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Corresponding Author

Dr Nazir Lone

University Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Edinburgh, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4SA.


0131 242 6395


Community prescribing of potentially nephrotoxic drugs and risk of acute kidney injury requiring renal replacement therapy in critically ill adults: a national cohort study


Mr Steven Tominey a

Mr Alan Timmins b

Mr Robert Lee c

Professor Timothy S Walsh c d e

Dr Nazir I Lone c d

a Edinburgh Medical School, Edinburgh BioQuarter, Edinburgh, UK. E-mail: s1411938@sms.ed.ac.uk

b Pharmacy Department, Victoria Hospital, Hayfield Road, Kirkcaldy. KY2 5AH

c Usher Institute for Population Health Sciences and Informatics, University of Edinburgh, Teviot Place, Edinburgh, EH8 9AG, UK.

d University Department of Anaesthesia, Critical Care, and Pain Medicine, School of Clinical Sciences, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, UK.

e MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Edinburgh, 47 Little France Crescent, Edinburgh, EH16 4TJ, UK.

Competing interests

ST was awarded a Kidney Research UK Intercalated Degree Award to fund himself during this project.

No external sources or sponsors were involved in the study design; data collection, analysis, or interpretation; manuscript writing or the decision to pursue publication.

On behalf of all authors, the corresponding author states that there is no conflict of interest.

Key Words

Renal replacement therapy; critical care; nephrotoxin; community prescribing; acute kidney injury



Acute kidney injury (AKI) demonstrates a high incidence in critically ill populations, with many requiring renal replacement therapy (RRT). Patients may be at increased risk of AKI if prescribed certain potentially nephrotoxic medications. We aimed to evaluate this association in ICU survivors.


Study design: secondary analysis of national cohort of ICU survivors to hospital discharge linked to Scottish healthcare datasets. Outcomes: primary: RRT in ICU; secondary: early AKI (calculated using urine output and relative change from estimated baseline serum creatinine within first 24 hours of ICU admission using modified-RIFLE criteria). Primary exposure: pre-admission community prescribing of at least one potential nephrotoxin: angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors/angiotensin-receptor blockers (ACE-i/ARBs), diuretics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Statistical analyses: unadjusted associations: univariable logistic regression; confounder adjusted: multivariable logistic regression.


During 2011-2013, 12,838 of 23,116 patients (55.5%) were prescribed at least one community prescription of at least one nephrotoxin; 1,330 (5.8%) patients received RRT; 3,061 (15.7%) had AKI. Patients exposed to at least one examined nephrotoxin experienced higher incidence of RRT (6.8% vs 4.5%; adjOR 1.46,95%CI 1.24,1.72,p<0.001) and AKI (19.8% vs 10.9%; adjOR 1.61,1.44,1.80,p<0.001). Increased risk of RRT was also found for ACE-i/ARBs (adjOR 1.65, 1.40,1.94), NSAIDs (adjOR 1.12, 1.02,1.44), and diuretics (adjOR 1.35, 1.14,1.59).


Community prescribing of potential nephrotoxins increases the risk of RRT/early AKI in ICU populations. Analyses were limited by the survivor dataset and potential residual confounding. Findings add consistency to previous research improving understanding of the harmful potential of these important medications and their timely cessation in acute illness.


Acute kidney Injury (AKI) is a condition typified by a sudden loss of kidney function demonstrating high incidence during hospitalisation in critically ill populations (67%) and continues to increase nationally1. It is associated with high mortality of 20-40% in ICU populations2–5 and may necessitate renal replacement therapy (RRT)6. The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) estimates that AKI costs the NHS between £434-620 million annually, higher than breast, skin and lung cancer combined7.

Nephrotoxic medications are the suspected aetiology in approximately 20% of cases, rising to 66% in elderly populations8–10. This is of interest, as through anticipation and early intervention, drug-induced AKI should be largely preventable.

Due to extensive use11, three classes of potentially nephrotoxic medications are of particular interest: angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors (ACE-i) and angiotensin-II receptor blockers (ARBs), diuretics, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). The Medicine Sick Day Rules Card scheme by the Scottish Patient Safety Programme (SPSP) aimed to raise patient and clinician awareness of the risks of these medicines within primary care12. The mechanisms of nephrotoxicity of these medicines have been examined in the literature. Diuretics increase susceptibility to insults through hypovolaemia; ACE-i/ARBs cause efferent arteriolar vasodilation causing intraglomerular haemodynamic reduction; whereas, NSAIDs cause vasoconstriction of the afferent renal arterioles13–16.

Strong evidence exists for an increased association of AKI with both NSAIDs and “triple-therapy” (the concurrent use of ACE-i/ARBs, diuretics and NSAIDs)15,17–19. However, conclusive evidence does not exist for ACE-I/ARBs20–22, diuretics23, or “dual-therapy”18,19,24,25. Furthermore, prior populations were poorly defined or from primary care databases without clear temporality for reported AKI. Particularly noticeable is the lack of ICU-specific research, the setting for management of the sickest patients and costly interventions such as RRT.

We aimed to assess the association of AKI requiring RRT with the community prescribing of ACE-i/ARBs, diuretics and NSAIDs in critically ill patients across Scotland. These drugs were examined both alone and in combination.


Study Design, Setting and Databases

We undertook a retrospective population-based cohort study using linked Scottish healthcare datasets. This comprised a complete, national three-year cohort of patients admitted to Scottish adult general ICUs (01/01/2011-31/12/2013) from the Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) database, linked to national hospital records (SMR01), death records and the Scottish community prescribing database. The SICSAG database routinely and prospectively collects detailed information for audit and research. Data undergo checks for completeness and validity including at data entry, periodic case-note validations, and central validation26. The study was a secondary-analysis of a subset of data used in the PROFILE study27. The PROFILE study aimed to identify drivers for unplanned readmissions to hospital in a survivor cohort of ICU patients. The PROFILE cohort comprised patients admitted during 2005-2013. Prescribing data were only complete from 01/01/2011 onwards. Analyses were restricted to these patients.

The Scottish community prescribing database contains all items dispensed in Scotland by community pharmacy or dispensing doctors. It does not include medicines prescribed and dispensed within hospital.

As the prescribing database includes only community-dispensed medication, patients who were prescribed medicines but did not have them dispensed were classified as unexposed, reducing exposure misclassification.

Appropriate permissions for data were achieved including SICSAG Steering Committee and Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care (PBPP28). Electronic data storage and analysis took place within the NHS National Services Scotland safe haven.


Participants included all patients admitted to Scottish adult general ICUs during the study period who survived to hospital discharge. Patients were excluded if they were:

· receiving chronic RRT pre-admission, defined as a patient undergoing haemodialysis, haemofiltration or peritoneal dialysis for end stage renal disease (ESRD) on admission to ICU29.

· missing data for primary outcome (receipt of RRT).

· missing a unique patient identifier for linkage to corresponding Scottish prescribing information records.

Attempt was made to obtain data for the complete cohort including non-survivors, but financial restrictions made this unfeasible.



The primary outcome was receipt of RRT at any point during ICU stay identified by SICSAG database coding. The secondary outcome was early AKI derived from urine output and change in serum creatinine relative to an estimated baseline during the first 24-hours of ICU admission, using modified-RIFLE criteria defined by the Australian and New Zealand Intensive Care Society (ANZICS)30. This definition has been previously used in studies using UK ICU data30. This outcome captures patients who did not receive RRT. Measurements used for serum creatinine and urine output are recorded from the initial 24-hours of ICU admission. The ANZICS definition was modified to include patients receiving RRT within the initial 24-hours of ICU admission in the failure category. All outcome variables were from the SICSAG database. All derivations are detailed (eFigures 1-3).


Exposures were community prescription of ACE-I/ARBs, diuretics or NSAIDS on admission from the Scottish community prescribing database. The primary exposure was community-prescribing of at least one of any examined nephrotoxin (i.e. the primary exposed drug class listed may be in combination with exposure to an additional class – for example, NSAIDs = Participants exposed to at least an NSAID +/- additional drug class). In additional analyses, drugs were assessed alone as monotherapy, and in combination. Identification was by British National Formulary (BNF) chapter/subchapter (ACE-i and ARBs: 2.5.5; Diuretics: 2.2; NSAIDs: 10.1.1)31.

Potential Confounders

Potential confounders were identified from the SICSAG and SMR01 databases consisting of age, sex, socioeconomic status (Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation32), previous number of hospital admissions, severity-of-disease (Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II [APACHE-II] score), ICU admission type (elective surgery, emergency surgery, non-operative), number of comorbidities, and receipt of cardiopulmonary resuscitation prior to admission. These were adjusted for during analysis. Potential unmeasured confounders include iodinated contrast agents, dehydration status, urological obstructive disorders, and/or medicines prescribed during the hospital admission.

Statistical Methods

Analyses were undertaken using Stata MP 14.1 (StataCorp LP, College Station, TX). Baseline characteristics for both exposed and non-exposed groups were described using number and percentage, or median and interquartile range (IQR). Univariable associations involving exposures, outcomes and baseline variables of interest were assessed using chi-squared or Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. Unadjusted results were expressed as odd ratios derived from univariable logistic regression. Adjustment for potential confounders was by multivariable logistic regression. Appropriate model diagnostics demonstrated no significant deviations33. Continuous variables (age and APACHE II score) were evaluated for linearity assumptions. APACHE II was included in models as a continuous term. Age violated linearity assumptions and was entered as a categorical term (10 categories). We evaluated model diagnostics for the logistic regression models (values for primary analysis in brackets) reporting c-index (0.907), Brier’s Score (0.042) and inspecting calibration plots of observed vs predicted values in deciles which demonstrated good calibration across the range of predicted risk.

Sensitivity Analyses

As the dataset was restricted to a cohort of ICU patients who survived to hospital discharge, we undertook a series of sensitivity analyses to assess the robustness of findings to the inclusion of a hypothetical non-survivor cohort. We reported the unadjusted odds ratios for this combined (survivor + non-survivor) cohort for exposure-outcome (RRT) associations. Four parameters were required to conduct these analyses: 1. the size of the non-survivor cohort (derived from the hospital mortality rate of all patients admitted to ICU); 2. the prevalence of RRT in the non-survivor cohort; 3. the prevalence of community prescriptions of the examined drugs; and 4. the association between community prescriptions of the examined drugs and RRT. We obtained an estimate of hospital mortality rate of 20%, and RRT prevalence in this non-survivor cohort (25%) from SICSAG for 2011-2013 (SICSAG, personal communication). As the prevalence of community prescriptions of ACE-I/ARBs, diuretics and NSAIDS was unknown in non-survivors, we modelled a range of prevalances 25-50% greater than and less than the prevalence in the survivor cohort. In addition, the association between community prescription of the examined drugs and RRT was unknown. We therefore modelled a range of risk ratios, varying from 0.5 (i.e. a 50% reduction in relative risk of RRT) and 3.0 (a 3-fold increase in relative risk of RRT).


During the three-year study period, 24,504 patients were admitted to ICU and survived to hospital discharge. After exclusion criteria, 23,116 (94.3%) remained (Figure 1). Secondary outcome analysis of early AKI defined by RIFLE classification was completed for patients with complete biochemistry and length of stay data (n=19,509; 79.6%).

Baseline Characteristics:

Baselines characteristics for the cohort are shown in Table 1 (extended version: eTable 1). Patients were stratified by those exposed to any of the three examined drugs, and those not exposed. The exposed group was significantly older, had a higher proportion of females, had greater previous admissions, more likely to have been admitted after elective surgery, and had higher illness severity scores. Additionally, they had increased polypharmacy and greater overall comorbidity – notably cardiovascular disease, peripheral vascular disease, diabetes mellitus and renal disease.

Exposures and outcomes:

Over the three-year study period, 12,838 of 23,116 patients (55.5%) examined were prescribed at least one examined nephrotoxin (Table 2). Within this population, 4,733 (20.5%), 5,961 (25.8%) and 7,637 (33.0%), were prescribed NSAIDs, diuretics and ACE-i/ARBs, respectively. Monotherapy and combinations are detailed in eTable 2. RRT was received by 5.8% of patients (1,330/23,116). Biochemically-defined AKI was evident in 15.7% patients (3,061/19,509) (Table 2).

Main Results

A community prescription for any of the three examined drugs was associated with increased RRT (6.8% vs 4.5%, p<0.001), persisting after adjustment (adjOR 1.46, 95%CI 1.24,1.72, p<0.001) (Figure 2).

Significant univariable associations were found between RRT and those prescribed a diuretic (7.6% vs 5.1%, p<0.001) or ACE-i/ARB (7.9% vs 4.7%, p<0.001), but not for NSAIDs (6.34% vs 5.60%, p=0.053). After adjustment, prescription of each of the three examined drugs was significantly associated with increased RRT (Figure 2).

A community prescription for any of the three examined drugs was associated with increased risk of early AKI (19.8% vs 10.9%, p<0.001), which persisted after adjustment (adjOR 1.61, 95%CI 1.44,1.80, p<0.001) (Figure 2).

After adjustment for confounders, increased risk of early AKI was associated with patients prescribed a diuretic (adjOR 1.52, 95%CI 1.35,1.70, p<0.001) or ACE-i/ARB (adjOR 1.75, 95%CI 1.56,1.95, p<0.001) but not NSAIDs (adjOR 0.96, 95%CI 0.85,1.08, p=0.467) (Figure 2).

Additional Analyses


Monotherapy with each of the three examined drugs was not associated with RRT. Monotherapy with diuretics was associated with reduced RRT. Similar associations were found after adjustment (eFigure 4).

Early AKI was significantly associated with monotherapy for each of the examined drugs, showing an increased risk of AKI for diuretics and ACE-i/ARBs but a reduced risk of AKI with NSAIDs. After adjustment, associations for NSAIDs and ACE-i/ARBs remained significant (eFigure 4).


The combinations of an ACE-i/ARB plus an NSAID, and an ACE-i/ARB plus a diuretic were associated with increased RRT. After adjustment, dual-therapy with an ACE-i/ARB plus diuretic remained significant. (eFigure 4).

Increased risk of early AKI was found for dual-therapy with ACE-i/ARBs plus an NSAID, and ACE-i/ARBs plus a diuretic. After adjustment, dual-therapy with an ACE-i/ARB plus diuretic remained significant (eFigure 4).


Of the 655 patients prescribed triple-therapy, almost 1 in 10 required RRT (n=63, 9.6%). Triple-therapy was associated with increased RRT, persisting after adjustment (eFigure 4).

Additionally, almost 1 in 4 of patients prescribed triple-therapy developed AKI (n=136, 24.2%). Triple-therapy was associated with an increased risk of early AKI, remaining after adjustment (eFigure 4).

Sensitivity Analyses

Under a series of scenarios for a hypothetical non-surviving ICU cohort, the sensitivity analyses demonstrated that the unadjusted association between any of the three examined drugs and RRT was likely to be underestimated, ranging from 1.61 to 2.78 (eFigure 5). This assumed that the prevalence of potential nephrotoxic drug prescription was at least as common in the non-survivor group as the survivor group (i.e. at least 55.5%), and the association between exposure and outcome was at least as large (OR at least 1.56, equivalent to RR 1.52). We demonstrated similar findings for associations for each of the three drug classes individually and RRT (eFigure 5).


ICU survivors receiving a community prescription pre-admission for any one of ACE-i/ARBs, NSAIDs or diuretics experienced a higher incidence of both RRT and early AKI during their ICU stay. After adjustment, this equated to a 46% and 61% increase in odds of RRT and AKI, respectively. Increased risk of RRT and early AKI was associated with community prescription of at least one of ACE-i/ARBs or diuretics. Prescription of at least an NSAID was associated with increased risk of RRT but not AKI. These associations need to be interpreted in the context of a survivor cohort and the likelihood of residual confounding; however, they add to increasing evidence of potential harm associated with these drugs in acute illness.

Strengths and Limitations

We used a complete, national cohort comprising all ICU survivors during a three-year period linked to community prescribing data with population coverage. Furthermore, we comprehensively evaluated of all three chosen nephrotoxic drugs, both alone and in combination. However, the dataset did not describe compliance, length of exposure, and over-the-counter self-medication. Additionally, prescribing patterns may have changed in the last five years from when data was collected. However, reassuringly, prescribing rates of the drug classes has remained consistent from community pharmacy remuneration data34.

As outcomes are defined objectively with strict definitions, receipt of RRT and biochemistry, the risk of detection or misclassification bias was minimised. The secondary outcome was chosen as, despite RRT being a useful surrogate for AKI and a costly intervention, it has been estimated as not received by 48% of AKI patients30. Prior research has also suggested use of biochemistry in identifying disease omitted by hospital coding19,35. Whilst useful, this biochemically-defined outcome assumes normal renal function pre-admission and likely overestimates AKI. In addition, creatinine and urine output measurements were only available for the first 24 hours of ICU stay, potentially underestimating AKI if this developed after 24 hours.

This study had a number of important limitations. The association between the examined drugs and RRT/early AKI is likely to be confounded. However, we were only able to adjust these associations using the limited range of potential confounders recorded in the database. This means that the likelihood of residual confounding remains, and the findings should be viewed as hypothesis generating rather than causal. Whilst randomisation would not be feasible to evaluate a causal relationship between the exposures and outcomes in this study, access to databases with more detailed recording of potential confounders and prospective study designs may reduce the impact of residual confounding on these associations.

Data relating to CKD or pre-admission creatinine were unavailable for the cohort. However, patients with end-stage renal disease requiring RRT were coded in the dataset and could therefore be excluded from the cohort. ACE-i/ARBs and diuretics are frequently prescribed to patients with CKD and stratifying analyses by CKD-status may have provided valuable additional insights.

Notably, the overall provision of RRT across Scottish ICUs decreased during the study period from 12% to 9%, from 2011 to 2013, respectively36. This may suggest changes in culture regarding the decision to administer RRT and was consistent with our data.

It is important to note that the cohort excluded patients that died during ICU admission. It would be reasonable to assume that those receiving RRT or with AKI would be at a greater risk of mortality6. Patients with an increased risk of mortality would likely have greater comorbidity, and consequently be prescribed more medications. Therefore, it is likely the associations demonstrated in this survivor cohort would underestimate the true association in a cohort comprising survivors and non-survivors, which may explain the lack of association or negative association seen for NSAIDs and diuretics. Crude hospital mortality rates across Scottish hospitals for ICU patients during the study period were 21.8%, 19.6%, and 19.0% for 2011, 2012 and 2013, respectively29,36,37.

This is a major limitation of the study. We conducted sensitivity analyses to provide a plausible range of values for the ‘true’ association between exposure and outcome in a cohort of ICU survivors and non-survivors.

We were unable to report if medications had been discontinued during hospital admission. This would have reduced the potential nephrotoxic effects in the exposed cohort, biasing associations towards the null. However, the short pre-ICU hospital length of stay (Table 1) reduces the likelihood that drugs would have been stopped, or if stopped, would be unlikely to have reached sufficiently low concentrations to discount influence.


This research contributes to evidence that patients exposed to community prescribing of ACE-i/ARBs, NSAIDs and/or diuretics are at increased risk of requiring RRT and/or developing an early AKI in ICU. An increased risk persisted when ACE-i/ARBs were prescribed in combination with either diuretics or NSAIDs, and when all three drugs were prescribed concomitantly.

We found a previously undescribed association between RRT and early AKI with community prescribing of any prescribed number of the examined nephrotoxins – justifying the drugs selected in the Scottish Patient Safety Programme “Sick Day Rules” campaign12. Furthermore, we found that each of the drug classes examined were individually associated with increased risk of RRT – and all, except NSAIDs, were significantly associated with increased biochemical AKI.

Lafrance24 and Huerta25 assessed NSAIDs individually and in combination - finding increased risk of AKI with concomitant diuretic use. Dreischulte19 found increased risk of AKI for NSAIDs plus diuretics or ACE-i/ARBs. However, Lapi18 found no association with AKI when examining NSAIDs in both combinations. Interestingly, the described associations involving NSAIDs and ACE-i/ARBs or diuretics19,24,25 were not found in this study. In fact, unexpectedly, NSAIDs were associated with reduced risk of early AKI. NSAIDs are not essential medications for survival and may have been prescribed more cautiously in higher risk patients. NSAIDs were also prescribed in a younger and less comorbid population – however, these factors were adjusted for in the analyses. An alternate hypothesis is that these patients had higher mortality and were therefore not present in the survivor cohort.

We elicited a significant association between both RRT and early AKI with concomitant community prescribing of ACE-i/ARBs and diuretics. This association appears to have been unexamined in prior studies, highlighting a potentially understated risk in community prescribing.

A decreased association with risk of RRT and AKI was found for diuretics when prescribed alone (eFigure4), compared to when evaluated with potential for co-exposure to other examined drugs (Figure 2). This may be due to an additive risk in the presence of other examined drugs – particularly, ACE-i/ARBs, where a relatively large association was found for RRT/AKI and the co-prescribing of both drugs.

This study further demonstrated the ‘triple whammy’ effect coined by M.C. Thomas17, which proposed a negative synergistic effect with concurrent ACE-i/ARBs, diuretics and NSAIDs. This association between triple-therapy and increased risk of AKI has been elicited using various study designs and AKI definitions18,19,38.


The inclusive eligibility criteria and the population-based nature of the study minimise selection bias, improving external validity. Additionally, unlike some prior studies18,19, patients with pre-existing renal disease (not requiring RRT) or history of AKI were included. These are an important patient group with increased risk of RRT. However, generalisability beyond the ICU-survivor population is difficult. Additionally, the national population has risk of potential residual confounding due to regional and inter-site variability in practice and population.


An ideal future dataset would include baseline creatinine data to improve the accuracy of classifying AKI, and contain additional confounder information such as contrast agent exposure, dehydration, and hospital-prescribing. Additionally, more detailed prescribing information would allow evaluation of treatment dose and duration effects, and differences within drug classes. The study demonstrates novel linkage of national prescribing and ICU datasets, serving as proof of concept for further work. This type of linkage has significant potential, with increasing availability of data suitable for this approach, particularly with respect to prescribing and drug-related outcomes.


This population-based study quantifies the relationship between community prescribing and risk of early AKI requiring RRT in an ICU survivor population. Despite limitations of the survivor dataset, this study highlights the harmful potential of these commonly prescribed medications in a critically ill population including the importance of timely cessation during acute illness. Further studies in a complete cohort, including non-survivors, would allow risk estimates to be generalisable to a wider population.


We wish to thank the Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group for providing data and the staff at participating hospitals.

The authors would like to acknowledge the support of the eDRIS Team (National Services Scotland) for their involvement in obtaining approvals, provisioning and linking data and the use of the secure analytical platform within the National Safe Haven.

ST would like to thank Kidney Research UK for funding in the form of an Intercalated Degree Award.

NL is a Deputy Director for Research for the Intensive Care Foundation.


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Figure 1.

Patient Flow Diagram

Flow diagram describing reasons for exclusion from primary and secondary analyses.

Key = RRT: Renal Replacement Therapy.

Figure 2:

Forest plot of association between primary exposures (at least one potential nephrotoxin) and outcomes: unadjusted and adjusted results. Exposed drug class listed may be in combination with exposure to an additional class – for example, NSAIDs = Participants exposed to at least an NSAID +/- additional drug class.

Key = NSAID: Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug; ACE-i: Angiotensin-converting-enzyme Inhibitor; ARB: Angiotensin-II Receptor Blockers; RRT: Replacement Therapy; AKI: Early Acute Kidney Injury occurring within 24 hours of ICU admission.; OR: Odds Ratio; 95% CI: 95% Confidence Interval.

Table 1.

Baseline Characteristics Summary

A summary of key demographic and clinical baseline characteristics including total numbers examined stratified by prescription of at least any one of an ACE-i/ARB, diuretic, or NSAID.

Extended descriptive characteristics are presented in Appendix (eTable 1).

Key = SIMD: Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation; APACHE II: Acute Physiologic Assessment and Chronic Health Evaluation II Scoring System; APS: Acute Physiological Score; ACE-i: Angiotensin-converting-enzyme inhibitors; ARB: Angiotensin-II receptor blockers (ARBs); NSAID: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

Data presented as n(%) unless otherwise stated.

Baseline Characteristics


Any Community Nephrotoxin Prescription










10,278 (44.5%)

12,838 (55.5%)









Sex (Male)


6,075 (59.1%)

7,169 (55.8%)

13,289 (57.3%)


Age (Median [IQR])


53 (38, 66)

66 (55, 74)

62 (47, 72)


SIMD Quintile







2,747 (26.8%)

3,239 (25.3%)

5,999 (25.9%)



2,256 (22.0%)

2,989 (23.3%)

5,258 (22.7%)



1,982 (19.3%)

2,601 (20.3%)

4,597 (19.9%)



1,869 (18.2%)

2,195 (17.1%)

4,082 (17.6%)



1,410 (13.7%)

1,806 (14.1%)

3,226 (13.9%)








Number of Prescribed Drugs [Median (IQR)]


5 (2, 10)

12 (8, 17)

9 (5, 15)


Number of Comorbidities







5,185 (50.5%)

4,578 (35.66%)

9,763 (42.2%)



3,264 (31.8%)

4,008 (31.22%)

7,272 (31.5%)



1,229 (12.0%)

2,291 (17.9%)

3,520 (15.2%)



600 (5.8%)

1,961 (15.3%)

2,561 (11.1%)








Previous Hospital Admissions [Median (IQR)]


0 (0, 1) 

1 (0, 2)

1 (0, 2) 



Admission Type




Elective Surgery

3,051 (29.9%)

5,433 (42.7%)

8,484 (37.0%)


Emergency Surgery

2,148 (21.0%)

2,479 (19.5%)

4,627 (20.1%)



5,018 (49.1%)

4,808 (37.8%)

9,826 (42.8%)


Severity of illness scores [Median (IQR)]






13 (9, 18)

15 (11, 20)

14 (10, 19)




10 (7, 15)

11 (7, 15)

10 (7, 15)


Length of Stay [Median (IQR)]




ICU stay

2 (1, 4)

2 (1, 4)

2 (1, 4)


Pre-ICU stay

1 (0, 1)

1 (0, 2)

1 (0, 2)


Post-ICU stay

7 (3, 16)

8 (4, 18)

8 (4, 17)


Total hospital stay

12 (6, 24)

14 (8, 26)

13 (7, 26)


Table 2.

Association between primary exposures (at least one potential nephrotoxin) and outcomes.

Exposed drug class listed may be in combination with exposure to an additional class – for example, NSAIDs = Participants exposed to at least an NSAID +/- additional drug class.

Key = NSAID: Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drug; ACE-i: Angiotensin-converting-enzyme Inhibitor; ARB: Angiotensin-II Receptor Blockers; RRT: Replacement Therapy; Early AKI: Acute Kidney Injury occurring within 24 hours of ICU admission. *P-Value represents unadjusted analyses.



Early AKI




Not Exposed



Not Exposed



12,838 (55.5%)

872 (6.8%)

458 (4.5%)


2,094 (19.8%)

967 (10.9%)



4,733 (20.5%)

300 (6.3%)

1,030 (5.6%)


610 (15.0%)

2,451 (15.9%)



5,961 (25.8%)

453 (7.6%)

877 (5.1%)


1,171 (24.0%)

1,890 (12.9%)



7,637 (33.0%)

605 (7.9%)

725 (4.7%)


1,433 (23.2%)

1,628 (12.2%)



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