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** Final Exam will NOT INCLUDE questions with numbers (#, %, $) or proper names (people, places, brands) **

Consumer Behavior, 10e (Solomon)Chapter 11 Groups and Social Media

1) A(n) ________ is an actual or imaginary individual or group conceived of having significant relevance upon an individual's evaluations, aspirations, or behavior.A) opinion groupB) demographic groupC) reference groupD) focus group

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-1

2) Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions.A) reputationalB) descriptiveC) knowledgeD) value-expressive

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-1AACSB: Communication abilities

3) Which of the following is an example of utilitarian influence?A) An individual seeks information about various brands from a professional.B) An individual's decision to purchase a particular brand is influenced by the preferences of family members.C) An individual feels that the purchase of a particular brand will enhance the image others have of her.D) An individual seeks brand-related knowledge and experience from friends, neighbors, colleagues, and relatives who have reliable information about the brand.

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-1AACSB: Communication abilities

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4) The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) publicity B) social C) second-order D) behavioral

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

5) If a consumer admires the qualities of another person and copies his or her behaviors, the person that is copied is said to have ________ power.A) referentB) informationalC) legitimateD) coercive

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

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7) A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group.A) aspirationalB) tribalC) membershipD) networked

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

8) Political candidates who get the most media exposure are more likely to win an election because of the effect of ________ in determining one's set of referents.A) propinquityB) mere exposureC) group cohesivenessD) reference bias

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

9) Which of the following is an example of a new kind of avoidance group that has grown in popularity through the Web?A) virtual communities of consumptionB) virtual worldsC) consumer tribesD) antibrand communities

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Use of information technology

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10) One of the chief causes of the phenomenon of the risky shift effect is ________.A) decision polarizationB) degeneration hypothesisC) regeneration hypothesisD) diffusion of responsibility

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

11) The ________ a group is, the more likely members are to engage in social loafing.A) more homogeneousB) smallerC) biggerD) less homogeneous

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

12) When members of a group come together with a certain attitude, that attitude becomes more extreme after the group discusses it. This effect is called ________.A) social loafingB) decision polarizationC) responsibility diffusionD) the principle of least interest

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

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13) Home shopping parties may activate the risky shift or ________, in which the individual at the party may get so caught up in the party spirit that he orders products that he would normally not purchase.A) deindividuationB) homophilyC) surrogate shiftD) principle of least interest

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

14) The pressure to conform that escalates as more and more group members "cave in" is called the ________ effect. A) polarizationB) bandwagonC) loafingD) homophily

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-2AACSB: Communication abilities

15) Within groups, informal rules of behavior are called ________.A) beliefsB) valuesC) normsD) interpersonal dynamics

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-3AACSB: Communication abilities

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16) Consumers who are confident in themselves and do not seek peer approval for their behaviors are said to be ________.A) normativeB) role-relaxedC) deindividuatedD) insulated

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-3AACSB: Communication abilities

17) Young teenagers who conform to group pressure because they believe they will be punished by the group for nonconforming behaviors are motivated by ________.A) social loafingB) the principle of least interestC) group unanimityD) fear of deviance

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-3AACSB: Communication abilities

18) According to the principle of least interest, the person who is least ________ has the most power in a relationship.A) committed to staying in the relationshipB) susceptible to interpersonal influenceC) susceptible to cultural pressuresD) concerned about sanctions against nonconforming behavior

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-3AACSB: Communication abilities

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19) A marketing manager who wants to identify opinion leaders for her product category should do which of the following?A) She should find government officials who use the product.B) She should find socially active persons who are intensely interested in the product category and who are similar to other customers.C) She should find intellectuals who can write and speak well so that communication will be facilitated.D) She should look for people who stand out in a crowd.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4AACSB: Communication abilities

20) Which of the following statements most accurately defines homophily?A) Homophily is the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of education, social status, and beliefs.B) Homophily is the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of monetary wealth and lifestyle.C) Homophily is the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of ethnicity.D) Homophily is the degree to which a pair of individuals is similar in terms of sexual orientation.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4

21) Recent research on opinion leadership has called into question the traditional view that there is such a thing as a ________ opinion leader.A) heterophilousB) generalizedC) polymorphicD) monomorphic

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4AACSB: Communication abilities

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22) The opinion leader referred to as a(n) ________ is actively involved in transmitting marketplace information of all types.A) surrogate consumerB) innovatorC) monomorphic leaderD) market maven

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4AACSB: Communication abilities

23) A(n) ________ is a marketing intermediary retained by a consumer to guide what that consumer buys.A) market mavenB) opinion leaderC) power userD) surrogate consumer

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4

24) Several research methods are used to study reference groups and opinion leadership. ________ methods trace communication patterns among members of a group. These techniques allow researchers to systematically map out the interactions that take place among group members.A) Momentum B) Behavioral C) Sociometric D) Geodemographic

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4AACSB: Communication abilities

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25) A sociometric network analysis is likely to study all of the following EXCEPT which one?A) referral behaviorB) the use of surrogate consumersC) the tie strength between members of a networkD) communication in social systems

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4AACSB: Communication abilities

26) The importance of weak ties in a social system is demonstrated by their ________.A) bridging functionB) social contagionC) momentum effectD) diffusion of responsibility

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4AACSB: Communication abilities

27) In advertising terms, a(n) ________ refers to a view or exposure to an advertising message.A) nodeB) impressionC) connectionD) reference

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the factors influencing whether or not consumers detect and attend to sensory marketing stimuli.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-4AACSB: Communication abilities

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28) Product information that is transmitted by individuals to individuals is called ________.A) independent analysisB) product shuffleC) reactance formationD) word-of-mouth

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-5AACSB: Communication abilities

29) In general, advertising is more effective when it ________ than when it ________.A) tries to create new product preferences; reinforces our existing product preferencesB) reinforces our existing product preferences; tries to create new product preferencesC) relies upon word-of-mouth tactics; relies upon viral marketing tacticsD) relies upon viral marketing tactics; relies upon word-of-mouth tactics

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-5AACSB: Communication abilities

30) Which of the following is NOT one of three basic themes of complaint Web sites recently identified in a study of such Web sites?A) injusticeB) identityC) legitimacyD) agency

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-6AACSB: Use of information technology

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32) ________ refers to the strategy of getting visitors to a Web site to forward information on the site to their friends in order to make still more consumers aware of a product.A) Foot-in-door marketingB) Guerrilla marketingC) Viral marketingD) Demand-based marketing

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-6AACSB: Use of information technology

33) Social networking is an integral part of what many call ________, which is characterized by interactive platforms that foster the creation of communities.A) the virtual worldB) the mega WebC) the inner WebD) Web 2.0

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-7AACSB: Use of information technology

34) According to the ________ perspective, under the right circumstances a group of people is smarter than the smartest people within the group.A) mere exposure phenomenonB) wisdom of crowdsC) deindividuationD) normative influence

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Discuss the influence of groups and word-of-mouth (WOM) communication.Skill: ConceptObjective: 11-7AACSB: Communication abilities

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Consumer Behavior, 10e (Solomon)Chapter 12 Social Class and Lifestyles

1) The average American's standard of living continues to improve. These income shifts are linked to two key factors: ________.A) a shift from blue-collar to white-collar employment and the increased use of personal computersB) increasing immigration to the United States and increasing development of technical skillsC) a shift in women's roles and increases in educational attainmentD) a shift in population from the Snow Belt to the Sun Belt and advances in human rights

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-1AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

2) ________ income is the money available to a household over and above that required for a comfortable standard of living.A) Capital B) Discretionary C) Net D) Invidious

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-1

3) Consumers who are ________ love buying everything in sight.A) tightwadsB) price-sensitive affluentsC) spendthriftsD) socially stratified

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-1

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4) Fred Johnson has worked hard all of his life to make a decent living for himself and his family. However, in recent years he has become obsessed with a fear of being ruined, either because of losing his job or losing all of his savings. According to clinical psychologists, Fred Johnson's fear of being ruined is equated to which of the following phobias?A) atephobiaB) harpaxophiaC) peniaphobiaD) aurophobia

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-1

5) The field of ________ is concerned with the "human" side of economic decisions (including the biases in decision making).A) clinical psychologyB) microeconomicsC) macroeconomicsD) behavioral economics

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-1

6) Which of the following questions would be LEAST likely to appear on a questionnaire designed to determine consumer confidence?A) "Would you say that you and your family are better off or worse off financially than a year ago?"B) "Will you be better off or worse off a year from now?"C) "Are you happy with your wife (husband)?"D) "Do you plan to buy a car in the next year?"

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-1

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7) Which of the following refers to consumers who refuse to sacrifice style but who achieve that style on a budget?A) spendthriftsB) frugalistasC) ostrichesD) tightwads

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-1

8) With respect to social organization, some barnyard animals exhibit signs of a dominance-submission hierarchy. Which of the following terms best communicates such a hierarchy?A) dog-eat-dogB) pecking orderC) follow-the-leaderD) king-of-the-hill

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

9) Which of the following theorists is best known for arguing that an individual's relationship to the means of production determines his position in society?A) Karl MarxB) Max WeberC) Horatio AlgerD) Thorstein Veblen

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

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10) We tend to marry people in a similar social class to our own. Sociologists call this ________, or assortative mating.A) marriage complementarityB) homogamyC) monogamyD) status crystallization

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

11) The phenomenon called ________ refers to the creation of artificial divisions in a society.A) reference group affiliationB) ascribed statusC) mass classD) social stratification

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

12) A person who is born into a rich, powerful family (i.e., "She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth") is said to have ________ status.A) ascribedB) hierarchicalC) achievedD) longitudinal

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

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13) A person who receives rewards and status because of his hard work is said to have ________ status.A) ascribedB) hierarchicalC) achievedD) longitudinal

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

14) Most groups exhibit a structure called a ________ in which some members are somehow better off than others.A) status hierarchyB) social arrayC) social mobilityD) symbolic reference

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

15) ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) Status crystallizationB) Social affinityC) Social mobilityD) Social stratification

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

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16) Sandra Jackson decided to become a nurse after several years as an elementary teacher. She still wanted to help people; she just wanted to do it differently. Sandra's case is an example of which of the following?A) downward mobilityB) upward mobilityC) horizontal mobilityD) status crystallization

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2

17) According to a classic view of the American class structure, the newer social elites, drawn from current professionals, belong to which of the following social class categories?A) Lower-UpperB) Upper-UpperC) Upper-MiddleD) Lower-Middle

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-2AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

18) The hundreds of millions of consumers around the world who can now afford higher quality products belong to the ________.A) prestige classB) mobile demandersC) ruling classD) mass class

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

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19) Social class is a strong predictor of purchases that have symbolic aspects, but low to moderate prices. Which of the following is the best example of a product with those characteristics?A) liquorB) carsC) homesD) refrigerators

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3

20) The term affluenza refers to ________.A) members of the lower-middle class who are struggling to make ends meetB) tightwads who are reluctant to spend money on anything but the most basic of necessitiesC) scrimpers who have traded down to less expensive brands to save moneyD) well-off consumers who are stressed or unhappy despite or even because of their wealth

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3

21) ________ are wealthy individuals who are likely to suffer from status anxiety, trying to display symbols of their success to make up for an internal lack of assurance about the "correct" way to behave.A) Old money consumersB) The working wealthyC) The nouveau richeD) Typical millionaires

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3

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22) The lower classes use more restrictive codes than do the upper classes. How does this knowledge change the way insurance might be sold to a working-class man compared to an upper-class man?A) The promotion to the working-class man should emphasize his immediate satisfaction in knowing that his family will be cared for, while the upper-class promotion should emphasize the long-term consequences of the choice.B) The promotion to the working-class man should emphasize the long-term benefits of insurance, while the upper-class promotion should emphasize the short-term consequences of the choice.C) The promotion to the working-class man should emphasize pictures while the upper-class promotion should emphasize words.D) Both men would receive the same ad because elaboration codes have been found to be irrelevant to this product category.

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3AACSB: Communication abilities

23) When people are differentiated in terms of their aesthetic and intellectual preferences, a ________ concept is being applied.A) cultural code designationB) social clusterC) taste cultureD) consumption constellation

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3

24) Pierre Bourdieu concluded that "taste" is a ________ that causes consumption preferences to cluster together.A) habitusB) codeC) hierarchyD) capital

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3

25) A Rolls-Royce, a Cartier diamond, and an Andy Warhol painting are all items bought and displayed as markers of social class. These products are ________.A) social inhibitorsB) social parametersC) status symbolsD) psychological blocks

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Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3AACSB: Communication abilities

26) Social analyst Thorstein Veblen believed that we buy things to create ________. This means we use our purchases to inspire envy in others through our display of wealth or power.A) affluenzaB) invidious distinctionC) status crystallizationD) cultural capital

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3AACSB: Communication abilities

27) If the super rich bought "shredded Levi's jeans" to wear to formal parties, they would be exhibiting a sophisticated form of conspicuous consumption known as ________.A) parody displayB) invidious distinctionC) downsizingD) elaborated codes

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3

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28) If a social researcher wanted to investigate social status in a small city, her best choice for a questionnaire would be one that included questions or observations on education, area of residence, total family income per year, and ________.A) occupation prestige level of household headB) membership groups of the primary income earnersC) ability to communicate via the Internet and other electronic communication channelsD) ability to win friends and influence people

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

29) A person in the middle class, but with an income at least 15 percent lower than the median for the middle class, would be known as a(n) ________ consumer.A) underprivilegedB) invidiousC) restrictedD) conspicuous

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

30) Which of the following is NOT a reason cited by your text that marketers have failed to use social class information as effectively as they could?A) They have ignored status inconsistency.B) They have ignored intergenerational mobility.C) They have ignored consumers' aspirations to change their class standing.D) They have ignored the impact of technology on social class.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-3

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31) ________ defines a pattern of consumption reflecting a person's choices on how he or she spends their time and money.A) LifestyleB) HabitusC) Social classD) Cultural capital

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-4

32) The ________ marketing perspective recognizes that people sort themselves into groups on the basis of the things they like to do, how they like to spend their leisure time, and how they choose to spend their disposable income.A) personalityB) motivationC) lifestyleD) social

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-4

33) Product ________ occurs when the symbolic meanings of different products are related to one another.A) distinctionB) crystallizationC) complementarityD) hierarchy

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-5

34) Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) brand prominenceB) consumption constellationC) restricted codeD) elaborated code

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Describe the influence of social class and economic class on consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 12-5

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Consumer Behavior, 10e (Solomon)Chapter 13 Subcultures

1) A ________ is defined as a group whose members share beliefs and common experiences that set them apart from others.A) cultureB) subcultureC) microcultureD) cohort

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-1AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

2) A ________ is defined as a group of people who identify with a certain lifestyle or aesthetic preference.A) cultureB) subcultureC) microcultureD) cohort

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-1AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

3) In a(n) ________ culture, members of the culture tend to be loosely knit and words carry most of the weight in messages.A) acculturatedB) high-contextC) ethnicD) low-context

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-2AACSB: Communication abilities

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4) The process whereby a product formerly associated with a specific ethnic group is detached from its roots and marketed to other subcultures is called ________.A) de-alienationB) deethnicizationC) de-immigrationD) deculturization

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

5) When new immigrants arrive in this country, they tend to cluster geographically. The primary source of information and advice for this group comes from which of the following?A) mass media advertisingB) consulates or embassiesC) the local community where the immigrant locatesD) relatives in the immigrant's home country

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

6) ________ refers to the process of movement and adaptation to one country's cultural environment by a person from another country.A) Identity renaissanceB) EthnographyC) AcculturationD) Deethnicization

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

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7) People and institutions that teach the ways of a culture are called ________.A) progressive learning modelsB) ethnography facilitatorsC) host culturesD) acculturation agents

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

8) The cultural learning acquired through ________ leads immigrants to a process of adaptation.A) maintenanceB) translationC) resistanceD) segregation

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

9) In the process of ________, new immigrants adopt products, habits, and values they identify with the mainstream culture.A) assimilationB) maintenanceC) segregationD) resistance

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

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10) Immigrants who exhibit ________ live and shop in places separated from mainstream Anglo consumers.A) warmingB) adaptationC) segregationD) movement

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

11) Through the process of ________, immigrants make the unfamiliar familiar by integrating symbols from their former lives into their new homes.A) assimilationB) maintenanceC) resistanceD) warming

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-3AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

12) With 12. 5 percent of the population, the ________ population is the largest ethnic subculture in America.A) African-AmericanB) Asian-AmericanC) Hispanic AmericanD) American Indian

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

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13) Which of the following American ethnic subcultures is considered to be the fastest growing?A) Hispanic AmericanB) African AmericanC) Asian AmericanD) American Indian

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

14) What statement best describes what has happened to the median family income of African Americans over the last decade?A) It is presently at a historic high.B) Adjusted for inflation, there has been no change.C) African-American household income has been declining steadily.D) Household income has increased on average, except for married African Americans, who have seen their incomes fall.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

15) More than fifty percent of all Hispanic Americans are concentrated in just six American metropolitan areas. Which of the following is NOT among them?A) DenverB) Los AngelesC) New YorkD) San Francisco

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

27Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

16) Hispanic Americans are primarily (60 percent) of ________ descent.A) MexicanB) Puerto RicanC) South AmericanD) Dominican

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

17) Demographically, which of the following are the two most important characteristics of the Hispanic American market?A) It is a mature group with money to spend.B) It is a young group that has stabilized its growth rate in recent years.C) It is a young group that is now almost totally bilingual.D) It is a young group and the Hispanic family tends to be large in size.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

18) Which of the following distinguishes Asian Americans from other subcultures in the United States?A) Asian Americans constitute the largest subculture in the United States.B) Asian Americans are the best educated of any ethnic subculture in the United States.C) Asian Americans have the distinction of having a common language that acts as a unifying cultural agent.D) Asian American households are larger than most other ethnic households in America.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

28Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

19) Which of the following is generally true about Asian Americans?A) They tend to be very brand loyal.B) They are not attracted to products that express material status.C) They are one of the least brand-loyal of all American subcultures.D) They are less likely than the average American to buy high-tech gadgets.

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

20) Which of the "Big Three" American subcultures has a higher percentage of families with household income above $50,000 than the nation as a whole?A) African AmericanB) Hispanic AmericanC) Asian AmericanD) Arab American

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-4AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

21) The lack of marketing information about religion is due to ________.A) the small number of people who are influenced in the marketplace by religious issuesB) the dollar value of the Christian market being very lowC) traditional bigotry toward religionD) religion being somewhat of a taboo subject among researchers

Diff: 3Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-5AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

29Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

22) We can trace most religion-oriented marketing activity in America to the ________ community.A) Jewish B) Catholic C) Muslim D) Born-Again Christian

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how membership in ethnic, religious, and racial subcultures influences consumer behavior.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-5AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

23) An age ________ consists of people of similar ages who have undergone similar experiences.A) cultureB) paradigmC) cohortD) model

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-6

24) Which of the following is true about the phenomenon of nostalgia?A) Adults older than 30 are particularly susceptible, but people of all ages can feel nostalgic.B) Adults older than 50 are particularly susceptible to nostalgia, but people younger than 40 are more likely to reserve their warm feelings for future events.C) Most adults are about equal in the amount of nostalgia that they feel.D) Nostalgia is an important marketing variable, but researchers have no reliable methods of measuring it.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-6

30Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

25) Which of the following best describes the concept of a teenager?A) Most cultures have historically separated youth between the ages of 13 to 17 as being neither children nor adults.B) Most primitive cultures have isolated youth between 13 to 17 as being unstable and incapable of membership in adult life.C) The concept of being a teenager is a relatively new historical development that did not exist prior to about 60 to 70 years ago.D) The concept of a teenager began to appear in Western cultures about 200 years ago as a result of practices by Native American tribes.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-7AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

26) Advertising to teens typically depicts ________.A) respected adults recommending the productB) qualified experts explaining the benefit of the product C) "in" teens using the productD) family members of two or three generations using the product together

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-7

27) Which of the following is NOT one of the four conflicts common to all teens identified by Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency?A) growth versus restrictionB) autonomy versus belongingC) idealism versus pragmatismD) narcissism versus intimacy

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-7

31Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

28) Another name for Generation Y is ________.A) War BabiesB) SlackersC) the Lost GenerationD) Echo Boomers

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-7

29) Gen Yers are at home in a ________, communicating by texting and IMing.A) thumb cultureB) tween marketC) gray marketD) renaissance culture

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-7AACSB: Communication abilities

30) Which of the following best explains why marketers view teens as "consumers-in-training"?A) Teenagers have little influence on their families' purchase decisions, but they carefully watch and model the consumer behavior of their parents.B) Marketers typically do not begin targeting consumers until they are teenagers.C) Teenagers have little discretionary income, so they have few opportunities to make independent purchase decisions.D) Teenagers often develop brand loyalty during their adolescence, committing to a brand and continuing to purchase it for decades to come.

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-7

32Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

31) The cohort of consumers born between 1965 and 1985 has been labeled ________, or "baby busters."A) War BabiesB) The Lost GenerationC) Generation XD) Baby Boomlets

Diff: 2Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-7AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

32) If you were a person born between 1946 and 1964, you would be called a ________.A) Baby BoomletB) Baby BusterC) War BabyD) Baby Boomer

Diff: 1Learning Outcome: Explain how marketers can best appeal to members of different age subcultures.Skill: ConceptObjective: 13-8AACSB: Multicultural and diversity understanding

*** ALL REMAINING ITEMS ARE FROM PRIOR FINAL EXAMS *** >>> Same Chapter Questions Above May Have Different Correct Answer – So Study Responses Carefully <<<

1 Which of the following is NOT a reason cited by your text that marketers have failed to use social class information as effectively as they could?A) They have ignored status inconsistency.B) They have ignored intergenerational mobility.C) They have ignored consumers' aspirations to keep their class standing.D) They have ignored subjective social classE) All of the above are reasons

2 The lack of marketing information about religion is due to ________.A) the dollar value of the Christian market being very low B) religion being somewhat of a taboo subject among researchers C) the small number of people who are influenced in the marketplace by religious issues D) traditional bigotry toward religionE) none of the above

3 Immigrants who exhibit ________ live and shop in places separated from mainstream Anglo consumers.A) segregationB) seperationC) segmentationD) selectionE) none of the above

4 According to a classic view of the American class structure, the newer social elites, drawn from current professionals, belong to which of the following social class categories?

33Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

A) Lower-UpperB) Upper-UpperC) Upper-MiddleD) Lower-MiddleE) None of the above

5 Which of the following American ethnic subcultures is considered to be the fastest growing?A) Arab AmericanB) Asian AmericanC) European AmericanD) Hispanic AmericanE) None of the above

6 The ________ a group is, the more likely members are to engage in social loafing.A) more homogeneousB) smallerC) biggerD) less homogeneousE) none of the above

7 ________ refers to the process of movement and adaptation to one country's cultural environment by a person from another country.A) acclimationB) acculturationC) assimilationD) accomodationE) none of the above

8 We tend to marry people in a similar social class to our own. Sociologists call this ____, or assortative mating.A) marriage complementarityB) homogamyC) monogamyD) status crystallizationE) none of the above

9 Advertising to teens typically depicts ________.A) respected adults recommending the productB) action-oriented scenes and imagesC) "in" teens not using the productD) family members of two or three generations using the product togetherE) none of the above

10 In the process of ________, new immigrants adopt products, habits, and values they identify with the mainstream culture.A) acclimilationB) associationC) assimilationD) acculturationE) none of the above

11 The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) sociable B) special C) second-order D) social E) none of the above

12 ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) social mobilityB) social affinityC) social modalityD) social stratification

34Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

E) none of the above

13 When members of a group come together with a certain attitude, that attitude becomes more extreme after the group discusses it. This effect is called ________.A) the principle of least interest B) responsibility diffusionC) social loafing D) decision popularizationE) none of the above

14 A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group.A) formalB) membershipC) familiarD) non-aspirationalE) none of the above

15 The phenomenon called ________ refers to the creation of artificial divisions in a society.A) social specializationB) mass class C) ascribed statusD) reference group affiliation E) none of the above

16 Which of the following is NOT one of the four conflicts common to all teens identified by Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency?A) rebellion versus conformityB) autonomy versus belongingC) idealism versus pragmatismD) narcissism versus intimacyE) all of the above are one of the four conflicts

17 Which of the following is an example of a new kind of avoidance group that has grown in popularity through the Web?A) virtual communities of consumptionB) virtual worldsC) consumer tribesD) antibrand commutersE) none of the above

18 A person who is born into a rich, powerful family (i.e., "She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth") is said to have ________ status.A) arrivedB) ascribedC) applied D) achievedE) none of the above

19 Consumers who are confident in themselves and do not seek peer approval for their behaviors are said to be ___.A) deindividuated B) normative C) role-reflexedD) insulatedE) none of the above

20 Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) brand constellationB) combination constellationC) consumption constellationD) coded constellationE) none of the above

35Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

21 If the super rich bought "shredded Levi's jeans" to wear to formal parties, they would be exhibiting a sophisticated form of conspicuous consumption known as ________.A) downsizingB) elaborated codes C) parody display D) invidious distinctionE) none of the above

22 Product ________ occurs when the symbolic meanings of different products are related to one another.A) componentryB) crystallizationC) completionD) compositionE) none of the above

23 Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions.A) valid-expressiveB) descriptiveC) beliefsD) very-expressiveE) none of the above

24 The cultural learning acquired through ________ leads immigrants to a process of adaptation.A) transformationB) transitionC) transmissionD) transmutationE) none of the above

25 According to the ________ perspective, under the right circumstances a group of people is smarter than the smartest people within the group.A) wisdom of crowdsB) wireless cloudC) deindividuationD) wisdom of codesE) none of the above

26 Which of the following is NOT one of three basic themes of complaint Web sites recently identified in a study of such Web sites?A) injuryB) identityC) power to change a status quoD) agencyE) all of the above are one of the three basic themes

27 When people are differentiated in terms of their aesthetic and intellectual preferences, a ________ concept is being applied.A) cultural code designationB) taste cultureC) task clusterD) consumption constellationE) none of the above

28 __ defines a pattern of consumption reflecting a person's choices on how he or she spends their time and money.A) psychologyB) identityC) lifecycleD) expenditureE) none of the above

29 The ________ influence is the reference group influence that helps the consumer make decisions about specific brands or activities.

36Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

A) normativeB) competitiveC) complementaryD) brandE) none of the above

30 A sociometric network analysis is likely to study all of the following EXCEPT which one?A) reflective behaviorB) message sharing within subgroups and cliquesC) the tie strength between members of a networkD) communication in social systemsE) none of the above

31 A person who receives rewards and status because of his hard work is said to have ________ status.A) acquiredB) actualizedC) ascribedD) attainedE) none of the above

32 In advertising terms, a(n) ________ refers to a view or exposure to an advertising message.A) perspectiveB) introspectionC) ratingD) inspectionE) none of the above

33 An age ________ consists of people of similar ages who have undergone similar experiences.A) collectionB) cohortC) clusterD) continuumE) none of the above

34 If a consumer admires the qualities of another person and copies his or her behaviors, the person that is copied is said to have ________ power.A) relevanceB) admirationalC) respectD) relationshipE) none of the above

35 In a(n) ________ culture, members of the culture tend to be loosely knit and words carry most of the weight in messages.A) low-complexB) high-complexC) whole-complexD) life-complexE) none of the above

1 The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) sociable B) special C) second-order D) social E) none of the above

2 Which of the following is an example of a new kind of avoidance group that has grown in popularity through the Web?A) virtual communities of consumption

37Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

B) virtual worldsC) consumer tribesD) antibrand commutersE) none of the above

3 When members of a group come together with a certain attitude, that attitude becomes more extreme after the group discusses it. This effect is called ________.A) the principle of least interest B) responsibility diffusionC) social loafing D) decision popularizationE) none of the above

4 Consumers who are confident in themselves and do not seek peer approval for their behaviors are said to be ___.A) deindividuated B) normative C) role-reflexedD) insulatedE) none of the above

5 A sociometric network analysis is likely to study all of the following EXCEPT which one?A) reflective behaviorB) message sharing within subgroups and cliquesC) the tie strength between members of a networkD) communication in social systemsE) none of the above

6 Which of the following is NOT one of three basic themes of complaint Web sites recently identified in a study of such Web sites?A) injuryB) identityC) power to change a status quoD) agencyE) all of the above are one of the three basic themes

7 The phenomenon called ________ refers to the creation of artificial divisions in a society.A) social specializationB) mass class C) ascribed statusD) reference group affiliation E) none of the above

8 A person who is born into a rich, powerful family (i.e., "She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth") is said to have ________ status.A) arrivedB) ascribedC) applied D) achievedE) none of the above ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) Social stratification B) Status crystallizationC) Social nobilityD) Social affinity E) none of the above

9 ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) Social stratification B) Status crystallizationC) Social nobilityD) Social affinity E) none of the above

10 If the super rich bought "shredded Levi's jeans" to wear to formal parties, they would be exhibiting a sophisticated form of conspicuous consumption known as ________.

38Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

A) downsizingB) elaborated codes C) parody display D) invidious distinctionE) none of the above

11 Which of the following is NOT a reason cited by your text that marketers have failed to use social class information as effectively as they could?A) They have ignored status inconsistency.B) They have ignored intergenerational mobility.C) They have ignored consumers' aspirations to keep their class standing.D) They have ignored subjective social classE) all of the above are reasons why marketers fail to use social class information

12 Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) consumption code B) elaborated consumptionC) consumption concentration D) restricted consumptionE) none of the above

13 In a(n) __ culture, members of the culture tend to be loosely knit and words carry most of the weight in messages.A) low-context B) high-contextC) low-content D) high-contentE) none of the above

14 ________ refers to the process of movement and adaptation to one country's cultural environment by a person from another country.A) acclimationB) acculturationC) assimilationD) accomodationE) none of the above

15 Immigrants who exhibit ________ live and shop in places separated from mainstream Anglo consumers.A) segregationB) seperationC) segmentationD) selectionE) none of the above

16 Advertising to teens typically depicts ________.A) respected adults recommending the productB) action-oriented scenes and imagesC) "in" teens not using the productD) family members of two or three generations using the product togetherE) none of the above

17 The lack of marketing information about religion is due to ________.A) the dollar value of the Christian market being very low B) religion being somewhat of a taboo subject among researchers C) the small number of people who are influenced in the marketplace by religious issues D) traditional bigotry toward religionE) none of the above

39Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

18 Which of the following American ethnic subcultures is considered to be the fastest growing?A) Arab AmericanB) Asian AmericanC) European AmericanD) Hispanic AmericanE) None of the above

1 When people are differentiated in terms of their aesthetic and intellectual preferences, a ________ concept is being applied.A) cultural code designationB) taste clusterC) task cultureD) consumption constellationE) none of the above

2 Which of the following is NOT one of the four conflicts common to all teens identified by Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency?A) rebellion versus conformityB) autonomy versus belongingC) idealism versus pragmatismD) narcissism versus interactionE) all of the above are one of the four conflicts

3 Product ________ occurs when the symbolic meanings of different products are related to one another.A) componentryB) crystallizationC) completionD) complementarityE) none of the above

4 Within groups, informal rules of behavior are called ________.A) beliefsB) valuesC) normsD) interpersonal dynamicsE) none of the above

5 The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) personal B) special C) societal-order D) behavioral E) none of the above

6 In a(n) ________ culture, members of the culture tend to be loosely knit and words carry most of the weight in messages.A) low-contentB) high-contentC) whole-contextD) life-contextE) none of the above

7 ________ defines a pattern of consumption reflecting a person's choices on how he or she spends their time and money.A) lifecycleB) householdC) social classD) expenditureE) none of the above

8 An age ________ consists of people of similar ages who have undergone similar experiences.A) collectionB) cohortC) clusterD) continuum

40Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

E) none of the above

9 In advertising terms, a(n) ________ refers to a view or exposure to an advertising message.A) perspectiveB) interpretationC) ratingD) impressionE) none of the above

10 A person who receives rewards and status because of his hard work is said to have ________ status.A) achievedB) actualizedC) ascribedD) attainedE) none of the above

11 Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions.A) relationalB) descriptiveC) beliefsD) very-expressiveE) none of the above

12 Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) brand constellationB) combination constellationC) consumption constellationD) coded constellationE) none of the above

13 The cultural learning acquired through ________ leads immigrants to a process of adaptation.A) transformationB) transitionC) translationD) transmissionE) none of the above

14 According to the ________ perspective, under the right circumstances a group of people is smarter than the smartest people within the group.A) wisdom of crowdsB) wireless cloudC) deindividuationD) wisdom of codesE) none of the above

15 A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group.A) non-aspirationalB) tribalC) mentorshipD) networkedE) none of the above

16 In the process of ________, new immigrants adopt products, habits, and values they identify with the mainstream culture.A) acclimilationB) associationC) assimilationD) acculturationE) none of the above

17 ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) status mobility

41Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

B) social affinityC) social modalityD) social stratificationE) none of the above

1 When people are differentiated in terms of their aesthetic and intellectual preferences, a ________ concept is being applied.A) cultural code designationB) taste cultureC) task clusterD) consumption constellationE) none of the above

2 Which of the following is NOT one of the four conflicts common to all teens identified by Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency?A) rebellion versus conformityB) autonomy versus belongingC) idealism versus pragmatismD) narcissism versus intimacyE) all of the above are one of the four conflicts

3 Product ________ occurs when the symbolic meanings of different products are related to one another.A) componentryB) crystallizationC) completionD) compositionE) none of the above

4 The ________ influence is the reference group influence that helps the consumer make decisions about specific brands or activities.A) normativeB) competitiveC) complementaryD) brandE) none of the above

5 If a consumer admires the qualities of another person and copies his or her behaviors, the person that is copied is said to have ________ power.A) relevanceB) admirationalC) respectD) relationshipE) none of the above

6 In a(n) ________ culture, members of the culture tend to be loosely knit and words carry most of the weight in messages.A) low-complexB) high-complexC) whole-complexD) life-complexE) none of the above

42Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

7 __ defines a pattern of consumption reflecting a person's choices on how he or she spends their time and money.A) psychologyB) identityC) lifecycleD) expenditureE) none of the above

8 An age ________ consists of people of similar ages who have undergone similar experiences.A) collectionB) cohortC) clusterD) continuumE) none of the above

9 In advertising terms, a(n) ________ refers to a view or exposure to an advertising message.A) perspectiveB) introspectionC) ratingD) inspectionE) none of the above

10 A person who receives rewards and status because of his hard work is said to have ________ status.A) acquiredB) actualizedC) ascribedD) attainedE) none of the above

11 Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions.A) valid-expressiveB) descriptiveC) beliefsD) very-expressiveE) none of the above

12 Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) brand constellationB) combination constellationC) consumption constellationD) coded constellationE) none of the above

13 The cultural learning acquired through ________ leads immigrants to a process of adaptation.A) transformationB) transitionC) transmissionD) transmutationE) none of the above

14 According to the ________ perspective, under the right circumstances a group of people is smarter than the smartest people within the group.A) wisdom of crowdsB) wireless cloudC) deindividuationD) wisdom of codesE) none of the above

15 A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group.A) formalB) membership

43Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

C) familiarD) non-aspirationalE) none of the above

16 In the process of ________, new immigrants adopt products, habits, and values they identify with the mainstream culture.A) acclimilationB) associationC) assimilationD) acculturationE) none of the above

17 ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) social mobilityB) social affinityC) social modalityD) social stratificationE) none of the above

1 When people are differentiated in terms of their aesthetic and intellectual preferences, a ________ concept is being applied.A) cultural code designationB) taste clusterC) task cultureD) consumption constellationE) none of the above

2 Which of the following is NOT one of the four conflicts common to all teens identified by Saatchi & Saatchi advertising agency?A) rebellion versus conformityB) autonomy versus belongingC) idealism versus pragmatismD) narcissism versus interactionE) all of the above are one of the four conflicts

3 Product ________ occurs when the symbolic meanings of different products are related to one another.A) componentryB) crystallizationC) completionD) complementarityE) none of the above

4 Within groups, informal rules of behavior are called ________.A) beliefsB) valuesC) normsD) interpersonal dynamicsE) none of the above

5 The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) personal B) special C) societal-order D) behavioral E) none of the above

44Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

6 In a(n) ________ culture, members of the culture tend to be loosely knit and words carry most of the weight in messages.A) low-contentB) high-contentC) whole-contextD) life-contextE) none of the above

7 ________ defines a pattern of consumption reflecting a person's choices on how he or she spends their time and money.A) lifecycleB) householdC) social classD) expenditureE) none of the above

8 An age ________ consists of people of similar ages who have undergone similar experiences.A) collectionB) cohortC) clusterD) continuumE) none of the above

9 In advertising terms, a(n) ________ refers to a view or exposure to an advertising message.A) perspectiveB) interpretationC) ratingD) impressionE) none of the above

10 A person who receives rewards and status because of his hard work is said to have ________ status.A) achievedB) actualizedC) ascribedD) attainedE) none of the above

11 Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions.A) relationalB) descriptiveC) beliefsD) very-expressiveE) none of the above

12 Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) brand constellationB) combination constellationC) consumption constellationD) coded constellationE) none of the above

1 Reference groups influence us in three ways. These influences include informational, utilitarian, and ________ dimensions.A) reputationalB) value-expansiveC) knowledge

45Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

D) value-exprloringE) none of the above

2 The phenomenon called ________ refers to the creation of artificial divisions in a society.A) social specification B) ascribed statusC) artificializationD) reference group affiliationE) none of the above

3 The ________ marketing perspective recognizes that people sort themselves into groups on the basis of the things they like to do, how they like to spend their leisure time, and how they choose to spend their disposable income.A) lifestageB) timestyleC) liesure timeD) lifestyleE) none of the above

4 The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) coercive B) referent C) influence D) social E) none of the above

5 When people are differentiated in terms of their aesthetic and intellectual preferences, a _ concept is being appliedA) taste codeB) taste cultureC) taste clusterD) taste captureE) none of the above

6 Through the process of ________, immigrants make the unfamiliar familiar by integrating symbols from their former lives into their new homes.A) warningB) resistanceC) maintenance D) assimilation warmingE) none of the above

7 Within groups, informal rules of behavior are called ________.A) normsB) nodesC) codesD) values E) none of the above

8 Immigrants who exhibit ________ live and shop in places separated from mainstream Anglo consumers.A) separationB) segregationC) segmentationD) stratificationE) none of the above

9 ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) Social strivingB) Social mobilityC) Social changeD) Social modality

46Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

E) none of the above

10 One of the chief causes of the phenomenon of the risky shift effect is ________.A) decision polarizationB) degeneration hypothesisC) regeneration hypothesisD) diffusion of respectabilityE) none of the above

11 The cultural learning acquired through ________ leads immigrants to a process of adaptation.A) maintenanceB) transitionC) resistanceD) segregationE) none of the above

12 An age ________ consists of people of similar ages who have undergone similar experiences.A) communityB) clusterC) generationD) cohortE) none of the above

1 When people are differentiated by aesthetic and intellectual preferences, a ____ concept is being applied.A) cultural code designationB) social clusterC) taste cultureD) consumption constellation

2 Political candidates who get the most media exposure are more likely to win an election because of the effect of ________ in determining one's set of referents.A) propinquityB) mere exposureC) group cohesivenessD) reference bias

3 What statement best describes the median family income of African Americans over the last decade?A) It is presently at a historic high.B) Adjusted for inflation, there has been no change.C) African-American household income has been declining steadily.D) Household income increased on average, except for married African Americans, whose incomes fell.

4 According to the principle of least interest, the person who is least ___ has the most power in a relationship.A) committed to staying in the relationshipB) susceptible to interpersonal influenceC) susceptible to cultural pressuresD) concerned about sanctions against nonconforming behavior

5 A group composed of people that the consumer actually knows is called a(n) ________ reference group.A) aspirationalB) tribalC) membershipD) networked

6 People and institutions that teach the ways of a culture are called ________.A) progressive learning models

47Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

B) ethnography facilitatorsC) host culturesD) acculturation agents

7 Which of the following is generally true about Asian Americans?A) They tend to be very brand loyal.B) They are not attracted to products that express material status.C) They are one of the least brand-loyal of all American subcultures.D) They are less likely than the average American to buy high-tech gadgets.

8 Which of the following refers to consumers who refuse to sacrifice style but who achieve that style on a budget?A) spendthriftsB) frugalistasC) ostrichesD) tightwads

9 Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) brand prominenceB) consumption constellationC) restricted codeD) elaborated code

10 Which of the following is NOT one of the four conflicts common to all teens identified by Saatchi & Saatchi ad agency?A) growth versus restrictionB) autonomy versus belongingC) idealism versus pragmatismD) narcissism versus intimacy

11 A sociometric network analysis is likely to study all of the following EXCEPT which one?A) referral behaviorB) the use of surrogate consumersC) the tie strength between members of a networkD) communication in social systems

12 Demographically, which of the following are the two most important characteristics of the Hispanic American market?A) It is a mature group with money to spend.B) It is a young group that has stabilized its growth rate in recent years.C) It is a young group that is now almost totally bilingual.D) It is a young group and the Hispanic family tends to be large in size.

13 According to a classic view of the American class structure, the newer social elites, drawn from current professionals, belong to which of the following social class categories?A) Lower-UpperB) Upper-UpperC) Upper-MiddleD) Lower-Middle

14 The ________ a group is, the more likely members are to engage in social loafing.A) more homogeneousB) smallerC) biggerD) less homogeneous

15 When new immigrants arrive in this country, they tend to cluster geographically. The primary source of information and advice for this group comes from which of the following?A) mass media advertisingB) consulates or embassiesC) the local community where the immigrant locatesD) relatives in the immigrant's home country

16 The lack of marketing information about religion is due to ________.48

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A) the small number of people who are influenced in the marketplace by religious issuesB) the dollar value of the Christian market being very lowC) traditional bigotry toward religionD) religion being somewhat of a taboo subject among researchers

17 Which of the following is NOT a reason cited by your text that marketers have failed to use social class information as effectively as they could?A) They have ignored status inconsistency.B) They have ignored intergenerational mobility.C) They have ignored consumers' aspirations to change their class standing.D) They have ignored the impact of technology on social class.

18 We tend to marry people in a similar social class to our own. Sociologists call this ____, or assortative mating.A) marriage complementarityB) homogamyC) monogamyD) status crystallization

19 According to the ________ perspective, under the right circumstances a group of people is smarter than the smartest people within the group.A) mere exposure phenomenonB) wisdom of crowdsC) deindividuationD) normative influence

20 The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) publicity B) social C) second-order D) behavioral

1 Which of the following is an example of a new kind of avoidance group that has grown popular through the Web?A) virtual communities of consumptionB) virtual worldsC) consumer tribesD) antibrand commutersE) none of the above

2 Immigrants who exhibit ________ live and shop in places separated from mainstream Anglo consumers.A) segregationB) seperationC) segmentationD) selectionE) none of the above

3 The phenomenon called ________ refers to the creation of artificial divisions in a society.A) social specializationB) mass class C) ascribed statusD) reference group affiliation E) none of the above

4 In a(n) __ culture, members of the culture tend to be loosely knit and words carry most of the weight in messages.A) low-context B) high-context

49Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

C) low-content D) high-contentE) none of the above

5 Consumers who are confident in themselves and do not seek peer approval for their behaviors are said to be ___.A) deindividuated B) normative C) role-reflexedD) insulatedE) none of the above

6 A sociometric network analysis is likely to study all of the following EXCEPT which one?A) reflective behaviorB) message sharing within subgroups and cliquesC) the tie strength between members of a networkD) communication in social systemsE) none of the above

7 ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) Social stratification B) Status crystallizationC) Social nobilityD) Social affinity E) none of the above

8 If the super rich bought "shredded Levi's jeans" to wear to formal parties, they would be exhibiting a sophisticated form of conspicuous consumption known as ________.A) downsizingB) elaborated codes C) parody display D) invidious distinctionE) none of the above

9 ________ refers to the process of movement and adaptation to one country's cultural environment by a person from another country.A) acclimationB) acculturationC) assimilationD) accomodationE) none of the above

10 Which of the following is NOT a reason cited by your text that marketers have failed to use social class information as effectively as they could?A) They have ignored status inconsistency.B) They have ignored intergenerational mobility.C) They have ignored consumers' aspirations to keep their class standing.D) They have ignored subjective social classE) all of the above are reasons why marketers fail to use social class information

11 The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) sociable B) special C) second-order D) social E) none of the above

12 Which of the following is NOT one of three basic themes of complaint Web sites recently identified in a study of such Web sites?A) injuryB) identityC) power to change a status quoD) agency

50Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

E) all of the above are one of the three basic themes

13 When members of a group come together with a certain attitude, that attitude becomes more extreme after the group discusses it. This effect is called ________.A) the principle of least interest B) responsibility diffusionC) social loafing D) decision popularizationE) none of the above

14 Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) consumption code B) elaborated consumptionC) consumption concentration D) restricted consumptionE) none of the above

15 A person who is born into a rich, powerful family (i.e., "She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth") is said to have ________ status.A) arrivedB) ascribedC) applied D) achievedE) none of the above ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) Social stratification B) Status crystallizationC) Social nobilityD) Social affinity E) none of the above

1 Which of the following is an example of a new kind of avoidance group that has grown popular through the Web?A) virtual communities of consumptionB) virtual worldsC) consumer tribesD) antibrand commutersE) none of the above

2 Immigrants who exhibit ________ live and shop in places separated from mainstream Anglo consumers.A) segregationB) seperationC) segmentationD) selectionE) none of the above

3 The phenomenon called ________ refers to the creation of artificial divisions in a society.A) social specializationB) mass class C) ascribed statusD) reference group affiliation E) none of the above

4 In a(n) __ culture, members of the culture tend to be loosely knit and words carry most of the weight in messages.A) low-context B) high-contextC) low-content D) high-contentE) none of the above

5 Consumers who are confident in themselves and do not seek peer approval for their behaviors are said to be ___.

51Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

A) deindividuated B) normative C) role-reflexedD) insulatedE) none of the above

6 A sociometric network analysis is likely to study all of the following EXCEPT which one?A) reflective behaviorB) message sharing within subgroups and cliquesC) the tie strength between members of a networkD) communication in social systemsE) none of the above

7 ________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) Social stratification B) Status crystallizationC) Social nobilityD) Social affinity E) none of the above

8 If the super rich bought "shredded Levi's jeans" to wear to formal parties, they would be exhibiting a sophisticated form of conspicuous consumption known as ________.A) downsizingB) elaborated codes C) parody display D) invidious distinctionE) none of the above

9 ________ refers to the process of movement and adaptation to one country's cultural environment by a person from another country.A) acclimationB) acculturationC) assimilationD) accomodationE) none of the above

10 Which of the following is NOT a reason cited by your text that marketers have failed to use social class information as effectively as they could?A) They have ignored status inconsistency.B) They have ignored intergenerational mobility.C) They have ignored consumers' aspirations to keep their class standing.D) They have ignored subjective social classE) all of the above are reasons why marketers fail to use social class information

11 The capacity to alter the actions of others is referred to as ________ power.A) sociable B) special C) second-order D) social E) none of the above

12 Which of the following is NOT one of three basic themes of complaint Web sites recently identified in a study of such Web sites?A) injuryB) identityC) power to change a status quoD) agencyE) all of the above are one of the three basic themes

13 When members of a group come together with a certain attitude, that attitude becomes more extreme after the group discusses it. This effect is called ________.A) the principle of least interest B) responsibility diffusionC) social loafing

52Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

D) decision popularizationE) none of the above

14 Consumers use a set of products called a(n) ________ to define, communicate, and perform social roles.A) consumption code B) elaborated consumptionC) consumption concentration D) restricted consumptionE) none of the above



A person who is born into a rich, powerful family (i.e., "She was born with a silver spoon in her mouth") is said to have ________ status.A) arrivedB) ascribedC) applied D) achievedE) none of the above

________ refers to the passage of individuals from one social class to another.A) Social stratification B) Status crystallizationC) Social nobilityD) Social affinity E) none of the above

53Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall

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