ebola hemorrhagic fever otherwise known as ebola

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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  • SHORT VIDEO CLIP ON EBOLA http://youtu.be/C_itlEamvBo?t=3s
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  • WHAT IS EBOLA It is known to the medical community as Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever It is a severe condition caused by a virus from the Filoviridae family There are five different types of the virus It causes about 80% of the people infected to die Feels like a Bad case of the flu Ebola normally affects women since theyre the care givers that take care of the infected
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  • HISTORY & PAST EBOLA OUTBREAKS Outbreaks have occurred in: Gabon, South Sudan, Ivory Coast, Uganda, Republic of Congo(ROC), South Africa, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo(DRC) Believed to have originated in African Fruit Bats 2014 epidemic is the largest in history First identified case was in 1967 near the Ebola river in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
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  • HOW IS EBOLA TRANSMITTED? IT IS CONTAGIOUS It is transmitted through direct contact with infected bodily fluid or tissue Animals can transmit the disease(non-human primates) Ebola can be transmitted with sticks from infected objects like needles Ebola is not spread through air, water, or in general by food Insects like mosquitos have not been proven to spread the disease You can get the disease by handling bodies of those who died from Ebola
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  • Symptoms can start to show up between 8 and 10 days after exposure, but can occur before or after INITIAL SYMPTOMS At first the symptoms are a sudden onset of fever, weakness, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pains, and lower back and arthritis like pain
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  • SYMPTOMS AFTER DIAGNOSIS Kidney and liver failure Bleeding from the mouth, ears, nose, and eyes Increased sensitivity to pain on the skin Conjunctivitis Rashes If you have diabetes, kidney, or liver failure you are the most at risk
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  • TREATMENTS NO VACCINE U.S., Canada, and Russia are all working on a vaccine Quantity is the problem Doctors offer supportive therapy i.e. hydration, oxygen, and treatment of complicating infections Russia hopes to have one out in the next 3 months
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  • PRECAUTIONARY STEPS Wash hands frequently Avoid contact with the blood and body fluids of anyone, especially the sick Dont touch anything that has been touched by someone with the virus Do not touch bats or non-human primates Contact someone immediately if you are showing symptoms Drink water from clean outlet Cook meat thoroughly Keep overall good hygiene
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  • WHAT MAKES EBOLA SO DEADLY Its speed of replication Ebola affects white blood cells that disable the bodies ability to fight of foreign substances first so it seizes nearly every cell type By the time of death a patient can have one billion copies of the virus in one cubic centimeter of blood
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  • WHAT VIRUS DOES ONCE INSIDE YOU When infected cells attach themselves to the inside of blood vessels it weakens them, causing fluids to leak The leaking fluids causes the uncontrollable bleeding seen in about 50% of patients When it overwhelms healthy cells, they burst which causes a chemical release leading to inflammation Infected cells that havent burst yet carry the virus through the blood stream to invade parts of the body like lymph nodes, spleen, and liver
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  • AFFECT ON THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY More likely to kill medical workers, because they are handling the sick bodies Bill & Melinda Gates have paid 50 million dollars to help fight the disease Obama pledged aid, troops, and infrastructure development as part of an international operation Reeking havoc on medical community due to how fast it spreads, infects, and kills Estimated $1 billion dollars to respond to the epidemic
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  • WHAT TO REMEMBER Ebola spreads through direct contact with blood and body fluids of others Symptoms appear within 2-21 days after exposure to virus A person infected with Ebola is not contagious until symptoms appear 2 imported cases, one death, and 2 locally acquired cases of health care workers in the U.S. There is no cure available to the public yet
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  • THANK YOU BY: Grace Matte, Hannah Kane, Lindsay Scheaffer, and Olivia Goodman

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