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Easy Cloud Pro:How to Protect Your Precious Digital Photos,

Files, and Documents on Your Computer

Hosted by: James J. Jones

Presented by: Jay Boyer & John S. Rhodes

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© Copyright 2014 J. J. Fast Publishing, LLC. All Rights Reserved. This guide may not be reproduced or transmitted in any form without the written permission of the publisher. Every effort has been made to make this guide as complete and accurate as possible. Although the author and publisher have prepared this guide with the greatest of care, and have made every effort to ensure the accuracy, we assume no responsibility or liability for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Before you begin, check with the appropriate authorities to insure compliance with all laws and regulations.

Every effort has been made to make this report as complete and accurate as possible. However,there may be mistakes in typography or content. Also, this report contains information on online marketing and technology only up to the publishing date. Therefore, this report should be used as a guide – not as the ultimate source of Internet marketing information.

The purpose of this report is to educate. The author and publisher does not warrant that the information contained in this report is fully complete and shall not be responsible for any errorsor omissions. The author and publisher shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss or damage caused or alleged to be caused directly or indirectly by this report, nor do we make any claims or promises of your ability to generate income by using any of this information.

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Table of Contents


How John & Jay Almost Lost Everything...................................................................7

3 Popular Computer Backup Solutions....................................................................12

Why Cloud Storage is Your Best Bet........................................................................15

What Cloud Storage Options Do You Have?...........................................................17

Introducing: Easy Cloud Pro!...................................................................................21

How to Access Jay & John’s $497 Bonus Package...................................................28

What People Are Saying About Easy Cloud Pro......................................................31

Questions & Answers..............................................................................................34

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Just about everything that you have of value is all in digital form now. That’s the truth of the matter. All of your bank statements, your photos, and even your work documents are all on your computer, your phone, etc. That’s just the way of the world now in 2014, and it’s how things will probably continue to be for years to come. Now, you might think that you have all ofyour files backed up and secure, and you might think that these things that you hold dear are well protected. They might not be as secure as you might think, and you’ll find out why throughout this lesson.

The information found herein was originally presented by Jay Boyer and John Rhodes of JJ Fast Publishing. These men are both pictured in the screenshot above. Both of them thought that their files were well protected, but then almost lost it all through a turn of events over this last summer. Their goal is to show you how to never lose money, time, or sleep because your computer files aren’t adequately protected.

Do you currently have any digital files on your computer right now that would be difficult (if notimpossible) to replace? What would it mean to your family or your business if you lost these files? Sometimes you don’t even realize what you have and how hard it would be to replace until you actually open up your hard drive and see what’s there. During the original presentation of this material, one woman pointed out that she had lots of manuscripts on her

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hard drive, and she really didn’t even realize how many she had until she nearly lost them all. So, what files do you have which would be impossible to replace in a worst case scenario.

Recently, John and Jay’s business nearly came to a screeching halt. It was truly on life support. They were barely able to navigate around in terms of their finances and customer support. It’s really staggering when you think about everything that’s stored on a computer, especially whenyou have a business.

A computer might contain everything from databases, spreadsheets, proposals, forms, and even passwords. The former was one of John and Jay’s biggest losses, if fact. They did not haveaccess to one of their primary files. This was a password file for both business and for different personal accounts such as investments and bank accounts. They thought they had all the security they needed in place, but truth was that it simply wasn’t there. The fact of the matter is that you don’t really know what you have to lose until your well runs dry.

Have any of the following things ever happened to you and your computer?

You downloaded a harmful virus

Your computer was stolen

Your computer crashed

Most importantly, are all of your precious digital photos, your home videos, your pictures, and your documents safely backed up online right now? There’s a reason why having an online

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backup of all your files is so important. You’ll soon understand why this goes above and beyondjust utilizing an external hard drive. John and Jay don’t want to make you afraid, but the honestly, if you’re not backing your files up in the cloud and getting it on your local hard drive, you’re taking a big risk.

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How John and Jay Almost Lost Everything

Here’s how John and Jay’s story goes. John was in his office, and his wife hit him up on Skype. The gist of her message was “Something has gone terribly wrong with my machine.” Well, Johnis the most technical person in his household, and although he doesn’t really enjoy taking care of the technical aspects of things, when he looked at his wife’s computer screen, he saw a this:

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He asked his wife what happened, and she replied that she opened up a file that was sent in. Well, the file that was sent in was a resume. It looked like someone’s resume, and it looked likecame from a legitimate address. This file was just a document file that a friend or colleague might send to you. However, this particular document triggered the Crypto Wall Virus.

When you open a file with the Crypto Wall Virus attached to it, the virus immediately begins to copy all of the files that are on your hard drive. That’s not an overstatement. It copies them all.Then, it encrypts them and begins to delete the files that it just copied. The only way that you can access the files which are still there is to decrypt them with a decryption program.

John’s hard drive had been hijacked, and he was forced into buying a decryption program for $500. He was given 48 hours to do so; after that, the price was going to go up to $1,000. He talked to some colleagues of his who specialized in computer technology, and they told him justto buy the decryption software. They said these guys were really good at unlocking the files because they don’t want word to go around that they keep your files, otherwise they aren’t going to get their ransom. John also talked to the authorities and law enforcement officials, buthe still ended up paying the ransome.

Everything was locked on John’s computer. It was impossible to open files and to run programs. The only thing working on the machine was the page above informing John of how much time he had to pay. Furthermore, it had to be in BitCoin. John had to go get Visa prepaid cards from his local Target so that they couldn’t track him through Bitcoin. He really felt threatened because through his research he found out that these guys were literally based in the Russian Mafia.

John’s wife was visibly upset that she lost her work files, but she began crying when she realized that many of her family photos were being stored on her computer. The picture above on the left is a family photo that they took when John and his wife took the kids to Disney World on vacation. The one on the right is of John’s parents. His dad is no longer living. Obviously, each of these photos could never be replaced, and these are just a couple of examples. There were many pictures that they had stored of their children growing up, of holiday visits, and them spending time with family. These photos were the real reason why John ended up paying the money for the decryption software.

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The kicker is that John did have an external hard drive on his wives computer. It was plugged inat the time that John’s wife’s hard drive was hijacked. Since it was plugged in, the virus was able to encrypt the information within it as well. So, not only was the main hard drive encrypted, the external one was as well. Everything was locked down.

In the end, John ended up paying these extortionists $598.87 in secret bitcoin cybercash. Not only did he pay that money, but he really didn’t trust that old computer after that. So, he felt forced into buying a new one. He also had to deal with computer people to get the data on his computer recovered, which took 27 days from beginning to end. That’s because the information was so encrypted, it took two solid weeks to encrypt it. This process in itself cost him $451.75, 12 phone calls, and 5 trips. All in all, John added up that the total cost of all of thiswas $2,156.45, not counting the mental anguish.

The point of all of this isn’t to freak you out, but to give you an example of a real situation that can happen to anyone. John wants you to know that he learned a valuable lesson from this. Helearned that he needed to start storing his data in a centralized location outside of his machine. He advises that you do as well. He also recommends that you find a system that uploads your data automatically because (let’s face it) humans in general are not very good at remembering to do this sort of thing on a regular basis.

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During the same week, Jay had a wake-up call of his own. His was not as dramatic as John’s, but it did make him realize that he was not securing his information effectively even though he had so much to lose. Above you can see what computer technicians often refer to as ‘The Blue Screen of Death’. Have you ever seen this screen before? It says ‘press any key to continue’, but Jay probably pressed all of them and couldn’t continue. He couldn’t get his computer to do anything.

Jay called his computer guy to fix it, and the man actually had to take it home to fix it. Luckily, two days later, Jay got a phone call from the guy telling him that all was not lost. Jay had boughtthis computer four years prior to this incident, when he first got into internet marketing, and hehad everything involved with his internet marketing business stored on it. It’s all on his hard drive. He has Kindle book manuscripts, spreadsheets, bank statements, photos, videos, PDF documents, and the list goes on and on. Obviously, Jay was more than a little freaked out whenhe could no longer access any of these files.

The email below was sent to Jay after his PC was fixed. It was titled ‘recent PC tune up’, but thiswas much more than a tune up. He had some viruses and some errors that the man was able to fix for the most part. The most important statement in this email is down at the bottom where the gentleman that fixed the computer commented “Also – I hope you are backing up information on your hard drive. If not, I suggest that you start doing that immediately.” This was the understatement of the year, according to Jay, and he started looking for solutions immediately.

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Jay had an external hard drive as well. It wasn’t really doing him much good because he hadn’t used it in about 18 months. Most people can probably relate to this. In any case, if it’s not plugged in, it’s not backing anything up. However, when he talked to John he knew that using this hard drive wasn’t really a solution anyway. So, they started working together to find a reliable solution. As previously state, there were a lot of JJ Fast documents and videos on Jay’s computer as well as John’s wife Megan’s.

Here’s the big take-away. If you don’t have a reliable backupplan to protect your computer filesyou could literally lose:

Years of work

Thousands of dollars

Months of time to recover them, if you even can

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3 Popular Computer Backup Solutions

So, what’s the solution for getting your most valuable files backed up? Here are some options:

Option #1: Do nothing. This is what Jay was doing. He thought “We live in a perfect world, andnothing ever goes wrong.” Well, that’s simply not the case. In fact, if you choose Option #1 then your computer is essentially a ticking time bomb. Simply put, you are playing with fire. You are urged not to choose Option #1. When it comes to protecting your computer file, it’s recommended that you take action.

Option #2: Purchase an external hard drive. Jay wasn’t using his external hard drive, which might have been a viable solution for him. John was, but it ended up being infected along with his other files because it was plugged in. The reason that it was plugged in was so that it would automatically update his files.

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It’s still an option. Not only is it very convenient to have this hard drive available if you go to a conference or something like that, it’s also very affordable. These only cost around $150 on average. Most of the time these devices hold one terabyte of storage; that’s pretty much the equivalent of one computer. Those are the pros. One major downfall is that they need to be plugged into your machine if you want to use them at all, but if you have them plugged in at thetime a virus affects your computer, they can be corrupted just the same. Finally, these devices can be physically lost or stolen easily. How scary would it be if your external hard drive is actually stolen?

Option #3: Upload it all to “The Cloud”. What exactly is cloud storage? As you well know, you can store your data on the hard drive of your computer or an external hard drive. This is called local storage. Cloud storage is getting all of your files stored on someone else’s server via the Internet. Have you ever purchased a movie and watched it on Amazon.com, for instance? Thatstreaming video is hosted on their servers. Cloud storage follows the same idea. All of that data is in ‘TheCloud’.

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Why Cloud Storage is Your Best Bet

There are a lot of advantages to having your data stored in ‘The Cloud’. First of all, it’s invisible. In other words, it won’t be cluttering up your desktop or your workspace, and it won’t be cluttering up your office either.

Secondly, it’s automated. Many cloud storage services back up your new files automatically. That means you’ll never have to worry about forgetting to do it yourself. You can even set the time that you want your cloud storage service to auto-update in most cases. For instance, you can set cloud storage software to update every 30 minutes, 60 minutes, or every day. You can set it to auto-update however often you feel is most secure.

Most importantly, backing up your files in the clouds is secure. It is almost always safer than simply storing them on your hard drive because these files are not exposed to computer virusesand spyware. Plus, they are typically encrypted when you use cloud storage. Most cloud storage services use military-style encryptions, in fact, so that there’s not a risk for hackers stealing your information.

Many cloud storage services also offer double-redundancy or triple-redundancy. That means your files aren’t stored on just one server or a single server location; they are on a server in the

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UK, and one in Arizona, and a server in Turkey, for example. That’s safety. That means if any one of those facilities go down, you’re not going to lose anything.

The best part is that once your files are stored, you can access them from anywhere in the world at any time. It doesn’t matter if you are on a mobile device, a tablet, or on your home computer. You can upload or download your files from anywhere. It just doesn’t get any more convenient than that.

For all of these reasons, cloud storage offers peace of mind. You’ll be able to close your eyes and go to sleep at night knowing that your most important files, documents, photos, videos, etcare locked away safely where no one can access them but you. You’re never going to lose that stuff.

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What Cloud Storage Options Do You Have?

There are currently a lot of different cloud storage options available to you. Here are some thatJay and John have some experience with:

1. Amazon Web Services (S3) – John and Jay have actually been using Amazon S3 for a while. They use it especially to store videos and other such things that use up lots of computer memory. Amazon’s servers are super-reliable. This is what Amazon uses to host data themselves. They use it to store all of their streaming videos and Kindle eBooks, for instance. They also use it to host the millions of web pages on their site. Everything on Amazon is on their servers; they just allow people to access their data for a fee.

There are some disadvantages to using Amazon Web Services. John and Jay know aboutthem because they have been using this service for such a long time. For one, it’s not easy to find your files within the AWS interface. Also, they will only allow you 100 folders, which were used up by John and Jay years ago. So, they are actually using folders that are mislabeled now. Furthermore, you have to upload all of your files manually. You cannot simply upload all the files on your computer and clone them.

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Amazon S3 is really more of a business-to-business solution than some of the other solutions out there. It’s not really meant to be used for personal files. Plus, this service isn’t cheap. John and Jay pay an average of somewhere between $275 and $300 a month for this service. This is shown in the screenshot above. It used to cost them a lotmore, but they got rid of some of the stuff they weren’t using. That’s another thing. If you have some files stored that you haven’t used in two years, you’re still being chargedfor them.

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2. Google Drive – John and Jay use Google Drive for a lot of different reasons. It’s not necessarily a viable option for computer backup, but it’s great for sharing files among team members. All you need to use it is a Google account.

Google Drive is a great service, but it’s not all things to all people. The data is not all that secure and not encrypted. If anyone can figure out how to get into your Google account, they can access your Google Drive information. Plus, the service has limited access for mobile devices. This is getting better though. Google just put out an iOS app,but there are still some glitches.

Finally, Google does give you 15 GB of storage for free, but if you are running a business or are part of a business, this can get used up very quickly. Everything within your Gmailaccount counts towards those 15 GB as well. After that, you have to pay for it, and it’s not cheap. One terabyte will cost you $9.99 a month, which will end up costing you $120 per year. That’s why it’s not a viable option for anyone that wants to upload their entire hard drive to the cloud.

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3. Dropbox – This service is one of the leading cloud storage options in the world. Like Google Drive, Dropbox is great for certain things. This particular service is great for sharing files between team members. However, it’s not perfect. For example, it can take a long time to upload your files to Dropbox, especially when it comes to larger file sizes like video files. The service doesn’t allow you to clone your hard drive either. Storage is also very expensive. After you use up your free storage allowance, you end up paying a lot. In fact, for multiple users and unlimited storage you would end up paying $795 a year or $75 a month. That’s a lot of money.

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Introducing: Easy Cloud Pro!

What would the ideal computer back up service look like? First of all, it would need to be PC and Mac compatible. Secondly, you would need to have unlimited cloud storage that could be accessed by an unlimited number of computers and devices. Next, you would need to have something that could backup your files automatically. This feature would be a necessity if you are not good at manually backing up your files periodically. The optimal storage solution wouldalso be mobile-device friendly, fun and easy to use, and inexpensive.

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John and Jay found a solution that meets all of these criteria. They want to make it available foryou to use as well. The service that they found is called Easy Cloud Pro. What makes this the perfect computer backup solution? The reasons are:

It is accessible from every computer and device…period. It’s accessible whether you have a Mac, Windows, an Android device, an iPhone, and/or a tablet. You can even access this tool through your Kindle Fire.

It provides an unlimited amount of “forever” storage. Even if you don’t need unlimited storage at this point, the service is going to grow with your needs and grow with your business. In other words, no matter how much storage you end up needing, you’ll be covered with Easy Cloud Pro.

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Since you have unlimited amounts of storage, you can go ahead and clone your entire hard drive. This is the solution that Jay was really needed. He needed a solution that would quickly allow him to upload all of his computer files to the cloud without worrying about costly storage limits. If you look at the picture above, you will see that all of the very same folders that Jay had on his hard drive are now uploaded to Easy Cloud Pro. He can access them any time as wellas click on them and search through them just like he could if they were on his computer.

One of the most important features of this service is that the software you install automatically backs up your hard drive every 60 minutes. So, you’ll never have to worry aboutwhether or not your uploaded that important file you created yesterday. You can kick back andknow that your files have been uploaded to the cloud. You can even change the frequency of how often your files are uploaded. Most importantly, your data is 100% encrypted. That means that your information is hack-proofed, and as a result, you’re going to be able to rest assured that your files are safe.

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The hosting company that is used for Easy cloud Pro has won a number of awards. For instance, it was given a PC Pro Excellence award. The issuers of this award stated that it is “Exceedingly easy to set up and use…it pretty much does it all!” Active Computer magazine gaveit five stars and called it a “High-quality, simple and reliable cloud backup…” The Wall Street Journal even commented on this tool in an article titled “cloud storage excellence”.

Probably the best of thing about Easy Cloud Pro is that you don’t have to pay expensive monthly storage charges to take advantage of this solution. You’re not going to be charged $10every month, or $120 a year, or even $300 a month. John and Jay don’t want you to feel like you should have to pay an arm and a leg to get a little peace of mind. Again, with this software you’ll be able to:

Protect your most priceless digital photos

Secure your business documents in the cloud

Stop worrying about hackers and computer failure

Enjoy unlimited cloud storage with no monthly fees

Feel secure knowing that your computer files are safe

Have user-friendly protection that’s set & forget, always on

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John and Jay have partnered with one of the most powerful, safest, most secure cloud storage companies on Earth. Now, you can choose between one of two options. The first is the “Peace of Mind Package”. With this package you will receive:

1 TB (1,000 GB) of massive storage in the cloud

100% protected and secure (but still user-friendly)

Ability to back up 1 machine w/automatic updates

Easy Cloud Pro Tutorials and Training (7 Videos + PDF)

Special Report: 44 Life-Saving Computer “Quick Fixes”

With this package you’ll be covered with the same amount of memory that a standard hard drive has. Your data will be 100% protected and secured, and you will also receive tutorials andtraining on how to use the software. In addition to all of this, you’ll get a special report that contains 44 lifesaving computer “quick-fixes”.

The second option is called the “Lifetime Unlimited Package”. With this package you will receive each of the following:

Unlimited cloud storage,

Unlimited files and folders

Unlimited number of computers, tablets, devices

Payment Protection Platinum Edition (PayPal Security)

Complete Guide to Evernote (Organize Your Business)

Training System: Virus, Malware, and Identity Theft

Action Enforcer Time Management Tool (Save Time)

100% protected and secure (but still user-friendly)

Easy Cloud Pro Tutorials and Training (7 Videos + PDF)

Special Report: 44 Life-Saving Tech “Quick Fixes”

With this package, you’re going to get unlimited cloud storage, unlimited files, and unlimited folders. You will be able to access these files through an unlimited number of computers, tablets, and devices. You’re also going to get training on Payment Protect, which is a PayPal security program. You’ll also get a complete guide to Evernote, which will help you to better

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organize your business and organize your digital documents in a really smart way. Everynote is great for that, as you will learn throughout this training.

You’re also going to receive a complete training system on how to prevent viruses, malware, and identity theft. In addition to this, you’ll receive an Action Enforcer Time Management Tool to help you maximize your time. Plus, you’re going to receive Easy Cloud Pro Tutorials and Training. This includes seven videos and a PDF file. Included in this package is also a Special Report with 44 lifesaving tech “quick fixes”.

As you can see, this second package is truly unlimited. You can store as many files, folders, photos, videos, and programs as you like. This is really an incredible package. You can use EasyCloud Pro to house all of your personal data, your business data, and even your team’s data. John and Jay promise that there will be no monthly fees and that it will work on Macs and PCs. This will work on Mobile devices as well. Furthermore, the backups that occur will be silent andpain-free, and Easy Cloud Pro will easily “clone” your machine.

Keep in mind that John and Jay are using Easy Cloud Pro too. Now, they are using other storagesolutions. For instance, they are using Amazon S3. They are also protecting themselves by other means by using things like antivirus software. However, this gives them the extra peace ofmind of having their data stored safely in the cloud. To reiterate, if you would like to have the same peace of mind, you can do so by taking advantage of one of the two following options:

Option #1

Peace of Mind Package

1 TB massive cloud storage

100% protected and secure

Ability to backup 1 machine

Easy Cloud Pro Tutorials & PDF

44 Life-Saving Tech “Quick Fixes”

Get it today for only $97 + $9.99 per year (a necessary server maintenance fee).

Option #2

Lifetime Unlimited Package

Unlimited cloud storage

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Unlimited files and folders

Unlimited computers & devices

Payment Protect Platinum Edition

Complete Guide to Evernote

Digital Security Bonus Trainings

Action Enforcer Software

100% protected and secure

Easy Cloud Pro Tutorials & PDF

44 Life-Saving Tech “Quick Fixes”

Grab it today for only $197 + $9.99 per year (a necessary server maintenance fee).

The truth is that most people will invest in Option #2 because you’ll enjoy unlimited storage , files, and devices – basically it’s a tremendous value. You’ll get a lot of storage with the first package, but if you store a lot of video and other types of large files, you’ll want the second.

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Also, going with the second package is going to ensure that you’ll have all the storage you need for many years to come. Again, with the second package, you’re going to receive:

Unlimited Storage

Unlimited files

Unlimited devices

This offer is for individuals, for small businesses, for families, and for entrepreneurs. No matter what your situation, these packages are for you. If you want to secure this investment you haveto take action right now though. That’s because this is a special introductory price, and John and Jay will be raising the price of Easy Cloud Pro very soon when they introduce this valuable service to the general public. However, they guarantee that this very special price will be available until Sunday night Pacific time. Lock in this introductory special price (and their $475

worth of “Save Your Bacon” Bonuses) right now by visiting: http://jjsnip.com/jjj .

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How to Access Jay & John’s $497 Bonus Package

In addition to the actual cloud storage service and protection you are being offered, you’re going to be getting a special report of 44 life-saving tech “quick fixes” with whichever option you choose. This is really a trouble-shooting guide that’s 119 pages long. Basically, it answers every type of troubleshooting questions that you could possibly have related to your PC. This document alone will be selling for $97 when this offer is over. There will also be six or seven tutorials included demonstrating how to use Easy Cloud Pro, although it’s really easy to use the service.

There are also a number of additional bonuses in the Lifetime Unlimited Package. The PaymentProtect Platinum Edition is a program that the members of JJ Fast created about 18 months agowhen they lost their PayPal account. It was sort of a similar situation, and Jay didn’t want anyone else to have to go through that experience ever again. In the training, Jay shows how he got his account opened back up within 24 hours. It’s not only that though. It’s a complete how-to training on payment processing. This is an amazing training that’s usually sold for $197 by itself.

There is also a complete guide to Evernote included. Evernote is a program that basically allows you to organize all the digital files in your business or your personal life quickly and

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easily. This is an all-in-one business organization solution, and it’s also in the cloud as well. So, this isn’t something that you download, which means that you can access it from any device as well. The PDF training for it is around 100 pages long, and there are dozens of videos included which show you get inside of Evernote and put it to use making you money and saving you time.

There are also some digital security bonus trainings. This is advanced training. It’s actually a 10-video training series that shows you how to protect yourself against viruses, spyware, malware, and even identity theft. There has been a PDF training guide created for this as well. It’s about 37 pages long.

Finally, there’s the Action Enforcer software. This is an amazing tool that will give you another 60-90 minutes a day, and it basically compels you to do things that you may have been procrastinating on or not working so hard on. It also helps you to prioritize the most important tasks that you need to get done in a day. Jay’s wife actually uses this each and every day in her work. She sets the alarm to let her know what time she needs to end her appointment before the next class gets started. You can use this in a lot of different ways, and it really is a fantastic piece of software that you’ll be able to use whether you are on a Mac or a PC.

Again, this has been an overview of the bonuses that are being offered. In both cases the special report on 44 life-saving “quick-fixes” are being offered as well as the Easy Cloud Pro tutorials and PDF. If you take advantage of the Lifetime Unlimited Package, however, you’re

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also going to receive the training on the PayPal Payment Protect program, a complete guide to Evernote, the Digital Security Bonus Trainings, and the Action Enforcer software. You can take

advantage of this time-sensitive offer by visiting http://jjsnip.com/jjj (but you must do it before Monday @ midnight).

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What People Are Saying About Easy Cloud Pro

Needless to say, people were thrilled on the information presented in this Live Workshop, and and the safety that they felt knowing that they never had to worry again about losing their computer files. Not anymore…not with Easy Cloud Pro. That’s because their most valuable business documents, files, precious digital photos and home movies are finally safe and no longer in danger of being hacked, damaged, or otherwise lost forever. In fact, we had a brand new ECP customer that had uploaded over 6000 files to their Easy Cloud Pro account while we were live on the webinar!

Here are just a few comments posted in our JJ Fast Webinars Group about Easy Cloud Pro:

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Click Here to Access Easy Cloud Pro (& Lock In Their $475 Bonus Package!)NOTICE – This Special Offer Expires on Monday, September 15th @ Midnight PST


Questions & Answers

How long has Easy Cloud Pro been around?

It has been around for eight years. They are #1 in the UK and soon to be #1 in the US.

What about backing up your iPhone?

You absolutely can. That’s part of the power of all of this. It’s important that you can back up all your most important videos, pictures, and other types of files with this service because our whole lives are loaded up on these little devices. If they get clogged up and run up with storage, they are no longer useful. Training on this will be provided, and it will be one of the secret bonuses that you will get with this package.

You’ll be shown exactly where to go, how to grab your files, and how to get these files onto your hard drive. Once your files are on your actual hard drive, you can upload them to Easy Cloud Pro. Just make sure that these files have been uploaded before you delete them off of your hard drive. You can also delete the files off of your iPhone so that you have space to take more pictures and download more things.

Is PayPal an option?

Yes it it! Please note that the $9.99 annual server maintenance fee will be billed a bit differently than if you choose to invest by credit card, but you’ll be paying no more. Instead of a 1-time payment of $9.99 12 months from now, you’ll be charged $2.49 every 90 days instead. (this is simply because Paypal will not allow automatic payments to be billed any further out than 90 days).

Will this work with Macs?

Yes, you’ll be able to use Easy Cloud Pro from both a Mac and a Windows PC, as well access from any kind of mobile device like an iPhone, android cell phone, tablet, etc.

Is it possible for someone to become an affiliate for Easy Cloud Pro?

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Yes, just send in a message at Support@JJFast.com.

Can I use Easy Cloud Pro like Amazon to stream my music and video?

Yes, you can. That’s exactly what you can do is log into your mobile device and stream that directly from Easy Cloud Pro to whatever device that you’re on.

Does this work outside of the US?

Yes. This works from any computer or mobile device. It works from any location anywhere in the world as long as you can log in and access all of your files on the Easy Cloud Pro web portal.

Can websites be hosted in Easy Cloud Pro?

This is really more about backing stuff up and having it stored on an external source. Let’s say that your device gets destroyed or stolen; you’ll be able to recover from a disaster or a worst case scenario. Unfortunately those worst case scenarios and disasters happen more and more frequently. If something becomes corrupted or otherwise lost, your files are in the clouds. You can, however, use Easy Cloud Pro to back up your website files just to make sure that you don’t lose them if anything should happen. In fact, if you have a website, it’s highly recommended that you do this.

Does it back up programs?

Easy Cloud Pro backs up ALL computer files on your hard drive.

How will this product be delivered?

You’ll get a couple of emails. One will be from JJ Fast giving you login access to the web-based user portal where you will be able to find the bonuses and training. The other one will be from Easy Cloud Pro that will give you access to the webpage where you can go in and download the PC or Mac client that will allow you to upload to ‘The Cloud’. In other words, there’s a small program that you will download which will sync your hard drive with the cloud and allow your automatic downloads.

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How do I go about downloading the client to my second or third device?

You simply use the same user name and password to log in on another device and download the software and so on. The same user information will be used every time no matter what device you’re on.


Once again, you must invest in Easy Cloud Pro before this special introductory offer expires on Monday, September 15th @ midnight. Click here right now to lock in this preferred pricing and

all of John and Jay’s exclusive bonuses worth $475: http://jjsnip.com/jjj

Click Here to Access Easy Cloud Pro (& Lock In Their $475 Bonus Package!)NOTICE – This Special Offer Expires on Monday, September 15th @ Midnight PST

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