educ 312 exam

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September 9,2015

I.Cloze Test. Complete the missing lines in the ZCSPC’s P/V/M.a.Philosophy

The ZCSPC shall bring out the 1.)_________ of what is to be 2.)__________ and shall 3.)_________ the full 4.) __________ and 5.)___________ for the 6.)__________ of the nation’s 7.)__________ resources.

b.VisionA 8.)__________ institution of 9.) ___________ learning in10.) ___________, science,11.) ___________, maritime, teacher-12’)__________ and other related fields.

C.MissionProvide13.__________ and 14.__________ services through 15.)__________ technological studies and researches for the empowerment of the nation’s human resources.

II.Multiple Choice. Write the letter of your answer.

a. theory b.conflict c.culture d.customs e. society

1.It refers to a group of people with common territory, interaction and culture.2.It refers to the language, values, beliefs,behavior, and material objects that constitute a people’s way of life.3.It explains how some aspect of human behavior or performance is organized.4.The misunderstandings and misinterpretations in communications.5.It refers to the established way of thinking and behaviors.

a. globalization b. language c. communication d.solidarity e.stability

6. It is the system of words or signs that people use to express thoughts and feelings to each other.7.The emergence of global culture through the existence of world information system and spread of global patterns.8.The process of exchanging messages and ideas.9. The ability to remain unchanged over time under reasonably expected conditions.10.Unity or agreement of feeling or action specially among individuals with a common interest.

III. Essay.

1.Give your own understanding on “Cooley:Concept of the Looking Glass Self.”(5 points)2.What is Peace Education? What is it for? (5 points)3.Differentiate Enculturation from Acculturation.(5 points)4.What is the importance of Intercultural Communication?5.Choose one of the institutions (Family,School,Religion,Economic,Government) and show the interrelationships and its contribution to the educational development of the citizens.(5 points )

Prepared by:

Dr. Rosalie M. Alvarez


September 10,2015

I.Matching Type: Match the Definitions in column A with its Intelligence in column B. Write the letter of your choice.

A B1.It shows proficiency in managing relationships and building rapport. a.self-regulation2.The ability to recognize and understand personal moods and emotions. b.self-awareness3.A passion to work for internal reasons that go beyond money and status. c.empathy4.A skill in treating people according to their emotional reactions. d.internal motivation5.The ability to control disruptive impulses and moods. skills

II. Multiple Choice. A..Choose the style of learning being described. Write the letter of your choice.

a.avoidance style b.dependent style c.competitive style1.The students focusing entirely on the end product of grades and viewing others as competitors.2.The student’s lack of participation like irregular attendance.3.The student seeking security by doing whatever he or she is told.

B.Choose the characteristics of Learning found in Connectionism being described. Write the letter of your choice. a.Multiple Response b.Set/Attitude c.Partial Activity d.Assimilation e.Associative Shifting4.The ability to attend to parts of a situation and makes possible responses by analogy and learning through insight.5.The responses and the results that it will find satisfying.6.It refers to the transfer of response evoked by a given stimulus.7.It results in satisfying state of affairs and weakened on annoying state.8.The responses made will be that which by original or acquired nature.

III. Describe the following based on your own understanding;1. Classroom Climate (5 points)2. Physical Environment (5 points)3. Social Environment (5 points)4. Intrinsic Motivation and Extrinsic Motivation (5 points)

IV. ESSAY1.List and discuss the role of a FACILITATOR.(5 points)2. Discuss triarchic theory through the distinct types enumerated by Sternberg;

a.Practical Intelligence (3 points)b.Creative Intelligence (3 points)c.Analytical Intelligence (3 points)

3. Converse on the Four Pillars of Learninga.Learning to know (3 points)b.Learning to Do(3 points)c.Learning to Live Together(3 points)d.Learning to be (3 points)

4.Say something about Self-Determination Theory (STD). (4 points)5.Write about the Theory of Connectionism of Thorndike.( 5)

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