editorial ethics for journalists

Post on 29-Aug-2014






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The rules journalists must observe if they are to produce fair, accurate, objective and impartial information. One of a series of basic training modules for journalism students preparing for a career in the media.


EDITORIAL ETHICSJournalism with integrity

Image courtesy of 2002ttorry released under Creative Commons


1: Why I am doing this story?

What is my journalistic purpose?

What is my personal motivation?

How can I include others with different perspectives and diverse ideas?

Who are the stakeholders and what are their motivations?

Purpose Don’t bang a drum

Image courtesy of Rennett Stowereleased under Creative Commons


1: Why I am doing this story?

What if the roles were reversed? How would I feel?

What are the possible consequences of my actions?

What are my alternatives to maximise my truth-telling responsibility and minimise harm?

Can I justify my decisions? To my colleagues? To the stakeholders? To the public?

Purpose Do no harm

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2: Personal conduct

Seek truth and report it as fully as possible – eyes wide open

Act independently – owe nobody and don’t seek favours or favourites

Minimise harm – had it not been for you, the world would never know

Motivation Eyes wide open

Image courtesy of 2002ttorryreleased under Creative Commons


2: Personal conduct

Assess all facts – don’t ignore the uncomfortable, or that which goes against your script

Independent sources – don’t follow the flock, find fresh voices and perspectives.

Thoroughly check the validity of information – take nothing at face value.

Motivation Don’t follow the flock

Image courtesy of Joost J. Bakker IJmuidenreleased under Creative Commons


3: Attitudes of mind

Be honest, fair, and courageous in gathering and reporting.

Give voice to the voiceless and hold the powerful accountable.

Guard vigorously the role a free press plays in an open society.

Seek out and disseminate competing perspectives.

Purpose Voice to the voiceless

Image courtesy of Sterneckreleased under Creative Commons


3: Attitudes of mind

Remain free of associations and activities that may compromise.

Be compassionate for those affected by your actions.

Treat all with respect, not as means to your journalistic ends.

Purpose Free of any chains

Image courtesy of Max Klingensmithreleased under Creative Commons


4: Accuracy

Output must be well sourced, based on sound evidence, thoroughly tested and presented in clear, precise language

We should be honest and open about what we don't know and avoid unfounded speculation

Accuracy is more important than speed and it is often more than simply a question of getting the facts right.

Sourced facts More important than speed

Image courtesy of Abhi Herereleased under Creative Commons


4: Accuracy

All the relevant facts and information should be weighed to get at the truth

If an issue is controversial, relevant opinions as well as facts may need to be considered

Verified facts Weigh all facts

Image courtesy of Robert Nilssonreleased under Creative Commons


4: Accuracy

The accurate gathering of material using first-hand sources wherever possible

Checking and cross-checking the facts

Validating the authenticity of documentary evidence and digital material

Corroborating claims and allegations made by contributors wherever possible.

We achieve accuracy by: Fact checking is essential

Image courtesy of SLU Madrid Campusreleased under Creative Commons


5: Impartiality and diversity

We must reflect a wide range of opinion and should explore conflicting views

No strand of thought should be knowingly un-reflected or under-represented in our output

We should produce content about any subject as long as there are good editorial reasons for doing so

Wide range of opinions Multiple strands of thought

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5: Impartiality and diversity

We can explore or report on a specific aspect of an issue or provide an opportunity for a single view to be expressed

But we should not misrepresent opposing views and must offer a right of reply

We must ensure we avoid bias on controversial subjects

Explore both sides Never offer a distorted view

Image courtesy of rycatreleased under Creative Commons


5: Impartiality and diversity

We will sometimes need to report on issues or interview people whose views may cause serious offence to many in our audiences

We must be convinced – after checking with our editor - that a clear public interest outweighs the possible offence

Causing offence Public interest test

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6: Fairness & consent

We will be open, honest and straightforward in our dealings with the public unless there is a clear public interest in doing otherwise

People will normally have consented to contribute to our output

Where allegations are being made, the individuals or organisations concerned should normally have the right of reply

Public interest test Obtaining consent

Image courtesy of purpleslog released under Creative Commons


7: Privacy

We must not infringe privacy without good reason wherever in the world it is operating

It is essential in order to exercise our rights of freedom of expression and information that we work within a framework which respects an individual's privacy and treats them fairly

Respect privacy Challenge in the public interest

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8: Religion

We respect the fundamental human right to exercise freedom of thought, conscience and religion, this includes an individual's freedom to worship, teach, practise and observe

At the same time, we recognise our duty to protect the vulnerable and avoid unjustified offence or likely harm

We aim to achieve this by ensuring our output is not used to denigrate the beliefs or otherwise of others

Respect individual freedoms Protect the vulnerable

Image courtesy of C Jill Reedreleased under Creative Commons


9: Independence & integrity

We must be independent of partisan interests

We must not endorse or appear to endorse any other organisation, its products, activities or services

We should not give undue prominence to commercial products or services

Stay free of partisan interests Never endorse products

Image courtesy of zenreleased under Creative Commons

The source of the following material in this module along with reference to the BBC’s editorial guidelines.

Media Helping Media

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