk аl thе Б.a!аl пospiаl Dосtor osman KdksaL. hь рlсgnxnt rvifсs0dan.lо8сthcг wilЬ tЬсii fivс.усaF.ld dаlghlcr' в!hаr' renl.d a сопrtonxЬ]с xPаnmont nеlr ll]e Nrvа] нos.rta|. Rепt]ng а sесопd аIJartmелtin lhс sаmc Ьui|ding Ьсrс Dr Naсi вarut, hь wi|е сiil' aпd dret lоuРуeaГо|d daughtel Р]nRr, 1959 lrаd сrushed oul hcаlts Nitn thc |os оf1*o гanrilу mеmЬeБ.6utlhс alriva|ofNo тlrkьh fxmi]iesьr.ughi tоus thс strоn8lh xld lhс соmtъa whiсh w. dcаr|у soughl

тhe .oDnt|es mаgnifiсепt mernoriеs goina ьaсk nr timс tоt.огty oпe уeaв сan Dot ьe dеsсIiЬсd hсre] sultcс it tо sаy wo met asstmпgсm Ь!t our tь]eс fanrilics nrcrgсd into оnс' Agаin wс ьссаmопrоtЬc|. sьtоr. аnd Ьlоnюr, to lhеsе lami]ies \rhо yeаmed tbr tъe loveоl thсn rсфcсlive li]nr|ies iл тulkeу. so сlosе \аs our геlalionshiр,lьlt tЬe коksal laпriLу дskеd..l\,'loлr'..as thcу сauеd nry modrеI, tосhоose а Dame fo| ltEir nc{ly-Ьоrn danghtсr, ..Mom', told tnem that inBal]kсsir, hсr ЬntЬрlaсо (jf, oltoman тurlеу)' фe naФe сeуliп (proпоunсed Jeуl,n lп тurkisь, псапiпe: gazr|lс), lrad ьсen а lavolеd

то lhis dау сeylаn ]ivсs nr lstanЬu| wnh Ьоr fаmilу, af,d shе ьаs Ьсаutiil| аs hor nаmс, our ЬumЬLс hone sсrvod as ] lсmPlс lo humаnitу. shсrс ]о!e in ns qujntesеntill |oпn had man]feslеd: Мy ье|o!cd лother had lost hеI епtire Гanrilу duling tье сxlаsnlphiс uр.hсауal withnr otomxn тurkсt, аnd усl а dау саmс lYhen lnh oрсnаrms rлd mоlhсnt kьses, sъe Relсоnеd фе сhi]dren оl the Гomrег

тhс тпlh мmt ьc ,ltld Ьу trdнird т!!ъji

our Turkьh r./a'ivzs ъad now iDcrеаsеd to lhEc |amiliеs, JustN n had Ьсcn in ottomsп тurkеy. аs itсоntinuеs to this daу in thе Rс.pub]iс ol тurtеу' so il Bas i]r our hоnе in sаinlA]ьа!s' Ne]v York:Wе се|ebrаtеd оur mufual rс|igious holi&уs lоgсthсr. as uе r аs оurnаlioпal ho|idaуs and bnlhdats, As fаmilу stoгies wеrе erсhаngсd.lhеjоys xnd sоп,ows of our Paёnls, eхреriсncсs in onопrаn тurkeyj to.gсlhсr wiiЬ oDr лUfuаl love, оur lьmiliеs servсd аs living рIoof оi lhеhаmoniоus ieladonshiр amоn8 ouг реoр|еs: тurkish. Аmоniаn' andsiirуапi (syliап ofl ьodох)'

t аm сojnрei|ed to Фpеаt hсrс illat the рagеs up lo thь рointhаvе rrvсaled е!еnts wniсь spnalеd the aпЬor lrom thе iпсеpliоn olhъ interosl in thс сulfurе and hislory o| lhс тurkьЬ реoplе and iБhojne|aпd' to fie subsсqucnl уеаБ of {огk оn beha|f оf lЬе пationNnom my Amreпiап сo re|igionъв dсspisо bсуоnd all сomprеhсnsiоn]oпephаso ofшьsрiвl hБ |еd to another. cпlmnЕting rvnь/"/o,ea']ofсfГoft ]n фё dеfфsc оf the TuIlGh pеоplе.


vl. ёi!с \д!dl dodor. cп.I lfiсir'4mitiсt 6(сoлtс ouг

Фis laсtua|autoьiogmplrу lrореs to prсsсruс thс Unique рhjlosoрhуoгGs wd] б sоmс оf the olтоrL' olthе aulьor w]dr the fim affinmtiопthat hxtс сaпsсs additiona]h![ed, вhiсh ь сontlarytо thсlсaсhjnes оl1|ro ljod oJ."// мjпkiпd' tlоw thе Аrmеniаn cоmmtrnitу in thс Unnodstatсs.an рroГess 10 ьe fBilhfu| сh.ьtians, Nhi|с xl the sаme ljme lhe}are солsumеd rrnЬ hate аs thсy соnvo}r thеir hatred ю еaсh sцссeedjnggсЛclatiол ofinnосon{ minds' ]s beyoпd tlre сoпрIeьеnsioп of|оgical

тhe sрiаl сoniinrcs: oпr tЬrсс тurkish l.ami|iёs ьeсaпе fivе}4rсn аt drс спd о. lhсй оnс 'сar nay iп our сountry. thе timе ар.рrоaс|lоd Nhcn lhе ]nitiаl N. Гamiliеs had to гefuпr tо thcir hолсlаld,тhс lwo Na!,l dоcloN were.o ьe Ieрtaсed ьу othеI тulkьh Nx!a|dос'tоrs aпd theil fanriliеs. and hаd ail,шreсd tо oссuр! lhо vасatcd аPannrents, Dr oktау сumlпr kkеnt аnd Ьis пi|e' Aу|n' took dt folпrегrоsidсnсс оlDr' кoksa|' whosс rvil.е hadgiven ьnth to а ьеauliftrl ьxЬygn]' А frljorрrоь]em devсlоpcd whсn thс sсcоnd tnmilу соu|d not ocсupу the вaruls.ap lmeDtьccаusс ofаdelaу in rеоejlingоrdёБ frопsuрсгioloffiсeБ nr тu*rl, Dr sclihа{lin вoytlktinа|. h]s wl|e Ayhan'апd thсir n]aс.yeаrоld son, сenk. uPОп апivaI iп saiпt A|ьiпь, loulсlЬсmsсlvсs wilhоul a resldenсe' тhe Akkeпtaраft]nеnt had Do spxсc tbr1Ьrсё otЬer рeоplr aпd tlre hоsрnal hаd по immсdiatе lасility |or thоfаjni|уvЬо had Do of,с herе. in thе Unned states вuttherе was iпdееd,,а mоlhсrj sьtсr. аnd ъrofiеr'..lilIe. with suргепrе jоy оfwе|cоminвlhe young li]nl|у 1o 5taу al our lrоnre uлtil tьеil арапnеnt Ьссamсa!!i|aь]c, No oпе knеw еасЬ оlhсI, ot]rсl thаn iow wе were dеsсnьedЬу tlrе Aklеnl couрle, It rvas а сold аnd win'ry drу rvhеn ouг t|пеeaucsts саmс to our hоmc t.оl1hс ljrn liftс тhcn сhi|d appеarеd neN.опs] thс Parenls seeФеd lnr]оus and fеit thеу *е|€ dьпtpti.8 our сom.|оrt' oul hoпe wаs a oпе.fanrilу ьriсk. Еngiьh тпdor slruсllre lv]l]sрaсious rоoms aлd nссрiпg rо.ms tъi thоn u!с, тhс lhгеe ol theпNеre nоliсeаblу ехhluslеd аlter a loпg fligЬt nom тurkсу, During onr

5 l

шl ьс тold ьr Еdtridlhshji

iпnill greeiings' l соuld nоt lra!с imaginеd thс ьrot[еnу love lhlt sasto сvolvс ьеtweеn .ur lаmil]сs InеvеIуresрeсl, wс Ьс.апе nrdееd., €йmily: а motЬеI. sislев' brothсls. аnd а araпdsoл

At lhе vеIу outset оur euesls heаrd lhс fоl|owiпc \'ards sPokeпь], nу поlhеr ja тпrkъh: ..lvеlсoпe, fuу сhjldrсn, llй ъ уour hоfuе ,,

Аs she еfrbrассd сacn оГ tlrenr, маry ndd l ntlаtсd оur tufu torvсlсome tlrеnr to tЬеtr пew hоmс, our hопre *as $ann' lhс аюm ofTurkьЬ сооking, the souпd о|сl!s]сrl тUrkislr пrusiс' and thе .om.lо]ting solnd о|сa.h wоId se sРоke' ьrоleЬt lо d]cnr ап i]n$edjаlсrcliеfof drеn wofty' вelorc wc toоk theф upstаirs to lhеtr bеdrоoms'we shоrnеd lhеjn the kitсhсn. аnd I dесlalеd jп rnу s.mсwnxl fa|teingтпrkъh. ..тhь ь thе теГrigсrаl.r. Nhcпcvе| you Гёе] huncry. уou wil|орсn thъ doоr апd лe|р уouse]!ёs io *Ьxtе!еI уou desiru',,

тhеir stаy ]n our hоme tasted оnc m..lЬ Ьсforо t|rс ir. !рaгlfrеntЬссаmе a!аilаьle' o,|,Л,xzl /0Р hds bесaпE naе|g\ihlc,

D- ' .g fu l \ o ,o , \ с | J ' - , , e ,o . | ' яд iпс ( , d . t . , ' Ь 'оПhorтe' durine {'hich rvе wоuld saу g.оdЬyс lо thс Kоks!] and вantгa|niliеs' whilс Wо wсl.оmсd tlre Аkkenl nnd thc |зiiytilrijпаl ъ]tjIiсs'тhс сvcnt was fiIlеd flith dеeр сmоtiоп.lеаIs, апd rссordсd stаtслeпtson mу tарс ЕcоIdеr' Аs аn unlsuxl nщrьс, ве Ьad jn\lled Mr, llalryЕsеhat and hiswifс, Мaу: нaIгуDlaуеdthс !l, а strnrsed anс]сnLтlrk.ьh instnnrепt, for thе plelNe оl tlrе lbur $miliсs, 'гhс ьuffet wastnlсd wit|l тulkЬЬ lbods. Pastriсs, a flora| сспtеФlесе, wilh ап Апencrn аnd тulkъh Лag iп р|асe. аnd wiih red апd $hile tарсБ. соmplсl-iпe a nаcnifiссnt pl €sепtltiоn. тhо сvсnnre оГjоу and s.fоs finа]|усanе to аn ond wilh dIу еусs пoshеrе lо Ье sссn тЬe тurkъh ,,na!y''

drраted. while ! nеw сontingепt of tЬe тlrkъh .lravу,, rеfumсd lоshаre olr tivсs lоr anoйer yelr It\yаsаnrattФofsimil'rрсБоnahnеsьetweeп Dr sс]аhattin апd пrс whiсh Ьrоught Us togеt|]er enоliof,аllу,вotlr оlu5 !еr, с|osc to оUI lапri|]еs' $с wсlс схсilаьle. рuпсtuа]. рo.ljtс. soft sрoken, ertemсlу hospitaьlе aпd lory шetil iD dre knсhenPаrаdoхicаllу оuгdiffсфnсes саusсd nо adveвe e]lъсt uроп оltr..kагdе)ljk''' тurkish rvold for brothеrhоod: ве weгe ьоm a.d mъсd oп oрposiE ends of lhс vo d, ош narina|' сligions. and elhni. Ь'.k.glounds vеl € di|Гerent но wls a Navаl oftсеr' I sсn'сd поlvneЕ bссalse ofрооr Ьеa]th; hе hаd Ьcсn а dосtor, I had sl0dlсd лotc| Лranаgemепt: hё аltainсd tЬе Iank oГсaрlаja' | Ьccа'nc а гestauranl mаD.

5 l

u* ьс тold ьJ. trdwtrd т*Ьji

аgёr iп sеleпl схсlusi!с Nсs Yоrk hоleь Nопetьеlеss, lvе $e|t tпс

Anоthсr mаJоr dilillепсе ьenveen us wаs. scIehаtlin ъad ьeеп !hсаly smoker' апd I. during drоse yеаБ, аnd uр lo tъe pЕsепt tlnL. otlonу уeав |аteт' find ыnokinc reРUlsivё апd se|f.dcstxсti!е, вut ilсоu]d not lesen Inу |o!с аnd hich еsteeпr fol i?,аФ,, Dr, sсlаhаninвnуiikiinаl' нis rviIъ. оursl].сгAуhan, ьесаmc intсrсsted if, the li1ь ofmy nother and hel wагtnnе схpсriс!сesj Io the ёxtenl lhlt m!пу пigьts]yhёn еvеryoпe lrad gone to s]ссp. ,.Mom,, aпn Ауhвп wou|d sit nсаreaсh othеr and Aylrаn would Ьriпg lо рaреr nrу лоlhеr,s mсmoncs'ller nоtes Ьсcаmс r bоok рuьIishеd iп тurkсу. for wЬi.h she wоn ,naчаId ьу 0E тшkъЬ Miпistryofсultuгe,

Фс Bаfur aрltme ьeсаjne уасаtсd аnd о!r bсlоved guеsls пovediп. !асhdayas I воuld Ьring Маry Ьoфе fгоm wоrk (i|rtЬosс усas !vсlrxd no сar' Ьсsidсs' nenheгo|us could drive). I wilhоut йil Wou]d fiъtsoр аtn' D/.',сг} hопrс аnd hxvс тшkьh.ol]iс rvirh selaьдttnr аndAyhап' elсhaпgiпe оuIdаilу сvcnls, тhь соnljnued *'ith ]vее|€пd vls.ns lhlt wou]d inсludс thс Akkсnts' тhе monlьs passеd Ьу so raрid|yihаt yе ооuld nоl Ьeliеve оur sеparatioп wаs dmrvi.8 !сar, wnh onoлоnlЬ rсmainingьelbre lЬеiг Ietulr to тU|,kсy. sоmеonе sogcеned wespend оur..fiпдl..пontЬs toeсlЬсr. аnd wo did

onе even]ag' аs I wаs а]опe, I рreрal €d аn аdJiЬ slаtсmcnt оntарс. ехpltsllg olr ctcma| love фd oul deер soilo$ fоr thcir deраЕfurс, For added efl'есt (Ьerejust hаd lо Ьс оnеl). at thс bсginnine andсnd оl tьe reсolding. т Есо.dсd tЬс soпnd .l а liсkjng с|осk. I hadgiveп a сoру огnrу сnrоtioпаl lxrс8о]l to oцrdeрlaiпg lamily sе|ehаt.Ii]r Ьad reciprocаlсd witn hь оwn veryепrоtionnl солmеnts rссordсd in

тЬe days раssеd quiсklу xsihс sаdnes in our hопrе ьeсдjne i|}сЁasinglу notjсеаь]с, А fiпll dinner silh оur rhrce laпriliеs. sifts sentlо Еlаti!еs nr тurkсу] расkjng, te!гlu|е]nьIасes. аnd thсn lhсuna!oid.аblо sсраmlioa' one final eсstuЕ oг lo!е lrаd to ьс cхPrcssed, sonеthing whiсh саusеd tota| sulpгise аDd а Ьсvf oГemоlьn,l rсsрoпses:Аs шen YeЬiсles rvelе аЬоui to mo!о' Nе еtrpliеd lwo sauсерапs ог$аtc| опto thc slreсl, as a sуfibo|iс wьh fоr a safеl'oulnсy,

sо was Ihe сunoп of oltoпan тurkсy. so il ь сontinuсd inтuгkсy todаy' aпd sо it did in saint Alьans' Q!еens' New Yоrk.'.,

шl ьс тold ht Еdtld тshji

бovardthe end o f |96 l ouгс lоseE|at iоnsh ips1 l i thn leт] rk i lhN2.!а1Mсdiсal оffiсeis af,d thсir fаnriliеs с!]ne lо nn еnd. as eaсh о|lhс|rrniliсs hаd Ieluпrеd to тu.kеy NсvсrtЬе|еss, оuI сonlасls wllh сaсhfaпi]у соntinuе to thь daу ьу frail. аs сa.h |etter Nou|d sёrve lо rс.nreпrьelthе Фany mсmoies сlrеrъhed bу eасЬ ofоurfаmjliеs' Mon otthс сoilesропdeпсс ьas Ьеen Ьсf,nееn &а,de'l', sоlаhxain aпd rтe'ьhjсh suФrьсd nо опе ьесausе oflhe snlilalitу ol ou. сhаrасtсr. I be]ie!e. Еасh о|оur ЬlotheБ Nоuld $rite tо us iп тuгkjsh а.d l wоtrldrcsропd wilh..sсvgjIi Kаrdс$im.,.(nrу ьeloved brothcr) follos'ed ьу аftsrnаmс, вut tlre rеmsiпdеrоГft, сoiltspoпdелсе *'as аhvаys яritleпin Епglish' wnсn ithаd ьеgun,l сaa nоl sау. Ьut a daусаme wЬсп lо].lowing tIre sa|uulion l wol|d rуInе a fсw wоlds' thсn a fеw sеntenсes.nnd сvеnfuallу. ,,. c',)? /ell./ i, j'n,*isl. se|aьanif, Ьаd lеft пe атuгkъЬ diсtiоnary xiiсh ha! !$ьtоd mе nr mу тulkrsh сomрositioпвul lhere ъ a fuljor dilтercnсе ьelweеn srnine to nrу..ьгоllrеl'аьоullamily mattеБ' and ф сrрrсsion оfser]оus о.jf,jоns to hiвlr IаnkiпgоInсiаlsапdlhетuгknh mediаоn ьsues ofhьlОгiса| siglifiсaпсе, Аs lha!е eаniсr rсfепеd to thе рфdosliпсd о!спts оfФу liiе' my dePеndenсe оп фe тlrkьh dictiоnalу' ]n tjfie.Ьeсamе les песessary то sаythxуr taueht пrуsеlгtо sрсak аnd \Цile lhс тllkьh lапguagе js not aneuggrrаtiоn, Му vоlumes о. сomрositiоп aлd рoеlry IN Tuйislr isеlidепсе olmу humЬlссfГorls.lf] strted hcrc thal I апr сonvinссd onсоf thе ivОr|dъ mо$ Ьоаutiful languagсs ь тllkьh, wоuld }ol ье suts

qfl mау digrе$ lюm thе сonliпuitу oгth]s ьооk. усаБ later at соun!

les soсjаl funсlions. nreеtnrgs' and соnfеIеnсоs. uпlо]d numьсБ ofтulks ha!е as*ed nc thе sалrс quсston whi.h nаs fi|lеd me \'nh dсерcmotiоn Tьс queniоn to lhс р|бeпt tjпe сontinuсs to Ьe: .ноs longhas n Ьeсn sinсе уou.ve ]еft lstаnЬul?',

lf,stоxd of thе wold. ьtaaьп|' hxd тurke} ьeеn mоntionеd,l.dпоl feе| sо honorсd, ьcсiuse пу djсtioЛ, mу voсaьulaD'' ]nd mv dь-соUБc, теvea] kf,owlcdве of the пodсm тlrkьh |аnguagе' In аdditiоD,al the oшеt. I ап lhought Lo Ьаvс ЬсcD ьоm rn тurkсy lnd hяvе пr]ГIiеdaп Amcriсаn lаdу,тhе ]aterо|соuБe. Б tlnе.

тhс тnth i!ru* Ьс то|d Ьy.di,rdтrlhji

witЬ thc dcраfuie.|fu Akkепt апd thc вnyiiki]паl familics'lhc лuлЬсl оlо0r |an1ilrеs i|r тulkeу, inсEаsеd tо nvс' тhe fifth fan-iiу hаd соmрnsёd of sеIahadп,s сlose friспd DrYl|nmz ссrеljoЕlц,hъ wili Yuгdaku]' aDd thсi sons саnреk af,d Gёr9еk. Yi]maz hadсоnre to Nork tor оnc уоаr at thе Nava| нosрjta| aDd sinсс hо andse|аtDnin hxd Ьeen сlоse Гriends si]rсe thеir уeаБ in the Naly аndMсdiсa| sсhоol, фe} oссupied оnе oflhс !аcаnt aраamenls. As n Ьadbeеп dur]ng the рl €vious уcашj muсh оl oDr titrё was s]rепt i]r eасh

Agаin. оnс yоаr ]аler' anolhФ lеlllu| sера|аtiоn. аnd аnоlbеt, n ' i ' J c 1 | 1 r , o l d l . ,

" l , е \ п o r ' е J i , а )

o ' , t 1 ' . ' , I l^ . , . l r | . 1е r j | ! o1 , г L l o ' | r d l r р | o \ t o ' 4 "

усarпiпg aпоng оuI fаmiliеs' wnn cасЬ сoresрondеnсе ].гom тurkey.we wеrc аskоd: ,]ve ;.,aл gсli.?lv,l,? вcnlfuoпЕl (Wlreп aIе уоuсоmjngl We ,rе waitrngl).. For уeaБ оur fаmiliсs Ьаd rорcаlod 1o !sпilh siпсеф ]опgiпg, thеir wьh fоr оUr rcfum to оur lллzld' (ourMоlьёrlапd). Му modrcr hаd псv0 tlLmсd lо lhс lаnd о|hсr ьillh alLеr leаving at thе соnс]LБioл оf the Nаr нer drёаfu ьad аlNaуs ьeen tosc t foоtоптшkGh sо i | аndtoseе lheтuгkьhskу ' jus tonсеmоrс '

тhe tin1е сnпe Rьen iqaryапd l wcrо эsUEd ofsiх wссks vaсalioп duling tЬе su|n|nel. sо wс hоPcd to fulfillher ljliъ drеafi. нo\Ycvсl пodrnrg !vс sаid tо Mom woul! enaьlе hel to flу ыre Nаsdexlh|у afrа]d, ̂s lgusl of ]963 drеw с]оsсr пo oпс could lra!с сnvinonсd thс mоnu]ncnlal lпrPаct цроn оur lj!еs, espeсiаlly nine] муm.lhеr at tЬe li]ne wдs aьle tо cш for лcБсlt аьo. тсrry wo!|d vьnhеI i.тequеntlу, аnd yе NсЕ frcc оftЬаt Nоftу' тhеre rvas so muсh toьс donе s|rорpnle fоr сlothоs. gilts l'or оur tinnilies nr тulkeу, аir|inеtiсkeв, ра*рorls аfter a|l, Еd was аlwауs eanу and lreсisс аЬoшevelуlhiпg] тlе }аs a.l.,,il,eа lо Ьс аt th. а]Фor1/,,?e/,.!,J ьelorеtЬе sсhcdulсd dеp0ltnle, Uр lо lhxt timс thom were no dneсL поn stopflighc Nith тпrkьh ̂ irlinеs Еlсrуоnс had lо Ьe iпfoпnеd' tlлre ot аr.ri!аL. night number' тlrkьh Аn|iпes ftoп FпDkful1 to lstаnьul,,whоn wоuLn sс s]сeр' Wtlo wоuld slеер?l МARY| WЬcrс arс lhc

^h. Ьut ofсou6e nolh]ng aаs lblgottепPrior 1o |963 lьcrc ьаd ьесл оnlу Lyo nmjоI рrо.jeсts which l

had сornроsеd, пotеd as my vcrу fist rvriltсa рosnЬn oп rьe suьjесt of


,l.he l'rDft пrd bс тold ьу Еdtrтd тJlьjj

thc тurkish Natiоп, Thе liвt lrаd ьеen a Pro тurk]sh ]сitсr wnttс! lо алAmоniаn nс\уsраpсr (а сopу оfNhiсЬ was по1kePt)' and lЬе seсоnd.]п NоlenЬеr оI. ]965. l iad wrinсn (ryped), thrcе pвeеs lо lhe jnсцmЬent PЕsideпlofтurkеy' his Еrсс|Lсnсy ссmаl Gins4 тhь ьad ьeепa сoiiсsропdeлcе floп a lhjfly'three yeаr.ld mаn. hoрing iо охp|tsshъ love tъr all thines тulkish' lo the lгеsideпl oI.тurkсy, |l wаs lI'сlltrcr сofiespondef,сe whjсh l tоok alоп8 durinв oul nБt !ъit lo тuгkеy, Мy lovеd опеs ьad,jokеd. saуing thаt il woпld Ьс inrрosiьle follhо Prcsidспtlо pеБoпа||y Ieр|у lo ! le!еr гrоnj an unkno\уn ̂mеriсanin sсemсd il|ogiсаl аl drat lЬе вut I fiad |clt аl |eаn sonеоnе $оп|dread mysjnсele |eеlings' Now.lhс рredetепninеd соц6e o|evеntsьеgan aпd notъing $аs iо altсrlhс inеrpliсаь|е dnесtiоn wе ]Yсrе aboul

^ ыс ncw iп lhc p|anе' Магу.пd т rvеrе lil]еd with аnсxсnсfl.пl t|]е

|ikes оf shiсh Re had nёvеr схPсriсncсd Ьeforе slеep had поl e!спсntеЕd my mnrd, тlre тulkish 7о7 ]аndоn saГсly tо аjoуous аpрlauseЬythс раscnscБ With eасh step we l.оkеd f,eаr аnd.аi sсarсhing foг

suddсnly Маry схс|аimсd] ..Loоk tlrсrc] lt,soklaуI,.тhcn wс saw sеlnhat1]n, Ayhм' A'la. osmаn. sаd.D. Nасi'

G0l, фe сlrildEn. сvсn vаlоjсn, sсlаhаltin,s Ашcпian iiiеnd. тhёу\yсrc аlt lrсrcl oktaу eдve Мaгу flowеrs and ьehind Ьim were sе!еmlnewsPlрcr ЕроrteБ Nith свпelas l]аsьingl сz,,Рral./.J,i,.I]z в!t, ,

Whеn lhеу ьegaa xsking лrе quеstioпs. т тeаlized lhat thсirwolns were not |oreign to mс] | lndсistооd theil quсstioпs, wnh thelirst оnс ьein8] -Wfiy did уou соfrе rо т0rkеу?''

Desрile бy deeрly cmotiоDa| state' ьу lhе grасе ofсоd. I rc.р|iеd iп a саln. сlеar, aлd aldiЬlс voice, Yes. thеу uпdеБlоod eaсhwold. дll of]t iп тurk]sh I shа]l nol lоrgсt dlosс лonrеDts for dre rеst

Еvсryoпe чas imрatient lоr оur kjssеs. .ur emЬraссs. and ofсоUrse сveryоne vаs in lсaБ, oLtrjoу}!s suprеfoе.

Аtthь рo]n| howe!оr,I hаvr to tаke а лоmепt aпd add abrieГintоduction tо Мr' vaюjeп Mllgosуan: V,rqсn аnd hъ witъ, whо hаdа sФn. Arсt' Nсrc сlhпiс Ameп]апs, \ho Rere bоm in and |ivсd thеilcпtilе ]ives as рeaсe|ul nl*n} .j/i.z,J, so c|ose wеIе drе вiiуiikiinа|

тhе тrulh мш' ьe ,rdd hу Edtшd тшhji

апd Maцоsу fаmiliоs lhаt sеveot ye!Б еaniеI Nhсn sеlаhаtin Ьаdbесomс sсrioDsly i|l' ьe sдid lьe fоlbwnre to varojсn: .,]LI diе' I en.trus 'nу thmily lo YoU fol safekcсрingi рrоmъе ne you will la*е сaleоl then|.. ol сoulsе vаюjеЛ Ьad рrоmisеd wilьout а seсолdъ hсsilа.lioп. TЬankfully, thоugh. in timе sеInhadn Ьаd rcсo!сrсd' тhе lwofriends rcmainоd аs insерataьlе аs werc fien families vaюjсп ЬadЬсcn а mаnerаulo mссhanic Nho hаd Ьсgun hь businеss on а hu|nblсlсve] but ехpanded lо Ьссome !ёry suссе$ful, l{е aпd лis familt Ьосaпrо inсluded in оur сvоr eФвiпg fajnj|у. aпd durinc tЬе' vnils loNew Yоlk lЬсу hаd sIауed iп ourhoпe,

УII,.,. Фс я}сsideil hяs Brafllсd 1ou qn a|!{|еIсe ''--

lDхсnemontwould nol сvсn решit larjeue тurkьЬ lеlеvьion was slil|in its eflу ycas. ьUl lhс рrint mediа coveтed оur vьit еxle.5ivejу tiomtЬе nк daу, ouг PassFons were slamрсd: с,,i' (сnr!)j onr luggageN?s sесutd' аnd аs рl €amпgеd ьy lhe lаФiljеs. wc began to dil!с lо

whi|e hь wilо Aуlа was driving, oktaу sрokс thе follо]vjngwords] ..Еdwпd, we ьa!с а surрrise гor уоu. tlrе Plсsidсnt hts Еmnlеdеsсь of yоu an аudiепсе..,

surе]y hс had to ьеjoking апd l dьnisscd Ьь stаtспrсnt ьy 't.

n]yine саsually, ,,t]оN ь thе $eathеl in Istanьu|?..oktау Ьeсsфе аgitаiсd ьу m} indifс.cnсе lnd rcpоаled wnь

cnphзsъ еaсЬ word lre ultercn] .,l told you lЬе P|zJ;/.Л, hаs ,grссd to

tl was onlу thсn lЬat tlrе nоaning ol whll hе hаd said, slп.k xtпe' аnd still mу сognilivс рIосes Rls Dnaьlе to асссPt what 1hadjusl

As we сoniinuеd оur drivс tо thе Аkkeлt hojne' our qlсstloпsяеrс еndlеss ьut lhс аnsvсБ сould not hoре lo bссо'nс с|ear 'n m!mind. нow алd NЬу Rerе Nс Ьеing so grсxtlу hoпоEd? тhсre sas sоnuсh l neеded lо ask, son0ch сoпfusiоn in my mind. aЛdhow соuld Iьe ехресted lo sрeаk v]th сountlсs rclalvcs md fliспds.|.пr йш|amilies? ADd аs if tnь diitiсult cЬa|lспgс оfЬеhаvlng пomаL|у, пcreпotеnonдh.I was erpc.ledtо сoпvеБс rnith lrigь Фnkingтшkьh оli.сigl\l |fiа1? ||ho? t|е? ! sj1c' Еd}аrd' Whо аt lhc age оf !хtсеn соu dnоt sреak asiaglсNоrd о|тurkьh. will пos hаvc to Гaсe фe Prсsidепto.тlrkеу, t]o* сoп|d l Ьеenr tо ехрrсss nrу lоvе fоr mу 0псeslra| andсultura|лoпеlaпd? Woп|d jny adlib сomnrenls aпd орinioDs ]nent thciпteresi oгthc nraпу реoрlс Nitlr whоn rvе {'сЕ to havо рrivаte сonvсБationsl W$ tlrь rcajiу hаррсni|rg]

Rаrher lnan dеlotе morс time aпd sрасo lо 11Е unьehеvаЬlе еf.lbrt Dr' oktBу Akkent Ьаd sрспr {ih gole]nntnt оlfiсеs, tlrс fiediа.and !Фnging пееtiпes *nh оiiсjaь, I wi|l, inslеad, fovсаt t|]е ProgIап }hlсh had ьссn DIеpаred fol us, Еvcryonс kDeN hoL' oktау ьad


тhстruih IlБl ь. тdd ц Еdtr[d тshji

вогked. аnd а1| аgreed.nly he сould hаvс асlriсvсd sо mцсh iп suсh а

Anуоnе whо has е!сr lrad алy nсcd 10 spеnd fine in а вo!сm.menlalotiсe oIaдеnсуwilLknоw wеll ьow difficult апd c!сn cхаsрcЕanпg an сxрсrienсс thь сaп be' oklау ]vаs lсnоvned |оr haljng lьссapасlt} tor cеlting сomрiiсatсd mаttds rсsolvсd' н]s еrрeгtise in.с |udсd аfangmg neeti]rgs w ith gоvс mmen l о l.liсi aь. nxeпrg \уsj лlс0lасonlaсts. and muсh morе' lhus he took сhаIge ofоUr itinсrary нis invo|veпreпt meаnt we had tо sPend fаI morc timе with hifr thаn We welедьlе to Ьe with our оlhеI thгеe fanrilics, P]eаsс Ьеar in miпd that tlretсlсphonе never stoрped гingiпg Ьеcаusc frieлds and lеllti!еs оl оUrfamiliсswere ёфрh!t]сa|lу lсquсsting us lо vьit fien hоmеs, Mary аndI immсdiatelу leanеd drаt вitЬoDi еrсёPtioп' тurkъь hоsрitaIitу ]s аndre]naiN for аl1 time. l,zqlаl/сd I| we е!еn iriсd to r$isl wnh thedьЬеs. *c were фade to fее| as though \ус wero ofttпdnrg oul лosts,With аll уоu lrave Еad о.tЬc auihor so lif' с!n уоU imа8Лrс how sс]nusl ha!с fо|t whсn tho Inl|orviпe рrogвnr оЛ рарсr. wаs g]vёn tous ьy oklау kаrd€i,J] н]s Еaccllcлcу Prсsidenl ссvdеl sшay rv l Iе.сeivе us * ьъ sшnmcrtsidсnс. in ьtапьul. тhe Мayо| of |siаnЬul.I:ahri^ъьey, at hь оlfiсes, тhс АinсЛiаn Pаtiarсh (Lhe late) $погkKаlulsуaп. PatIiаIсh ofthс Amсnrаn сьuEh, ,'. тhе сrаnd Muiii оl.ktanьul (he ьeing lhе hjghesl Мnsliл сlсriс) ,' zеki MnIeп, тuгkсуъ nrоst ьсlо!сd !o.аlъl tьеп famоUs fcmxlс voсa|ist safiуe

тhс lisl goes on, eпсoпрassing а vоrnaЬlе юnёr oГlhe mo!сБаndshakеrsоГтuгkьhsocietу ]пdссd mywit.еand l welе given invilа.lioпs to vьit пuпеIous mxgnifiсеnt musеums, awс'iпsрiгing mosquсs, ' d ъ , | r ! I p i , i , с ' о | t J h J ' d , , ' | l г е a сh i | . | а | ( ' ( P we ' Р g ' . Р .

рillalе аdm]ssion andaрсвoпal дuidе, Wо rvсrо tЬen i]olФtoAпkam,lhе natronъ сaрnа]' nret atthс аiФоtьy omсiaь whо nxrоduсеd lslо

со ' ] l c , в \ - . ь a j d d ' d v i ц t ' q . . , o r j \ . d , о L j t o j 'тNo.аrs with drive6lоok us and оurlrоsts to oпr hоtе] ]n the

сеntсr оi thс сiiу' sighl seеing' ьeаutifu| rсstаuranc, iбрeссJbLс sel.!1сс. dоleсtаЬ|e.uls]пc' aпd Wamhospita|ф rvh]съ denеs dеsсгiрt]oDsodуl We had пo timс for ыrоPрine' Was this all а drеam1 I fеа|td l

тhс nсхt mоmina' lhс по5t uпfоrgеnаЬlе daу оl our li!ёs *'asxbolt lo bеgi|r: AfieI ап cxсcllсnt Ьreak]n( wilh ош hosts, *е rvеrе

'' hP тrulh rthБl ьt тыd bt Еdvrrd тlshji

esсoaеd to the cхPansivе nrаusolсum o| tlrс louпdег оl.thР тп|kьtlReрuЬliс. ihе nnmoflal м0stafa кепal Аtatiirk' lt rvas a yпIr, suпn!аflсmoon inАnk а:we вeIе sиndingon sасl €d 8loun! тhe Lаnd nЕrounding lhе mа$i!с лаUsoleum waq аЬоut t|]c size оl!п An.ri.,пГootЬаll fiсld, Wе рul]ed пр in frопt of Lhe lvhitо marЬlе steрs, *'aIkеd' р ' . ' 1 d ' P pе , , е , е ] n . е o п i c ь , о г - | ] о , ' a ) , л о n а j о | ' е 0 I

ricl сeremоn]сs. mапу tlrоusaпds ol оitizспs wou|d Ьe in aaсndanсеwe wеIе se|сomеdЬy a threе{tшgеneral. sссurjty offiсеБ, a рrtnoсоlоtjсcr, апd ourhosls, Wс nоticed a lвIge ьouqrcl offlо$сБсвпied byone оlthe offiсеБ, \nh a Ьloаd rсd and whilе nbbon аltachеd to thеаmлgспrсnl on thс liЬЬоn ] reаd lhс lсttсБ I"яl (our nrmo sрсllсdi. тu ьЬ). ourcпtФmgс had invitеd us 10Pnitj.jраtе 'л дpп!аlс bulrcry resрeсlfuI so|emn ]nёmоlia| рrосеsioD a|оng lhс сltnо leпgih о1.t|re apрroасh tо lhе huge slruсlure shiсh housеd drе ]narblc mausо'

wо cntе.еd aпd aррrоасhrd thе tmlь]с sne as thс оlfrссгрIaсеdtlrе t]owев in liоnlofthe mоf,umсnl wс a|l ьo*'e. ourъeаds and rесilеd our рraус6, FIоm hеre \Yё lvеrе takсn to a пeаlъу ц]m whсrc a,a |Е ! в ' ' . ,но|o ,п"dLее1O|n ,d | ' v " "hс , с \ |е , с \ rP , p1 idef,ls. аnd hеads ol'slаlс, sould. оn ьеьllгоI.theirЛаiiоns, Есогdthоirfrsssagсs ofrcsрссt апd гriendship fol the peo.]с xnd eo!сmпrепt oГ

At tьat nomсn! l Nаs left Ьrеath|es |.d ьееп jnliled to wrilсmу о\lл lhouвhts in rhlt sFсci3| Bоok огt]onоr As ьсst аs | сал nоs,з2 tсas anеr фе Iiсr, mу words, wittеп jn Еaglъt, }еl € аs iо]lФLs].Wе, 's lhс сhj|drеn olрaгепts oг^mсniaл апd snlуanj (sуnаn oгrьоdoх) Ьackgюund' in thсir nаmе hlvе сomе 1o ourl,a]u/d' (Motъ.еI|af,d), схрIеsnrg ouг pr.|ound rcsресts and |o!с tbr тu'teу and herpеоplс... Аfiеr whiсЬ | signed bolh оur nаmсs, All that has Ьeсn dе.sсliЬcd aьole сan bc соnfinned ьу пе]vs aaiс|сs oDd рhologврhs ]n]nyроssеs ionапd inпуeхh iЬ i l i оDwl r i сhRrI lьсdсscr iЬed la tc r

As sрссtасu]aras шe vьit lо АлlаIaNas,lьjs servсd аs a рjэLudе to truly аmаzing еvеnts wьj.Ь were lо fо]|ow цs durjлg olr tntш€tliрs tо our /,.,'zlz,.l тUIkеу, тhe |оl|oNing daу, оuг *'am аnd erа'сious hоsls esсоned us to thс аiФoп fol oul nсхt stоp. thс Ьевutiiu] сltуoflzrnir. оn lhе сoast oitьu Aсgean sса ouг goodbуes inс|udеd оur|alervе]|emЬrfuсs аnd siпсеrе eхprсs]оns olgmlnudе Гоr {hcitn,iend, t iр J гd to ,рпJгy м e Ьo , , dеd о l , o J ' е t ,o ' , o / , ,П

тl. liuli Nlun bс тold b' Еdмгd тlshji

wьеп rvе апi!ed, offciaь wcrс аgain sаninc .оr us neаr thеt п | JЬ ' i dпe l^с ( .mп rod ,h , J , ' . ' 10 | , \ | l , | | , | |mе\ , J, o , |nc f p1 . ' o \ " o | | Р v1 JDаьоut to rcрсat ilsеll] ап aulопrоьile ]vith ilsdli!еr. to а ьсаUlifulhotсljn lьс сi0/. сveгуdrnre attеndсd ьy оUrуouлe hos, ЬФughl to оur sресiдl suile NitЬ аn оvсNtс]minc view оГlhе Аegean sea A ьгiеf.estапd do\уп tothс lоЬbуаnd our hosl looR us fol di]rnеI, тhеmоstinsPn.ingevёntrvЬiсh lоok pI!ссduriпetlrь vьit 10 ]zmn,. look р|xсе lhс гo|.

l,}(o'ths ьсfоre ouг hьtoft rliр to тшkeу' Dr, Аkkсnt hаd аskcd mс torevеa| the р|aсes wс wоuld like lо vьil' тоgelhсr wnh |nanьul, Ankаrа, and |zfiir.l had mёnliоned thrl we LYou|d ье ехl.оnrclyhарpy tovьilЕ/с! (Ерhesu', wЬiсh is thе sne о|nre вlсssеd vnein Mary, тhеhоmе ]Yhiсh slands oп а hign mоu.lxin nсar lhс сnу о|lzmnъasьeспtЬе deslinаlion of ЬDndrёds ог thоusa.ds of lisjtoБ to lhе тurkьhhоmo]аnd It tФоk аьout l\o houБ. ьut dlilin8 on Nindlng nxmwr.ads uг a.Е.lrn]us'nounlai]r }€s ft]вhtсnine, to sау thс lсasI'

Al the sile !ьеЕ yеl € many lоurъБ frол mаny сountries, ,ndа|oпе thс eardc.s lсading to нсr homс, wсф sevсrаl eпсrsed lтgеsicns iл vаrioпs ]аnguаgеs. rеvelljng drе ruthenliсityоftЬе sora]|stonсhouse' As *'е entered its рIеmъes $e fell a divine р|€sence] lhс singlсгоom had no fulrььinдs аnd a simрlс ЬUt Ьоаltifu| а]tar was рrePared]vjth floweБ, сand]cs. aлd dьmrdеd саnes' сrut.hes P]ted igainst arуаll..s man]r схаmрlcs оflф\cn n1nrсles. Аs сhristilns we fеll weь J ьeA ' ' L , , ь . ' l ь ) , | . , , l c o f сod , A1 o1в г ' я г , o , , , е i | rя l i | , "l.aсls 8е leanrеd Rls t|rаt lhе тurks yho aIеprсdоminаnt]yоfthс Мos.irлr |aitlr, Есognizе lьe вlesсd Vnein Мary as lhс fiothоr o|Jсsusсhrъt and аs а les!|t' тшks make ! reljeious p]|gr]magе tо thь holу

тhе follо]vjn8 dау' lьe govemлreлtъ invitаlion was to ооmс toаn спd' Wc $сrс told Dr' вii,iikiinn| and hь fаm]|у vas dnviпe ftomthc Tu.kisь Nаva! вase of ьkепdеruп' tо takе us ьу саr to thе сilу оf

ва|ikesir ь thс сilytvhсrc mу sainnybе]оved nolher las bomat thаl timс in lho саrlу 19005. it had ьeеп ! sпall towп You сaп

imagine mу eхсitе]nenl аt the melе tЬouвht of aПilin8 аt Nhоrс mymotlre|rуаs Ьоmand р|ayсd rs a сhildinlhеhоfieоlъer lamilу тr had

6 l

шl ьс тo'd ьy Еd{fd'rshji

to bе towаrd thс cnd ofAugust. 1968' $Ьсn in lЬс quict сomer.t lhесосktail lolngо оl our lrоtel, lalс at пighl' о0r тпrkъh hosls blоughlthсn wondelfu] веlсome 1. !s. to aл спd, DI, вnуnknпai аnd hь \yifeАуhaD (then sоn сслk wаs last !s|eер atiеr а |оng сar tпp tiomьkeпdсruп), ]nуьitъ Mаry. and |. werе sеllеd sipрineolrтtrl,kьlrсof'tъс and teа, It was а deeрlу cmotionxl епсountc. for еасh ol0s, тhoughourvisittо lznil hаd ьсеn ьгiеl ье had Ьссоmсс]оse friends andno\уtьеу wсre aЬоut lo J,,?,d.r lо us aDolhёr соuр|c \уho hnd дlleadуьeсn in oш heans,nd mсmоtiеs, At the сoпс]ut n оl.оur lоDg cоnvегsаlioп. we stоod uр, smjIe! fi1led Nith moisteуes, \ее]nbrr.сd. kьsedсасh оllEr oп ьoth сheeks' lnd sаdly wспi lо oul юoпs'

тhe пeхt momiлe' anсr ] \р|eadid Ьrсаkfбt. we sPоkё olr tjna|fare]Yeш. nllсd sel'hatti s сar with ouг |uggagс аnd dеpaned forвa|ikesir, нis.аI ьаd ЬеепpulсЬаscd jn Nоlv Yоrk duliпgфeiуeаrinsаnx Alьапs Ir rvаs a Ьi8 1955 сhelrolel' stjll in схссLleпt сoлditiоп.тhс fouгhour d.ivе ]v!s plеasanl аs rуе lieNеd drс тurkъЬ towпs andсomtrуsidс nеal the Aеsean sсa тЬс tiр wаs unc!сntful ёхсeрt lorолe unl.оreсllаЬlс inсidслl' lt ne!еr rесеiled аttеnliоn in lЬe тurkishnred]а, and regrеfuЬly. i|r nrу vоluпinous ]vrili!вs 1 hатс пеverg'vеп ithс reсоsпitiоn whiсh n trulу dсsспсd ljosФеl, tъs i,Jфl'i.d,lсvоnt hаs Iслаinсd ]n пу heм. m]nd аDd sоul e!еI sinсc 1963' апdпo*'] оffer il in thе reсoвnitioD ltdesсrvсs: durineошdr]le' jn the dь.lаDсe. \lе сould sсe a laadsсарс оl |uхuгiant vеgeta!оni it Nаs one olтurkсу,s паny vi]1еяrds' а massivо plaпtotiоп огerapcv jaсs' сcrtаlлlуlhe most de]iсious aDd s*'ссtсn erарсs аIc growп iп rЬe riсh sоjl ofthетuirish hоmеlaпd, тlrc юad al onе point Ьсcаmе Danos so lhat |rоmwnhiп lhе саr tve сou|d sеe а pеrson sealcd аmidsllltе hugc fic|d'

sс]аhatfir ьгoughl his саr to а slо]Y stop anU wе соn d q.с lhе

рекoп $аs а midnlе.аgеd woman filliпg hсr baskcв rуitlr glaрсs' D..sеlаhаltin BiiynkiiDa] steрped oui of t|rе саI аnd eot с|osё еn.ugh toсoп!сБe wnh tье sfiiling lil]x8e|. дэetiпg her wilh ..Iyi gnnlсrфуreсiЕi (cood daу Ьdо!еd аun0l..

Aftф a ьr]еf erсlraneе' my ьrоthеr infomrеd lhс geal|c lаdу]Yith lhсаngеliо fаcе tlral ьe an! hls lamilywсrс еsсoгt]пg lhеtr Amсп.сan euesls to вa|ilesir so ihаt wе would vьit thс Ьinhрlaсe o]. m'molhcr tnспt]опiпg dral ые w.rс lhе chi|dЕn o|Armёnjаn аnd syrianotthоdoхParcnls wlrо sercьom in hоthomс|апd)'


тhr Trtrlh vonhenid ь]'Еd!!.d тahji

se]ihattin lrаd IcqUcstсd to purchаsс somс graрсs lorцslo lasle'lhc 8еnl|с lаdу lЬсn bссane agltaten, hФ eхpl €ssioп аnвrу аs shc cх-

cl^ifred: ,,Sаhtаk лe dелlеk(what do уou mean sеll?).'shс thсn сoa.hued, ,.тheу аIе ouт guesls. our сЬi]drcn. l сANNoт sЕLL тtiЕMMY GR{PЕsI..

ву this tme sе had !l] spij|ed оut оl drе cаI, Ieсеived леrсf,ormоus gilt. eхрtsеd our deeP apрIeоiаtion, xпd lhеn Еsumed оurjou.reу, Мy Ьеlоvсd t..r,/li /4:e.ф' (try bеloved рIoviлсiа] аuno,thc hом and soul oldre тuгkь|] Natiоп. l do поt know yo0r aаmе andmost ljkсlу ouг раtlrs BiIl neverсюs аgаnt, Ьпt bо|оre lhе $ond I aсkпоLvlеdge уоlr kiпd.сss md loling, Pure he]n. beсluse iп August of]q68.I Ьeсamс уoll |oljf,g soN

с.Withоul оDr kлow|edgo' sс]аhattjn had сoпmuniсarеd witl] lhе ofiсeо|thе Mвуoг of ваlikсsn. giving inlоnnatiоn о].оur first visit to ourапcеst|"l homсland, аnd requeslеd a fеw пriпules ofdrе Мауо.s limcby rсссlvjag ш аt hь oftiсе' As ье dlоle we sarv tЬе nrsl ofmаnу loаdngns lvъiсh intоduсed: ваlikesiг]

W. ' . ckdor l ro ,е | i |е .eг r ,о 'h , , . i ) , i ! , l , г ' . ' o ' . ,nrоdcn ald сlсaп Ьdссd our aссоfrmоdaloпs were рerfесt. Anег thеnсcсsinсs ivсrc с.nсIDdёd lYr rverе drjlепtolhсогnссoltьсМayоr, аlal]. whitс Ьairсd. ereс| and most сoldia| PеsоD NitЬ lhat inhсrсnt'waпn тulkьh ynile' Aьo a ercаl hоn. hс drФvо us in hъ сaI!пdga!еus аn insi8hfi|] lour ol Nlrat hаd Ьес.mе l mаlоr сnу

Аs hаd Ьaрроnсa fiany tiftеs ьeibt, oul dаy tvas ni|ed wilhsigh!seеlng. ьrjeГ сопveбalioпs with olfiсjals алd сilizслs whо dь.рlaуеd vaiеd Фnotiоns' It Nas соnrрrьсd NitЬ thс inilial qualilt oГтulkьь lrоsрitаliry. ьul morе so. lЬat thс рсoрle jn вa]ikelr lеrеsрсaking lо Amеriсаn !isi1о6 lN тurkБh. Manу ьelie!сd tlrat l hаdьeсn bоф in тulkeу, imпrigтated to the United stаtсs and rсturned wlhпrу Aпrсгiсап wi|e,lt ь iпроdant to rc|nemЬer illatj оthсr lhаn thо lottcr l hаd wliltсп tо the fоmer тurkish Prеsident' frу efforts oп ьсha|fоftЬe тurkьh nаlion wсrо non eristеnl aпd lhе oп|y.dосunrentatiоn,.!ус Ьаd !уеrе mаe'inе аnd nсwsлaрcl aniс|еs which ьаd ьееп рrnrtеdыnce ош аfiva| in тurkeу, When it рrovсd to ьc in1ъanan!с' myЬl,l'.] sсlаhаltin woD]d eagёny shоw them to our hоsts.

We $еге e!епtua]|}driven ьасk lo lЬс Mato.s olfiсe, where Ьoаstonьlюd ns Ьyprсsсnt]nc us wnh gjгls. Еoгфу лrothег, hе presеnlеd


lu*ьетdd Ьy Edllrdтshji

us wi$ thе wond.fanrоus тu*ьh lоsсь' апd fог our ьоmе. а hand.

Paintеd пrnriaшrc аmnвеment of floweк on glаss аnd eold ,i]ling.Гrаmed with mаhogany, тhis Ьсаuliful Nork оlаrt hаngs оn оur ]iviпelo.m r'а11 to thь daу, in olr mos uniquс ..oltоmаn'' аnd тulkььhoпe' тhоuch Prcsidслt ]оhп кennenу had ле!еr lisned т!rkсy. thетulkьh реoр|e |o!еd him аnd whеп hе diсd. it wxs mouпrrd !s а na-tionaLtmgеdy. wе hаd tаkсл witlrUs seveвLкennedy onс.dol|ar сoins'sо Nо gavс orc to lhс Мaуor аs a,,,j? (kеeрsаke). whiсh hс dеeрlу

тЬеn, ', dсI'аrtuЕ ехI'essions.l rррLссiatiоD апd al.l!сljon.lо оur ьоlсl roолs аnd рreparвtiоп lbrour сrit Гron nrу ьelovсd

I wоndеri|l wi]|sсe her agaiл,

cпlу lеsoi olYalova. Nhiсh rеsБ oп lhe shol. огthс srа of Мamar,'тhe lаndsсape. drе сolor аnd сaIm ol thc sea,lhe hоlek and асcom'nodаtions. sсrс as rne|сопriпg ,s lhсFcoрle, LtЕminded Us ol.trr v cil tоl{".*ldaл (ьhndоfвnds). пеaгlzffn' of, thсAcgсaп соBst. тime anddьtаnсс ссnаinlуhad рt!ёn'ed оп| vьiling tье ьrnh Pla.сs оt lhc ' €stоfоuгfaпilies' nafielу: $апliuгfB' Adj'.maa, аnd н.Фut (Е|i]?jЕ),

o.с cvслiпg we !'еre tаlrоn to tЬе Ьomс oI., с|osс friсld оinranу уe!в]Dr, zekiijy8ur and hs $j]i. Aу|а (s.nrс nlrnё as oktауъl i |е ] , 7 . , , , . ' s |Lk , , t \ J \ , ,o l \ . , , , а ,hcэfi.wamiпg lnkoduсtion and оuI liliendsh]р паs tо rхlеDd l. ourhome in sаini Аlьans' Nes York, oЦIспсhanling tiр to thc hоmеlапdoLmaf,y nncient сivilizalions wаs аьoni tо сопre to an еnd as oш depаtsfu|сd 'еь . o ,e * i ' |oJ t 'hе lnJ ,oc , гL r , ' d | t r c i " |о ' i . i , о J |ро 'sesiоn. wе would not hа!е Ьееn aьle lо prо!е шс сvсnls of thе рrelr

тhе рrораrаtjопs for our rctun to ьoпс iп d1е Unnсd siateswere сoпpleledj апd lhе velу nna|daу оlоUr hьlоriс tгiр 10 тlrkсy.ЬIоugЬt yel oпе mor surрrъе: I have desсnbсd mу 1965 leaсr b lhoinсumьсnt Pгеsident ol тurkeу: no геsрoпse rvаs сlcr rcсc|!еd ш mусoresрondеncе' Nhiсlr sure|у рrоvсd thс рrеd]сln!Б offiy Гxmilу. тlrelaсk of a геpiу had лot disарpoiпted mej rfiсr a|1. he sas tlrе Pfosident']LБt ьесаuse a ieр]y qаs not reсеi!еd' did not mсan thсrе rYas no ,?sloш?. Forasittunеdout.thсreindосdwаsamаgпi]iсef,i,tсpLy,..

шt м тdd ьy rd}тd ткl'ji

тhe daу ьеfоlс oDi dерarture. Fп honoltd eucsl afived аt nreAk]tслI lrоло] twas sепator sadi Kоqа$' lhe aulhoг ofa Ьoоk on тlrkish AФeniaп histo|у аnd rеlаlions' нe gЕrted us wnh фuсh Iesресtапd dеep агfссtiоn неtoldusd]atthe Preside.t(hе late сemаl сiiNcl)hаd indеen Есei!сd my lеner' thal he wэs схtrc|nс]y фovеd ьy пynalепrепts' and had rсquesled ! Ьoоk ьс lritlen .п lhе suьject, Апdthеn lhc sсnаt.rа$urеd us tlrаt lnу lсllоr. Nhiсh had ьeeп in its entiretурnлiсd ]n lhе boоk, was lсsроnsiь|e for tlrъ Ьook сom]ng into ехis

тlе рЕsсntсd me fith ап iпsсIiьеd ооpу оlhь bоok апd duгineа |ong сon!еБxliоn I urged Ьijn to hаус the Ьоok tаnыated nlto оlhсr|anguaacs, сon.сmod aьout my sаfеty. hc hаd not iпс|udеd mу.аme аttlre еnd оl the iettег whсltuрon I ins]st €d it ьe addеd in аnу fulureрrint]ng. нс !ьеп rcveаlсd lhаt after sea.сhing lоr Us Гor rhrеe yeа's.rheу,d ьесп dсlighlod to find us nr ьtantul,

^s hоnorёd aпd р|eаscd аs wо wсф lor haling lhе sсnаtоrlisjtus atthс hопе ofоur лosls. wilhоlt aпу ехaagсmlio! t саn slaФ lhаt lrе\Y,s equal|у ifnоtmоrс рlo.sed to пeet lасс to lxсe wnh the youne\nlег ]vhоse lеtеr had,tЁсlеd higЬ m*nre тпrkьh ofliсials, md as aresull а з09 раgс Ь]storiсal сonrрilat]оn {'as publьhed in i967, NоlonLy wxs mу Ьumь|е ]ettel рInrIсd jn Ijl]l, ьut in аddilion. wnhin lhёtьntрages ofdrе ьook thс аuthоr kiпd|y геfсrs lо ш in а mostсomрli]nenlary nrал!сr3nd slales сlear|у thаl my Ienеrwаs iпdеed tlre rсаsonfоr nrc Ьook lо ьё writtеп ]t wаs far ьсуоnd пrу aьilitу to cхPrсs tофis son{рokсn genl|enrап lhе ехtcnl оlny gгalifudе and aрprсcia!оnj

And theD. апotherdераfrurе. sith рIomьсs to stау in touсь'тhe лехl mоrn]f,g Мaгу and ] Nсlс at thе аiФofl wilь oul luв.

ercе and фeпьсБ of our fаm]liсs lo seе us olт r,]d.'i- oklry саmeIunninв lоrvаrds us w r ехteпdеd hаnds, нс had |en hь о|fiсe in оldсrto Pсsоnallt .ьlаiп photoglаphs whjсh hе ]v!пted to P|aсс in o!.hаnds тoeеthel with lhс Priсеlеss Рiсtцгеs' ье дa!е а рhоlо albumshowсasiпg з nragпificсnl сорPФ i]nвgе ofthс AyБoгya МDrcu]n оnlhe соvе|. dсpiсtсd in а lьEе diпrепsiоna| еagrаving' тo tьъ dav. it'tmа]ns as оne oi oш most сhcrishсd Posessins' dърlar'ing sоmс оfоur fiosl uпfolgеttаь|е mслoiеs' тheгe was no tnnс to viсп the !ho.Фs as t *as !|nе to олtсr lhс раscлgelgate,

тhст.lth мвl belоld ь} [du'dтrlhji

Anсr оUI nпa| eпbrасes and kьsеs |or olr Ьсlоvсd гaпriliеs'вiiyiiknпal, Akkeal. Kijksа]. and вarut' oul stерs slow|у dnесEd пs onboard lhс plane' wс foun! our sсаts апd lhе s*nl ofсoш еs пeпxlгies ьеgаn lo tаkс hold ofour sensсs Alr. tlrc рiсturеslwе hаdtoseewhat hаd ьeеn rссordсd оп nlп. how еlse ivould anУопe belrоvс lhislfu|у UnЬеlievaь|e eхрёriфсc] тhеrе lhеу {еrс тhс сatmoпу at,,]',(a.n. (Atэfurkъ nrausoleuш)] siвnnrg tlre вook ol r]oaor: ihе Anтёnian Pаlriаrсhi zсti Miil €п; safiуe Aу|ai Prоsidеn! сеvdet sшaу' аndso лUсь лore jl wаs а|1 tЬеrel Nо, thь whоle lliр lrad поl Ьeсn a

Qnсslions gathсEd in mу miDd W]|l tье Amcnjаns saу tlrat Irvаs usсd Ьy lhс тurks fol рюрagаndx seп'icеsl Nо' lmрosiЬlc I hadпоt|riпg to olfer тulkеу otheг than my |аitlrful Lov!. ln Aлоriса. IЬxd no wealtЬ' no flnq and по nre!пs o|.innuсn.]ng thе тurkish na-Liоn in аny Nау Therеfore' it Ьаd tо Ье drе ilnrегепL l]!аlity olihс тuгkьh hecn lo reсоi!о ]оvе ilеelу and olt.сr it nr lеfum, jusl l.r onе

VIII' qФiul'lliлB homе, |hс r|аlni|ude of п1 ф.jion

Фe рЕ!iоБ .haрler has dsсliЬcd Мosт оl. rЬe sigпifiсаnt evenlsrvhi.h hаd laken рlасе dtrring our tьsl v]s]t lо оur anсeslrаi. сuiturаlаnd hъtоriсa| homc|аnd.lhс Rёрuьliс оГтuйеу, вп *hаl oithe геstthс mапу реoрlе, thс р]асes? Do l nol h!!с an оьlig,tjоп to so maпуindjliduзь for then kjndпes дпd snrсе|t friсndshiD? I ьe|ievе I doithey nkо dеsеrvе dre lесоanition oГfie lYondъ attепtiоD. for wnhjл theрсгiod of our !ьit Io тurkey !eysi', and *.r.?ei./i& ' litевlty tlаnsLatсd: |ove. and ьюthс roоd/siЬljnghооd. plе!аi|еd сvсr}тhеrе vепсnl. All lьаt wаs knовn about m, wifс аnd лс пas lhat we weЕ lьeсhiIdIcпьoarогtwo lirmilieswьosе Land ofьith had ьееnthепatiол toвhiсlr WE lсfсtrеd tо as .Аna!аtапimiz', (our MоLhellaпd) aлd lhisрuьliс рФno!псenrепt had ьссл схFre$ed iп тuгkьл, тhc rcsPonsо olthе тurkьь Gоvrflrmсnt, mоdi,. aпd фе реoр]e. as оveflЬеlninc as nwasj prоvеd to bс mereIу a .rе]udr lo unimaginaь|о сouпtless elепts

l ь!vс пe!сr аttсmрtсd lo с1р|ain to anуonс lhс mаnу inехр|iсаblo сnсшrstaпсеs lhat hаve Ьld an efтесt on lhc dо!сloрmсnl orfryinlеrest iп aЛd lоvе for thо тurkisЬ peoрLe, For yeаN, thrоugь eхtеп.sive, pеIsonаL medtatiоn' l havc tricd to сomрlсъcnd mу |eеhrgs аndреБрссlvсs рсnainiпe lо тulkish.Аrmeniаn h]stоrу' As oьjесlivety asрosiьlе ] havс сoпsidеIсd al] аne]сs lnd фe on|у ]оeiсзt сoaсlusioa lha !еaп ivеdа lъ . iha t i lh . s !L]ьeeпЬуthеWiI lo fсod '

н.d it лоi beеn lоI пу lenсrof 1965' Ьriltёn to drс latе Pltsidсn1сofiа|GnБel, tЬеп tЬc susр]с]ous, tlrесуniсal, аndеvеn lhe envioБ, woL|]d hаvсjusl сaфe to saу N4у роsitiоn бwardslhс тulks hasbссn рrсdiсаlеd Ьу tьc гссeptiоn 8i!en lо ls jn тurkey. вutthсsо псex.lj!с ]nrnded individuаь ntсhding lhe Amепiдп..нatе Мс|thаnts,,$ould ьe *Iоng Ьу тнRЕЕ YЕARS. Мy рrofоund аIГeсlioп fol tlrе.ГulkБh Nаliоn aal] mу сoпdепralion ol сtсmal hаlred !s пraDilсstсdbу lhо Armenians ofthc Unitсd stalеs hаd ьeeп сteаI]у sated in mу

т|l. тпth \iun he тo|d Ь! Idlyтd т3shii

jelter ог ]965 тЬis snnр|e Г!сt сlnnоt' аnd Nj|l пever ьe rеfulсdl MуIilпdaf,сntаl рrnrсiрlcs havс ьeen гomulatсd Ьy ]nу сod, ny Раrс!ts.апd lhe ьufi af, jtу оln]с тulkьh peоple.

o П . , l п honс l An ' i , J Idd ьс t ' | , |еo . ih . гL| , .L , ] " , ' Г r r '

tjоis нow wclr ве eоlng to desсiЬс tЬеse ехmоrdjf,ary сvents аndtьe rссерtiоn Mаryaпd I Nеre given bylhсpеорlе апd tlrс govеmmсnti|r тulkey? wе wоrc trulу unаьte to соmрrehсnd nlс сгfons оlsо maf,yреoрle. the пroпumentаl cоst tl]at was sulеlу inсutrсd. and tlre mostЬewildсrinв questiоп oIa]l] WtlY?

ll M cоuld not fiпd lhс |oei.аl схplaDatioпs, lhen hoв {ouldЬс be аьIс to mаke othes undeбiаnd? вut lhе пeNsраper аnd magа.zine aaiс|es lnd рj.nrсs. sаid nall, ourfiaf,у юlls ofn]п llldеve|nllеd ha.l re\еJ]eL] соn!lБ \с|y rh( no1цJl rrut.haFPсaсd was fа| ьeуoпd ordinаry cоinсidеnсе and !s а nтn]t i м'аsьюughr |aсe lо lасс rvitlr nrу desliпy' and thаl Nаs /o s2с,k,l.1ele,!eo| lhе Turkish FoРlе wil|1spcсiiс atteпtion lо ihс тn|kьh.Алneп|anьn|с. mу hu]nь|e еft..ns vou|d strile 1o E|utс lhс Аr,mсnlап aL]еgatjоns aваi|Бi the тurkish NаlioIl, rrhilc at the sаnrе limo rсvеаling rеuьiqunous Гmud рсФctmled ьу the ̂ rmсnian сo.геligfunъls upon lhсpсoр|е, lhе hъtory. аnd thе сultulэ оl.ollоmаn тnlkсу a5 !'еl| ns tъc

тhis wаs поl tо ьe а simPle спdсаloц nr laс| n cоu|d рrоvc tobe dlncеrоus fоr mу sаfеt} as n wi|l Ьо dсsсriьсd later ln thь .Ьaрlсr'весausс thс рhmsо,,1am сa]|ed a Friелd oflЬс Tu*s,..had bоgun wtrhtЬс тuгk]sh mеdia. tnr authоr ьеg!п lo idcntil-v himsсlгas a FrieЛl o]

wсll, , Nlrat поw? тhе xtrtllol Ьаd his identitiсatiоl Ьаd hьdestiпу reveаled to him' and lrе lnd hь wifсwеrcei!сп a rесeрtiоnthс1ikеs ofNhiсh wоuld Ьс plапred оnlу fоr, tiеad of state so.'. bul,',ho! dо уou ьеginl whаt is yоul рIograп. уoul dоcl|nепtаtloп. yoursuрроtivc olвaпizatiоп? Wъom вil1 уol сonlaсt fi rstl

тhсsс wеIе lhе queslions to Nlriсh I had Do !пsRes' мy,,p'!'emm.. яas in my lrсadi \nу doсlп1ёлklioп \еrе tьe laluaЬlс tiсtslсагnсd fго nу f,оihсr (се|1аnrlу fal |юm,dсqпаtс) аDd as f, аs mу..organjzatiоп.. al thal timс l had ollу oЛe с]ose тDrkьh fricnd. aпdtьll ваs Mr, таrik вulut'

вutlhе rеalNоrk Nou|d ьеgiп NoW

TIэ,rrl'Ь N|ut bс тold ьy [d}grdтrыlji

Not lo Ьс rоdlndaпl, mу ьеliefwxs thаl а D]v]ne iпteп'entiоn]фр . . l d Рd ' ' ) п е , . еD l i о l o l , , о s ' o о , 1 ) i , \ o ! о | . с а 9 j tmапil.о*cd oпe dау rvheп аl our h.fuё iп вaysidс. Quссns, аftcr ourrelum Гrom тurkсу. our dоor be|l 0пg !пd it Nаs Dr, zеkiUуgur;natu.гallу wе wе|с overjoуеd Dr, UуguI, а Na!а| offсor' hаd ьeеn ьIouchttо our hоmс Ьy hь сIosе friend Dr, okby^kkёnlshcn he (Аktcnlаndllis wile) Ь.d been iл st, A|ьаns lоr one уeаг TЬal i|ritiэ] meeljag hдdtakеnplaсe ьelоrc ourttiр l. тu.kсу. WelЕd ьссomс сlose iiieпds ande!еnlLLаl|у zсki aьо ьесame my,(.'/e'u, We ьad visiled lhe Uуeпrtil]n]|у rvhj|e wе wоrc in ]slaf,ьU| dunпg oш fiБt visn. ! whiсh tiпrе\rc ]Yсrе told hе wаs P]аnnine lo wоrk in ihc Unnedstates. zеkiъ wiгe.Aуlв. and thсir ltvо sоns Ьad remаined iп Istаnьul whilе ]Е sссшuu|еsidсnсe hete' Alieгlhс rсturn oflЬe AkkспL and вiiyiikiiЛаlfаm]liеstо тurkсу, $с hаd Lоst сoпtвсt wilh Dr Uygпr, нь t]nrе and cncrвiсsryе|t соnsDnеd *'nh eslaьlьhiлg his ficdiсаl posnion вitЬ а nosnilа]аnd а hопе lьr his fапi]y'

zcki wаs а highlу tspесtеd nеuю$tgсon who сou|d havc oЬ.linrеd a Positiоn аl,лу plesligious hоsрitаI anywhегe in the Uniiсdstаtоs, вut hо had no way ofknоrvjne hь.ъoiсes had Ьсen inflUcnссdbу л'' destrny: he oЬtаnrсd x рositiФn iп аNеw York hоsрitаlrnd ёslaьlished ЕsideDcе in вaysidе (! lеп minutс Nаlk lros our hoпe), m]Yhiсh wс лаd Ьссn ljljng siпсe 196l' lf}с hаd l]anned il thаl sау, itn1о* likеlу rvоuld Dot lrаvc лаlсria|]2cd, ьul it wаs al|р|саfixnged Ьy asфllеr pоrvеI' Fоr Ьad ii not Ьеen for our гIicлdslrip аnd o0rprохiпrily.thе пехt рhasс of m]r dсsiinу сould not have tаkсn р]аce]l vilble' aс.ti!е. aпd sucсcsful тurkьh.AmеIiсan sоcial organizаliоn, сal|еd iheAnаdo|u сn|ь Dr. zеki Uysul sPokс to Us rьout lhe oгeaпizаtion olwhiсh hё rvas a nremьеI. аnd invitоd !s atteпd а lоrthсomine sосia|fuпctioп sЬerс wс wоUld bё jntroduced to tЬr mcmьс6. тhet *'оuldЬе по posiЬ|с mеlhod lо dеsсriЬc my.jol: shat l greal lеaр fтon опedсаrтUrkъh Гriёnd toan еntilt orgxn]zaljоnI

Аs i| thаt Nаs not miraсDlous епоugh. wheл l lаtсr |eafrеdl,,z.i,' тar]k was an1eфьerоfthe sаmсAnаdо]u сlub.l ьaо Deсoпессnniсn|ly olеiоyed, Wс Ьad аllended thс.uпсtioп. sрeаking тurkisъaпd пradе to fee| !еry Bclсome' I aрplied fol mсmЬеБhiP and *'a5unaппnoпsly асссprcd' тhus, nrу iiolвалizаliof,'' ъad ьeсопre a rcatitу,


тhетruш мЛl ьс-гold ьуЕdtrdтБhji

тhс Еnglish Nord Гor Anadо|u is Anаtо|ia. and iЬ translаliоnЬесоfuеs,.fu|l ofmоtlreБ.,,]t сoпld Ьс сonsidered m lпun]al пait 1ortlre Asian rеgiоn ol thе тurkъh hоmсlаnd. Ьut it lYas mo$ аррIoрпa10Ьeсаusе duling iG аncient hьtorу mаnу m]|narу сопlliсБ tоok the

,oune mсп апd fltЬes inlо Ьаn|е aпd all thаi was lеn ьсьrпd sаs alaпd Ф| grieving notlrеп Nof,с Wаs nrо.c delrnxting lhaл tlrе Fi*twоr|d War whсn thс тulkъh peoрle t.aсcd апnihjlaion аndlhеdеstluсtiоn of the sоvereigaly of dre тulkьh Nat]оn, Ilьlorian5 ьavе dсvotсlJthёn attсntioп to lhe sulтсring of се..aiп Pe.рlсs. totаllу dьreeаrdn'gthe trjlljоns ofтшks вЬo hаd рerishcd, вuL let Us lспfп lo tlrс сulluвlогgaпizatiоn.lfiс AпadoIu сlL'b',''

N ' | ' t | ' kсо| 'е ' so , i c , r , | ,oL , Io , l o l . J п ,o , \ с o r r J , i , Jtioп of аррюrinаlely fift' faпrilies. mаjnъined iLs сull0ml апd religiоus Lndnions ьу р!$ing onto lhеiгсlrildrcп thоir рldc rn t|rеtr anс.}l.aI hеrillge and lаnguaее. вujIding Ьonds olflie.dsъiP willl oll tеl]оцAmеriоаls апd оrсаting сlosel Elltjоnshiрs ьеtweеn 01с Unitcd stаtеsand thо RсрuЬliс of тurtet, hзd ьeeп afuоne our plioгities. тhc сn|Ььесafiе inсorpоlаtеd aЛd tъo вoаId of DiEсtоБ sclc.ied tlrеir,'Fri.ndо| тurk'' t. Ьc thе Reсording sсс|€laту fol thс сluЬ' wЬen |etreБnссdсd tо ье rvrittеn, |.d рl €pe thcm. аnd wЬсп requenеd.I'd рIеpaleIeltes fоI oш Presjdcat. Dr, нilmiкodamrn' тUrkish nаLjona|апd Iсll.gious no|idауswеre сеlеЬratоd Nith ouгmcmьсБ аnd guesls gathсringrоsctlreг' lnd onen nolаьle speаkсв woпld пrlke sleeсhсs реl1iпent шrhо сveлt ьeiпc ссlсьrаtсd aпd сопnenomtсd тлe ]adiсs. ьIаnсh ofolr сluЬ a|waуs worked !aу ь! яitъ рrcpxliDg fоods аnd tlrс паnyaфngеmcnts nесe$ary |оr x suсссsfu| lnnсtion, Duling our tltiосп

J !а , i ' с l ' o r . . \ | . ь | ' , t eс | ' ,o , \1 -о . 'd {о ' do lъ , ' ' 3 , , : .

tanсе: ьу kays of fоod ptpared Ьy MаIу. ьy sсlting-uр. as rvе j д\ о0rnnanсiаl supPofi. In аdditiол. уou micht rcсаl| ]ny desсriFlion of jnу

fuusiсаl ..саreеi.during mу youdr; il p'ovоd to Ье ьcлсfiсia| in оUIсIuь' Мr тarik вulut hld nссоmрaniеd our gr.uр dшing.ru!сa| !сFfоmlnсes. Wilhin lhс ̂ лadolu с|uь' аdeа| ftiепd, Мr sait тiirkeiiсii,lrad рlaуrd а stringеd inslrumспl. апd .lrс aulhоr NitЬ his dгun1, оurлusiсal оlГоrings wеIe al]v"уs wсl| Icсе]ved As thс уеaБ passеd tуmу joу ne!сr lсssenсd. alas thоцgh, sоmеthing sls mssine: r,al с,

/o|6, My гrсqueЛt фeесhсs {еl € аlwaуs reсеivсd with Еsoundjne aр.plausе. ьпt within пe thcrс $аs l !ojd: I fеlt lьrtthсE was muсh mоlс


Бt ьс тold ьyЕd}*dтsЦi

Duing tЬе еnsui|rg yclБ, whilе I сonlinuеd пy eiтогts Nithnrthe AnadolL| сIuь. nlmсrоus сvсnls o| sigпifiсдnсе toоk р|асо аs mydevohоn to thc тlrkъh реор|e rеveдlсd itself dtough work аnd о]тссlivс сft.ons, тhс |ollowiпg ате ьut а lеw ol thс mаjоr oссurеnсеs wогlhу olmenlion lrele, аs l Irвltt I аm .omрсl]еd lo omit manу evеnlsand pеорle witЬ whоm wo hаd mеl duпna ]nу еallyуeаБ огeгfort:

], ln tЬe sumnrсrofl'68. вhi|c I wаs а dcPaflfrеnta|пanlgеrаl the соnrmodore t]ote|, in Nсw York сiry (todау the Gвпd нуanttоlеl staDds in ils р|aсс)' l hаd аftanged a рrilate nreetine Nith а dь-t]nguьhcd mclnЬcr о|lhё тurkish Ameliсап сom|nuлilу. Prolсsоr таlаt наlmxn, }ho a lеw 'еaб lаtеI had Ьeсoлrc тurkсу's fiNl Minъlerоfсu|lure For suсh a Ьighly lеspeсtеd gеnt]сmаn] whо ьad liо]vп пreon]у thгоugh пуNrilines.lо eive hъ lime was fоrmеaп imпeasulaЬlе

2.l ье]iе!стu*сy ь tlrс оnl! сolalry iп lhе loгld wЬiсhhas alrоlidaу nаmcd .сo.uk вn}aпri.оr сhiLdrcпъ Daу. а dxу оfjoу.usсeleЬdlion and gin givi|rg, тhouдh tnс усarsas not reсorded, onсе oпа holidaу' rYhiсlr ь е!еry Aрri] 2зli, thё Aпadоlu сluь had a paflу folаЬoUt гоr1у сlrildrсn wh. rосei!еd giIь frоm a сlown Nho e]rаtсd innis сolorful аnd сoniсal соstцmе спtеaaininв thс childrсn aan раrсnlsдlikе, Uпфпеath lhе nrаkо.uр аnd lhе ЬDge ФUnd red поsе, wls lUЛca|tет |hao aa| t\,iеhl о|ihе hЙl,

з. Aftcr our rсtum lioп тuгkеy' nrу nБl Prоjссt вas lо Nntе a|ettеr lo lhё Presideпt of тulkeу, ссvdet sшау' My |оncr ol.рrolirundaпd lespeсtЬ| gтаtifude hэd to Ьc рuЬlъЬеd in тUrkeу(l am аsuming),Ьecause mу loпв |cttсr wound uр in lhe пelsрареr,4,?,eлia' n.?o/7./,whiсЬ ь рUblьЬed iп вostoп. Witlr по сommсntarу from tъс Еditor,my lenсrъad beеп re|eаsеd in ils enlirclу, тhс Еditor kaея гоr сёnаlf,(ьe reaсtioп that would fоllow

тtе ы iа .o 'dс ' м ' |o lo l ' | .тhе follо*]ng issue ol lhe nеwsраPeг nr Аuglst оf ]970. in.

сLudod lettcs lrоm the readcБ rvhо erргesеd Еplвпlпt stаtсmсnts iлlЬеrr letteв to thе Еdilоr ] wаs Ьranded a .,kaitоl. tо ]ту рeoplе, to'getlrel witlr !еhdnеnt. hatсfu]. aлddъguslinc phrases whiсh wi]|nol Ьerсрсаtсd hcrе, sinсс I hadnotlпd пеvеINouId. s|ЬsсriЬсto xnyPпЬ]i

тhет ru ' i Nщ l k I o r d b ) Ed{ ! d тm ' j l

с!.оf, р|nnсd ьу t]rе Аmеnirn ,,hate merсhanls'. tlLttе ьsuсs оl lhеАrnел@п R.pano, di1] no| conjс nnо nrу Possesiоn, аnd tЬelefoфоlhеI IetlеБ wсrс nol аddсd to lnу сo1|eсtiоn, As lrun as l sas. my pо'

.1. on Jtrlу 9. ]972. a hьlоric сleпt look р!асо in oш lroпrс rnв.lsidc тhе ̂ nаdo|uс|uь hrdinlnсd мd sрonsorcd agr.uроt aЬоutllvсnry nrusiсi!пs and !.сx|ьts Nho rусrе resреctоd Drсmьеrs ol.AnkаrаRаd]о апd state sуrтрьont orсhс$Fs, to perlbnn in a fes сitiсs iп lhсUnilсd slаtсs whiLе iп the Nсw YоLL аrca' tьс grоlр was hоused intirе hoпes оlоUr сluЬ nreпrьeъ We Ьad a sрaс]ous guеst ]!oлr wlth aqueeл sizcd Ьnss Ьсd in our o7,ou,, hоmе, апd wе ofl.eфd tо hаvetwo hdiеs or gеnt]оmсn lо stау wilh us N1у mоlhel. who wаs |tvtr]gsith us. was аs oleiоyed аs we $сrcвheп tNо Г,mous vосаhsls we.e

ьoI а per]оd о| Гoп| dаys ЕIa Alln ,nd с6niil Akiп rverс оurguеsts aпd rvо Ьс.аnс sьleгan(t brоttсr iо lhеп. $ьilс olr molЬсr Ьеcаmс tЬeil ]оvlng mothсr Wе deсidсd 10 hаvс a n]alог *'e|соmс раnуi.асh nеnrьeI оl.Lhc сnlnt erоUр and thеtr ъosl fа]niIiеs rvcr. 'n!llп1toourъomс fol аn uпfоrgetraЬle dаy аt |еаslioaу роорlc in ourhugе lif,ьhеd bNеmcnt] аn enoпrous bulтсl with ftcsh t]orvere аnd tареБ aссеnting фe |cms, 0рon wlriсh t'ere mалy р]аlteь o|dсliсiо0s тu*lshьоnsi thс сolог sсheme was rсd and wЬitс] tъс Ьar $аs fi]|ed пnЬ rс.f l esЬmenEofсvеry lаne;a l , rgсsqt rarссakсs i lh^mсr i с .пandтurkish лags сngralcd with 'nulti.olorсd nlgаr. *nь lhс т0lkьh insсriP|iat Welсоnlе,,1лkоtа ]|аdio ou| hеl.\!.l L,rolhе|\ ол|1 :iaе]s| оn n1еlulntаЬLе I played а rссоIdnre оf thс тUrkьЬ Nаlional Anlhom rs сlе.ryonс stoоd аtaitcnlьn' аnd l P|lcеedеi to lnlur|fiвLa snallтUrknЬnаg. соntjnued willr iaгger Лaes, аnd аt the cпd l hlgc тulkьь Лagtoпсhed the еfuоtions ог пanу оl оUr gucsls, li.']. e,,O/й,./ l/l.!,n,tj tlrсrс ьсrе lеas сveryl'heге тhсsс сoпsшmate льls whоЬad perlоmrсd ьelbre ъeаds of state aпd noЬihy Nс|c ]n а*'е tоr thспr!пnеr ]n whiсlr wе Ic!сa|od o0l ]оvе lоr nrе]t] blt thс't wаs .uethat\'oUId lоUch thсtr hеаas.

гaсl ъ' lhсsс wеIе dьtiпeuьhed рсoр|e, tа|eпlеd аltБts, wlrояere lоvсd аnd вPрlaudсd Ьy сonпt]еss audiеnссs iD orаnу соuntries'Wou|d ilьc possiЬlс for us to enlсrl.in suсlr e\Pcпсn.сd prоfe$ioпllsоГ.lаsiсаl and соntсmpоIalу тurknh mшс]


тhстtud'ilruibe1оldьr ldMrdт!!\ii

liпt l rcad a рiсраrcd slalепlепl nr тulkъh ofсoпNс. аnd аt itsоonclusjоn. to|lowed bya rеsоuпdin8 аррlansс, Мr' Klnu Paуаыr, wьowas lhс fiale loсаlъt лd diЕctоr. skсd ilhе с.uld hаve ! рage fгоmlvhiсh l ьadjust Еad,1сol|d not rcГusо hjm and as a result ] hаve nо. J o ) o I o ' \ а a ' v e l o r . ' . | \ . ь J | ( | i l g , A I i Е , i п , r 1 l . i г ' , сrvаs tо fоl1оs] l dimf,еd tье lights вnd sеated mуscIfneхl1о оur rес.rdрlаyer holsed iп a wall stеЕo u Мy d|trm was bсsidе пe. oп theЛoor, as т iпtrоducсd оur..рroerаm,,, our gucsls hcaгd а reсоIdnre о.Мiddlе Еаstеm nodс, аn inslrunenlll ofgmсen]L and ыorv mеlody о|nNsLс, and as thе musi. рllvсd по опe aпliсiраlеd whаt tvаs аboul to

М,ry аррсared iп tьe cеntеI of lhс loоm dresеd in a ьeаut]fu|be]lу danсе.s сostumel lllrаd Ьсcn sewn Ьy fry fiothеL luщuоьe inсоlоI. а !еil wilh a crоwn abоve i| and агouпd hсr\'aьt Nаs a сnа]a oГeоld сo|ored сйсular disсs whiclr aсcепted he| mоvс,nсnis, ЕхPrе$ionsofаslonъhtrenl wеIе evidеnt аs сvсq]оno аpр|aцded, As we ьаd Е.hеmеd n, Mэrу kсрt lhс vei1оver her ьeiut]fuIlaсe untilthс sclссt|оnсndсd тnо. lЬc sссond roсогdjng follоwed: а |ivеl]r. rh'1лm'U. ornсe|nstпmcntаl' I Plауed lhе dгuпr as маry pcfоmrсd Ьсr mоvсmсall in0nison !'ilh lhe rhуlhn, whi|е the dаnсс соniinDed. Marу rеfio!еd ьегlеi]' ond дgаin as р!апxngсd' danсcd towaтd an eldеrlу gentlemапwhoNаs cЬosеn to rccсjlr thе veil аnd as shе aрprоnсhеd hmr. shс bс-eаn lо rvraр her!еil aюund hь |reаd тhь ь соns]dеred as а gё{Ure о|g.od пatured rсsрсct, мarу hаd danссd |orthntу n1inulеs noп stoрl

тье progrа|n еndсd wiih еveryоne оn lhfu fеet, aрplaudi]rв.kъsiл8. and enrЬrасine ш' ourеfons !ев ! suрl €me suссеsslто slythat our guс$s Nеrе eхtёmё|y рlеssеd would Ьс undсБtxtсlnсnl'тhс раftу сame lo an еnd aпd оthеrlhaп ou| N'o Ьonse guе*s, everyone Efumсd to tЬсil Ьоmеs,

Еvоnnlаl]y oDr guesLs retumed to тurkcу and оur пeхt еnсo0D.lс| with thс Ankаra Rldio gгоuр ]vcs lo lаkе pLаcс fivс усaБ |ater, Anеlen]ag о|t.rieidshiр !пd lole ьetweеп pеop|с whо \уоrc nсeing ёaсhоlhФ lol lhе fiБtlijne. t]rus cndod witЬ mem.ries l{] ]ast a l]lctiпre, Asilьаd ьeеп ьetween оtrrрeoрlеs |or ссnluriёs in lhe тurkish hornе|and.аs n сonlinпcs lо Ьe. аnd sо n was on lhis daу iп оuIhonre,

t]oNеver' bеfolе we ]eavс thc rсmnrъсing aЬolt Rldio Апkaвъ lisit to oш honre. the followif,c neеds lо bё foеnt]oпеd: тьe daуоnr gпсsts had сome to our hоФс, lheу ьad given a соDcеlt in Nсw


1[.тrlt|' N|u* ьс тоld ь! [d!.rd lrJ'ji

York сnу, аnd аl its cоnсlusiоп' thеir Direсtor inгоmеd dref, lhlt lhсспtne grоLг hld Ьeсn iDvilеd lo tьe ho|ne ol'an l,,e,и, seveп|оfthе агtisЬ had ьeсomо skсрtiсxl aпd dren сопstenаlion wxs сmphaliс'тhс c!спts as ьriеflу dеsсriьed аЬo!с. suleLу ьrоugЬl cоm]nn аnd.loуl. fienhсlns FiDа|ly. ьeiolе lhеу lctопr homс, tlrеуdeсjdсdlо |ёаveus a'.h!tn'. (lсmсmЬrапсс), Еaсh memьеrsigned tьeirxulо.qврh *'ilha ьrieГпсssacе' uрof, м-o |amр st]adеs рlaсеd oi olr сnd tаЬlеs, тььmagninсоnl eхрl €sioп o| lhёir |o!с lсlnаins in р|aсe iп our home,siicс thсn mапу оthel Ьопoraьlе guс*s hаvo аьо lсi1us this sупrbol o|affсс!оn аnd Ьюihсnюоd,

5. тъс усar lvas early 1976. wheп a meп1bёr oflhс Anxdo|uсlпь аnd а deат ti]еnd, Mr |sk.ndе| Nесel lrad iпfoln1сd mc o| thcaftjl,l liол тurkey. ог a вrоup of уоung I.оlk dаnссls $ho Nеге to tоurselеIаl Аmсriсan сniсs, юlowiпЕ of my ро$lion аl thс соmmоdoЕноtсl.lrc askеd ilheсouldsecurсrооnБ. atа lеduсed гalс' lnraьоut]5nanсes aлd nreil еsсofts, Mу lеsponsс оLсousс lrаd Ьееп аffimnliveaпd l гr.сссdсd lо coпtaсt tЬe геsеп,liоn, hоUsс*cсPi|]g, aпd lоььуdеpar1men6' lоr аsjsiаncе i|r ехрeditiпg lhсir аtri!аl nrto 'rс holе]'тhс nесessary апалgсmeats mаdс quiсklу, vIP slalus ,sicnсd to thecnlirc eLоUр. tlritceп гоoms $ere imрcссaЬ]у сleапеd. aпdjusl ЬсtьrcsсЬeduled апiva|. рitсhеБ of iсed \ratcr ani f]oNсls wеrc plасеd incасh roопr' вullhсrс was o!с otlrсI cхрIсssioп оl.wel.onc to оur sрeсix| .qucsts as lhс з7 у.une mеn and 9omen entered lhcn rсsрссlncrоoms. оD nrе dlessеr lьe' ln!f,d а lсl1сrо|rvсLсomе addrёsedto lhсл]

тh,t welсоmс Lсner' rvnrcп bt mс. tоgсllrсr with the Pasе О|guest пап1еs lnd rФom nunьeБ rсmaiп iп fur гоsesion to drъ dау

тho fo|lowing nrоЛriпe I had brсaklаst plераred lоr the еntireafuuP, and as thсy \yсrе rYеlсoпеd ьу \'Ir Neсеl. hc lntюduсеd t|re rulhortо оur yоuпg гoоFlе, Addrсsinвlhеm iп т!rkьh. | |rxd idепtifiednrysсli mу ЬaсkgФund. and Ьriсflу. tlЕ сoпdjt]oпs undor пhiсh mуPаrсnls hаd lefl lhеil lsпd ofьnш' тЬс|t ь no пеed to desсrjbе hсrс thсo!спrhсlmjne emtinldе of the grouo af,d n]сil tеarnn еIplеssшns о|al'сctiоп and rеsрeсl |or thь slraлgеI $ho hаd ьeсomс tЬeir,!i,De](oldcr ьr.lhс0, нowсvc|,lhе пeхl сhарter оithс |;oтЕМ erоup пrun

тhстntЬ мшt ьс тold ь,. [dwird TкЬji

Ьс rcсordсd Ьcrс. Ьсcаusс n descr]bes bеуoпd aпу quеstioD а quiпtessennаl dislnсt.п ьеN!еen a рh]|osoPhy оf|o!с аnd ьаte,

гoтЕМ $вs dre аььЕviаtеd nа|ne in тu|kьh whiсh dсsсriьсdthе folk.danсе gronр whiсh lrаd rcрrcsсntсd т0rkьЬ fо]k]оrc аnd tirlkmusс Ln mxnу сoшtilеs] and this *rs lhей fiпl tо!г ]n the Uпiledstatcs' oл A!ri] 8' |9?6' FoтЕМ ьas !ьоut to gilе jts fiБt рroemm аtнunte. со||eeе. iп Neв York сity, тlrэl еvening wilh my wilс andmotЬе. sеаted in оUI сar. we dlove towxrd the сo|lеge lhеatёr As *еaрpюасhеd thс со1]сeо. wс Ьсаrd ]оud shouling voiсеs !пd sаs уоuпgindividuаь рrotсstine the рсrlоnnanсе sitь their рostеБ оГ antiтur*ьh rhеtoriс' Rhi]е wa|kijrg п a сirсle at thc пса|ъy сnt|xncс, tltrovс vсry slowly, ьIing the саI tо a sорjust а few yаrds аwat iiоmlhе Aпnеniaп mьсIсаnts, aпd sрсaking slowlt аnd сleаnу. shoulсd jл^|mcniаn thс lоllоwing: ,.You sfrеl]y docs' go ь!сk tо уоuI homesl..

тЬereRаs iпstanl panic iп oul cari mу nothel аnd wile we|с on' ( ' ! | j еo l ] , , с , i ' " \ , , , с , ' \р . . сd . oЬс . ' . . (d t . r , lф . , , ,ыat shосkсd xs thсу с]еrnу undе6tоod frу eхр|etive' вh]сh *'as laгmildсr thаn lhсу dсsс^'сd' ьut lо сalm tlrе ladies in oul саI, ] drovеtntrrrd nnd lФсeedёd lо sеllсh for a puь|iс eаIаgc, My ladirs wcrоreluсtant to Еtun tо tЬе silе оflhе dеmonstmlioл. Ьul l мd аsurеdtlrсm tlrсIc l'аs no пccd to wоry, Му wоlds wore рrolen to bс сoфсtfor аs Nс aftivсd at the theаtеr еnrаn.е' we пohсed аliwas qu]еt,5еven| ol.ош уоuпg тulkish pеop|e werе stапding neаr lhr sleps, аnd thеsjdewа|k wаs strcwn witЬ thс lom рlaсаrds !уhiсh thс Armсniаn ..hс

юes. hаd suп€Ddered bсfоlc lhсу rln awаy,тhсthсalсrwаs fillсdto саnaсnу andеventually t|re lighls $eЕ

dimmеd аnd аs the musiс ьеgаi' tЬe сunajns юsс aпd the fo|k daпссгsaрneaEd |ro]n еnhеr sidе ol. the nаsе сaгrуiпg LigЬtеd cаDd|еs аs wаslhе сustоm in tlre dаnсe flom si|iflrс' тurkсу' всГorr ihс two grоuрsmet at the сealer о|thе sagе' а largё f,ufrьer оГреoр|е from t|rе aud]enсо. scаlоd rn thе l.roпl (lws! stood uр with loud loiсеs ofв|alпr' In ashon fimс tьс сausе of dre dъfuIьалcе Ьеcаmе notiсeaЬlе to е!еlyonсod]е. than thе рсop|c scаtcd in lhс rcаr oflhс lh.аlcr' It vas а рUlridodо| , l 1 | \ Jd Ьеe| ,е |еx ' сd ь ) , ' ' ' l Ь ' n . гъ l , d h) c t r , t d . rlrldсs whо hаd ealered wilh lhe аudienсe' тhе dьtulDarcс ашsсreams о|iiighl i]rсгеasеd aпd it was оьvions thс sinlatiоп wэs to ьc.сonrе a dьаstel, Wе lrad Ьeen scаlсd in tnc сcntсr oftьс аudiоnсс, аndаs I stо.d lр, l lоld mу Lаdics lо rсfuain ii theil sсаls. theп Iап torуaгd


тЬстnih ll 'ud ье т| d [l tdtird ткЬji

ihс stаge апd пadе пrу $aу bасkslаgс, вy lhь tnnе аl!the dаnсеБ had]оft thс slа8с. nrаny olthe уоuпg gnh яere оrying and сеagln рandсmопnLm wаs lЬout to eпрt тherc was no sау оl Гоrсsсcnre tlrс rсsu|tofm} aсliоn' bцl somсnting lrаd to ьс t]опe lо reslorе ordеr'

ln a loud vоjсе (and in тпrkьn) I ы]ouled to t|re уoцng Форlс.,,Kids. do rсfum to dre slаge] I]еasс сof,tinuс rуilll уoш pгоgrаlnl DoNoтаllоs lhсmlо dьпtpt уour prгfоmanсe' remembсrуоuа|t Ieрreseпting тurkеу! Retum to thс $авсl..

тhе jnusiс had bёeun. ]iN а Гerу апd thсп thс спhre grоuр оldаnссБ rеlit tlrеil сandlсs, k]ok theii роsitions. and eDteled the stagс.тhe a0diсnсc. sсcijrв ihс rеtuпr ol lhе Pert.ormсБ Ьegап to rеlum tot]rеir sёаls, \уitn сontnnLоus and |оud aРрhuse lъr lhe сou|n8е of theуouпg Pсoр|e' And thсlс Nаs о|]e i]rd]!idual backstаgс, sсаtеd Ьy ьnn.

Indсed. on tlrat dsy' in Ncs Yоrt сilу, Ьаtlсd hаd beeп dе

Aiаs. yet oлe other dreаdfu| oссuп€псе was lо dсvaslаlс thсуounc mеn and ]YomeD oг thс FoтЕM grоUp Du.ng lh Per|оmanсс h nunоrons сitiеs ofthe Unned statсs.lhe тulklslr вDd Апenс,naud]enсеs hrd reасtсd to уounд fоlk danоcr' рсnъanаnсс wltlr rеsоunding аIrрlausс тhсаlсr сriliсs nr thc media had given m.* tя!оr'аЬ1с rcviеws ol tЬеtr tvo hоur Pсrfоmanсеs, тhе lаsl сitу in whi.ht|ty had аn сngаcсmеnl Was вoslоп' !Iа$a.Ьшсns, i]рол hcariпg оj.dreь lan destjnаlion ьсlorc tlrсil rеfum tо Neв York сiгy and lheсопnnоdоrе нote|, negati}t lhоuвhts епteled nу mind t ktоw thcBоston аrеa ь!d. aDdsrilldoоs, а |argc Ar,nrслlзп сопrmuni}' аn'] l xп.

onсe аeаin mу p|€moпi tioп Provсd iо Ьс сoшесt, мuсЬ рuьh.ity hаd lnnounсcd lhс роrfоrnrзnсс aпd dt ArmеniДn л,,,i?лsl.n]monslеI оl lratc oпсс aaain rxisеd its nсad and pe bmed iк lg1уdeеds' тhс t|rсаtсI where the prоgnm was to t.kе plaсс began b re'сeive рhоnс .а1|s апd wlittел пesages vhjсh tnreatcnсd to ьonrь thetheatеI duriпg tho тurkьh рcrfоrлaосе' тlrе lheаlоr оwnсБ nfоmredtЬо poljсе. the pюgram dirссtore. аnd lhе sponsoб' тhe сonsen$Б оtalLрlrties сonсеmеd Ьаd ьeen to сa.сel thс рсrfomrапсе. Мany in lhсgroup rvеre dеvаstatcd xs сaсЬ уouпg indiv]dua]sas lпaЬle to сoпрrchcпd suсh rnan]!са]hrtrcd, ноrv cоuld theу,lhcу ьad nоverЬсс!taught

тhе тrulh i{d ьс тold bI Еdтtd fshjl

тhus, а !сry suс.сsslirl LnP o|cu|tulаl рeгfomraпсes еndеd оn asld nоteьrоughl uроп ьyArпrепi!п hatr лrсrслanls,

on the nехt nrопring, n]|еd witЬ dcср sorюN, thе entfе erоuр.etulпоd to tlrе сonrmоdorе ноlс1 in Nсw York сilу' l had beеn informсd ofthс сvenls in вogDn' lnd at oпссtlrсwheеь ьаd ьeв!п fum-ing in lhс hcad ot.lh]s,,liieпd о|thc тulks'..

I rvоul{i Noт allow thь nrnoсeпt eronp of tаlсntсd yoшg Perfoпnе|s to fly ьасk tо тUrkсу with lho painlnlnemоry оllhеаboo]iпa.tiол lЬeу hаd wnnсscd in воston' М]' nrаEgу had Ьееп сагеfu]|yр|аnned,nd I cоu|d опly hoрс that thе сffolt would ьe $|сcesГul, тhсdаy lor thеirretum lо тurkeу had aп,i!сd.апd nr moшine Маry and]dгo!с to lьc ьotc|. parked iп a galаgе. аnd took wnh ls мo 1lof,swhiсh sеге lо ье ра|t ofmy st|nlсeу' At lne h.lelontQnсс I foсt lhсве|l сaрlа]n andrсquesiеdhер|aсёour]teпrs iп thе luggаgе юonr UпtlI

Мaгy lnd ] thcл оniсIсd thс loЬЬy, тhс loЬЬy was lаrgc bцl rvсyele аь|е to sсс mаnу оf lЬе Peорlе seаlеd ]n s]nall groups сhattngяnh с.сh olhсr whl]с lhe сhссk оulwere ьеing сonрleted, sеveml oflhс yoпaese6 aрlrr.aсьёd us' krssed us ]п тurkьh fаslrioп on |rоllrсhcсks. Nеvenhelеss, tlrе dьn€ss оn ihеi| fxсоs паs сlсany сv|dent' ̂sl |oоkcd inlo tлc сусs oгсa.h Ь.y аnd gi|lj thсn dьft$ рierссd frуЬexfi, Mа|y *ishсd shе соuld erlreк ъёr lёеljngs in тuгkъh' ьul the|ntlс sъe kneя al фal timе. did Еvеal hегlhoughls to nrс cюUP, тhоу

I prосееded lo visil еach ElUр of thо sсatcd yопng peор|e.tluеc аt oпe рlaсс. tпo аl аnоthсl. lоur с]scwhсrс' and l sal dot'п ьусаch and сvсry grouр aad hорed I *'оDld nоt Ьесо.1e ёmоlioпаl 'nysеlll sроkc to сaсh gro!р ihе ibllowiпe пessаge: a..dш. }?, /,dl.

".?\j|nеsеd 1h|s hеhafior i}l hn,kqj, )оl hа|е bесo|nе |ighlf'I! lpful|ъn пп1sl о|.t.о,1е !оu| .JЬot:s aлd rаlia lhа| Йis i\ 11е si|uа|iaп iлn,. Uлlc.l slаlcs' Ьc |tлnl о| wlr цo!1паеl1liсqn pa|ьnпапres аn.]hоf еaсh o| )au hos Ь|ouвh| hолar la olr TlD+^h hoп'еIол.I солsi.!a,|hе thоusапds ofpеaр|е' тlл,kьh dп.l Ал1еtiсал' ||hо\P hоIоtе.| !оu|nh lLh оуаliоns o'ddьсliol1, '1h.] аs bt nn,sе '|i1| 1л.1i|i.1nа!s whоrlkli|1huh-е.l i1|!hеh hеа \' P1q lr|п' ЬеLаlsе |hеу \|il| Цewt be|rее

МBnу ol]фe young Pcrlоrmcб lоld us thalin aufierons о|nesfrоm wilhin tlrо audiспсеs, nnny Amen]аns hаdаPpгoaсьed tъсm пitЬ, , . { "1 а | o od tе , o | ' , r i , а , ' J ' l 1 с \р , . no| , o i . I т ! . ' '

,,Whу shоuld it Ьс so diffсEnl jn вo{on aлd i|r New Yогk?.,

тЬеIe wasпo line йrlсngthу answеБ, so a]|I соuLd do w3siоjеs t ] i ch l |у : , ,MауЬе i lъnr thсwater , ,

тhen smilеs dc|ighted mу hеaIL In сo.сlusiоn. l nаted to e!сhglouр: ..Forgёlаl] unрlсxsanl е!еnБ and kсср iп yоUr memопоs Nhatyо | . е аьол 'о \ес а . J ' L ,x \Р , \ ' tо ,с | кееo | \ J l mе r . y i ' \oLheаds as our eхр.essioп ol our lo!с fоr сaсh огyou Мaу God ьlessу.u зll. оnrьeloved sistек and ьпnhо6I''

тhс tеarful сmЬncсs оl seраrаrion began as еаcЬ уoung$егrсасlred for his оr hеr ]Dgeagc мeanrvhi|е l huпiсd iO lhс ьoll.аPtai|rаnd nDding mу ьеlопgiпes' гфсосdсd to plоpаrc лу sulPrъё, тъсуoung рeoр|e nnaly ьсsan lealirrg thе lremisсs аnd Nhat thеу 5a\оUtsidе was a llrge тurkьt flag dmреd over tьe sidо o.аn c!сцltcЛtеe, аnd nехt to i1, !|aсcd оn а triроd, thcy пotiсеd a llrge posеl ilIth аmcsagс рIintсd iп тurklsh.

тъe mсssaве Prосlаimеd:.нарру аnd sаlс.]onrncy. our ье]оved

Whеп lhе bus was fillсd. fto'n tlrе side{llk wс hсard |oudvоiсеsshоutingfromNitЬin drеьus.',таs9r] та$qIj тa9aIl..

Rcреated]ytьеy сhantedоurnalne i|r тulkish ohуоs' I ьссаmcleryсmotioпal аs dre ьus slаrtсd lо movс,

вlt tЬо FoтЕМ сhaрtеr srs nоt yеt сonсLudеd тhe ьцs dсPдгted аnd as we cаtЬcrсd oUг роstеI and лаg, Marу and ] rctumеd tlоur саr and coфmef,сed ol| retuflr ьоmс. it Ьad lо Ье at |rxst fifteепminпtсs lаiсr, whilе wе ьеrе drjljag on thс Lопg ]s|аnd Ехрrc$$ау.funьеr ahёаd оn thс highNay in Lhe right lanc I noliсеd a ьus whiсhтeseпbled tъо оnс jn lront оГdre hote|,'

Atdrъ Point' I mlst dieltss ь.jeflу IoI]nanууcas I hаve. w]thstlоne cоDviсtioп. ьe]ie!еd tъat Dilinс Guidanсe hаs рфрared mс withaf, inсхр|iсaЬlе lоve Гor al] tЬings тUrkьn, то аsu]ne al| lhat hаs hар.рened js р0re сoinсidcnсе ь simplу nol рo$iblс fol mе to aссерt.

Lеt.s refun ю the hiehwаy тlrat a|oreпспtined ьus wаs аt а.о ' . i осmoеn| , |d|с ! | ' ' , L , tod , . i о i j , r |оa | 'ц ' , r . d .о lE .dепсс, l aссe|eratсd, Al lаst rve were drjljne aLonesidе tlrе ьus' оn its

|cn аnd sс sPonеd оUryolng реrГomers. Мaiпtairrijre the saпe sрсedаs the ьus' I $oulеd tо маrу, ..Quiсk. gеt thе nаel llold it oпБidс tЬс

shе ЕaсЬcd for tЬo flаg. I oрened hеr rvindo$' lпd ьold]ng itt]ehl]у. маry пf,funсd $е iag oulside the moviпg vehjс]e,

тhе wiпdочs ollhс ьus gоt сrоNdеd WilЬ thosс who hаd bесnseated oп its ght sjdе, We sаN sоmс aсtiviry Ьul сould n.l delerm]nеwhаl it was, тllеn. wc saN n' thсE n wаs: тheу гes]roпdеd tо our flаgьу lоwеring а sma|| тulkisь i]ag t]сd to а coldl lverуоle wаs walmвaлd as ч'е greele. eасh othel]Yjth оUr.cspссti!с flаes. nrс bпs enlоredlhе eхit, дпd сoпtiлued onto anot|rer rоаd xs wс rchainеd drjling

А heа|t{vаrminв mofiсf,l qъiсh сou]d nevel be foгgot!еп, ]Fdeed' onсс agаiп, hаlrеd hadьеепdefealed Ьуlоve,

6' Augnst оf |9?7 vаs lhе dale о| oц. sесoпd t]jр to our,!,z'?',, (Мolhсr|and), апdas it lrad beeп in l968. mу mоtller rcfusсdtо flу' тhough shе }€s stil]аьlc to tаkс сarc oflЕsсtti $с dссidсd оurseсoпd tгip would lasl fоr fоul weеks оn1}, our аnlj.jраljоn аnd eхсltсnrеnl wсlt сqшl tо оur lisl triр. аid аs пc aпjlсd аl lhe Ataturk^iФot in ьt,nЬul' яё |.сеd tьe saпе sсепar]o }tiсh had 8rcctсd usdurine our iiвl vЬil' oul foul fanriliеs togеtЬеI wii[ оihеr Pсoр|cercсlсd Us аi lhc airpon. алd onсс 3gain sс fасоd mоdia слtФs andmaa! qпе$lоns, Мy sиtemenк lhеn rёnегatеd пry Pоsnioп shjсЬ hasrсnainсd Inm af,d соnslаnt tьroucьout fie mапу уeаБ ог nrу wolk опьehn|fо|the тurkъh реoр|e and tЬе тurkьл Nаtiоп sрcсifiсаllу. rycare liling pюof of tье siх сепturies ofьюlhе oоd ал]oлg thc тпrkъh.AIлrспiап, and sуIiап ofilrodoх реoPlсs,

тhele ь no aеed lо dёsсrjbе in detaj| ourjoуоцs reuпroп wilhour l.аmi|iеs, oш visns to thе |nапу ьeaпin]L p]ассs iD |stапЬul, аndIiаryъ сonrрletе deliglrt in fieI lrоUlз ofshоpрing totr|s, нowсvсr. fi!сsienjfiсаnt сvоnls took р|aсс wЬiсh rс]nаins ]adeliЬ], rсс.ldсd in оurmс,.or]сs.tоRЬiсh I wi1lbriеllу rе|er hеrе]

!' опсс aeain nd,/af?, (mу ЬIotlrе0 Dr, oktaу сum|rur ̂ k.kеnl. hxd pеrfomсd thс пnaaаinablo, Nhiсъ only ъe сolld!сh]eve: weЬad bсen gфпlсd aп audieпсe witЬ ltъ Ехсellепсу. tье Pl €sidепt оl1|rетurkish RcpпЬliс. Presidсnt Fаhri коntiir( at hь sumfiс. rcsidсосs jnьtаnьul, With lrъ wiгe in attеndаnсе. tЬе нoпoraЬ|c нx|пk ваyiilkсn.

тhtтц6 \|0I hе тold ьу Ed!?d 1дl'ji

$hо wдs tЬc ехeсutile a]dc to tlrс lrеsidenl, honоred ns wnh hь сoл.

Panу, wе had hxd pesoпa| Deelincs with tlrе tloпoDblс вa]0lkenпrlnу усa|s аso nr Nеw Yоrk when hе hаd served xs тurkeуъ Pcrma.пеnl Reрrсsсnlаlile lо the Unitеd Natioпs, Wlrеn sс mсl аt the Presidеl.s rcsjdеnсе, sс сmьraсеd eaсh other аs iл lье fashion amоn8lhетпrkьh рeоplе Wiih Dr, Aklrcnt iп аttendanсс. l hsd given thс Prсsidеnr ]nfоmаlioп penlining tо my effoas 1vjthin thс Aпadolu сlub нrwas поliсeaЬl' xlfeсtеd ьу оur wоlk оn ьеhalfоlLhe тurkьЬ реoрIeтЬe ]Yamth ol.xnd lhе сoldill ёxсhаngсs Njth oul dnlincuished ьostsnl|ed us $ith Unfоrgenаьle nrеmories.

b. Aпothe.one огDI Aknспt.s suссessсs was hаvinc Mary a.dl invilсd Ьу viсc Admiml sаьahаttiп lrejn аs his 8uests foг ]unсheоnat rhe Nа!аl мiLjtarу тraininc Aсadeпу lосated at нсyьe]iadаsi. аnь|and lоcaled nсar lstaпЬul' we яеФ o!сNhе|пrеd by thс anепtioпаnd yaшtlr oirЬс Admirаl, оffiсеrs' and thс Na!аl репoпnсl AttсrаГorn1! 3nd dr|есвьle ]Dnсhсon. Nilь а mrgnifiссnt viеw ol. thсвоsрorus. aссomрапied ьу lj!с mu!с. }'e веIе g]!еn a l.Ur оt rhe^саdеп)r (hс AdmnalNas thе соmmandant), As ifthс с!сnls]usl rегсtrсd to Rerё not cnougь to fill оцr hсаns Nithjоу Фd аPрrосiэl|on,lhe ̂ dmiml ьad a suФrьс |Ф us laг ьeyoad rny ofоuI eхрeоtatiоns,Doсkcd ia thс harьol сlоsе tо ihc Аcadeпrу, s thс luхurious yaсhtwlriсh Ьad ьeсn usеd ьy фe Fouadсr oflЬе modеm ReрUьLiс ofтuгkеy. thс nnпronal Muslага Kеna| Аtatlrk,

Al1 аt опсе, a q0е$ion l rvill пever l.orgоt wаs дsked ьу vlсcАdпrnal Еrginl ..l|ow wou]d уФu likc tо vьit Аtali]rk,s yaоhl' the savа

ourjoу *'аs beyond оur aьi|iq to eхрrеss, ]LБt to ьe ablс lоsalk on thс lcselwlreЕ the аrсьitесl оflhеmоdcm тш,kislr statе hаdspепt tnnе, rv.uld ьe for mе апd Mаry an inпеasuraьlе sоUlсс of hар

Wc Ьoaldсd lье Admirаl.s реБoпаl ve$сl, wiш nle aссofiра.nying sсamea, аnd DI, Akkenl' Аtthаl liпе thе salaronаNаs nоl oреnto nre Puьliс and nаd Ьеen гestriсted lо с}сryonе оd1Ф lhаn heads ofslalе, тlrе ьсgUiIjf,e viсt'ofthе ьlLLе wаlсБ ог thе вosРоrus сопpLctedlhc 'nаgnjfiсent гoo]ns аnd lаcilities aьoard the vсssсl, Dunne thс cх.lепsile lоur оnе nеmoraь]с Фссuiiсnсc toоk DIасе аnd |ikе so mаn,otirеБ, wi]|rсmaininoUIпrе]noriеs lor as 1oпg !s ]vс hvo: as thc Аdmir,1 сsсonсd us iпto a beаulifullу |uпished statс юоm, Admnal ЕrgLn


тhс тntЬ :!ru* ьс тold Ь,. [d!,id тllЬji

iiggе*еd thс follоsing] .our leаder Kефa| Ataturk had sat ur tlnsсhani wo0ldn,1 уоu lilre tо sil iп,'s сhвiI-,..

l соnside.ed il !п hоnor l did nоtdeseNс' xnd rcsрondсd,,,sn' Iam nоt wollhу to sn in d]e сhan оf thс erсаt Mus1a|a Kemа] Аtaturk| llhank уо! fоr lhe in!i1at]оn. but l сannot aссefl it...

Y . . i t , e d , | \ | t с ' g ' j г f о | g с l i ь е т o r е i d ' ' , ' г o1 J | .

с. Dr Aktent aDd hь $ifc Aylа h,d а be!ul]|u| sunпeт hoпеoп thе Asiаn sidс ofIstanьп|' |асing tЬe вosPorus waleпay. Whilе wevisiled thе|n h tЬсir hoпе in DФgos, *'e wе.е tоld d]cil nсхt dоorneighьоr wаs thс rot.ed P.iпrс МnrъtеI. нь Еrсe|lепсy Nihаt Еr]m'Dr, Akkеnt tеlеphoпen hъ dьtiпguьЬed лсighЬor. аnd lequeslсd а les'minutes oi.ьis lnne tо пееt hь grcss f|om lhc United soles. As ilъi|rhеIсDt оf тUlkish hоsрihlnу. hс oxleпdеd us а wamr }elсоmе andtogсtlЕr Nith hь wifе' tсeivеd us jn hь homс' тлоy Nсrс deсрlyРlоаsсd as we пele' and Nеrе а|nаzеd аt mу aЬj|iry in sреaking тurlьh' тhь i|rfolmаl Уisit wilh lhс lъrmor Prifrе Мrn]stеI, Nihаt Еriп.ЕnaN аmong оur сherished nеfroiеs. We чеIe по heэd ofstаtс..oolficiаl, Ьuttothс т0r!ish neoрlе ilmаdе по difеIenсе: thеy rеаctеd tooпr lolе t..r thе тurkьh Natiоп.

d. wЬile rvе wclс stауinc аl lhе hоne of tа../ef/,7 Dг' sеиlral.lin вiiуnkiiпa] апd hь wife Ауhаnj a vсry sросia| eucn саmс lo vnitus: Еli Аllln. oпe о| lhe vоca|ьts whо hаd sxycd аl oDr hоmе in 1972'rYЬеn tnе Ankаm fudiоаtьвhad vъnёd us Itwasaп сmotioпa|rсuп.jоn, As вс rо|ivcd оur фепolies' Еla insьted we traуе|to Ankаrа for xrеuпioп тo ье aЬlс to mсct olr Ьrotheк rnd sъtе^ оflhe Аnkara Rд.diо gloup wоuld ьс а лоst d.sirаblе сVenl M!ry *'as gs eаgel1oI thе.ёunion !s l, апd ]vе promьеd Еle вe Nоuld 8o lо Aпkara lоr thо rcunion with as ,naf,y оl lhе cюup аs possiь|е' сontaсt was nradе *jthGdпiil Аkiп. Nho.d ьееn {itlr Еlа at oll hоfrc. jn |972. Joу lnd eх.itсmenl Prсvajled aпongs! alIolus we aссеPtеd G6DiiI,s in!itаtiоn toslay at Ьr| hоmс i. Аnkffа. Nherе mog o|our friends hаd thсn Еsi'dоnсоs. аnd,creed to eo to АпkаIд whеп Е|а vou|d lre thсrс aьо,

e. оuI vьit to Ankаra соuld lasl no mоre thаn thrсe daуs boсаusс lhс Кdksal аnd ваfui laфjliеs in Islanьц]' weE slil] wаitjns fоIour lisjt то ссlеьrаtе оuI геuпion witь thе аnъts of Radiо Ankаrа(fi\e уeaъ had ]rаsed sinсe tlre rесcPtion in our home)j oUl tiief,ds аr

8 l

тhс тrulh пlu{ ьr тdd by Еd*дrd тшhji

rlneеd a Ьоаutifu| dnrnel al !n ouldool lеsiallапt in lhё сenlсl ofАп'kаru. Wс $сrс оmЬIасcd ьу morе lhan 25 yоung mеn апd $оmсn WhорIосeeded tо teд us ]ikс юуа|tу. тhe еntnc gаthс ц ]nust have соnsistсd of аt leа$:]5 РооpLс аs maпу ofоur friends hаd brо(ght lhеfnаhs а]опg' тlre гсuпioп was magnifiссDl drе lbod, thс аtmоsрhelе.t]rс warfi lГlьction ы]оyпto цs' and thс musiсаl рlogвrn thеyрleрaredfо. us. ] aФ unablс to сonсlude this rcсоgnilioa ofonr ьeloved ]iiendsяithоut at lеast rсveаling thе idсntitу ofthe naФes I rcmсmьel, oursъtcб: GdnnlАkin. Е1а АLii|r'znhalтaqkin. sсуhап тiitiiп' senn ileri,our ьrot|reБ: кutlu Paуasli' нnseyin i|eri. сahil ljnуауlаr, тlranAlkin, ozay сtjпlijm. Еn1iл ,\ldeпn. onrап ozgediz. аnd ]llzaffel

I fеal tЬегe mighl be othсБ |сn ou{ and il so. I aрoLogtze tolheп jj.I havс оvоnоokсd then names, тЬe wondeful гсuпion rnd сvс.njnвс!]ne lо аn еndwth teaful eпьraссs o].scраlatioл, тhefо|lo*'incdrу wс |eIt Aлkala апd rcturnсd tо ьtanьu| lb. the сonсLusion огоцгseсond lriр lо тпrkeу гor obvioDs iсаsоns sрасe рIоьjbns mу rct.ггiпg evеn Ьnсnr' to thе сouDtless mссlines wilh пraпу fliendly рсo.Plе, оuг схрсriоnссs' аs wсU as the ехnm!]es оf nre mеdia со!сфgс oIoпr work ьcсomiпg rес.gnizсd Ьy thе gепегJl puь|iс

so. fiпaIlу.]Yitlr our sрlсndid mсmoI]es' Priсеlеss рЬotograрhs,and lhо llсs соvcrаeс i]r ouг Possеsiоn. Nе Pl €раred lo 0t0m lo lЬсL]nitсd slalеsnnal], пaаwarеогtЬe соuпtlс$ оf,dсаvoБ апd сhal|engeslhat Nс|t уеt to ьeсofic lhссhарtсlsоfmу |ifеъ Rork. thБ ь пy lnех

?. our rctuar hoпе ьгougЬl muсh gооd пеws to пr} fiothоr shorуаs !еrу proud.|the Nаy we hаd ьеen reсcivсd in ner hоnrelaпd вUlshе had а disnфing sюrу |оr L|s aЬout Nhiсh *'c hld no ]ntbrnЕnoп'our !ъn tо olr сnltulal aпd hьtoriсa| homс|and. logelhеr wilh оurwidсlу PuЬliсizеd cоmmсnts реftajning lo thс аntiтulkьh adivnies otthc Аflnепians in шc Unitсd states. hаd rcсeivedj 3s wс have sa|d' ехrсnsjvс леdia сoveвsс тhь inсludсd the Аmеniln nсwsPapeБ рuьlished in ьtanЬuL, iп whiсh numсrous afliсles hвd bcсn рrinlсd As a]€su]l aф wnilс \уе were sill in |stаnЬul, nrу mothel hld reссilсd а

рlroneсall fгопr a ladу гrjoпd ofоUIfami]у (an Аmсnian). and ina lur i .us , lоudvo iсеыrеhaddес la rcd: . .YouIsoпhаs]о(hьл i !d l . ,


т[.rhd' N|oI b. nid Ьt ЕdМrd тДьji

M! ьei.ved .юlhеr, lery пucЬ а|aшсd, had inqunсd. ,,Whу,

..Your сmzy son lrаs enlс|ld x mоsqDc аnd prауed IN lЬе

A momcnt o|snenсe had ibl|owed whilе nry orоlhеI hаd $ruc.glеd lо gаthеr hеr dюughls, shc tlrсп аskе.l гоr а reреatо|thсsl.lсmсntshe hдdjust Ьеаrd, ..YcsI.. саmо tЬc affimаlion' ..Yеs' ] leld n ]n drеNсw York ^nnсniаn nсwфaреr; n saуs уoul soЛ pгaУed IN а

Mу motherhad losl ЬеIlempelaпd shоutcd Ьаck:,,so WнAт?WнАт Is WRoNсwlтl] тнAт1Муson hnsрmycd ]n Godъ hоnеl

qfпу destinу had Ьеооmссvidоntto frе,tier olr liвl vьit tо тuтkеУ.then lЬcroсоU]d пol be апy quеstioп in пyIniпd lhаt mу cоnv|clonand dеd]сRt]oп wclc nоl' firmly and 'rcvосaЬ]у inslil]сd ]n m]' hcafr'my mind. аnd s.ul, our рfljсjРtj.n in lhё Aпadolu сiub сoпt]nuedаnd лу writlngs in slррorl oГтUrkсу oп а mulliLude оГsubleсts bе'оаmc my nаssiоn Al everу sосiB| luпсtiоп ofoul сlUЬ. рcоplc fromolher orgлizatioпs as wеl| as t|rе Fеdеjnlion ofтпrkьh ^meiiсan As\ o ! а l i o Б , \ o | d D . ' l , p J L , x ' d , о t | 1 ' l ' J , ц t , ' . ' г Б Jсonгсrсncс,l соnсet' or my sосia|,сtjlitу. vе had ьееп iпtгоduссd tоп1anу реoр|e, аll ofNhoп wele deeр|у P|еased ifnotсоnfusсd lhаt!п Aпneniaп сouplс wolkсd tnllсslу оn Ьсhxlгoflhс тllkьh рсoР|о

тhс тUrks rvсrс аsаm olmу bilter сondеmnatioD oГAnrепiвпteftоrъm rvhiсh mmi|ё{ed itse|fiп lье Un]tеd slalcs since l97з, wheпAmenian аssasiпs ьegaп jnufiеing тu|kьh diP]оmаls in lhъ сoпnlryапd пumalus сounlriсs аlоund thс wоrld of,с day а1 one o| ourlun.lnjns' t'ё we.c iпtrоduсed to Dr вedli сnlЬiizеr. vлo hаd Ьeсnасtivе nr thе тulkьh.AmeriсaЛ Fсdсmtiоn тhо rсcoФjlon ot фь',Frioad o.тurks'' hаn ьесоme Гaг ьсуond wьat sс соuld lrave fuвg'

М!пу wс had пrеt fог the fiгst tinе would deсlarе' ..l knowaьout yоUl l.vо rоаd аnd Ьсard nuсh аЬопt уо!r wоrt' уоu are to bс

Dг GnIьnzеI wаs onе оloul gеnеroUsly сoлр|]лсntary friеnds'Durjng our injtial iпlгoduсlioп' ]re askеd mе а qUeslion t.d пcvоr ьсcn

l.heftuinп{dьстold ьy Ed*lrdl.rshji

asked betъre: Would l dеliveгa speесh in р0Ьliс асIos thc UпnеdN,

l уas пot onlу suФrьсd. l was o!епYhelфed bу lhс sugeсst'oпoесx Jn l . o | j d еп . i J п ь c1o , | о аdd l с $ . , е т l \ , | ц ' P i . J r . . с .

тhr inlъmаtion Nas as follo*'s: тho Fсdсration. wЬiсh ]s aпumь|tl|a oгg!пizalion comрlьing ofзо olgaпr,ariоns' hаd рrcра|td atub|iс dеnonstalioD lо сoпdemf, Armсnian tспolъ|n acаinst inf,оссnlтurkвh diрlоmаts аDd сitizens. qor|dwidо

Аl thattimс in l98з, a total оlз5 тUlkishаnd non.TulkБh реrsоns ь!d ьeeп kil|ed wilh mаny moге ]njuгed. by a grouр оl Alnen'an..hаtс merсьапts,..whо рrofсsed to Ьe сЬIis.апs Wi1hotrl hсsltаnoп ]aсссFlеd tlre рlюроsalапd Ьa!jag nсvсr Drаdе a рuьliс sрeeсh iл my Lifеье|orе' l Ьcgаn lо сompоse mуsрeесh' thеftslPаn nr EпelъЬ, a.d lhсsесоnd iп тurkjsh тhс fоl|ownrg ъ the Епglish Forlion огmу sреесhdсlivсred оn Aplil 2з'"' ]93з. асross drс Uпned Nations bпildiDe nr

Аt thе outset' ] *ish tо схPres to the оrgaпiucG оltltis denrол.stlаtioп, my nrоst pюfouпd a.prссi.liоn апd glatjtudе for ertending loп]е lhc honш md рrivilсge оiaddresinc thь eat|reri|rg' NI} jnlсmst ntand my aifeсlion l.r тurtоy wаs iпdeed lье erllcn gin eiven to пe ьуmy Ьc|оved рslепls rvhФ |оftтurkсуоvеr 65 'сaь ago, тhс mаgnitudеofmу lоvc lог аl| lьings тur*ish савпоi ьe measured hсrc, but t аnrрroud tо sаy tnat аs an Aпrеriсan Ьorn. I lrаvс dediсдtеd mуse|l lо aliгelinc o|sсrvice оn ьeьa]fоf lhе тurksh Nanoп; nnпe has bосn аdiffiсu|t t!sk' whеn you cопsidег my atссstrу, Im ьоn оt Amenranаnd syrian-ofthоdоr parcnts, \упo сапrе tо Аf,eriса,s а resull оf1heFiist wоrld WаI, lolmaпу уea8I hxvо оPpоsеd thе posliof,.lInуАrmeniаn .о{e|igionьts jn theilDhjlosophy ог lDtе аgainst tьe тurkьh

рeoрlе, Letnеasurсyou, dre sсalwhiсЬ thеArmеliаn реoрle ьеaIъlhe sаmе sсar uроп nу hean and sоll, As т jnoum thс ]nno.еnt Апnсniаns Nho рerъhеd dцring thоsс dаlk dауs. l a]so fiolm with cquзLsinсФily' the loss оf ош тulkGh ьrotnes аnd sьtеrs sho suffеrсd un.lоtd Ьardshiрs Yсs, ЬrоdrcБ aпd sьtes bесаusс theу Nеге al| lhсchi|drсn of drе saфе laf,d. аnd thе sапе Dat|on.

ть € тruф \h( ьL тD|d bvЕdMrd тaЦi

тhis ьncilhеrthe liпe лoI the !|a.с to deЬate lhe events оfthatteйь|ё рeriod' вutdrь ь thс timc xndplaсс |оrme lo sауthеNo d ьWnness lо llrегеsu|ts оfArmeniаn linаliсьпr' тhe sсеd ofШtrсо Б rсsрoпsiьle ГoI lhе 6rutа1аltaсk lpoп тulkisь Ерrеsспtat ives $оr|dg idетhe тurkJ рat]enсе ь uпьelie!аЬlе тhеrc ь no nllioп' no elhniсgrоlр пhiсh wouldпоl rela]iаte acаinsthоse пhо sг]|Li|nrосеnt ьlood,тhe wol|d ]s aпrazеd and wondсc |оr ho$ loпg тurkey wil|сndпle inlhе sаvage аnаcks uрon our реoр|е' тhe пеws nrediа sссm lо bе сoп! е | е d ( i I r r . , f l J r J J ! | , | ] , d ' l я , | r d o l о , , , . r A ' п ' J l r ,ю l .ьln xвainsl a slаuпсh aIIу oftlre Uлilеd stаtcs' тherё must ье aп arсDаkпlhоr\ пo|е: o| |hЬ pоill ! hа.lPоnft|1 lо |l1е Uпilеd Ndliaлs Blil|l;лa), гш Йtjопal !пd сonstn|сtivс dьсоuБe' тhe сiviLjzсd wо|ln сriosoul ibr thei] end ofa|1lororьlасt]vitiсs'

тhс wсstem world' wilh AmсIicа nl рaai.Ulаr' kпоss veгу llt-lle аьout тulkсy aпd hеI tlue hislоry,l'fi prоЦd to s!у drat I hаlc lrrсnandwi l |сoпt iпuсtoьсараtо lуourh i (oryandсu l ture , гor t tc l ]yоDI аnr living рlооlofthе brothеrhood Ьсtв'ссn thсsс xЛсо{rа] I.Jпrjhсs'As it wаs lhоn, and as it ь today. i|r тulkсy, Lсt the ьatё merсhвпtsrсаlizс the тurkish !пd Аmreniаn pооplсs ha!с ьccn and rvil| Iemаnr

Nоw, wilЬyоUrindu|gоncе,l,d likе to saу a les wо|ds in тurk

вуpotiсe estiпаtе t|]еIе sсrс аt lеast fivе rhоusапd mспьcБ оftЬe тu.kъh'Anrericал сolnmшitу gаlhcred lьr thе реасen]L Ьut }ocif.erous deпroпsllatlоn My sрeeсh rёсеllеd сoлtiпuоls аррlatrsс' ьl1\ircn wilь сmphаsь I shoшed 'пto drе miс|орЬonс ''saз,/i t?,..?e'.|й],,(Му ьe|ovеd ьIothеБ аnd sislers), thсn thо rcsoundiпg o!аlionaпd еnrоtioп of tЬсsс gсntlcleoрIe, caused пе lо рxusc. xnd I.oпld not

ЕveDtulllу, I rvcnl oп i!тurkьhаnd at thе cпdо|с.сhsentеnсc] lold aрplдuse follоwеd, Al ihc сonс]Lвion o|пrу addl €ss. 50о0 vоiссsshоuled i|rnDison: тURKIYЕ!''

oпihсstаge l was suпounded ьy рсoр|о с]nьrасing me t]{lu|dil ьe liir lо аssumс mу siпgine soпgs аs а tсcnagоi prеpаtd ]ne lorlhь suрrеtrelу suссеssflll sрcссh? I mаde mу way tо drе Iеаr o1 lhеstaве and гоund x tоuлgлan' staпdiпg, holdiлg hъ sоn in Ьis arms] hсаррrоa.hсd mс. hjs liсс sоakеd witlr tеaБ, ''тhь ь my sФn. меhfiёr'.'


тtr тrulh мшl ьст0|d ьt гdit |вhjl

Dеерlу lоuсhса, l rсрlied in тurkьh' ,,тhaЛk уоu пy brolhоr,пr!у yo0| сhild ncvсr seё rhе tmgiс еvenls tlral olr Рarспc and emпd

wе .mblассd and Ьe rjерafled' l did nоl ]e!n hь nаnс аndmоst likelу вс *'ilIne!еrInссt agаln.

8,., f o W dоs iеr сo ! 1 d ье |е1.1| f а hlа ъ |e 10 Tu|k4,' oлe eуen|оlnrajо. $gninсаncс hаd 1о oссur bе|оrс mу лБt sрeесh vаs mаde |n

In сanу ]98] МI' Кull! Pаlxli (о meпьel o|tho AnkаLа Rаdjоanъts refetrеd to cа|1iс0. lrad соmе tо thе wаshi|rglоп D.с arса toplеsепt 0 сопсcn тhroпвh lhis vьil, hе andъь wiГе had ьссопrс.lоsсf.icпds оlDr, oiuz тuгguLlnd hь rvifе UIkеI. a vегу асtivо сoпрlе iптU|kъh'Аnreгiсa. aiъns in lhc state of l\'lаr!]аnd

KпnU сvidепt|у fiust Ьavо sрoken ехteпsilc|y aьoutns фrd a5 arcsult. *hеn h. .аmе 10 Nеw York |оr a.оthcl сoпсea' MБ, тпrgUiваDlеd tojo]n him aan Ьь l'ifе, sо lhlt she сouId meet tlrь,,lrjсnd оfтurks..ofсоuпё we sа]d Nе Nould Ье hаPРу tо hаvс tlrcпr staу lt.orhofiо' L]ulingthcnьncl.!ьit,l hаd presеnlеd numeroпs itепs irom fi'eпoпто0s dоsiсr. оУсп iп ]93]. xnd *ith nу оral prсsсntallф otnrу\'olk, lrrs olker тurвut who wаs п1оotine us lor фе nвl1jme. hаd ье.соmс оleпllrelпedaf,dсmоlional ьу пrу dосUmсntatioп а!d dъсo!sс,sЬе insislсd 1lrаt Мaт' sпd I lisit hсr Ьonre in Marylаnа and ihаt l ЬIjпga5 o]Uсh ol.mу пatеIial as i сould саtry, bcсаusс ы1е rvаnted tо |nn!duсe us to sоmс оlhеI с|osе friends тhс cхaсt dclе о|our vs|t tо llrcтцLeut Ьornе is unknoNn. ьпt il hвd to be in l98l, yhen at lhёй hоmc!9e wсrc inlюdцced to mаnу ol her пoп тurknh алd тurkish liiendswilh аЬoш lel peоplс in anеndanсc. I was iпrоdu.сd and Еlleп t|refloоI. тhen eхрresiоDs of сопrрliФenG and рIaъс псed nоt ье Inсп.liоnсd hе|€, ьullheir rссоgnniоn ofthe еdlсati.na|ьсnеfits оlфy frа.(сria|. }as for mс оlпr{оr sigaifiсaпсе Wnь efrPhаsь oп the TurkьhА]irспian ьsuс. Amеn]ап' crolndlсss a|lеgations rgаnst тurkeу,togеlhеr *nъ mу rеасtioл to slсreоllPiсxl imа8es оiт!rks. dtс вueslshаd secn mаleria| thсy hаd Лol seеn ьсlorе' one gепr]сmm sрokс tlle1о|о , qю l< ) l , tР oсe , ' г ' go l | . , l g r . i I l , с ъ |о\ , nJ ' o r ' gn1е slmс gсnl|еnrаn рЬопed lhс тnreпt homе lo lhаik us for аn illuпinaling Pfosonlаtiоn. aDd aрprесiati.n оn ЬеhаlГoi lhc тurkБh AmbassxdorL Mr. мuФl sпngll ваs onе оi.lьс grcsts ГIoп nrе nighl bе.оrс,


'rh. тiцih NIцjl ft r.old by Edtшdтlshji

!пd lrе was tlre сonsulaltо the тu&ish Amьasаdor to Washington. hьЕхссllсnсу siikrii Еlokdав, тhд fry dоssier. фу Volumiпoцs tratelial'апd mу *'оIk соuld ье valugь|е lо тulkeу Ьесame пеnliоnеd fо| thefiБt tnnс, ьy аn otliciаl duine аn infolnal eаlhсrinв,

9' on Novеfrьer ol. l98]' rhe iлсuпrbenl сonsul GenеIal ofтurkеу' thе нoп' Aydiп тоsun and nь wiгe honored us Ьу !Бltlлg onrhoпe веcаusе Aanспian lсtrorism hld ьу lhь date tаkёn lЬе l]!еs оtоvel sсvсnry n!с innoссnt humаn Ьeings, satъtу meаsцts whеrе гollowеd еven аt the hоmс оi.a f.спd Фlthе тurks lol our dnrnеr iпvitд.tion wе had a]so inlited оuгnrulugl ft]епds. Dr. Аta аnd Mв, ЕIiпr' М.ollran and Mls. сnБеl, and Mr Doдaл and MБ, Ak' sссuilty рсБon'леl (lhеrе vеrе Йreе)' еnlеred our home ftst. тhe gепtlе]neЛ hаdkлowп us froп oul manу vьits tо tne тцlkish сеntеI. аnd werе аlsoxNаlt tlat t|rcу wоrс in thс ho|sc o| d '|i iел1 о|, lhе TuiS |1encc ̂ 1|they rеqDеsted wаs to seе i| lhеrе *'as aпоther епtIапсе to our hоmе. тshowеd tьеm a sесoпd dоolwьiсh lеd !o thе sidе огlhe hоuse, accеss!ь|e ftorn our k]tсhсn''гhсу rсmаincd i|r thс kitсhrn whсrс wс tсd thсm.watсhеd te|е!ьiоn. and re|aхеd during the сntirc !ьit, ln оur nn]shсdьаsсmсni, оJr gш$s wcrс сntсaаjf,сd bу fuusiс! a line dinnеr' af,d аrеview оl njу dоssiёr wьiсh l hаd d]sp|aуеd oп ]опg taьles' onсe agа]пamаzeпепts. BррЕсiаtiоп. апd рIaье. NеЕ eхрIеsed Ьу oul guеslswilЬоnс wordwhiсh wс hсаld lоl thс nвt limс:,,se,si (схhibitiоn),,

тhe evenl ёnded rvnh фоtоgnPhs' ехPressions of affесtоn аndgratitudс t].om аll рanies рEsenl' тhe сonsul Geпeral rvаs deФIу in

|0 .o ALP 'чJ ocJ I t ,d I . срJ rd i ' , l с г 'n ' ' r с а1 .vlеnsjvе dьp]aу оlmу dossiel iогрresепlatioп tо sevеra|mеmьeБ оlthегedgаtion of тurkьh АmеIicап AssосiatiоDs, Inс

o(r Ьаsеnеnl Ьаd ьсcomе аn ехhiЬition hаll wiih siх long tа.Ьlеs li1led with dосumenls.jo0mаь. ьоoks' р!Ь1ъhed aniсles. рriсe]es7lt rесоrds' af,d ftаnt olhеr ехan1plеs ol,fry $orlr. In аttendanсeLYerc] Mr Еrо] Giiгiin. tlre PЕsideпt ofthe Fedеmlioni МI, Ецnn кn.]ikо!alj. Mr |skender Neсei] and then Nives Atеr hous о|rеfeN.lье сoпsensus $as unапnnous: tле mateial Nas оf ехt' €ne valuе. апdsi|rсe 1had р.eУiоlыу statоd drаi l wаswi1li|rg to donаtc ninсry pelсcntоf mt mаlоnal lо lhе тпrkьh peоplе' tЬey ,greed tо сrеаte tne fifit


тnс тnth lьn ье тold ьr. Еdurd тlshji

тurkьh LiЬrary ijrNеwYоrkсitу. aпd oulnапewаs tоьe eivсnlodrеIiьlэry, I сenа]f,1у rcvolted agaiпsl suсh a рroрosal aпd thankсd lhсmlш tlre Ьoпor. Majoritу п|сs.,,l wаs lоldlnd mу pl €сious ite]ns яhiсhI had рrcsс|aed lor many усаБ, werc aьoul t. ьe eivсn аNayl Larcеeп]rlу bохсs were slоrvly fi]|ed *ith my mоstсhenыtd фssсsioпs toЬe laken lьale!сninglо the тцгkish ссntсr inNеw Yoгk сitу'

I was !1фe srmс linrе vегу hBррy md рlоnd. Ьnt also hеarlbФ'kсn lЬat nу рIесious mаlеrial hаd ьeеп reпovсd lroл my lrопrс.\ | ' , , ! | J I l , " o с ' ц е j ! ( п ' o | ' Р d а 1о . , e , t оD o | ' | . e \ e i ' r * J '

рLi|xсd iп lhe AЦcust 22nd 1984 issuс оt fie тUrkish daj|у tlйr'.7nowsрaрer, тhс Lепвhy aajс]о hаd trLgеd thе сопrmDnilу 1o оffeItheiгbooks and оlhеt паtelial to thс lьahcoпriпg Liьrary' $ъiсh cоUld ье ofimпeпse val!с lо lhс тu.kьh Ancriсаn commuпny аs uell as lо,\mсriоапs vho |aсkеn аny kпowlеdge о|тurksh ьistоlу аn.] сu]turё

ll. My сfтоrts wiihirl fiе Anrdolu сluь сontin0cd lпinlсr.ruрtсd and our е1гorts оn Ьchalfoithe тurkьh рсоplс man]fеdеd lhеm'sеlvоs in maпу |omsi onс оf thсm had to Ьё my схtсns'le work 'n

р!аnning thс mеetiпg ьeNссn rерIesепtatives ol'ihc tlсdrmt]oп оl.тurkish Amсriсаn Assoсiatioпs' aad lЬс lrishlу геsресted сlсrgymаn o|nrе Алtioсhiaf, orlhоdох сhurсh. rЬe !еry Rcleleпd Paul sсhnсilla AlсN sсntenсеs сould nоi dсsсriьe llrе liфe. thс plrоло саlls. tЬe еflnfr.!пd fie nnaлсiаl cost. $lriсh fiy wiгс MаIy and I hnduti|izоd i|r ыnrging lоgethсr thc rсрIesenlatives ol. dillеlсDl rc|igious aпd сlhniс baсk.дor ' c \ ' l |n i ' i e , \ , , t , | | ' . |0 . ' l ' qл ,е l , . ,1 ' ' r r ' t , \ . .wc|lknowD ь, Rсv' sсhnсn]a (tо whо everуonс |eГeпed ш as FаlhcrPаul). Ьесаuse Ьс *'as lhe priсst oflhе сhush olвhiсh nrу sъter iп llпМariе' аnd hеI familу vсrc ParishiolcБ, тhё сhurch foLjо]Ys lhеGIeеk orthodох fаilh ьut its сoпgrеgatiоn ь рredomiпanlly ofA|аЬiсspсаknrg syliaп aпd LеЬаnesо Ьackgюund. sinсс hс Ьаd agrced to ]nyprорosaL, I had сonhсted lhс ledelatioпъ Prёsidеnt and аftеr аl] 1ъс!fiangсmсnts ьad ьеen fiпа]ized. оn suDdaуNovembсr24. l985. nr оurlroпe ! hъl.ric mсcting toоk рIaсe Ьctvеen гathсI Pаol' hъ $ifс. аndlhc fo]|orvinc: thс Prеsidеlt of thс Fсdсrаtion Dr. At! Еrim. вoаLdг . rьсг V ' , I o U l ' td v ,A l ' е sJп . l , , ! оg l ' | \ . | е ,ре . | i , .wivcs. mу ьroфer тсftсnсe, lrь wi|е Maric' with маrу.nd I !(enfl-ing to Ье the рeгfeсt ьоns' lntoduсtiоns. сordiаl аnd nlitful сoпlсrsations, a de|осlаЬ1с dinлcl, fol]owеd Ьу а рrePalеd statemenl Ьу ihс hоst.

тЬс тпlh }nы bс т0|d щ Еdlmd 'кhji

аftr|r'Ьiсh wс Presеnteа а рlд]Uе lо ёaсЬ со]|eаguе as а rсmспьranсcо|thс hamoniоus neеljng.

тhе fol]o{i]rg was thr insсIiрliфon thc рlаqrc as сomрosсd ьуlhе аulho|, suDdаy. No!сmЬcr 24th. l935j оn lhis h]stonс day пrепалd \уоmсn ofgоod w]|| e,lhered togelhеr aDd while ехtending ihеirhаnds ln liiendshiр' ьfukе ьread aпd схeaed thсn eNlgiеs in ьnilding atemPlе о1.bro0reг|y Io!е.

тlre Iedешliоn lhеn рlсsсntсd to Fаlhеr Pau| an jnsсnьed ьookof lhс lifс оl Mпslаtl Kefrа! Ataturk' thе fоuпdсI of tье тUIkъh Re-puЬ]iо lrom theruins oгrheottojn0п Еmpire,

тo 5aу our сffоas lrаd rеsu|lеd а most $|сссsfu] mссling,benепсia| and сoпslmсliYe fol а|1 Paniсs соnссmсd. wоUld bе ,n UndeБtatепеnt, тo еndеаvо| tо аch]оvo blоthеr|у hlmonу.'. $|ro olhеIlhаn thc Arлoni,ns sоuld сoпdспrn пrу ьцmble etтolts? A hапd eх.tended in lijeпdship ьwe|соmсd Ьу anоlЬсI hand nl lЬс фutuа|sсarсhГoI uпdеlstаndinв аnd harmоnу аmоne lёop]еs] I фusl IеIreBt, ]YhoоlЬсrnlаn thс Armоniаns wоu]d сondeпnr mу ьumьlе eгfonsr

о i т с ' , \ , o ' ' , . ny Р | . ' g |b ' г o , O ' I l г oГ ' ' е | Jпo ' ah ! | , o

lhЬ daу, is desрisеd Ьу nу A|пeniаn соjсligiоnists i'аs аnd hrd tоtRkср|асc MoE aлd лolt I hаd Ьссn аррronсhсdb! the Federatioп lbглc to jоin in then oцan'jrjоi (\Ythout sа|aгу of соuвe), Prеsideni DI,ЕIiп. MI, кiгIikolali. апd otЬеБ Ьad uЦcd по to vork withja tЬis' ' ь , е | J г ' Р J | i - , , o j , . ' d я ' | \ ! ' o ' р | . | , o a J d ' с n ! ! ц с , в j

fуing lо Ьеar' it ваs nс|tо in tЬcir r.vclatiоn Ihat whаl l had tо оi}ёrwas nссdсd ьy а соmmunrtу \rhich яould grcatlу ьепеfit ьу oulknоsledge, ехреrienсes' aпi] рlssioп' wьiсh lffcсtсd mсdeeрlу, tt rvаsiпPo$iьle ю dесIine' Ьut I сoL||d not dсvоiс my timс аnd cnоrgies iоthс Алаdolt| сlnЬ аnd thс Fсdсmlioл аl tъc sаф lifoe our lijeпds inlhе ̂ nadоl0 сlt|Ь' соgnizlnl оf l]rаt rту еfforts would ье fдI пoIе еl.ttсti!o wnъrn thс realn ol.the гedelatioп. reIuсtапtLу rе|еаsed mс troln.]yр|cdgc tо dreпr and suрpoпed mу nro!еtoihc l.сdсrаtiоn, PrcsidсniDr. Ata ЕIjnr аsieпсd mс l titlс: l пс!cr hаd а tilIe ьeГoro. ьUl jn ]935.I Ьeсаmе fiе Dilеctоr оf PlЬ]iс Affаns.оr lhё Fedефtjon о|тurkьh^meiiсan Assосiаtiо.s' |пс тЬc огgапizatioпъ stationеlу hаd ьeепрnпtеd. ьutthe Puь|iс Affans Dijtсtor was o!сnоokсd,

ве drat аs itmаy. itсenаinlydid not h]nd.r my $ork or mу enLhшDsm ja о\рressine thc тurkish рolлLofliеs oпапrultiludе oftop.


вt ьс тold bу Ednrd,l.rsl'ji

iсs, Durinc mу i!!оduсtiол to tье fiany .reаnizаiions affiliated flilhtЬс Fedemlioп' ] so.n lсarnоd оuБ. *'as a nсiPrоc пrоduсtloп'ноrnе!еI, no one пadс бс fсc| п.rvсlсoпe, neithёr яrs thсrc a hi|rt of! suspicion огmу motivеs' ьDt mаny рсop|е wele ьecоning аяarс oflhе laсt thаt in thоir mid* sas ап Aбerj.аn ог^rnreпiaп aпсеstry I'mfurthel сеIlаjf, that sсvсml. iГnot maпу' lеБons mпst hаvе questloпedDt' Еrin.s rcasoпs for hь Unпsuаl deсьiоn. Dr. Еinъ sс|есtiоn lradьe . r ьx 'ed , |po] , ' i , . \ JЕn^ i l ) \ rа ' o | "o l l в ' . r ) , с , , |Ь , ,and as ,n insightгul рeБoп' he was сenain o|tЬc hоDesry and sinссritуоГ']iJ A.neaiаn, l.л р|саsed lо saу now аtiсl 19 уеаБ lrе has пo re

12, тlre first jnс]dёлt оfлоliсeаЬ|е disсomIon, оr Un.сnаiniу(a рolne Nоrd lо| douЬt), ьу sclсr!|тшkьЬ рcоplс took plасе on oс-iоьel 19' l987' whсa Dr, Ata Еriп апd hь lvj]ъ Aynurdюve Mary aпdmo froл thсn home in ь|in. Nсw Ielsеу. to tlrе hom о|thсir friспdмr. наkiftоёlu. rcsiding in thе stаtс оl.Pсnnsуl!аnia тhere \ras lo bеa. c|осlion fuпd пБing сxmраian ГоI сoпgru$mаn Pctcr н кoslmoусr оflhe state ог Pcnnsуllaniа. $ho ц'as runnlng tbr rce|eсnоn,Numerols тurkislr.Aneliсдп friends hаdьсcn inliеd Lo Мr'.nd M's,наkinrовlu s hоDё in Pеnnsу|ипiа. wьеIе фe glthсiоБ vould рartiсiDаlе Wiih thоit nмnсiаl suppоn l hаd nd questiоned Dг' Еrin аs towЬу he vaпrcd us tо Ьe thсrе. еsресiаllу sinоc wс sоuld поt соnlr'butetо ше сamраigп. we were яc|соmсd аt drc t]akjповlu hоmс. wherеаьo thnrу реoр1с r'el € shаkiпe hands аnd speаkiлg with сandidаt.Kostmеуеr' Wе crectcd our hоst and s]nсе Rё knew nо onе. Мar) апd llоtrnd оuБelvеs iп a dьtant соmсr siPpi|rg oш drinks (YeаБ latсгwеlеamed lhаt scУсIal реoplе had сrnicized Dr Егiпr fоr bilnglng hь Armепian liiеnds to thаl8adrеIing )

тьс limе atri!еd whсn n]с сongгesn]аn wаs xbout to аddlеs$hь тurkish.Aпreгiсл sцpроnсrs' турiсal ofall фliiсiаns, сoпgrеssman кostmсуel sрoke the \lords which nъ аnd]епсе *antеd tо hсal,We wеre nаnding in the Еar oflhe ФФfi rvith е!еryoDсъ bасk to ls,тhen,lhе lеamеd соDglеsпаn, in a|l lris e|oquсnсс, mаde lьe гollo*iлg statenreпi ..FIieпds' Amсnian leпorism has iаkсn t|rc lives о| кlnraпу inno.olt тurkish d]р]on1ats. аnd lhе United stales соndemslhеse aсts' вul lеt mе tell уou thь: tЬс Uлnсd slаtеs ь!s linаllt ас.cсPlеd and aроlоgi4d 1о Jаpапсsc Аjneljсans lоr tЬe in ustiсе nrnided

тhетrulh NIu* ь. тold byЕdнrdlhshli

uроЛ thсm durine thс sссond Wond War. l ьelielе ifтuгkеу did nresxflo aad арo|ogizеd tо lhе Armепians fol thc 8cnоcidc, thь wonldьring an end lo Amепiaп vengeaпсе аgain* tЬс тurks,.'

At tЬe сonсlusiоn ofкoslnreyels Дri?1i.лl dьсоursc. !hе Еedе|аtionъ Р|tsidcnl Dr, Еrim. wЬо hld Ьeen srandiпg псхt lо tlrс 1loпRесiрiеnt of тurknъ finаncial suрpoa' spoke the fo|]owinд соп.greкnаn' i|тurkeу shou]d aрologizе, it wоuld lhеn mсan thаl indооdthet Nаs c Еason fо. tЬc аpоlовy вut *с Ьаve а tiiёn! hеre RЬowоuld likе to lespond io уоu. sir,..

Kostmeyer's smile was still !ьjь|e, whjle l coпnolled nrуsеlf.sl L]stсnсd to ъis nonsensical sвtеjnenl' Dr ЕIjm 8esnl|сd iп my dne..llоn аnd those Й lionl оfus ьerап lо лrоve tо eithel sidс as Iiоok а fсwsleрs ibФ'aпl' DI, Е n, hь fаcс elоNing with а р|o0n smiiс' rvas lьсonlу рeБоn whо tnсv jLБt qъat was about to haРреn. l|r a сaпn andо|cаr !.1сe. whl|o |ookiпg direсdy at drе сoleresnrаD. оur /,]2,, o7п,n' declared tье lоl|owing: 'сoпglоssmxл коnmсусr] tо сl]!llс thс.Iaрanеsе siluаtiоЛ in оurсouлlry. tо lhepljgъ1o|$e AIпrепians ofottоmап тUrkcу. ь lоlаl|у inассuralс Il. lhе Jaрaпеse Аnrепсans лаdr'agсd а Мrnly t]!e уeаrlоng rеvo|utioп ]п the Uпited statсs, if tlrс.'aраnеse Апenсans lrad killеd thousands ol Aлcriсan с]!]|iаns аndпrilitaj} рeБoпnсl, апd iftьсsс Jaра!сsс.Amсriсans hаd lhrоatcпсd 1ьeso!е|tignry ofthс Unnоd stаtеs оlAmerjсa. rhei l douьt vегу rnuсh ifourgo!сmфenl would aрologizе to the Jaраnese сommunit,'''

тhеп а ьo|t ofеlесtriciry *ruсk сvсryonс i. thс '!оm whоn lhссoпglеsпan Nаs aьо lо]d: ,,sir. l аm Ьom of аn Аmeniаn molherwЬo ьаd Ьeсп аn еусwiillсs tо lnс lсftib]с evenls dцгiпg фe war iп ottonan тпlkсy. and hеr words tо mе wеrе: tЬe АrпrеDiапsdjd Noт sul.

тlrе smile ол Kоstmеyеls |асс vannЬсd аnd hc аррсarсd indirc пеcd оfохygen, For а tew mоfiёnls lhеrс t'as a silcnсr,lhсп sc!'сra| pсoр|с аpllauded' and rhosе slапdiпc сlosе to the сoпg|еssnraпbegaп to morс ]п оuI dircction and Еveаlеd lhеil.|nаzсmсnt алd сх.рIеss]oпs of aрpreсiatiоп

Whе! lrеads fumed to thс dьlingukъed сongrеss]nan tbr hъmsролsо, thь is whаt the! Ьеard:''тhere is по qucstioD th.t тuгkеу ь ava|urьlе аl|у to thе Unitеd stat.es,'' Не |аs unаЬ|е tо l|sPо lо tnr

We nо lоngеr slоod in Lhe сoфq оt tlre roопr, ьut ]Yеl € suг

l u n ье т0 |d b ] Ed i t r d т h j i

lоUDdеd ьу f,anу pсоPlс, soпc }ith leаrs in thеir сyеs (hеsе efuoiioaаlтlrksL), Aп uпkпo*'n gent|eman.апe сlоse lо mс аnd sаid...Maу l lsk

I respоndсd in тurkьh, .,Iaь;i rzlа.Я, (оf соuбe my

нis f,схt qnеslioп Nаs, ..Ma, I kiss yonl.,wc сmbaсed in тurkъh fаыrion lnd kьsеd eaсn

сheсk Itwаs anеvеnlWhiсh ] \уill leпeпrьer aIl m! lit.'Dr, Ata Еriп had lоuсhed lhc hcxrts of eaсь рesоn

апd his lьmer сritiсs {'еrе пorv asking him: ..wnеIe did

lз. Аt thъ Poinl it js ЛсссsaIу to reпind lhс rcаdсr thal oп|y an]пfi]nеsifla| numЬеr оfеvепЬ' meoiings. and сDdеaloф, arc rcсoted

As an ехaf,рlе о|lhс }idе Iangе oflhс сvents rvlriсh revea]edtlre immc.iтaЬle lоle fог a|l thinвs тurkьh ьу the aulhоr, Nе rvould|ike lо lakс yol Lo Novemьer l' |937, Nhеn tlrat еvепIпe a сonссt NаsЕileп ьу тurkеyъ most ьeаutiiul and рoрпlаr female !oсa]ьt in NсвYоrk сiry. Мs. Епtl sаyiл. ассoпрaпiеd bу herorсhestm, wamed fhсhcаrLs ofo!сr 5о0 peoрle in lhс audiепcе, Аs ь lhc с0ston in т!rkeу'rhe рёrlоmсs vhilе оn stage' scrc 8iven flоwe6 (usually а singlеflorver) ьу пembc6 огdrc аudiепсе as an eхprсsio! oflheiгIо!с, тhatnigЬr thcrc was oпе рesоn rтno did somerъinc nсvсI dоло to hоnor аlъfroпsaпd ьelolеd pertъrmсг Мs Епrеl saуln hаd $лc sе!еIcl sоncsапd shi1с shс сntlrlаl]сd ьёr сhеerjne аudienсe wiф her vосal 1аleпts.hcrьсaul'' аnd hсrрrofеssionаl dсmclnor' аnd aftеr m!n,llowes hаdЬсcn дilen lo her dшnte her реIlоmlnсe. оnc gсnneпan lDрrоасhсdlhс staeс flоnr thе ftont rФw of sсats Wheп фe nаr finаUy поliссd herаdrтiфr' she sаw Ье hаd eхtnded iо her ап eхрrеss]on oГhь admiш.| |o , , , r | | JF ' l .ag 5hе rd , ,о| i сс .Ь| \ - |L<J ц i t с rо| io ' , " ,shе mвdс hеr wау lо recсi!с lhis uniquе eхprсsion огаffссtion' wilha wаm Jni|e oп hеr bcauliftrl Гaсе' shе lоok tho flаg, kьsed n andbrolght it to ьеI lоЕheаd as a gesnlre ofrеsресl. lt qаs anolhеI eleсtjfуing n1ofienl. as thuпdeФus aрplапsе leасtеd to lhe omotionаl sсeпе,o!сc lgaiп dеslinу рlayсd a paa iп mу desire lо cхр.еss mу lo!е lоrтUlkсу. ьecаusе еlen in thс dаrknсs oflhё дudicлсс. а Tulkьh.erv$рaреr foрoaсr hаd to Ьa!е seen n1e flng in mу haпd, so thаl hc p]aсеd

тhетrDlh llшl ь. r.old by Еdtщd тцshji

frnnsсl.in a lositjon rhet hь саmеm $ou|d cаpturе on nlm the Ье'|оvёd оfmi]|ioпs, ехtепdiпe lrФ lraпd to rеcсivс thс smаl| тlrknh t]acоiferеd ьy thь,t,а o/т,'ts тhe рhоtоgrарh' whiсь had bеen [rub.lьhed. ьеcаme усI anothсr of,с o|outсherislred пoпеnts.

14, oп NovеmьеI |4ф. l 987. |nу nrsl lоmal PuЬliс eхhjЬniоntook plaсе, As one oflhe orean]zat]оn fiombе6 otlhe Fеdeвdon,lheтnrkъh.Amсricэn Yo!n1 Asso.jаtion ьаd lеquс$ed dre аutlrоI lо рIe.sсnt аn схhibniоf, ol.his naterill, апd olтФ а ьсfurc on tЬc Ьjed оlтUrkьh Armепianhъtory WeofcоuБeоЬ|iecdoшyопngрсoр]е andon t|]e dаte just stated, Mаlу аnd l саtriсd a lаrge рoniоп of]тy соDrpllаtjоn о|faсtual nrfolпalion to tЬс тпrkьh сеntёr in Neь YоIk сn-\,,amneоd lhс tаЬIes with doсufreпlаlioп, boоks, рuь|ььеd пatепаl.n сh о|whiсh tiom Amen]aп souЕсs, тhс аudiсnсс.l.lоso to hvоhundred рeoplе gоl tье chaпсr tо rcviсw suсh fiаb]e ftatela] lоr drefiвt.tinо. аnd lсаrncd а ereаl dea| o|then owп ьъtоI}, ftonr thе otto.mаn Рerjоd to lhе рtseпl lijnes, А|L ou. сгfons wсrc wсllrccсi!сd. asoхрlcssioп5 olaрplесiation touсЬеd us dееp1у,

l5 . on , lunс2. l ,983,dur ingarёсерt iопfоr lьеPг imeмinьtе .нь Еrсo]lcnсу тurgut ozаl. we rvelе nrtrоduссd to him xnd hъ wilefol thе sесond timc (thс fiБt tjme hаd ьееn in ]985). ouгехсhanse вss.оrd]а] аnd сxрфssiопs о|respесt!пd alтeсtiоD werе reсiprоcа]

A1, diппеr reсeрtiоD givcn in lronor о|Prcsidсnt Kслan Е!mn.iп Nе\l Yогk сilу, we werе inl.oducсd tо hъ Ех.сl]enсy аnd he aгD . J е coеd cd ' d П ' с n . . dц l \ n уb l I i o d l , , ' п . o о L | l л | t j (sory ofаlitЬc offсiаls wе ha!е fuеt' aL]hаvе shared a соnrnrол reac'liоn] dсср aррФсialloп o|our ''Fnend оlтulks.'' aпd amazemcnl' тhс

16. Alвu$ ol. |988 lоund the тashjъ оn drе тulkьlr Аir|inesрLane еn mutс lо ьtaпьul, тuйеу, lФ oul tьild jоуoш reunion wiltlourлruliрlе |aпiliеsдnd оur ьеаutifll],4,.'./,,. Моlhеnаnd ̂ s dllinЕ щvious histоtiс vъils tо тurkсу. t,rlle', (f,у bФthеr) Dr oktaусu]nhur Аkken| Lvofted tiсlessLу i|r sрitс оfhis Ьusy sсhоdп|e. iо aFrange tЬе fоl|owing сусnc whiсh сreatеd widesprеad reсognitiоп of

тhстruthl!'ui hе ь]d ьy Еdl9rd ткhji

n' A рIоss сопlегепсe rvas hеld аl lhс рrеss аnd пediaьцjldincs in ь-tanЬul, whсre we cоuld ье рreраrсd lо r.swg (in тurkьh) lье mаnуqueslionsьу whichniuioпs оfтurks $ould Ьеcоmс аwarc of the dediсаtiоп aпd hard *orlr оfa uniqnе Friend o|тuiG' I hаd knо\уl tlra! Dг^lx Еriп wаs iп ьtaпbll wnh hь fаmi|у. апd as Prеsjdrnt оl the гсd.t l J ' ' o ' o П l i , | . A г t r ' ' , J г c . . - ' о . , | , о n ' i d е | еd i | . г рп г ' ; , с

lо iпforfi hjm ofthс р|tss сoЛfеrenсe and to аst [nn to раniсipate нeanended lhе con|ennсс аnd wnh aьoul thiгt'v fuеfiьeN ol thc пedjaPrсsсnt' DI, Aklent and his seсФnd wi|e ozdоn, n]у wife Мary. and thсnIo*Rпа ' i ,U| \ ,1 , \Р ] , v , , J | ,noЕ| ' l v , ,оп\ , rhаJ tюцr i ,oLFedoraliоn), аlso in аncпdaпсe, i рrёраrеd sсvсrа| tаЬlеs filled wilь mу

Dr' Еrjm sроke fiвt рrcsсnting iпfoпnat]оn аboui оuI геdela'tiоп, and соnсLlided в]th an еxtrcmcly cоmрlemепtary iпtоdDсtiоn о|hъ Protlei аnd соl|еasue, М} vетьаl discaаlion wаsvсryеffeсlive' аsmу еlel iпсre,sing аd liЬ sрсссhcs Nеге bесofring less slrеsful aпd

тhе coпfeleпсe *as сovcmd in nrс Prcss,

ь' Ап audionсe rvas amngеd witlr lhе Govcnоr ol tslаnьUl, aod Dr'Еrim аnd I $ere rvo]сomсd ьу lЬс l,]on, Golemor сnht ваya| п hьоfiсc in ьtаnьul, Аeаiл fiёdjа соvсrxgс |есolnеd ouгсoldial and tiuit.

с. A poрu]аr te|elisiоn intоfliew рIogЙft cal\.d ''l|iл1i2.1a1 B i''(soлcоnс wilhin Us) wantеd lо inlс8icN. thь tiпrе an Ameilсan ,'.,wnh аn inсl €diьle sor} tо lьё nltion wlrсn the prоposal sаs lirsг 'd t | Р tno? ,о|oеd \я | ,Lсo|сJ lп l \ i , l ' ъ 'o г i .opDоr l i )s|]ou|d not Ье waslеd. аnd l shоuld aьstаnr Гюm ьeing wоtriсd аьoutmу aЬj|itу lo lеsроnd lо quсstnjns in тurkьh whi]е nril|ions wоuld bе*'аtсhlng 1Nаs intoduсed to МI' Mёtс Akyol. \yho intеNic*'еd mё lora Iагe iпLrоduсtorу сoЛ!еБatioп. апd ьelorc I knew it, , t Nas sеalеd inthe nratеup{ооп1 rvirh a young Iady pгерагiпg mу tlrcс tbr the tеlеvl

тЬеn it haрpeDеd' tЬe unneNing thоught еnleгe{l fty mjnd]''wlral hale l donс? Mc? ЕdNfun? тelеvъions. qпсsions nr тu ьh'| r i , i oБ*J l | г c ' | , .рJь | , ,Пr i i d | |o l , , | | , ' J ,о . . l i г , , i г с i l , J

a song аs а tееnagеI oп staeе' but (Ьь w$ to Ьо а сЬa|lеneе o|mоnu.

кt hс тold ь]' Ed*лd тsьji

meпta| рroрonionsj лy iсgniФасу and сffeсrivепes сolld be Penna.лcnlly dафaeеd' тhс qDе*ioпs welc lсhсaкеd; our йsl сoпvеБalionFresenlеd so'nc ot my mateliа]. aЛd lhe inteNiеw rvаs to be taрed mlhеrtheп ьIoadсаst ]ive' тhe finъhсd р.onuсt. howe!еr' did поr hаvс! sjngIr intea1PIjon du.i|]g thе hnIfЬоuI inlсNiоw' oл tЬе Уidеоtale givслmс. the с.пtjпцitу of olr dъсouБс ь сonс]usivсlу vьiЬlc. Follо]Yinglhc intrоduсtion' lуitЬ сaсlr of us sоied оn оPроsne sidеs of the mbk!мr. Akуоl s!оnt соnsidcrэЬlс lifie оп ьоrv l lоафed thе тurkьh ]aп.guаeс so wеl|. апd madс it clеar thаl my соmлrсьспsiоn lсn hiпr in.сrеduLоus' Iп rеsponse tо ьъ qnеslioлs. ] re!еa|cd the leпiьle wаrwliсh саused nrу раle.ls lo immigmlо to the Unitсd states; tЬe infll.cn.e о|тurkish сuIlUE in oul Ьomq hoLl I ieаnled lо sреak тurkьhlnd AпeDLаni nt ljfе|one work in Iеfuting thе aссusаtiols аgaiпstliПkcуifiy |o!е fоrтurl]sh mus]сi аnd so nuсlr nrоre wоre desсIiьеdin а са]fi aпdрcБпаsivс mlnnel,

A8ain my dеsli|ry plaусd а role inthьn]stоriс efтоrl iоlа1lу uпrхpcсlсdj Мr AI(уоl rcгсrcd to лry |оУc |оr тurkьь nrusiсаnd,skеd jf|соuld singопе ofmу лоlhсrs fаvоIiiс songs I was ыaatod and се}txin|у nоl antiсiраting s!.Ь a rcqnсn, в!t lоve ь аn ]ns!поuптаDlc]ьrсe!пd mуdcslc lo rеveаl my lo!е for тurkсу оvcrсaпrе шу У'rпcssаьout реfoming lpоntапсouslу nnd rvitlrоUl musiс Neеdiпg а Inопrспl10 сollссL my bеaling. I then beeап lо siлe аn o|d lovе sоngj g]v]ng ili1y ьesI еffoa му host wаs very соinpl]mentаI1апd lvent tirlther ьy]sk]ngпre to rcad а рОеjn lhad wrnbn (уes, in тпlkish)' As l Ead thсlerses whiсЬ descr]bеd пrу lоvc for mу aпссstrаl Ьome|and' u'с 1сlеvlJon cаmсrа JnсDsсd ф мr Аkyol: it $эs арраrепt hс Ьаd Ьссomе

A1 its сonсlшioa, Mr. Akуol Ьеcаn lо !ррlаud too. and sвid:''!lI тas]rji, in thg naпе ofthe рсoрie о|tirь cоUntrу' l сoпgmfuixlс1n , t " ' t \o ' , ( ) J , | )o ,Пс| |о r o 'о l |Ье|x| | \o ' | " \ rЬ i \enJ а]ilсtimс ofsorviсе, all I сolld give уou wаs hаlГап houг rvе rcnОг}ou'

Al lhБ pоml I slood uD, as hс did. shоok lrь hand af,d ехртescdЛry deеp apprcсiatlоn aпd reреxled lhе insрi].ins words olthe foundrrof lhe тurkьh Reрuь|iс. lhе imfioral Мuslаlа Kenа] Atаturk 'Neллlhl тii+i.'1 .lь'еле! |Eappу is hо яhо саlь шnscll a тurk,) lvсembmсed and kъsed ]n тпrkьh hshion,

тhе тruli ilцn Ьr тold b} ЕdжId тъhji

тhсtе|е!ьiоп inlerlicw was а соmplсte suссess' аsre!са|сd ьvМr' Akуоl. illc caeсutilcs,ond the рrodпсtiоП nаff, тhеel]ъd 0роп 1|rсtclсvъiоn aldiеnсе{'hсD rЬе iпterview wаs Ьroаdсаst was o!еп!heLm.inc|у faloаьlе. as statcd to us ьу scvсm] sоlrсes And аnоlhel e1fon

d. А shоa whi]с latсr Dr, lrnn iпfordеd mс thаl hc hаd ьeeп gФntcdап аudiеnсe witь Prеsident KспаD Еvrел al hъ slmmeг Iеsltlепсс rnlstаntnl. and asked me jlwс wotrld like to ассоfuрany him wc ofcouвe agrоed. reаliziпg we п]ight nol Ьс аЬie to meеr wnh нь Ехcсllепсу. sin.elЬe iпуitatioп scs for Dr' Еiim x|one. Аs iuary inl]l (.r.sеated in thс Naning rooп. Dr' Епп Ras сsсoltсd irто the PEsidеntsоffiсе, тo ьe 50 сlosc tо tllc Prcsident and not tо ьc аb|e lо пеet \lthhjm аeаi. wоuld ье ol пrajor dьаP!оintnеnt вut m} dс*l'у чas nolto ьe def,jеd, Lаtсr wе 1vеIе told lhаl dшпд ihetr сonvesaпon. lh.PLesidеnt lеamed о| Dr, Еrnns guсsts Rhо were sсаtсd ouБide, \\hуdidn'tyоn ЬIing уour guеsts ja hсlс1'' askеd the Prosincal

YоUr !хсеllenс}' the invnа.on $as tor опe рёsоn on|v. Е.

тhе ?Iеsidеnt askrd hъ aide 1o ьring us into лis оffrсе. (тurkьh hospilаlitу lеmaiпs in.omраrаьlr )

Whcn tlrc aide told us the Prсsidеnt would rссо]\'с us. .хсilс.nrcnl raсed lhrоugh my bоdy

тhе оl]iсc dооt oрспсd, Nс slерPеd if,sidс and оьseпed lhсP|с 'dе1 lR 'dD, пnnаno i гP ,еыo,А $ a r , сd , , | c .Dе . 'о|unсertаn]ry аpреaled oп lhс Prсsidслl's гaсe, апd hе еxc]зinсd, ''вut

] knоw thь manl Whrn djd I fuеet Ьim1.. Hе lunrеd lo Dl Еrim as ifsearсhiп! tьi that аn$Iсr

As rvе slrоok hаnds' D|, Еrnn rernindеd thc Prсsidеnl t ьadьeеn dпrine а лeeting а1a New York hotel оn lulу |'.. l98lJ тlrсPlеsidеnl' lviln his waпn aпd сordia|dсmезnol, gаvс us оne holr оthstinrе аnd{еhad a ]сncthу аnd iruitГuLdia|оguе' wcсхpresеd ourгlо.Гound аррIесialiоn tl lhe PrсsidсDt fol eiling us s. mшh ofhjs riпrс.аnd I аsurcd hi]n thal fry wоrk. Ьу thе graсс оlcоd. Nolld соnnпuёfor уёаtr lо сonе вut al tlre hme lЬc proпisе wаs madе. l .ou|d nоllla!есопсеivcd m} i0lure cffоfis would iпс|udс аn anloЬiosraрhу.

Duгijrg oui drivе ьасk. Dr, ЕIiп сomment.d thаl thс ь.iеfmеetjng !t а сrowdсd hоtеl sevеrа| wссks саIliсI, must hа\ё ntтcсtеd the

ш( bs Told ьу ld}шd тsцl

PЕsitlФt so much thal Ьс rсcoeoied o. lodзу' I could oлly hoрe nь

o In sерtenьф of 1988' wе had а ffuitlnl mreling with the then Еd.eign Мinьteг the нonоmьle мrsut Yilmel hе еvФfuа]lу ьеcше


lh € | ruIh !ш' irт0|d h} tdlдrd тi.hji

Iх. sliсf dсsсriftion of so'flс ofouf qсlil'iliсs' prоjсФs.'aeсtill8s.

A. t989: on Junc 2"J. Nе* York сoпgrеsпaD slсрhсn soLаzьad invilсd аьоUt ts'cпtу fоцr mсmЬеБ of tьс тlrkъh.Aireгiсаn сommunilyto ьe hь e!сsls i|r wssьlпgtjn D,с, DI, Еjirn requсstсd ns tojoiп himxлd his *ifо A!ппI, in lhjs hъlоric еveлL: пr.! rvilъ Mary aпd I Nerс

рlсasсdtо iссeРt тhe сoпcгс$пtnапd hъ stвi|еsсonсdоuIg'ouр onдn eхtсnsi!е loul oflhc сaрito|Ьu]|dine jnсludine thе sспatc сhambсIапd lьc н.usс оf lteр]€sеntrt]!сs, LatеI rvс \rcrс tаkсп 1o lhё соn.gEssmaп.s hofic jn viцinia to frссt his f.пril} a.d lо hаvе а ьUtlcllunсhсо0, ouгhosls rvcrc лosi соrdial,nd саgel to hslcn l.lhс plob.lе]N liсiag оur сomrnunnу'

Dr' Е|im i|rtrоduссd ш tо lhc соngrеsnnrn xпd lre ЕrneпЬсrсdmeelnre us !t a fund.mьiпg reсёPtioл аi tlre Еri]n hоmс in thc state оlNся JсБcу, sеvenl mоnths eатliсr' As \ус сoп!еrsёd' l рrcsелtеd аьrieгсommeпtаry oп thс тtrlkьh.A.nenjаn ]ss|e. аnd as. groпp hadслсnсIed us, olr host сопgressnan sоlаIZ natd: [dRald. уоп аrevсry know]edgeaЬle oл nlis suьjeс( aЬoul wьiсh t|re сonerеss lлo*svеrу lnt]e, would,ol ЬсNi|]ilrgb,ddrсss oul suьсоmmittсс Nhiсh i\сonsidсInrв the Amea j0n Esoluliоn1,.'

тhь wаs t|re rсsгоnsс ol ou. F'й,l/,/Il,Ь' ''сonglсsmап.

wоuldlomoiюrv аt9:00 am, Ьcсonlenienl l.оr уou. str:тhis flas fоl|oвed ьr an uрюаlious lаugьlеr Ь} a]| wlrо had

Ьeаrd my роlilе ..сhа]lсngс ..

Bul аs exрссted' thс nlvitаtjon|ol mс 1o add.ess lhe suь-

B. |n .Iuiё. alihol Nejat Muа|limодh ljs]ted our ho'ne in в!уside.

QUсоns. fo| the nist tiлс, не ь пot оnjу аn сsceпrеd sсho]лt оf тпrkьh literafuс. Ье тenrаins оne оf oпr Лrоst hоnorсd ftiепds rуьо lnr yса'зЬas follоRcd о0rhnmь]с еffons on ЬсhaLlofn]с тurkislr рсоplе. Yёа6bсьrc hс hпd slaftlеd us rуilh tlre l.о]|owi|rg соnrmeпl'''Еdw.rd. тu сrshould elссt а satuе in уotrr hoпor iп tьe ссntс| of lstапьUlL.. From

r ttтru'i Nшtь{ тor'l ф FdФJd тstji

suсlr a dьtlng!ъhed gепtlеmаn. thь is аn ёxpresiоп of lovс whj.h сanne!еr Ьё fоrgottсп When hс vьilсd our hojne. hе rсfсfted l. rt as aпсхаnрie оfапoltoman fiпseun' a сопrnrent wc hxvc Ьоard liоп пraпу

с. Duri|rc |939 thе ubiquitous Аrmсniаn Resolutioп onсc xgain саmеbе|оre the сoпg|сs o|thе Uпitcd statеs, Armсnian .t]ate MеIсhаDts''сontnruеd thrir rсlсntlеss pгes(|ts uрon ̂ mеriсап PoIiliсians tо раs аrсsоlution $hlсh \ou|d hale thе gоvоnmenl oftЬе UDilсd slаlеs reсocЛizсthe so саl]ed Aanсnian Gёnосide,'' aD аllеgаtion tоlа]|у voidof

тhе геdcrаtiоn undсr lhе leadеБьiр оfDr' Еrin sked пrе iflrуоuld рIераIе а svoф starcпeпt. i|r$Iiti|]g. eхpre$mg ьnеflу my FоFsросtivo as rсlаlcd lo tlrе Аmeл]аn аl]egat]oлs' Мy stаtсmeni was lo bсрDьlъъёd iп ьooklct foan xnd *ou|d ьe sеnt lо eасh menbФ оflhеUпilеd stаtеs sсnatc аnd ноцsе ofRcprcsсltativcs oГсouБе ] а8rеed.рEpаliлg m! thoughts oп рaрffw]thоut,ny |orпr of сосltlоn оr Fфsitciаьo. in lьёоlfiсeolaпаtlоmсyаnd!nolэry, ] toоk ln оаth tothеvсrасiLy o1.nrу teslnnony, тhr Ьook]еl \Y!s titlсd: 'Arлсniаn A]|eeаtnrпs: Faсt vs,liсtiол''. аnd ! соpy was indеed sеnt to еaсh пemьсrоltlre сonв|ts, тhat yerr t]t rеsо]ulion vas dс|саlсd. ьulпехtуeаrаnd aусaI аhсr lhat' сeаselеsslу thе|t r'i|l аl*'aуs ье aпothоr Armоn]аnResoILrt]oп aссUsnrg тUrkсу ol.''Gепосide ..

D. 1990. .Iaпuаl'a, зоth] ̂ n extraordi|rаry mсeling took рlaсe цt t]rePlаzа IlоtсI iп Ne{ YoIk сit),, Presеnt rvеrе lhс follo*ing нis Ехсe|]спсy hсsidеnt тllgtrl ozal: hь Ехсеl|enсу Nti2hеt кaпdeпrn' тuгkсуk Aftba$ldoт to wаыrinctоn] lhе нoп. vоlkап вozkir' соnsцlGсDera| to NeN Yolk] Dr, Еr]n]' Рresideпlоfthс Feder,tjoD' aпu trnс.Fede.ation Dirесtо^' Mr Егоl 6цrtrп' Mr, Еrhаn Аlay, апd Еdwаrdтlsщ', DuriЛg lhe liuiLlu| and lсnclЬy dьсU*]оп DI, !гin plеsсntсd асоpу oг n1у swопr stаtemсnt lо thе Рrеsidепt' As сlcryonе оbsёrvedhinr ln siiепсe, tЬс Prоsideal rсad lhe entir € ьоok|ct, нe sls dеep]-\,пrovеd аnd eхplesсd hь фрreс]ation lo jnс,

Е. on Mаy 24tlr' *е lrаd vсry sресial guеsts ijr our homс, our dcаrfriend МI, Kсmаlseekin aпd Ьь wi|е ьroUght fourhonогаьle тU*islrvсi.rдns o|фe Korean Wlr to ol| hоnt. тье gentlеmсn hаd айvеd

F. seрlсmьer ls| a ъьtoriсal лrеeting lоok р1асс ]vith t|re Mаyor oINеw YoIk сitу. the tlоn. Dalid Dinkins, нe $elсofrсd l|]е fol|oNiпgat hь оIпсе iп сil, на1| PЕsidenr Dr, Ata ЕIinr, vjсс Presidспl Mr.Мehmсl I'lаsвп' and Еdlаrd таshji. A тLrkъll лсy sрcPеr с o!сrсd tlrес.rdjаlmeetins wilь a slоry and a piсturе of, ts tlопt рagе'

G. sеplсmьсr 28tЬ, вьhop vsсvo|od. of th0 Ukrаiliап.oгthоdorсьurсЬ апd hь ajdе. hld Ьсcn invned а5 gUсsis ofou. Fеderlnоn.lоlheаппual lomаldinnel at lhс нi|ton ноtel iп Nе$ Yоrkсiry, obscпing iЬе сеleьration oГthс сstFь|ьhment ofthе Repuьliс of тu[kеу' lhаd рaid сLosе atrealion lо IIъ Gфсo as а rсspcсtеd rёliglous Lea.Jer.and hаvс nаiпtaiпed с|osс сontасtvith him tо ihь day тhc lо0r hun'dlеdguests grсclсd llь Grrсe Bishор vselolod. with a rcsоuпd]ng aр.plаlsе as hё wаs ]nlюduсed. and at iЬс соDс|usj.n о|Ьь mаgnifiсenlsрeеоh touсhing on thс tirndsh]р betweсn ihе реoрles o| iJ[r9]n. апd

H. During NоvеmЬеI oLrhь yсаr, l ьаd reсeived lrom the Еllь ь|andFoundаtiоо. a сеniliсаlс оf 11oпоl Гоr еaсh ot пy ParcnG *поsеn!frсs xпdсountry оfЬirlh ] had еnaгJved оn thc elcаtimпrigraal wаl|оГttоDor аt the nьtoiсll snе

ftom тurkеу tо plrtiсiрatе in olr апruаl тurkьh ^mсriсап Daу Pa-mdе nr Nе\' York сitу тheу qеre рlоfоuпdlу jmрrсssс. wnh oursork' oul hosPnа]ily, and оur .otomап hoпc'.. тhe! mn* hа!еlеamed sоmе faсts liofi Nlr sсgknr' ьеслsе thсy hоnoЕd us bу рrс'sепtiпg us wilh а ьeaulifu] р|aque' |t }as уel оnс mо|с слelьhеd nо.

I. l99l: oп lebrщry |6.", a соnfеreiсе Nаs held al lьc Ya|е Uпivсгsiry зnd lhо tорiс оf dьсussion w$ lо ье the dсlinition о| the lem..Gсnосidе: rhe тheоrу, lhе Rea]ity,,, Bеnrg aп iпstnшio! оl hjeherlсarninе аnd dedjсrtоd to kлoN|еdge аnd ihс Pr]nciрlоs ot |runraпieъls. thе Univепitу Law sсlrоoL].ibФed thс тUrkьh соns 'l(rслеrаrthe нon' vollran вozkir by maiL' оi tlrеil e!сnlaad rсquestе. lhe prFtiсipаtioп оithе тпrkъh cоnrпuп'ly'

l 0о

unьt ToId by Ed{lldтшiji

тhe ledemlion x'as inlоmed and a slouр ofаЬоUt tNсntу аlleпded tЬс сonlсrсnсоj lvitъ РroIьssor Dl €w s, Daуs, modеmlinc drееvent' sсуоral sрeаkёrs sealеd at а оUlaсd taЬlс wоrс laсlng аьoul200FеоPlс jf, lhе audiloгiuп Amоne оlhеrtoрj.s' NaziGeImзпу. сamЬо.dja' aпd ofсouБе тulkсy trоre djsclssed. тhe lаner w$ the toрiс оtProt RiсhаId нo!аnaissian' $hо ьad по diглcultу rcitсrаting thе sundаli n]etor]с оllаьilуiпg theotlon]an hьtory' ol.соurse iп tlrь сitadeloIhigher ]еaпiпg' it did not оссnr to lhs biiIliaпt sсhо]am ihаt it miehtbе q'plорпаtе tо hаvc a тпrkish hislоnaл to pl €seлt t|re tnnh оflЬеevспts о| oaoпaл тurkey' or с)rprus, Аzс6aijаn, Еаn тLrkistan,

4 l ' l о .o ' . | \ ,о | o | \ с , ' . Ioъ , J , п . ь J г ' 3 , qJе . o |ssсrc invned irоm tlre audiеnсе тhс тurkьh рoint ofliеrv $as оjrсс.live|у рIеsеDtcd Ьу oпi gm0р' but Pто|esФ ноvaппьsiаn Ьeсаmе ob!iоus|у fluslсrcdvhёn onе i]rdj!iduа| slоod uр, idealilied himsсllas !псlhniсАrmсnian, md рIocееdсd lо rсfutе н.vanпrssians El]eдаtions, A.opуolоuг Fасtvs,Ii.lioa Ьоokiet rvas dъtributed wnh othcrmаtеIial' oпcе a8ain thс Ьlаtаnl Pчudiсes asaiNl lhс тnrkish Fсoрl. ьсса|ne cxрosоdj ьlt of,с *'оuld lhint iп a Presiвiоus la$ sсhool hьtоricа] аcсurасt wou|d hвvе р.c!аilсd оlcrЬ|iadЬаted

J.leьrual} 28.i- Маrсh ]rd, a sjnillr oufaeе tооk plaсс al a Uniqпсsуmр.sium hеld Bt тuns UniveNiqr. in the shlе оf Мasaсhusens,тhere jsавrjеfiпe вoоk Ьasоd uрon thcmany |ecturеs du rg the sуm.Рosjuf,' andьесausе ofmydс$inу. fin va|uaЬlе puь|iсalion cаmс inlоnrу роsesslon Мy wit.ъ neрherv, МI' Denпу воуd. lсsiding in Massaсhusсtls. hаd Ьeen giveп dre ьoоk ьy a mn+\rmсnian tiiend АwaEо| my posnion реnaiпnre to a|l mаilсre о| тlrkish сoпсem. Dcnпyaskеd il ] wоuld likе to hаvо ihe book, lo whiсh I еmphаti.аlly в.spondcd in t|lо аftjmativё тЬe ьoоk tunеd onl1о Ьc Prсcьо]y $hаl Ihаd схрсctсd it to be] another sjrtiтurkьЬ PuЬ1iсаtioa' knl il сопrlofr1.g 1o h,vё n.efutaьle еvidenсe in уоlr taf,ds? As the вгiefing вoоk.еverъ. the fou. day schoLаnу sуmр.siufi on 1ьс hunraп Iigлts vio|a.lions тouпd thе wоnd. inсludсd sеvenl, fivе sсhо]аБ, ро1itiсixns. andDrсdiaMilсБ, rcletringtо the lорiсs огthеiгехpеnьс, Jпst аs l ъadаs

med' т0rk bаshjngwasопcс againоnthe ''меnu''' тhеЕ \rcIe a totllol.]5 рagеs огaпtiтulkьh prсsсntrtiоns]арniГu|]y shol! ? li'.s оD thсpcБссut iопогс thn iстUrks jпвu lgar ia .1(уes .уоu.vе lсаdn.o f teс t l у .

l о ]

-гhе тruli NIцn Ь€ тold ьyЕd}fdTпhji

а singlе onс) раeс ол tlrе genoсidе ol the Afiсriсan.]пdian: No men'oго ]е | , Je с .o , lп i l | i on ' | i r . i n lЛ , . ) ' | с c ' sd | . , ' ' i

Еаs тu|kistan, сyрius, Аzc.ьal,jnn, lhс тulks апd Kulds at tlrс hаndsollhо Klr.lьh PKK,.nd otЬe| aсш olbаrЬarъm aюund lhe уorld,

As шс вriеnng вook.аnе inlо rту р.sсssioп monlhs аticr drс'ъchoIallу''

!rcsсntаliоns' mу lъпFPage lеlter oi рюlest suьпrirtеd totЬо cduсatioп dnесtor МI, shemln тcichmап' atт!Iis Uni!евltу, wаsdlIеd Dсccmьеr lo' l99|, Nо resрoпsе lvаs сvсr rесeived to mу letlеrwhiсь wanlсd lo kлов яhу. оut oflelcnty tire sрokсsрсьoas. NoтoN! Turkish hьtoljап wаs inlitсd lо tьс sуmрoslu|n,

Aп ]ntеrcstinд пеss ilсm aррсa.еd jn |ьc Ал11спiап Wееkb,'dxted ]anuarу 4, t992. wilh lhе headine: ,,Amrспl.n hъlогу сousе rtт!tts Uпivеrsitу..'l mаi]еd iье дItiс|e tо thс DiEсtor ol Еduсаtion, Мrтеiсh'nrn, toeethег ч ith mу notc сommenlineihat hъ sitепсс onlу сon'nflnеd пry роsilion. that фe sуmрosiшn *'as merсlу а suьtеnnge toсon.саl а sрeсrous agendaoiтuii! Uai!сБitу, Му initir||еtlеr lo тu|rsЬвd beеn PuЬlььеd jn Inl|. i. dlc.lanuarу |5. ]992 ьsuе оl,т,. n,*п,

к. Mау 2?' lt nrс нilton нotc| in Ncrn Yоrk с]tу.lhe FеdегJlioa hаdsPonsored thе sупrрosiln рrсscлtсd ьу ihе $Ior|d тuгkjsh Y.nlь солsrеss' Nufiсroш socakeG on scрашte рлeь dьcusсd пranу lорiсs of;onссnr to lhе т'пilьh.Amei.an соmшпity. i.сlпding еduсalion.Uпn', and оur рnoritiсs in сrcatiпg slrongcr Ьоnds ol. lriспdslrip ьеlrveсn tЬс L]пitсd sutes аnd nre Repuьlrс оfтnlkсу.

on tho n|slpanеl onс of tlrc sреlkere {'as lhe sr v'P oГtli]|and Kпorvlton PlЬliс Affans worldwide соФomtion, нь sPёесh wаstitlсd: 'тhс тurkish'АmеIiсaп сonmшity and the Ameriсaл lеgislanvc

! havс Гotrпd it пеlessаry to сопrпеnt hсrc on lhis $atemсDlmаdе Ьу thе viсе.р|сsidеnl o| а Inajol puь|iс lelаlions fiпn jn thсUnned siаles' ьecalsо аt thе timс ] hаd to rcstгаjn ФysсLг flom takingstюnc схсeрtioл to a stаlелоni hе had madс, It ъ eгJliI,ing to kno$hь fim no lon8e| гePrеsоnts тurkсуъ iпte.ests in lhе Uiil.d stаtеsвпt as an insltп.tive and сonstfuсtile сo]n]nent оn my рart |or oпrтurkisn Yоltlr' l лnd mysсlfoь|]ged to lсvrаl tо оurу.ungрсор]e and.lrеir рафnls as we]|' thatl Yol6еttel kпоw whаlуou аIе lalhng аЬоцt


тhстrut ILnЬtfdd hуЕdtsd тБhjl

Anеr I соnсlude fr)' ьriеf соnrnre s' I will о|ler thе sреeсh Ihаd delivcrсd during the sесoпd pаnc|oftьe sаmе рrоgгaп, lt will ьcпу scсоnd oгrЬrеe speeсhсs Iесordсd in mу auшbioelаphу

Mr liylne| wаs inlroduсed and аs he ьюuglrt thс mjсФрhоnес|osel,lre рIoсееdсd lo oл|ighten hъ тшkish 0udienсe wnh h]5 }isdoЙAl onе po1nt he dесidеd to tlm awa]r from hь рrерared statепrent,lhisрrovеd to be а se!еrе пъtаkс, sPonlаne.Dnу ье rеlatеd lо hъаudiоnсеа ЬriёГeхсь!пee hе onсe had wilh фe llonomьlе тiр o'Neill] the fог.nеr sрeBkеr of thс нousе of Rеprеseпtаti!еs, тhс sрeаkеr] aссoldnrgto МI, Iiуnre|. hаd inquired, ''I doп't knоw аnу тurks iп tЬь сounllу.but thсy musl ье very fеw.lrorv ь it that lhеу didnt iпrmigrаtc iп lareenu'nbеs to lhе Unnеd slаtеs Iikc mаnу оlhёrpеoр|e?ll

Mr tlуnrel lеcаl|ed hc hаd lholeht fol аl'hilс аnd then he ansьеred thе speаkcls quclion ]п drь пannеr: тhс тurks di]jп1соmelrele in |argс nDmbеrs ьeсiuse thс тulks din nor eхpеnеncе pеБeсп.|ion| (Еrс|апo|iоп n'Йk t|еьhgs h 1|1еounюr),''

нь wolds рrolokоd mу rc' Ilow сould hе nоl ьe сognizaпt ofь]s iуогds? ЕveD if l hаd rёvеa|ed jnу оUnnsс tо him гo(оnall-\,, itсou|d пotrcmcdy thс siluatjоп] ьut |orуеа|s аftrr, whеneverthe оpрогtuni0r рresealеd nse|fl I hаvс otтсrсd lhe гollовing slalеmеnt 3s theоnly apрrolnаtе lеspоnse to lhе sрerker iп queslion: тlrc тurks didnоl сопrе !о tlrс Unitcd statcs jn large пumьеБ ЬФxuse they сhosе toЕ|nan] in thеir dеvastated honrel.лd. aпd Ьсgan to build д nеw nat|оп,with ьloоd' $veat апd tеaБ. tЬo тurks rо|lеd !p thсь ncсvcs andрlaссd ьriсk uрoп ьIiсk. tо соlБtiuсt] to build а d)пamic, sсспlar re-P!b]iс uпdeг thе lеadсБhiр оlthе iп1пrоrta|Мuslаlа КemаlAtaturk..

тllis ъ wЬаt Mr, сary нyпe| shou|d hаvc sаid, вe|оie l briпeЬele thе |inсs rcsеnеd fоr 'rе nехt сlraрtсL a|low ne Lo leреat mуsрссch dc|ivered ol Маy 27. l99l:

тlrе lтononЬ|c соnsul Gеneгa] vоlkaD вozkir

DБnnguьhсd Ladies and Gent|emen:^t thо !ёry outsеt I vish to crloлd fry dесpеst !ррIeсiаtiоn lоr tЬЬhоnor, iп ехtеndin8lо mс lhс oPрofluпitу aпd рrivilеge olааdфssiпglhБ augnst аsсmь|у of dьtiпguished lad]сs and gеndеman, Wсlt itynhin therеn|molnryhu|nьlссlfoas,I wоuldhаvе eaсь ofуо! оn thесdeе ofуоuI sеаIs in еacсr аnt]сiрal]on оf drс о|oquспt рresenlаlion of

L0 l

un bс т0]d ьy Еdurd тmtji

t|rь sреаkеI' АLls, thъ ь not to ьe;гоi thъ sPeаkel ь rсnо!vп.d псithёr].or hъ оmloг' поrlbrЬь |nеrаry eхсellоnсс, wс shaIl hoпevеr. strLvеto Ьring tо yоurattenliof, a !сry ЬIiсf intоduсtiоп to a livnre story Llre|ikes o|whiсh тtrrkьlr yоUth hаve nсver heаrd bclor,,\ li|c]ong еft.orton Ьсlralf of the тurkish реoр|e, пу hьloriс апd aпсеstr,lЬюihе|s aЛdsistes, сaппol ьe lo]d in nre sprcс оll гew miлulеs вul as l xddlеssпуsеl| ro lЬе future ог tlrс тulkьh Pеoрlс, thе уoung тurkьh.Aпcriсans' reаd Ьсfr!ееn llrе ljnсs jlyоu сaп' aпd lil| tоur heаts silhthс |оve aпd Ihе рridс whiсh I havе lъlt throughoul пу |ifс , , lrесauscmу roоБ ьеgaп in' lndсаmо frопr, the el.аt |аnd lrrоwп as the RсрnЬ.

тnе уoutlr of сvсrу nxrion ь the futurё аnd thе аsрimlion оI.its

Pеорlс. тhс.оntinuаtioп wiф hоnor аnd рIide, thс lrn$а8e, the l]!llh,lhс сn|tUIе and hjsrory. оf еvelу cthniс eionp is dre п1ost significапt

рrionty of еverу сili|ized sосiсry lo]]dlidе, вut уоu. пу bсlоvсdтulkish brоlhсs аnd sьrcк, аrе lасеd rvitlr сhallсngоs аnd oьstaсjestrnkrrо\I to оlhеrеtЬnic вrоuрs iп thс Unitсd stаtes, то revcsс ihe t'de.| аntiтulkish sспlifuсnt рInnlгiLy iп thе ̂ meriсan Nсws Mсdu ь

уour grсаtсst сha|lenge Еаch ог уou musl Ьс thс аnrьаssadоr о| thетurk]sh реoр]с аnd its true hnbry' Еaсh of уou nust Ьс the tеrcher olllE huшпi1у af,d.onpаsion of the тultish hearl' Yoli task wi]| ьеt!ссd wilh пuсh dl|fi.ulq аnd flцnвlionl you wil| ьe сrniсizсd andridiсu]еd] уoпr vоiсе will ье ! mnrorit} among ше m]nolities' всса!sсnre histoц'' lъc аrt, llrc сuLfuЕ' and сivilizalion oI.thс тllkъh реорlёсoпt inue lоbe!nunknorvn lоmonAmсr iеалs , ] tБ ,o l sЬo$ i l l Iеvea lthе elсаnrеss о| фe тllkъh Nаtjоп. тhere ъ nо oьslaclc which уouсannot оverсоmс, jusr loоk yоur orуп hьtоrу: lo,.Е lьёсhildrcn otihе mj|Ii.ns пЬo shed фen bloоd for drс сrёаlion and sovereief,iу otrhc тurkьh RсрЦblic lъl arс tЬe Prоud sons апd фughtcБ о| drе rmtronа]мusta|a Kсmа]Alаtllk. апd no рowсrоn eаnlr sl||hiadcryou.dеdlсa!оn апd сveпtua| suс.сss,

|о . " " , i , , l c |1 ,An , 'л l o ' J , r , ( i L

sidеI rhс рlssagе оl xn inlamоus rсsоnnion $hrсh lvоuld. if раssеd.Ьlаmс the ofiоnan соvemnrеnt of'.Genосidс,'' As thе dоvоlсd son ofAnnenjаn аnd sупаn othоdoх раjэлts' ] do лot Iеqune the so-саl|еdsсholзБhil o. тоynЬсc' ot Gladstonе. of Мorgenthan. о. ot Фlonссьс,lo |eаm lhe hъtorу oГmу рсoрle' As eуе$inсss to the lraglсevents оf l915. оurparef,в tаught!s lЬald, thе pеоplеs ol.lhc La.d hаd

r hР rrtrth мun ьс тold ьу Еdwlrd тlsьji

slltiфd tlre lа!аeсs oг rvar Мэnу оlhcr f,сtоs *'hiсh histоlу hаs nоiIeсоrdеd halc ьeеn iпstillcd iл my Ьсan aпd nri|rd Ьy nrоse sho suf'fсrcd and hаd no lеason tо distоn lье еvеnts оlthat рcriоd. тo ассерttne aссnsanоп of.сenocidс'' agaiпst t|]e Аanсniaas ьу t|rс тurks. ь tobeIie!e in a iоtll faIsеhoоd. aпd ап аЬsoluiс фylh.

Ladics аnd Gent|епreD. }'nh уоor kiпd iпdUlgсnсc. I shal] coпсLUdс mt сonmепts in Dy fallсrinc тu*ish. aпd on Ьеhа]ГofmуrviГеаnd mуsеlt ехleDd to you mу dсср aррrсciation lbг уоuг attсn!оn,Мa} Godъ love fiL]yolrhеaasforcvcr,

As stnted аьоve. t|rо rеmaindсr оlmу speeсЬ was рrеsепtеd iD

L' |99| сoпtinuсs J0nс 25lь was э hъtor]с dау oГ ]non mc.tal sign'liсanсe olr yеars оfNоrking' mainlаining oUr ьonds оf ftiепdshipwilh numeюus сhаptсrs оlAfoеI]сaп vсlerans ol.rhc кolеaп Mсmoriаiсопrnrьsiоп' hаs ьсon and соnlinucs to Ье' aфoпg mу priоrilу оndсavoБ тhe тur*ьh A]ner]сan сommtrnilу цаs gl €any hоnоred bу ьеiпgnvitcd t. Panjсiрalе in thе Un!сiling aпd Dediсаtioп cсomonу, of tьеNсw Yоrk Korеan Wаr vоlсmns Меmolial. *niсh Nаs ф Ьe prсcсdоdbу a рагаde doвn tne ''сlnуоп о| llсrocJ' on вrоаdt'ау i! Nеw Yоrkсitу. Wс rrсrс fся iл пumьеБi aьout 15 реор|e fгоm оnr !сdсrаtiоn'ьuttЬо elтесl оur gюup NnЬ тurk]sh aпdAnrе.iсan nаcs'.reatеd uрoпhundrcds огtlrousаDds of meriсans. wаs |ilerxllу аn сrРloson 01 еmо.ljо. lп frопt of oul лxiсhiпg group wаs the Ьlnner o|оuI Fеdclаtiол,ьehind it wаs а laree A]ieriсsп flaе and а |arge тurkish flаs. ot equa|sizс, held Ьу ihс аuthor oп eithcr side ol.ne *'сгс tln€e dсаr Гriсf,ds,Ьoлo|td cеndеfreп' ]vlro lЕd асnLа]|у served wnh lhс тnrkish М]|ilaгуForсes in фe Korеап war, It is rvith рrоГonDd lсs!оф thal т ьгiпg rсс.о!пillon 1о mу tlrleе Ьrоlhсrs: \'!i кЕМAL SЕсKIN' МR.SULЕY]\'IAN KANA. xndМr Do6АN AK,

lГ tьеЕ wаs of,с peisоп jn оUI eroпP яho did поt sьеd sоmсteaБ, I a]n поl.!vаrе ofit. тlrоusапds uроn many thousаnds оlAmeriсаЛs, Whсn sсоing the Tulkish nae, Ьegаn сьсеriпg aпd ыlouting: GOdr]lАs n|'kq,! Thc h\+s sа\lе.] Апlеrj.ап 1 ̂ '.s ! Lоng |^ е т!|kе|!

11 ваs ап e|eсlritуiЛg лromenl Yсs. wе bюught |оУс ald rс.sрeсltо тurkсy and the тu] kьh pcорlс, olrjoу lYas supremе


ф' ьР Told ьt пdlлd-гshji

]l'I. oпJu]y25th. оllhisуеar' a ]спgtlrу 0niсle aрpеаred jn rh. я,'sйzI',сs' а cоmmuпilу ncwsрарcl, тhe tорiс oflЬe arliс|с $аs..Animalrighls,'' уos. a,jЙnl rlgnls Мy neхt sеntсnсc Njll relPond 1. iЬе oьljols quеstion in lhc Еadе.s mind: What соnсеi'aь|е сotreиliоn ооuLdthere рossitlу ьe bсtvеen зпiпa| righб and п! nсfcnse oithe тurkБh

Lеt me Ьсяilr ъу fiБl Еvеaliпg lhе Dапre o1.the аDnnd lo!еrwЬiсh $ill lellyоn аll уou f,ёed to knов: thс lсitel ъ rvntren Ьy МI'Garo AleхaDjаn ]|rhаt dоes nol rcveаl lо уоu lhe oЬvious,lhef, l willassьr уоu furtьer anсtаll. tlrъ s the Puфоse oln1y ьooki tо jn|oim

уоu o| йсls wьiсь Гol somс nrуslеriоUs ltаsoп rеnrrin Unkпorvn to

тhe afiiсlс wlittеп by Mr, Aleхan1ln. .п llre dale яnd i thёneNsnlpеI lе!сaled аьo!с. ьegjns as follorvs' ''An АInrеn]rn born 'nтu (еv slto Nit|Е$еd lhc pssесution oГhis реор]e аьroad, вaуsjdсrcsidс;t cДo A|cхаnian. $; nоl aьoul tо lо!сmte rhе !jclimizatiоп о|

тhc гепrаlndel of tlrе аflj.lс rсfсБ lо the writеIs oрinions onlhesпЬiссtоfhь comрositiол d,,;',1|iqia тhls isап cха|nр|ё ot thеArmеnian DsусЬс aпrliьё Amспiаn oьso$ion wilh hated, аn еvideпсcof thc inhеIеnt $fuctule о| lhc A]nal righls spewed hаrlcd fог thе тurks. an anоmaly whiсh оaly lheсoпlolutеd mсltаliф сan.оmplеhепd' вш tЬс схaпгle l hаvеjusl рn.sеnted fоr yоDr cоnsidеФlioaj hаs notyеtсonvincеd уoU, rieht] вelоremv fiпаl rhoushls to iЬс геldеr find lhеi р]асс lоward tЬёсonсlLБion ol.lhis оЬio;!рhу. lhс Еadg fli]| ьс iлfomеd ог maпу eхamPLсs oithe Ameniап insa!аblс аpрсtjte Гоr hаtred, М} jf,iсnliоn hаs поt ьссnto сonlinсc аnуoпe lо aсceрt |nу eхPrсssсd рosrtnjn' ьпt аs t]re 1m-mоа$mьlс li[ts аrr Presenlеd by the aulьor' l do rcquesl \rhlt knowLеdяе demаDds, пanоly. уоuгuDbiased сonsidelaiоn oflhс ]nfоm3noлpr;sеnlсd in tlrь wоrk' onс сoNсLUDING ]tеm оl tЬь sеctron rс.mаins: muсh оlt|]е faсts Nhiсh I ьаvс усt tо рrеseпl Ьеrc, shetlrеr уo0are аn Amrnianj тuй. or nеithсr, wi]| be оtтеIed fio]n no lcs trran

N. Аugun 29tlr. brought thс тulkьh resроЛsс lo lhе,rtjсlе rеlепcd lоaьоvс' on lh]s drtc in tlrе вa]5i./e r'л.J thе resPonse 1o lhс аniсlс eхpЕssed аn e|nplratiс рrotсst.'' ihе сoaеsропdепсс rуniсh hnd ьссn

Frintcd in ns еntiletу. rvаs Nliton ьу 'JijеЦd afTnrks

o. oп oсtoЬer28th.l iсссivcd a leltel fiоnr оur mo$ hon.red friёnd'нь сraсе вGhop vsevolоd. огthс Ukrа]n]an onhodoх сhulch' нisсоtresрoDdeDсе was оnс of mаnу wЬiсh I lrave keрl in my lilсs |оrуеаБ, ьut in tlrь lеnсr onс sef,lеnсе lоuсhеd jnо sо dеeрly that | сoп.sidered il а d]stinсl honol ьу гeреаtinв hсrc] ''You arе mlу to ье оoп.erаtr]lаiod on ьehllгоfa|LPсоplc fоr yolr goоd wolk iл рIomоting thohamоnious сo'ехьtеnсе oflhс bdhегhood of Mankind,'' тo leсёivethеse \Yolds гIom а lrue servanl of God hзs left mе humblу gфlеlill апd,joyous ьеуond my аbi]nу ю eхрres, .lust rссenny l hаvе |еаmed thalthс вishоphаs ЬeеnсlсvalеdtoАIchЬьhорo|his сhurсh апd on ьeha|fоf thс Fedelltjon, т eхlспd our соncratu|at]ons aпd pIaуеIгп| Ьоstwisьоs to нь Епinеnсе ̂ rchььhoP vse!оlоd Ьy пail'

P. l992: тhis had ьеen a ьUsyyсаrаnd lhorсlirrс ьrevity ь lequшd,.lanuaгу ]ld. аs а rсsu]t оlоurеffons witЬ ArсlrьislrоP vsсvo]оd

and thе Ukminiaп соInm0nn', rvhen 1Ье viсe'plеsident ofthссrifrеanраniamеnt, nь Еx.ёl]eпсу Rеfаt с!ьаlоЁlu $аs vъiling thе Unitеdslalеs.I had aрprоаchсd Ihс Arсhbnьoр fola possiЬ]е сoЛвсt Ьеt9еёnhls сojnmun]qr and the тUrkъь сгimсan огfiсiаls, ̂s а mдn oгреaсe'hс аilаngсd а рelsоnal nrtelviеw wilh tЬe Еdnor о| lhe Ukаiлiапnе$sр!реr' the syoDol., тhс Еditor inElviеwеd thе v,P. who re!еaled lье р|i8ht оf hundreds.f dюusапds оf тuйьл.таla.сrinсаns'r , , о . о 1 | i | J l o . J . r с , ! а . . L I l I l ' , i d 1 n ovi]ians and tъe eхрuьjon ofdrс peоplс from thсnаnсeslral hоnrelands,тhс аuthо. was alsо ilxепiеwсd civing inlьmniоn ofthе lеdсlаtiоnoГтurkьь'AпеIiсan Asoсixtiоns' and оur сoппunity сndсa}оrs,

Q' Fсьruаrу 14lh durnrgadinDеr rcссFtiof, civеn ii hoпоr оf thе тulk.ьь Pri]ne Minьtеr, нь Ехсо]lcaсу snleуman Dеmirе|. t ЬrоUght l..веther and ]nlroduced t*o dьtin8uьncd religiоls leldеБ: the ЙnliлgImаm оI.rhe тurkьh Munnn сommuniцr. and пis стaсe вьhop vsс.\'olоd (at thal tnnе hс wаs а вьhор) Photos l'ere takеn dnrn]e lhсnЬьtоIiс ЬюtheI|y diаlogue

тhс lmаfu's палe: вullrап sаtаr,

R. on маrch ]'', аl lhе Unnёd Natioпs, пiпc lоrnrоr rсрUЬljсs о|thс

l ш ' ь t I d d ь ) Е d $ ! d т s h j i

sоvicl Unioпhadgainсd lhri г ln depeлdеnсe tion сommnпьt Pe6есп.lo r , ' d , ' , о | , J | te | ' i е . lNJ | 'o , , ьL idnв , г Jg ' J . , ' t . е |e

sеvomlтulkiс соunties' апd Aпnenlаj wсlt аmoпg lhe n'ir.пssЬosе flags we.e Dnft|1еd tojoin tЬc ollrel пalions rерrсsеnted in thсUN, тhоre whеIе aboll two huпdred ̂rmсnians and rрFrох'nrarcrylhirL} тurks gаlьercd in seраrаtс grоups'

At oaе рoint. aпd lo tъь daу l kпоR aоt tоr rvhat reаsоn. lwаlkсd аs'aу liom our glolp aпd сntorсd lhе агеa $hсrc thе Alnсn'aashld assemЬlсd Whilе stаndjng jn tho midsl оflhс ''Еnоmy'' аnd лolslrсаking toаDyоne' an eldсrLy сeпt]сntn..сamc с|osе tоmcаn'J sal.1:''Are уoп ihс (ехрlelivе) Еd$аrd таыrji?'.

l]с sрokс i|r тuгkъh and |оud елough |or nаny реoр|e lо hеаr,Ar ir$ l assu]nеd thаl t|rе gепt]сfian wаs тu.kъь lnd $as пеIе|уjok.iпg wnh mе. ьur I wаs plоvсп $rоng whеп lhь angr! inl]]!idDa|shoutеd !t mс i|r тurkish: ''Why аl € уou slаndinв оvcr drеrе?.] Pointingro влcre lhе тurks {ele stапdjng' Ьc соnli|ruеd'.'Yоп Ьe]оngherc witlr

}oпroNnрeoрlc]''1 frlt lЬe сrowd around us lcrr closc to пе' emоlionаllу, as I

rеPlied in тulkьь, 'You аskсd пc a que{jоn. |еt me lеsрond |l ь ьeс.цsе our pсoрlсs hRvе lived lоgеtheг as ьrоlhсБ foj sir сenпlnеs.lhats Nhу l slf,d wiih theln!

sоmеoпe ьegaf, lо pull ле olt olwhal сould ha!с Ьссп a tedlьle сonlionlаlion, тhe тurks nеlel lеIl mt sidс .nd a5 l rеsuLl thеу\Iсге aЬle to рn1| пe out and rctuIr ]ne l. сivi1izаlion, No olh.r nl.Ldеn1oссuпed, bur аtсr drс лruгdеr оГ sо manу in.o.сnt тu*ьh diр|omasrnd оthсr сililiаns. l сould havс Ьссп уct aпоther tаrgеt tbl a$аssna.

s. Mзу 9. Al tЬс сonfeleпсe фоm аt llaп'аr! Uni!сjsiу, фe тпrkьh'^mc|iсan сulfural sосiсty of New Eng|апd' hаd sрoпsolсd and aFraf,gсd tlrе lotЬ Anni!с|sarу Mе]loiаl sеsiсc in hof,оr оfihё нon'Tuй]sh сof,sul Мj, olhan R, Gt]пdnz' \Yho was л]uldeEd Ь} ̂ menirл tепогъts in воston, Маsасhusсtts. in l98] тьс гсdelзt]on waslnvnсdапdа sрeech ваs rrquеstеdby ЕdNаlt таs!jl'

Аmoлgtllеsе!еrul sрсakсБ wеre lhенotrolаЬlе vоllаn Bozkт.т!|kеуъ сonnLl cсnсjэl, Dr Atx Еrnn, lrсsidсnl оf the гedёrrtjоп.аnd lЬс Dirесtог o|Pub|iс Аjтаils, tЬe aulhol, Му speссh ь Prеsепlcd

шi м тdd ьy сd}тd тДl'll

hсrс аs my Lhiгd алd finаl puЬ]iс addЕss tо ьe inсLude! in rlris аutoЬi.

A sреecЬ dс]ivcred Ьy Еdwaгd тaslr.ji:on Мaу 9, t992. in honоro|tЬe ]nеnrоry of lhе фsаssmatсd

нoaоrа.y тurkьh сonsL|, orhan R. сiiпdiizDeli!сrсd al: tlaпard Uпivcкity

May l дL lhе оulsct oхрrсss mу lrrо|оuпd гeеlings оl.aDрreс]a.tiоnlirlhis oрpollunitуlо mveа]n1y соmmсnБ Puьliсly' аs I aьo eх.tend mу deeр дIаtitudе lirr ,our kind attеnt]оn

lvс hаve gl0]егed tЕE thь daу сoпiпe fтonr nеxr аnd lar withsаd Ьcans' апd witь gliеl lоr а tetrib|e ]оss, тhс yoпag |ile of thе lаrенoп' o|nan сiindnz' who hвd fаithfu|l! served a5 nrе ноnorary сonsuli! thо вoston aЕa, rvas lаken |roф ouгпid$ nr 1982. by a suь'ьumanе]е епt' ]n aп aсt ofЬxrьаrisп Nо wоrds of.оndо]еnсе соu]d hoрс tocon!еу thе sаdnсss ofthе тurk]slr рсoрlс аs onс o.hel sons fеlIviсt]mto lhс а$asins As \е honоr hъ memoФ' wе aьo mоurn tho manуothсl тlrkъh diр]опrаts and Privаlс сrtizens whоse lives Nеrе taken ьylьс }'/.- ,]с'?,.лls Nno рrо|essеd lo ьс сыьtiаns Му iriепds. thetllbulс аnd the рIoPеr асcо|adсs whiсh оuг ьIothcr, olЬаn Gnndiiz' sоrightI]rllу dеseпes. wilI Ье ехр.essеd fаI morc с]оqleпt]у Лla! D)' dпуеlfon oп the pfutofthь sреakеr' It сou|dьс sаid lhаl thъ is лot tЬс аp.рrоpriаte forum lnr а рolitiсaI mсsagс] l сonсur' вu! is itnotрreсlse|уаs a rсsLIl ofnolniсаl assаsi|]аtiоn tЬаl ьriпes us hеЕ todаy? тъere ь !пnlque reафп for nrу griеfto bc filled lvith aп8сr:

Му dсаr friends' eасh ofus sh.rcs tho criеvoцs paijr ot thc еn-tirс Giindiz lаmi|у' уеtnoоne in lhis Фоm сan feel lhс additional ьurden lhаt is fell Ьy thь sрelkeг

Мinс is а tьeliпg ofsuill Ьy аssoсiation; -\,ou seе. I аm Ьom ofА.Nnixn аnd sу.aп-oltlrоdох рnrents, fu was then рhilosoрhy оlpureIo!с tbr а|l lhines тurkьh соUр|ed with a lifеtnnе соmлitmеnt lo tlсahng dre truth of lhс evenls of 1915 i! oltofian тurkеy. Nhiсhrnakсs mс аshаmod ofлу сoi €ligionisls l have gюwn }таry o|lhерemiоiols аnd stёreotуp]сa| attitudеs loN!(ts lhе тurkьh Pcоp]e whiсhhаvc Гeslеrеd in thе minds oI sо сa|lеd intоllсctuаь' роliliсims, and


тhетrult Nlш D. Told ьуЕd!аrdr.rы'ji

пе s сdnoБ Е!сп suсh аn сdifiсe snnilal tо thь nБtnntioп о|hiehel|caпiлg' hrs соIпрled rеn sсЬolxsЬiр w dr aо antj тп|kьh rlreloпcтЬь пaпi]inаtion will поl deter !sjus аs jt did.Фt Рlссludс oгhaпсiindiiz nr hъ failьlul sеniсо to his peoplс Rсslаssulcd dear broth.reалd sisle^. our с]топs will сoпhnue wilh оu| fаjllr ]n G.d. oul hалdсxtсnded ]n lrjeпdship. оu| hеаa lll|ed *ilh lovс Гor all гeор]сs тh]sNas andсontiлпсs lo ьe lhе leerсу о|vI, onraп Gijndii7inrъ hаs beenand will сonliпue b ьc tllс Lcgасу ol.th. тпrkьlr рcoplс f{tr lhсtr bс'

At t]re сonсlusiоn оГl|re aьo!с slаlсmcnt. арplаusё and shou1sогaа.] lilIed thс |оопr, lt *'а5 ]n ovaliоп $hiсь l.olId nоl hаve anticiрatеd' sсveraI diрlonrаts апd Prоlсssos аpploaсhоd Us вnh tIc n!mcюUs qncsiioпs as I wоndcrcd s\|еn||у: пrhо Ь lhе 7|.1.п1 ап|1 \thо 1s

Larcr oш gronр !ъitеd thе ссmcteц s|rerс .lr brot|]cl |rаdьосn lаid torеsl, and а Mпsliп рraуer rvas rосitсd Ьу.n IDam, Wс ]nеtwilh Ms.сnndiiz and hеIсlri]drсn. с\рIоssiпe our соndоlсnсеs

т, JU]y зl.., ьюueьlо0r ясdоratiоп ф йe |ront doоr o|Nвс тv sttr.diоs in NYс,lI l'аs a pе!сeh|Prоlсst agаiпsl llrc sPoaуапnоlпсer Mr'вoьсоnas тhслanifenаdoпol.lhсЬlаtаntaпti тurkъъроstuЕоГthе\ f l ' | i .я | , . \ , r , J J цФ o l с r ,g r . , с . е ' J ' j ' e ' L . oo , , i rсeЕnоniсs oftьс suпrбеr o|lmрic сыnes rn l|lis.ity оlвarcеlоnа.sDаnr AьoUt ]0 pеорle Iiom otrl l.сdcmt]оп саded lаrвe роslеь anJо i , , j ь J ' . o г , i с o | r я ( j ' | ' ' n i g | ' с р o ' , . o ' , с | i е ' J , 6

аeanБt t|]c nr* ,nd thс maпаgeп1еnl оf Ntsс, Aпroпg lhе mапу m|lhоns оf реорlе ч'or|d$idc. Nаlсhiлe lheir tсlс!ьioп sсreсns, it вasопlу tъс тurkьh pcоplс rvh. ЬссаDre аwатe oI.lhс o raеe.

тhe lоllоNinв ь ап elaсt dсs.riрliоn ofrvьal$аs sссn oп фerc]оvisioD ьIoadсasl: тhc MaIсh оlNali.ns rсvсaLеd фe ef,lrу ot tlrerеsФсtive leаnБ ofalh]eles ftonr the Pаnrс1РanDg соuпtnс5. ]n'1as thсflag oleасh nation Nas seеn оn thс field. rlrс пmс о|n]c сouпtry. Nasn]troduсеd ovсrihe рuЬ|iс addrсss systcnr. Duгiпg thо со]оrful Еlrd cхсitinд nrtlodu.lion оlЛatiопs, ] rёmemЬсr dьlnrсllу lь]nklng tо n]уseItI hоP! 1l1Ь lhпе Йerc \i!1 Ьr |1a со,п,arсial ьIеuk la1|hе тu|kish1еа}п is inh.J|1n.сd тo ехp\ai: lъur усaE еaг|rе]. rnd dUIi|re а sjmi]f

рюсеssion, whсn тшkсу Nа5 abolttoьс i|rnюduссd' а.оmmсrciаLaPpcll.d and Гn|keу wasnоt st]own, вut lhъ hаd haрpcncd пraпу !mсs.


ifа сonrn]е|сialаррeФn durins iлlloduсt]оn' lhe паdonsrvou|d ndьesrсn аnd at thc еnd ofthе соmmсrcjаl. thеаlрhaьсtiсal sсquсnсс wоuldсoЛtinпе Wь]]е I liсвсd thс тv sс.еeD, DоN iл |992' l lYas dеtеFmined not 1o ьe dъfurЬеd аnd if tьe tеIeрhonс had rцng, I woпld nоlrаvс aпswеrеd n, тъe пatioпs сопtiлued lо be ]пlroduсed. tьсn а соn1mercial саmео.' andwhcn tЬс commсrс]аl епdеd l hсard:..т!nis]al

l hаdtаsоп toЬсLiсvethь liпc tlrсreRol|d bсnoрюьlem,тlre тUльiаn tcаnr rvas shown аnd а frопrспt latег o!сr thс

sрсakсr I hса.d: l'тiilkiуеl'' (тurkcy)' Whi]e mil]ions оL Pеог]е wсresлiпg to sеe tье тпrkьh 0!g, lhе tcLevьion сaпc.as wеIе МovЕDAWАY lrom the тlrkish team aлd focUsсd on lhe huodrcds ofаlhlelсsrуьo ьа.l Ьeсn а$ёфь|ed and wсrc slаndine iп рlaсе in tЬc ссntоrol.1ьefic]dl тho sрorts amounсe|s сoлtinuеd lo сoпrсБо on seveфL toрiсswhiсh had поllrinвtо dо wnh drс паlion tьathxdju$bеeп introduсcdl

тhь dаsardly bеhavior Ьу a 1оsрссted, рIofеssionаl sр.fisсаstсI wаs lhс qujпtеssепtiа] aсl оlonе сoпsumсd rnitlr dсl0sions ot.ььsuРrntri!у' нь nаmс ъ вob сostas,lle Ьаsllxсed hь !епomous рсlsoпаl аgeлd. Ьcforr his fi!e|i!ylо Elfcsiona| Jouma|ьnr. I nпnсd оffthе тv аnd plюсооdсd tо wlite a lсttсr оl соndemnatioп to NBс.тvNevs Lettе6 ot pгоlсst гrom асio$ 1he пation рoured in to l\вс.whоsо оnly Iesрonse wxs а lоm |et1el sспt lо тllkьh AnсlgaПЬ arc

Nclеnhe]ess, sо it was lhаl оn thь dаy оuI Ееdсm oa рrоvedlhаl1hc !сt o|mоvinc tЬс tеlеvision сamсгa ayaу wolId nol detel thетurkьh Aпrcriсans from lаking фen рrоpе| Plaсс аfionв lhе proudlirnrilr оlnаtiоDs. Ь]r ''knосkiпg on tьс doоrо|Nвс to sау: WЕ АRЕt|Еi!, PRoUD AND vIsтвLЕ]

Lesllhe readФ nrоUld xsk: WЬ!'] oul Iesрonsс ъ: BоЬ сoslаsь an ethniс сЕеk whо nоl оnlу dьslасed hinБсLl bul hъ peoрlе аsNe|l, ]|r sрite оllhe вob сoslases ofthе wond' вtioпаl рeорlс mu$сontinnс in sсlrсh ofhaпnоniоus rеtxlioлsbсlwеeп оreесс аnd тшkеyjoш ]tsросtile рeop]es ha!с muсh in соfuпroп

U ' о n д ' 3 ' I . l | , , , г е x J ' h '

' , J I l o еPеd o г ' ' , а J ' г o Е l - 1

Vоiсс оlklаm'' whiсh was lrostсd Ьу hь liieпd Мr, Ghazi нankhаn. l\ | dbe . г i j , d , l с d o l 5 t l t r . ' г J ' J | А | r . 1 . . , l I i г n , l е p | е .sспting tlre гedеrat]on.|тurkjsh.Amсriсап Ass.сia!опs, t1ro wanleotodrаwlhс attсnliоп o|tье Мtrs|im.ofimlnily to an impoaаnt рrqссt

П l

тЬeтrulь пьd Ьc Told ьуЕdмrd1ishj'

with wьiсh l hаd ьcеn nrvollod fol оver fivе yфБ, му аррсa| iо lЬсljslеneБ wаs for rhcm to NIitс to thе NcN YoIk сil! соuпсi|aпd tо thсDеpaamсlt оf тranlP.tatioп. $irЬ ihо аim огЬaljng lhе susрелsiоп оlaltеmate sidс оf ihе sLleсl pаIkinв regulаlioas.lо iпс|udс Mlninr Е!isiоus Ьоlidavs' sсvelа| Musljm сoппunitiеs hаd .oI yсaБ |aЬorсd lойa!с lЬь lal! рNsd. аnd *'ilhjf, thс тulkьh соmmuniry siпcе l98?.tьe tireles ejтo..s in thъ mаjoг plolесt' had Ьeеп сonduсlсd ьу a сhn*tjan ''гnend olTulks''' In 1992. it fiпаllу hссanrе la} tьat оn tnc ГeаstоfRanadan and KUфan, botЬ Мuslim ьohdx's. in thе еntirc cnу o|NeN YоIk' lФ thrcс dауs еaсь' аnd tllc aLlemаtе sjdс of thе srфёlраtk.ing rules would be SUSPЕNDЕD!мy]oу rrаs beуоnd mcаsuj €.

v. on oсlоьer 22nd, the Ne} JсБe' stаtс senaE was сonsidеIing аrcsоhlion *ьiсh Nоuld соmfrсmоrаte thе 5о0th annivеБary ol thcIеwish реoрle ьеing wсlсоmеd ь} ottoman тuI*су in 1492, аs a rеsultоГrhe iifаmous sрaпЬh |nqlьitioп' ln suрроIl оfils рasаве. sеvеn]rсDlesеnhlivеs ofoul гedеr,tiоn аs Nеl! as tiоm tllе Amen.xn Аsо'сiаtiоn of.Iеrvish Friсnds of тDrkсу. made еlTосlivс statentпls to theseaаtс sub соmmittсe, тhе аlrhоr in his сomfiсnls еmplrasizоd tЬctola] |rеedon lhe сhrъiians Ьad' and сontinuе to enjoу to drь dау. thе

рIасliсе oгthciг faith wh jle mlintainiпg lhcir lсsрeсtj!е sсhооlsтhе resоluliоn was unаnimouslу adonted'

W. on oсbьer 2зrd' wc пrе1 with L|ь Ехсel]оnсy Prcsidепt RаutDепkla'' lЬе Prсsidеnt оftьё тurkish Rеpuьliс оl Nothсm суFn's,

х. Ailrr 'cals о|еl|oa, on No!е]tьer 6lh. we fiМl!у hxd a pnl.lеmeеringwilh liis Еminеnсe Archbъhoр JоЬп сardina|o'сonпо.' in hвоГfiсе in Nсw YoIk сnr' нс {as ехlEпсly явIпr tl the гсderаlionPresideпt, Мr' Еn]аn Al!y. lhс viceрЕndent М|, onur Еim. апd t|re

" , .nо| L l | . L f iП с | .е ье !в ' . eno ' i o в , \ ' hР1| . |o" !d , i .n \ o , , Jnal ваltimoЕ сareсhьm whiсh I ][d шеd дs a slldсnt in s.i]x ЕrrЛсБxaljer Pаroсhiдl sсhoоl in Nеw York сily ololеr 5i] усаБ eaniеr' Re.сепtly vс Ьeсапе hсartЬюkcn Nhen саrdinal o'сoпnоr рasеd a\raу]$с shаll пe!еr tоreсl h'п

Y. |99]. ол June ]0.i. t|rе lеdeфtiоi hаd а рrivatс mеetnre \Ynh tЬс

l l 2

тh(тп'ь Nrui ьс тold Ь,. td!,rd тsshji

Gemап соnsn Genеф] iп New York сjtу тhe tlon, Dr ЕbеrhlldKoeьсhаnd hь аide ]vеlсomсd the $]|o*'iпg at tlrс Gcrmаn сoпsulltе:Prеsidе.t Mr' Мehmсl Yаr. viсе рIеsidcnt Dr' $еvkеt Karadumалj аndtlrс аllhor \уhosе |etlg to thс сoasu| сепe.al vas rcspoлsiblе 1br tьь

Foг sеverаi'сas wilьiп пumelous Gсrmаn сiljes' grоups оltneфсъt пеo.Nаzi mutanls had ьесD lttасkiag and kilhrg residсf,ls lronotIrer сonnties тhis psуchорxlhiс crоup had ЬomЬed the hопrсs of'nаnу сtъniс тu*ish wо|ke6' ,nd many nrnoсcnt mеn' wо]nen, andсhiIdren. ]оst drеir livсs rt the ьaпds ofthсse misсreаnt огAdoIl нit'lоi wilh оuI r]nрhatiс сondeшations of tъesё ьarьаriс п'urocN. LпeUniveбal тurkьh sоаrсh Гor ha.monу. toler,nсc. aпd goоd wil| tow,rda]I Лаlions' iпsрьсd thс authol to Nrnо and rcquest a meсting $ith rfiесermаn сoisul сепсml in the злйit ofГгiеndshiP wЬiсh h!u' llu сUl.lin0es lo eхist Ьelвсcn сemanу !пd тUlkcу' slatсmеnts oI aрo|ogyjsoпow апd солdоlonсеs' oD thе раt оfDr Koeьсh сonld not eliminalеthе shаdoNs Ф|the fеw hаtо.monslсrs' ьut ье drat аs ii fiayj al the vеrуlсаn. о!r.ordiаl and fпlnful mеeliпg proved lо tlrс world thal ouБ s aFhi]оso!ъу оf peaсc аnd lrusl

Z. Aцgust 2lsi, 1vаs rhe day rvhcп tlЕ Koreaп Wаr vеtеIаns оf NеwJсвсу, honоred drе тпrkъh Afrenсaп сoпnunnу |оr its effoпs i|]frliпIдiniлg сlоsс rcIations *itlr nU|nсrous veteran5 orgапizaloлs, Al аdlлпer Iecсрtion hеld iп Nсrv.'сlsсу, sсvoral lесi|rienls wcrc duly hопored Ьу thc оtfi.e6 of thе сhoпvon сhaрter. MI, losсрh Pocgy. aidМr, тhomas Jeffсriеs рIescnlоd us lvnь lhe Dсраnmеnt оf the Amусоmnaпdеls ol Аrnard Меda| Го. сn,i|iаn sсrviсo' h our аguсp'aruc|JF| 'е | , , I е \p1. ' сd o ' b . | J | о l | -с с | ' ъ П , ' 1 .qо ,ег i . i | соn

muniqr. our humblс aпd most prоlоund gвlitude fol thс hоnor lhey had

;.ъ lhе фаdег ь9s sule|y оЬserued ьy пow, I hаve Usеd rЬe елtnе al.phаьet jn prсsсDting $hаt 'nу сьаptеr hеаding hаs dеsоiЬсd as ''some''огoul еfГons, only liteг гeviсwnle my filеs' ьаvс l сonre to rсa|]ze tъeГulleхlent o|our hunь|е sеnjсe lo фe тurkьh pcоPlс, тЬe nonumen'lal рhуsiсаl, jnoral, аnd lifie (]rot to nenlion finаnсia|), suррort аs dс.sсгiьed in thе lrсljоDs раgеs нAvЕ Noт relсalеd tlrе tоta|il' о|ouryса6 о1.wо.k' Аs dre fo|]оy]ng сhаpter wiLl sспс lо рresef,l пy fuп.

l ] з

тhстпlь NftБt ьс тold Ь] [dllrd т35hji

dзпenla]роsition оn тurk]sh.Arnreпiln hЬtorу.l Ьavе dесidсdto oп'lmuсh (ь!t nоt а!1) оl tlrе rоnjainnre сvспt rvhjсЬ wоuld l]lnhс| dс.s.riье this mostlniquс ''!гicпdоl тпrks,''

$'с slra]|сonrinпс $itЬ ап ''A'' aganr Гolсaсh entry Ьutвill add1|r rпune i0] ' ' l ' ' 1оeасh lс tс | o fa l lоure lто i t s . thеnros l . f f сс t i ve . thсmоst sцcсе$ful, 1|rс пon insрiriae. апd the frоs phуsiсa]|у лd emo'riоnаt|у eхЬausling .vcn6 агe yet lо lоilow тьesе e!сЛб beс!]ne thссuhninal jоD оf ]nу lil.e]оig lvоIk,

А.1. oсtоЬсr l5th, 199з ьrопe|]t puЬ]iс t.оgnnioп bу aпоlhсr сhaрterо| Amеriсап vсlcfuns о| thе Кorean Wxr тhс сcnfaL LоDg ьIandсьфler оl thе Korёаn Wаr vеteran\ had i]rlitrd Мarу аnd lhe зutrоrto а d]nnсr rcсерriоn glvcn io Lопg ]sland' N,Y . sheIс аn я] d].псе ofоver зt]o guсsls winrоssсd this Fricnd ofтurkl. rсссi!э a fom,] сcFliIiсаlс ofарDтeсrlliоn lron the сь!рtсr Prсsideпtмr воЬ Мorga. гorour e|].ons in !naiпlaiпing haшonjоus .еlаtions Ьеtweсn lhс ]UrkБh^mеIiсcп соmm0пitу апd our Аmcriспr vetclа.s oГthс Korean WaI,o1|]сr rcсiDieлts ъad aьо ьeeп h.norсd, фrd olr sзtсmепl o| dсорlrаtiflldе oп ьeь!ll..| oпr сomпruniry wts Iесеivсd with mаnу ьлd;hrkes .nd a loud ovalion' тhe сeailiсаlс a.d а medal itоm t|]е Dеpаrtлrnl ol.lhe ̂ t|nу,Ieпain оn dърLау iп fu! dсn,

в-l. DcсепЬeг 6lh lъuпd sсvеra| rерrсsentatives о].thс !.cdегаlьnand oш.IcL{nh tiсlds.t llrе }ie\! Jсrseу slalс sс.аLс Еduсation соm.,nirleс Nhrсh *as сonsidenпc а rсsolutiоп s0Ьmittсd ь} A$сmЬlysрёаker соngвss]nrf, Galаьеd нaylауаn весаusс саniсI attспrpa bte!сh in rhс Nсв Jеrчeу .lxs|oоms lhс s!ьjсct оf tье myhiсаL Am1епiэп .qedоcjdс had fвilеd. thс uьiqujtou\ ̂ mоniaD Resolutjоп rYasa!аin sDoлsolеd bv науtavaп \rnh а differenl bj|l DunrЬсI' тоeеthcl''iп

" lп-я. . ti.

""*".t "l lhe bi]|. пhiсh rvas a Ьlсdugе de

siencd 1o соDсeзl l]rе p.sопаl aeспdl ol. на}tвуап' оlh.' hьtоr]сa|!спос]des h,d Ьссп inс|udсd stаtоnrеnls \еrо аL|оrred f@nсonсс.red;мьs and dminд his p|!*it!rjоп нaуlауaп dnplaусd hjs inlсФrclа.inJns ol the e!еnб in ortoman тurkсy with фе U$|al Апnслiln diа.lr]bе. \ri1|r ils usuаl sоly dссrplion. NпmеLоus sрсakсrs lr.nr .пr $denlсlldijre тUlkьll апr1 JФl]sh hьtolians, рrоsсnlсd faсtual iiьi|nз|оntfuri|re !ье allсgаlions whiсh lhс sспalois ъad jLБt lrеагd olr lаstsPeаker was thе аulhor я|ro suссeeded jn сonсеаling hБ аneе. аt lьesс

| н

1h. тiltь yu*ьетоld Ьy.dPiid тБhji

рolitiсiaпs Nhо sаt jn judgnent оlthо тurkisЬ Nation whilс knоw]f,gпоthing оj.тurkislr histojу, тieе1].e.tjvе slаtсmenБ ofаn сlhniс Anner , s | l l \ oрoo \d ' о t с . o l i J ' '

" \ ъ . ' r а . . , 1 п l l l ^ l о1

lhе]n, ьесаusе аl thъ heаring the resolutiоn did notрas, oul сommеnвdrс},t|re аtlсnt]оn o|фe tеlеvision crея аs thсy apрIoасhсd ls lor aIive iлtcrview' Aпd tlrus' itwаsdоno

с-l. 1994. oп DссеmЬer,1th оlthь усaI. xn сlcnt took pнgс aL u'стulkьh ссniоr in Nеw Yo.k сitу. shiсh опlу the paaiсiраnts rcfren1bсr, тhe neRs nrеdiа \уou|d not соverапу e!еnt аl lhе тurk$Ь сспtelun|оs ]t ]nvo|ved а blood! сonГoпtatiоп, вutthь wnsm elепtofIеli.giоUs а.d cdrnic hашоny rnd |o!е] no, it$оuln not inte.estthe mеdia,вut ьесausс ofthе date' iп thе сhrьtmas g.еelings oп ьсlrаlfof theFеdemtion. to РгesideDt с|n on аnd Мaуor сiuliаni' tnс rъa aulhoгrсl.сiiсd lо lhe follо1уine c!еnt as Pafi of hь hо|idaу grсёtiпgs' In rьeiгrеspoпse lcnсБ to me a reГelепce tolhссvеnt sаs ]nadе aЬovо thс slg.пatulеs ofPresldеnt с|intoп эпd Маyor Giulimi,

тhс Aпrеriсm Asoс]аtion оI.Je*ьh Fliспds oГ тlrkey hadhс|d а Mефorisl seпiос Ь lriblte tо oul ьe]о!еd lriфd] lhе lltе МI,Louis Lеvу, NIаry аnd l had ьееn jnvitcd lо аlt.nd aлd tve wеIе Ьоn.огеd to pаnlсlFаtс, President рIo.lеm Рrо|esnf David Е, AltсЬi hаdilrltоd us tо snсiоse to drс sрсаkоr's taьle,lolа sреcifi. reаsоn whiсhrvаs tveаlеd lаlсr Among ntпу оloul fliсnds in aaendaпсe wеIe: Dr,Аlьe dсvidаs. мr, zaсhary .I' Levу. Protissor A|teьё, Mr, ]оscphЕ|ias aDd othor lаdiёs and geлtlслcn whо aE nrеmьeБ oт Inеsсphardiс сofrпunity In tlЕ сentel о| lье speakсБ. tаЬlс а mсnоnhhad ьeеn р]асеd as dre dаte сoinс]dеd rvith tЬe сeicЬnlioa oI thё r]оlyЕeslival ofнanukkah' тЬе sеrviсc ьсsап wilh нсЬlоs praуеIs aпrl duгшЕ drе аsignсd moment, еaоЬ сandlе rvаs ljchtсd Мr, Louь tеly Ьadbeen lhe Ьelo!еd fomder о|tЬо organizstjon and $ eасh саnd|e sаsto0сhed Rith . Jnаl| flame а рrоГouпd enrоtion n|lсd tъe roоn. Аfterthе finh сandlс wаs ln fieE was a ЬIiсг ра0se' rпd tlrеn PlоfеssоlDаvid AltxЬi sроkooutьу i|rvitin8mс (аsасhnsdап) to |isht thс siхthс.пd|c яrоfr the speakеN. taЬlс ] ааdrossed the audiеnсе oт пvo лundrеd рсoрlс nr re го|lоwing ]nanner Аs сhrьtians. mу rvifе Мдгувпd I aссcрt youl kind hоnol, and in tЬе лаme o|the hьlory shаrсd ЬtоuI | €s!еcnvc реoр]es n] tl]c тUrkish h.mсl!пd, I now |iвht thе sхlh

тh( тru6 !шl bст0|d ь] Еdiяr'rтпhji

one .aлdle refuдincа unlit аnd tЬe аutho| соntinued: ..|п lhathьtoliс sрnn of hаmoDу. wth yoпr рсmЬsjon' l shоuld likе tr lnvitсo0I sьicr. aпd т0lkьn Мus|im, Мs' Еsenвclrсп' rvhо ь here $ith us'rо .оmс folyald and light 1|rr Фmaiпjng саnd|c,..

|сniсltd tlrс audiёn.eаnd esсoaеd м6' всhеn to hghl$e finа]саDd]е. тhеre Nc stoоd ьehind lhc glоNnrg ]igьls of thс mепolah' роо.рlсs ofJewish, сhrьtiап аndМоslеm laitЬs. Ьounn bуа mutual hъtогуand lhсitshariпg tlrс dеsirе fоrь|юlhеIhoоd, An еvelt lсft unkn.wD to asorjd lhal hплgсБ loг suсh a simрlе gesturс оl.huшапiry.

D-1. 1996' on JUno 3tЬ. a Л'el li0,* riл6 пеNs iсm оftircd lhе l'ollo*'ing hсаd|ine: ''IЛ сеntml PaIk we are lоld tЬаt ser]ous сilme hasdcс.eаsed in oпr cnу. ьut rho lictnns оl Lhousаf,ds оГ спDrna| асtsivhiсh sulelу сhа]|eneс thcsе sotъtiсs' Aьo. lhjs il|lstllous певsра

Рcr as а п|c, doеs nоl rcPon аЬоul$'сh tеtriЬ|c пssau]ts оi iпnосепr

рeoplе. but tЬь slоrу had аn Lnusua| еlenеnt. for ЕasoDs 10 ьc rс.vсalеd' llrе аulhоr hаs nrс|udеd in thь ьoоk.

'Гhе rеldеr will Еnепьсr lhс 'AniлaI rjghG.. slоryi wеl|. ьercwе hа!е a sinrilar dърlat оlthe Amef,i3. psусhe and thс blаtапt aпt'тurkьh рostпrc olthь ne$sPxpеI, тЬе пmс о|tlrс youпg ]vоmaл, yho

had ьееn ьrutal]zеd iп сenrаlPаlk, sha|lnоlЬелсntiоnеd hсrс' blt iпlhс nеwspaрcб and оп tЬе tеlеvision nеws Ieрorts. hсr Гull idеnlit, ъadьeсn rс!саlсd. llr thе lenctnу aaiсle shiсh dсsсIiьеd thе аltaсk uрoпlhe уоuf,g ]nusiс tеaсъcr. its cоlcIudjng раmgrаph rе!eа]еd 1h. сlЬпiс.nу o|thс viсfiг shс Ras desсIiЬеd аs аn dhniс АJлrп]аn, аnd аs ifitwаs !сIу гёainent to t|rе a$aull uрфhсI, ьеr ''pasioЛаtеl' sfudу оfil'eAanепiаn cеnoсidc hаd ьсcп ьrоucht lо t|]е atlеntiоn оltЬсрuьliс тhe

loшe viсtiп had s0n'i!сd the !iсiо0s atlасk lPоn her. Ьпt likе \опraпу оlher Al]neDi0Ds sъe rсmаins а viсln о|hatс

Е-1. oсlob.r 2пd ьrоughl l.lо my nапds an с\nаodinaц, ]сlter lromтuтkey s Amьаsаdог lо the Unitсd st0tes' h]s Ехcellеnсy Nnzhet Kan.аслir,l a|n рleаsсdtо say wе ь]d had mаnymeetjngs wnh hnn and hБ

рrсdесеssoБ gоjng baсk mапу }eas' I аn аьо hопоred to revеlL thаltlrе аuthorhаs cоpiousехаmр]еs oflettсrs tо аnd гIoп thетnrl]ch Еrn.Ьаssу iп Washinelоп D,с, вUl lhь рal1iсu]аг соtrсsрondeпсe Ьad in.с1udеd an iпviиtion for nre lо ье his guеstа1lhc cfrbassy, subscquentlефrs ,nd phоDc сa|ь hld rcsullеd iп the lь|LowЛrg:

шtь. Told ьy Ed}0dтшhji

on No!епьer 4. 1996. l fiеrv to Waslri|reiоn D,с', and at фedёniпatioп dсраrtuE аrсa. l spollеd sеvеIа| peоPlс Ьolding саrds vitьtlrc папrеs of tЬcаftivingPassепgсвplnxсdоn lhсtr FoIthe fiБttinrеi|r ]nу liГс. l obseNed оne сard Nhiсh leld: тaыrji . та9a|.' Ьоlh inтurkish аD.l Еnglьh I сou|d поt dьIсgаrd thс cсnt]omаn vЬugl|у sсаn.пnre thс mаnу afivaь' wе gl €еted crch оthеr iп тurkьh. and Ье didпоt aLloв me lo с!Iгу mу Lilсasc nor nу a!асh. сasе l hаd Ьeen in|оmed фa! ьefole вoile to dе Еmьa$}' l wonld Ьc lakсn lo a holel rосhcсk ijr aпd гIesllen up Nо namе shа|] ьо mсnljоned Ьere; the hotеlsuitеwаs |uхnriouswilh a|l lьс aлreпitiеs c!сrywhеt' Al|olthьNаsаtnre eхрсnsс о|tъё Еnrьlssу' inсlLiing аir l.alсl апd tье dnrnе|s wnhоlfiс]аls as frуhost. Mу depаntrrc was I. be lьe fo|]o]viлs dаy

|t seen1s the autлor hзs nоl mспliолed lrь dе$iny during lhe]nanу рl €vious раgсs. bul Фу iпехр]iсflЬlс dсsLinу did make an ''ар'

Dealапссjl o!сc аg]iп as l hзd сheсkсd iniо lhе hоte]' тhe rсссрtioлdesk Ln thе sfull] ьut e|еeапt loьЬу hаd l]асcd ап aпaneemсnt оlmanystraILлаgs ofthесolntriсs вhosе rep]€sепtatiуcs 'nа! hаve !isited tlrеЬote|. Му attсltion wаs dra*'n tо thь disp|aу оl ]]аgs' aпd theл 0rупreпиl quesnоn wrs аnswelеd: | сould nоt sсс lhс l]as о| tlre RерuЬliсо|тu*су Ьc.luselhеЕ $as No тurkъh fiagl

тhе reсeрtioпъt oЬsсtvcd ]nу llleпLiоn tо фс nags аnd lhёsпrile oп lrъ fасe surcly indi.ated h]s smlitudс for Inу аррaфnL ]]aр

рro!аl''' t'' арol]tc ьut Iimr voiсе.I inqпiredаЬ.utrЬe сопsplсuоUs ab-scnсе оI lhe тurkьh flаa to whiсh hо fuplied: ''весausе wс nс!еr re

тo whiсlr mу sсооnd quсnioп !v!s: Won]d tоuinсlude aтurk.js|] flа3ifоDcl'аsgi!en lо you?'.

oГсou6е 8e would, and il NouId ье an hопol fоrus]''Mу ьгiоfsаteлeпt tо mу driver was fo|lоtlеd uр Ьy his deер

аpрIeсiatioп аЛd lаtеr ] hаd ьeеп inlоmrеd thаt with]f, one houl, thedпvel rеnш!сd tо n1с lоbьу, рreseпiсd a тпikьh fl,g' aпd tЬе flaa.оnrоd lЬс t]аgs оfother пations,

Aftiv]ng аt d]е тurkъh .mЬаsу' I was sеlсoпеd ьy Мs, sjлавaydur, соuпsеlor tо lhс Ambа$!doг' а mosl сhxaniлg уоung l"dy$]th whоor l hаd hаd mаnу рhoпе сonleБations, тhе acеndд lol пrуЬriсГvьit wls to begiп *jth a mсcting wilh embasy ofliоiaь and rcI).с\cntatives ofPuьliс Еlаiioлs fims Lуъo wеre supposcd tо sоdс thei]rtеIests огTulkсy iл the Unitсd states, Мy pr]!аtо mеelng \Yjth hъ

1t '7

un ьr'г! d br' l]dvtrd тДьji

Ехсеl|сnсу Aпьasadоr Niizhct K!пdеnnr $as to take рrасс on tlrслeхl mоming. аfter }hiсlr l wоuld fly ьаck to Nеw Yоrk, тhe сontъr

1аlЕс. iпfolmаl, with сonfonaьle сhаirs a[апgеdaround a loпg mlh.gдnу taь]е, I was sеatсd а1the ight о|the Ftrsl seсIсt!гу' Мr, lnаn оzуildiz, who sas sсаtеd at lhе head ollhe tаьlе. Ashс cопduсted lhе meеtiпc, Ьe asked eaсh рcБоn, sta.ting flоm hъ lеft'to jntoduсс hijn/]reБeli аnd wilh my jntоduсtiоD I ]Y$ urg.d toЬгiei]! dеsсriьс оuI реIsресtj!еs tnd сffons on lhс ьn|е ofтurkish.Аmеnjaп hisrоry, тЬe msпy questiоns t was sskсd Ь' thс ladies aпd

eennоmen' who Nсrс Ьusу lаkiпeпоt oГmу cопrmепts' lndiсxtсd tlreilrФiаllаck of fsсtua] kaowlеdeс on t|re subjeсt which сausсd moсh апtiтLrkish sсntijneлt in lъe Uпited slates' main|у lЬc Апneпian al]сex-tjопs and lhс dъlоniоп о|тllkisn hъtоrу

Aп ьour аnd а hаlflаtеI lhе ficсling еnded sith сxрiеssiоns olаррre.ixlion iiоf, 1ъe !аftiсiрanls Гor tho intъimatjоD whiсh lil].l] lЬеi',notеьоoks вeforо аdloumiпg' Мr, ozуi|diz nrепliо.ed lhс sоIу о|thсЛlgs аl tlrо hоtе|. adding. ,You seе how dcdiсalсd Mr тas]!] s lо theтurk1sh pооplеi lro!' n,nу оL us t Noпdеr sопld havе Еасlеlt tJ thc

After t!rcwc|l el €еtings, i sаs сsсonсd to ]nу hot. 'nоm аn!inlоmed thatatsi{ P,m,' lrvou|d Ье liсked пP ilrlhe loьъ, Lo bс tаkсп

тhе еvening dlеw tо a сlоsс wiш a oreпtll reljсs оf lhе daуsоvcnls, аnd сonс]Udсd tltаt it hsd bёen a lnitfuLeffon

тЬe fоj|owing moming' aftсr brсxkfаst, iqs. вaуdur сsсогtedmе jaiо the Aпrьаsadofs most impre*j!е oti.iсe, \ve greсtсd сaсhother warmlу апd l wa! invitсd to рIesen| mу thоtrglrls. пrу suggсstiоns. and even mу сomрlainE i|| llad anу lп lhе rоofi lhcE rYBs oпlyoaе оthсr Peьоn, Мs' sina вауduг, and sin.с it уаs а рrivltс mсrt'ng.lshall omit сеfianr соfrments What is ог vtn| lmроtanсe hоrYe!сr Бtlre fасt thаt on| eхсhвnge $,s cоLdial aпd соn9ruсtivс, аnd уes' l didhave a сonrPlаint' l iпfоmеd rhe amЬаsado| iп dеlа1] аьоul thе пralсrial in mу рossёsion Nhjcь I hаd рrcscntсd in thе lom ol а рпbliс eхhiЬition, al lhe тurkьh сentеr, iп Ncw Yоrk сjry. Fоr yem l l'аd Iпiomed mаny offiсials o!'tho сoпtеni ol.mу схhiЬitiоn \фj.h I hаdnаmеd Aп Amсri.аnъ Lo!е for тDrkсy,', Мanу ьоoks. sonrс Nпltёn 1nthc ottoman тпrkьh laпgulgс' сорiсs ofmу drоusаnds оf LеtteN anl]

рublisъсd afiicles оп thе Annс|riaп ]ssuе' сoluлns ofрholoeraFhs, dc'

Пl l

тheтrut itn h тo|d hуЕdtшdтБhji

piсtnre oul cjтоrts аs dсsс.ibed оn thesе!аeсs. аs we]l as tьe ьеaulifulрhotocraPhs ol'оur ''oltonran'| lromс, схаfiрles oL ош тulkьh rcсоrdсoL]ссtion uпequaled i|r lhe Unilod slаtеs (uith пraп' rccоrdln8s cIosсtJ |00 ]rеаrs оld). aьо many г,сls Ёfulnrg thе Armсniаn a|lеgаtiоns'numе|lus схаmрlсs оlsterеoryрiсal inraeсs oГтurks, lo $hiсь пr-\,lеt'1еБ ofPюiоstreсёive{] lеttеБ оfaрolocies (аn inPоfraлl sаjnрle ofmyworkNoт.есorded in t|rь ьio),

Duline my роlne сomP|aiпt, l askеd tltе а|nЬasаnor lhe saпequеstiф whiсh I Ьаd аsked ol jnany pcоPlс verЬаl|у aпd iп writins:''Imsjl1ing l. donаtе пу еntilе eхhiьitiоn tо тцrke),, whose rеPrсsсn.lаtivos hаve sеen thе mаtсriаl. Ьnt aо оne Ьаs slеpDеd гоN'ard lо rс.сeivс t. wьat will ьесomе of my уeав of*'оrk, фь pricсlсs erhiьi

тhс ambа$adoг pгomьсd to схрedno $с tnnsfer. Aпьasadоr\ , / |е , каndе| ' i , \d ц f , . r ' J5 d J \ег \ j ' d ' | - i . . \р .* , ' ' ' .ofвmlifude for our hu.rьlс сffons оп Ьсhаl|оI.тulkсy !пd tlre тnrkьhрсoрlе. тЬe !ьit tо thе тurkъh enba$у was ьгiеl ьut lm Plсаscd lоsaу lt Prоуed to bc vсry suссessгul and nrоst graliliing lо аll раiliёsсоnсеnred. тЬе еvсntremа]ns vjl ]n jnу пcmогics,

F.1. Novеfrье. |5. 1997 wаs thс dаiо ol fiу fiпl of this seliеs ofаniсlеs $hiсЬ hаd Ьeеn рnьlъhedin тl'e r.,*ь,7n,6,lhо wcсkly nсwsраpсI oflhс А$cmblу оf тuйьh'Anеiсan ^ssoсiаtjоns, |осated i]rWashincton D с. Е!сh of m]r numerous lnjс]сs hld ьeeп рuЬ|ьhed.iust аs I hаd wriLlеп drепri nоl оnс x'ord was evёr de|etеd fronr nrу of.fеrines. тhе PaрeI. rулiсh hnd рrintсd foаnу оloul iпdividUal Icnеrs foryеgrs ьeгоre lhе sсries e!ёr ьegan, uпdсI the ьеаdin8] ,? .,, ..//"./ аnlrlr DoJ,l A Еrjend oi the Tulks,'' puЬlъhеd my nna| afrjс]e onJаnuarу 29th ]999 Мy otтern]es a|ways рсrlainеd 1o suьjeds ofтulk.ьЬ сопсеm, wilh $rоng сfiphаsь oп drе Аmrenйп еniema' l rсmаinвmlегul to dre I,,fun fi,'"i |оr the hопoj lhеу hаУс snown mе,

G. 1, oсIober 2?tlr, l997, is thс dаtc оltho lсtler sеnr tо thе authol bуthe тUlkьь сoпsul сeпela|. ihо нoл' Fuat тan|aу, нь |еttel wаsrnailеd аloпg rvith а! оffiсial lсtler seпl ю lhe сoпsul. Ьy the мinьlryоf Еоrciвn Afаns о|lhе тuгkъh сovсmmсnq lhс doсumсnt чas daledoсtoЬсr 24' ] 9 97 тhе сoltеnt of eaс Ь соtrcspondёn. е pe гta пred tо lhсau 1огъpetitionlо drотUrkish Autьorjtiсs lо ьe gmnted реrmьs]оn for

l t9

тьет.oii п{un ьс тold by Еdяrd тmijj

hъ lUfuс Ьulill iп тцrkьhsoil Аfter ti!с yсars oLcountlсss tеttсв andfаxеs, аnd lоUowiпg aIl lеgа1 |tqunэфentsj оUr fiпal rе*1ng PLacе 'пtЬс lrоDrеlаnd оfmу рагeпls hаd bесл granrc!,

|' . |. \99a| А feo о|lt]|i|hлс"l] of n|prcпc loy! ^ ycаr оt unеl

рссtсd hопоБI Il !'оuld rсquire manу раges tо dеsсIiьe a mоst signjnсапte!еntwhiоh tоok plaсe ia l998 andaga]n jn ]999,

l Пrust nrivс to ье conсisс i|r desс.iьlng nle Ььtoliс еvоnlswhi.Ь ilrс]udеd ]naf,y оfiсials aпd соuntlсss wапn рeoРlс n'hо'n I afrцпab]оIonаmе. onсe,gаin l preseпllo thс rrаdеI the mоn mаeDinсeпlехaпrр]с oГthc dеslijrу \Lhich сontilruсs k] glidс mу |ile and mу lшп'ьle еffons оn Ьehаlfо].thc тlrkьh пatioп and hсr реoрlc within thcfоllowiпe nаmtivо l'm сeaа]n somе пanrеs rYj|l Ьс оvr|lоoked] thь lsn.l intспtioпal ьul duс to tlrе faсl ссtain .а]nes $еrе nоt oЬtainеd о.|osl ln еithсr case' l aPologizс fol nrу оmьs]оn гoI nraпу уоаs аnd tomanу рeорlс in drс Uпnеd slаlсs аnd in тurkсy.I had askеd lhс sanеqrcsliоn and iп lаtrr ycав eaсь timс t lrаd гepealеd mу quеst|on' fhсlоne ofimpаtiепсс in mу voiсе (or in mу wlitings). had Ьсcоmе no

тhе quсstiоn lrad ьeсn: ''whаt is to bесome of m-v рnссlсs сх-

on Мa} 22ad. 1995, 1 lra! рrсscntcd 0rу ехhiьitiоп fог a onс.daу !ie!v]ng at ihe тurkьh сспtcl jn Nеw YoIk сit}, аs .iс оf tьeNcеk'loпe c!сnls dlling our rnnuа] тurkish Amсriсап Weеk ,nd Pа.lаdс ]иy \ljГe аnd I wlаррe.j lll ol nrc mэtеrjдi wс соuld tаkе' ann la.ь ' . "d 'о | ^Unoп. , , | . , a l пв ' г , с |яbе, l | , |Рd u | \ | ,в , ) ,оn i . ,

рerиinine to тurkey and oul еfforls of, ll0 ьchllt ^mong lhe jnan,

рсoP|e whо visitеd llrе схhjЬitiоп vhiсh l had named 'onо ̂ mспсап sLovс for т!rkсу.,. and cхprеssed lhоn dеeр aФссiаtiоп for thе mo*unil]uс со]nрjIahоn оlmttс.iвl, *ere thс fоllowiпe lhleс тnrkish сon.дtsmсn: тhe l]onoвьIe Rjt.at Yiizba5ioЕlu, оllhe сilу o|Niдde, tlrенonоlxЬlе Dг' Gа|tir Yaki|r' o1.lhe .ity ofAfyon. аnd thс нoпоrab]сМu$ Еrаiсioflhе сny оfKonуа'

Еасh gentleпrап. аt lhe сomplеtion оfmу euided burotlhс eпtnе е:niЬllioa, said ц'ith ef,рhasь tlrаt lhь shоu|d ьe рreseлtсd INтur!су' Alаs, фeirprоmьеs to еxpedite сh аn event рro!еd iп vain.fо. аfrоn.s оther rеasons' durinв the subscqUспt еlесtiоn. i.n. оf tьёЬon, gепtlсnron wаs Iе.eleсtedto offiсе, вul nothiпewаslo in.сdе nrу

] !о

тhетrffi пrd ьe r.old hy Еdtl.dтбhji

desli]ry, апd dIсr 'сaБ lаtсrtirlfillmenl was!о ьеaсhieved] An lnvltr'tion lo my wltё маry and the дudrоI. frоm lЬс Мiль1ry о|сu|lцrеl

тhс сultrinlliоп of m5nу сoilcsроndenсеs rеsu|ted iп thе fo|.|orving: on ьeha|fofdrе Мnrьter оlсulturо ollhe Rерuьliс ofтurkеу.iп tlre сaрjtа| сiry of Ankаrа, we rvеrе iпvilсd to рresеnt our eхhiЬitionfol рuЬliс viсвing, to start wnh оifrсial opeDiDcs ссrсmonies, ьeginпing AUgп* l3lh' l998 aпd coпсludnrg оп Augusl24. |998

вefoЁ сontinui|r8 wnЬ the еvenls о| ! поst sieninсаnl еn.dсаvоI in the саpitаl сitу оlAnlara. n ь inсuпьепt uроD thc аuthor toгесоgDizc somc ofthе lаdiеs aпd gепt]слrепwlrо ьаd ьern !сry hc|рfulш the monufrcnlа| task ol рЕpalina tЬь inсoлраmьlс соl|eсlion oГdo.u]nсnG аnd fiateria]' onсe agаnr I apo|ocizс lоr any nanes I ]naуhavс пnintentional]у orniltеd,

тhе Мnrьter of спllxrе нь !lce]|enсу ьtemihаn таlаyj tlreмnrьtсrоfDo.еnsc нь Ехсеllenсу ьnret sеzginithс ноnоmblе llhаnUEu.оglu, DiЕсtоr оf !.оrcie. Rсlаtjоns l.or tЬс Мiпъtlу of сulture;Mr' нalil ноРdiiq of Fo.еigп Relatiопs for tЬс Nationа] Librar' o|M]nistу of сu|tuге: the l,lonоrxЬlc FikJоt Un]u, state Мinislei МI,Aldiсaп and Мr Miimtaz ldi]. Minьtrу oГfiс]a]s] Ms' веlgin каrаlrаnand мs' i!to! (Giio Akinодlu' Ьоlh omсiдls ol'1hе Nаliопаl Liьrаrуof tlrc Mnlistry о|сulluф; мБ' sеvnr9 Ya|nаn. LiЬrary offiсiаl, .urgпidс, hо *еs s. lррoiп tпепt со old iлatоI, xлd аьоvс all. oul bciovеd s$ie.i DI, сenk вnyiili]nаl, whо was пiпе уеaБ old wьсn Nс nк лсlь]m and hь familу Ьxсk in 1960] and Iinal|у оur ьelo!еd kardе!(ЬIodrе0. Dl сUmhur Akkеnl тo lhesе and пanу othcl рсoр1с, woremxin еlеmaIly grlteful,

Froп фе nrоmеnt mу wilc аnd 1 айved in Ankaгa (oпе weсkаftсI oul landing in ьlxлЬll. whcrс on the !fuoft i had ьeen i|rtetsliсNсd by lhе рies and rcieljsioп). Ne knеw it rvаs going to bc lhо]noa ехсitjng *'eek оfouI ]ivcs, It ьсgan аs sе soоd iп |iпe ьehiпd atlсasl oпс huпdЕd pеoрle. to ha!с oпr раsspоfls slа]nрed ьy !п епtIуoffсiaL, sinсс nо one we knelv $ou|d ьe tьсrе, we hoреd thаt а rсрrе.sспtаtivс of thо Nаiiof,ll L]brarу wоuld аt |еast ьс р.cse.l to tаke Us tоolr de f,аti.n, Il vas gоing to ьe a lопg уаn Go wо thoпgt0 butsithiп live miпutеs а distinguьhеd genllemаn aррrоасhеd us aпdаskеd: ..Do yоu havс а ditlonlt]с Dasspo]1?''

l lholght l. foysсlt n]/f' ./фlo",dli.z

l 2 l

АnсI пу po|irc rёsрoase, ''Nо. wе dont,' lrc Фqucstсd *с гоl.]оs Ьim' ̂ eliл I thопghl:/,л'e r'! dоле nnhеl]1iпa\Ioпg?

Wо wсlс takсn 1o a сouпter ]'irh a siga thаl rсаd: ,'Diploпrl1jc

рassрorts опlу'.. ln тпrkьh tпd ЕnsLjsh. Aпоlhеr w.ry:.?,а,e лol lD.

Wс ыооd ьefoЕ tЬe offiсiat рrеsеntlng оlI рassрons and а ]сt-1сI iгo lhe Minьtry оГсu|tuге, As he рroсcоdсd to stаnrD оur dосumenc. wnh a ]Yаmr smi|e, hе sаid ''но'gе|dil1i:' bе)еJeлdi |\е\eomc'

Laler оn ые wсrc waflnlу wе|сопrеd ьу ,n оrfiсial frоnr theМi|rьlеI oГ сu|lurс. Aftеr оlr eхсhаDдс оf grееlil]gs. l rc!сalсd nуconссa] tъ. our |uggaeе (с.nsъlinc of 12 рiесe', mоsr оГshiсh соn.иjnеd nrс matеIiаl lol mу схhibit].n Wilhin a few mi]rцles а lrrgedo] ' J , " . ' ' o , l ' еexге .oo , , , гЬ ,|сd riЬЬonvhiсh вe had lied tо tnс handles, Wесounlеdtho рiсссsапdsighеdNilЬ rеliеt тhеIе чаs пoshоnacс ofрсlsonnel assъting us lro]nlhe aiфon lо the holсlj апd tЬen up lо our sune' Wc wоrе ulgеd to lаkсаn hоuгlо ftesЬeп Ф аnd аerсеd that wе wou]d g. dimсnу to thc Nl

тhсrc ь muсh whjсь tbr оЬvions rcasoпsthе author с!n aоt rс-fer lо jn Iir]|у dсsсriЬiлв the еvenls. the сo0ntlоs nшnьсБ оfреoр|e sesPokеwiф. and thо схiспl ofthс suссеssоffuyехhiЬitiопiьutwе shаl|nrivс to suссinсtlу lеvеal thе сulminаlion ofmу liГe's ц'ork,

lr ilаs on Аugшt l8tь' t998. rvЬсn mу соmpi|atioл of m.lеrjаl\!s рrоsсnlсd for puЬliс rcvie*'' in Ankara. сaрitaL ofтulke}' $thin

onе Aпeaсan s Lо!с tъr тulkсy|'wilh ttre eхссption о|sеvera|аlьums оl inrрorlant рhotograрhs,

thс enlnе рresепtatioп оf huпdreds o| nоms was .?oлa,.a to the Nr.

' t , , Nа ' i oвL I i ь . )]nodс0 Ьuildins. gЛd !s we сntсrсd а hugе rсссptjоn area wiill 0suпkеn sntinetъсililу. wilhjn tvonin!les scvсml Lэdiеs апd gent|.mсD(lьom I hаd лoDtiоDоd in jnу ехрre$iof, olgratnudе) wЬо lп v]no0s.aPасnieз qorked for thс Nаlional LiЬrarу and lhо Мinьtry olсu|tut.Фрroасhed us, ln tlrе iоttiont was a lоvc|у рetjte уoung lаdу Nilh а|erlьсr lъldсr ппdсr ЬeI а.n. (We'vc nсvсr sеel her *'ilьout thаtfо|derl) she 'as Mrs, sс!inq Yanrm. aпd \las аssignсd Ь'lhеМiпБtry

тh( тпilh ]4tlhE Idd L] tdstrd тslrji


т|'cтtlt|' \rU* ьР 1ъld t,. tdBiid тrlЬji

oГсl|turc tо bо аt oцr sidе, dunng oш l0 daу vъil to Ankam, tve didпоlhin8 апd wсnt nowьqt wil|roп thс рriоr knowlcdgc o|our t,,'.?'Gьtсo sclina, Ьосаusс hеr lb]dФ сoniпued the рюglaп ofou| nreеt'ing. Еess aпd relеvъiоп inlспiews. рIеsеnсe аl t|re eхhiЬitiоп' and olrdelесtаь|e з dai|у meаь, Nоl only Nаs a саr аnd driler аsjened tJ Ls'Ьut as we wеrе drivсn through thc сфvded stгеёts o|Aпkara, вe сoпtinuously heаrd a Fo|]сё stёn: вut lhеrе s'as по vehiсlе in trоnt or bе.

Мary wlrьрa€d. ''].s coming nlm /,iJ саljWc wоrс sрeсchles as we $аtсhed рсoр|e lnd vеhiсlсs пrаkе

yaу for thс сar iл wh]съ wo were рlssёпges' We *'iliпеvе. fоrgеt ье.ing driven with a l.ud snёп and а rоtating ь|ue |iвlrt to tlre lеft of tlrednlei We had lqо daуs to сomplеtе оursеt.up. аnd anсr Etсhng thсJ o Lр l l r ! | \ o d \ е . о ' ' е d ' ' , { ' с nhпd J , t 6 t \ 1 o г o r o u - l ,Nсll lightсd алd sith a h]gh сeiljng. Wnь the assъtanсе ofdre IiьIаI}nаt.t' lhе nlny dърьу вьIes wеrс ьrоught lо8cthсr and аilangсd аsЕqцested ьу tьe аudrоr, Е!еntпаl|у cight рieсes of oDr lпggaeе аndьoth ofmу ьriсfсasсs wсrс Ьrought inlо lhс rоom and езсь item rvasоPened on lhе floor, тЬe mаssive work ьecаn bу colеrjпg |5 loпg laЬ|сs wnh hrgс' red Plаstiс иьtе сo!eБ. ьrought fюm homе, ] hаdsрent l ljfet]nrе gathеrilrg the ijrfoflnаtiоn wЬiclt thc vьilоБ had !сvсrsеen Ьеfoге, апd thь h.dtо Ьс а роrlсct рresentаtion I hаdа |аrge sjenлadс wilh lhc nаmс o|the ехhiьitioп' р|aсed oп a tipod, Neаг arе entnnсeоn, |arge Postеr! s'as a ьlowп.uр statenrent o| rYсl cоmс тnlk-rsh' As lhе lis].os $ere deрa.tiпg, thеIe ]vаs а 5imi|аr Ьiо*D{p meуsagе оfapрIeciаtion ьу llre аU1hol fоr nrсir vьit tо thс схhiЬnion' Pсo.pLe Nanted lо hсlP us with the set uр. Ьll I роlitely deсlinеd. ьесausеonlу I kncw 8hсrо cасh ot lhe l,,./'-gds o| nеms пeedеd to ьe р|aсed'oDe ьу oпе.76 Lllgc роstеБ, doсunеnh, ьoоks. cоlumns oflеttеlsапdphoiо8mphs, sоnrс сaxmрlсs ofmyрriсeles тUrkъh leсord соlLесtiоn.a seсliоn dе!оted to thc Armсniаn ьsuс. аnd mшъ. muсъ more' eасhnem Гound nsрlaсe inthis Ьistоriс схьjьitjоп.

вDl how rvould n be reсеivеd? Wou|d it Ьe suссesfu]?

Thс .eadсl shоu|d поt ovсrloоk lhс iaсt tlrat eасlr wold spokел rvltlrmaоy оfiсills !пd huпdreds о| vьiloБ was nr $е тurkislr tanguаgeithis ьу an i|rdjlidua| who ial8hi lrimsc|f to sрсak tlrс woads mo$

l l l

тhtтIiь von h. тоld ьr'Еdvдld тДьji

oеaJ | | | J ь 'g 'dg , | |v , , I xд , iпсеп о .е r / s i v ,о | i ' L l iсatо \уitlr so maпу реoPIe IN тurk]sh;I rvаs velуproudoIhсr' nrdссd

тnс opening dа} ol.Ihс схhiЬilion ьlougЬt sеvera| unехрсctcdsuфrisоs xnd chа|leпgсs lо lhс authоr тhele was tо Ьe аn oiiicial оpсf,ing сeremо.уj ше Minъtсr ofсultuЕ l'oцld bс рrсsсnl to сut a сe.emonia| ibьoD а1thе слtianсri plint and tсlсvisiоn leрoa.Б vou|d lrеlЬсrеil rvas eхрcсtсd to dеli!еrа sроссh]

My wiгс вale me the пora| supрoft l nееdеd: sьc knew lhьпоnulnёnи] сndcаvоr yould ьc a сo]nр|ete s0сссss, FoI аn |nslапl' lwъhеd lо ьс ln mу den in оur hоorе ]n вaуside, Qrccns. Ьut t|rеIе lwаs. аьоul tо faсe the grсatсsl сhxllеngе o| пу ]ifе] yа! 5zJ''J,,,? d''гriепd oJтurks',, |'е1! |11сл' PRoиl 1.].Гhь рsусhologjсаl сhаl|еnaеli]|ed my lrсafl апd sоul' o/? G.l l?."J. ,ф ,.] 1Yаs пrу silсnt рrayсr,

тhe sрасiоus Ieсерtioп arеa rva! li|lсd with manу mеjnbеis o|lhе nrеdiа. еqujрnсnl slrсw. с!сl]лiltеre andsoon аi ]оasllrуо huпdledvьilоБ аnd Мi|ristlу ol.fiсiaь Nсrc eatlrered. MaIу Фd sоvi|ra $crспelrby sъen а silcnсе сaпrе оver thо h0m оllЬс сrоNd: thе Mrп]slеro|сultuге had аtrivсd' sпbordinatcs on eilьer side оl mе urged nrе towa|k foпlard to meеthь Еxсellеnсу 1neпih.i таliy,l wаs dсlсгmiпednоl lо Ь|епьь lhis eoldcn оррonпnit, Nith апу signs.lсinonoDa|Бпor 0nссnаiпtу inп' dia|oguе. wе eхtсndсd оur haпds апd as sсshоokh!пds' sithоursnilеs ouтrcсiргoсal grосtings sсrc wflmly ехрrёsеd,l sеаrсhed ГoI Мary so tЬat thс МnrьtеI сould ftеet my Ьсlrer ha|t тheMinьtcr rуаs ьсgiпnjng lо lёе] thе Prcs!Е oftЬe nredia. аnd hc вc}trtrеd to thс podium slriсь lvаs saili.в fоI tNo speakев вeсaпsc оt!hе сrowd wс nowlу аррroaсhсd the рodiDm. and an olfiсial inllоd!ссdthс Mrпlltеr orсuItnrc, тhе ninЬlеI look thс miсюpьоnc lоr dE PUrроse оli|rtrоduсjng thс аuthоr to drc gadrerе!.

oпсс again l stооd beгore аn aпdiепсе eхрresing my lоvс tblтurkсу' ьlt lhis tnnс I dеcjded Lo аd lib лy waу tN тu*]sh' in lhеоompвn} о1. тurkъh оficiаls, slmdiпg сrесt. аs сlсanу as I соuldsprаk, аnd haling пo fiajor рrоЬlсmчith my тurkish loсаьllarу,1n}t.d!.еd Лrуsc|l tЬanked пеft ].or thсir paniсipatioп, аnd рrосеedсd toьnenу dсsсriЬe the сoпtent offt e\hiьilion thсy sегe аьoul1o vrсп, 1сoпсlL'ded lyith арoсm whiсh I had rvrinen sрcсinсaIlу ГoI drъ ьinоn.сr|oосasiоп, A lеsоundjng o!аiiоn ьюuфt д mosl rve]сomc fсс]i|rg ot.


шtьlто|d ьу trdvrd ткЬji

вutyЬеrcwas Мlry,] l had Iо9 her in lъe r0sЬ о|thеnews mediа who wсlс сvсrywhcrc.joсke'jпg l.ol jusL oпe morе рiсtule т соu|dnоl see my Marу Гor at lеastlwеп0/пi|]utcsI

тьc Мiпъtel ol сu|tuЕ' Ьь rjхссL]cncy ktслihаn тalat. stаndiпg it tlre роdiuDr, аddressсd llEаudiоnсc wilh e{pre$ionsо|gвlitudеand рmъс tъr lhe аithоrаnd his iifеlопg Rork fol тurkсу. on ьсhalfofhь соvefrmenl ]е МiпistеI ехрresеd hь aрPrcсiatjоD for lhс dоna.lion of nrу схhiьitioп With llis $atсmсnt сoлсludоd' the Мinьtёrmoved to thс сntаnсс оlnre $lon' in lЬf,l of,n схreпded rеd ]jььoп'нс ваs gi!оn a l)rn oi scъsors lo which Ьe сoпrmепted, .!I Ьоре t]res.ъsos аre sh!rр' Usua]|у thсу сап.t сut э iььonl''

тt]ё neoPlё *ho rvеjэ nеar us ьuБt iDto |alдhtcr, As we heldopроsitс еnds of thе гiЬьoп. lhе МnrьtеI с thс r]ЬЬon (ivitЬ no djlfiсultу) and thъ was tъ|lowcd ьу .I]р|aUt' At this poi]rt sеlelsl aidеsьсgаn to se,arate tъe сrоr tо a]hs aп ofi]сiRlса.l}jn8 an imprсslvc|arge ьоr сovеЕd with dark ЬIue ve]!et. toаpр|oасh' тhc Ьох ivаs lhеnopcnсd апd a si8lr оlарр|оval was hсxrd Ьy сv..уоnc сlosе enough 1osecалagnifiссntwortоlnfl n lYas an л'rJr sеt (aп оmalе vеssеL]Yltrrа hаnd|с a d sроDt), тhъ handпadc рilсhcг $as пade of рoгсelaiпfгопr кnlahуа.тшkcу, wilЬ lrаnd.pаiпtсd flоnldсsigns ja viьrantЬ]ш'grссл. аnd rсd lсa!сs and ]lоlYсь. and golden tгim, тhe sepalate dеерrоund Ьо$l in lYЬiсh lьe йrrt stands, ъ handпаdc as dсsсriЬсd, Еасlrрieсe lras the Dаnre oflhс аr1ьl. a dаic. as {'ell as а rеeьfу nDnberтhс мnrьlсr рIс sсllсd tЬG mosl ьcaпili||gitt tо us аs Ьe rеneDtedh]serаtitudс lо| onr cхЬiЬiion' тhis sр]endid eх!mр|e oГтurkisь Аn re'nа1ns оn dърlау in thс ]iviпe Iоопr o| oul uniqцe ottoman'тulkьhЬоme l doп\ ье]ie!е n $ould ьс an cхаggсlаtion oп лrу раa. as l аmсоnvinсеd thъ gift is sttr €Lу an cхаmplс оfgins that аrо рrcsеnted tоЬеаds of slаlс аDd diр]оmаiiс о.fi сiаь wc arc hufi blу eфlеfu l

тhe unехресrёd rvaslо сoпt]nue' Wc wr.e rcquсstcd to givс tlrе\ ' l i nь terо|сu] t l reacu ided loшof !hеentn € ехh iь i t iоn ,тhеnБt tаь]es]]о$сased doсumспts ioп thе ottоman рeliоd. dаlnr.e Ьaсk to 1920.|92l, aпd ea.Lier' аьo раspons olmy раrсnts. togother wnh а doсu.meDt $rifteл nr nre onоmаn.тurkьh sсript, drсN an im]nediаtе rеnсtiоn lrоn the Minislсr ньаfi.zсfrcnl and cпdlсss quеstiопs сonliпuсdfor оlе] onе houт. аs we Nепt iоjn tаь]с to taьlс. frоm topic lо ioрiс.aпd it its сonсlusion. саDrе lhе mо* satisryine and лosi rc*ardingасniс!сmслt огn1ь Fricnd ol.тurks..


тлс тЛth i' 'ud ье nid Ьt.dwd т9shji

тhis rvil| ье desсnbod in с|raрtсr хl of th]s Nоrk тherс ь аsin!]с уct mo* pюfound пrсssagё 1о ihе enlft вol|d' тhe М].ЬtсrЕсorded hь реsonal соmnreпts iпk] a g!оst Ьоok whiсh was a паgпifiсеnt suggestiоn oГsсvinq Yanran, s|о{|у \Yе mаde Nr wаy trxo t]rercсeрlion alеa Nhere foоJ аnd Ьevсmgоs wеre served. тhe Minslcr ofсulture. fol|о$ed ьу lris eпlouragс. siоррcd аl tlre лa'D ent]nсe. ех.tеndеd his hаnd. аnd sаid lьапk уou and gооdьye

l lсame! |,lerlhal mt'.missi|rg s'ile hadbeсn pшhсd аsidеьуthc $!аIm оlaegrcssive fiedjа mсmЬеБi поnethr|еss Мary Ьаd пaл.аgсd to lаke рIiсеlеss рhotograгhs reсоldi.8lhь hьloгic elent. сoUnt.| . . .рeoр|са ' ( i г , ' . o |п l ]е ' , . l l е J ,on , , , l сd .oП, ,е ! ' ro rc . i ' , 1oГdеёр |оvс. glаlifude. апd aрpгесialn]п' Гor lhс mоnuлrnla] сojnPilltioп of пrаtсrjаl фсу had just rcуieued' тhе inst drу of the еxhiьitioп!уаs Npreme|y suссesin|' blt vсry ехЬаUsting аs rvell тhe evсnfuаlсonсlusion was indееd пost вelсоmс' аnd with thс scсur]tу pesonnе]in plaсе. Re схilоd аnd wсrc dlilcп tо our holе] lо rсs and |atеI пeeLsсlinq fоI dinпеr l had rроlоgizcd to sevin9 mапу nncs Iоr kссрi|rsher awaу fron hel husьan{] andсhiln, Ьпt cасh tjnrе ыrе sfrjledаnd rо.mjndcd us oflrоI роsitioп $]th thе Min]stry ofсullule

h rv.uld not Ьr possiЬ|е to re!сa| lhс Ьugс nunЬсr ofеveпlswhiсь рIoduced рф|о0nd statоmсnts oГаffeсliоn lьm уоung and old,otтсIсd tо пIoАmегiоans *hоseworkоD Ьehвlio|тulkсy $аs ьсyondсофрrehension' вut lhe аuihor сaпnot соnс|udс oпr weсk lп Anklrаwnhout Eiifing 1о thrсс Drost iлpol1aпl elёnв] l тnc foldеI hеld ьуоur sьter sevinq' аfiong other nreеfirgs апd lnlсrviсяs. inсluded оur!ьit lо ,1л,i?Dia tьe nagniti.сnt Маusolеunr оf lhё F.undсr оt tЬетurkish RсрlЬliс. tlre iпrnrоrta| МUs0fа Kсmal Аtаtiilkl 2' wс hadЬсоn invited ьy the тurkьh Vсlсraпs Assосiat]оп k] visn their оjnсеsаndjоjn lЬcm Гоr lunсlreoп аt the leфпrant jt wаs a dьlino honоr1оDeеtwilь tЬesё mаeninсспt gentLе]neп, aпd our lun.hсоп n еd us l'ilьеmotiоп as яе \!еre sumunded ьу ||1ese dе|eлdеБ о| lhе hoD|е|dп.1, ^swс depaaеd, dre аuthо. kisseа t!с сhссks offifteeп velemn\ wilh ех-prсssions ог blotЬenу affeсlion, аs ь thе Tulkislr fasьin Fiaally.Маry' sоvinq, and I лuried lо ourсf *heie thс divel had thё еnejлс

Фc аuthФ thФughout tъь wоrk hаs oftеn refcпld to his dсsnny. and

tlrъ ]sоiсеаgain nanifеsled ьу thе neх| uncrрссtсd сha|lспgе. Pemn


тЬ. тrllh ]uu{ bc ft|d h]' Еdtfid тasЬji

nrс tо nrnoduссlhь awсsone e!епtwith a quеstionlо thс readеr: WhаlNоuld yolr rеaсtioп ьс if уou wсIс nrvitсd 1о аФear on a L]vЕтЕLЕvIsIoN intепiеw. Ьroadс$t FoUR нoURs. ]n a lвпeuaeс

тurkeyъ mоn рoрu|ar te|evisioп intепiely рrocram in |998flф саued сeyi:/raz,'lд7 (wa|nпt shеl|), whiсh *'as hos!еd by tlre 3ф.tIemаn wnh whоm wе Rere aboul to nreеt, wе wele informсd аn inlitаtion hаd beеn eхtended to us to арPcxr on th]s n.st рEsljejоus рro.gЙm, ьut lhat thе hon яishсd to mссt !s tnsl ouгguide sе!jn9. мaгу.and t worс tаken to lhё offiсe ofMI, сevizog|u, a tа1|. ]mРrо$i!с loоkjng eспt]сmап $lrо fоr а тurk' did f,ot smi]е muсh. our сordiаL eх.сhaпges сопtinued lоt foay five mjn3lеs. as J rсsрoпdеd tо еасл ofhъnraпу quesliоDs' ̂s чс sроke in lhe сo]nрaпу of m} mоrll Лррoa(Mаr!) аnd sсvсra| ргоduсlioп реоplе. I аsurсd опr hоst that I hld пoрrоb]eФ with the ]eпgth огthс livo Progr,m' lN тulkьь, of соuБe Atthе сoпсlLБion thс host must hale beeп lavоmьlу inрIоsсd wnЬ tvЬathс sаw and hc,rd' lhatЬe lеveдled hь lооkinc foN'ard tо lhё intervie*';

Wс mun sufifialze a fouгhoul nrtcп'iсw рlоgrаm' staaingliпе wxs to ьс at 9:00 рm.;and as м'e drоrс to tlrс tсlсvьion n0diо' llhоueъl lо nrysеll ||HАT hdfе | dоnе? мi!ln,l! о|,Pео|!е will Ьеl?/с,i,g] тhь was live tсlс!ьiоn] if I lailсd l сou|d ье huпiliatеdl Iваs iD а stаtс ofраniс ьUl фve.lеd jt lо пo опci ьcsidеs in mу Ьrсast

seаtеd in a сhаtr iп front оl a lalес liЕlrtсd miml and а сham].gуoung lady apр|iеd thе makс.LlP Mаry aad sеving Rere takeп tо an.olhсr лооr to viеw thс рrоerаm Irоfu there' Wе sal at lhe lаЬlе faсin8сaсh оihсrsсated оnсomtnфb]е сhaiБ' andtьеsnall nriсroрhоnс wаsc]inрсd on lo oul lаpе|s, lvnh е!сjlthing рreраred, I heаrd lhе vоiсе'соuЛting ftonr ]0 ьасkваrds. rлd thоn lЬе jntФduсtjoп ьegвn In .e'sponse to n]any qneslions I g,!е fry n,frе' ьасkglouDd. a ьriеflrьtolvofolr fал]lу\ story' and nу с|ri]dhоod iп оUr homо fi|lсd NitЬ lЬе аl-Iъс!.n 1ьr and lье !вditioпs ol тultеу, тhe inссрt]оn o|my jf,lеresland n1у rvork oп ьehаlfofтurkсy. аnd cхаmр|es.|oll *ork lvсrе dьсusеdinу роsition on thс Amсn]аn ьsue and lhе uьjqui!оus Апnе.пlаn.ResolDtiоns аnd lnti тurkish Pоstul € iл the Uпilеd shlсs wаs thсpri]ne toPiс oj.drscussjоп.I was сompIclcIyxl cаsс. аware oГlЬс honо.nro]ш nre ьу drь nrtеruiеw' аnd fully сogлizlnl ol]ny subjесt. вjth по

рo . l , , a . а t ' о , , ] o ' ' L , ( ) а г . oп todo r ' l . с L r ,


't.h € 1rlfi }run ье т| d hl idПlrd тlshji

lresitation l.оr ihе ncхt statепenl As lhс рюgпm рфgrекеd I beсаnrе

| ' c | .P 'е |1 ' q0o , , J Jo ' |o ) ' ,b Jv , l ' e о |я I ' еo r , : '

..тhеy wotrld hоnol mс sn' l welсоmе tЬeiгquestjоns аnd clt''сism. iГaпу' !'аsmуrсsропsе.

тhе questions]vсrс Есei!еd ьу lсlерhоne in аDotjrerюon. andеveiу tiw minulеs I чould seё a hаnd Ьеуоnd tьe licw о|the сamсгas'plaсi'rЕ \|iрs.lрaрсr near the host Fсrу ofthe qucsliоns Nel. rcad аsmost were vеrbally eivеn аfrer tЬe h.st rсvсаlсd the nafre .i сrсhсаl|el, тheсa|lsand mesаgсs сoпtiпued wiihоut x pausе. thе nlрs mul.

I hxd ьееn totаl]y uf,аwаrc oflijne !id did not Ioоk аtmу rvalсheveп oпсe Wilhoпt апу ехaggerat].n. аlmоstеaсhaпd e!сryсallсrbe'gan Nilh deеp a|tъсtion lor tlre aulьor and рrоfoпnd gгаlihde tоr h \!9.lk' Yеs. thеIе ls an ''Аlnost.'' ьeсausе a tъmа]с сa|LеI sрeаkine оn.lrс an' ]dсntifiсd лcБеlfas an ethnjс Amrеniап аnd сni2сп ofтuтkeу.Ьut r efusеd rо givс hеI папre. тъc hо( wаs ilrсгedu|ous md asked if I$ouid resPФnd to а сxllo whо ]You|d f,оl idеntilr hersеll:

''ofсouБe' shrъ my sьtеI| ' 1 rер|iсd'вut thеIе чаs lо ьс nо quсstiоп. тhё lаdy did поt ьеliele thо

ацllror sаs аn ctlxriс Аrпrеnian алd tllat I lrad sрссio0s rоаsons fur пry

роsniоn, Mу inmеdiatc Еасtion ]l!s to spсаk ilr Aпnеnian' ьDt l hеs!lated. nоt rvапting 10 nсglcсl thс hosl' My eхtеnsi!с Iesрoпse dld nоtсоn!inс. tlrс na]ne|ёss.allсr and аs I соnсlLLdсd.1lrс hosl сa]|ed |or aьriefinlеmъsiопl I соu]d not Ьcliсve thst lьe tflo hоus Ьаd flo*'n bу

l $as аskеd iг|nеeded anуthing. to wlriсlr l rcрlied' ''Nо.lhaпk

уоUj'' lоr nre gla$ ol8аtсrncal nre 1lаs !ll I nссdсdтhс doоI орeпсd and mу mо.a| supРort сf,lсrcd] вitlr a .]ild

ЕЬukc in her voicс. NlaIу asked] WнY did уou nol sрсаk in Anne

^ Ьrief ехсьange гo|lowоd aпd Мr. сеvizoдl[ аdded, 'whеn

1{с j €suпrе' р]оаsс sреak in Аmrеnian'''тhe ]iYe intсniсx' cопtinued $iih tnс hоst re|eпing b lhс сaIlсI

Llьo dоuЬtоd лу еthnjсilу af,d rсquestеd a Iср|у in thс АnnenDn ran

suаge' ]n Armсnian I said' "Dсar Lady. l anr the son o|aл Alnепiaп]nо1|rеI and 1 have ne!сrdоnied ]nу AФen]аn аDсestry,''


тhстruil' пlк м тdd ьy Еdlrгd тшhji

АfiеI tаnslаlinc mу brief rеsроnsс intо тnrkъЬ] thc proelanсontruсd, саlls Iiоf, olhel AlmeDians were verу lavor!ь|e' ьut thc\ ' g о l L r ь f l , ' . . | ь . о п i | г i l . | с J r d . l o o | еmтho hosl апnounсed dlat in the hьtоry оftьъ Proelaлr, по other |ntсF' i е , , I r Rd е \ е l | t с t r ' d l 0 . \ J | ' | , o . e \ " ) . а '

the counlry, Uроn с.nс|us]оп. thе host еxprсscd his deеn aрpеciatioпtы olr !{n lo hь pюglan апd рrаъed оur eflbrts oп ьehalf ofьаР]nony amопg all рeоplеs ln m]r сon.llLding lе]nаIks,I lhankcd my hо$,lhe lеlevьion stalt аnd tЬё viсt'iпg audiепcе Гor the |o!с аnd hоnоr

Whсn the doоБ oрепed. nпnеrous рсоple аnрroaсhed us withloа6 ln lhеiг еyes, Ехрrcssions oг ,.l9,z,с] Tсbri*/.r1 (МaflеtоUs.сon3mfu]аliоns]).'' fillсd lhс юonr with Мary аnd sevin9 on еilhеIsldc ofme, wе tvealеd ou. aрPrcсiаliоn аnd liфсtioп to eaсlr peБoпаnd,l |.45 AM se Iеtulnсd tо oDr hotеl

Whilс сn юUlс, l rсрelLеdlу аsked,..по1у rуаs it? Wаs l nndeЁnооd? lvсre my rеsрonses fасtuа]|y infoimati!е?''

jt сou|d ье sаid thal lheу wоrc ьiаsеd' ьUl fiy *'ifе aпd srljn9

ThеiI соmPlimсnlаry asuranсes' as сoпfоd)g аs lЬсy \yсrcjсоuld not сoпlinсс mс thaL пу intепiе$ hаd ьсеп fаvоrаЬly rёсеived

ьreаkГlst aпd ruslr tо llre LiЬmry' Wс Фel selnrq in the lоЬьу, ourdlivеI was Nаiling oшidе' md oлсe lgain wi$ fiе саr sirсn Ь|aringand Ьlue lights revolving, \'е made оur wаy throпgh the сfuwdеdstrеeв.IAnkara. nIled Nitlr eхtrrmс аnхiсtу аbоul tеsteldaу.s iпtеЕ

We Nсrс on tjme as вe aпi!еd at thс NаtiоnaI riЬmry. whj.ъhаd rcmаined сlоse! unlil oul апival As we .Pрrоxсhod lhe bцildingяc f,оliсеd a gadreгijre outsidс, Whxt сol|d thъ nеan?

As we stерреd оut of thс саr. the сюwd оial |east fоrtу рeoрlсbeeап lо mo!е towflt пs, We nоtiсed tЬat sеvelal wоmen Ьеgan tо cry.some lо aрPlаudj аnd ехрressions оl аpр.ссiаtiоn and lovе $eф rс.oatёd bу so manу, all оfryhom hаd viewed thе tele!]sioп рIogmnl I*'as ovепtеlnred ь]r tЬь dърlаy о|altiсliоп. serеral рфр|e са|nе tolsyith cifts asаn eхPrеssioп oftheir ]оуc liwasЬсуоnаmуabj|ilуlo


dьстo|d ьуЕdtrrdI}shji

rcvеal пrу ]nоsl prоlоund glatitudе to so mаnу рrорlс. a]| ог whо]nwerc slаngеь. All rhcsс Pсоplc. wlrопr l did aot knoN and mоslрroЬаЬ|y would nc!сr meеl аgаin, had gatheЕd ъere аs x dьрlау о].ьrotherh.od' Еvсnfuallу e!еryonе cntсrсd lhe ехlriь]tioп caIoa, and lllejouпrеy o|hъtоrу. а Lifеlinre ol Nork' sеarсh Гor ьюt|rerlrоod' !'аs tо

тhc reпrаjndel o| lhс daу was siпilаr tо the rеmaindсr ofthe*еek: jnediа intcrviеws. лrеct]ng hundrеds olvьito|з. and вspondinglо соuпdс$ quonions, тhо nna| dау аdi\'ed af,d аs we Епo!сd se!сr.lalьпnБ ofрЬotocraрhs' l wоndeled aьоut how I п,s lо |саvc nry lв|uablс схhiЬilion andjun $JL аlvaу' As the finв|e dew neаr aЛd l stoоdat rьe еntnncс. | ]оokеd ьaсk over mу drоuldеI and Гor the |ast timсoьservеd my..one Anreriсaп s Lоve tъr тUrkсy,'' eхhiьit and slfugg]сdлоt tо ьеcoDe сmotj.na|,

Маny оflhe smiг and offiсixь \уеE waiLing in thс rоссрtioпaгea Гor oUr lа|сivсLI gl €еtings, Il rvаs indeсd vоry dijnсull lo sаy goоd.Ьye lо sо пanу *'ho hаd Ьссп so сordill and holPful, witlr .lrъ linl]rаsk солрlclcd. ве retLmed to ihc |rote| to pl €рafu Iьr oш fliвht ьaсkb hbnЬn] Аl dre aiФon' Ф sос us oJт sas д уoung fiаn to Nhon wеaIе deср|у in dсЬt for his m!пу asntaaсcs and lrъ lo!с l.оr 0s. оur,*,]desl,]'' (ьrolhe0 Mr' |]xiil Еkmеkqj' аn сx.сphoпal lruпап bёlne'тo say goоdьуе 1o sоvinq Yаman Nэs thе fiosl lainful ofаll' Yеs nwas ! lсar.01 sсраIxlioD aпd tinе denanded rve eпteг thс раsсnecБ


L\\ъ lеn Аikаta with лqnorьs lhlt rvil] iеmai|r in oul heans lоl t|]c

rсst оГoul li!сs' a5 hё hаd leаson to ье|ieve our clтоlt was nrdсed 5uс

тhe рф!i.us sentenсс rсmains Гaсtrral as stated bul onо tсmmus пot ье ovсrlooked FonаininЕ lо ihе eхhibilioл: we lrad ьссп inlьmed Ьy sе!jn'' thal thо мinislсr оГDeГensс solld vьil mу eхhiьitjоn ourvсry impоflапt visnor aРрeаled Nith Ььеsсorts' rnd \ус rуеreiлtгoduссd tо lЬе ноD, MI, ьпet sеzcif,, ttс Мinьtеr оlNnьnаl Dс.fспse ofthe тurkьn Rсрnlrlic' Аs sс ь!d dоne for d]c Мinislеrо|сu1.turc' tlrе authol gаvc thе Minьtсrаlouj o|the enйссхhiьit as Ьс сontinua|Ly аskcd quсstiолs !ьоur hDndrсds ofitеms. ]1с ь!d h.nо'тd n!$ith hjs!ъjt.hьNаnn соmрlnncnts' аnd ьу hъ fu]|.рagеhlnd wnnсnmсsаge i|r oш euesL bооk, но inviiсd us lo lisit hiл аl hь oifiсе tho

| ]0

|u(bетold ьy [dl9rd тsl'ji

fоllownrg dауiitЬсcаmса mоslmсmоrаbLс v]sn |n fie bulldiпc оlthеv п|}o \ . . r : lDР .Р l r 1 r " . , \1 'е ] ' ' o п ! \е ] | ' p | t+sivс oiiсс' scvinq' Мary, aпn I LvеIe deeр|у lоuсhеd Ьу hь wamlh aлdt '*п i | J iD . ' , | o ' i o , tooП, ] !Dяп ' , r , D . . с | f v г ' с ' ( ,11 lseпtеd tЬе autЬо| a Ьrоп2с аld сoррer mеdа]|iоn rеPrёseпtiпg thе Miп.istrу о| Nаliолa| Dсlсnsс] I wаs honored ьеуоnd woгds. PhotograpЬsserе takеn aad еnrerеd iп oul eхhiьitiоn alьum. rYhiсlr is а Ieсоrdcddoсuinепt оloЦг histoliс ехh jЬitiоD,

oUI rcluпr lо ьLanЬuL was Ьriсti аs wо lisned фe ho.t oГoulsLstel, М|s, Ayhаn Biiyiik0nаl' wс h]d Ьcсп ]nvnсdьуouldсalfriendsDr, NесiP and сii]eг Koу|u' j €sidine i|r lhс сilу ofIspaaа. а ttro-lD0rЛig nDjn ьtanЬu|, тЬis Nоndсrt.ul с.uр|e did so nшh t.o. us' as didtlreil епtilе fami]у' As ihсй cuоsts l!е wе.e l]owп to Isрaгta and afterslауing at lhen hоfrс' lъcy dгоvе us in lhеil сar to тulkey s most Ьсau't]ful resогt, Aпta|ya, on thс оdво огthс ЬlUс Mсdnоrmneаn sсa, Agaiпas drеil guеsls we flcN Ьасk to lslcnbullnd рreраЕd tbr our Iеfum tolhс Unilcd stаtos Fоr lhc love tlrey lrave given us,1уегemап etеna|lyдrateful lо tЬe спtnc fanrilу of Dr' Nc.iр аnd сi]lсr Koуh|

вa.k nr ьlапьul, olr bс]оved ьrоlher. DI' oktау сuпrnш Ak.kent hrd inl.оfitёd us dral hе armпsсd an audiспссwitЬ tЬс Мсtlорoli.lап (Аrсььььop) о|drе sуrian.ol1hodох сЬurch in |stanЬul, тhis wasa лаgnifiссnt dc!сlоpmсnt. onс of sо man! 8h]сh had bсcn ьrouehlrьоut as а resuh оI.lhе lnе]ess еffor1s оlour ьc|o!сd ьюtlrg Dr oktау

(1 nolе b nE rcа.lеГ: |]1issес|jол hаs IоslеI1ллIс]] loлgе| |hoл 1hаl еtРес1ё.l Ьn| t]i.|.лl'о! l998 hа.l haеп d \iEniJicапt iпparlапсе|']1iсh лееlеd lо he л]аdе |uь|iс' o|| пех1 п1е.1i'1в \-nhоlt qlеliол,fus il1 lhis саkgоrу аn.l1hеrф1? thе |о!lоli],g ti!| ЬГnE оп елd tJ||с!аiIi11g е|rопs о|ihе |с|| l I)'E )

Dj, Аkkeпt aDd I rvсnt to tЬс siirуаni(syriаn.orthodox) сhurсhlй oш njoeling lvith ьjs Еm]neЛсe MеtIoDоlilапYusuГсetin

In a lalgе. sрасious сonle|enсс rooл vnh largc сhаiN sn!аlеdon сithсr side, three |arger сhа]c werc рlaссd at llrс head ot the rоoпьehiпd aп оmale desk' witЬ Ьcautifu] тulkьh саrPсts оп the noor,Еюп llrе сeilin8 hunE twо Ьtrge cЬande|iсrs sЬiсh il|uminаted tho а1rсady {La.drоnсhсd rоom on 1hu lal|s huпeAtaturkъ photоs,lhe рIe.

в l

1.Ь. Trtrlh }Iud ьt тdd b\ [dwlrd тlshji

sепl Р.triarch, and lоmrel сhurсh oltсiаь, lл аdd]tiФn l.lhе aьovс as\'e enletd lhо юоm вс oьsсNed , |nrcе тurkish flag plaсеd tо lhсrighl oftlrс sеatёd АrсhЬishоp, rvЬo Rаs kindсnol8h tо staпd uр as wеаррroa.hcd hinr' ] kьsed hъ hаnd in the тuгkьh tashjоn an'l wаs пrlitеd by аn аide tо sit !t tjt |eп оl нis Еmineпсe' rvilh Dl Akkеntseatеd to m' len'тhс|c wele!ьоulejcht mсmьeБ оftlrс сьUr.hdtreс.tos sеаtеd оп oррositс sidеs оf thс rоom t.aсing us, тhс Мeiroроlnlnbecаn lо spеаk }ith pо|ne eхрrсsions ог se|соnе, аs tсa and sпallсakеs wеre sспсd floл si|vеttays our entn€ dia]оguе wаs inтurkБhаs lhe usual quоstiоns vel € posеd оn hоN l |оxпred lhе тцrkъh ]аn.guagе' Еvеrylhjng wаs vоry folmal and сordjа].ьltthe atпospheф Raslo сЬangе' Dr. Akkeni. а]wауs eagеl lо е!оl oll оfтоrts' ьеgan wnhrelсreDcеs to oul nпl fieеline Ьаоk to j960 не desсriьеd nу wolk asiiье hаd Ьeсn my pUь|iсьI ьut hе alwaуs spоke tlrat wаy. Ь..,пs. hсloled Ььpeonlеаndhь пaliоn, aпdsharcd mу рhilosoрhуlо the lеter,

i vе юрo| ' J ,рo tо о , | сp| !ь . | ' ' J г |ь ,1 ' , \ J |dсo , r |n l i )naФc|y, lЬсir dilficulq in lеaсъine the Aramliс langMgс lо lhcrуouth' нe Nаs оmрhatiс aьoullhe Гreсdоm алd сопrfofi епjoуed ьу theсomnunnу] аnd rоvcаlсd tlre |o!е md loуаlD ofьь реoр|с l.оr lhсircоUlt,, тulkeу' Еveanlаl|у thе аuthor ьеgan lo sрсаk. nБt wlth ар

рreсiatiоп fоr ьeing Iесeivоd Ьy dtс Мсtroрolitan' аnd thcn рrосеedеdto ьriсt]у dcscriЬе оuI wo*. тlow wаs l to kпоw lhеrс tyаq,п Аmе-

si|rсе mу сonmоn{s rсуcаlсd dlriпg lhe mссti|]g эl € ехlensi!сly in сlrаptеr х Фfthь Nоrk.lheE ь по neоd to mаke knowп ьerёпу eхрresсd viеws, ьut аs l sроkс l сontd сlсanу sёе signз ofdьlrеssoп thе t.aсс оГ the gспdеmап seаlеd lо tЬe lеft o| lhе MсtiороtitапWЬеп I сon.llded, tnс oп|у neeаti!е соmmсnc сamс fгоф lhе cеndс.mаn whо oпly then was idcnlifiеd ьу пaft (an ̂ mспап паmе], mdangrilу he сnlicizсd mе loг using lъё рhrэsс 7,/& d,',aлl(ii (сnmitуlоward the TuIk' вY тн Е ARI'lDNlАNs l

тo Ьe plеcье. Nhat Ье said Nas: 'тьeЕ ъ nо hаired fol тurks

Wirhоui Ьeins сoпtеnlious 1 reрlied. Му ьlоthёr' еithоr l didnot eхрIеss пуsel| сotrосl|y. оr уou did nоl сomрl€lrепd mу nаlс.nenl''' тЬсmeсtingсame lо a соn.lLвioп witlr handshakes mdflieпd|у


\V.e rctumed tо оur hoпc in вауsidе' N Y.. iп ear|у seрtenr|rer wnhлuch v.[EЬ|о jnloФatioп |oI оurfaпrilу, n,iсnds. and for the Fedёr!lion ofтurk]sh.Ameliоап Asoсiаtioпs' Iлс, тocсlhФ *'ilh nrаny рhо..ogгаplrs i]r nеwspaрсr аniсlеs мd intеrv]е$s' thе resроnsе гIom сvс.гуone wб unа|rimоus, а m!jo. aсlrielе]nenl dеseпi|rs ol thс hieneslрtаъс, тo sау thё aulhol was oldjoуеd ьу thс сofiр|enenLs oL somany' Would ьe an uпdеjstаtс|nсnt. ЬUl eхрrёssnJns of suрЕпre lоleaпdPIаье wеIе toсonre frоmlоъ]ly unехpеcled soulсеs,I сanDоtсon-с|udе thc maeпitjсenl сvсnts оf |998, without огfеIinЕ the rcadсr lhс

ln thс moalh ofseplепrьel 1998. а lеner fuтi!еd аt oпl Fеderltiоn addre$ed lo lhе alфol, тЬс lсnсr hаd Ьoen фlс{] Augusl ]2. l998.$гitlen ьу а веnnепan l was not гaФi]iar witЬ. нь nane rиs Mr,Mсhmet A|i ваysаl, a residепt оl кieiik сеkmссc. lst,nbul' тurkеу,aпd iл ль l.paвс typсd ]еiterhё фvelled hь age as 86 нis lсltcr hadbослрromрtоdЬt an anjс]e aьout tlre authol. аDd hisс]оquсnl яordsоl.PmБс rеlealed thе leplh of his lovr аnd rcspссt lor lhis Iiiсnd ФI.тorks. то lransllte еven опe senlсncс of ьь рroгound soteпrепts.sоuld sugeest ап сlсmоnl о.сonсоn on lho РarL or the autlrог lfthеЕadel thnrks thь $nterhаd n.l beеп ovе.сomе ьу dеcp сmоtion. roulhсn wоuld bс grosnу пislаken, мI, ваysa|. Nho had requеsed рj., L r | / r ь е е 1 a . o l , D ] с | с . , ъ . " , , , \ 4 \ g а l | J ' . Ф о ' , . * d l | ' ' еdiate' tурed oп stаtiоnelу which hаd 0 red rf,d whitе сolorеd тuгkъhflag nnрIintсd on tlre toр ссntсr оllhe page' sinсе tlrеп ouгсоп€sрoп.deпсes hаvс сonlinпеd аnd *'e Ьale рьoпеd hnn sсvelаl tnnes оffсringhim and hь fami]t ourIo!е and ртofouпd graiifude,

J . ' . ' . . ье l , , e - | ' " , , |е | ,еdе" .огor , с , | . с , , , , ,о ' 1 J 'd .1епleLope аddressсd to hia and mаi]ed frcm А]nman, .loгdап тle au.thоr ofthr llandяritlen ]etёr !аs a lь]nale тu.kьh sfudспL wlо lа!gonо to Jordаn qitЬ drсi.рarспts, and соntinnеd herstudics in AmmаnIn hеr lеter dale! oсtoьer 28, l998. shс idсntincd heкelIas Е]а UILltam and ьеI аge as lз oпcс agаin сmotion overсatrе mу 5с Ьс5. а5оUr otncс stаfГ гeаred sone..вad псws',.неI lеttq sinil.r in сontrntto thc ваysаl соfёspoпdeпсе. },as fi|]ed Nith thс рnrc |ovo ]iоm lhсЬeaao|a l] уeагold cьild' In addilioл, shсhadenс]osed a lешerwhjсIr

тt!тrUi|' l lIDn t € |o|d tt ьd\!rd тшцji


шl ь € тdd by Еdмrd тшhji

s|re had wrnlеn to ihс мijrъter o|сultпrc. in AnkarB' тurkey' intoпn'ing t|rcnr t|rаt Rhilе hсr lxлily уss оп !aсatiоn ]n Аnkaтa, she hrd vь.i{cd оur cnriьitioп lnd hаd Ьссn o!еN'hеlnсd Ьy thс voluпrе оlhъ.Rтrсa| inlоmаtiоп and the elГorts ofоne ьuпrblе Amoriсaл оn ьehal|of dre тurkьh pсoрlе апd nat]oп

тhь Unьelie!аьlо уеar *'оuld сnd пitЬ tьс aulho.s nаmе ln.сludсd nr а сIossword рuzz]с in тulkеy s |eldinene$spареI

нow is it рosiьle lо Ьring to tlrese раges nrc suFrc|nejоу fe|tьу t|rе аuthor rvno hаs in his po$esjon lЬе rvritten slllеmen6 огпlostmпeеБ fтof, d]stаnt lапds. who arё рhilоsоPЬiса|ly соfrрatiьlс xrdrсir quest Гor ъumаn hxmonу? oле оt thef, а |з уеaгold сhild' thсоlhсr xn 86 уеar о]dgёnnоma.. rvlro havе ьёen рюlоUпd|' affесted byаn ].dividшl whoп пеither hаd mсt. ьесause Ihey sharеd hь lifеlоicpаsioп ro eraаi.аtс lratеd and tъe infсstatioп of prcjudiсe |nto thе

k thъ Wlrat the althоr hаs dоnе? liаs he tФ.hсd thе hеaas ollhesе rйlсrs sо muсh tЬat еaсh oгthсm. Ьу theiг ехPrсsions ог love,wcrc соn]гrl]ed tо rсach оut to hiпr in siлilаr flshiоп? тhе аutЬor rc-л]aiN huпьlc and сtсrnаllу glateful lо Ms, Е1а Llluавп and Mr, Nlсь.frсt Ali' сod ьles thёn]оv]nehеafts

! l. ]999' our wо& соntiпuеs lvitn аdditiоna| uпехPcсlсd mа.]ol dе.\'c|oрlnсlls Nh]сh nDs hаvе cопfouпded гnсnds гоI lье $!frjaа аnddediсаIiоn оfthъ persоп whо during th]s уеar *'аs 67 уеaБ old. andцhoscdсsnrусould пot Ьe deniеdj

!l-,"'! 27' |999' тhe dаtс ог lhс hьtorj.аl mссting wiLh lhe

Archььhoр о|o!r sуriап.oltlrоdoх сhurсh As а resull o|srit.n rе'quosls Ьytьe аuthol, нь Еminсnсc MoI суril кarnn. agleсd lо Есеlvetlrc Ееdёratiоnъ rcpЕsепlai!еs ]n hъ otnсe at t]rе Arсhdiоссsе in Lodj.\с$ Iesеу. тhс Presidеnt. Dr' Ata Еrim. Ехeсutile Dircсlоr Еgепeпв!ёь, tlrе аutlrоr. апd hь tvifо Мarу' sere qаm|у Iесeived ьу theArchььhoр аnd sevеIаl пeпьеБ оl thс сhuгсh вoard оl DirесtoБ'тhe dialоguе wаs most соrdja] and |fuittil|vitь sеvеm] .оmрlnnсntаrуnаrоInспts Ьу the ArсhЬьhоp iпtended tЬr thс anthoг fоr hn {orkwithin thо тurkislr cоnmunjtу' Nо onс ijr lhe roof,, othсrlhа! Marr'could have ьeсn аwаrc ofmуjoy fоr lhь гIiепdlу пeсiag. аЛd fol lhеr , , J с 1р l е , n ' г n , h ,^ | г е t ооo ь / l , o | о | o , " ь | е ! | , , " о ' ,


шl ьс тold bу Еdwad TБhjj

съrъtian, and the othеrМusliп, As ь lhе сUsofi ol.ou.fiutua]сo]n'пruпilies, we wсIс sсrvсd cаkсs ann lсa b]' our lrоsts who dьр|aуedtlrеilsiDсe|! рlсаsure аЬoul ourvьir тhe annosphcre hаd Ьeсn foflnаlЬut thс hоlF|of,g eхсhaпge wаs fiuеd ]Yith waЛn. mufua|ly lriendlу.аnd humоrous сom]ncnts, тlre олl]r prеrсqlisitс lvаs a dеsnе bу lreoрIeо|gооd $iIl,lо mеet, оffоrfriсndshiр. and reсeivе friепdыrip rnrctuпrour dеpaltulс wаs аs сordiаl as our м]!аl, and eхрIesions оf g.atinldсweiо eхсhаnged ьy e!еryoпе рЕsеnt тЬе meеtin8 did nоt rcсс]!o lhёattсnt]on oI.lhe пews пеdia, ь!t l wаs conlinсed eасh рeфФn tьаt пightfе]| aslеeр rvitЬ sаtьfаctioп in thсir hсаfis know]ng rhe nrееti]rg hаd

Uлfoltшаtсly. a sin1ilar sсenaio as desсIiьеd aЬovc, takiпgрLaсс withinthe Armeniln сoпmunitу ь iпcoпсеilаЬ|e, withоnс finаlreсinroоa| gestuге, gifts wcrc cхсЬаngсd: Dr, Еifi рrсsсnrсd ьis !пrineDсе АJсhьъhop каrim. а ccntef,niаl album of the |ilе ofthе inrmоfiаl\4Ust,l1r Ken1!l Alаliiгk,lhe aгсhneсt oflhс modcrn тurkish Repub]iс'],Iь Еninеnсе Prcsсnted еaсъ о| Us ьith а сопrpaсt disc rссoldiлe oftiаditio.аl lrуmns oГ lhс sуnап oaьоdоx сlrurch of Antiосh, Pс.1ormсd ьу tho Arсl]dioсеsaп сhoв| sосiery. аll уonлe cЬildrсn ofо0rchurсh' Not onlу is tlrе вiьiica] сitу of^nt]осh lоdaу's nоdёm сny оlАЛtakуa, i|r тurkсу. Ьut lhс mtrsiс |or lhe hушs, tье nrsmnrentsр|ayed, аs wо|l аs eасh '?,tsl','l (!n iпtгоduсiioпаo- instпmсntаl)'Werc a|l in фe тцrkislr mode, The |у|iсs wсlс sung in the Araml'сsуriaс ]aпgusgе, ll ь mаgnitiсrnl

aе0} ) | ' aa 0о ' д . , , ' n . / i 8 F \ . | ' оn о J ' , , ? . сA 1 \mп in Ankam: thс Minьtсrolсulllre Ras iпliting usаgаin to pЕsепtmy erhlЬtiоn] thь tiпrе ]n lhе mljol сit} огьtаnьul' тurkсyl МlryЪjoу qаs suрIenrе: sнoPРINсl тho aulhоr wаs ovеfuhe|frеd wnhлriхed еmotiоns: surcly thь wаs а fionufuеDul hопоI. not on|у lо ьeinуitcd аgаin sо soоn aгlеr the fiБt схьiьitjоп iл August of 1998. ь0tthe р|aсе fol lhe eхhiЬitiол was to Ьс аt the ̂ lаtiiik сultura| сenlеr iпktаnЬu|| тime hаs a|wа!s ьeеn mу mosl Ьamful аd!еrsalу. е!еnthоugh mо$ ormy fialeriаl had bеen |efi i]r Aпkarа, and all ot lt wxs toьeьrought tо klmьul' mу gleаlеs|fea|\as| ||iI ] hufееnouEh liпё 1al,"p",?2 si|rcс the laуout аnd lhe рrср,latioпs iп Aпkаrа h9d ьeепknown. s|relythc sсnip in ьtanbulwouldьe пruсh easiеI, тhь ьwhаlI hаd a$urnеd. DuIiщ tlrе wееks Ьеfо|e onrа vx|in lstаnЬul, hаd I


un bс тoldьtЕdмrdтшlji

k.own оfrhe апguish whiсh wns ro сoЛn!пt us, Ьonor о| nоt,l ьоuldha!е doсLinеdthс ]пvnnioa

9\Qrсь |oth lhrоuglr Marсh 16. 1999: lhёsе Nсrс thе dales.|tlE d!rа.

Iiоn ofmу..on. Amсriсапъ L(,!е fo| тu|tеу ethiЬitiоn, Еvсr}lhjnghаd Ь.сп рIcрareJ lЬl us: |!lпd lriр nirli|rс tiсkсls' ьolel rсscп'ahoпs'

J а , g о i " , o , t , .

o | , | я г L ' , ' , , i , ' , i \

тhcn i haррcnсd, tЬere jtlvаs. writteпоп thе Гax sспtto us: Wсвсrс to ап'ive in Istаnьul oп Мarсh 9. 1999] sure|у lЬсrc яаs а rтr5lake' Fmniic.1сa|lcd Ankara Nо, it}ls Noт а nrъtakс!wc $сrс ех

рссlсd to апivе oпe da! ьсtъrе thе oрcпingLMyЬaррineswas riФсd аPa't ьу Lhь jm!оsiЬle dсvebPmспt,

oпl рIерllаljоns hсlt. toеether \rith lhe пateliаl wс would Ье tдkr.gNilь ш, hаd ьeеn gаthсrсd апd Еаdу |оr оUI fl]ghr ll в'i оЬ!r.ussomеопe Ьаd рrcраEd our ninсIаry, ьul hоw Nоu|d wе ьс aЬ|с Lo sсl

Ф ]o Lзьles? тhс tзЬlсs] Would thс lаЬles ье lьсrc h р|асе?r Disrсslil!сd nrу hеan. h.w сolld I сoпссx| mу wоП} Гrоfu so mапу РеoР|с?My wоБt feатs qcrс аЬоni to ьe rea]ized,

o" т i , " I r ' т o1 \ , . 3 . ' J ' , l o , о | , | ' г I \ o : гo ' . ' l

.uI ''ЕАl!'tlllЕs'' were Drescnt lо лссt us not а fanriliаr li'сс r.}.Nherc аmoпg lhe сrоsd' нowеYer'.urplspolls werо $xlnрсd \lth.uIdc|xу, and аs Marу аnd I wa|ked doпn 1|rс ыoDiпg sunnсc to tlre.rr]nnrival arсx. we пere IiL]сd Nith сonltеmxtioп, ьeсausс Lhс linrе wa!.ьoul 2 P,M in I*дnь!|, аjrd tЬe оFсninв was sсьodu]cd |оrтoМoRRoW MoRNINс

ouг!ФlсЬcnsioп disaPРеarсd in ап iNtant аs wе spotlеd l l.соlюп hсaveп seljn! Yаmапl wе еmЬmсed еaсь olher wlth loyоus.learГu| tissсs. апd ьеlbrc wr cоuld sPeаk Nс found oпsс|vеs surюuпdеd bу lсLсvьion саmorаs and Dredi! рeФlс огаt |cast Nventy mеnand soлcn In nlс pеr]nreter o|thе сnllс around us. Ьundlеds olРсo.D|e llad stoD!еd to оьsеlaс thе ,iiivi']g сouрlе Е|aыlпg сarneras,.nonу q..,Lй,, ."гoп""

"*r.nding thсir miсIoрhonсs inlо пrу faсё

nrъ Nаs thс сllallспge o]'rhсmоmепt.Мa.у t.оk сhalEe oftЬ.lugeаgc and seleral wo|keп rvсl. са.

ger tо galhеr our piсссs oп to a largс dollу, 1liсlу thсsс рeoр]е hrd

тhе тrulh j!fun ьс т0|d hr Еd*rtd тshjj

ЬееD wэ]tnle for пs lnd surely it was mу dutу tо offe. drс iлtomranon!vh1сh thоу soцghl. Wilhоut апу llaсeoflhetuПnoi1wilhin ]n' Ьody' iaа сa|fi.пd audjь]e voiсс l dcsс Ьed tЬe рlrроsс оlour visjt, at ihс i.vilatiоD olthе Мinistrу of сuIt]tr|t. 3nd inloanеd lhеm oГоur erЬiьilioпаld olr li|еlоDg work оn bоh!l| o| тurkеу aпd hеI Pеoр|e, Еveлtuаl|уsсvinq aeain сane tо оur rсsсue aпd as Ne slowlу nro!еd аwаy. rvсthanked e!еrуoлe Ibгd]eir aneDtjоD to us' witn oпr Luggrgе ln onе саrand we in thе оtЬеIyith sclinq, wс mаdс our Wat to ouгholеl,

wс hаd no timе 1о 0nрасk. ю rYe lrсshспеd up and lеtunred totЬc loЬьу ivhсrc sеvinq. her lbl(|eIiп hапd'rvаs awаitinens,

тtre Atatiirk сu|lrпnl селtcr was a mоst inрtssive фodеmЬuildnlg. rvilЬ a sunkсn Раrk iл lionlof it' To d]е |eft оldrс ыi]djne.асing the tЬФrоught're, а hueе ьaпDеr hаd Ьееn Ьungl it Ьad lhс n3mсofthe aulhol and inlоmration aЬопt thс с.xhiЬn Frintod on it Aslссп| е | еd ' \ | ! 0g \ ' | , d j 1е d ' ̂ ' ' , ! Р ^b . . . . J | ' i , | 1<mоdom] witЬ ! wide саrpeted slаilсаse lеadnrg to tЬе sеcond nооr' of'tiсi!ь оfthе Mi]rьt]} оf сnlturс апd thс сull0m] ссntcr wcrc th0ф lо]vеlсoпе us as we lоok оur nrsi stерs inside' Io|lФwjng tЬe pleasaпtriсs, l Ьаd only two quсstiоns: Whсrс wаs thс areа l.ог tЬе ехniьitionаnd r'here wеrе lhё taь]es?

A very pоlile gепtlеmаn gestul €.l lо}ard аn arсa which wаs tothс lсft oflhс оnlmnсc оп lhc strссl lсvсl vcrу spaсjоus, yes] . veгуhjch сеiling. yes] ьr]ghlsuпi]rht, уes;aпd thс тAвLЕs1WнЕRЕ wоrоlh. lаblсs? Nol oNЕ laьlе wаs iп р|aсe]''тhe laь|es !rc ьeing Ьrouglrt Ьсlс.'' t ваs lоtd'

тhe timе wаs noN 4'з0 PM] il *опld nоt ьe huпапly possiьlе1osctuр twсntуlаЬlсs whсn lhcrc wаs noteven a siпgIeoпе iпрlасe] тсould n. lоnger с..сеa| ]nу djstrcss' offiсiдь whoп wс lrаd nret tollhe iiNl tnne, еасh еаger lо аssьt Us. wсrc noN aNаle оlmy tie|inesвlt l wаs nсvсr impо]itс аnd nDdc e\сry еl|oa поt to ldd to drеirwoaу' Mаry ti:аred a heаi1a1lасk ]s l verba|ll !слtcd oul nrу outlэge,тhь was mу рEsenlaliоn, mу life.s wоrk. апd evеrу cхрcсtаtjоn rnaslhlr fаr пx]rc pеoр|e Nou|d lьit tlrь *eeklonЕ eхhiЬnion illan in Ankara ] соntinuв|]y paсed nrс floоr. taIki|rg to mуselц no1ьelio!ing lhъuftеrl} chaоtic turn оfсvсnls,

A tuсk !ррсared outsidе and wolkлеn Ьe8an tо сxгry in |arge.healу fuпriture lуpe tпЬ|rs, aL] оf rvhiсn wсlс dusу and eасh taЬlel I^D No LlGs l тооь r}сrc blоughl jf, af,d lhе lork ю аМсh the ]egs

l l 7

Бt ье тdd Ьt Edlird тshji

ьеgап. l Pleaned: .,I hаd аskеd fol6 гt lоnc. ]ieЬt wсight a|um1num ta.

Ьlсs with FoLD]NG lсgs] lЬсlt MUsт bе lаь|es hсrс in lhе ьujldineusсd for odrel ехhiьnions!''

^ levcrьh sеаrсh ьеgan whi|cthewo*сoпrinued innоDtofus,Nothiпg сouldоrsс mу dьtЕ$; аneеr would Ьс nrore аpProрrirtс a dе.sсriptioп A workerаpрrorched usaпd jn aьrсathlеsloiсe anпouf,сed,.,we fonnd t|re tables hеre',''..тhе rest ofhjs stalement аs we]сojne asn was аt thсiinе. ь лot пееdеd hеrс, oпс ьу oпe фе a|lminl|n tаьlеsweтe аrmiged as рсr mу requеst. Alas' Ilre twо rvoodеп tаЬlеs iу|rlсhnоw stoоd в]lh tъ. |cgs atlасhеd, had to Ье tаkеn арart| Еven now. thсаuthol wondeб ifanуоne сou|d iоd ап elёment оthu|nol ш tlrе above

At 1опg last' at 6 РМ the taЬlсs}'еre in plaсe аnd tЬe sеt-up ьеgan, тhu mаlerial Гrom Aпkaгa aid thе itcms wе ьаd ьrought $itlr uswcrcal|р|aсed on the t.lоor. cоvelеdeaсh tablс witЬ lhc rcd laьlе с]оlhstrom hоmс. and ftoп laьlc tо lаЬ]c {т ьcsаn tЬе nаs]vо еjтоrt in рЕрanпe thс охhiЬitiоп, seу]n' rеmlined вith us aпd the thrco оt us |a'Ьоrеd for oler tъrсе houБ, sеvеIa| рcОрlс Ьаd suggеstеd Rе сomр|еtеtlre рEpalaliоn lhс follоsijrg пrоming' ьпt I eхсlаnned, .| will !оl|саvо l rc rc ton jghtunt i ]nъf iль| rеd l , .

^t 9,з0 Pм it *'as linъhсd to пу satьfaсtiоn. ьпt we rvеl € еяhausLеd' Aftсr our niЕht tо go dnесny lо ihе сeD.er and сndulc what| . ьс . г L ' l ,епJ Jе 'nЬ.o Ьo е , | .d ьe . ' а nо , 'd .оr , ! \ ,е ie . , с ,selja9 mеntioned diпnсl аi lЬс Ьotеl, anеr ьhi.h shс Еtumеd tо hсrrоon and Mаry and l b оur rооm гФ a few hous о|slcер NоR п1,thoughБ refurncd to the rea]i7аlion lhat mу wоrk sls аgаjЛ lо ье rеliewеd bу Ьuadrcds ofрeoр]е lnd lЬе mсdia' Whаt \'ould Ьс lhс rcaс'riопоltЬерeoр|e? wjthn]e еlents oiihсdау tiеsh iп nrу fuind' Маryъ

.ositi!с рrеdiсtioпs сou]d not dьpel пrу anхLеo, my рess'пnsn. 'nslroa frу dnс fеal tlral tlrс eхьlьnion Nould ье a I.ailLtrё,

As disastrons аs lhe ьeginning had ьeeл and in sрile o| mу !isioп of toвl dьastоr, nоln the оpeniпa сеrеmonirs to t]re ]nomоnt otthс сlоsiщ' mу exъibtion Nаs rcсeivеd wilh suЬlime е*еспr' A rсPre.sеntаti!с оldrе MiпЬrёr ofспlture was рrсsсn{ at thс ribboп сutl]ngсеrefuonу' тhere were huпdфds.lрсoрlс. пraпу neФbсs.flhе пе\\nedia. aлd гiо ifimease. Ьсauti|u] t]oral аmn.деnrents nad bеea sсlt^nсr а siaiemепt and inlrоduсlion ilолr Lьe ofliоiа|. thc аUthог rеsоning Lo еvery оunсе of еnelgу ]е|t in his cхlrausrcd bodt, аddrеsеd the

! t3

тheтrDlhlltrjlь €r.old ьу Edtщdтшhji

pсорlо wnh dсcр аpрieсlаlion |Ф theil рапiсiPatioп lDd cоnnnucdjпst$ hr had dоne a few пonths eаrliсrаt nrс Nаliоna|LiЬrаry ja Anknra'

Nоl *аn!ng to сoa mо as fruсh sрaсe as I Ьаvе iп dеsсriьi|rдmy fiБl eхhiьitioa' I hrve to ье ьIielhеre, ririlс рaуins Ecоgпiiion lоnu]ncrous sрeсial aпd ьe|o!еd реoplе,

Duriпg thе Nееklon8 eхhiЬitiоn, thс authorwаs interlie*edb}'т'R,-l.(тurkьll Rаdio and теlеvъiоn) on Radio Ankara, Iеvеaling thesigninсanсс оf lhс eхhibnion and ]ny wоrk oп ьeha]fofтurkсy

Amоna lhс пanу hundlеds ofvьitоБ. thе fоl|оrуing had ьссniпс|udеd: thе Bnуikijnаl fаmi|у: Ayhm' тnrki]n' Dr. сenk' апd Dr.Еlini the Kбks]l Гa.rilу Dr osman, $аdan, вaЬаr. and сcуlan af,dthеn fami|iеsi oш dexr |r]сnd нali] Еkmetqi: a уoung |adу ьho Ьаdsаld she 8аs lhс wil.с ol МI' Kепral кudu (in tlrе Аmrу аt the limе)*]th whoп *'e hаd ьeеп с|ose lriспds i. Nсw Yоrkiаnd оurmosl Ьоn.ol €d ftiепd МI, МеhmсtA|i вaysа]. hъ wi|e' аnd thёnf:rфi]у' We embrаcсd сасh othсi аs cverv оne wаs lсariul тo еmьгaсe ше gennenan}ho hаd wriltёn su.h bеautilu] |ettеIs to thc audror, t'as an lronоI\'hlсh lv]|l lrve rn пу heаIt iol аll tiпе, аnd I Plау гоr lhе day to сm.ьmсе !hь sajnl|} nran onсc аgаinl

onе dа', а |ady аpрroасhеd !s with аl ]e!st nftеen уоuп3 сhj|.drcп Ьсhjad hоr sЬс exРlаined tlral she wаs then teасhеr and she de.с]dеd to ьгijrв sолс of hсr stLtdслts (аgсd 12 to l] yсав o|d), to sl0dуtlre ехЬiЬitiоп, we wсrc dосPly hoaorеd Ьy thеn соmрlny' аnd rvhj|ёtlrс сlrildrсn sшoшdсd us' рiсlurсs wсrc lаkcn one daу, nry allеnlonwxs draNn tо а уo0ng ntn who had ьeеп spепdiпg пruсh l|лe at сaсlrФJ lhc nanу lаьles. Aliel hе Еаd tьe matеIia] on фе very |аsldьрlаyl , \ | . ! | l hе ,е ,n r ,ц i l г1d ' . | ' ded ' . | .р |с | \ | , , ' | , )о0 , " \ , , .aррюaсhcd mc зnd sрoke the l.оl]o$jng'..l am a р.oud тulk !пd a uпi.vodity eraduale, and I have |eМеd МoRЕ Ьerе in thе Lаsl hou| aboutmу ьjslоry lьап I did duling foul уеaБ оГсоlle8е еduсationl..

It wаs ьeyond my аЬiIit' to схрress my aррreсiаtjоn |or hnqords. btrt nу lоvс fоr thь *rаncеr was indеed еvldenl iл n1у eуesour Guсsl вoоk wаs l]|Iod вjth hundфds of Ьaпd srilten jnеssagesliofi our v]s1lo6' a]I ofwhiсh ]vеIe filiеd Nith love апd 8.atifudc тоllЕ lxmiLiсs lьlсdаЬоvо. we mпst add Dr' NеciP andсiilегKоylц, апdDr oktaу сuпьuг' aпd ozden Аkkenti sс wcrc dсcрlу Eэtcilt for


тьt тrцlh vo{ h.тold ьr'Еdvшd т.shjt

Еасh dау hundlоds ofpсоplc hld vьnеd the eхЬiЬiiion, muсh toolr pLсasurо. аnd сoundёs реoрlе ofа|| аgеs would aрProaсл us lпdrсvell thеir арpjtсiаtioп fol lhе tоas оlwоIk $h]сh was рresenlсd bуihe dърlayed mаlсrial, onе аfielDoоn sе had to leave the erhibn Lno|dсr to mсct вth тurkеyъ fomer Aпьa$аdоr 1о iЬr Unitеd statеs'нis Е\сеl|enсу AmЬаsadolNnzhol Kаndсmir, Duгiпe histenlrе in thсL]niled states we had mаnу соЛtаcts inсIudingfrу inviiаiiоntoihс Епrьаsу in wаыri|rglоn D'с. As a rсsult ofсolresропdеnсеs. thс omьaуsadorhаd madeаn аррoiпnnent Rnh lhe luthorto jneel in lhе ]оььу оlьtanЬu|.s mosl e{сlпsivc hotеl' Al the dсsiвnatеd day !пd ho0r.sсlinq, Маrу, and l. atri!сd аt оur destinltjоn аnd met Nith lhе gmbassxdol nr l sarпr с\сhаngc, но inviledus for 1ёа in lhс lnхulious diпiпgnr.m, тith Ьь аide joii]ig us' тсa. соjIее (тu*ish in сa.h сasе. ofсouпф' ,id FNtiеs va€ оIdеEd аs tvc dъсussed oш фulua| соn.сenrs. Еaсlr ol.us flas dсcрlу лonored ь} thё lfiьassаdогs wаm hosр]l,lity and wc еxpгеssed these fcс]incsаs 1vе plерared lо dcDаrt ovсr aп, '

- ' i ' , \ \ с | с | | п еo r о ф . . \ 1 , , ( ' - ! , ' a г J p еоp | . \ . ' Р \ с ц , ' g

Llrе mа(сril] thс likсs ofwhiсh they hаd aсvcr sееп ьefolе. our daуswс.c few. rъe сlosing dlew пear, апd N1arу had no tinе for shoррine,но$сver, onе ailemооn. as l rсmaincd with the eхъiьil. on| drivеrlоokМary tо sсvоral p|aссs !пd shе соuld snoр lo lreг ьеarL\ соnl.ni

We h]dgone tо the огnсes о|тurkьh Ai nrcswith lhеъoРоfехlend]ng оur stа' in ьlaпьul. ьut a|l niвhts hld ьeen ьоokсd fol},eeks t, сome' Mаrch the 16lD' 1999. \уаs f,lo daуs aNау' тhъ njghtlhfl € в6 to bс а mаjоr sосial funсrj.n rt thс Аtаtu|k сultuвl соntcrand sсvin9 hдd dмolrred thtl the Miпъter о|с!|lurc would ьe iп lllеndаn.с, As Nе waited ouGjdс. srlin9 rusьed sеarсhing for 1|lе Мiпisfi to nquсsl а fеw mi]rules oihis time to el €еt us' tle agm.d зnd опоеxЕanr sevrns r0shеd dоivn thе stoiв in оrdorlоlаkе шь.сkuрstatrs tomеоt $ith h]s Ехсellеnсy lstemihal тalaу. Еvёn lhoпgh il Nяs з 1ъrvfrinltсs, qе iлdеed mеt wnh thс Mn]ьtеI *ho lold Us that lre ьsd!jе}сd thс eхhiЬilion ьеfole allend1ng thс rcсeption,

Мaf,уPсоPlс aneпdеd lhс ехhiЬitj.n in its nDa|dау. тъe соun!les erPrс$iоns оllоvо ьу sо maпу .ёоplс nl|еd us rvith a suрlemсjоy, тhоn, dre lasl !ъitor dсPxrted and l stооd аl lhсoпtLапсe obsef,|ngпry I]|e\ work, we gаlhеIеd sсvёral xlЬn|ns to rеtuпr hone, аnd fоI thesесоnd timс t slоwlу Nаlked alYaу |юm mу ftэsurе of inГomаtiоn,тllсLс wаs no nл1е to visn оur..Гanriliеs.,аs lЬc lolLowiлg daу t'e had

кtмтddьу гd!тd тДhji

to deрaгt, At tьс АiФol1. seуing ваs sailiпej thь limс shо hаd nofoldelunder Ье|а|m |t rvas very раinful lо s,у go.dbyё lо hеr' оurье-lovеd .ъьtсl, trhо hаd dоno so n!сh lbr us' Yеs' *'е eпrbrасеd. rYеkьsed аnd wё сriёd (thеse тulks !Iе so enrоtionаll),

^s qe tъw belr to Аnrеrьа, Mar}aпd I le|ivеd lhс mcmorаblс cventso f t l rеpas tweеk ourdьt rсso f thof i6 td !у ,o|сo!ке lanъhedasdreехhiЬni.n rеs0lted in аn ovсN'ьсlпriпg suссess' вut dre еаniel dьn€sorlhе,ulъor ]naniГesrcd itseIfinlо serious ProЬ]ems. n6t оD thс Plаnсапd sесond. aftеI we апived home We wcrс аЬоUl lN. hоuБ ti!n1NеwYо.k}ten thс anlhor hаd оnсоfhь |req0entnosс blсod5 As ьadhaррenеd fol yeаБ. the amonnt of hсavt ьleeding was noslntssfulаnd whаlсvоrwe did n \rou|d noL stoр' МaI} askеd fol icе aш Ussuсs.nouпds o|lissue пothiDЕ Ьc|рсd тhc nсхt attcmрt toоk рrасe f theЕslloоnr; рuttinв pЕsurс agаin$ lhс nght nоnnl wnh оne hаnd' апdwitn thс оthcr trying lо с|ean lьc siпk area о|mу sрlattelеd ьloоd. аllthG whiIe lrying tо ]naiпtaijr mу ьaIanсc ьссаnsс tltс рlаnс rvas $i1l flу-

тhс р|anс nrсidспt fiпаllу спdсd. Ьut n rоtlrnсd in the baegagec|xim arcз' ̂ l hоme. thе rlthоrъ .ondn]oп *'оceпеd: nБl a sеlelесаsо o] inl]0cn2a delеloРed iпto aсute рлeuлroпiа. wьo сou|d е!епtьr.k of 0 suссesfuLсхьiЬition undcr thсsс солditions? тhс оЛly oLhсri|r]ne whj.Ь nсоds to Ьс mef,tionеd ь lhat ё!еntuа]ly the authоr.eсo!сrеd аnd солlinuсd hls асlj!itjоs

9trQl.h 2l, |999, on thь dаle' оnr Ьe!оlеd.!nte Giinijl Ak]n, Nhi]еln her Ьофе in Аnkaв, Tulkeу, wаs сomрLеtjng her с|lsrvord рnzz|c,пrd towаId drе еnd ог it. there it \уаs а с|LЕ to thс aulhols nаmсI shс- l e d

1 t e e | Р . J r dn ' е J , | r г / / е , , l п е |Леo l I j ' е , п

сludod ln the сФsssold рuzzle ofтulkеy,s lеading леwspapеr' lоr theseсoпd ti]ne' } €s indееd a tоtаlly uпeхрeсtеd deliglrt,

Junс 2з. 1999, тhс statc огNeN Jesey. сhаnne| l0. Phoлedthе Fеdеrаiioл and rоquсslсd аn ]f,ioпiew rvitъ an indjljdual *hоNоuld рresenl the тlrkьh peф.eсtive o.thе A!пrепian issuе. fiс lrlг&.lsl ?с/sPeс''t] whj|е lоr уеaБ lhе mediа ьad rсmаiлоd indiffcrсnt tothe тulkьл реrsрeсti!е. hсrr *о hld а nсws procrаm shiсh woпldьrоаdсаs thс тUrkish Point о|viеw. тhe аuLhor *'as !Ррroасhеd aпd оi

14 l

,l.hP Trйh Nrliь.тo|d ьуЕdlrrd 1*hji

сouБe hсyсLсonred lhe сhlllencе. sinссlhс Fсdclаtioп оjnсе sas being rеnоvatсd' it was decidcd lо usе thё огliсеs оlnrс wоr|d тulkishсongrеss' lосаlеd in thс sаme тurkish сeпlеrbui]dlng асros rlоm llrс

Nlary апd l csсоfred lhё jnlеп-ieNсr, Ms, jшi тalsuпra aпd |iоrсrпеrа.mаn. to thс offсе aпd prерaranons ьсgan, веlblе tlrс laprпgMs' тatsцnD аskсd sе!сlаl quеstiопs in order tо Preр3rс hсБсlt тьenxеlaiew laslеd forоverh lаn hour. nlьjeсt to their ediling. Ф|сoUreст[ouen it had пot ьeеn a nеtsork nеws pюaшп. lrundrсds of thоu.sands оfAmеIiсапs ьeard some flсa sЬiсh lhеу Ьad nоl Ьеard ьetbreапd Гor that mпсh. оUI cffогt vas suссе$|ц]'

J.1.leьruаry 2з' 200!], wаs thс datс whеп lhе auфor reсeivсd x рhoпeсаll at dlis homе. fгоm Lhe \\фitе нousс, A tе|есonГeЕnсe witЬ th.white нousс аnd rеdеmtioD Rерresсntatives had ЬcсЛ aaъDged to dЬсuss lhe сурr0s Pr.Ьlсm, Аs onс of the speales sеlосtсd. I yas dircсtсd Ь}!hсWhnе Eouse aide lоьс at mу tеlеplronе tЬe t.ol|oяingdаyatthс designаted ьоuI, тЬ]sdaу hаd ьссn 16 dауs аftcr пryhosрjtah7ation drc to nryсollарsjng liоФ sevorе anсmE,

Febm,ry 24' 2000.dulins lьe аIieфoon.lhс рhолс шЛg аnd forfoпу nle nriпulеs our соllсaeuсs dсfспdсd thе тurk$h nositiоn рсnаin.i|rg tо lhc сурпs соЛfliсt our effons on Ьeha|fo|Lhe тurkьh pсоPLсdid not оnly рсrtаin tо lhe Amепian issuс. сyрnк, Azoъaijап. вosnirпeтzеgolina. с.imсan-т0lks, алd olhсr Turkiс Pеoр|es hаd Ьсеn rnс]udcd in оUr цоrk wnh om геdе|ъlioп' тЬе telcсФnl.rс!сс dld поiсЬаneе lhe рositiоп о|lhc Uf,jtсd statrs. ЬUt.t lcast drе тurkish роjnt

Fеьruxry 28. 200о, ibund us in Riсhnrond. vA. whсrc rheslateъ sеnalе Eduсаtiоп соmmittee sou|d сoisider yel anоthсr Апnе.niаn Rеsolutiоn, sеlссted Раniеs flоm lhс puЬ|iс had ьеen r.vnсd lорaniсiраtс. аnd lhе Ееdeгаtion tntеd a |argс vаniN'iary. siх оfоur Еed'elaliоn со]lcаeuсs. аnd lhе аuthol uпdсiioФk fiе seven-houl]оumeу lothе сapila] оllhс state ofvirginiа Wheп вe Ьаd afti!оd atrd еntele.ll|rо соornrinеe гоom' tъe sсssiоn hа.l аh€adу Ьеeп iп рФgres' our а$sоciatcs гroп thе Waslriпetоn blsсd тUrkъh.Amсriсaп А$en1b]l hadЬеeп sсatcd aad thе аUthor wаs ьгоught lo фe tioлt rоw ofspeсtаtoк,тhс sеnltoБ debalёd лumсrоus itеms ол lhеiг ageпda F.nlnаlсly, thсАmсniаn вil|was at tlrе eпd oГthе аgenda' нad ii ьесп deblLеd bel.orс

t l l

тh. тntЬ i!|ui ьс тold ь!' trdvтd ткЬji

oп rn j te п(+ г " l ' , , ' ' , , ' |o ' J . r |o , | ,1 ' ' п l fu 'sрeakeI. (Do уоu slill quesdол лydesliпу1)

тhс юonr wаs fillсd with Aшсliansinr tоtаl wс wrrе aЬоut fif'tеen ]аdics aлd gсntlсmcл.lhc Аanсnians numЬered o!еrlwo tmdrеdрсop|citьюc sP.аke6 t]!]n eaсh sjdе were a]loaеd 10 рЕsent theilrcsгeсtive роlilions withiп а рe]]оd of fivс rniпutеs. тhe AInспiaDssрoke nБ( rеsoni|rg to thсnUs|aLlimdсs and dьtortioлs ofthc lасhra|r!еnts ol |9l5 h oaоmln тlrkсу' тhc Amоn]аns in lhe roon knеwlhore пoU]d ьe lhroe тDrklsh sPeаke.s .лPоsed to 1he Rсsо]utioп, ьutпоt one ofфeФ cоuld hcve аnliсi]rаled tlral oпe ofihетUrkish sрeakсБ$ould ьe ап еtlrniс Annеnianl It was deсided the аul|]or sou|d speak]ast, (тherс ь а sаyiлв aьoпt kссрinв tЬc Ьсsl tъr lЬо lаst,) oursрсаk.rБ Wе|с cа]m iл thсilсfгссti!с рrсsef,tаlions' anа еaсЬ remainеd Nitъinlьс livс miпutc Iiпri1a1]оп. тhс Lhnd sрeаkеrn'as iпtlоduсеd' md as ьеhad dопе manу timсs in thc pаst, hо Nas dсlcmrnrсd to kссp sрcakilgunti| Ьcwasаskсdlосоn.]Dde тhоthirdsPeаkerofсоusewаslhеапlьor' as hс stood at tьс рodiuп апd adjusted t|re лiсIоpьопе so as to ьeсenаin еverуопe соuld hеar hjnr; hе thеп ]оokсd аt eaсh ofthс lroпоFаьle senlloь. *ho NеE seаted iп а сresсeпt fomr |aсing hnn, тhе au.tlюr idспlinсd Ьimsсll xnd his at]iliаlio. snh thс тurkьh.AmсriсanFedеmlion, Ьut l.оr lhе n.fuеnl hе djd n.t lel.er b hь ёtьniс ьl.kground' l1is very lilsl rlolds wегc spоkeп as hе гаisеd a сoру o| tlresспаtс ltsоlLttion aпd dссlаltd: .,Gспllсmсп. thъ tsоlLtrlon Б аnаьоminxtion '' t]с pr.сeedеd 1о makе etтeсli!е соf,menG реtaining tonlс ̂ rmсniaп tсason аnd warlаlс аgainn lъс oltomаn аlthоritiоs] l.getьer snh otherfaсts' whiсh wi]|ье р.esепted ]п tьe loIlowiпg сhapter...l kпoв rvcll о|Lvhat I s]rеаk, ьeсausc I аnr the son оlап Amrепiапnrоdrсr aпd а sуrian'oflhodoх fаllrcll..

A mоmсnt оl stunneа silсnсe рiеrcеd the ioоm, l.оl]оBсd ьуse\еml fioans and groaпs rvere hеard liоп lre Аmеnian sРеоlaюБ.тhс сьа]птan саl|cd for ordcr, aпd thс sрcakcr ьс]rrg !сг-v сarelu| iпhь denreaпоr апd сhoiсr ofwolds, gavс ihс scпаlо|s a ЬrjсfeduсatiоDоп тtrrkьh.Arnreniап hьtoly, It rуаs a $|Ьjссt аЬоtrt whiсh eасh ог1|tm lockcd с!сn an innnnosimаl knowledgс As hаd Ьoen slаlen, lhеspeaker hаd nо 1nlеn!оn oI.stoрpl.g' bцt !s anliсiрalеd' lhе съaimanIеquеstеd hiпr to сoлclude тьапkin8 tье senatoБ fol tlreil аtteлtiоn.1|rс sprakcr mo!сd Ьaсk aпd rctuarсd tо ап аrсa Nhоrо Ьь рсоPlс l'сrсstnnding' Now еrсh оlthе sфatоs Prеsеntеd lhеir ljеws on lhе Reso

н l

тtст0tЬ MБt be тold by [d}п'dтдьji

lпtion. fi]llу aFдrе оl tЬe рrcsеnсe o| llrеf Amсniаn cолstifueпts,ivhosc monеу aпd уeaп ol.рrсsslrс dспаnded then..YЕs''.

sсvфl оГ tlre seпabв al loa$ !с|ъаLlу nrdiсaEd thсу wоtrldпeеd lo stody fuahсr nrе рeai|reпlhъlоry ьсfoLс thсу сould сasl rheirvotе вut lhь rvas a mсrc suЬiernrgc iпtепded lo рlаcаlс tЬе тurkъhsidе. аl lеasl tспrporarj|у. ьeсansс a fсw \reeks laler $с ]саnЕd ltrаt nrсResolutiоn Ьad раssed, апd as а rсsull. thс sсlroоls iп vnginia соuLdtеaсh then sfudcnls lЬе mуth]сa| Ameniаn ссnoсidе. oпсе ac!1n.Aneliсan Pusillаnimопs рo|iliсiаns suпеndёrеd to the Aпneпian наteМоrсhапts, aпd jeoрardizсd lhе ftiеndslrip ьсls'eсn the l]aitоd slalesаnd the Rерuь|iс оf тurkсy!

тhc юoл ьеgan rо enl1tу and оuIрeоplе sunounl]ed Mаry аDdrhe autъor аs wr sIo8|у mldеоurrv.y jatо thс wаitinд Ьа|l, Еуes 1ii1сdrvith ьatе weтe dneсlоd to олc рcБоn] drеauйor

1hсаrd а fеmаlе !о]сe оrdсr in Anreпiап'.sрit in ьis tnсc]'.Latсr. l ваs told drat a fiаn rаьсd lrь aпn to strjkе ]ne. Ьut

MaryDusьed hь аrm aNау,l Nаs told lalёr' аnothсr ttmаlе spеаklп81nArnrспisп ьaddeсlаrеd: "|lс is tlrе son ofa рф(nuLcj,,

l,Iad I hеdd lhсsо words. thclcwоuld haveьeen сhaоs, ,,

T . x F . , | , е Rе j ь ' , r п ' \ \ а . a ' оnв , ! J ' ' . l . ( | ' l , ' . o

рo..еd the Uniled stxiсs dulnrg dre Korсan wаr cолfliсt. dre Ееderanолhas Ьеeп iпviLеd 1o join thоusаnds ofAmerjсan reterans. duIing lhenmаrc|r dowл вrоаd*'ау l. Bаnery PaR foг the hnюriс шvcilinв of thеnemorjа] monuпrепt dеdiсalcd to tlrc sасIed nrепrory ol.the thousaDdsof уoung Amс сал nreл and rvопrеn (and thоsс ol oul а|liеs] \rhо ]оsllhеir Iives in thаl hс|1knоvD аs tьe Koreаi War, тhc ьonds оllrjend-shiр аmoпg nu|nеюus сhаPtсls of the vсlсгапs огlhс Korсln Wаr. annthe тlrkьЬ.Amelirаn сoп]nunitу' hаd ьссn iпniated bу tъe cfоns оftlrе authоr уеаБ eаnicr. and foг us ю рaaiсiраlс in thc Graпd Plndotпd lhe monufiеnt dсdiсаliоп. wаs iпdсed m erсeFtionaL hoпог Withоur 1аrgе AлеIiсsп and тurkьh паgs. follо]virrg the b,nnсr оlthе ге{tегJtionj toeсihсr vith аьоul Nеnry ofоtrr реople (l ьad hoFed tbr at|еan a huлdrcd), wе tоok ouг р]асe in lЬс li.с оfлarсh' тhеre wrs поryау wе сou|d hаve аntiсiраtсd the rcaсliоf, о| thоnsands of Dсoрlevlсяine аnd сhсcring tЬe ]narсhing vсlaaпs, As пe ft,rсhed. funoпgrhе Peoрlс ljninв lhе sidеsаlks' rrо hфrd сounl|es сhee( аnd loiсеsshouting nr unьon:.,God ьlcs тurkeуL соd Ьlсss dre тuгks| тhс

тie,[rпl Nlu* ьс тold ьy Еdltrd,rsljj

We were oveNhсhned Ьу lhс оvation orfie mаssеs who weleсhссring аt thе sight ofош тпrkish l]ng!' a fu|l ьlосk xNау o| wъerelhе throпes ofрсoрlе hxd аssоfibled' We Nаvоd оur gratnude !пd ap.рtсlаnоn to dlс lhоLsands of АnrеIiсans whose soпs, f!tЬеБ, аndbrоtlreБ rcmсmЬоred wеl| drе ьIa!сry of lhё тDrk]sh soldiеI in (оreа,Gсn, DоUg|as MсA fiш epitomizоd the тulkъh Мj|ilxry Forсes rvitь1hcsenntroiа] *o|is:,,тЬeтurksrvсrе thеЬra!сslоlthсbra!еl..

Еveг sincе tЬat unlorgettaьie day. whcn Amenсans and тulks,lhougЬ сonrрleto nnnsсrs' сmьIаcеd сaсЬ оther' sуfiьо]iс of thc trnstaпd гriеndship bеtrvеen our rcsрссtile PсoP|еs. si|rое 199l, thс A,F'кjllchaa сhарter of оцr Aneiсan vсlenns оf lhе кorcan wаr, hаve. . I y Р J ' П \ с d , f | ' , t ' 1 д ' е , ! а l i е d e | i | i o ] . г , 1 ' | г , ' е | лthеn amuаl memor]а] serviсe' тo еaсh оf thс volсnns апd theiг Presidспt. N'lr, Jоs.рh с!lаьriа' ве рlеdgсоurеtеmal respeсl and our ЬюlЬ.сny lоvе lo eaсh ofуon and уо!r llmiliеs тne pеоPlс оlthe Unnedstates and рeасе.|o!ing nаlions worldwidc оwc уоu а deьt o Г glаLitudе,

Wс shоUld аdd ьсrс' lhlt Nhen роsiЬ]е, sone ofthe vetсranсьаDtеБ ha!с joined the тulkisь.Ancriсаn соnФuпnу in its annualтurksh Ameпоaп Daу Paladс. ]n Nеw York сiry, ln lЬc ycаr 200],dпnf,gdЕ]nonlhofМxy,thо Fсderatioпolgаnizеdour20']^nnua|Pаradе. disPlаying оur рridё in oulсu|пN and hъtorу. аnd lo}allу tо thе

Lel us .etuпr lo tlrс Ju!с 24..' ]00о nrеmolia| сerсmоniеs' тhеsjgii]iсanсe o.Lhis evе nad ьeеn thе 5()!' AпniveБаry оlthо KoreaпWar, вith well ovсrзо0 реoРIe аtendinв. inс|пding lhё PUьliс апd tьсvelеmns tiо|n the Kjl]еhаn сhаptel, Amone numoФus iоEign diр|o.mаls and сitу oJlсiaь, thе ]iПtish сounсil сeпe.a| lhс нo!' AmЬа*sаdor Mеhпrеt Еzeп was аlso ]n alEndanсе' тhе Есdеnlioa's wrеathdlеw muсh anсntiоn as t was ]n lhе fofln аnd сo106 ola Ьuge Aпreriсan t]аg' We qеrе dеер|у 8.atоfu| t. olr tiiепds. MI' R0stem Atе!, fоrьnпgijrg thс mаgnifiсеnlцlеalh, Prеsideлt Jоscрh са]аbna, аs a|waуsрelГошеd hь dпtiеs as Мс' iп а flawlеss mаnnсr тhе пrlocalonswcrс rсаd Ьу a рrjеstапd a IaЬЬi, ьUt whсn thё,o.л a (Мuыjm c|creу.rnan). мr сeti|r Dсmirtal' mived ftоnr thе гxtih сzп;i (MosqцеJ, тaррrоa.hod .Iоseplr tо see if oDr /D.? сou|d rесite a shоrt Muslim

Dvсn lhouch il was Лot in.lLtdcd in the рФgшr, Joseрh аs а


тheтr00 пrui ьс тold Ьy ЕdNrrd тmьji

поslkind eenl|еmaп'said...NoproьlеmI Gсthim lеady.hc']| Ьспехt,,не will nсvсr rеalizr how dеeрly hь eеsturc touсhсd оuI hefis. as overзo0 huпdrеd реoр|c, сhftlians аnd ]еws, a|l $oоd uр, аs our т!lkъh.Muыnn сlеriс reс]rсd a рIaуcI, AIlеr 3 momeпt o].si|сnсе. sреесhёsпere dсlivelеd ьу nufieroпs !еPresenlati!сs. and drс аulhоr sрсakпrgon ЬeьaLt.оltЬc тu*isь Afuсriсап сommuni{у' rсаd lroп hъ prcраIedslаlсmепt. our sрсeсh sаs Eсeilоd NitЬ а resoцadiDg olalion тhе

рrcsсnhrion of the нonоr Guaгd, llags. аnd rylеalьs wele р]r.сd lt rhёьasё o|thс i]Dilesal sold]сr Мemoiа| mоnuncni

тъс сntile е!спt !'аs soпhу ofthe highсst рIaьс. othоr thаnlhe flags О|lhе Unitcd states' sопth Кorеa' and rhe Unitcd Nations, thcon]у olher I]аgwas рIеsепted \Yas lЬc тurkьh flag|

O "ь " о ' . . n "n |о ' , d | ' j ' | . ' | ' . ! o | | | е , ' i г o \ , o ! . \ е г , , o

сhalles sсhunоr, jn his o|fiсc ]n Nеtv Yоrk сiry] it sulеlу Nаs x hБ.rdiс mcсliпg, тhе Prcsidепt. МI' Egсmсn вадi!' lhе аuthois $]ГeMarу, а тUllъh Ьusine$man, аnd the аuthоr hxd a оoгd]r! dinlовuеwithlhеsеnаtor, A|waуsьeing рrсparcd, tьe lthоr рrеsе ed rh. sсла.tоr wnh soпe o| Ьь matсIiaI реfiinслt lо tЬe Аrmс.iал аl]egationsagainst thс тu*ish.ёoFlс, тЬь nrеetjng was to bе !п 'ntiоdпсl|on befolе a re.срtioп gi!еп in hолol oI thе senrtor at !hе тlrki\h оvпсdмаПnаIa ttolc]. in Nсw Yоrk сjtу

oсtоьer 25L., 2000, Aьout liltу тulkъh'Аmeriсras }'e|соnred scaаtor

сhаlles sсhumel and hь аidcs iп a .oоm $jth а mаcnjnссnl ljсrY ol.Ne* Yоrk сil' аt пight timо'

цIhen thс suеn oL nonor апi!еd' еveryоDе поved сlоsel toф ' ' |П ' ,Uп] . ' , i t \ ,nL" | ,nо l r ,еm Jeo .Ь , . l ' ьdo , fР l

i ' . ' t \ |еn , l с , . , J ' о ' . ' oo , ' ! , , J ц ,L v " ] , | ' , , ' , ' | -П ,ь ] , . - ' drYаs, ..Whеrc ь уourhusЬrnd?..

An1аzing dral hе shоuld rcпrember. тhь was поl fie nlst tjmewе had mеl аnd shоok hands lуit|r аn Ameпсan рo|niсian, lhс аulholЬаd nevеr beеn mo!еd ьу tьс erроriсDсe, si]nply Ьeсausе, lоdaу thсe]eсtсd оjliсia| snilсs eпd saуs vhat his тulkish аudiс.се wБhеs tohear. and tomorcrY he^ье лakеs а sрсeсh оn tЬс лythiса] .,^Inrеnlaп

сспос]dё..ЕvсD tlrough lhс тurks аrе generrtiопЁlllе iп Р|a!ia8 t|]е

Politiсal gaпe, $о must do our paa iD lоnnulalrng а соnstruсl]!е '11а.

тie |ruo Nlц* ьс тold bгЕdaadTi\Цl

]оgue with рolitiсiаns who ha!е no knоw]сdgc оlтlrkьh hьlоrу sоiIhad ьесD during our seсoпd лсetiлe rуilЬ sсnator sсhumeг. NЬo hadbеen erасious nnd гnendlу tо lhc group wh. ]ъtепed iо his slаtсmоnts.QDеstiоni sеrс аsked аs sсvсra|People ulged lhe anthor to Nk a que*!on oГouIguе$, т1lc sear1or's rеsDоnsе to оUrqlоstjоns \las ыпlIar totЬc lо|lowiлg..тhсrо rva! muсЬ l did not know.fdrc hьtоI} oflhстu.kьh.Armеnian ьsuе, ьut l.vе Lсamсd a eieаt deаL frоm oпr gоodlriсnd'''WitЬ Lhesе kind No|ts. he gesturсd to\rali t|rеапthоi and everyоne !рр]audеd;all was,.qоlIin ше worLd|..lD сonс1usnJп' a powe illUпned sialсs sсDator had сопrс tо lеa|ize an асt]!е тulkьh'Ajnсnса!сoппunity s]|l f,о longel Ieпаi|r silсnt in di$emi0ating tьe trutЬ оlтurkьЬ hьtоrу аnd сlIturс,

(]bvеmЬm l]o' 2o0о, w6 fol IЬo тlrkrsh Ameliсan со!trпtr.]tу !пothcl hьtoliс dау, тЬс United War veterаns сoшсi] о1.New YоIk' Iе.quсstоd Ьу mail liоfi ош Fedelаtiоn. оur раniсiрat]оп in thо vсlсrаnsD . \ P , ! d е 1 ьA , ! г , ' , \ с 1 \ ' l ' | r ldс!сl.рmcnl аЛd we lrad infomedthe сouлсiLwо $ould Ьс пonоrсo юjоin thе tlrous!пds ofAnrсriсan vеlегапs, A пе1у п cmЬеr assосiltioп оlllre FеdеIation cсnerous|y sропsolсd a floаl Lо ьc uscd Ьy tье Iеdеm.nоп dume Ihс Раmde' oцr gronp numЬеrеd about sеvenlу аdnlls aadvоune studenls' and our float rcссj!сd aп ovеп'hеlmi|rg rсsроnsе |roфinaпy drоusаnds of sресtators. Wс lrld dъtliь0lсd hlndreds ofsmа|lтur kьlr flаЕs. which tъс vеlelans.nd nre рnьljс hаd requеsted trоm us,ItЕjnindсdпsоfthe рaгade nr ]99]'lо вattсry Park' As lronol €d аs wcsclt 1o Ьс jnсluded in the рaradс. рaying lrrьute toAmсiсаn vсIсmns.Ь]r lъe ounопs aпd схрrcssions o|lhе Ame cln рUЬliс and veterans.theil rcsресt and аffссlions br tьс тurks were $аrmly rc!еa|ed,

nv .е " ' e '

o l с ' ' 1е сoп , | r s ог o | , ' n , , tе 'hJ ' ' г , c , | ' , е \ |е \ , ' golr work. I.ve usсd lettеБ ofthс сn1ne a]рhaьet, onе and x hall limеs,and уe. muсh has ьосD omilled; drс лехt сьаpter Ьrings !hе auшor tоlhс аlзa ofhis lifсъ $оrk ]1ъ ап аЕa whiоh hе hаd rvishсu 'с Л.усlЬad to спtcr, тЬe althоr Б iпevoсаь|y соnvinсеd ol.the hьtoпс ассU.raсy inс|uded ]n thе fоllowing рacсs' Persолal вanr оr рпЬ|icity havenoL ьeen пу mоtivxlion, l seеk hаmroпу а|noпg рс.рlos $ho shaге aсommoп сulfu|! af,d hьtory

фl м Tоld ьу Edlfd тshji

(А| |hjs Poin| k |iЙr |hе сoпlhn|iry aJ пr lotk is iпtеfulplе.] ф |en-iьlепыs viiсh \|е haw nd re.еiеd bltе|еphanеJroЙ Ishnъll, Iп а.L|i|iоn 1о п! rе|ereЙ4 |o ||Kа..lе'iп'' (п| bюlhe')' Dr ok|а' с'nhlrАkkеnl' |herе rеrc s|jl| сoппфls tо bе fu.1r аьoul thjs gtеd| TurkishР1n"no| Й 1ф |ol]aw,пc|hаr|ёi ol!ц^ьoo| BulIЙ apаllоIo\\4-о Rо, п lho, a I bфlhФ hа' ]I^t pа \PI1 а'' Ф : n ̂ dёdЬ. hо\ .' h?d

пу d|e ohd Йе |a an .aеfil Фhеte п! сonpоsjliaЦ ФnЙol' а1 this |iпе'cоn|iпце' I raaBлizе п! ob]iваlion |o |hе ]еаdф aпd s'.h' I sha|| rc

|uп sooп] I пБt phoпе his ||iJё' ou| bе|aуed ad.п' iп Istалh|1, )


х. 9\ 64siс PhifosoPhl al1d стousс.{ Position a6oцt lftсФfkish Ф@tion qn.t lftс dmorian А{tс,qIions c84iflstо{lrket.

^.м mа.у уelrs of wolk. аd |iЬ сommenls' sрсeсhcs aпd intе8ieяs.onе would asumе lЬis сЬxРlоrwo!|d be eаsу to соnrрlсlс. ЬUt n ь nоt'

l.irst. Ьссause the аulhФ ъ diаDrеldса|ly оPрosed l. tьepositioпог hь сo.re]igionьts on the suьjесl ofтпrkьh Аmtпian hьlоry and

seсond. Ьссаusс lhе фьs]oп to n4riсh lhc аuthоl has dсdiсatеdhimsсlt namo]у the сoпtiпualion оl тurkъh Amеnian вюtherhоod,hаsno sifo]|arеfГon madс Ьyа sinclо individual oItlre autnofs сlhn1с'rlу' oпe nrajol fаclor dсsсryсs lo ьe reрёatеd hеre: Му mьsio! doоs nolехсludс tlrс siiD'аni рeор]е, due to drе fасt lhс sуr]аn onhodoх сom'п1unilу ьтboБ no aпimosity towfd lhе тuгkьh рeoрlс. whсrcas myother halt thо АJmсlians (oltsidе of тulkеу), поt оnly hаle the тurkьhрeорlс. ьnl реФefu,te lhъ r|logiсa]hatrсd ьу infliсtiлg lъen!fumoыryinto the ьеarls and minds olinnосent сti]dren кeеp in mind tЬаt lhcauthorь Ьorn ofan Armcnian motьегвпd a siiryаni (sуriаn'onhоdох)talhсr, аnd it ъ hъ Amrепiап со{e|iвiоnists whоm he сoпdemпs folfien Phi lоsоphy of hаtc agаinsl thс рcoр|e !nh shom thеу shalс oуcrsiх сenluries оfhыоnса] аnd с!]tur,L hamony. Wr аIe сogfuzanl оf1lrе Arпeлlаn vсhсmсnt reaсlion tо$ard the аuthor. аs Nеll as the bепildеnng adfrnatlоп oftlre тUйish.^mсriсаns and фe тuгkisЬ пatioпAs reerettaь|е ь lhе fоnnеr, аnd аs ihr frorе desirоus ь thе lanсr. ofparamount significaпсс to lhо аuthor ь tьe lасt that d]c аuthоrhimsеIl.Ьо|iсvоs in IЬe lociс лd justiсе of lrъ рositiоп lf I ]naу usс lhe лб!рcsоn sjngularj l sеe пo ]оgiсa| рlrposс in leасhing hlted to уounвсhildien fоr cvenls aьouL rvlriсh historixns maintain dilтeгeпt pеБрec-tives, whi|е scholaБ cпeаge in iale]|oсtuаl deьltеs, oul рolitiсiаns innrс desirс to рlaс,te d]en LYеoIthy Апneпian сonstifuonсt, 1оlаl|у |aсking аnу histоriсl]kпоs|еdge' poalaу lhemsеlусs as PrФsесuюв,judgeandjurу aпd сoпliсt lhс тurkъh natiоn |о.сIimes wьich thеy dld noi

тi!тt0thltu*bс тdd ьI Еd}лd тsЦi

вссаusс fоr пanу cenсratioпs in our соuпtry thеre Ьad beeп noтllkьh resрoasс. it ьeсаftс a роpulal and eхрссlеd lrlaоi|.с tо h|xme$e тulks lоrkjllin8 nrnосent сhrьlians. For yсаБ tlre тurks *erс сvеnь|anod for tЬс drug аddiсtiоп in tЬc Llnitrd shlеsj whу А]norjсanswсE аnd сoпtjnued lo ьс sla!сs tJ druc соnsuпrp!оn Б rclсr questioned. Aпcrjсаn MiIilarу Ьаsesoптulkьh sоil.тulkьh suрроrt ilr lheKorcаn aпd GUlГwаБ, Bпd wЬсn iL seNсs lhe inlсrсsts о| thс Unitеdsralеs. theп тurkeу ь oul al|у' Ьut,4,,слйл uD,z' st|Фasses а1| lhаtthe тurkish nвtiоп hаs gi!сn us]

ln оUI сsроusеd роsitiоп oп Ьehаlf of lhe тurkьЬ Natioп' ilfriеnd or |ос. Ьеlieves rhe аuthоrJiпds tъс тulkьlr Nation. Nhet|rеr bёoltoпar тurkeу о! the Reрub|iс ofтurkсу' аs ьсinsуrthoni f''|i duЕinc lhс 1915 Deriоd. then th]s mьu.dcБtandif,g musl ьe сofteсtсdsйф rhс ̂ Ireпъn lllсgatioпs aelinst тurkеy eо ьасk tо l9]5, lhenwe must also go Ьaсk аnd rоlсr lо lhе hislоry ofotto]nan тlrkeу. 11wо01d ьe Rьsurd lо сven suegcsl lhat nrе otrofians mвde no m6lаkеsdurinЕ tnе pеriоd in quсstiоn. ii ъ hоi!еveг' аlsо grоsslу aьsurd to ье.|ievс thс onопrл тurlrьh Go!сrnmспt оf oftoman MilitаI} lсadсБduing thе Fiвtwoгld War рсriоd hld рlаnnсd апd сaftiсd out а.eеnocidc.оftlre Amcniап рeoPle' тhe lаst sentсnсc sшs un the аvоNеdDosilion of the a0lhоr аnd as а lсslli, ьс hld beеn vеrьаllу lnd рhysl.;аl|у Фsаulted and сof,sid0cd a рanаh, deseп'ine thс сonleпrрl ofсveNAmоniаn Тhс Amеnians in фe Unnсd statеs с.uld forgive lьjsNrii; elеn irhс w0e Lo plЬliclу cuБe сod. an|iьuLing hь Ьlasрheпrуl. а mсnta| dnоrdсr, вut for Ьis sFеaking of, ЬcЬаlГ of lhе тпrkьhAmсniап ьгоlьеrhood. he $ill rcmаil un|оrgi!аЬlсl

rrow саn фe Amеnйпs jDstiф lhь iпsanс mаnifсstahоn оlnu|ti.geпeвtjопa| hatred $hilс аt the samс tine, thсу prоtсs t] beсhrьtiaпs? тьё cоd lhеу сlajm to woБhjр has stid: .,Love lhy Еп.сmу',, аnd..вLе$ed аrc llre Pсaсё MаkcБ, follьcу s|rаll ьс с]Llеd lhс

тhe! n1l t|reiI сhurсЬcs as laitьful аdhcreп1s oгthсi'' сьrktlnI'ititЬ whilе at thс sanrе tirne rhe sаnсlitу ol.thcn сhurclrе5. and thс ho]iest sYmЬоl ofсhrislianitу. dre I]olу сross. aтс 0sсd аs an ennry оt Ьа.ted. тhosе qnintеsеnt]аl hyросIircs' thcsс АmEniaл .lraф mс.сhзnrs... сof,linпе to ьlasPhсmе thс God о|All Mаlrnind.

веfoге we rсrum rothe eveлG ofotbnаn тUIkоу,Iel!s rсlieN

тhcтrпЬ мкtbетоld ьу [d}9rdтrlhji

lъe Фthо.s рositiоn on lbш suьl'еcts whФe he be|iеvеs thс тurkscoпrnritted dьa9rous ь]uпdeБ, (And уo0 thoцgьt tlre author ооuld not

1 тhe oltonraп x horitiеs, uпdel lhc odiсt of the sultап.joinеd сemraпy аnd the сёntrаL Pо]vels durif,g rhe гiБt wor|d w3r.lgaiпsl tlrе Alliсs, тhis dесisiolr' madс whilе thе oltomal Еmрnс wаsdьintcg|аiine, would lrдve еlnninаiоd fie тulkьh hоmеlаnd had n поtьcen lbr l|re ]nrn]оrtаlMunnГa Kеmal Atаtiirk'

2 - тhс re]Oсatioп oflhе Amef,]ans свusеd а Ьumаn сataslro.phе, whiсh gаve drе AПnсniаn,9,.. n/er.,aлls the ollonunnу lo сIе.ate аn ,,.veп.. wlriсЬ пeуcr осспfеd

з With lhc сstаЬ|ьhmспt oflhe nrоdcm аnd seсulsг Rерuьliсol.тurkеу. thе еducаlionдlsynem did not s0$оrепtly еduc.te thс pDb|iсo|lЬсmаnу l!сtoб рeгtinеnt tо tъe Ameп]ап ьsuс рrior аnd {]unng

4 In lhс Uniled sIalеs' drc liгkъh.AnМiсaп соmmunilу inсгeascd in пlmьсь ]пd ьеgаn to cstаЬlish vi!ь|e, aсti!с. аnd оrgаnizedsoсlаl aпd rсljgiоus епt]ties thlоUghоU1c!сry sесtol iowсvсr. tor man)l8cncrаtions] n reпanrеd inеlтc.livе wilh rеgards to thс Armсnian al1ega!.ns md aпtiтulkish асlj!itjеs

NоN lhat wе hа!е stated our .,сrniсъms'.. thе aulhol rvj|l Prc.sent his..dсlслsc'' oLfie тulks, (Did yоu lh]nk tlrс authоI *ould сof,duct h]nsеl| likс Amсricаn рo|]liсians дnd thс nсws medja' bу jlstсоndепrning lhe тurks аnd nеgatiпg a|l rcle!аnt сnсufrslanсes? wе{l]l addгеss thr Arnrenjаn а]legаlions. уеt lо fo1loN')

l a. s1milаr lо man-\, othсr сmpilоs thrоuehoul wo d histоryвлiсlr hlvc $|dived oп|y in t|]с раges оl history ьoоks. so thс onсePoweritl oltоmaп Еnrрilе Ьad deсljnеd апd wаs rсрlасеd ьу lhе пod.сm, denroсjltjс аnd seсu|a.zed Repuьliс under lhе leаdeБhjр ofМnstа.a кelnа] Atatlrk тЬe otomаn suxаns rulе]j ils eуel eхpandingeг 'o , . Io ,o .e ' , , с гФ| iе , , , k | ' en . . ' i o l , 00 A ,D ,v . ' у -g 'o t ,оf^siа. Еuroрe' апd Аn,iоа nad Ьёeп uпdсг dre innuеnсо оl olloФапт!rks' uпti] Kеmаl Аlэntrk аnd thе Young тurks mоveneпt dьрosedlhё sullап aпd thс сonlro| оГ thс sullanate rvаs tоminaled with thclоuпdnre оГthс тurkъlr Rерuьlic on o.toЬer 29l], ]92з Not оЛly didтUrkeу s0flъr a5 а Ieslnl of]о]n]ng thе Ge.nans Ьut widesрread inteгnal reloluliоn had t|шat.nсd thс vсгy ехьtеnсе ofthc тDrtьh hоmе.

r i l

tujьетdd Ьy Еd}!rd тr\Цj

2 !' Aпnenjаn trcаson againstthс |аnd веrе lЬеу hаd рюsреrсd|ог o!еr sjх сentuliеs сonli!сеd dre тurks lhc Amrеп'an mlloпt) bесaпrе ils оnсInу Ьсforс апd durine а wond $arj апd tlrсгеf.re te|tсonoсl|ed to rеloсаlе thс Amrепiаns liоm thс сlslem rсgLons о1lhс соun.:o v ,пе ,hе) ,ou d ' o |o ,eс j гDо ' | с R l . , . , . ,n - , ' ] i " Ib ( JF , , , . . еd i a ( ' падe ' , ' I l е Am. r ' l , " Lле|еd . ' ьЦ . , . , е . j ,

огtlrcir orva rreэсherу, ьut thсу а|onс did nФl $fтсri al| фe !сoрles oltЬс ]аnd sul|ered lhс mvacеs о|wаr тurks killed A|mеniaпs аnd AFf,сnians killсd тurks; nоighьols beсame eпem]сs and !спeeanсe сrcated mоrс Уепgеance тhс evidеnсc lvi|l itrсfutаьIy рrovс that lt Nasпd.eеn.сidc', тhе wоrd ilseIfcа|nе i o erislспоe iп ]945' iп dсrсriЬеdrе nruldсrоtlhc Jеws ьу Nаziсепnaпу'

A sjnglе wоrd whiсlr signifi.d lo tЬe }'ond ihе suffeппg Фl lhсIows ог Еuloре, апd rhс Aarcпians aррrоpiatеd tьс lom rvЬiсh didnot penаin rо lЬcm, впn ёх!]оjtеd drе lord ia nrсn aссusati.ns аganrsllhс тurks. тo fiъ dаy. tье Amrсnians use the вord аs a ьadgе о|.hоnol.1o

cаin drе suррorl оlАrnсriсaпs'''5. тhe authоr surсly ь not iп а роsition lо сrniсizс t|rе еduса

tional sysiел of tье пew|у сslаЬlьhеd тlrkъh RePuьliс' ыt сvсn аs aпоursidеI, it bссomсs oЬ!]оus thаl the уеars о| Annспiaп Eеasоn .пdrclolUtiоnaIr- aсlivitiсs hаd поtьсcn lauslrt suffrсiеnny. ifаt Bl]' Маnу

уea{ оfсonveБаdons wilh тulks over tnс аge oL lbrty. сoпnпns mуpo . , , o | | Ф , с , , ' d с l ' е l g "o | | o l , ь . , с rn . \ с ' da !0 ' l | \ , \ |m . . i . n | ]n r ' 1 ' ' q ,mе ' i , n , Р , о ' r ' , , о гo ' , . o , P . i , , l Г l ' d iD .lоmats nrаde lhс ftоnt pавc iп the Unncd states' siаrtnle nr l97з

тЬс оьvious l]Uе$ion оl Wt]Y] shоuld ье с.nsidс|td. Еlen аliпritеd sпldy of tlre тцrkь|r сhamсter shoNs а lоtа| absсn.e.fhatеdJдa i , , l а ' y с | п ' Е|о j l l \о ' s .1|П ь |o с ' са l 1n i г l ц -Рr r ' г P r '| ' d , i ' | ' сN 'ц FРр 'Ь| , . , ' ! e \ , .o | | ' с | , , ' \o dWd,q . т 1 .vеа]еd WlтнoUт re|olсme to twentу,.,]т of АФenjаn rcvo|utlоn]вut lhеrс welе ot|rr. re"sоns аs we|l: Atаlurkъ nrопumenlаL relo'пsxпd Wеsterni2ation Pо]iсies wсrc the eduсarjonal priоrities. тhс сnt'Iеf,аliоn Nепt lо sсhоol to lсarп lhe Latin alphabсt Nhiсlr rсPlaсеd thcAraЬiс sсipt' тьeу hаd to ]eвп lo rуrne aпd reаd Гrоm thе |еfl tо thстigЬt. instcad of fФf, lhс ri8ht 1o the ]e.t, сould уou jmlв'nе suсh asimilаI situдlion in lhе United statсs] soсial andrchв'оus rctоms took

г | . . , , t . е е , . ' ' . , l ] | J j г ь е | r r 1 ' е ' P j d ц . n ' . ' o т , , е | i ' r ' i

fleе fiarkсt. tcсЬпо]ogiсa| аdvanсеs. аnd sо muсh n1orc. hаd 1o bс


тiс тrutl' l!|U! м тdd ьv Еdlтd тшhji

lсaпrсd on tlrс fly, тhс тurks ibцпd no lоgiса| rсason to teасh the сoп'fliсtЬсt$еen thе тurk5 aпd tlrс Алnеniаns' Ph]|osoрhlcallу, itсouId Ьesаjd, it hаd been a сoпstruсti!с and соmPasiопltс dесьion,

Iroпiсаllу. Ьowc!еr, dlrine lhese yeaБ NЬen Ьatrcd wаs rеnounсed ln тurkсyj at tЬё same tiпrс in the Ulilсd statоs' and сoпlinuine lor ]nrлy gсnефlioпs. Amrеniаn сhildren tvеrе,lаugь..a fаlsinеdhкlоry оt. thс Ameniапs oi oltoflan тufte,. A sieаdу diеt of anti.тuгkьh sentnnсnt within the Ameniдп сfiulcь and soсial оrgаnizaLlолs tras сreаlсd а nсw genеoion of..hаtо mсrсhаnts,,вhо are des'tinсd tо ра$ .n d1с |eeас-\, оfhatе tо уеt anоther gёnеtаtion оfA.nе.niaл Yоulъ lt shou|d Ьe lndсвtood. tЬе Amenja.s o|tоdaу,s тurkеуjfсludine thс Ameniar PalriаmЬ. ..лdелп nrc l]оsi|ioп aJ nE Аfulелiап\ it1оuГ сo|пlrf,ln at Frivxte nоctrпg wnь drе Ье|o!сd |atс Аmелiап Pаlriа|tЬ. in ьtаnbul of 1968, l]is Еmi'Еnсo snork Kalutsyапblсsсd lhо аDtъor |or lrь еffоrts ̂ пosi рreсiоus meеti]rg Nhiсh t сa.

6.ID Ictiоsресt' Ф we сопsideг dlc inсfтссti!сnоss oгthс тuгkьh.Amсilсan cоfuпruпnу, in its reаction tо tЬе ыеl| orgaпi7-еd andhigh]t finanсed ас!!n]еs oflhс mаnу Arnсf,iаngrоuрs lьгоugьout lьеUnilсd slаlcs au ofwhiсЬ tDd аn аnti тUrknh agendR wс mU$ соn.5ider lhe thrcс fасlош.iLБl mсnt]опed оIgапization, fi nаnсiа] rcsоDnеs,

Dцrine lhе е0Ilу уeaБ. thс |94оs аnd ont.rd, lhс тulkььсo]nmunitу lоta]|y laсkсd lhс сonditnjns rvhiсh lvеIe nеcеssary lо rс'sРопd 1o tlre AmreDian distоtiоns and а|lеgations. As it l]аd Ьссn.Nhcп tlrс Amrслiаns had fiNl aпived nr drь сounlry. nndinc !vоrk' aр]aсе tо iivс, Pпtting гоod on lьс taьlc fоI tlrcir tъni|iсs, aad аdjцsllng1o 1hс Аmсriсаn sa' o| liii, \Yele thе priorniсs оfnt тurk(ь lanriliesс.ming tо thc Uпnсd statеs, Wn[ thc cstab|ьhФeпlol thе гedсratiоnоf тu.kъh.Аmсiсan ̂ soсjltioпs, |пс' (iп Nев Yоlk h ]9J6), lndуeаБ lаlсt. thс Assсfrbly oГ tlrе Tulkьh.A]ncriсan As.сiatn,пs (]nwаshjngl.n' Dс )' lьс ьiflh ofthе асti!с тllkish AФericaп сommu.nilу Iоok PI!се. тt had Ьecn x s|oN. ardюus endeavor' ьut dre тurkьЬsРnir оlhard wo . dediсation. af,d Dnny has ьrought dre тurks tо thсir.ishtful plасс аs а fпit.U] аnd ьoпоmьlе еtlrniс еntitу ]п thс Unitеdsiаiсs Frоn lhе NeR ЕЛglапd statcs 10 саli|.miа, лroud тulkъh'Am..iсans wilh then soсiоjeLigiоus оigаnizations' сonli|ruе lо dсmo.-strate lhcirsolспr |аitn in God' сouрled !itlr thеiIрюfolnd a|lсgiаnсe


тiс тrutь \l[! Ьс тold ьt шr*rd тshjl

lo tЬс Uпitеd slаlсsоfАпenса'Now that lhс аnthor hls сof,сluded Rih hъ ..defепsе,, оt the

тurks, let us поw rеtum to oltonan тUlkеу and rellсw thе Аm]сnlxnallеgalioas whiсh rcпain рrominепt to thъ vcry d!у' гоr the сdifiсitjonоfthe readеr, tnc гоllowiпg pagсs wiIl рresef,t аs ассulдtеl, аsрoss'blе.tiс Алreni!п al|еgatiоns аs lhoпc|r thеy \,erё wilttсn here bу аn Arlf,eniаn. rvЬo hlLеs lhс аulhor фore lhаn he lrаlеs thс тllkish рeoр|отhough tъь wo ( is !n aDlоЬioglaрhy. tьc aulьoг, rvithonl ьiаs, $jllDrеsепt lье ̂ mслiап рosilioл in a пanпor *hiсh d]е Аmсnim сАNi.]oт dърutе. ls lhе аutlrог fatr or ь he not? Еасh topiс wj]|Ьegin witЬthe wоId: A!LЕGAт1oN,lо ьhiсh thе аutlrоls рeБрcсtile $il]Ьсenrwith Lhe Nord ..RЕsPoNsЕ'..

^ фe сonclusioп of tho allсgalioпs аnd rсsрoпses, thо аuthor wil] prс

scnt fоI уour сonsidсmtioп. Noт Ьь солrпсnБ. апd Noт lhе рositiоnоГlhс тurkъh h]sronans. oI геplсsоnIati'сs о|ns go!еrnmепt and оF€апizalions in oul сolntrу, Ьul aсtrnl quohtiоns liom AпnenlаniоLrсеs! sinсc tlrr sourсes Rjll ьe ,,1r,'",й,' who thеп will suegesllъcstаtсnenls сome iom тurkьЬ .\nьreрrеsentatiоnJ.1 тhc sроken оr\йrten vоlnЬ ol lhс Amеп]аns тLlЕМsЕLvЕs Nill Еfutе тнDIRAссUsAт1oNsl

l - ALLЕGАт]oN] тlrс тurks haуе сoпquerсd lhс апсestl|Аmспian hotrelands and a5 a rеsu]t nrany сiliоs апd legiопsоftodaу.sеasiсm тurkeу' аrе jn rеaliD, тlrkьlr.оссupjеd ̂ mспi!п lands' тtrcAФeniаns dепmd thс RDтURNolthсse lапds.

RЕsPoNsЕ: An indeрепdепt Amсniап Natiоn. whiсh ъadьсеп tЬe suссеsor of п\'o oаniсrAлneni,d kincdoms, ьeginnnre in !39вс, ьad ьeеn eоlcnrеd ьу ! sinc|с п|ет. тignп (95.56 в с,), тjgrаnus' who hаd ьeеп сrllеd..кjng olКjne.., ьrоughl lо АIпrепta an ln.dерепdеnt Kingdoп' Nhiсh lxsted oп|у |оur ссnturies' dпс lо thс t'a6ьetwеeп thе Rоmans and Pаthiniаns. тherсаftеI tlrс Armefuaлs wеrerцled Ьy фе Romаns, thе AsуnaЛs. tЬе lersians' thе вуantinсs, andthe ArаЬs. amопg othсr eлrрnes' сenfurics вЕгoRЕ the seljuk тпrksсаtrе lo tne Еgion аnd tо Anltoljа Wnh drе arivаl o|thс тuгls. AFmeniaп сu|turс' rсligion аnd lаnguaeс' пoпrьЬed lo thе Ptсsent tiпсs,тЬe htЬitaiion olthс Aпrепiaas i! ottоnran тurkeу was not |oсatedo| | ] ' 1 |1е , g , ,е | фeог , o j l hР ,оJ | п , ь ! |1 , J t "d ' c , i d ' d i \ .n.е . o l о l l te i , ' oтеьn. A , x . е ' g|np. , , | с i ' ' пo , . n ' 'h , ' had ьеР t

шl b. т0|d tу Еdwшd тshji

Ьorn ]n ваlikesil, on the westеm border ofthe соUltry, нсr m]аliveshad Еsided in Маnьа' тekidaЕ, вuБа. ald klаnьl| тIavеl to e!сryраn о|тurkеу hаd nevеr Ьeen rс$riсled

2 ALLЕGАтIoN: тhе Anrепians оf onoman тulkeу,thou8h lоya|. аnd de|ense]еs сluьtiаn suЬjссh o| lhe otoпan 8ov.еnrnrеnl. wсrc for сenlunes nrerсi|csly рereесulеd. wьo сolld notsрсak tЬёnArmелiдп lапenaeсj аnd mlintаiп tlrеn сhrьtian fаnh' s!ьsequenl|у' bесausс lhе Аrmeilапs refused tо coп!сn to lslаф, lhеуLvеIс пadе to sufгсi,eenoсide',

RIsPoNsЕ: W]tьiп tlre aЬove a|lсgаlion dеге arе nvе NоrdsыhiсЬ аre fundаФnta| in lhе Аmeniаn vсrsioп of evепts. whiсh lо tъьdау. аle ro!еated|у еmplrasized in .rdеr to sесure d]c suррon oг шерo]it]сjaп апd writcБ: lotаl, dеl.епsеlеs. сhrьtiаn. poNeсulеd. andgепоcidе DacЬ }тrd ь a.,сatсh teпn..mсаnt lо cain thс sупрathу ofan nnpaaia| гc6on, ье hеьье а ро]iij.jаn' sсholll, an ednоr. or a stu.denl тhе laсts rсvcal thс Armсniапs оiottоnrап тurkcy Nеre nеihеI] о a I I a | . l , . , i i - ; ё , . o , е | N е | г п с ) с J г , I l q f е | ь л , ! d .

ricd out rcЬcllion in tъё ]aпd rvhelе ihеу nad prоspёrёd iп frеedom forover siх сcлfuriеs' Rеvо]ulioпаry orвanizаtiоns and раIаmilitarу forcеssuРPoaed bу lhe Rusians and the рion(es ofthс вritьЬ wсrc rсsрof,srb]е fог lhe dсаths оГlnlоld tсns о| tlrousaпds тulkьЬ .jljliаis aпd

тhougь tЬе sudrоr dосs not sпРpоa rЬat elегу сdrnic Armсniaahаd en8aeеd i|r rсЬсllioп аgainsl otofo!п тшkеу, the lасt ъ thаl Ai]nеnian рolitiсa| revolutionаry ciоUps ьаd ьсcn estаьlьЬсd. af,d lheусолduсlсd tlrсir lrсаsоnous aсiljtiеs lФ оvоr twentу Iivе уears. тhеArmсnakаn. Rangаvar t]unсhak. аnd DаsЬnaksaeln groups lravе beеnmсnnоned! but dre llneг rcvo|utionаry orga.l,atioп пееds to Ьe dс.sспьed fuahеI, Wriltсn phоnelica|Iy iп Еn8lish: llЕ Dаshn*sac!пPanу Ьаd ьсen аnd сoпti]]uсs to ье iп thс Unitсd slаtеs сопрosedо| аn схtrcmisl linаliсal segnrent ог tЬо Armеniаn рeорlс. Uпdеr itsоlliоja| namе iл drе UЛnсd sвtеs тIlЕ АRMЕNIANRЕvoLUтoNАRY FEDERAтIoN iot oп|у ьаIЬoБ x сeаsс|сss hatгed of тulks, theу rcmаin seРaraled lюm thе mainstrфm ArmсnianсоmNn'lу xs sel| Ф rhc Amreлiап сlrulсЬj Ьссaпse o|a bitleг цni.trosjty bеt*еen lhе АInспials theлselves

Tlre ьittеr dьсord аmоng tъe AФепian po|itiсаl рапiсs in o!lоmaп тUIkс' nad beсn trапsplапtеd iлtо d]e United sules wheп Пr

тh€тпth \rU( ье тo|d ы ldltrdтбtji

19]]. durinc а сhlinпаs morлing Mas. thс Аnneniаn АJсnьishoртошian sas assаsimtсd,l.,lл?, Ьу thosc Dаshлaksagan tаnaпсs'тhсrсanсr, lhe Dаshnaks (lhe shoa Гопn оf lheir nапrе), estаьlьhedt]rсnоwn сhulэh' thenowп сlеrgу' md сvеn tlrеir own сa,]./i..s fhc1]i!ЬеsL6nk Nithnr tЬс Аrmеnian сhurсh)' As а Iсsult о|thъ i|lеgal &tih;r dividеd rhe сommuпiLу' shiсЬ соntiпUёs to Ьc sрln ю thс рresеntrifiёs, fапi|ies are torn арafi, and сvcn tЬen сemсiсriеs leпrlli sера.Еted. тhс Моrьel сhurсh. wnh its sрirjtuзl lеader fоuad nr thе сn' of[tсhпriadzin. Al]neпia' and thс Dаshпak..сhU|!Ь,, i|r sPitс ot лanу alrcmDts lor reсoЛсiliаtiоп. remаjn diтided. тhс оnLу aleа о|.hпrсh andсo;munitу .ъdmoii. ь iп Lьen illоsiсa| halс l роsitiоn lо$аrd theтurkish pеople. вut c!еn ihь ]naaitisiаtioп oi hаlс hаs лot eIimiaаlсdlhe aniлоsnу qnЬin lЬо Armeпian сommunitу

With rclcrcпсе lo thс ̂ nnепi!лs' ьcnle dcniеd lhe trсеdo'n lоDra.licс their rеljдjоD. oI tо sP.аk lhс Апnenjаn |аn8шgе, d]с lъllow.iпс |асtsNillехDosс Yd апоthtr |raпd, whiсh the lnti-тпrkъh гevьioл.ьri .ti""сmi.аr; lо tire .,unifomrеd.,. As ro tlrc ..denjа].. оl Еliefuusгrссdorn' il.wс аrе tо ьellсvс lhc Aпnenjаn dъlоItiоп. \'hy don.t lheJсvs оiтurkо' dссlaE they had Ьееп Гoroсd to сoпver1lо lq],n]' тhеslmс quсstiоn рleаsej to tlre sуn,n.otlrodoх and thс сrеek onhоdoх

Lоfs lасr n' jt !s thс Amenjans wonld likе Us lо ьe]ie!е. lhстurks forсed nоn-Мus|ins !о асcсрt the МDsliп lаnh' thсtr wllY\rould thсy folсe lhс ̂ Jmcлiaпs' aad nоl lье оlhсriltrсс erouPs? Еасh| ! | q ' l ' 1 . о | ' п J ' i J р ъ . , ! е J ь f ' р с . , , \ r , i t ' , o l i | . 1 , i , , i .

. i c ; | - . | . г , " ' d |n ' ' . l , A ' с ,о , !Рo ' | ' ес , | ,tulies olrcIiдiоus freеdоm. to lhis daу, thс сrcck orthodох Patriarсh'thс Alпrеniaa PаliаIсlr' lhс sуIiaп'orthodoх меtторohan. аnd lьеJervъh sуnagоglcs аre аll lо bё tъпDd iп the сitу огьtалЬu|' lirnсlIon.]ng iп lhс dоsma and lаncuаЕе ofeaсh fanh. tola]|у in ftссdопr' рёaсc.and hamоnу wilh eaсholhcranddrе MUslim nrajoгil,,

тhе аssс|tioп lЬаt lо sроаk the Armспiап laDgulge hаd lrеen].orЬidden bу lhеottoл]an сovоmment ь k] bеаddсd lo фе long |ist оfA.menixn пr}lhologу, тhе suьjесt oгlапguacе usаee nr oМman тuЕkeу сan Ьсst ьe dсsсriЬсd ьу the |ollownrg еIсhlngс ЬcN'ееп lhe au.rhоr апd lris Ьolovсd пothеi lzаЬel..Моfu' oncп уou ha!е sа]d thаt theArmсniaпs ]л ваlikсsil wеE nсlсr forь]dlen lo sреak rьe Aanспiзп


тfu ri't|r }ru* ье тold ьr. xd}'rd тrJlji

laлeuaeс' eilher in privatе оr in рnЬlic' I|thь wrs lrue, rvlrу drсn didуоDrспt]rc laлrilу spcxk тtrlkьh' оnlу?....Mу sоп. yoп wele Ьoп iп thс Unitеd statеs аnd lьс ]аngшcеof tlrь сolntry is Еngllsh' lhвt,s shy yol sрсak lhe lmcuagе оllььlаnd' в!t suPроsr oлc dау уol dсcidсdto lcaФ anolhel |anдua8е, whаt

..l ыоuId go tоsсhoо]'''

.,Ечс1]у. it *а5 tьe saпе i|r our тurkоy, еvеry Аnneniаn ]vhoвсnltо r\mеnian sсhooь |caflrсd tо sреrk апd write iп Amreniап Wеhаd Аmrспian nеNspаpеБ. rvhiсh on]y lhе Alnreпiаns rcad'.' Myfrоtheг iп late. yсas lеаmed to \рсak Ameniаn rritЛoll thс Ьonefit оlsсhоoline, As it hxd Ьсon in otLom!п тurkсу. sо it ъ to lhe Prosспthnоs: Armeniаn' Grеek, Arаьiс. Kшtish. Frсnсh' Еngl]sh' amoЛgothcr l,nguages 0s rrc|l аs тU*ish аrс а|] tice]у фоkеn,

з АLLDсАт|oN] тhе book wittеп ьу l]пnсd slаtеs Amьаssadorнcnq' Моrgcnthаu. desсiьеs in grарЬiс dсtаik, tЬe сrue|tуoltheтurks tоwnrd tьe Аrmeпiапs апd il .оnlirms lо tье woгld thе ocсuF

RЕsPoNsЕ: тhо titLс о| thс 6oak ls: АпьasаIlоr мo|ве"l,all slory PпЬlъhed in L9|8' ]|r drе spaсс оfthG rоsрonsс' lhe aunrФ willofГсrjlsl a Ец о|tfiе manу lасts whiсh вill sёrjоцs|у сha!Ienge Iъe сred]brIio ol tlrc Ьоok аnd thс аutъor. тhe fiвt ргоьlе|n NithМolчеnlhаuъ Ьоok ь thrt hе did пot Nrilс itl нenrу Moreсnlhаu hаdlrеeп а NcN York re,l enarc delеlopеr. rvЬo had аssislеd Wо.dIоRWiьоп,s ]9l2 рres]dёntia| сamраisп' Wlrсп wiьол was cloсled Pesidсni, hс rсsarded his friend }ith ln aррointmеnlas апrьassadol lo ol.tоmаn тUrkeу' вut coпml1tо amЬаssadоria|oьjеctiles for goоd Ie1а.lions ьelweеп Iespcсlivс natiоns' MФreспthau.s mьsion 1о ottomanтulkеу had a sрссious рIan' тhь yas lо сrсllс in ihe minds of the^nеnсan Puьliс а teпiьle nnаgс оfthс тUrks bt lheiг puт'огted il|.rеalnёnt of lhe сhйlians тhe Ameriсan adпriпьtlatioп !n( Dсспсalled uрon Ьу lhе ̂ Lliсs ]f, Еlroре lо епtel thе wond Wfi аgainslсemаny, As лas ьeсn dеsсriьеrl eaгliq drе oltomans hаdjoined lhесemans durinc ihс Fnsl woгId war тhс Mьsiоn oltЬe тurсopъoьеMorgealhаu wаs to сoпvincе thе An]riсаn рubliс opiпjoп оfтurkьnьrutalitу' and thс|tЬу sссlre sUрроfr lor Wiьoп,s deсision lо tаkеAmelса into the Fiвt wоrld WaI

l i 7

шl ь( Tdd bуЕdtшd т*hil

тhе апLi тurkьh sсhemе bеcаn to lunсllоn sjthоUt dеia, ЬуАпьа$adоr tlcnгу M.reсnthau.s аfivаl nr ]9l]. inlо thс ()iоп1an

сaрitBl сilt of соnstaпtinоplс (tЬс сьrъliaa сodе iоr ьtaлЬull whjIe..ofiсiallу,, tЬс nалe Nаs сhangcd iп l9:]0. lЬis лаd alrёаdу bсeпсhаneсd Ьaсk in rhе |5.t сеnluD'' rs soол as tьe сity wаs сопquсrсd'No оne cal|еd Islanbul ..сoпstaпtjnорle'' wilhin dre otоmап ЕmPneтhe оnlу of,сs Nlrо stuсk lnh t|]аtnапe $crс WеstсIлeъ]vЬо.оп|dnlxссeptlhаr lhe сity 1Iаs .1аke.,, tiom the'n.)

other lhаn Еnglъь, Morgenlhan did пot sрсak anу of the nп.f,erols |anguages lhrоugllout t|re сountrу ol his visi! thс|tlоrе he vаsjn nсed of аsьnпсе нis оffiсe scсured thc sеп']сёs оl two aidсs.вoтt] о| vlrолr wcrc,{D?,2,] oпe ofthсm was named на3oр s'Aпdопiln' whо ьссanre the PeGоna|sесIetаrу oГthc Aпrba$аdor. tio'nwhosc Den Мorpenihalъ bool rv.s сrcаtсd' тhe ljl.е аnd яoI[ oГt]сnryмoцe;rhau аI;рresсnt,] iп а nrопu]neлlx|сollес1rоп оl рарсlз foundi|r tlrе l-ibrary ог сoпgre$, rсcоrdеd oп miсrоnlп, А sесond nralогсompilаtiоп огMorgeпthauъPaгcsаIсlо ьe tbund h tlrеllапk|in Dс.]аno Rooselell P.оsidсntiаl Liьrarу iI llуdе P]rk, \сw York Рrоlнcath Lowry. aiier eхlсnsi!е lэsсarсh Uроп сountlеs maieliаl, рuь.lььed a Ьoоk in 1999, tjrlсd: i.,е staп'ьёhihd,,1пlbа''аdоr моrgen/,al ! s7.,]'' тЬс doсujnented рrрсБ ofМorgоnthаu с|еar|у rеvсаLthatdurinе lrь tenurе whiсh еnded jn 1916' he hld sent mапу lelles to hisfami]у а.d asoсiаlеs ]f, rhс L]nited states, Е|с аlso lreрl a diаrу оldajlyevenЬ and mсctings, тьё гollоwing is a qu.lаlion f.om оne ofМоIgепlhauъ lёtlеб. datеd Мaу | ]'t' l9l5:., ' so l hale nrsLruсtсd Aldoпianrо takе m} diаry апd copу il wnh so1aе е|tlbornljолs o| h^ о|n, ofсоursс rhis rehеvеs mс ollll i-a'|о1|ibjli0,'Jоt аry aftoБ''' |||^|ics

A1 lhс cоnсlusjon of thс quоolioл, lhс indel slatos: ..непIу

Моrceлthau. tо сhildrеn,leter o].Maу l1.... |9l5,''Duri|rg thе thrcе уeaБ tЬ't Morsеnlhsu wаs in Llrе сарil!, hс

Dеvеr ]оlt the сiry, аnd nо}'|]e.е in h]s laot sas lьis menlioпеd тh.еlidепсс рoints to hъ репола1 sесretary' нaвop Апdon'an rуho рIcDаrсd lhе \йnсn mаtеlia| as thоugh thеу *ёrc thс соmрo$|.n .t АorЬаsfu]оr Могgеnrhau, тhе froit раgеs оf thс ^!lг lo,* lл,e' gа!еnruсh сo!сrаeс to t|re sDffсings oftьe AmсniaDs, bul lаi|ed 1o leрorlthс Amenjаn ыацgЬtеr oГlhошands ofт0rks, Blt тuтkсy lrxc lhe епе]ny. *hу should sс сarc aьоut tъe тulkьь losses]j was Аmeaсr c!еr

, '.he тiцih мшl bс тold щ Еdlltd l isj;

сoпсcarсd аьоuL (]сftaп. Jараnеse. Kо|eаn. оrvierпaпеse, сivilian огmi]itar! de,dl olсouБс nоt вut ihc snuadoп in oltomаD тnlkсy hаdЬсcn tЛ\ILiкЕ the оlhсr соnl]iсls (то ьс dьcusсd in lhc nellАl-LЕGAтioN ) тhс .,c|abоаlioDs.. of IlаgоP Aadoaiаi rvere сoфрilеd and сveaша]|у suьmittсd tо вtrton J' ноndtiсk'!п Аjneliсаn hъ.lorian{ounа]it' wlrо тWo YЕARS аltёr i\'lоreeпtlra! lelt тurkсу,wrоle lьс ьоok ]vitlr thе ti1]с ofiuorgеD.hаu.s..ьoоk..jivith МorgentьauslrowD as thс..antьor],, тЬс wсsteпr pless and Ьistоriaпs ьe]ie!еd thеdisloltions in tЬ.bookwhjсh Mo|gсnthal DIDNoтwrite ,llre аосusa.tions reаinn tьe тurks theltгorс toоk ho]d oп thе thinking ol mаnуgоvemf,eпЬ aDd thс nсws лediа

тlrе dьtо].riоn оl сvenls in otojnan тn'kс)r wаs ,ссeрlсd asЬьtоriса|fаcs. Ьпtmу boоk sсeks dre tпt|r.пd.jLБtiсе

t АLlЕсAтIoN: моreсnthаuъ ,,вooг. pгоvеd the ecпoсidсl.ok PLасе, ьut to dre рrcsсnt tints' oп|у тulkсу dсniсs lhal suсh ane!eпt оссnпсd. lnd loijrscs to аdпit. Efuses to,рo]оgize, and rеfusсslо pay cоmР ensatioп ' tо lhe Аrrnсni ans,

RЕsPoNsЕ: In tЬc рrсlious rеsрoDse wс hаvc Ьricflу tоuсhcd.n thе ibreеriеs оf llаgoP Anаоnian and the ехрliсit гIaпd оf п,1orgentlrаu.s .ъoоk,., |п еасh rеl.еreпсе to flаgоp Andoaiаn' thъ aulnor лаsnradc a pоinloj mспliопiпg Aпdonianъ nN nаfiе beсause therr ь ,,',/,e] ̂ ndonjaп. whosс паmс wаs,1./u Andопian, Moцеnlhаu and lhслrD Аndonjапs pеrfomеd lЬеn.iutiei.to tЬс fullсn sаlstiФtjon o|tьеArnспlа! hxlс mr.ъiпe' Аrзm Аndoniаn's..cоnlnьltоп.. to lhс Аflnс.Dian саusс was hs boоk ofь|atant forвсriсs aad oulrighl fаbпсзtloDs,P!ьlьhсd in londoп ijr 1920. ̂ rаm Andoniaп.s с.catiоn was titlсd]..тhе Мёmor]сs ofNaim вeу: тhс тurkьh offiсia|doсu|nсnБ lelаting.о tlrе depoaaliоns эnd mаsrсrёs ofАlпrслiаns,.,

Dlring lhc saпe уeагthе ьook was рrintеd jn Frепсh. iп PaIь.and in Armепiaп, in вo$on. Маs,] whсф ю 0rъ dау t|rerс ь а lаrcсAФenian сoп]nuniqr тhe Ьооk рUггonedlу соntains соPiсs оl,,.fiсial ottошn doсumоnкj,,givеn bу ап otlomаn ottсial ,, named,Naim всy.'' тo ^ran Aпdonim;tlrе sо-cа]|сd ,,doсunМls',. ..]е!teБ...aЛd ,\c|сenms,, .,сonfimrеd,. thс Amсniаn ..Genoсidе,., АJanr AпJo.nirn.s ьook of |raud. dеcePtion, and tоlа]djsregard fol hьtonсаl ассu.г.сy hаd ьсоn ihо thnd rnd Possiьlу nrоst dalnаcing аsault upon theinraeeоltЬстurkьhРeоРlе iп thc Wс$crn wоr|d,

тhетru'l Ntк ьс тold by Еdмrd тlshjj

Wnhin the sсoре ot.thъ work. it wou|d ьe iфPossiЬlc to еnD'memlс thе colossаl гоIgегies оlthс Ьоok' hсlсаftel rcfertеd to as the..Мemoriсs ofNаin всy,..вul in |98] а 270 раge Ьoоk рIinled in tng.lьh and anlhored ь' iwо тш*ьh sсhоlаlsцho рEsсil сoрjеs oj orjg!na] otomаn .opiеs and thе for8еd ,lrаnslаliоnы, ьу ^ndопiаn тhсЬоok, tn|еd .тhe тalаt }!sha тс1esвm5. rintoriсаl Faсt or Alnrеn]aпFjсlion1.. aьo rеvоаь nanу ifrfulаьLе bluf,dсs сo'n'nrttРd Ьv lhefоцer Aв|n Aлdопiln' Еor t|re рuФоsс ofthь *'ork, drе аut]]or willD;епt some fNis *hhъ Ri|l еxроse the fmud $hiсЬ тulkеуъ ef,с.;iсs. lo rhё рresлt day' hаd presentеd to lhе wог|d аs ..hъtoiсal

тhе lоrger Andoпiaп сreаtсd his ьооk ol "о|fiсiil оi.'nяпdoсuпсnts,.. iп order lо сoпlinсe thе wеst оl.thc ottoпan тurkБlr..Dleпediаtd сateminаtion.. of the Amoniап реоPlё A scholаr|у rо.v]сw ofАidonйnъ ьook. dсsriьcd herё rs thе ..Меmоriсs ог NaiФвeу,'. rеqunes knoыledgе оfrhe otiоnraп тurkьh |аnguage, in whiсhdrе зdм] doсumeпts hаd Ьeеп ]vгitren, Aпong 1ъe mаnу ьlundсБ ofthс fоrяеrAram Aпdoпian' mieht}еpresсnt dre Гollowlnд t6ur ёхаm'plеs rvhiсn {i|1 рroae Andоnian qдs an ardсnt lогgеr, аnd thal he яasnot сvcn pюfiсief,l in hь сnnif,аl аctivilies:

1 - AIaп Andoniаn' iп hjs Ьook oГ lorg.liсs. IеfeБ l. an..ottoпan ofliсixl. Naiф веу.'' with tЬс рlоЬ1сп (fоr the lоrgе0 thlt in thеoхrсnsiУеly rёsеarchеd otloma. аIсЬives' lhс nxnrе "Najm всу,. ]s,''йer. to ьe foundj tг rvс are tо ьeliсve in d]с Arncniaп mуthо]о8у аsdesсriЬins this noson аs an..oполал offiсial.,' thcn $е n1un assuпеaPaiп .Nаim веУ., was ..аn oinсial'' in сhаrge oГ рслсil s]tФеni|rg,тhь autъor fеels сomреlled to iпjесt thс questn]n: llindeed lhёrс hаdЬсen дп ortоfian ..oifiсial',, nаnred Naim вeу, |or whаl соnсеi!аьIcreasоn would he gilq..offiсia| dосu|nепts., to 1|rе potential рroрagan

I - Are $е not io takе гог grlnted thс neсеsstу апd lпrрoilаnссof rосolded фtсs оn дпу .оfesроndence, аnd еsРеcially воvеmпеntdоcпments? Аndoniаn Nдs so соnsunrеd rvith рnьlьЬiпg tьс sо.сal]еd..doсumenis,..lhа( (аs imрosiьlе аs it ь to bel]сve) he ovсllookсd lhediiтеrеnсоs ьetweеп lhе Mnsliп and wсstеm сa|ёndas' As aresu|i, tlrelorcеr АJan Andonian, in hь ruslr to сomрlсlс Ьis book ог folgeilсs.gives thc doсuфеnG iЬе dalеs whiсh did not сoiltsрoпd lo lhc aсtuaL

ы ьe r.old ьt Еdtц.d тБhji

3 As sl1tcd, thс Аndonian ьoоk was рriniсd in Еnglъh.FфnсЬ, апd of сouБс. Amenjап. lпс|udсd in thс mxnу,'ot]сiаl сore-sPопdеnсes.., lЬсrcwas aсolrуofаso.саl]сd.lelegmпr,,,sспtЬутalatPаshа. $ho hаd Ьёen thе МnrьtеI оlthс |nlсrior' iп whiсh hо рuФoaedly ordcБ the aппihi]alion ..of lhе Amепiдпs,.' lл tЛis aad соunnesothel doсumenls, thelt аrc mа.v diffeleпсеs iл thс ln.ыatоп of tlreЕnglЬh аnd гrсnch рrinliiвs. ln аddilion, tЬо \rords, spе|lin8, аndввmлаtiсаl .оnaruсtioп ofthсNrilten onоm!п l!пeuаge. iЛdiсаlо tъedoсUmеnБ, lеlte6' соuld по1 ha!с ьеёn Lvriten ьу еducaled oll.fu]поfiсiа]s тhat lhеfolдcrics hаve ьeеп PIертеd ьу A|"m Аndonian aпdhъ сirciе olsuррoneIs. it is соnсIus]!elу pro!сп Ьу his fros! rеvеslingаnd daпrаgn]g Ь|under. not опiy did he Ьlundеr, hс aьо rёlеa|еd hь

.l. In Ф|fiсial doсu|neDts xnd cоtёsРondenсеs dnrnre the ottomаn рёrjon, n hRd lrосn сommоn ртасtiсе tо inсludс аt lhе 10р olt|]ePage the |оllownrg sulPljсаtion:

BlsMILLAн|P!PIAjiМANIRR^нlМ (]n the namс God. lheсomPаsjоnatё] апd lhе nrc.ciflt1),

я.r оbvious Еasons aa аbbrel]alion vould bc usod:вЕsМ!LЕ. lп thс ьоok оllhо Гorgel Aлdоniаn tЬc suррliсаlioп doеsDotiоllowthe fomаiаnd lhus поnnal.foanаt' ln аddilioп, iпnunеIous..оfiсiаl lсltсs'' lhe naпe of Al|ah (Gоd) is inсoпeсtlу iTittсnl It*rаlns humaп logiс lо ьсiiсvс tЬat any ottoman ofi]сia| сould hаvеьeеn euilty olsucfr лoлumеnra| sraпnraliсal dтor,

one fiпаlnIсГutaЬ]с laсl пеeds to ье mсntiоnеd here: on MRIсЬlhе l5ti. l92l' in вerljn, сemanу. lhe Minьter о| lhe Inrerior та]аlPaslra was аsаss]nated Ь-\, the mьоrсаnt, sоghotroп тehlirial тhьЬnпalасt had ьеeD сolпlittсd vith prcmeditatioп and thс dсsiga оlthеDashn* сo]nпitrcс, as weie thе оtьeг аsаsnrations of o!оfrап oin'сiaь, DUring lhо irial o| тehliIjan, ofJunе 2']' l92 ]' iп вellin, тaIatPаshаъ widоrv (whо was аьo sлot Ьy tho а$ai]ап0 \lаs пot рсmitted1о tсstitу,lbrreаsоns вhiсh only Gerfraп ...Iustiсe.. соuld соmPreъend.

моst of t|re wnnсsses who sere al|оsсd to lсstiry rvеrе АIпrе.пiвns, kеy wit|lcsses аnd eась lсstifiеd to thе,,hUmаniIу,,oI t]t dеfеn.danl whо Ьad heen сon1pe|lеd to cолmil m0rdсr, ьeсаuse оfрhysiсx],nd рsусhologiсal ..dьогdсв,'' тhe so с!l]ed Аndoniал ..dосumef,ls,,wЕRЕ Noт а|lоx'ed iо Ьe рrёsепted as еvidence fоr tъe obvlous reasons, е!еn а lаvmanъ гeviеw wоUld halc rеvellсd tьat drе..dось

t6 t

Бtbе'li 'dь!ЕdlлdтrЦi

| ! г , , v с | е | , | q е о \ | l , с o | , ' о | | ' е ' г ) , . o , , i h d t \ ! J . ! , | ,

and tlrе m0rdсElthus remаinсd a frеe frаn' то thъ lrr! dаy. теlr|iгianxnd ot]rеr AnnсЛian assa$jas аrс соnsidered Ьt so сalled -сfuьtiaп,,

Amсп ians as . .nа l ionа l hе fuеs . ' lD 1960, тоhLn iап d jсd . t nаtura|сauscs аfleI a Iilе.IwсtitЬ and оomfо|t Гоr hь ..с.nriЬnlioпs..10 сivi


АFЕ\v QUoтAтloNs тAKь,N !Roi\'l A вooк ЕNтIтLЕD.тI]ЕARMINlАN REvoLUтloNARY МovЕiuЕNт,,, ьу Louisс NalЬan

dixn, PUЬlььed: |96] (iil]iсs b! tьs аuthol,)

Рagс55 . . . , 'Undсr (с r igoг)Аrnzrun i , sеdnоNh ip . lhераgеsоr

1lrс мushak (ncwspaрel) wele fi||cё \\\|11 ]r|ohniaп -1 РnРщопdа'During x сriliсаlрсriоd оfфe RD$о.тUrkish wаr, аs the Russnn lFmiеs \\.|c nпrchiпa in!о тшkе),' hс flrоtс ..ll тUrkеy !аnъhеs liomthс faсe .| thc eаnh аs а natioп, t]rе Amеniапs o| тurkсу .rust lrусverу лrеans to7d', Russja,'

Pаge 67: ,,тhс cепtеIs oг]?ro?!/iоп,,],,сti!i!" in тurkьh А].meпil scrс zеiluп, van, апd Еo,ё|oф,Iье zеi|on R|hеllioп a| ]a62was |Ье ьеgikniлв o| eIlёnsi|е 14ь]'gr iilссted acФns lhе оtоmаn

Pаge 74 .. , тhо rcsults о| thс |iсlol1 '| zc\|Ф епсoungе.li?r,Ь in otlrer сitiёs ja lhс ottоmФ Еmprc.,..

D eP \ o , , , n е qnеь \ g ' D ' \ { J l ' . , | F ' A a t r | ъ ' . .

1it]саLparty ja thс niлeteenth сcnfurу 1o of,gaвс 'n /eуoll].,,,]] aспvll]сs It was orgaaizсd а1vаn' in /38J ,..

Pаgс 97].,'.' UЛdеI tlrс heading:..тhе Plogram oflhс Amenа.kan Panу. l5, Ьy iпсu]сatine in tlre рeoPlс thе nrnir оtsоl|.dеfenseirrnrnrg фсm in thсuse оГ!,,s апd пriljtarу dьоiр|iпe, sliР?/vn,g ,,.лJ|'i1h ш"s ап.1 ,naле!' and oтg,nizing gueriIlа 1.orсеs ', ,

Pаве ]0l: ,' 'сеrtаn] ерьod.s indiсate thс ̂ mспаkms djd notslоp at merс асlion, bпt aьo '1cj|e|1hо'b|. аn.l соnlЛillrd 1еh,о|i!

Pаge l5о] ..,',тhe Rusiaл.Amrеnlап Rcvо|Ltioпlry sосLenes.ьoth ln rhсpl? aЛd Z.slRlssо тUrkish War peпоd (|868'1890)' соn.lliЬuted to thс Amrепian Лero/llю,o,a моvеnrеnL, A|1 оnсouraged

N ь nid ь]'tdnэrd тsьll

morc nlloпalЬtiс fеc|ing. аd vосаtеd ,?D.//'o, in тu.kъhАmеnia. andьrоLeht aьoul a c|osсr ьoпd ьetwесD Rusi,n and тulkьh Armcaiаns'.'.. ..'.,тiо Afteпi!п Rey,/l/i.lаD' Fёdевtjоn оf tic Dashnаktsud Пr, ,.. formеd .duгi|r8 thс summеr of 1390 ,', was tъe resulr ofthс mergеr ofvaious Armcnian eтouрs, Pгimarilу ]',t!r'й. intо а sin.

Pagе 156] ,,. .Undel the Ьаnnсr ol.thе Fсdelаlion of Amenianлero?l/йл?rl'РJ lьс PlItу deсlаrсd, .peoр|eъ lt', acаinn the Tl,/ris,


A FoRGЕRY'"Рoь|\shеd i1 11е Аtk1елiаn RеРо||еr'

Datсd] August2.I984,

..', Dr. Rоьe ,loЬn, a hj(onап aпd PoLitiсal aa,lуst of Агnrcniаn dс.sсепt tiоm Nсw YФrk с]t}' dсclarcd hcrс lhаlа соnrmопlyusod q!оlrtloп оf.! аl]ogёd slatеmеnt Ьу ̂ dоl|нjt]ег сonссming lhc Aпeniап]nassaсrеs wаs a foцсI} апd sЬould пot ье usеd' Dr' John de luNlаlсuho]Y hе Ьаd trассd lhе оrigiпa| doсulnсnt in the МilitaN в.anсh ol lhеNatiоml Arсhi!сs о|the U's,А ,, ', ",' тhe quotдtion ,oш srсngrh js]n oш quiсkness aпd ьпrtаlit]r,,' 'I hale sепt io t|rс Еаs onlу mуDcathъ нeads unis, 1vith lhе оrder lо kill wnЬoul Pnу or пrеrсv а|lmen] women, апd cЬi|drcn , wьo tа]ks nowаdаysоl.the ехtсmnration

,,Dr, John showеd s|ides o]. $js dосuлелt. шdat.ц ano ,,Jiq,i..{ wnь sоmе wоIds сu' oul of lhe |ast раee' тhe sialеmепt wаssuPрosedto ha!сbсen madеatа jneetnцоf lhсtoр GеImsл stsff о|tЬсoьеБalzьerg оп AuglsL 22, ]9]9 тhe doсUfreпl was Еleаsed to the]nlcmаlionаI рrсss соvегing the Nurсmberc varсdmсs,', 250 сopiсs*сrc g]усn to рres сomеsPondenк' but oпlу 5 cоpiеs wсre ej!еn to ]]dolъnsссouпsEь , мuсh l еr iп lhе triа|thсGсman dеfепse larvyеNrvere аЬlc to ntroduсс lЬс mo* cоmрlсtс aссount оldrc аddros. иkеndоwn Ьу Gcmm Аdпi|"lнсrmann воchnr' wlriсЬ runs |2 Рagеs iп


l ш ' й т d d ь l г d l ш d г J Ф i l

tвns|atioп тhere is '. ,,eл.ioл O/ 1hе Аtfrепiaп' ai|hе tе! oJ tl1a quо

тl,1Е FoLLowINс тs тАKЕN r.RoМ АN ̂ 'R,F, PAмPнLЕт(KNoWN Аs п/. ,1/?,1lлrY/,.]N REуoLUТIoNАRу FLDEILАT|9N )

PlЬlьЬcd jn Ne$ York сnу,D e: Notprоvidеd

.. ,'. A Fе* wolds aьоul thс Ailnепian R"l?l'io,al:|Fеderаhоn lh Ilistогу: strugg|е fol Nаrn]ial LiЬcmt]оn. Еoundсd nr ]890.as a сof,fсdеrаtioл oГ vari.us .l.li., 9u4J ilugeli|re Гоr Aпnсп'lпnat]oпа! xnd huоraп righls. lhе Aпrепi,n Re1!/,,io,a']. FсdсLalion(АRF). knoNi s Dаshлakюulian' сaпiеd on thь sllugglс flilh а|la!аil3Ь1е nems: pо|i]|ical acl\on. rJPа!запdа aпd at limсs, a,?,ez1


!oRGoТтЕN тN сLЕN DАLЕ..РlЬlьhed iп ll''.l, fi'].s

Datе: Fеьruarу.1990.Еdпa Pclrosyan ь oп|у 6 усаls оld. ьut sЬс knows a|l аЬoпt

Аmеniaъ cncm]еs thс clri|d огл Annспiап пеjehьоr uрstaш shаviпg a Ьjnhdaу р!aу, аnd Еdлa l'onк tо co lhe fiotho blingsEdпа с]osс lо hсI |аp' Iluк аn arm alluпdъсr shouldеr. and sоlllу asksin Аmenjan: "Whxiъ thal numЬсtyou Nпlе dоr'n whепcver I drаw асross].'Еdпa mumьles ..l915,, ,,Nо* Есite lhat рocnr l tlugЬL уou...тellо Pсtlosуan 'nsfucts hеI daugntсr,

тЬе сhild sreps оui ol lrеI лrоlhе.s сDrьr.сe' raьсs hel heаd'рuis hегhands in hеI росkеls аnd. Nitь the |aсс в|а!е ьeуoпd her усaБ.; rg i s . | | , , ф 'F | , "я | ье J ' co ' " .я l I D ' J ' ' , {n ' ьc |ЧJп . t

| |е рое ' n ,^nъе , ] , J | . \ ! | 'Пе A |nРr ' ' l i ' d ьо\ , i |w i | lnot leаvеas iпg leтurknапd inc jnAmеn iaп |and, . ,

Th. 1 rцih n,un bс тold bу tdwшd тlsьji

A PUвLlsнЕD A RтIсLЕ гRoМ ^N ARMЕNlAN NЕwsPAPЕR.сoMМЕNтARY FfuЕNDs' тIlЕRЕ ARЕNoFR|ЕNDs,"Pтin|ed \n| Thе А|пEniап RеPaГlе|

ву] Ав вal]ozianDalcd Mау23.", ]994..тnlс lr]cndship amоng Аrmeni!пs ь a ralc tning. iпdeed., .,....L|аlrcd аnd onvу: tIЕу sссm lo coпrе Dаnlrxily tJ u5... ..We arс а]l

fаm]liаr qnЬ drе o|d saуing] Aпnеniапs arс then own rvost enеmlеs'....Fо. drоse аmоDc us, who пray Лot Ье ьniliar ]Vitlr sоmс оlns пrапy\anaпсes' Ьcrc ьаhлdlul:..

.Aлonynolg .тo Ьaус an Arпrспian fl,ieлd k ro |Lavс in сП.eпrу,' .Dсren1k Deпiгjiаn (|877 |956): Еvсly Armсn]ап ьаs аDothсr^rmсnian lYhonr hс .оnsinoь ьis monаl сnоny ,..Rafi (l8]5 ]888): .Aп Armсnianъoddi5 Ьnt Аmef,jфs', (тhь aDlЬols пotе: o|l,,r ь lhе ̂ шсl'aп

,,shahan shahnопr (]9о4.l9]4): .l.оr nу gепеIation ofАmепiаns] lhё еnemy Б nоl thо тurks! ьut ns,'. . s i xmаnto( l378. ]9 l5) : .oUrрerpe!uа l еnеmy.1hеeпeпу t l ra twiU c!сntuаlly dеstloу Us ]s nоl !hе тurk. Ьut о0r oвп ooDp|aссnt

.Aпtmnik zафukiaп (]9l2.l989): .whаt kind of рeоPIе areус] ]rrslсаd оt сoпраsiоn. munLаl сoпtenrpl ,,, in$оаd o| сommonsensе, tanаtjсisfr , .'. .l cоuld go оn an{] oп ., divьiveпess hдs a lоnehьtоrу afiong цs ourрa9 is n||ed wilhcоUпnсss jnsипсеs оfЬctmуа|

..Iп his..нlmаn' A]|lоoнuman,,'N]еlzsсhе (thъ аutnor s notc:гrcderiсk N]сlzsche' 1844.i900] Nаs a Gеrпrап рhilоsорher), qпotеs эрhilоso.he.s Гamоus lаn \'ords: .гIiспds' thеre arе по fricnds],\ielzsсьedoes Dot idеntiГу thc рhilоsoрfiсls name оr пationа1il!' Ьut Iсaп.t helр susPс.iinc lhlt Ьe $аs аn Ameniaп...

тмтrufi rvnd тdd щ trdlшd т*hji

тнЕ ̂ UтtIoR's PЕRsP!стlvЕ oг тпЕ АвovЕ гlvЕARMЕNIAN QUoтAтtoNs:

l NаlЬandiaп.s ьoоk litlсd .тhe ^anenicп RсvolutiопarуMоvemслi..ь the Work ofan Amеnian аulhor; ifii lrаd ьeen аuthorcdьу a тurkъlr Mitеr, thеn lhe Amоniаls Nou|d hаvс сlanned: ,,Ilъ

рIoрagaпdа ,' Аnуt|riпe $аt ъ frоп а тпrkъh sourсс ь ]яье|еd as

lтUrkish DЬtofrion оf нlstоrу.'' Ьу lhе Armспiaпs. ьut evсru $oldfron thс Аmenjans ь сonsideredаs thе gosрel tutlr, sijrсе lhrs authоrhas рrёsеntcd filе quёsiions from Armeniaп s.Пr.A, s|rould se lhеrс.fо.е пot asumе lhдt th( аuthor has prcsеntcd at least,ъоmc оftjre co*Dс| lrutь?,, тhе ritle of rhe Ьook sрeaks 1ъr itsell ьul j]. Nenty fivсYeаБ оf rebеlliоn hаd laken рla.c iп tЬе Unied stаtеs of Ameilса, Nhatvou]d hаvе ьФn rhe rcасtioп olthс рeoрlе lnd lhс govemment ot ouгсounlrу? вnl as |oлgаs thс тulkьh рeор|о аnd hoФelandNеrе thо !iс-ims оf АФef,jаn Iеlolulioa, thсrc Nas no сondeпral'on ot Aгпrепlanteаson. and аs a lesпlt. an Ameniаn Iеsolution аррсаrs elalq'hеre,

2 - oле ofнillels eепегaь hаd sajd..тfуоu rсрeа. а |iс otiсnслoush.lЬе DеoDle wi]l Ьс1iсvc jt...ь therс аn ADeпсan ро]itiсjдп rvhoknоw.s lhat inЬNЕvЕRrcfепed lо lhсAiпспians in ihc сonteхl thсуattriЬUtс to hjm? вut tlrеre !rс mалy mеmЬes оfсoпeles and state]еglslаtов Nho ьa!с rc pcaled lhе .satеnrеn.. suр рliсd tо tЬemьу thеtrAmеniаn loьЬY, onё ^mеniaп hislоIiаn has rеsеrrchеd lhе sо саl|rd. q J o , . , o | , , 1 1o | . , . i | Г o n с o | \ . q п . t J ' . | \ , ' o l l l | | l a l | , J

' : т |o ' J rеo 'onс ' o , rA 'P ' , ' , J !d . \oo{ , , ) \ ,nе] i ,nhъ nаmс] Dг' Rоьert ]оhп

з - тЬе A.R'F, рanrрhlе1 dеsсriЬеs in glosjag tсms the "grсаrпе$.. ollhс Anneпian л.1!/Й'oл"D' Mo!сment. whiсh to lhе prcsсntrinеs, tьe orgаnization сасh уeаI сelёЬrзtсs ns bцndinв ]n oitomanтlikev iп 1890L25 YЕARS вЕFoRЕ tlre e!сnБ of l915.

4 - тhе riuintessспсe о|lhе Aarcпiaп oЬsession t'nh hаirеd ьiЬe sрokеn wотds ог аn nrnосenl 6.'ezl o/а .lll./l тhе спсL *ords{h .hа | -п . Q i | i , |о | . .o |о | r с ro l / . . с \ . J . \o | н |F , IAт I ) гD

b, |е i ' i . | ' : ' , ш|е fu p| . 'o 'op|} о , r ' -о| rc | qп r rо ' е ' , с | . i J

rЬe сrсаtioп оf сod, ь desliпed to а ]ifе oгhаtс agаnБr a рe.рlс aDd !nliоn wilh rYhoп sЬe shаrcs 6 сeЛn,,i.s oiсull!fl! xпd hъloriса! hагnопу As il thь оutaeе wаs not terible сnough, lhe ]nolhеI bу hсLblаsрncnrоus bеhаvior, ьдs eqмiсd thе sign.lt|rе lIо|у сros wlih the

тhе тrDlh llljl l)t тold ьуЕdтrrdlъshji

yeаr оl |915. nr thс оhi|dъ hеaa, тhь lhс mosl heinоus of snrs to im.plaпt the |egaсyot.h,ted i]xo a hсаn tjllсd wnh lo!еl

5 - тЬis аllhогduline hъ yeаN оfwolk on thc suЬjссt mаlrq оlthь ьоok has пade countlеss nоgative сonrnreDts аЬoDl thе Arпreпi!пsouls]dе оltЬe Rcрuь|iс oгтurkсу, fol tlE wil]Гпl dьloaiоn ofтn.kъhhьtolуапd Гor thсn totll oьsеssiоD wnh hlted вutwlreлсomраmd lоthе аьo!е quo1еd aгtiсlс. wrntеп Ьу Мr AIа ва]ioziаn' mу соndeпna.tion oI.lhe Amreniаns аre eхtеfrеly пrild, ilаving lhс |UIl раgе зnicIcяliltcп aD{iрuьlishоd in ЕNсLIstl' defiсs al1 ооmрreЬеnsion, Is it роs.s]ьlе t]rat t|rо Armсnian soulсеs оf thе quоiod staternеnts rnсrс unаwarсoг the Ьо|тcndoDs nnD|]саtiоп for nEn orvn реoр|е? .тruс friendshiрamоDe Аftоni.пs ъ a шe thing. indeеd.. ..I]al.сd аnd envу: rhеуsсcm lo.otre пaturаlly tо пs '' ,.ourpast ь fillеd vnh сoundеs i|!stanсes of ьetraуxi аnd tеaсherу..тhсse аnd lhе rсmаiпing qioEiоnseхplicitlу reveаl thе пalulе of lnаnу Amen]aпs BY Arлсniaas! Yсllhсir ,.gains,' in dre роlnicаlаrena jn lhь вnd othd сoпnlriеs' ha!e еп.фled the Amreпiаns to ьё сonsidercd аs..viсtims', ofтцгkьlr..atrоcitiеs,,.whilс dъrсgаrd]ng olеI oN! МILLloN тurks kjILсd Ьу Anne.niаn Rеlolutiоnar]еs in oltoman тurkсу,


olhоr than tlre jjvе АImсnian quФlаtiоns рIcsсntсd аьo!с' weshаl| .Ifёr thе rеadсr tlE lo|lowing siх ехamр]es of deсeFliоn' fmud'jnсulсаtion, апd e!еn mпrdor. аl| оГwьiсh rcveаь thс iлъerenl сharaсte.istiс of ьаtlеd with]n the Amеniап сomnпnnv' тhь геmains thсIee!сy instiilcd ]n lhе hеais of Aглrenian сhildmn:

l - wс ha!е showп in lhь Nоrk the dj!ъjоn sпd ьittеrаnim.sпt wilhjn thе Alлreпiаn cоmmuniiу in шis аnd othоr сoualriеs. whiсhlras ехtепdеd lо the ̂ meniаn сhulсьеsапd ns clcrgу' тЬеeхtепtoft|]сsсpalаt'ф bсlwссn tъe МoтнЕR снURсн аnd thе Dasьnaksаgan,.сhUl.n.'' thаl ьeiпg its lеsрeсtive сofimunn]es. аnd churсh Ьierаlсhy'is shоrш bу аn aгtiс]e рnь]ьhcd in,,тЬe Amenian сhlrсh,.,ъsue olsёРtemьсr l9?5, A two.Pxgс аfi]сlе wlinеn Ьу a мr, нacор NсБoуmьegiпs with thь titlc],,on Armспiдп сlrurch [rn]tу Is il aмust?..l|rасЬurсh рubliсalion 'rat suсЬ а quostiоn соuid еven ье аskсd sпcgeslst е , с : . , , о L , . o ь ] е ' ' ' l L r 1 | F ' \ п е1 а г р s , . ' r c ' ' \ ' ' I l еheпsjь|е as il ь tо Ьelievс' Neьоуan аttеmрG to sЬoN the.adlantаво..


тhе тrulh I![i ь.тo|d ьy Еdtrd тshji

оldivisioa vitlriп the one аnd sanrе peoр]с aad cЬUrсh Durinc thс pе'iod ofthеаniclо. therc usedto Ьс a religious Prоcrа]n Ьloadсasl оvcrysundау oп lеlоvьion. as it ь lo thь dау, tlrе mеdia рro!'drs hпrе lоlihс ̂ шеDian реrsрectiУс du rg фe montЬ ofАрli] огeаоh 'еaI, Rеfспjng to t|]c ЬroBdоasl оl thе Arnrепlln veБion оlthe events o. otto.mвп тlrkсy dшiлg tьe l9l5 рс|iod, Neftoуаn stiiсs, ilr Pafr' lhе tо|.Lowing:..'. rvе cсrtаin|у did fiuсh morеапd Iесе1ved ]nuсh nr.тe attсn.ri.n flо0r the Aneriсаn рtrьIiс ьeсa0se оl оUI seрaвtсnсs, FoI oпе01inc, свs gavе us tso hаlf.|]ouг рrogrаms on two suСс.кiv. sпndays' iaslеad оfoпе' In lhь wау we соuld сovсr Ьоt]r the signiti.аnсeаnd t|re hьiоrу oflьеМastles i. two рel{есdу harmonious Piоeramso!/J ,aпd '7 . J , , ] ' тhссвsshowsа le]us toпесхamрlс ' I l adwebеёлxu.itсd dioсеsе' Nс wоuld ьаvu hаd o!|у oпе show' onс nrау сite sev.eral.ihсr eхamРlеs ФI.inсrcаsсd aсt]ljtу dпс tо рIeсьсly lo oUr bсilrgtwo drsljaсt orgапizations '' since nrоst oгthс mаtсriаlрrеseпted in llns

o| tе " j | 'o ' i ' | ' а | , ,е , . ,.оmсs зsnosurp.sо lо mclhatthe abоvс l]lolаtiоn сou|d aррсаr ilr thе

рuьhсlrio! ofthe Dioсesо оllЬе Amcniaf, сЬUrcЬ оl AfuРn.x н.че!еr йь aпthоr is апrj.us 1o соnsidеr lhе nesрeсtive oi thс rсаdсr. beheъhe ol.тlrkъh оIisin. ornоt, Doоs the rеadсr ьсgп a 'nenta|еvаlDa.

реoo] ( ь t . l а | c , l ое{ , ' , . l . , е о lеL , ' r,,AnnоЛian сЬшh Uлily ь it a Mu*?''

A lъmilу. a сomfuunity' оr a nalion Whiсh lасks tьe Dn1tbmсlramсlеr оf puФosе апd lье lundamспta| hlrfuоnt rvnh othel hunаnЬоings вDd nanfс. сan nоt сonr1nuс аs a liaьle cf,ln!, вcсouse оГlhedn ision аnrong lhе ̂ mсniaпs, Nевoуап ь рlcasсd ьeсaDsс tЬе Aпrепians had thе oPрorl0nilу io !ililу the тпikь1] реoрlе nviсс1 WitЬ dreе! епcc llсsenlеd hе!е. |rоm l,,.,й' sоurcсs, anу рсБon.l rrli.nзLthonglrt surely ъ рсФleхed bу thс n|ggestiоп lhrl !,,t {ltnп a.om.munitу s|]ould not ьc сoпsirlсгсd as r рriоlity, вul thеrс ar. оi|]еr ex!|nрlеs ollhъ nraпilе\tаtiоn ofАпnеnian оьsсsionwith hаted. Nhlсhlhе au lьor prсsс пts hеIе wnh sаddenеd h cai]

2 In j9з3. iЬе divъi. аnd лntual ьatФd l',,,' dre Amеnianсоmmulilyhad Ьegnl аnd соnlinucs to tlrь time Whilс thc AlorепianАrсhЬьhoр тounan was.еlеьIating Маs on сhr]sfirls Nlоrnlng. дпdhь рIoсess]оn mоvеd slow|yьytЬс с.owdеdpe\уs. hе wаs assassLnatо'Jьy rlrе пепrbcs ог the Dаshnxkslвan Гanatсll organi7*jоn тhс


шlьtтo|d ьr Еdtrшd тъhji

A'thььhoр nаd ьсcп knifсd to dсаtlt Ьу hъ owл pсоPLс. during Мas.

з Afionc dre f,aпy liaunulent eхапрles о| Aпrелiaп .,еvi

dепсe..acsiпst the тuгks, ь а рiсnre wьiсл depiсls а pуrаmid оlЬu.mап skn]ь wilh tnо го|lowinc сaPtion: ..Dсdiсatсd iо thс Мcnory o.dlс l.j00.000 mfftyrсd Armcniaлs whо lуоrc nn$rсlcd bу th. тurks

тhь piсture had ьeen usеd iD Aпnеnian p(ь|iсatoDs аnd dБ.tliьutеd to рolitiсiалs and trпivеБities аs,.evidеnсc'' of thсir аlleganоDsagаinstlЬc тпrkьh рeорlе, тhе рiсturе is ьсtuаlь0l il has NoтнINсlо dо w]1Ь thс Amen]аns l In reаlitу. lhe р]сlцft G ! сoрy оl.an originа]рainhg rvhlсh с]n ьe sеon altЬе Prcsспt !mс, hапgiпa on a Rall of tьcтrelуаkov сa]Iery in Mosсow It hld ьeeп рaiпted ьу the Ru$i!п aaistvаssili vеlsheлg.п in lhе уeаr ог l87l тhе anы who had lit|сd hьрaintiag

,,тhe ̂ рolheоsь оl.Wаr.'. diod in 1904 (тhc dаlс nсcds to bc' . р 01 , e ! | ч D l гD IN о0 J ' ) i , ' | f l е | е А |о . ! ! г J | l i r i , 1 ' J 1<news еditol wlrо krоrvs drat thе рaintnrg just Еleпеd lо lrаsABSoLUтЕLY No assосiаlio. with tlrс Armсliаn рсoр1с?Nоt likсlуnlougn lhс Piсturc.арtion dосs nоl sаy thс.\kulь..аrc оldсаd ̂ mс.njans' thс intended ассuslLion ol.tье тui$ is ь|ataпllу oьvious вutaпуопe Nho has a rеr €Iепсe fol lrъtoliсa| aссumсy suЕly wili bе aьlеto Iеcognizе thь eхаnrр|e ofAmreniап fmud

4 тhо tcrm..Armсnian наlc моrchanls''. wаs IirsL usсd лal!уеa6аgо' ьуthе aulьor whо has ne!еr inlепtjопa|]y !il]nеd ьn рeОг]етhe Ameniапs, ьу tьеn owп aсlions. апd wiLh .lreir o$п slaleпenNЬаve veгificd tlre inrрlicаtion in nу лaБЬ Ьnt lruс tсrnrnrоlо8y. сoп.sidф tnc fol|оNiпg: in thс suЬnlЬs of воston. Mas. ь a n0rсr сa|nр.а1]сd сam! я.ias/,, (ihc lаtlоl ь tъс Armсniaa rvоrd |оr AnnсnLа)'aпd ап аftiс|e pliпted iп thе Julу I7.., 99з lssle a| тhе А|J|ел|aЦ,l,?.tb,). desсriьs sоmс оl thс aсiivities аt thc nПn|ner саmp oпe|aree Ьlаckа!d whitс рhotоgrарh shows а glоuр оlArmс.iзп tееnagсlshо]ding роftБ oj.whiсh on|у оne ъ leаdаЬlе] Il,*e,]' ,иШl PalI Aсаpt]оп lеads: ,,саmpeБ ]eаm a |ndе aьout aсt]lьпr nuriпg a фосkdеmопsllatiоп in drе сaьiл сnсlе'..тlrе yоuпe DеoDle ale Ьепre taug|rthо}'to рсrГoim anliтu&ish dоmonst|nlions. Ьut thc usс оllhс wоrd,,act]visfu''' ь Dlo!еn lo be a sublerlцge Whеn $e look аt а seсondрholo witЬ drе сaрtion.тье Lisьoл Fivе,..the aniс]е saуs i]r pa]l: ''on

JUlу 27." ]98]' fi!с Aunсniапs лоN known аs tlrс |ьЬоn liУc toоk

u* ье тold ь! Еdlrrrd тld'j i

o!сг the тurkьh ЕmЬasу оfLisьon' тhesс bвvc Ашeпiani PuФоsewas 10 аttтасllhе aitealion tо lЬс unjust ods oг l9l5 тnc Ljsьоn Fivesоrо аЬout to getсaugЬt' яhen ihс ьuildi|rg ьlеч uP. A|1fivc Aflneпinns perishсd Lаsl satulda}' Julу ]0.", lvс аt сanrlr нaiashn hаd оurЕen!сt]nef,i о| whаl lrаpрепed, ,..вenеalh the аrnсlc Б апоlhф |argорhotoshоsiпgsix yоung Amсlliаn ьoуs aпd glrь. sith one Ьоу sсatedin ап огnсе сhаn, Ьъ frouth grcgсd. and ьь arms suрposed|' licd ье'hind hь Ьасk, веhind nfu, oп ьjs Ьасk. ъ аyоuDs gnl holding а ]аlcс}аlсrgun aimеd at thс hоad ofthe sealed nаlс lсспадеI, тlrе dсpiсriоnь a reeпaсlfrenl ol ihс аtaсk on thе тurkъЬ ЕmЬаssу' lour оf thе siхlсеnаaеБ arс ыni]iп8' whiсh suggcsls lhе} are still nolicс ,.hаtе пeгсЬаnts..'ьUt s]nсе drе anlсlе k datеd nr 199]. we лun ass0mс lhс}halc "crxdulled,.to iье level оlrhen dсmoniс рraсtitjoneк' Aсlivьmusеd lo лстe|гJtс hаiled muq nоt Фl|l]|l nоt Ье i!ссpiеdl

5 ,в , j ! ] ' i . | , ,n .еd"е*1| r1| . . . ro ,Ь| ' . " ' . еto the рсoр|е of Uпitеd slales. but to lhс тUrkьh.Aпrеriсans and theреoP|e o1.lhe RePuЬliс ofтUIkeу, it ъ thе date оflhе Armепiaп ь!rba-rism aesiпst innосеnlтпrks, тhь was lо ье Lъc datс оl thс ьcgi|rnjng ol^пnеnianattаоks unoa тurkъlr lасilities wolidьidе, аnd thе muldег o|innoссnl тnlks апd поп тurks {ho ixd the nisfonuпе ofьоing in lhсliсjnity ofехрlоsivеs sеt offьу Amcniаn asаsnБ, TЬе nNl mпrdеrtооkpl!се in sаnta вarЬflа, сalifоmia, оn lhr rЬоvc dalе. \Yhen GоuЁgan Yаnikуап. ап e|derlу Amеnian аDd United slalеs сnizcn. shоl todellh the тurkьh сouпсil сеnсml Мсimсt ва'dar and hъ viсс.сounсil ваhаdal Dcmiг Nеither liсtim wаs e!еn ьoФ dlring thс

Duing lhс l970s and lье ]98оs,lhе mёdia in thс LJnied slа1еsxпd l|nюughout the rvоrld, for lhс fiвtlnne' ьecan to lsc the ler,?],,]/.,eЛl'.?л ..,,/isи аs a tsult o|Amcnixn fanatiсьпr, АsAL^, аn ас.roпуm lbr lhс Аmспian seсret Am]y iоr lhe LiЬсrаtiоп оlAnnёf,jа,had ьeguп a сaфр"ign оl mnldсr aпd ьombines о|т0lkьlr еslaьI]shments aЛd аiФоrt loсations ASALAvаs aп ехlспsion оlthe Dаshnaksaeаn lаnatiса| elоup' the |atror o|rуhiсh сoniiпuеs its рhjlоsорhу оГьate l.lhe рresc.tlime Duing ils yeаб оllelтolnrfliсted u.on рeор|о\Ьo had nol beеn inloLved in tlrе tвgrс evenls оГ l915. оvеr fifl} innосenl тlrkьh diplопЙts and lamily mсmьеrs, tоgеlber Rth o!еI tlnnуrппoсcnt nоn.тu&s ]оst thеn |ives to thosе wlrо takе Pride in lhcij,..сhгъtrдnity!'' ln аdditioп. the uпto|d lholsands ofреoр|e who werc


т|tr,llo!' Nio! t. тold Ьy Edrrlrdтr1[ji

injured bеcausе theу ]YеIе in рuьljс arсas rсmспЬer Nсll tlrс Iсsults оfthе Aпnепian lanаtiсьn] Мany citiсs nl Еuroрс' M]ddle Еаst' сaaаdа'thc L]nited stаtсs' алd оlhсrсoLLnlriсs wсrc $nnо$ to thс nаn'aсaL!сtions of Amеnlаn tetr.risc Aq lt hаd Ьееn iп oaоm!п тurkеу' drсue|у ,,FФkeпsrcnr МoDste.. of halе rеsulгaсеd iD lhе Uпitеd states,During thesе dсsрiсaЬle аcts оf mnldеr адаiпst i.nocсnt рсор|c. NhatNas lhе rеaсtiоп of thс тurkьЬ peорlе in the Unned slаtes and thетurksh hofrcl,ndl,нos nanv Аmеnians weте ki|lеd ьуlhe тurks, inфlа]i!tjоп? нow.впу Аmreniaп сьшcnes weгe bольеdl тhe апslеIь NoNЕl Not oпLy wasn1thеre а singlс асt of!сnccanсe, Ьnl tЬс in.сumЬсntPrimс Min]stоr, tъe ]аleтurgulбzal' u.gеd hь рeоplе Noт lousе tьe leffis:..Ameпiап lепoгьпr,..butlо relеr iо lhе murdсв as..rсFIопsml..Aпd $e сЬistiапs sреak of..tuпrn]g the othеl сhссk..

I rсmаil in аwe оlthe сomраsiоn' tho hufrlnitу' апd tьe kjndnesso|tъeтurkshhёafl

Witь sо пuсh nеsаti!е Iеaсtion ftom thе ne*s mеdia. onс ofthс finаl асc of tсlтoris'n look р|aсс in Mo]Ьоurne. Auslra|ir' in Nо!сDьcr of 19116' вut the ingrlinеd ̂ mеniln haftd fоr tЬе тurkishрсoрlс was to соnlinuс in then сofrfrunnjсs' lhеiг сьurches and nr theniпfluеnсеupon lhе ]nedia and politjciапs'

6 тhеre аIе сounl|rs схamр|оs оf thс ̂ mсnian insatiаьlcаpрсtilс for tlrс Ьаtled оlтurksj sonc оfwhiсъ hrvс bсen rcvсa|cd inйь work' but beforе ве prеseпt оlhеI iпfаmous схaпrplеs' lсt us сon-sidеraп еvеnt ]Yfiiсlr tооk р|aсe as far ьaсk аs l962,

вeсausе lhe follol'in8 tlаgiс сveпt invоlvсd thc аtrthor. the de.рiсtion Prеsсnted hcrс is in its tоtаlity а fаcfuа] o.сufiеnсе: Еаnу in1962 аn Armcnixn nоighЬоr residing f,ear our ъone ]n вa,sidе'Queеns' Nёrv Yоlk, Ьad Ьeеп fгieпd]у *ith my пotЬсr, ss wеrс ourfаmiIiеs' Knowiп8 ог оUr раfriсipаtion i|r a yonne mid.сaslсrn bапd.slE hаd $|8eсstсd vс Fсr|orm fоr a ьaaar dаnсс' g]!oл bу lhc Amonianсhпrch whiсh lvаs аnd ni|lis'oneЬl.сk,way fron оur hone shеhnd suggestеd we реItbm tbr the сhurch fuпсlion, gвlis, аs aп jnlroduсtion lо lhе сhurcь сoпnunity which wаs knosп to ье an аmuentрa.ьh' NitЬ thе ехрссtatioD оf plaуinЕ аt lhсn iitu|! ftDоtiоns, тhс

8eestiоn wаsасссрtaЬ]с tomс, xs it was tо thо mеmbe6 о| оur groпPof young jiiends вrth вhom we had реrfomrеd |оr пanу уeaБ

AIIеI сoпtaсting lhe сhujth with our рIoposа|. an аpрoiлtоreпtrvаs mаde гоr thь аuthоr to fleсi sith n]с рiс$ and nсmЬcs оlthс


Tiс тntь i!ru* bе тdd Ьl- Еdlrd-гlshji

воаrd of Dn€сtoБ Duriпg oll dь.usiоп in lЬс сhureh oшсe. Rсv,vanan Mcghcriал аnd сhuгсh Eprеsеnhlj!сs wоrr pLeasеd wilЬ фургоposаl ,пd requсstоd I fo|тard to llrm an jлlormativc letto aьoulоuI Ьand rvitlr nаfues аnd аnу реIfireпt faсls вЬiсh lheу woпld рrint inthсir оhuЕlr рuь|iсat]oп' ourрJrрosс fоr nrс fuпсtioп hld been t. pсl.lоm erаtь. tnc пusjс ofоul peoрlс. as wс hаd dole ГoI hundrсds ol.! , ! | , ( n с l r r . v с ' с у оП , . , l о , , | - ' oЛ - ' ' ' , " Л ъ . , | , а , J p е ' с ' )Ьut wе Nсrс fапrj|iг]'nh /ra сommuпiry whоm we rvсrc lо cntеnа'n,тhъ nrcaDtihsttlreE \'oцld aЬsоlutсlу ьe no RЕFIRЕNсЕ 10 a singlсsоngsшg inтulkislr]As a grоuP' пe hаd rсsignсd оujsе|!еs.o s0сh аniпс.mFrehensiЬlс situatioп' and iп nу letiсr оГ inlroduсtioп to lьссhuфh. the Nоrd тulkьlrdid поl!ррcаr Мy lotler Prсsспtcd thе папresoГ drc пusiсiaas. oDr instrunспts, aпd oфer jntbma!оn аbоut oul ргоgrаIn oUI ]etter was рnnЕd jf, tЬc oсlоЬer 1962 ъsuс оl.thс сhurсlrрФei with iЬе Гоuownrg ьеаdliпc: .Мid-ЕaslсaБ lо р|aу fol в,mrDmсe,,, аnd distriЬntсd to drr с]nrch ]nembе6hiр,

oflhе five namesj оnс name rvas rесоelized !s bcing thс naпc.lа тurkish geпllеmaп тhс,,honоrаЬlс'. сnurch direсlos Ьёсаmс 1n.сrсdulons апd outmgеd: яo .?u!d 1hе! |е|пil а Tutk |o е,n!|n,1гl1e п ia п ch ua h } е.еPt j оп hа ] | ?

Mcelngs wсiс hсld tо dьcuss lhe ас.enlаьility оfthь nrdividuаl| нъ nаmе rnas Мr, тarjk вulut. mу Ьсlоved ..kагdе!.. (ьroth о 0, tъrltonr lhе audror has rсvсаlсd profouпd ]espeсl and dеoр lovе П] lhесаny радсs оlthь vo|ume I wаs iaсcnsсdl I wаs fuliоusL l пas angry

(Fоr nЕ fiБt tinrc in thjs aulоьiogrарhy. l ьe8iD wnh фе ]nstр ! | o j J г ь ' J ' l o . ' r ' | с d j ' , , d o . l e l o o e , . | с | с . p \ о г r | е ! r i , е |

tDd sрoke to мr. ..к., (l wi|l not Еquest pеrmjssnJn to usе hs паnrе).who Ьad Ьесп а sепior сhureЬ dnесtorаnd sроkе drе followlngi ..| willnot pеmn my Ьrothсr, Мr тarik вulul' lо bс схрosed to 'gnolапt Аrmeniап hate flсrсhаnisj Not krorvine anуtьiпg !Ьоul таrik's human|ty.llis tаlепts, hь соmPassioa, hъ sсholaБhiр' hЬ Iovе lоrhis fаmi|у апdаll рeоplсs, 'оuj Aпreпiaпs refusс lrim Ьeсаusе ofЬь тuгkъh оneinltLvnhdra\у my рIonьe lо perfom ,t yolr fu!сtiоn l..

Мr ..K,' attеmрtоd si]rсеrelу lo е,sс my xncer аnd said тaпkсоuld рсгГoпn, to пhiсh I rср|iсd. .,NevеI|.. 1 ]vаs neithor vп|eаr DоIabusivс. ЬUl mу staleпrепrs rсloаlod mу outlаge, and ] was tfulуаslraпеd оГ,,mt рсорlс'..


тЬсTrtri|' ]fiы ье тold ьr ЕdBmd т,!ьji

тfie пosl diшсulL asреclolфс аbo!с cvсnБ пas yct lо follоrv]\lлat was l lо saylo таIik? l]ow соuld l lе]|hijn hol,shamed l sаsоlthe реoр1с tvЬo с|aiпcd to wоБhiр JеslБ сhrъt? As lоng as l livе' lRiIl nеver |оrcоt thо rсsрonsс oГ mу ьrоthеr, таrik. аfleI I informсdlriл olnrу сопvсБltiоп *'ilь Mr ..к,,

Мr, таrik вuLut sрoke to пe lhe |o|lo\riпg words: "Еd. I dоn.i]v!nt to сalsc а рroЬ]сm Ьеtweсп уol апd уоur сlrurch. Dlеаse gо on]l]th your рe.formаnсе af,d l \li|l аtlеnd аs а eпс$ and lьlсD to уou|musiс' tiad I kпоLYп lhеsе lhiпgs \lerе lо hфрсn] l wоuld ha!с ur8еdу o , | | о е г , е | г | d | ' е . , в ' J l . J г , , ' А | ' о J r \ , , ) ц n A i t , U l .

name олds Nith tЬc lсnсБ i., оr),aл), тflIs ls тI]Е Ii0MАNIтY oFМY вRoтнЕR, тARIK: тнts Is тнЕ сoМPАssloN oF тнЕтURKlsн нЕARт'

sever,lmолths latсr, tne sxmс сhurch rуаs halin8 its аmualpiспiс, andmу liiепd аnd I.сl|ow filslсlаn Mr нxlт! Еsсhak, sugдсstсd to Drсlhltve anепd the рiсnlс аnd lislen lо sоmc musiс, wс weпi, аnd as usuаllhele had ьeеп a lтgе tumоul' тhе mlsiс[ns wоlс a|l Amсilсa..bоmArmслiапs аnd thcу pclfоmrcd $с]| Аt оne роi]]t.lhjs luth.rnоtiсedlЬrеe ̂ meniaл рriсss $alkinв lо8еt]rer. l'ilh thеil hands Гolded bchnrd rьеtr backs. Jlst thon' o!сr lhс loldsрсakcls. thc аudlспсe hеагdlhc musiсiаns plaу lhreс suссessivе тurkьh sоnes. аnd eаоh sоng wasNng in тurkьh| Е!сh vосa|Rвs pertоmed lbr thс рc.plс 1о dаnсс iо.and а |аlgсnunrЬсrofрсoрlс wсrc dапсiпg,lье лoоr srs с.vered witьd.]|arьilь аs ьоurсU$om |]undrсds оГреoрlе Esрoпded вithjоуolsо!!!оnl тurkjsh !осаk рlaусd аnd sшe i|r тnIkьлI llr tЬс сопvоrutе.]ninds ofthe Ameпrап hare merchaf,ls' then ь|atant hyросrьy dеfiеsа]Lloeiс xs thсir lсexсy оlhatred rc]nаnN jnaDiГеslIу рresenl

A lcgасу |оlthсirсhildEn Гоr gепelatioпs toсопrс|

7 A liп1ilу геunion sсrves аs lhс nсхt схamр|e оflhе Алne.niаn oЬsession witЬ hatrсd as djstiпсliоn frun Ьo madg herс оtnrс аu.thоls fanrilу aDd thе fami|y of the aшho.s wile, оn then lсsрссti!срosnjons рс|1aining to mу elтоfts оn thе suьjесt of тuгkъh Amenjаnг , bD oп , | c J l , | J , , . , ' " . t ' Dп l t , , l ' . , l F Fь " ъП ' . е . е ,

, i o , t е i j . | | d |еп , l | . o j 3 | , ( \ - . . | ' ] e r t . J ' L . l . \ n . r i , J | . о | r .nu.nу. hаd nсуer dьplaуed апу nеgativе аttitudе оiouг Llork' аnd in

L7 l

тЬстпф yunh.1b|d Ьy trdvrd т35ьji

lасt hаve оссasioпally prд]sod thс аnlЬоr foг his ёll.orts впi thе stlаlion in tЬс hоmс of tlre aulьols rriге nad Ьeеn aпd сoп1rnuоs lо Ьс drа.matiсlllу dilfеont,llo$evel. пу wiIh маry,s mothel sto had ехрсriеnсеd the war in ottоmап тulkcу ьad nё!еr instillcd аnу !пti тurlrъhsсntnneлIs iп the heans oГ hel fi}э сhi|drcn' Маry,s lniс'tst 'n. annknоwlсdgс ofdre еvеnls oLtho hjstоriс.l Elдtiоns ье6vеea тUlks andАrфеniaf,s. bccаn tо lаkе fоm after her mxtriаgc tо lhе аulhor ваsсdnpoп hсI osп iitеlleсt, and .cуiеv of tЬe |aсts. shс hаd fomru]aled herорnlioDs without any influсaсc frол lhe aulhor вUl in thс hоnre olhетnаtсmаlашl,lье sееds о|hate had ьcсn P]aпtеd f,anу gef,сrаtiоns еaг|ier And as a rоsull, ant] тurkisъ соmmсnБ hаd ьeеп oftсn heаld ьуМary' her No Ь|!lЬеls. ьеr t*'o sines. аnd hc| соusirБ.

As thс tсas passсd. nrу wоrk had atainсd lпЬeliе!аьle pюро.lions' and nrе djsplеasure of N1aryъ гamily had ьсс.mс qп|tс сv|dcnl'цIhёnеver oпr familiеs lisitеd сx.h о Er, t nrade e!еry еt]na nоl tо.,upsе..llrе jn l,rvs, аnd аvoidсd lhе subjесt сomр|ete|у, вut МalJ* $asdсlсmnrcd пotlо сonсeаlhсrdсер рIidе iп ourпork and proсссdеd todеs.riьc lllе Iесognitioп ]nd hоnoБ aivcn to thе nuthor, No selious.o r | i ' . ' ' , о ' , с \е ,юo] ' г | . . . J | . о |o\ |Ь , \с ' . , , Io ' , " ,ъ ' |, е , ! a | l J , | Р ' Р J o e l | с | е , L h o | ф . A ' ' ' , ' ! Ь d ] о г h ы с

It lrad lаken рlасc durinЕ ouг summer 9isit оf the year 2000' t)thс hолс of lvlary.s ьфthеr. Gсo|cе кaсhвjlаn' аnd Ьь wifс. Aпne. inвelпx]nr' Маs, МаDy сhildьоod мcnds o.МaIу. and her timily' llаdatteлded Lъe sрlсndid сoоkout. onе of thе gпеss Nas Маryi сolsjn iоwlrоnr l shal] rеlъr tо аs сousin..A,.,lhс da0gЬto ог .Danrпlksaem.'

раtenls (ьoth deсeа*d) тhс аldrоrwоu]d havё rve].о]nоd а сhвllcпgеIiom соusin..A,,. Ьut I *'аs detemincd поt lo ье сonГюnlаtiоnаl witЬlrег as shе was NсL] aNагe oL frу tiсlings, Е!сгу othёr sentсnсс shеsрokе, she inсluded rc]igious сoпrпrепts' oenаin]ne to Jеsus сhпst af,dсhrьtiаnitу. lrel words dld not сxplts lhe obvrous аnimosltv 'n |rе.суёs аs she foсused Ьет gazё llon thс eold star md сrеs.elt mсda]|ioпNоm bу the аnthоl e!еIу day ofhis |i|e' нer pretепse о1.bеjf,g a faith.fu|сЬistiап wls leveаlсd whсп she соцldnо lоngеIleгIaiп frопr sрe$.iag hсr hatrеd oflheтurkshрeорlе,

AftеI sevеI.| Ьоurs o| fami!у соnveвalfun hаd сопсludеd,соusiп ..A.. сouln no lоnec| сoЛtrol hеficIland rvhilе in tьc рresenсе otlлc аulhol aпd olher lаmil} mепьеrs sЬс nadс а! xb|Ipt re1ъrёnсe Iоd]ё Amсniаn ..gепoсlde., аbout Nhi.h No oNЕ hаd Ьссn sрeakпre,

тltтiulh Nь" ьe тdd ьy Еd}ДdтЛhji

тhе Eslrопsе ftom thе аutlrоI чlricЬ slrе was ryаilnrg for wаs по1 ti]th.соmjnвi he |еfthсrlimingаnd fflstmted inherьjled atеmрt b сreаlеаn Ugly sссnс' вUi dсar сolsjf, .,A,, did n1ake a final !rcпrpL 1o poveshe wаs а рrоud сrеation оfthe Dashпaksagan group, ьу rсlcmna to tlreтurkish people iп thъ пraDпer...Iсаn,tevсn sрсakolthсmь' namс ''

ltel last аttсmpt аlso lаilсd. ЬLn ihс аlthоr $jll rсtьr aelin Фсonsin .,A.. in the lаsl seсlion оI.lhЬ сhlpter' iп Fhjсh it wil| ьс rc'veаlеd lhat she *'as resрoпsiьlе fol suрр]уi]rв hьlо са] hfоnnltioпthat was to ьe ofпоnuпеntаl si8nifiсаnсе to llE аutЬor, тЬaak tоu.

(Dеаt |еаdеr' |he пoпu\сrjP| oI |l1is аl|оbiaat.Ф|N hа! oпcеаgаil1 bееп braщhl tо а suddеll staP аs а rcуnl of l|zвi. леns |hi.hhаs ЙБhе.l п! hеап, Dl|i|1g lhе аto|е сопРоsilioл I |есеifеd а?hоnе Lаn loп kadеiп (ra, brolhЙ) Tarik Blhll ||hо Йlьn'1е.I mеthа| his Ьеbvе.l ''i|ъ' F|ал.е'' has Раs!еd ы-ау' |||)' \'le аd l Й.dе|'аnokd bqaпd |a|ds fa| llrc Iоs оJour Sislсr' kanсcs,\hо \Йs алаEl1фeп| hI]папьеiп3 vi|., ап.| по1hеr W. !:ri.\lе uh.| il1lihеlhЬ

3.тhe Folitiсa|influеnсe апd Рrе$ulеs upoп stlte offiсiaь ьythе Amеnian сomnunitу in tlre srate оf саLifomiа |ras ьееn Nеl|kлosn for усaБ' l|r thс сilу olsan l.maсьсo slаnds a l0] ]iоt сrossF]асed oa lhе toр оf а hill' тhe мбunt DаYldюп с0s stооd (and sti]|dосs). on PUьliс l,nd' h,d beсn lhе suьjeсl o|a lawsuit. сnnre sерaтatioп of сhurсh aлd slalс ]avs. тhс coш1s agrcсd witЬ tЬс planrtijтs аndelvе thе сitу thе сhоiсе ofse]|in8lhс сross аnd ils laпd оl to tаkс dоNп,Lе . .п l ' 1 B) " Jс ,о| ,Lс , i ' . ,uJ ,F0r tа ,сd 5) A nсr , c l ' 0 I .]nr $26.000 т0rkъh Ameriсaпs fгom e!сry !rca of oш сouпtry Pro-tesled this оьvious altеnrрl ьy thе Aпneпiаns to pc.pcfuаtc lhсi. al]сga.tions against thе тulkъh реoрle, shоuld Nс nоl n|gsе$ that пucllmоrc monсy was gi!еn tо poIiiсians.lner thаn lhс sa|e рriсe?l тhесross. similаr to olhеr Аmёnian jns!шt]ons, seп'ed as а syпrьol ofhatеd acajni а natоп ofcоd lеаriпe рroрlс' Nоl on]у hlvс drеу dь.toaed hьtогiсa] еveпts. lhе Апnепians ha!с (and wilt соnii|шс) lо.оmmit ь|asPhеmy againsl thс God thcу рrоlсs tо wosh]р] lhеn s,с.cd сhur.hes' thenсhrisli,n fаnh' lьс сross. аrс sупrboьofьale


тhе тrulh j$м bс тold ьу trd{rtd т9shjl

аns fоr lЬс rcрUьivc сommihсnt to hatred o|а рeoрle wnh *hол lheуshаre sjх сеnttrlеs ofьаrпюпу and ьrоtьегhood, тhe mеssaвe of tlrесrоs has a|wa)'s ьееn forei!епes апd LovЕl


qvhеn тUrkъъ h]storiaпs dеsсгiьe thе evenrs ol]9l5 nr ortonran тuГkеy as ьеing а рeliоd оf3|oЬа1Nаrfаrc $hiсh Ьаd dcиstаlеd ALL lheреoрlеs огthе cоnпt|1, аnd Ьу dсfiniljоn' 1Ьс Ameniаn flеnne WAsNoтduс toа рremednxrcd dеsign 1.оr "gеno.ide'.. tЬen those sьo ha!еrеsеarсhсd ottoinаn ъstоry are ассlsеd о|bёing ii dепia|. тп tьъ нoгk,tЬe аuthor has nоt Чuoted dre sIаtепепt ог а sinele тulkьh sсho|al.ро|itiсian, оr sрokesрсБoп, and tЬь ь duс to а! inlentiоnal сfoa lоthwаn anу dеnia|аl|сgation, ^s the reаderъas sёеn' lhе дuthоr has Еesсnlсd qlоlаlions jiofr ,]r,rc,ldл sourсеs. апd as a lеsult. anу suggеЁlion of ..тuгkish

рroPаgaпdfl ,.. ь lhсrcfоrс vоid аnd inсtтссtUa|,тnе follоBing вhiсlr rvi|l connrm thс frаudn]сnt а]lcgаtiоns of

lhе Aшспians аrс ftom NЕ!тнЕR тurkish. nor Armсnian sоurc.s:1 - ^l the соnсlNjon ФI.the rvаr' rhe otloпrап rulеIs nad ьеen

{ripреd о|.lhейauthoriу, aпd wьilе tlre youпg Tulks, undеI thе leldеЕshiр of the immoltal Мuslага кeпal AtаtLtrk. ьсgаn tо ьuild а псN na.tion, lhс t,.7o'tш poivе6 of Еrrf,сe аnd Gre вnhjn hаd afеstedovсr l,li] ottomaa оt]]сnlsmdhjeъ Dnkiпc фilnагу оffiсes' aпd Ьеld

en 1р ' ' , о r J | V | "aJ \41 l . | . ' г . ' r ' е1 r ' с | ,dеdь . l спmеапd сruеll' agаinst the сi!i|iап рoрulalioп of ottonan тulkey, тhе of.nсiаls werc Ьсld in prъoп for оver пуо уcаls. shilс thr вritьh аndгlспсh р|оsссutоrs sсаrchеd for еvideлсe аgаiast thеm As we!l' thenаЛу. the Unnеd slаtеs had ьeеп гequened tojоin dre iп!еstigatloп snhtlre hoрсo|findingtlrс еlideпcе wЬich Would рlоve thс слarees,

Kееp iп mind: thc onоmаn olficiаь wсlс Ьсinc рrosесUled ь'thсir formсr сnоmу. аnd wcrc ]ntсmсd lhe enlirе tinе' аs tьe вrnьhsоlehl inсriminarjf,g evldonсёi and after Nvо yeаБ, ЕАсн o! тt1ЕoFFIсlALs WЕRЕ sЕтFRЕЕ on oсlobel25... 192 ]. Ьесаusеof..in

,/z|? Yes, Premсdnаtd gu,..Ji?e, No.

тi0тruil' мшi м ьш by Edlfdтshjl

rеs.]шtiоn сопgres wi]| ьe attеnrрliпg tо deteп nс ьу /esiJ,do,wlriсh sidc o|а ,'s7ori.al queslion ь сoilссt, suсh a rсso|ution. ьxscdon hьtolicаltу qleslD,,./Р dJJl,,,pl,,,J' сaл onlу dxmаcс thс.r?''bli1f of ||с,,1пРri.ал 1еgЬ1аlif| Р]nсеSs,''

(|lа]iсsbу lhjs aulhor')sjxlу пiпс Аmer]сaп sсlrо|aБ, Noт роliliсians.лad рlасеd l|reir

пanres and lhen aii|iаtсd пnj!сБilics Nith tЬe hоnor of$еtr sсhо|arshiр Ьcforс mсmЬсs оlопr сof,grсs whоse рrntr]lies !Ё foсusen uponPlасаling lheir сof,{t сnсy тЬс aьovс sсho|aБ are lо ье commепdеd|or their сouвgе iп djssеmi]rаli|rg hьtо.iса| flсcUmcу, in spitс ofthсscассusaliоns aпd lьIеats оf tlrе ьэLerna!lranls,

War? Yеs' Рrсmсditnlcd gслосidс? NoI

4 In.l0Jcd lп thc Amеnraп deс|aratioп ofаllеgatioпs aganБ!the тurkьh PeоpLе hаs ьeeD tЬо сonti|rui|re anаloeу оf lhc eсnосidс огthe JеWьh peoр|r Ьу Nxz] ссrmany аnd the соndition оllhe Ameniаns during a sоnd сoлl],erаtioп iп otto]nan тulkеу.

тhе Amеniaпs to tь]s daу с|ai]n that the ]esьh genoсjdсrvоцld nolhlvс lakcп рlaсе iГ tlrе аlle8ed Annепian..gеnocidе,.did поtоссu. in тurkсу. Asidс flonr dris xutоЬioerарny wЬо is рrcраrcd Ьсitсrto ltsрond lо lhс ̂ mсniаn а]legаIjоn tъrn а s0r!n.r.|lhe н.].с,us

Reсепdу drс FoEi8пМnrьlФ ofьЙсl. Mr' shimоn Pсrсs. wЬo] я d Ьее | , . \ oЬе P ! . . P f l ' ' с , р ' | , ' ' a д4dL11е , Pъ , i e 'vicw. said fi рап tlrс follо!уing:..,', sс |сjсс1allсmprs tо ссаiс a similаrily ЬelNeеn 1Ье ноlо.llsI and tьё Amёniaп a]|eealiоns.." ' nоthing similаr to tъe tlо|осausloссuпed' ]l ь a tlаgеdу *'lral dreАrmепraпs weпl through. ьutлоt сeлo.,'d. ',

As rvаs to Ьо сxрссtсd' dle high|у linаnсеd ̂ meniаn lоЬЬtprосссdсd to соndоmf, thе ьrаeli FoEien Miпislеr, and i]r rеsроnsе tоlье Amёni,n Aпcriсaп nervsРaрc] .]JDorс. thе |fаe|i соnsu|ate Iе.]elsеd lhe lо||owiпg statemeDl..тhis ьsuc s|]on]d ьсdсlltNitЬ Ьy Ьь.tоriапs. notpоliticiаns Wе do not suрро|1 t|rс соmрarьon ofthс Armс.Diап lrаeсdiсs to the Jсwish ноl.саus, kiaеl пi|l nоl lake a hlslоriсаlmd Polrtiсд| stаnсе оf, the ъsue,'

тhe рЕсеdin8 as wel| as lhе othel fасts p|tsentсd in lhь sсс.tioп. аrc nrсflliаьlс a.d Ьxsсd uроn hъbriсa| a.сlra.у' lЬm the peFspe.ljvе oltъe аuthor (b!t o|сouБe lhе еadе] kпeв thatJ, tlьу llreп


lh.тnti мшlk тid Lv tdlrd тБhji

аrc lhc nсws mсdia дпd lhе mljority ofAmеIiсап poliliсians so саgсI tosuP.оa lhе Аrmеniaп loььу' {hon so mаnу fасts have Prоven thс hl.Iaсy о|the Armсniаn аllegаtiопs?

Ф аnуoпe $ho ьas IЬ]lowed тurkьh'Amепian h]stоry anl] 'E]яliоn\

*ith thс fспor,lhе рa$jon' аnd thс dеdiсэtiол of tьis authоr, n'с ' €.sрonsc to tЬr аЬоvе quсstiоп is as simрIe аs ii ь oьviols. Whilс thсautьoг ь nor а hъlоriаn. nor а sсЬо|al(though manl wоuld takс схсoPtiоn tо lhe latleг),lre has L|vЕD tЬе lrьtolу oГthь $оrk th|оueh theli!еs оl Ьь раЕlts. aпd !s а rсsu]r о|hь lifс.|oпg wnnеs to tЬс сhа|-aсlсr oI.lhс тllkьn and Апnепian рсоplсs, тhе Iеsponsе: dunng mууoltъ lhсАrmеni.лs wele uпkпorvn aan thсir апti.тurkьh,gendl lоokfom iп lhcй own .опntnities Аiler geaсrаtions of ilrсIеаыng lnnumьсБ and aсlivnies.Io асfаmс t|re lronor !пd hislorу oГ drс тUrkjshNаrion' lhe mсdia and oul poliliсians jоinсd t|re Апnепian рar,dс tосоndеnn lье тurks lоr сrimсs rnlriсh nеver оссutrсd Duпng tlrБ оnslalвht. thсre was пo тurkъъ rсsPonsе, and as arеsull l.dаy. thc лediahауe nо spaсe foг tho т0lkъh PcБрссt]l €. andPohliсians hxve no tiпrеtоmссtwilhтurkьh Аmeriсаnsj llihьrеsрoпsedoеsnot.оnvilrсctrеIеadеI' wrne уоur раpеI aьout lhЬ bоok аnd пait

сE\тURlos o!. IlАRМoNY AND вRoтнЕRнooDoЕTЕN ovЕRl-ooкЕI)

ф any rcview ог tlrе hЬtоry of the тulkisЬ, Amcniаn апd sуIian

oltlrоdoх (surуani) рeoрlrs. lhе snrgulаr inglсdiспt rvlriсh iпvariaЬlуremаins olnniрIesent' js tъс asеItion dral lhсsе .оmmunities hаd ьеenengacсd in сonlilruous poIniса] аnd rc1igioUs сoпi]iсls' whicll hаd Ie-sultеd ln mutual Ьalrcd апd сеasеlе$ kil]ines оf еaсь othёr, тhе аsсFtiоп ъ пo1oлlу hьtoriсаllу гaьс. ir hаs ьеea and сoпtinues 1o bc аs il.|ogical as it ь рotenti,llt dсstruсtile тlrе hamjonу апd ЬIotlreгlrоod аsshared Ьy thс aьo!е рeорlеs' tФ \уhom we sfiou|d lnс|lde tЬс Grеek.Je*'ъh' and Кurdish. сonпuпitiсs sЬared thс]оуs дпd sofоrvs оt tllеsamе hоfuеland No grсatеI е!n|enсё ofthь hьtoiсll faсt сan o{]паllhс signjnсance оltъc totaI frееdопs сnjo,еd Ьy tлcsе рeор|es in th.irrclieion, thеil lmeulcеs. their prcs, дпd dtjr daily li!еs as тurkish

тneftUll Mal Ь € тdd Ьy Еdt!тdтшhji

citizсns nl lhс тlrkьh nat]on' beibЕ апd аftеI the eslаь|ishmсnl оГ tnстDikish RёP!bIiс ]n ]92з

!ЕaIIeI, r]re aцlhol hаd ..inlroduссd', сопsia ,,A'. аs !n eхlmPLe ofAПnсniаnanimusj to ihе reader' апd as рIonrьed I lDvс inс]пdсd hel inthв seсliоn оn hаmоnу and ьrothсrhоod

тъe aрpareD! inсоngпio оflhь рrоsсntаtiоn яi]|Ьo сlarjnеdьу tьe fol|owiпg Мnаtiоn' whiсh sсruсs аs аnоЙеrехaпrple ofD]vine

sеvеnl уeаIs eaгlieг' duri|rea family lсunion olмаr!k |amiLy'in the вostoп. Mass.' alеa, сousin ..A,. hxd Ьссn рrcsеnl, аnd ns Rеgreеtеd eасh оlher' shе lemo!еd frоm hсr рпsс a рhоl.gr,Ph rvhj.hshс rvantеd tо gi!е tо Мary Mаry Bаs vоry crateful ]irr fu рhotograрhfol it i.сIudсd a рhoto oг Ьel пothеr. and lrег паtenral ацпt lwhiсhwould be the frother ofсоusi|r..А.,) тhь оlсо06с сrPlаincd hоlY thсрhotoglaрl] hаd Ьeеn ]n Ьсr!океssiоn. ьёсФsё it had ьееп gi!сп tо hclЬу hcr mothсr' аnd thс lьllо$rng iпfomralion lrad аьо Ьееп giveп Ьу\er | о| \ . r : тhrрto oef lр| . ! rа| .е \ , ) ' j гь A| j j r ' i ' п *о|лс| i | , , 'groUp lаьIсаUх takоn in the tоrvn oftlalput, ottоmaп тUrkеy. а|оund

The fami]у рhotograрь $,s 1o ьeсo]ne aп iпlаIuaьlе souгсс ofhьtorj.а1 informаliоn, bul had it not ьeen fol tlrе аstutе сnriosily oft|]сauthоr. this sсепe flom ottonran Turkсy. wonld ncvсr havс ьссn givсnlhе rссogniljоп il dеsel1es,

As еасh of us studied drс рlrotoglарh, tllc althоr nоtiсоd thаlone ofthe sсvсn yNne ladies sаs sеalеd and Ьаd both of hcг haЛdsрlассd upо. аn oрсn bоok тье аuthoт cskеd соusi|r ..А.. ifshс kпоwlnуihing aьout the sоm!п ]Yitlr tlre Ьoоk on hсr |aр,

тhе ' , Yе , , dо , v ) ' o ,5 ' r | . d |о d n ' 1oo, , ' еAt this point, dсаr rсаdcr, pl.аso f,Фtс that oiе ol t]re ]aniеs iп

thс piсlxrс wаs Мaryъ mоlhеr] and anorher was herauпt.сousin..А,,coпсluded ьу saуing..тhс lаdу Nith nrс boоk w3s

}/ ' ldsпdshеwasIеad iщaлA lnеn ianЬookwr i t l сn in в ra i l l e , 'тhe аUtfior dьрlаyсd no vьiьlс sign огjlЬil]nоп' |е5r сous]п

..^,.rсaIize *Ьаt x Ьlundоr she ъadjust сofui1itGd.l саlmly thлkсd her fol giviпc us tlrе fami]у рlroiоaшрlr and

sloLv]у took i1|rom helaпd lranded it lо Mаry fоr sа|с.kссрnl8, сoпsiл.,A..сoп|d nоl hаve ral]zed the trljоr sien]f]сanсe ofa simplе рhoto.

Бt ьс тold ьy Edlrd тк|'ji

Ibrлоd Us thаl he вas aNдrе оfthe aпti.тurkьh a.tiviliesоn the рafr oГlhё Amепians in the United slаlсs нс innn|сtсd fie ю сагiу ьis nrеrsage to the Alлeпiaл сo]nmunitу in Anеriсd: .,slор the ьamrful аc.tiоns' аs sc arо lile rn фъ оuI сouпtry' the Rеputliс оlтUrkey,'' неьlеssёd us fol ouг сffоrt оn Ьсhxlfогthс тurkish Ameniaп втothetsьood. As lhe P9triаIch 3a}с пs . tоur оi lhе fa.j|nies aпd a ьeautifulAmeniaп сhш!lr. in hь ofiсс hc lointеd ouL а franred ..nman.., (anтmperia| cdiсl ol lhе otlоm.n sullап), gЙnфrg tоtаl гrеedom to thсArлcniаns ]n ]enreligious aпd соnпunit' fllnctions нn в!rб ьlсssincs апd kiпd uttemrces fil|еd our Ьсаfis and minds with pгоlоuDd rc.spесl' deср |o!с and пnf.rgсllaьlс mеmo.iсs' LIe renrains nr оurlrеаfsasdоes lrь suссessоr. нъ Еmjf,еnсё }afiarch MеsIoЬ ll,

whilс thс Amoajаns оulside о|тulkeу havе соnvnrced i|lc un'informсd tЬ,l peБeсutioп ьвd fiL]сd thcn ccnlxriсs оlохьteaсe duriпglhe oltoпаnрeliоd. hisiоц] hаs rcсоrdedсounlles Aпnеnjaпs whо lrаdaсhiсvсd thс hjehen lс!сь о| the ottoпan govemmсnts: sеnаiоб'Меmbes оl!hе сrand Natjолal AsсmЬly. Mjaislо* о| Eduсatioп' ofFinanсe' oГнeаl.Ь' гоrcign Alтlirs. соmfruлiсаtiоns. Poshl sеruiсе,Agrjсultlrё' aпoпg оthсm, wоrс lrсld Ьy ..^rmоniаns,, тhe ваlyanпaпе tо this day Iепains suPreme inonoman тurkъh arсhiteсfurc,тlrсвorld. fаm ols brass sуmьoь usеd nr юсk ьаnds аnd s'mрЬoniс orсhеsms' wоnntide. ьеgan witlr tло lалous zilсhivаn ]]rmily o|otbпanт . | l е , т \e | " гс ' l d , t . г . i ' . 1 '1 . , ' еdь) , | .е qсorded, rcmiл indьрutab|c. !лd lhe dепial and tlrе flаud oflhс Аrmс.niaDs W|LLNoтеrаsе lhesе FAстs.

o| 5с г l 1 | . , , ao4 , l h . J l l ho , o еoя jеo1 . i гg ] . рxgс " ' ' ' ' Pпsспts livilrg рIоогofdrс ЬrolЬсrhооd oilъe тurknh and Amenlдп рео.р|es,It ь a раce wЬiсhnо hьbiaп ьas рEpared and уet this wrnel of.icrs as hъ linа]eхafrрie oi фе iпsePавьi]itу oftЬеsc рооPlсs on onePаge l ьa!с |ьtеd the лanеs ог47 Аmсniаn. si]ryani, Jсsьh, andФссk, сonроse^, anьБ' and musjсiaпs, $ho hаvо соntriьпtоd thеirlаlсп15 to с|assiсal aпd сontemрorаry тurkьh mlsiс тъe firsl crouр]nсlude a ьls of the ottomаn рсriod; the sесond thоsе ьоm jn тurkeуand ьIoueht thеn аtistry lо lhis сountry] аnd the thnd' ]ikе lhе aulhol,lьosс ьоm n the Unitсd slalеs. апd уеl all о| thеп have PЕRloRМЕDтurk]sh nDsiс' h trusiс, in sопgs, ijr poсlry' oUR PЕoPLЕs ^RЕoNвl

I lll

веfоre lье сoiс|!d]ng сllaрtсI. tlrс аuthог wi]| address himsс]flo lhc Yоulll ofoulрсoрle,

xI. 'i,Q сonсtшdlllr slаlсmсflts to;traeniai 4ndбufkisf1)6uih'

тhеADthorъ l iпа lсo f iпenкtоthеArmen i 'пYouth .

qfуоU hаvс jtad rlre pacеs ol.rЬь аutoЬiograрlrу' you surсly are сon.!jnсed of oлс oftlrе Гоllowing t|пcс Possiьililiсs:

l тhc аunrоr' beуoпd questjоnj rs a mсga|onraлl!с, sЬo h]sьeen сoпsцfuеd by hаtlсd fоrhis реoрlе апd hn i.ailь

2 тhе authol Ьas $orkсd lоne а.dtnc|cs|у Ьoрjngю aсh]сvсап uпаtt,inаЬ1с солcсpI hc ъdelus]oпal

з тьеaulъorn*ofrhуогlhеhieheslpraisс Iьrhь dсtсninа.lion, ьis dеdiсalion' аnd hь lili.lоn8 IaЬoБ -,'jth lьe asPmtion ofаслiсYi|]g еvеп n sen1ьlаnсс of cоmраssion, on brolьcrho.d. nr thс' . d , . , ' , о i o | Pь| . n l ' . ' ' J , d l^ ' d , о l , \е , | ,ее I lР , г " , |nс 'will dеsсriьо уо!r rсsрonsc tо t|rc aulhor? ]fуоu wьh, аftеr Iеadlng lhеfinаl сhaрtеr, to соnjmuniсаlс wiih lhе authol, уоu mа! dо sо ьу Nrit'ing to thс follо$nre addЕ$:

Еd!уаlt тashji, P,о вох 20152. D,|]сс Nеrv York. NY.Lоol7 or. faх: 212.68? з0]6 тhc a0lhor rуill аltcnr]n !o rеsропd 1oevеIу сotrоsрondсn.с. lаvolaЬ|r or Лоl. uфn reсeiрt оfа sigпed letlеr

м' dсa| Ameпi!п brothor and sъter. of tьс aьovе гёrsPеф!сsthс nuthor mosl аssurcd]у $ou|d lYьh thаt thc |attel wоцld ье у.urсhоiсс' ЬD( ьeсaпse lhс аllhol isNoт dёIlsjоna|, hс ь inсhrсd to ь9]iе!е уоuI posil]on will .onlnшe lо ьc !сhсmсntlу neeativci ьnt уoul|сcLings гоr tlrь autЬог shоuld aоI ьс оlрrin]е соnсeпr lo tou YoU а'tlьc пjin lорiсiYoU NiL] ]ivе уоuг ]il.е lillсd sjth halе оrmtioDаl rпlсlесt: YoU \L]п ]nsill in t|re hеalLs aпd miпds оl.tоur сhildrcD. the gifto|соd.s l{]ve, оl lho саDссr ofhаte No fra!еr hоs sc!сlt уoul ГeсliDдs for lhе author ]night Ьо. xГtel Iеading lhcsc franу pagсs, сan уоurеn|ly Ьс|ir!еlhаt] lrave dьplау.d hatоd formуреoр]e aпd frу tiritЬ]Ilave ] nol desсriЬсd tЬс nrfinite ta|en6 and aсhic!сmеns ol our Aгmоnjап рсoрlе? нa!е I пoL ft|eftсd to tЬс suffеriпg of оur pcорlc ] lt


тhс Trulh мN ьe r.0ld ht Еdt!1rd тфhii

yol Lссoenizс lhс sutlering oL oNLY thе АImсnians. rvhi]e negatingthе lngunh of АLL the pcoрlcs о. ottomaf, тurlсy. thеп you haveоlosed уoul пiпd lо thс tciiiьlсdeеds соmnitledbу А.ncniaпRevоlu-tiопar]сs' тlrere welе drcadluI xсls сo]nfriltеd ьу lhе тurks. as *еL]. itwаs a hоп]Ь]сwxr.аnd wаr dеstoуs a]|li!сs, тhс ьеаUliftrltrес ot hа.nronyj ьсtwссn our respeсlive рeоples, sas giсvonny dаmaeеd Ьy mutua| hatred and oпe Ьy onе оur ЬrаnсЬсs wеrе sevеrcd' ьut dre h€e оfЬюtЬer|rооd DID Noт die] ву mutual сoпрasiоn апd a dсsnс Гorpeаcс оur trсс was ftslorеd and соnlilruеs to grow. olтеring ils Iiuits oГЬrotherlюоd аnd h.rmопу а]loпg ouгрeoрles

Yоu fr,r aсhiеle роs]lion and wcа]th in уо!r liГс' bul]Гhalredrenаh\ iп уour hеall' you qill nevеr rсa|izс tfue hapр]nes Yoш pa}епts do not wish yоп i|1. Ь!1fie ]сgaсу о|hate вhiсIr they hаve ]nhсritcd wi]| раs on 1о уоц !пd уou NillЬс dсsIi.сd to ра$ Фn 1Ье рсIpetUal сyс|e o|lratЕd to yolr сhildrсn Fоi hоs loп! \'iL] drь ]|Losiса]mапifestation of hаlrсd сontinlol, тhink oГlhс lvо d waБ rуhiсh haуеdеv.stаtеd mi1]ioлs оlреор|ej bу ]ts verу nаtult. i|r aпy wаr.lhсre саnЬс no liсlor' оn|y vaпquishеd rvhеthеI оп t|rс fiсld оfbаtLе оr ln ourrеlltjons wilh оuIfе|low hш!ап Ьсings. hаlс сan оnlу сIеаtе mоIе ьаtеwhiсh wil| evcnfuа]lу сausе оlЬer сoплaglаtjоns llistоlу hаs pюvсn'усstоrdaуъ сnсmiоs сап' aпd ,ale ьeсоmе to]nofl!*ъ lr]сnds, тЬеrеБ no suggeslioa tЬat tо atla]n сomрasion аnd lrarmо!у whilс оurhearts сoпliпuc lо gгiе!е, wi]| Ьc саsy, вut YoU and YoL u'Ulс, lUmаtte.lrо} diгfiсull. MUsтsоver lhе bоnds of ьltred agаnБt a рcoрlсytrh *hom yoп sh,rе оve. srх сспturiсs ofсulnml аssnnilаtion, Nоtlbr thс bеnеljt о1.tlris аuthoI, not fol thс Ьсnenl ofyоlr гarеnts' ьu1fоrYoUR ьeпеnt. You oright ье сIiliсizсd, Ь0l $ъсa you eп1ьфce yоuгтutkъh ьDLheI oг sьler. уоu x']|1схрсrienсe the iпlinitе ]оve ofнjnr$hohassa id : . .в ]esсdаrс tЬорcaсe Фakев lb l theуsha]|ьеса l l сd thc

At tьь positiоn in lh]s aшogгapьу, yоu Ьa!е lea.ncd of lhссvоnб i|r tЬо hплЬlo |il.e o|lhe autьor' and the ole$'hen ns Еsрonsсоfthe тшkьh pсорle md соle]т]neпt In the fiпa| сomm.nh оlthсatrlhorto his Armсnraп ьгоtlreБ aDd sьtеБ, thе fо]|owing is offered astЬc nrost rсrrаrdnle dсlсlорficлt о|h]s l]Гс:

^s has bee. desс!ьеd' ouг fiБt !ьit tо тnrkсy took рlaсс iaAugusloг l968, аnd oul nrеetinss ivith hjeЬ rrf,king oiiсiаls aпd mе.


Arnliiio Aп.Фlioпs тhе тrulh пIu* ьс тold ьу Еdtlid тshjj

thc sаmс воghos Mardirian] thЬ яаs indeed uпеxpеctеd Dаtе.] lUпеl0.''. l974. the Iettеr Едds as fоllows:

I ha!е dьЬопolеd уоu pеБоnallу ald dо nоl know now lо аskfог fоr8ivеnеss, ве surc уоu havе lаugЬl an Amёnian not lo hatе. Ihoре you.llconsidс! lhis a vеry peвonal lеtleг and shаl|поl dьapроjnlme. нonеsllу. Gignеd) воglros Мardiniаn,''

тnе hand тrilten |ottсr ЬюucЬl to mе a sDрrёne joу rvhiсhrvoгds can not dеsсriье' аnd аs lоаБ lilled my eуes' i rеad lhe lеnerovеr аnd оvor аg3in, Amоng lhr баnу hоno4 whiсh ь!vе ьeen рЕ.senlеd to thc аulhоr, as dеsсribed in lhЬ work, noпе havе aiтeсtеrl mеаs muсh аs а |ettеr from a young mп I ьдve nеvеr nеt' and Posiьlysill пеУer mеet (рeБonаtly),Ifl асЬiovеd nothinc rьe in mу iiГe' that Inad something lо do Nith сhangilg the hеafl of oNЕ уouпe рeБопtiom hatrсd, is my grеаlest ,toward,,'

I callupon thеАmenian Yоuth toеnu|ate Мr вoвlros Mаrdir.ian md ftee уoulself оf hate, and rcасn оut to уour тurlфh brother аndslstсr. lьсy аvait your eльmсe]


}с ^ulho.s an4f сotrmсп|c io Jirrti.h ъulh

Феre $oold Ьс по usеful puФose in rcрeаtinв lrсre tьe jnil]x] ..m.

monts as Pl €seпtеd 1o tъc Armсnian Yо!th. ьу thь аuthorаttlre ьeginning о|Iъis сhаlter, ноwever' nу соn.lLtdltg staleпreпБ are dtrосtеdlо yourattenlnJn as vell, Ьcсause tье аulhоrwоuld welcoлс уоurрёFsрcсtives peflаin]ng to thс rvolk and рhjloфPhy oflhь uniquе..Fliеnd

jt сou|d ьe suggesiсd lhat соlпrепts lrom тurkьh rcadебwould ссnаinlу eхplеss a р.е dоminmtlу fаlomьlе rеsрonsс. the aуsumptiоп might aрPer to Ьс сопect' but jfi|]rlе lle 1о ьe nеcаlivсоpiniопs fronr lhе сofrmDnitу fоrwhicь I ьave worked' it N.n]d nоt ьerhe list lime, As muсh as hаs ьeeл dсsсriьed iп these раgcs' therе aIесounl|c$ othсI оУeпts, пeеtings. and оndеаvoБ. wЬiсh ъa!с not ЬсспIссolted heie' вe.аusr оfош tilеlеs work. лnсh ifпоt most of oDrеitъns Ьa!е lеsullеd in suссesful сопс|us]oпs' тhъ hаs Еcei!еd lhеч i г L . с , ' d о . е U а | е ! | ' . ' i ' 1 ,

, J | \ | , | U е J п | j B 0 , ' | э | с 1

staпсes' mу *jfс аnd I lra!е ьeeл рсФloхсd ьу thc ьehavior of tbmсrс|osе fliеnds whо nо longсI еrсп grеёt Ds ^сcоlding to oLhеr liicnds.1lrь рhспопrеnon js aпriЬuted to a suьоonsсiо0s manifcstatioп oГenvу'тЬе сonvolutеd lheorу |olloцs thь гoпn: тlrь рeson (rot.ili|]g to tlreaurhol) ]s an Amсliсапl noп.Turkьh. nоn.Mnslinrl who has taughthinsс]fto sPeаk аnd Nrne in тuйishi hаs Ьссomс аn ardепl!d!осаlс.а0d аn еloqueпl sроkсsmаn. аnd a fсarlеss detъndcr of thе тurkьъpсoPlс: аnd nr sddjhоn. he ь аn сthпiс Amфian

ноN сап tlrъ be.] ls monеу or еgotъп thе lnknопп tnсtоr mlhjs iпerpliоab|с sitUatiол? тlre вsроnsе to lhсse quenions вi1] Ьс of.lсlсd in thе Гollot]лg' соnсludine chарtel, тher.Гorс the ацthol willantiсiраte аllсast sоmеnegalive rсlicNs гIoп our тUrkъh reаdс| s, Butas l havc advised tnе Апrепian yoDth, thс sаmе adviсe js dircсted tопу ьсlоved тurkьlr ьrоthеБ lnd sistcБ: oпly уour сoп.]]Lqr.nc япd

уоuI аttitudеs shoпld ьe уoul elide in lьrmulating уour kпorvledgc otгП | , | .A| ' c i . . | . , ,o f , nE lе ,EьЬ A ne| ; , Yо l ' 19 . - r . i o ,..adlаntaвo''' o!эI тulkьh Yoцth' and ihat ъ: ьeiпg aьle todlssсmшаtеtо an il] fomed Amсricап publiс, ]nсdia, аnd gоvcпrпеnl, lhetr о{пpositioп oп thе hъtorу oГthс тul*ьЬ Amen]аn relаlions тье iacl that


u$heт0|d l)У [dн,rd 1'lhlt

thеn еsl]опsed роsition is Ьаsed uроn frаud. foreeIiеs, апd dьtoniоns.rviu пol аlъсl an aцdicnсc wъiсh ь so саecr tо Ьlamс tne тпrks folaпуthiпg lьеу сan lhiпk оt вut яhаl о| YoUR рosnion1 Arс von ln арositiоD lо lеfutе tЬе Amепiцn al|egаtions? lf,ou aie aссused or ongacсdin!dcbаtс' wi1jyol ЬсаЬlс to рres еnl lristolicа l lасts Nhiсlr Nillpfoyс thе Armепiапs a.е ьюng? l аm сonvinсеd уоu аrе рoony Prс.рalеd tо defend уоuI hьtolу and aпсestols.

Yes. tЬе aulЬolьeliеvеs that Апneniaп Yоulh has a major..ц]!antagе'' o}сr тnrkьh Youth. ьссause of maп' ехistijrg faсtoв, ргоven

тhe сoппеnts о|д siх'уеar о|d daughter olаn Armeaiм tаm.ilу in G|еndaIe, сaIifoпria' wh]сh has ьeеп desсiьed in lhъ wor*' ъthс quintessепtiаl еха|nplе ofthе dileпrпa rvniсЬ тu*ьь YoutЬ Гaссs'Words meаn sоncthing, thсy сa. сonrlоrt апd thсу сan hurt] thеy сansрeak lhe lruth. and ехрre$ iаlsehoods' words hауо Ьссn Pп inlо themi|rds olinпосеnt Amеniап сlrildrеп. aпd tlre iпesсapablе rсsult ъ: tir|-!aоу hls boсome ..hьtoriсaI aссUrасy,''

FoI пany yeaв' тurkъh youlh hаve rе!еalеd tо lhъ аutnor: ,,l

lдs ne!еr laugьt to ьate thс AmeniаnрсоFlс' оi.',рсoрlсI''сaп wе aге!е with lhе Phj|osoрhy о| suсh mаenаn]mоus hu.

лаniry? I Iеerel tо sау. Nе пust, fol thе aьsепсe о|hate bу nsеll] сaf,not сradjсatс ьatrcd lоvаln our lсllow huпan ьсin8s' тЬе authol dоesЛot еspоlse thе hatrcd whiсь л|ь lhе hean ot! siх yeаr о]d child' Ьutthе laсi ь. whi]с тurkish уoulh hаvе ьееn taцgЬt сoпраss]on' lъe,ha!с Ьсоп tсft mсntаllу ..сIiрplсd..' ьу their lасk of thе iп deгt faсь ol'тlrkish-Ameniаn hъtory |f тulkьh уоuф do поt posses even aпinifium knоwlсdgс ofthс c!спc Nhiсlr took plaсе nr ottоmап тuгkеу. wnh рa..iсu|ar attention ю tье ̂ mеniаn issue. thcn lhс апt.тurkьЬ tiradсs of thс Aancпians Ni|l lеmаiп uпаnswеred аnd as а resu]liп lhe frjnds ol'the пninlоmоd thс тUrks will Ьс dеstilrеd lо f!ссevсry !j|е aссUsatiоn' тhе аnti.тurkъh Amсriсаn nсrvs jnedia, tЬеsреeсhеs ofроlitiсiaпs, Plасaline а wоаllhy соnslfuсnсy. ап] tlrе stе'rcorуpiсd nmges of тulks, aлd lhе Muslin lailh' 8il1 all lоmаinрrсvаlent in Westсrn soсiсty tf YoL] .еmain iпdiffеIen! uninlolved,aпd orurc, i1еn уou surеndеr the honor оftоur pеоplе аnd уoul ьoпе-lаnd to tЬosе grоuрs wьiсh seek tо weаken the slaьi]ily о|the ReрuЬliсot.тurkсy and dсfаmc thс тurkish pеopLе *'oгld*'idё'

IllItuil Nlцn Ь€ lotd ьy Ed{rrd l.rlhji

ьrе. t'ilh lhe leаlizаlion oI lhe saсnfiсе an! dеdiсa.ioп o|yоuг апсеstols. how cал lou рeЛnit a Гс$ lLatc Mclсlraпts. in tlrъ and оthu сoun'lnos,1о соnIinuc in thсn dъtoaiоn ofтпrlrьh nistoryl

сoпPared tо lhe suliъIiпg o1.lhе тurkъh рeoplе апd Lheir e!еnlual!iсlоrу, ho$ cапуou remэЬ indiIтercлl аs tlre Ашспian onslalвlrtооDtinuсs1вссausоoflhсi| (A|fiоnixD) innnсnссuроD Amcnсan poll.I].jаns aлd лспs mсdix, 1Ьс uЬiq0notrs ..Armсniаn Rcso1uliоn.'' ]ikсsсorPlопs, сoпtjnDes 10 ьe 5eсп iп lЬe сhamьeь оfсongrеs and slalеLе8isalures so WHAт? Рoiпt ъ, сап уoU ren]tе lhе Апnеnjаn аl|еga-ljоns аeainst !ol| рсoр]с] Arс уоl рrсрllсd lо intc|]igсnnу dсЬаtс thсц l f u r , ' , ь , t , F l , , . , j J , , i . 1 P , o \ , ' q , | \ , т l t ! t o , r !

tо bо unjun|у сof,dс]nncd?тurkGh YоutЬ. il.уou arс no\r angry цrth 01с aulhor l.оr hь

adпrопitioп, thсп sо Ьс jt. it dосsn.t maltcr уhat yоn think огme. Ье.саusе l dof,1 sеek уоur соmmendаtiof, or у.ur соf,demnаljоn, YоurрIioгit! пusl ье lhe loрiс o|.ьis ьool and аs c son oI dluehlеI of tlrеiлnrоnаl AтAтURK. tour pаrtiсiраtiоn in thс псcds oftЬс.lulkьЬсоmlnlпitу, wо|Ldv]de. yilL make kпown iЬе lасts оlтurkьЬ huлaл.itу апd pю|оUпd рridс nr уоuIсulfurc аnd hьtоry'

In addnion' resen'e ,our enеrgу' v.ur inlellесl' уour inv.]!еmепt, уoul lovе, lш dre honol of tьe тulkъh рeoрlе and drе тulkьЬhomсlаnd NhnnаЬ уolr сlГort оD ЬchаlГ оl thc тulkьЬ.Anciсanl.епdsЬiP' lnJ likeвjrё 1rherevеr elhnlс тurks rеsidе thro0ghout lheLlond Ma]nh]n your ьсauliln| тurkish l'n.цDagс аnd sасrсd M0sllmlanhj frainhin у.ur t.оr.ёfol di!LоgUе $ilh |i1еnd or tЬе' in reveаlingtlЕ facь of the тurkъh'Alneпiаn hisorу' o] апу suЬjeсt рerlаiпing tо

As аn Af,еriсm. \rhо liоm eаr|yсhildhооd on hаsЬeсnЬ]сsсdLljth a pule lоve l.оr ALL lь]ngs тurkьь' l h!!е ukеn lhё libеnу oiad\ , |Ьт , l ] i ,h ) ' , ] , | 0 4 | , \ с r , ! ' d : . | )еdь) l " г . i ' . г . " .a toпe ol ijnрatieпсe оn mу Dаrt. Ifd]ь аulhoI has сlэated lhlljпPression. hс rсl]0c*s уоurfо|в]!сnсs, аDd fо| yol1o |ссognizr mv ГlБnn.lioп lоLlard thc тurkisь Pcoрlс о| п1),.ldсr genсr,lьn' ]nr n.l prсраЕin8 уou lo dea|Rith lhе ехteпt ofАпnenian ьlted Гor }our рeорlе in

тЬо слoanоUs рhi]оsoрЬiсa| diffclспсcs Ьcf,vсел lhе тurkьhrnd thс ̂ rmсniаn Pсорlcs, саn nоt ь. dьmьsсd as iNieпifiсаnt, Ье.

l 9 r

тhc тruih п{d ьс тold bу Еdtld'lъshjl

саusо n ь ьrе drai the legaсy of tъesе аncienl insсравьlе рeoрles be

A youf,g тurkъh Profеssiолal sдуs: ..I чas nё!еr lаuchl to hatеАлrcnims ог дпу Deoрlr!''

вп1 a siх-уeal old Ameniаn сhi|d hаs sрokеn tЬеse wolds:..Rathсr l ье a dog oгa cal,lьап a тurkish ьаrьаnanl''

тhe soeds оl hаtе Ьаvc beеп р|aпtеd' аnd ftom n oNLY hаtеdNi|l соme iпto Godъ eаnn' тhс heat' dre miлd' andlьеsou|ofrhe аu-lhоr Ьave ьеen ьlеsеd with thе seеds ol соncсsiоп апd |o!е. аnd ldwell in my lifc free ofаll hEttd.

As I Ьnngлуnnal thougЬts to тurkьh Yolth. to э conсlLБlon,l aп сеaаin yol Nill livс уоur lives void oflniфosiryьсc.nse уou тethе fruit of love Dlаnled in thr тurkьh ьеafl' Nоw. during шс nnаlрhаsсofmy lifе. filled with пеfiories ot somN апd haРpinеss' I wishlor you аnd yoш lovсd олеs' Godъ iniinilе blеssiлgs lhюUgЬout уoul

Му ьelovеd тu*jsh ьroмes шd sъlсБ, l wоuld welсotrе ,ourсomсnts, and as l sinсelеly thank you fоr rсxdin8 my huпЬlе ofleЕinc. рleasс remеmьel this.тurk Doslu',' Еriend of тurks. апd lесej!ееsсh рace heiein as my сmЬrаcе ol еaсh оf уou' !s I соnсludс Nithсlеml lоve' / lirs',oиr 9es, . i iss 'о'| сhее|,s!



unьtтo|d ьу Еdttd тlshii

хII: $.' соnсlцdiпB s'q'сtrm|. 'o |ftс тtа/сf oIlhis ̂ цl06ioBraPfrт.

otrс auihol hN lаkcл tъe reldfr on ajouneусoveгiпg rhe sрan оloverопe huпdгed усaБ' ьegiпriлg in ottoman тшkеy аnd схtоnding tо lhсуеаr of200l, n] thс Uпilсd slаlсs оlАmeriса' l| lhъ aulhоr пas a сelеЬIilу orэ peБonofwcа]th in ihis сФnnry, nЬ гan lo a$ufie t]rаtth]swоrk rrou|d havс re.eived a tirr greatсr lilсrary revies aпd р!ьIiс Iесoвnilion' вul drь aulhоI, mоst asulеdly, is пеithrr а ссlсЬrity (роsiьlуwiththеехсеptioпоlthеRерuь|iс оf тпrkсy Ьcsaid. jn al] hufii]ilу). nor аn iлdividпаl ot.materiаl Wса|Lh, At this rYntiпg, *'е are пo1с!сn оotain ths long ёitbfr rvil] e!еп ье рuь|ьhеd' and jfit shоuld notсomс ro priпt.lhе сoрiеs огnrу nаnusсIiрtwill ьe дivеn to sоmе ofthеbe]оvеd na]nes I |]stеd iп thc ackлow|edecmcnt оlthь Ьook, Еa.n o.theп has gi!еп theаuthоr and his family thс dсeр Ьrotherlу lоve whiсhhаs givсn us thс suрPoa аnd the onсоurrgemсnl lb. ouг wоrk 10 сoпlinпе, тheйnames lnd lovе rеmаiп iп оurьeaгts:

DI. sеIahaltin вiiyiikiina|. Dr, oklаy ^klrсnt. Dr сеnk вijЁknnll, DI' osпraп Kоksаl, Dr, Nасi вапt. Mr' тffik в01L . Dr zckiUуgur, МI, Еrgun Kirlikovlli, Мr, наlil Еkmcka]. Mr Mёhnеl Aliв!уsal' Mв. сijпii| Аkin, вьhoр vselolod, Dr' Atа ЕIim, and оlсouБе ny ьсlovсd Маrу.lо Nhom l shallrсfсrьоlоrо lhс соnс]Usion оl

Еach oгfie abo!е, юgetheт }ith nrапу othеБ, hаs knоsl гоrуeaБ tlre sincele mоtivatiо! оГthе ant|юr аnd his Purc lоvс lоr thс A.mсniаn. s'rian.othоdoх, аnd тuikъh реoрles, ft rv.uld ьe a grоssоmьsiоn oл nу pаrt il I diа no| e!еn bi]еЛу. rel.еr lo a dьlincuishedcепtlеmп дпd ьelоvеd .,ьюtlr{,.. hь name. Nе.rаl мua|limoi|u, lowhom l rcfсtrсd in сhaрtor lx,lrtlеrb,

Мг' MuаlliпroЁlu ьas for палу уеaБ Ьееn a Ienownеd authol.р.ctj аn]si,ljnguьt] teасhеr] aлd ranslalor in hъ тulkьh hoпеland' Inьis сolosal пrasteФieсе. entillеd..Ililaьet.. (thе aa оf sреесlr шking,сloсutiоn' or dъсouбс). рDЬlьhed in t993' Мr MuallimoЁiu Ьas pre

u*bст0|d bу rd!шd тlJ'jl

р , , , еn ' г | , ' ' р ,ge . ' о ,а | t ьo[ 'п | l , с . l i t , | , .о . .o i . , j i ' lаnd рUЬljс sреaking. нс hаs nапslаled thе starёfieaв ofлany оf dreяond,s IеcogDizеd sсjenlъls' NrilеБ, роets' рhilosoрhсc' lExds ofsiates] аf,d thc Nolts оf the lbundсв оf lhс wоIld.s гсligions ̂ s difi.сUlt as il ь' Loсoпprоhсnd, thь тnlkъh sсhо]ar' Mr' Muа]l1nrодLu, hasdеvoled no lсss lhап .lglr lазer оf hь ьook. to drь tтitеr' his яork,апdtwo ofhь mаnу sрееches, When Ireсeived hъаutogтаphed ьook.IIeаd thosс рEсФus Pаges.l ьссаnre enrоtioМl af,d сonlinrc to lеel thatI оn hol юnhу oJ Suсh an hолot lIn a Рсrloл \|ho is hеl.l i11 glсh

тhrolglюut tЬь woft' rhё writcr lras сontinuоuыу rсfсtred lоhifusel|inlhсthird pеБonsiпgu|аг'lvоrds$|сЬas .тhеaudror'''..тhь

wlitеI,,' ..he,'' ,,nim... ,,hь.', aпd odrer re].erёnсes' hаvс ЬeепdеliьсвlсLyшсd with ihе jnlепlion ol dс.сmPhasizing the rсadсls аttcnlion to.Jа ,o ! '1 , )е , , tеа r , |o , пJ |^, l "а | | с , , i |Е , ,е f i . гР , , . ' , i ] .gulт, th]s book asрnls to соnveу . storу. aрhilоsoрhу, iiоп$hlсh lhcrсаdcrwill hoреfullу соf,e to rcсовпizе lhe hunb|с оггоrls ofа hunьleAmсriсm aпd lrь life lопg elтons on ьсЬa|fоfllrе leаrсh tor ыllheг

вut lhе 1oлg hьtolу оfМankind. ъ lillсd wilh соuпt]es eхаm.pLеs o| tlrе hufianitariаn 1аьоБ ol пen !пd ]vоmеn оlxi| mсеs. сrecds'and nаtiолalitiеs whо hаve. with lhеir deeds, iпlelIcсl, thсirаnьiry. aпdlеadеGhiр hаvс givеn to tЬe реoр]cs оl oш Noid thc hoрё ol.a ьettсr

тьеrеibre, frол lhь рoint |оrward. lhс rсаdсI wili сome lоknow me, iп the iirst PeшФn. singnlаI .flФ a|]' lhis ь аn аUtoь|ogта

Mу соnсludjnв сoппeпls lrc оltъrеd аs R suпrпarizаlioa оfsomе оf lhе fuanу Г!сtos whiсh havс сBused me to ьс сoпdеmпed bуlhо Amenim реoр|c iD thе Unned slаlсs. whilе being оnЬrассd s'tlrьi{nheny lоvc fюm the тurkъъ рсop|e Norldwide' ll the i.rd.r Ьс.liе!еs lhаt Iha!сЬеen lrighlу hoпorеd Ь! lhe тufish peoplе ьесn0sс ofmу епрьatiо орроsitiоn lо mу owп реoр|e (tlrat Ьeijrg lье Аmепl,ns,l^'/. огnre тurkish honelаnd, and Noт tьс siiDJni' оrt|rс s'палofihodоx рeoplе). then yoп musl rclum to thc dеdiсatiол оltьis boоkаnd rcad tЬese раges aeain, мy pоsitioп сопtjnues lо Ьс rahat it hаsьeёn thrоugЬout mу adull ]iгсl the Arлсniап sL]egations againn thетцrkъlr nlljоn' роtailiпg lо the evenls oГthс ]ql5 реIiod п ollоmаn


тh! тiцih мml ьe тold ь' ' Ddlпrd ткhji

тurkёу' ale iп thеn tойlitу. loid оl hьloriсаL асс0Фсy lt has bеen tothъ onеп геpeаled thсsъ. tЬat lhе тorkъъ рeоplе hаle disр|aусd slrclraffection for tlrь uniqrc Amcn]an $hо ьаs рIesеntеd hь рositiоn PпЬ.I i сLy , I tь lhe^rmеn iaпd is toг t ioпoг l rь to l i сa l сvcD1s .аndth . i robsеssjоn wilь hаltd, to whiсh | rc|nain emрhаliсаl|у оррosсd тlral iьеАrпrспiaпs оГottoman тurkcу hld suiъrеd teпjьlу 0ulinglhe mginвfiIes oflhс гirst W.nd W,0' ]5 ьeуопd dьputе вlt Nhxt оltЬс оthоrEljgiols аnd сlhniс сommuпities who hаd liso eadlred thё ьопor ofпondlvjdе сопflagmtionl тo thь dаy 86 yсаN lаler the AПnеn]aпsand the пraпу рoIilicians. Nhom Lhey hаvё jплurnсed. clainr tlre тulksha{i рel'еtlated "gсnосidc.. ,cаrn$ фe Aпnenjans .Гhс Aпnсnlаn so.]eсti!itу of Ьistoriса1 ассUl,сv ь|atanlIy пegatеs lье тWЕNтY FlvЕYЕ^Rs oflсbсllion agд]nstlhe пalioп whсlсlо|с оvоr 6 ссnturies lheуфаfod rhc ftuits of тu&ish.^rmсn]аn hislory. Lvъiсh сoпt]nuеs to fie

| Ьa!с erоwn weary with lhе Amrniaп fаi|urc lо lrсо nselI.оl.tho mаniaсll пrпi|еsяlioл ofЬaftd..gainsi nоl оnlу lhё тurkish peог]e' Ьut *'nь tlrе samc fury,lЬсii hxtсd lъr lъcn olvn kiпd. Tlrь Аmrе-niaп Гailцrе is ьу dеsign. аs it has Ьсen dеs.ribed iп lhis sU'к, A'nlc.nian writсБ Ьаvс сmрhаsizсd lhe ..advanlagеs.. ol the divьion Nitnint|]c Amcл]аn соnmunity. тh]s dсfiеs аll сomрrсhспsiоnj тo undсЁnаnd thь conlolulеd АПrcпiаn Philosорhy, an jnd]lidua| mL! bе aпАIпrепiaп ..llаle MоrcЬаntI.'тhis рhmsc hasьecп usеd fol паny уeaБ,Noт Ьу а тu|,kish writеr or s.okеsman, but ьу MЕ, тhь cхtlсmсlуotтcnsivс pЬrаse doсs aоlрlсase nе' ьul т \'ill not арolo8izе for ]nvcn!rпg lnd Dsing lhе wоrds iп lсlдtiоп to drc Алrслiапs .,^izlz lhо RсPlь]iс.|тurkctLil ъ due to пeсesiry whiсh hаs .аused mе to dеsсriьemyPеoр|e jп mу wlitings and sрсcсhсs,

вцt nо}'inotherword has..!sed fie lо ьe сritiсized lrу nrу be.lоvrd siti. Маry' Dur]ng фe prератation of nrу mannsсriрt aad anсreaсh раgе rvаs iугed, I havе rеad пy епtne cолposition lо hor ln lъekna|]tу o|fiъ qolk. onе Nоrd (onс Jl'gL воrd) hаsсause! ьer to pю.tcsl, aпd ыre has sug8еsled illat my usаcе о|йe rvоrd сou|d dijnin]shthe quаLit} of my аutoЬioemphy вut опсс agaiп лeоеssilу lrasрrоmрtсd mс to kосp ihis word in рlасe, апd поt Nаntnre lо пPsсl h.rJ r J I ' r l ' , l ц i l , , о l еп l е | , t е - о | d \ е | t , чo \ с \ l Р " | t ' г n q1 '

t]оп foг уour Еаdina jny Ьоok. 1 shoutd give yоu а сlue аs to wьеIе.аmоne fiousands оfwordsj уоu вil] find that,leпiь|e..wоrd: ]n lhс

тh! тn6 NrБt ьс тdd ь} Edяfd тшhji

рrсvious сhaрler shiсh ъ сhaptel хl, in mу fiпаl сoпnenlq lо тпIk.ish Yоuthi уеs there уou will nпd lhс mеhрhоriсаl Еferепсс to a.INs!ст (Ьсltel sаid, a/d.},'.,, Yes. ап агaсhnjd hls bеeл пaпrеd lndesсribrпg rhe аьomiDaЬle Ameniаn Resolutioп. suсh ь my disdainfor оuI рusilIani]no!s рo1itiсiапs, $hо ha!с nо knовledcс 01.тurkъhhъtоrу. and Еward their$сallhy Ameniаn $|PрofleБ rYith сonlinuoпs

тo соmрound tlrе Ameniаn hyросIьу. world sidс wnh lьcArnеnian реoP|e undcr lheir dua] ..lсadсБhiр.. ftcеР in mind lhеDаshnаksagan gюцр сrсatеd thеn оцп сhurсЬ сal,o?iсos.,' аrс сеlе.bвtinЕ thе l70о.' Anпlvosаrу оf the eslaьl]shmеnt of thе Ameilаnсhrislian сhurch, тhjs ь ru]y a Ьlesеd еvе.t dсlervnrg otlhе rесоgn|tiоn olфe !ooр]еs ofаll фe roligiоns oflhe sond вutihе hБtoryаndxссоmрlъhлrспts оI.thс Armспiaп Pеоplo rcmаin hidden bссаusс theтaфntiо! ь nхrd so]e]' uPon tЬе еvеnls ol.oltomаn Гurkеyj lhеrеfоrc.whепever аn ̂ anепian oI Armоnians aIе dьсu$ed ]n thе mеdia' lhсsPonielrt is оn rhъ раst сvсnt, ьulnevоr on апу of thеr a.h].vспrепкаnd сo.libutjопs to soсjсlу. аs аnelhпiсgrоuр'

I|rdееd, it aрРeаd lЬаl thе lоla]it} of^rmеnian lrinory rсvоhсsвIоuпdthссvспtsо f thе |9L5рсr iod , I tъno lenоug!1oрIоfes . . l аmxсlristiaп',, illhс tсаchings or нim wЬо сstab]ishеd lhe сhristian гanharc not Pmсliсe!. Wс must not ьIame relieion fог lhe lirhtrсs оtрсoр]e,and Nith 1Ьс пcsдge оl Judаьn' ]na ' and сluьlianitу. unileвa|рсaсе aпd Ьrothсlhood вill ьo .ur дrсatrst git1 b olr .hndren,

тhсrсfоrc' уоu ofAmeniаn aлсеsry. desрnс уоUr рIidс iп уolrаnсiсnl Ььlory аnd рrofound adherслсc to уоuI сьrьtiаn fаilh, ha!еgrielouslу Леgated thс vаluеs shiсh are thс integтal oьjc.liv.c .l зL]peoр]сsоfgoоd wil|. spe.inсaILy. tlre Annef,jаn.aьifiсдtn]п.l lhe h lrоriсa| еvents taking р]аce in ottоmaп тulkeу, bе.оrс аnd duliпg tъсFnsl wol|d War' аnd thс сеase|e$ ln|есtiоD ofthе пinds and hеаns ofArmспiап сhjldrеп rvilh а ЬiltФ hдtтed ].or а Feорlе Nho hаd аlso $tГ-fеIеd nlring lhс soпe 'ar, rсmаin cоntтarу lо the fundаjnenta| doemаоf уour holy сhurcЬ, Yоu, the Armсniаns outside о|тurkеу, сoпdеmnthь soп of,n ^rmcniаn nrоllrФ bесаusе ог 'nу positlоn. Ьсcause olfuywotk, аnd ьeсluse l ta!с епьIaсed ФurтU&islr ьюtheв аid sslек |tjs ьeуond уоur сonrрrehensiоn аs tо how ].ou|d dе!оtе пу |iti l. tЬcеndеaloБ as lсvоx]cd ]n tlrъ ыоrk. fоI trvo гсasоns] Yоu ha!е beеnrаughl lо hаrc, bесаusс No сlrild is born with аnimosity in hь lrеall,

тhс тroth Nrui ьс тold ь)' Еdl.rd тшln

аnd as a rcsult уоur ljtъ tljll rеmlin ifiprъoпed in lhе darkпеs оfha.tоd. You at salsfied Nith уоur ailegalions аgаnБt me. mу monуa.nопs, aпd mу sinсerilу, гаthel tlЕn аcссрtine thс lасls оl тurkish.Aпnепian Ььtory, ltwas tЬc good forfunе оlmy Ьrothe. теdenсe.ndmc tо ьс Ьоrn to рarcnis who taughl us oul hьlо.у lоtаl|у void ofaf,inositу tьr thё тurkish рeoр]е and their Ьеloled, ГоmеIhоmelаnd,

тhe cопc|usiоп оf nrу аutоЬiоglаpЬy drass nсar' and аs I ЬаveЕviewed thеsе nany раgcs' | рoader my finаl statёfienls and foy linllwords' сenain|y l бuslertend mysiпсeE apPreсiatioп to thе Iеadel ofih]s Ьumble оlfering' shilе I фсogпizе lhдt thеse pagеs, ьу anу stlttсho|the imaeiпаtion, do пol makе аn aulhor, вut nre сoпtсnls' сvсnts.frajoг рю,jесls' орjnjоns aDd thc рcоplс wо Ьаvс mсt, аs ha!е beсn dс.sсnьed Ьеге. are all Ьаsed upon irrcfutaЬ|с fаов' тhсsе раgеs вjl] nоlmсril thc reсoennion.|bсing сопsidсrеd as а literalу wolk. and tlrat il$onld interen рeoр]e outsjdе оf the тurkьЬ.ADrсriсаn cоллuлiliсs Бgrcslianaь|е, B|t hаttсd dИ.l ьюn1еthoо.l hа|е nо lаg' лo ё|hniсitfJ г d i . J ц o , dц l e , о F ' . | , , I с J ' е | 1 г . , ' n , | | | е 5 . о n | l j е l oЬnng Mаnkind сl.ser to anоlьеIsor|d сoпnagrвt]oо' thеn lhс mсssaeс.1.ths *orу is Ibr e'e,ao,e тье ]volld will пevеI сonre tо know thlswr]ter, поrshou|d il, ьUt гоI thc affссtiоп схсЬаneсd wilh lhousаlds otреoрle, aпd гоr ihе mаny hoaоrs рresentеd lo !s (he said in al] huпilitуI), t lсс1лy hlmb]о ]ilc has indсеd served mу соd, лу familу, апdрeoр|e of good wil|. FoI tьоsе wlrо ЬшьoI ьatrcd toward othсr pcоPlсЬeсause of then mсо, crcсd, сlhniс оriein оr h]stоriоа1 соnfiiсl. wiIIоnlу destloу thensсl!сs with thс саnссrоlhаtс,

Аmong the mаnу ]irсlо^ *h]сh. sinсe nу e!r|у уouth' hаvе devс]орсd mу atijnily rvnъ thе тurlъhрeоple, ь theil iпьегепt qцllity ofbejng fuаnifestlу void оlhalе, AпоtЬer fеatulе оГ drе тnlkьlr chamctelь thсn сlсmаl ,,ciilel

Фz]ii'' Gmilinc irсe) оlфred to a lriend or еven astrдпgсг lfl*eЕtoJnilеalа strаngеr in lhе slrcels ofNоw Yоrk сitу.| соu]d proЬаь|у ьc сonsidcrcd as Ьсing meлtаllу сhаllenged' orсaDsean8еr, аn схр]сlivс, follоwcа Ьy а shoшedi ,,wьrt fie hеl| !rе ,o!

one ol lhousands of sayings oI pюverьs in тulkish rel €a|s thegenеIositу oi lhe тulkьь hевn in Йis ndnne|| Thе fudпвеr lhо| .опсslо oпе\ Jоо]\IеP is сonsiIlеrcd а aueslJjaп сod алI1shоuld bе oсоlnп.dаl..J ас..l11ing!у riavё уou еver beeл a guest iп s тuft]shfioпe? l|поt, plaп уouг nехt vaсаtion io lhе ьomеlапd of sаntа с|ans.

тhстru'h Nlцn м l.old ьrЕdмrdтlshji

оl sаiпt Paul' $е tlоmс oft|rе vilgin Mary. аnd lhc оаnу hislolу ofсnrъtiапitу. Judаьm, and |slаm,

ofonс lhing I am сеfraiil Yоn will оnо daу Iеtun lo lьс Rо

qvё сhftliаN tаlk аьоut.tuming thе оlьеr.Ьeek.' Ьut it hаs Ьeeп theМUnim тurk ]Yho has |ollоwed thь tсaсhilrs оf t]re Prinсе о| Pсасс'вeсапscofthе.е|еnl|esllti тцrkъhPosll|согlьеrYеa|thу Amrёn;.iand Grсck сommunitiеs nr tlrе Uпilеd stales ann othсr ,гrjeDd|y. соuпtгiсs, the Ьlаtаnt рrejudiсс оn nrе рaa ofфe nеws mоdia and mоst рoll.tiсiaпs acаinst тurkоу cоnlinrcs аs il has foгgепcЙtn]is' t hxvcаlNауsfouDd lьс тurknh resрonsс to Ьс лоst jnеffесlive тn mу hundrcds oflcnсв to a .plеstigioui Nеw Yоrk nсivspаpеI. in respoпsс to lhсn аnti.' п lF t .d| o ' i i | , о | 1е\ . |ероn( . \oт n\г , с г l г , . o I ' , Jo]еspondenсes has over Ьосл рri|rtcd, lп the elnу ]970s аn aniс|e in Псл.zd.г,s Digсs/ ьIaned тlrkey fоr lhе hеrоin вddiсlion ol.Amсriсаnyoпth ln mу |еngthy геsропsе to: ..Lс.s slop нсlоiо lt ils sоurсe''' Iъad slаtсd in раrt

..we ыrоuld e!fijnе WнY Amсricапs аl € sо сonsunedNith drug эddiсtiоn.Iаthel !ьaп aссusc lЬстurkъh Gоvclп]neпlrvlriсlr innil!les striсtсoatroь oftlrс рорруseeds l.оr the legitmxte usеlоI рhаflnасеutjсal Produсlion ofhсroin fol mеdiсаl purРosсs, lt соп.tinuеs to ье а рalt of thе .Lelъ в]аmс Lhс тulks' sупdrome \rhiсhпelel сеasсs io рrcoссlру сеnаin glouрs. тo с.nрoпnd tjrъ оutmge,wlren i'e оьsепе lhe dngсonsu|nplion iп ourсountу todаy, аld cоu.р|еd wilь фe stenсh oГ thс PoilrовIaplrу mеrcьanк' I соndсmn оuIсоnerсs wЬich sits ilrjudgfienl оl thс тurkьh рeор|e $ilh Armсn|xп

Lei my.oпnlry сonsidеI ils оьi hislory and ha!е the A]neпсaпlndiaп sil iп judgmenl

PRo?osALs FoR YoUR сoNsIDЕRAтIo^*:

\ "р"ь ' ' ' i а , , . t n j с ' | nJE , , .n ' , l . o е ,d" le r i l . . ' . ] | J

гe]ations BiIh a loуа1аlly. drе Repuьliс ofтurkсу. Ь! аррсasin8 iILogicа! dе|nапds ofa sma|] ьul weаllhy АJnrоnjап сoпrnuпrlу, l thсrctоrcoffсг thо |оllowing propоsaь fоr the reаdels сonsidсIаliоn


Thстruih мlпDcтdd ь]' .dwшd тaьji

l Amо.g other с|aims пadс bу Аrmспian .lсadсб. xgainstihс т!r*s' ]s theiг dепand lhat тu|kсy fоfum'poaions о|ih ]апd totье A]пrспiaЛs. of сoшe tlrе Glссks пanl 1hсir' р]есe oГ dre Tulkьhhoпe|and. aDd ]сl us nоt forget thе Kurds, thе Rusians. thс syriаns.thсlraqъj 1hс kаnians' and tьe rеst ofthe.give mс'сrowd' Alter al1thесlаims arё s]tjsficd ьу lhс gепelоus тtrlks аnd sinос tъcrc \'il] bе noIandleп lbl theпr' lhen }'о will hale 65 MlLLloN тURкs сome to thеUnited stаtes оГAmсrjса. and sеLde hеt' тlе] € and поN, l рroроsс thстn|kъh Gоvernmenl ]nр]епrспt mу рIoрosаl Ьased uрon оnly oNЕсоndn]оn' аnd lYhen d]at сonditioп ь ftlnllсd, the тurks }j|l ьcgrnPJсkiпg lhciг |ueaage тле сonditiоn. lo rvъiсh I hдve given muсh

тhe Uпnеd statсs sholld FlRsт гe,/, all foпnсI lс|тitоriсs lоtlrс ̂ mсriсаn lnd]ап people] ,?n,, Puenо Riсо, аnd lhe is]аnd nalionol'сurm to spаi|r; апd lhc laIlds oГ nоw oссuрrсd ьу lhс slales ofтexаs. Nе$ мехiсo. Nevadr' Ulah' АIj7-опa, сoLomdо, апd оf cоulscсal1torлiа to thс sоvereign natioл oгМеxico,

suсь а propоsa| v'ou|d Ьс сolsiicrсd аs ludiсrous ьу Аrnегiсans. ьut Lllren dre fanaticа] frincс Nith its own maр hls dеsigпs oптllkislr soil. Wнlсн Amоriсan Pо|iliсian *оuld dаIe to saу: .,тhеAmcлiзn dоmаnds are ]udiск]us,.?

2 Mу scсond рIoрosаl is .s sеriоus as Ihс lirel. rnd equa|lywe]| thought оUt' Еor усaБ ,ny соlntry has ьecл ехрosеd tо ап еPi.dсmiс оlАmсnian rеsоlulnJn\ aпd.un} statc LсgьlatoБ lrаvc blolahllhс йьifiсаtion оlтlrkьh hjsloгу iпtо tfiе Aпеriсаn сlаss rооm' wсll.why lЬеn сm not thе тurks rcсipюсаlс,i tГ пy сou.try саn cФmncftor,1с tъe Ф'lЬiсll.AпnеЛian Genocidс., thсn тurkеу should с.mf,еmorаtе tЬc fасtual genoсide oГthс Amсrjсаn Ind]an leoplе. ] ргоposе theтп|kьh Pаr|iаmenl deсlаrе Julу.1"' ofеveгу уeдI as а Da],o7.лe,.,lb|апLf ф 1hе Аuе|icопJndkп Gелосi.lе,

тhr oьove plopоsаь sill nоl Ьc takсn sсrioпs]t' bш lbrfiе a|lеgаtioпs а8аinsl lhс pcорlo I зm prоud lо sспc. тurkеy ь |оuпd'guilLу.. Ьу groпрs mоrс сonсened lY]lh then оwn asenda rаtЬc| lhаn

lш ' b . т o |dь1 Еd t r d тБh i i

wlLL тURкlsti sтUDENтs BЕ AвLЕ тo сoRR.Ест тнЕlRтЕAсIlЕRs?

! l i a !суouev*heа ldоf схрЕss ioпssuсhas] . l tmustьеtгue . l r саd i lin lhе лсwsPaрсr,. Ф .тhе norуn lасtlal. ilъprinted]n aЬoоk.? wеl|.rhe readelhas rсad /n6 Ьoоk: doеs it mсаn lЬаt Ьссausе mу autoЬiо8в

рhy $аs рuьlъhed it аutomatiсal]y паkёs my огfс ns lohlly fаctux|?|n а1l сlear соnsс]епсе' I рroclаim not опe $ord ofthъ wоIk ь bаseduроn deсeрtio!. ьut фе спlil]Uс оlt|ris ьook dеPends прon lhе рeвресtile оl.tъe rсadеr, весause I sa' the cоntспts heтe are |асtuаl. il oьljоuslу does nоl sugвсn drаl drе Amсniаns wiu сопсur Ljkсwlsc, bе'сause ьоoks аr. wrinеn аЬоulthе Armсniаn .Gеnoсide', d.cs it mеaпihаl lhe Аnnепian a|lсgаlions а.е gospel? olсolБе not, Aпd historyсonсls] Lсt пs l €tum to lhe Amеriсan сiasrooms, whсrс уouпg sludеnк arё raпgЬt aЬout the sufГeilng оlthс Annen]ans ofoltomanтuгkсy, Wilh aп evсЁincrсlsing Tulkъh AmeilсaЛ cоlmuпttу lhrolghоUtolr соUnnу, in сouпde$ schоols cfiildleп о|т!r!ьll anсestrу wi]l раrlj.jраtс in oureduсalion slstсm When sсhoФlleхt Ьoоks Еfеr10а ьls.briсrltmgсdy, Nhiсh пelеr oсспrЕd. rvill ourтurkьh childreл ьe ablеto сha|lеngе their ,еduсatoБ'. and ьсnсо tьс hевding qDеsliоn of lhisscоtion' ]п уеl anоthсr сfгolt, tо rnakеnypointоп the Aпtniaa ьsuс,

с j o , о \ , ' J ' ' с | | . . , ' , r ь o | l о тЛ ] ' . r ' D | с , с n | еd ! l ? / 0 . F

fесl exlaрlеs of,/,?sc/,o.ds llLLcЬt in hiф{сhooь as fа.fllаl iпfoma

oп sерremЬсr 6.". 1999' on thс ABс тv nenvоrk, .20/20.. lhehоsr ог t|re ьгоаljсаsr аnd wе|l kпоwn neNs cоmmeпtаlor Мr, samD. ' J d ,о | , р l r е i . J ' ' r e 'о | , , е \ l Oo ' . . |n r * \ , с | . r l , | . / r .foпatioa had ьссп used 1о tеaсh high sсlrоolstudents аrоund oш сountry, The lо|Iоwing infoanаtion is hkea lrom mу nolеs wЬi.h hзd Ьееnwritlсn iom mеmo.у during drc Iive ьгоаdсrst:

q |еn ь ' o^ ф\са , |е 5EЕc o| | ьe ,q о пе| .o\ r i ' е а 'о rаdeo lbrоnzс l tЬе fас tъtheo l te r .оvс . iпg i s fuadeоfсoppеI l

2 A teхt Ьоok.teaсhe' sludсnc tlrе fiБtalom ьоль hаd beепdюpрed оn кorсai the Гaсl ъ' it \las drоррсd ̂ ]i.e on JAP^N lii

] ^ tеxl Ьоok sвtes gnnjс аnd giшeDgаrс verу Ьсncfiсjа]lbrgоod heallh] thс faсl ь tьe assсni.n hэs пever beеn sсiсnlifiсally


тl'eтnlh мшt м тo'd ьу лdlтd тшhji

4 Aрhоlо in аteхlbook. tаken in 1915. shows aumеrоus meпwnh.joinеd hаnds lrоund lhe tпnl ofаirссj supроsedl]i lо рrevent tlreсUitif,g оlфe lree, сoпfoaninc wnh todаy,sеnlnoппеntllьls, тnе гасtis' theу showed thеn'i/}ofthс treс|

5 А tcхt Ьоok |or Ьigh sсьоol studфls /...,es lъat сhr]stоpherсоlnmЬus hаd aрDеаlеd to tье king and qпсen оl.sраlп fоr ЕIGHтyоаБ lor the tirnds nсссsary fоr his eхPcdit]оn in 1492' A,D, whiсhmeаns сo|uпьus Nou|d havе Lаndеd in lhе.New wond,in l5i]0,A'D'l Faсt ь hе laпdсd ъere in I492l

6 Prentiсe t]аi|' lье rеsрeсtеrl рuЬlьhrБ rcvоаl the namеs o|FoUR aпlhоN' one oГtЬепr пamed Мs, Mlton' аs Ьeing сопtгiьutoБ toа Ьоok оn hntJrу (I did поt l €cоId thс Ьоok's ft|e) Mг Dопa|dson iEtсп]сvs N'!s Мatoп апd sЬс xdmits shс kaсi'NoтtilNG aьout dreьоok| тье оlьеr thrcс .aulhors, had NoтнlNG 1о dо wilh IЬe \'nlingoflhе,hьtory Ьoоk..enhel. FoUR NAMIS wсlс usоd i]|egallу'

7 Another hьlоIу lcхt ьoоk оlfсrs оur studепts tlrе ььtolу oilhе lathеI of oul сouniry. сeоrcе Washiпgton, епсоmpassсd iп тнRЕЕpagеs. whilс iп thс sаmс Aпrеriсап .lrъtory Ьоok..s|х pаges rе dе\ oЕd |o l,Iari |!л мoлrое !

8. A g sшdеnt DID Noт Ьеliсvс Ьei hicъ sсьoo| teхl boоkаnd infoфed hег tеасЬсr Ьcfоrс thс с1а$' bесause duling hеr lisn tolhe stltuе ofliЬеrry. snc Ьаd |eаmеd lhе оutel сovernrg was Inаdс ot.сoPPЕR,

9 тhе fol]оNnrgьtakcп from аn Aвс тv news ьюadсast, onoсtobеr 2t.L' 1999: In а Philadсlрhiа high sсh.оl' ]iьrary bоoks shоl'lьаtNeьоп Малdelа ofsоuth Aйсa had beeп kil|ed, and thаt N1аn nzzlлol гeасhed thс $ffаce оt the Mоoп a5 oflhаt datе] lt is nlcолссi!аЬ|сthаt lhe aьovс Ьlundсrs сould hlvе tаken pIaсе!

Фe aaswФ lo tьe quеstioп of tlrь seсlioa ь lound iп the ir 8 eпtlуs|rown above, тhс уoung girl knея the infоmation in heгleхtЬook wasnrсоlтeсt. аnd shс inlоmed heгс]asmalеs оltьс fаcE' тhъ ь рrссъеlywhаt тuikъh stDdeпls ''ls7 do' wha€ver lhсtс ъ аnу rеlьrеnсе lo theAmenim sфесt. Еqujрpеd with tЬс lxсts ol.тUrkьЬ Aпeniaп fiь-lогy, ouг studеnts wil|rеfutс tЬо lаье dеsсriptiопs oflhe еvenls in ot.tоmаnтUrkсt' Prсsсntod iп a сalп, intеlligeлt mannсr' оursfudеntsсanrcvсаl ъisloriсаl fасts whiсh thе lсхtьoоks will nоl mсntioп' but ]п order !о offеr the тurkьh Pсsрcсtive. оDr sludenls must ьe kпоrтlсdgс.


ab]e ot their оm hьtory, Апопg oшеr ifоfulаь|c fаcts: тlrc Andon'anЕorgelies] tlre Ramgаvаr. t|Е нunсlrak дпd Dashnаksаgаn Rсvоlultoпаrу раl1iеs aпd thеir тwЕNтY FIvЕ YЕARS o|tbеlljon аgаinstтUЕkeуi thс freеdom епjoуed by Фe Armсniаns in тulkeуj the ьjghesl ро.snions olihс oltoman govепrпeпt held Ь, соunl|css Аrmenlапs; шeАmеnjaп suррort оtNаzi ссmanу duling thе eany !940s. inсlLdingтwЕlvЕ Ameniaп banalions lhatsеruеd tlre Nazl Аmу] i|о!rтurk.ist studсnis аЕ aNаl € оftЬеse fась йёn lea.nсБ аnd fеllоw studеnts{'i|l lеan lhе tfutn оf тulkish hьtory and linallу rссognlzе thе dесеption and fDud оlфe AmсniаnsI


u* ьс тold ь! [d}!rd тrlhii

IN гINAL RЕсoGNIтIoli AND сoNсLUDlNGPЕRsPЕстIvЕs oг тIlIs АU'l.нoR:

iо a linаl сndjng, I Ё|t ihе fо]|owing м'o seсlions neеdеd lо ье ad.drossёd Еnsl, ьeсause nunrerous individпаh ha!ё al.Ieсled jnу |ifе аnd$olk. I shou|d 0l |са$ rePeal tЬёn пarnеs with my elemаl dcЬl аndgmtitudс. wnhоut fufthеrdеsсnptioп:

Му ьc|o!сd рarelts, Dr, sсlahatlin вiiylkiina|. Dr, oktaу Ak.kеnl. Dr сслk вnynkiiпa|.Мr. Taik вu|ut. Мr, Еrgiin Kn|ikovаlj' мrЕgernen вaдь. thс lxlo Arneni.n Patrjarch Ilъ Епinеnсе $nоrk Кrlutsyап. thс сlereу.Гlhc sуr]aп oltlrоdoх сhtrrch (in тшkеy аnd here)'M6 sеvinq Yаnran. Dr, Ata Еrim, l]or his рltjспсе and wъdom. andМI,IЬпhim Kпrhrlu!.lbr!l] his wоrk, I must rссognize о!r сountlсssInends \ithiп dre гоdсrаtiоn oГ т0rkьh.Аnсnсan Assoсiations. Inс,.аnd lhе Аsсmьly оlтпrknh А]ner]сan Аsосiаtiоns (lo.аtсd in wash-!rgto!. D'с, arca). A пеv апd mоst dediсatоd friсnd hаs rеquеsle! lorcma1n аnоnуmоus and lhеIсlorc l sьаll Iсгcr lо н'W, Ьу сrlсndiпgпуdссp grаliludе fol lrъ magпinсcпl оffоlts аs olrWebmlstег нъ ta|cntshave not on|у sсNсd lhь writcr' bul !ьo tlrе тulkьh рeop|е]

onо mоrename remаiпstо ьe пrепtiоncd аnd this рсБo! $j|1ьcrcсоgnr7cdаs l bnпg фь wolk to its сonс|пsion

Фе sес.id fi.a|Еdion h0e ь nrу pesолa|рс6рссlj!с ol.rhъ $rilеI:DеaI Reаder. muсh оlmy |iГe's storу ъ m]ssnre frоnr tltis аulоbioglx.phу. suсh аs x fiorc elaboвlе лamtive ofmу yоUlh. аnd аn floma.lve dеsсriр!оn оlпу ]ifс.Iong pоoIlrexlth. аnd lhс diiiсultjes ol]с!гnrg lbr ]nу molhel dп|ing thе finаlуeаre o|hcr |ile' вut thеsе suЬjeсtsаre pUrсly ofa !c6onаl nalurc. *'hiсh gl € siпi]аr to t|]c схрсrienсes oImaaу оГоur rеadеп. тьcsс раges hoре to rе!сa| thс inсорtiof, nnd thеPasiоn o|fiу ]iieъ work. myhпmЬle effо s.дnd ьelore orylifссomеs10 0п end' to огfеr thь Ьook аs mу legасу lo ALL lhе реoр|еs ofоUrcаrtЬ with ра|tiсular atеnlon and siпсerе dediсatioл to тurkish аnd^пnсn]аn Yоuth ln дl| hoпestу, I nrust leУсаl to my rсadеrj my сonsсiеnсе isсlealand frеeоldolЬt' му humblе еlГons have пevelsoughtlo сoпуc' а пrсsagс оl hatc] in rea]itу l Ьаvе Iеlealеd thе utter futi|itуоf hаlrсd N4у hun1blе еl}bas ha!е пе!сI soueлt materiаl eа1n оr tЬe

lBеfоre mусоnсludine strtеmenls Rhiсh sill ьrnrg mу altoЬiо8rаphу


tri ь. тo|d ьу Еd*rrdhshji

аdulBtiоn o].thе рсoр|e ] hale sеIved' jn lсаljtу l hаle аttеjnpted to re-!еa| thе цпiquе .ofiраsiоn огmу palents whо hаd stгfеrеd аnd уelta0вh1us tо love' тhеу dеsеп'с .ndlоs рraье|

тhь nаs Ьeen lhепostаrd!оus сtтolt on пу Part. duling x |ifc.tiпrе oL $ork, Mу wifс аnd l сoпtiпue b Ьe а livi|]g testnnonу 10 thсinseраIдьilitу of lhe тUlkъh аnd АInепiaD реoр!оsI so ilhаs Ьееп a.d

тh. lo |оs ne | t r еч цL]|ьnпcLh. $ . r | iо асonс lБ ioп:

u arс rt1 rсason lo livс

тhеsе words lrc lhе ьegnrпing |уrjсs оllhc сhопs of а ьealntn| songfronr the frid |950s саllсd lill Yеs, one morc ь to ье Ieсоgпizсd innrу mosuпiquе alloьiograрЬy. Ьut Iamfасеdljlhаn imроsjь]e task'nrmelу. how qi|l I Ье aьle to b.ing lo pxроI mу сопс|udjng satсmспlswhiсъ lvi|l rсtъr tо tlrc nrоst imPonlntРsоn in mу |ifе? тhe оnс 1nd!v]d!a|Rhо hаs gi!сn mе lhe пosl haРpino*, lvho lras supроrted ne fimy Nork, $ho has dьрЬycd раtiепсe aпd sеlIsаcrjnсо. fal bеуопd frуaЬilitу to схрIess. wьо lо lhъ dаy. ЕleБ lо mе as her,'hсro.', а1l tlreseand in sрitс of jnuсh more, sъc hаs Ьcф Iссoenjzed tЬe ]Рiql rn thььоok. t]er nanс ь Mаlу. апd shе ь my ьelo!сd wifе оl lbny $r glоri.

Аs rcvealеd earljci olr lxmiliоssсrс friеnds ьеlоrс Mаryапd Irvоrс Ьоrn: sьс. ьorп jn WaEaоRn. маss,. аnd l, in тroу, NcN York'Аt 1ьё lgе ofIh|tc. Maгу lоslhе. |аthсi and Ьer nrоtlrеr lYas lеlt wid]n!е сhildr.n, thс oldcsl оГwlriсь \N elevea ycas о|d, тo say sho hаdа difiсu|t сhjl{]h.оd is an undеБtаteпenl тhс сircumsалсes rvьj.hьrought hс| lо Ne]Y Yoтk to beсomс nrу wi|е, ъ the rорiс rоr xiot|rerьook our lifс togеlЬеI,lras had ts shаrс ofjоу aЛd sопows, but olrЛrurual haррinеs Ьythс g.асe o|God. |аr схcсeds oul реnods о|dilfi.сп|tу апd eгiell Rоmantiс sonдs. рoеtlу, ]Yоrds of дt. аnd loIu]nes ollitсrаtrпэ, wondвjdс' hаve eхрlcssсd lоvе апd |оf,ging tor оuI bеlo!edmatсs, раrсnts.апd сhjIdren.ьпl I аncоп!iпсed пo рoсl, nо lyaсБl, поaflъl. сoD]d hоFе tо dеsсriьe пу $Lрlemс andсle.rаl lоve ibr mу Ьсаu.1iful wiiе, N{д.у то dсsсriЬо cleп ьгieJ]у' hcr qnalitiеs ofреIleсlьnwonld requne ф!n, Pаgсs aпd lhoueh the рurl]оsс оlmу аltoьiocra


тЬ! тrftЬ ]!ron be т0|d ьу Еdlяrd т]lьji

рhу hаs ьeеn the sublеct ofтurkъh'Aneliсаn relаtions. mу Мa1' lrxslb rуeа6ьeenапdсоn l inuеs lоЬе.аn in tegmlсomроnen lо fn twork ,

Mу eпdlсss mсmoriсs. mosl ol whiсЬ саn not be dеsсribed hеге,ьеgiD the dаy whcn Mаry ьeсomes lhe mаlоr pan of my |ile' lt toоkр|rcс.n Mау 4,'. |958' in our sуrian oahodох сhl|!h. in wсst NсwYоrk' Nerv Jебеу. during oul wedding ceremonу, тhс сlсrgy stоoа inliоnt оfthe a|tаI, thе ьIidalраrtу, nowoБ. familу memьёФ and guеsts,wеIе аll in plаcсj tvаilinc for thе еntry ol.f,у Qцeen. тhеп thе оIgaDБtьсgan to р|зy lhе .Weddiпg proссssioп.. д!d еveryоnе stоod up а!drun"d , \ t ' J e1 ' ,oл l lhеь! . \ oIoJ| с tL . \ , ' .F ,hс (а ' л ' т .aeе oГ ]пdеsсnbaьle ьеautуl му angеliс wifcro ьсj esсоfred by hеrьDthel, Pеlеr' stеррed nowly to{'аrd thо a|lаr. яhсre I !.od' oveгrvhеlmed ьy thе magninсеnсс whiсh rррroасЬеd сIosФ and с]oser. Iсаn nоt Ьellсve аlmosL a ьal|a сепtulу has pased: MaIу has fu]fi|lеdnу ljlъ rvnh suprеme joу,

It is an ьonот апd a рrivilсcс fоr лс to be in ! suрtne]уjoуousposlnопtо at lса$аltompl to.olea|mурuIе lo!е lol пry wifе Мaгу, nrthеse раges and beГorr tьe $ol]d, тhe reasоns for lovinе nсI аrc i.fi.aitсito doline my ]оve tolhегin!еБe оI nrуmе rvou|d Ьe fuh|еito cх-o f t . I D |o\е ъ , \ -1 . г \o , |d |сq ' , in xп с оq ' с | сс v t . t F r . , . ' 'sьlепt wnh mу vосaЬulаry, t]оwe!еr] in sрnе оtlhе infiпne aпd lhеfutilitу. ] fсс| oЬligсd lо div!|gс а firnrпa] ooпрilаtioп of sопrе ot helfianу saсritiсеs, hеI effoas, дпd dсvоlion to алd suрpоIr о|mc ш my

гo l , .d . , / t : i ' ' n \ ,П lр , , ' Jn t l o ,v , , y , r с Пe ' ' -ei /daUвhtco. toоk cale оlmy limilу аnd mу еldеnу parents, еspe.cia|lу my лothсr Mу nоlhсr, lvъо had |aьoвd lll ьer lilе, ьесanrеvery i|l and Гоr many уеаrs сou]d поl ьс |еft a|onei Маry wоUld cоok,ьatl]e, dEss, аndрreParе lоr slеrр my mоlhсr, inаmannervniсh mаnуdanдlrtеБ wou|d notdo lor thоn о\ln раrеnts' As a pюlisioпa|сosпrеtоlоgst/ьеaпician. shе has рerГormеd wоrks o| afi witЬ tlrе рsyсho.]ogiсal and enotionаl fiпsfoпnаtioпs $nh thе hаь. makс{p. апdьeautifiсltiоn оlhеI сliепts, shе hаs лainlаinсd our homс in!сcсаь|усLеan iпd fumьЬеd {'ith тu*ish mоlifs eyz,]lr,u'.

нe| cooking tаlсnG аrc сqualedlо ъer фacjс ]vith a neеdle aпdthread. нer knorvledge oГ Гashioп and пЕdьal sulrjесts and sо mudrпroге, have пrade mу |ifc thc rcсipiспt ofhсr kiлdncss, hcr lаlоnБ. herсalinв. and hеrеtеrna| ЬсaпtifiiI smiIe


A.meпiцi Alьgrdoп тh. тПй Mвt Ьо тоld ьу EdФd тshli

| г |nе дLп m о . ou ' t \еs ' ' l , r u , ' ' mоre oеauu|L| t 'n сvс l'ust as а рct рuppу hзs no соnссрt of fift' in othсr wоIds, whei fheowпer lеa!еs lhе lоom, the Detbсliсvсs it ъ folеver аnd bФпmеs drstrаugЬt' so il js wilh me] WЬeп Мary ь out оf mу !ieя, whcn l c.n nothсar heг Уoiсe' whеn l саn not fфl hel сlose lo mе' I a0 distЙUgьt оvcrhеr aЬsenсc, вut hеI lеtuф rcjuvеnates nу spnit md cоmfofls пу sоul,веlolod Mary' а verу old тurkish sоnc sауs: ..Iг] did not kлow thеrеsas a Gоd, YoU lЬеn would bе my GodI,, Мost рЕсious Nifе' thеseNords l sреak tо you' as I lovе уоu wiih rvеry Ьreadr l иke' For thеgoodnеss of уouг hean' lor yonr сoпforting sлilс' fol lhе peliесtion оfyour brаUliful с'еs. !пd |or !еminding mе еvery dаy lo lakе mу trеdiсiпe, and for so muсЬ mоE l cherьh lhс grouпd yo! stand on]

Deаr Reаdсr, ] сопсIudе wilh lье t$'o mоst beaDliful woгds inANY lаnЕlage I wish for лу мaгy' n' lmily' and ALL !еoр|сs of

coodwill' thе suрIепe ьIessincs ofGoD's LovЕ!


u* ьс тold ьy Еd{jfl тr\nji

^lrt - t:Pno8uс: ьсpтспDсr |l' 2oo|

б-hosс ofus вho arо Гon0nare rо h!!e livеd ьeуond lhо xge оlsirrуyоа|s, wi]l!i!idIv reсaIl a sрeссh wlriсЬ Prсsidсn1 Frаnk]in Roose!еlt.ъaddеli!егеd toаjоjni sсsiоnоfthe с.ncress ofnrс Uпned stаtеs, in\h]сh hе ьad Егeпеd to thс date olфе DесеmЬе. thс 7Li. l9.ll. аs.,, ,а dау ol inflа|ny ,','' ̂ mеriсl,s епlrу iп!о thе sесond wоnd wаr! hadbeеn prсcipitatсd by the sпeak вaaсk ofthс Jараnese An Forсс uPопоUr Мilitarу Nаvаl вasсiп Peall tlаrьоr сlоsс totwo thous!пd Аmei-саn M]|ilаry PеNoлne|]vеIе ki|lсd алd the Unilсd states ввs hullеdinto a пolld солflздаiiол whiсh would e!епtua]lу tаkc thс li!сs o.]n0пу пril]ions ofрсoF1с in lhe сoпfliсl of!uюpe, Аn,icа. andAsiа, At1hе соDс|us]on ol the war' tЬe Uпited stаtcs апd llсr а1|iсs hld dсitаlеdNazj Germапу,ьеIрupреtllxlу,аnd Imреrin|.laРan'вutiп s]ritсoftlrсs.jeпlifiс advanсcmсlls oltЬс modсrn Jпd ftее s'olld, Man\ nraЬ]litylо |ive nr рeacе ynh hь fe|lоw ьman ьeiпgs соntilruсd to mа.1rсsljtsсlfЬу{as оlсvсry mоasuЕ in е!еry l €gion ofour wond

othеr than drе altaсk oп Pсаrl нarЬor thс mаnу waG iп Nhiсlrlhс United states Ьadьeen inlolуcd, tЬо sinc0lаrasрёсl вhiсh had рrс'lBi]еd i|r аll lЬсsc was. was tЬe |aсL lhаlthe AmегiсaD llоmсlаnd hаdnсvс| ьсеn the t]еld.Гьаtl|e. вut Amсricаъ dсstinу wаs сhаnged lirЕcvсr d0ring thс fiomiпg о| sерtenrЬеI tlrе l I]],.200l. -.hеn hаted andtinаliсъn опсe аgaiп rе!сaled its сvilрhi|osolhу, тhе hойijс епd Iesllls o1.Lhe tеlтоrьt аtlасks LlPоn lhe wоr|d твdе сепter jn Nс]v Yoltсilyапd tЬе Pentаeол вlildjf,g. in WashingLoп' Dс,, havе nо rc]аtiontothь aulоьiоgrrрhy. nortо тuгkьh.Aлrericал ЬьtoD', ноwсvоr. evenlhougъ rl was mу ]nlentiоn lо сo!сlude this rvоrk wilh lhс ]voll1]LovЕ. thc salage аsault uроn my соunfiy lhе Uпitеd stаtеs ofAmегiсa апd thс ЬаrЬаliс mlrder ot.с|osс to tfuес drousaлd nrnосeлiсivilians. сomрсls mo to otъI the Iеadеr jnу pcБрсctive on lhis hotriblоe!ent. !vh1сh rvili iпсludе а тurkislr сomponеnl oncс agаin' тurkеуъas notreсе]ved lhе reсogпitiоn shоdсsсnэs'

тhe dерrаved and Godless recjme o|the тaliьап .Govсrlmслt.оt thс waFtom сo!f,lry оf Alghапъtan, cаmе to powоr аltcr уeаrs оl\!аr rvith thе tbmer soviеt Uniоn, вnl drс wnhdrаwa| oГthс Rusiaпs


Il. тru'h Nш' ь! тJJ h} [dlrld тьhii

dш пol br]ng pcасс аnd fieedofr t. thс рсор]e o|lhls devrnаtd hoпе-

тhе nrсamalо оlсvil nаmеd osаfua ьin Ladсn аs |eadel o| thстrljЬаn апd Al.Queda Ьands оltcпюrъts, pюсlaim illcmsсlves as lhe.Delendere оlь]э|n,.and their sоndwidс wсь ofdесeрtjоn аnd mi|ilarу аgeression sith tlre attaсk оп йё hоnc|and ofthe Unnёd siаlcsтhеil indoсtrinltiоn оfthсir fо|loweь and tЬс леIсenаIies fгоп АraЬсounries. P|!duсеd an ,Amу.' of n|iсidsl fanаliсз, ̂ s а rсsu|t tепоris$ l]eq twоjеt plаnеs ilrto the тwjn тoweБ of the Wond тmdе сeп.tеI and аnоther onс into thе Pеntaeоn Ьuildin8, тhe tеrriьlс loss otthousands о|lj!еs, thс сountless ttrоusлds oГinjurcd, !пd lrose tiаu-mаtizеd lот ljfc. the mоnumcnlаldestluсtiоn nnd dlе fаcБ dral оГthlswritine. siх пroпths l!tеr, tЬс rcсо!еIу о|hundrсds ofЬodiеs sti]| сontiпues.has ]nadс thь daslaldlу arhс! uрол i|rnосenl сivi]iaлs оnc ol lhе1уоБt еveпЬ iп thc hьtory oflhe с]l]llzёdRond

тhe unе.revuьion oftlrе сivilizеd реoр]сs оllhс Nоr|d ьгоughlaп jmmed]аtс nrililаIу lesponle liom thc L]njtеd states аnd ЬеI al|iеsаeainsl lьс тx|iЬa. аnd А|.Queda l.оrсеs in ̂ lghаnislап тhс struдeleаelinst thesё еlеmcnъ соntinues, ъul thсn.пс1dоnri|ralion о|lhс ^f.ghаn реорlе hgs ьeсn сrushсd. and a sеmblln.e.ldcmосвсy шd deлo.mliс inslifulions have bеgDn рr]malilу duе lo Amсricаn аssьtanсe'Ап inlenm leadсr. l'Ianrid Kагlai' has lоrmсd а пe} govemficntand anс ] , . , \ е ' , l JD , ' , , с v \ i n l | l с | п ' J ' P

, e l е о , d ' ' g . r с n \

A ' , d l o 1 с . . о1 | i ' ' е

thеn seаlсl] fоI osaпaъin Ladсn. whо ljkс ! sс.Фion has dug a hoLёin the sand as hс attcnrрls to av.jd сaрfure гюп ils jf,сорlion nо оneeхрссted оurmilitary oревlioп in Afghаnьlаn wоuld ьe shoa оl wnh'oпt tЬе los o|оur Ьmvс fiЕlrtiлg пen тo сoпnm tьь. rve ъalcjust а 1 .d , |d . е , .ь l Aг , ' . , ' о |о i с , , | .d . oeРr ( i сd d ' . . 'B -n епсоuпter яnh the сncmу,Ilow many mоre of oш youпe men wi|l mаkеt|]е suрtЛ1е sасrjnсc in еlаdiсatiпg lhese e!i1 оlcnЕnls?

oпe рotсnhаl!у eхрlоsivсlrвeedу oJ.thс\yаrhas ьeеп tьё nega-lvo аttifudс tо]vsld t]rе Munim commuпities Ьy tho nсws mеd|a andrhe genсraL pnЬlic nr lhс Unitсd stаiсs BеLjeviпg thс Afghаn lепoljscnrdеed reрresent аnd spеak оп behаllоftlЕ Musliп ге]igioa manv сdu'сatcd Aпel]сans reсoenizо ALL Muы]n рeор|сs аs Ьloоd thiNlу kj|l.еs. and сoпsidеItЬе нo|у Korа! аsnre mess.ge ofhrtrcdofJеws, andсlrйliaf,s тhis witcr. ь} aIlnеaлs. ъ 0otan Islaпriс sсhoIarЬпtьаsеd

тhетrulh мliьс-Io|d hr Еdwrrd 'г*hjj

uропmyоNn rеsсarсh сoпрlеd N ] mу с]ose affliatioп witlr drс сluь.tian эnd Muыim с.fun1uniljes.I сап $аte that Islаm аDd hсrfаilhfllldonot hаrЬ.rhаrred towa.ds АNYONЕ.

Negative attitudes sооп Ьссamс No6e wilh lhе a.ts ofviolепсeдganБt Мuslnn instituIjоns аnd Mцы]n owпed ьusinesеs thlouдhoutthe Unitcd states, wonеn ]пd сьi]drcn ol Мunfu fаnrillgs Dссап'сfеаlfulо|bс]f,g seеn оп oul stгeets. evеn thоUgh thоy were |oуа] cnizеns ofошсouпnу, Profi|nrg ofmсn wilh M]ddle Еlslem ьасkgгouпdslras сausеd mапу lо Ьс аiiсstсd rvilhоUl лу сhareсs'

тhъ altоЬiоgnphy ui]l noL геview thе few ь|a0riс statоs whсrethc рraсliсс oг non Mus]im Е]igioDs ь поl pеl]nifted Ьy Law (as if,sludiArаьia lnd lhе sudan) lreсаuscthс sсoрсогmу\yоrl в thс соunlrу оl.тurkсу' aпd лоt tlrе eпtirе мUs|nn Nоnd

A11сr sсptсnЬor ll. 2i]0l. iп thc рre$ BDd оn tье Iаdiо tаlk.shоws. the аlIeglIjоns aпd stеreolyp]сaI jnraЕс оfMuыiл pсоp1сs hаsbсe . . с еп J | - c i Ь ь " , т o d . о ' J f а | \ 4 | ' " , \ l t | Р ' o ' , | , ' Iregimes, вho in lЬс .Namс ol.|sLаfi'. Рсrрсtгatе then elil dеeds ь аsепоus mБtаkс, тo с.nsidеr lьe tеrоrьt osama ьin'Lаdсn аs a Мu9|nn Iоli8iоus lсadсr is rhс cпьodiпrепt оf hурoсIьy, Won]d illе сhrъ.!аn wond сoпsider.Iim ]onсs, Dаvid Korсs|r, тimоlhу Mсvсy' тerryNiсьols, Jaпes ваkеr. limлy swаggаfi, .r lhe devj| iпсamalе Аdоlfl.li tlcl. аs lсprcs епtn] e аnd ьcl iсv in 3 lhе lеaс hiпgs oI с lr lianl tу.]

тhe Reрub|iс of тulkeу sas thс nrst pltdominаnt]у Mlslimпatioп 1o соndепrn lhе tеftоrъt эttаcks upon lheUnited statёs' лd oпсеaва]n оlfc.cd оurcоuntryапу xssьiалссаskсd lirr by WasЬiпclon тheтulkьh rcsроЛsс was aьо mаdе in Afierjс! iп ргess гclcases, letteБ,and pnЬliс stаlсmсnts. to sh]сh l shаll гeiiг lo оnlуоnе: on sеptemЬсrlhе l2lhj 200]. m олеn lеnег аddlesed .lо thс Ameriсxn PtrЬliс,. \уаssenl1o йe пrediа ьу ihе Uпitсd Amсriсan МUnim Asoсiltjоп o|NсwY.rkj |nс AЬo!сthe signаLure ofthe нoп пihni AkdаЕ. Nho scflсs аstlrе сhjellпam and PjэsidсDt оfthis тUrkъh mоsque соfumuпь,' ьl5лesа8е of соndо|enссs to Amcnсn and hъ сoпnemпaion of tЬe teпoЕъБ was wel|reсеived in dt сommuпitу оiвrоoklуn, Ney Yоrk тЬеslaleпent *'hiсh hаd ьeеn p|tpаrcd Ьy Мr, ]Ьrahim Kun!|ui' rvhosсrycs аs а mсmьer оl the воаrd о|Dr.eсlоБ о|the nosquе, as rvеll asviсe Prёsjdеnt ofdre тuгkьh.Aпrсriсап гоdсrаtiоn' did not loсeivo thoсоveragе oгlье пrajol mеdiа тhс ооitinu]ng аnt] lslаfr]с йldes rеpеаt


'rфтrulh пьdЬ(T0|d ьу Еdtшd 1ahji

1o thь daу:.Whеrс ь the сoпdсmnаrioп of the Mпsli]n сoпmunilу and

тhc тulkьь Ameriсan сoппuniLу hаs рuьliс!у revеalеd its рosnioп emрhatiса|Lу апd sjnссrclу, ьul ll lьe nсNs пrеdta dсn1сs ourvoiсe, ho*'саn lhсAmсriсaп рLlЬ]iс Ьс i|rfomrсd.] Agа thстurks аrеnоt eileп thе Rсоgnilion thеу right|0]|у dсsсlac'

WЬi|e the religiоn ofovсг ]'000.о00.о00 o|Lhe rvond,s Гailhfulwаs ьеing dcsсriьеd !s aviсkсd,. .violеп1'. ,сvi1.. .fапaliсJ|.. 'anoлe

оlЬеI !j|c aсcшations, lhе тпrkьh Repuь]iс \ras ihс on|у рredоф!nalnу Мus|in1nаljоп wlriсЬ suPгоitеd thс Uпnеd strtеs nr ns deсrsronlo сontnruе lьс ьоmЬj.д of thе Ьlddсn Ьаsеs ol t]t тaliЬan aпd АlQueda tспorъt forсos, dulinв t]rс mоnlh оlIloLу Rlrnadaл (/l,n?a:,,'iп тurkish), hrdeеd. lhс ]аnd of пr} !n.r*raL. сultuгJ]' аnd hьtoljсаlЬeginпiпЕ5. thc Rсрlь|]соl.т!rkсy. oпсe aeliп dld not.есelve the rсс.оgnitiоn she dеsеnсs, тhе сon]liсt in Afghвпinan ассoldlng lо lhcпilit,ry схреrts. wilj cnd iп lhe пelr fuiD|с' тhе сoаlii.n оf п]liоnsrvhiсЬ vill tсonstruсr йe dс!а$ated соunt!' wil| ilrс]Ude тurkБlrmiljtary fоrсes iо Iestolе aЛl] mnnаin lьe lеaсс aлd seсu.t} .1'lhе

Мv huпЬ!е еffon i|r this aUlоE plrу dmus lо а с|osе aпd !s IпoR hаvс cоmе 1o reсogajzс nrу own frоfta|ilr, I рraу God will a|lownrу \]ork to cопtinuе durjag t|]ь nDd Phаsс ofmy hle ivy sinсeleЬoрсhas ьeen $аtсvcn iп a sп1!1l waу. 1 Ьa!e jn{il1cd i|r the herils оlALL рсoрles tlrе ncса |оr сomPa$iоn xnd ыюlhеrьoоJ, Mу affiliahоnпnh thс I,cdсmlin оfтn|kьlr Aп1сriсаn Assосialnjns. |nс. $iLl соn1inuc iп сkхе lsoсiatioп \'ilh ils inсumьепt Presidспt Еgemen вaEЦ, а

уounв. Ьrilliaпt. and tirо|ess lеadеr o1.thс тuгkisЬ ̂ f,с|iсаn сomfi!nitу нe hаs dьtinguihсd hinsclf !л ng mапу otheг acсomрl'slrnrеo(!Ьу servine as thе inrсIpгеtr |оr foплеr Plesjdспl Williaпr J с|nnоD.durnц hь sрсeсh Ьсfо|! the тцrkis|r t,аI|iаmeпr ln аddit]оn, lhь dy.nабiс уоuпg фan hаs aьо sспed as thс sinru|llnоols intеIDreter ]nrtЬe secrсtary оf slalс, соlin Pоwc|l' тo Еgemсп.10 lьгJЬlm. to Ецnn,to Giiler K6kпar' lnd lhс othеr сounlIess yonng тuгlish br.nrеБ an'lsistеrs' I Loаvе mу 1сgасу o].LovL to my man! сonlсmрor!пei thosе]аdiсs апd genllemсn Nho Ьдvc l$оrсd so rnuсh tor tЬеirтu*rsh спlfure, l ]сa!е пу leeас)' o.LovЕ' тo mу lаmily апd t.о0r пlсссs aпdthеir сhi|drcn. I Lеale ]ny 1сgасу oli-ovЕ то mу plrёnв, NЬo gavet|rcil sоп to lье тurkislr рeорlс' I оjт0 theп (1n hса!еn) пу eratсfuL

t !0

Armепirп ̂ llegrtont - тh. Trlth пrU* ьё тo|d ьy Edmrd Tшhjl

LovЕ, And !o heг. mу ьеlоvеd wifе. маг1/, my soше of peФе шdjоy' I ]Фvе her my еt.mI mеmoli6 ofl-ovЕ, In all lhe pagеs oflЬььool,I lеalе \ou.lhс Redde|. !ье noq inрo1J, ьolс iл Ф\ сoтрo5iliФ. in аny lаngnаgе: GoD.s INIINIтв LovЕ.


Armспhn AlФlioi! - тhэ Trulh мцn be тold by Еdmrd тФhjl

фe Ц[rс1sof thе*Iеart


l.r" ",-" f .l-y "/




Ф$Ё 6 L - ' .nIP03tЦu! fiillcl]sЕ

РАssЕPL'Rт A L,ЕтnАNсЕR IАL^вLЕ PoUп | ̂ N

'f"/"4. ,.-. €*-


СoP} o,5c6сr бq.hjhh\ ( гd\!ard'. molhсrI Pq*Poгl(тЬe o.igin.l0tthis dоtuлtпt oп pсгmлпeлte\hibit i'l ,\nk1rаj тurkeу)

2t l

т|. тd ' \lunh! |dJ ь\ lidsтd тЛtji

, ' э


sJдlhсr'sPcssPоfl qs ь сd!т lt € ollomoa

doNпсn'оi lleпnпtntcхЬitit i ' ' Aikx'r l D.kcr')





Сoп oJсdt'дrd'lтhс origiпl| оГlЬь doсtrmёпl

тtt тnrь rr'Бt bР 1old Ь1!]dlard т!shji


s Iqtft сr's 6i11h ссrт!Лсд1eоn рсnnаnсnl eхЬiьil in Aпkаа. тu.kcv]


'unhIтi|J t\ tdsтd т^tji

Еd\'aflъ troйd. бa0d бasliйn. ьoп il sqrik6i|.. оi'f-kсt: an.i с4Nafd.s fо'tlсI' sФnфr 6i'*ji lbo'n i'' .0ф'

Фrkсtl.т|n '|i8| 1i'пe zuьеl lc| h|| .у6 ц1Dn hе| fulnl hulЬал|!, lhis ь hоl|

h. |.lоkаl likе: а dan|iпв ФlоInаa оlJirL


т | r l т n t r h \ l ' Б r L ! l o | d L l L J l r d | дh j i

\.чi' ro.''' гidl fdh.| oJ.\(oг! '.\\. L^tаг.l, ъ"|!i,o|юпфr о1]г(сI ф lrю


тtrтruth \|ujьtто|d ьt tdstrd тДhii

бд6сt,s 6rothef Фlяard.s (lhсtсl !'\пos'Bдtikсsir. t92,


L\oiсffoп qlNдfd oаshji: Тhis ь thс Ьaсk ofUлсle]\4inаs' l922 Plrоtо. Wгittсл in^п!спiаnlТo this dаy,Aгmспiаns сlаim tЬаt itwas..il|е3а]'' to spеak aлd t!riLеin A]теnian, duгing thе dаys оlthе ottomаn ЕmpireI

l l 9

uы ьтdd ЬJ Еdqrd т4ьji

{сrosс dmсflidl1 лiсnd of бa6d бqsuilPftolo 1ekm in '92l. oi'fkс!


-?2 Z? ,'-'2/- 1.2, t.r'r',4,_.,/d./>-:-4

{i urБ . ст , |ф: Ih . l n ц tпчг ' \ r Ln i r :oс( iJ|[с Phdo.rсрiсtii0 5dЬсI ji\lj s

0r.so пY! Ph.los[fu1rdrе 'lcgxtiоls 1l]а1g xDd ]'rni|rg iп A.nсi]lп \с|е illс.!xl

ц ifl,

бlis is l

t tL

тh.тillh llunhE ro|d L! [dsrdтЛtji

q r'N4,dФsh.ji *r.r lhс hk Jоьn сЛ,fфr o.сmпo'


un ьeтo|d L) ЕJsшdтshji


7:06:5l АM


l aп dеeрlу aаtеfullo ihose whо ьaуе spcntlime to ljsit thъ mdotlrcr of mу rvеьsitеs, тье evеnls оf а liгelifue сaп not ьc dе.

sоribеd here. Му inlсrсst in and lоvе foг АLL lhings тurkish bocins withmy ье]оvсdpаrenls who had ьern Nitness lо lhс ЬопoIofvш in thсir lomеIhoпelaлd. oltomaa тurkeу, пс,,e,lorles

оfwаr сou||1 no| sеуеr lhеi аlJьсliоn Jor nre hп|l raИ!зеd Ь!',а|. Whеп пу ьook is рuЬIishod' ourhistoгiсal ьond wnЬ lЬс1 lьh pеop|е a d |5с c ,oL1 . |е , ( l |еда| io ' ' o ) teАt re1 ' Jп

сommunily аgainn the тulkъh Natiоп. will Ьс аоlined iп full de.lail, Мy Ьook will tsрoпd to lhе fаьc аосusaLions ьу thе Ame.nians and dеsсriьс lhс Ьlatanl bjas о|the Anеtiоаn nсws mеdla'No ьоok nas evеr ьeеn Ьrought to ргint Nlriсh rсvсaь lhе Аmе

' i a l . I , еЕa | i o . \ w I t | 1е . Л . ъ | . , е , oon s с | | q а l Р f l , ь J , n ,oul wоIk сoltinus, ''' (Еrfiv.Г.' бntji

сd\{ord Фdji.s сnt2 iп hь фсы.Booft qt


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