east griqualand fever 27 jun 2014

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East griqualand fever 27 jun 2014


Ixopo | Paddock | Harding | Kokstad | Cedarville | Matatiele | Swartberg | Maluti | Mount Fletcher | Underberg | Umzimkhulu | Weza | Izingolweni

east griqualand

FEVERYour 24/7 local connection FREE June 27, 2014

www.egfever.co.za @egfever East Griqualand Fever

‘20 Years of hell’‘‘2200 YYeeaarrss ooff hheellll’’— Ixopo—— IIxxooppooresidentsrreessiiddeennttss

>> With no water, toilets, electricity or work, the shack dwellers say they have not experienced the benefit of freedom

NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

TWENTY years of democracymeans nothing to Ixopo resi-dents who live in shacks near

the taxi rank.With no water, toilets, electricity

or work, the shack dwellers say theyhave not experienced the benefit offreedomas they live inabjectpoverty.

Residents get water from taps inpublic toilets near the old taxi rank,which are closed on weekends. Theyare then forced to get water from the

nearby river.Thombi Khumalo (46) said they

built their shacks in January aftertheywere orderedby theUbuhlebez-weMunicipality tomove tomakewayfor the construction of a taxi rank.

“We had been living where theyare now building a taxi rank from1994. The municipality promised tobuild houses for us but they areproving to be nothing but emptypromises,” she said.

Shesaidtheybuilttheirshacksandmud houses next to the old taxi rankas they had nowhere else to go.

“Tousit feelsasthoughourmunic-ipality thinks that a taxi rank is moreimportant than people.”

Bongeka Mkhize (24), anothershack resident, said they are beingtreated like second-class citizens.

“Councillors and people from themunicipalitycamehereandputnum-bers onour shacks twoyears agoandsaid they would build us houses, butthat hasn’t happened.We are tired ofbeing lied to.

“When we built these shacks inJanuary we were forced to dig a holeandbuildatoiletusingoldcorrugated

iron and wood so we can at least re-lieve ourselves,” Mkhize said.

Mkhize, who is unemployed andhas three children, puts food on thetable by selling fruit at the rank.

“One of my children has asthmabecause of the conditions we live in,”she said.

She said most people who live inthe shacks are unemployed.

“We were told by councillors thatwewouldget jobswhentheconstruc-tion of the taxi rank started, but thatdidn’t happen. Instead they broughtpeople fromelsewhere towork there.

It is clear it was just a trick to get ridof us,” she said.

Anotherresident,whodidn’twantbe named, said they spend their daysdrowning their sorrows with cheapalcohol.

“People here drink every day, andwith the littlemoneytheyget theybuyalcohol because it helps them sleep,especially now in winter when it isvery cold,” he said.

Several attempts to get hold of theCouncillorMthokozisiNguboofWard2 were unsuccesful as his cellphonerang unanswered.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAA view of the shack and mud houses from the R56 on the outskirts of the Ixopo central business district.

New service centrefor Matat

See page 3



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2June 27, 2014

east griqualand


Two nabbedfor daggapossession

Survivor tellsof fire terror>> ‘I have never seen what I saw on Sunday’

KHAYA MAGENU>>khaya.magenu@feveronline.co.za

THEMBA Nonjingo lived to tellthe story of his survival in afire that swept through Brook-

sideFarminKokstadlastSundayandthanks God for saving him.

“I was riding a horse to get cattleoff the mountains. I was with threepeople who died due to the fire thatswept the mountain.

“While riding it was very difficultto breathe so I got off the horse andlay on the ground to get under thesmoke. I later foundoutthat thehorsealso became a victim of the fire. I lostconsciousness, but when I awoke Iran to the tar road, but the fire fol-lowedme so I ran to a shack that hadbeen built out of zinc.”

Reports indicate that six peoplelost their livesintherunawayveldfirethat was fanned by gale-force windsin Cedarville, Kokstad, Swartbergand Franklin.

He saidhe sawhis brother’s skele-ton on the mountain after fire hadravaged it.

“Since mybirth, I have neverseenwhat I saw on Sunday. I saw theskeleton of my child Sithembiseon the mountain. I will never forgetthis fire and I believe it was his timeto depart from us, but it is not easy toaccept,” said Nonjingo.

When the Fever visited the familyonSaturdaytheatmospherewasverysad as the family came to grips withthe death of their child.

Sithembiso will be laid to rest onSunday on Brookside Farm.

The Greater KokstadMunicipalityspeaker, Zolani Mhlongo visited thefamilies telling them that the govern-ment will help them with groceriesand coffins.

“I would like to thank all farmers’associations for their assistance to-wards theirworkersduring this time,and I heard they had opened a bankaccount,donated foodandclothing tothe affected people,” said Mhlongo.

“On behalf of all the farmers andthose affected by the fires in EastGriqualand on Sunday, 15 June, wewould like tothank the

community of Kokstad and thosefurther afield whose generosity hasensured that nobody is without ablanket andwarm clothing aswell asfood.

“We also thank those who havemadedonationsofmoneyandanimalfeedtoensurethatourlivestockistak-en care of,” said Margi Fleming,Mount Currie Farmers’ Associationpublic relations officer

She said that the incredible gener-osity displayed by so many peoplefrom somany differentwalks of life is

very humbling and makes themproud to be part of such a wonderfulcommunity of caring people.

“Any donations into the accountset aside for disaster reliefwill still beappreciated. The account details are:Mt Currie Farmers’ Association,StandardBankKokstad(050122),ac-count number 166120286.

“The MCFA is a non-profit public-benefit organisationandall fundsdo-nated will be used to ensure there issufficient feed for the livestockthrough the winter,” she said.

PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENUGreater Kokstad Municipality speaker Zolani Mhlongo visits farm workers on Saturday.

PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENUThe mountain where skeletons, victims of the fire, were found.

NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

TWO men, aged between 40 and42, were caught by SAPSadministration personnel clerksin the Matatiele central businessdistrict last Friday.

Khanyiso Mkhosana and Mlam-leli Govuzela, who workat Matatiele SAPS, were inMatatiele busy with theiradministration work using a SAPSvehicle when they came across thetwo men carrying two luggagebags.

Matatiele police spokespersonRaphael Motloung said thetwo suspects, both fromLesotho, each carried one bag ofdagga.

“The men were arrested forpossession of dagga, then taken toMatatiele police station,” he said.

The street value of the daggais R4 000.

Motloung commended thework done by the SAPS administration clerks.

“This shows that indeed theywork for the department thatfights crime and although they arenot police officers, theydeserve commendation for theirheroic work.”

HARRY GWALA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYPrivate Bag X 501, IXOPO, 3276 • Tel: 039 834 8700 Fax: 039 834 2259


1. BID INVITATIONHarry Gwala District Municipality hereby request proposals from suitably experienced services pro-viders to assist the municipality on coordination and facilitation of the mayoral games. Service pro-viders are required to comply with normal business ethics and stipulate their agency fees on theirProposal.

Invalid or non-submission of the following documents will lead to immediate disqualificationof the tender:• Original valid tax clearance certificate• Certified copies of company or CC documents together with certified copies of members’ IDs• Company profile

The following conditions will apply:• Prices quoted must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT• All tenders submitted shall be valid for 90 days after the tender closing date• A signed MBD4 form must be submitted with all Bids (included in the bid documents –

Section D)• A valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate must be submitted to claim preference points.• 90/10 Preference points system will be used in Evaluation.

2. DOCUMENTSDocuments may be obtained at Harry Gwala District Municipality, Finance Department, Ixopo from03 July 2014 upon payment of non-refundable deposit of R 300.00 per document. All payments areto be in cash or bank guaranteed cheques made in favor of Harry Gwala District Municipality.

3. COMPULSORY BRIEFING MEETINGA compulsory briefing meeting will be held on the 04 July 2014 at 10h30 in the municipal boardroom

4. CLOSING DATEThe closing date for the bidders is on 18 July 2014 at 12h00. Bids must be enclosed in aSEALED ENVELOPES and clearly labelled with the contract number and project name on theoutside of the envelopes addressed to The Municipal Manager.

Bids must be deposited in the Bid Box at the reception area of Harry Gwala District Municipality, 40Main Street, Ixopo, before the closing date. Telegraphic, telexed or faxed bids will not be consideredand late bids will not be accepted.

Harry Gwala District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Bid and reservesthe right to accept the whole or any part of the Bid.

4. BID ENQUIRIESAll tender enquiries and all other matters shall be directed to: The Sports Officer: KhayakaziMhatu during office hours on Tel: 039 834 8700

Mrs AN DlaminiMunicipal Manager

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The Umuziwabantu Municipality received an application in terms of the KwaZulu-Natal Planningand Development Act, 2008 (Act No. 06 of 2008) for the consolidation of land identified hereunder:

1. Proposed consolidation of the Remainder of the Farm Kenton No. 12128with Portion 1 of the Farm Malvern No. 5991

This application is submitted in terms of Section 22(2) (b) of the KwaZulu Natal Planning and De-velopment Act 06 of 2008. The above mentioned property is within the jurisdiction of UmuziwabantuMunicipality and within the Harding Town Planning Scheme.

A copy of the application and its accompanying documents will be open for inspection by interestedmembers of the public during office hours at Umuziwabantu Municipality Development Planning andInfrastructure Department, 7 Holman Street, Harding.

Any person having sufficient interest in the proposed development is invited to submit written com-ments to the Municipality within 30 days commencing from the date of this publication. Please notethat any comment/s received after the expiry date of the comment period will be considered invalid.

Comments may be lodged by registered post, by hand or e-mail to the following details: Z. Mncwan-go, 7 Holman Street, Private Bag X1023 Harding 4680, zmncwango@umuziwabantu.gov.za,Tel: (039) 433 2055/6, Fax (039) 433 1208.

S.D. MbheleMunicipal Manager

State-of-the-artservice centrefor Matat

FEVER REPORTERON Tuesday the Department of Hu-man Settlement, the Alfred Nzo Dis-trict Municipality and the MatatieleLocal Municipality on Tuesday au-thorised that a contractor build astate-of-the-art, R26 million, AlfredNzo Thusong Service Centre atThabachicha village inMatatiele, thevillage being the birth place of strug-gle stalwart, Alfred BaphethuxoloNzo.

The centre will house communityserviceoffices including theSAPS, theDepartment of Health, Social Devel-opment.

Phase two of the project will in-cludeanareathatwill containthehis-toryaboutANCstrugglestalwartNzo.

PHOTO: SOURCEDPhase two of the project will in-clude an area that will contain thehistory about the ANC strugglestalwart, Alfred Nzo, whose bustcan be found in the town.

Residents live in fear>> However, Greater Kokstad Municipality traffic officers, road trafficinspectors and the SAPS have stepped up visibility in hotspot areas

KHAYA MAGENU>>khaya.magenu@feveronline.co.za

THEhigh crime rate in Kokstadand surrounding townships isa major concern as criminals

take over the area.Areas such as the road to Shay-

amoya near Mount Currie High, theroad leading to Bhongweni town-ship and all the streets in town re-main the most dangerous places.

Residents, pupils and visitorshave been affected by housebreak-ing, breaking into cars using anti-alarm devices, smash-and-grabrobberies and pickpocketing, actswhich have become common in

Kokstad.However, the Greater Kokstad

Municipality traffic officers, roadtraffic inspectors and the SAPS con-ducted an integrated operation in amission to combat crime and havestepped up visibility in these areas.

One incident they came across onFriday while on patrol is of MountCurrie High pupil Justice Majolafrom Bhongweni who had beenstabbed and robbed of R3 and hiscellphone.

“I was on my way home fromschool when they grabbed me andtook my Nike bag and they touchedmy bum and chest looking for a cell-phone. I was terrified thinking they

might rape me,” said the pupil.Another pupil, Noluvo Kolobeni

said they took her Grasshoppershoes and stabbed her foot.

“They took our cellphones whilewe were waiting for our transportand as a result we are very scared toattend morning, evening and Satur-dayclassesbecauseonedaytheywillrape us,” said Anitha Mofoka andNosicelo Dubayo fromMount CurrieHigh.

Last Friday the Greater KokstadMunicipality Community Develop-ment Service Manager NyanisoMsiya said that crime reports are in-creasing at an alarming rate.

“We regularlymeetwith the com-

munitysafetydepartment,RTI,SAPSandthecommunitypolicingforuminan effort to fight crime. We haveagreed that law enforcement agen-ciesmust be visible in all the affectedareas,” said Msiya.

The Kokstad SAPS station com-mander Bheki Maseko said theywillcarry out joint operations in thehotspots.

He encouraged communities toreport all crime to the police and ad-vised themto lock theirvehiclesatalltimes. He also asked them not toleave laptops,cellphonesandbagsintheir car in plain sight.

PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENUGKM traffic officers, RTI and SAPS members fight crime in townships.

Two die,fiveinjuredin bridgeaccident

NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

TWO people died and five were badly injured in an acci-dent at Umzimkhulu bridge last Friday morning.

The bakkie, which was travelling from Johannes-burg to Mthatha, was reported to have been carryingnine construction workers.

According to a traffic officer at the scene, theaccident was reportedly caused by a car which wasovertaking at high speed. The bakkie driver, goingtowards Umzimkhulu, panicked, swerved and lost con-trol of the vehicle.

The bakkie then plunged to the bottom of thebridge. However, onlookers suspect the bakkie driverwas either tired or sleeping.

The injured were taken to Christ the King Hospital.PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBA

The bakkie ar the bottom of the bridge.

PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENUCriminals stabbed Justice Majolaand took his cellphone and R3from him.

June 27, 2014

east griqualand





4June 27, 2014

east griqualand


Umuziwabantu MunicipalityPrivate Bag X1023 Harding 4680

Tel: 039 4331205 Fax: 039 4331208


SALARY : R 172 501.17 – R 195 230.83 per annum


Applications are hereby invited from suitably qualified and experienced persons forthe above mentioned position. This position is located in the PMU of the municipality.


• A senior certificate plus 3 years tertiary education in any one of the followingbuilding disciplines: Civil Engineering; Structural Engineering; Architecture; Build-ing Management; Building Science; Building Surveying or Quantity Surveying.

Key Performance Areas:

• Reporting directly to the Manager: Development Planning, the incumbent willperform the following:

• Approval of building plans• Management and submission of statistics to treasury for rating purposes• Electronic management of buildings process plans and systems• Monthly reports to Head Of Department• Control buildings and routine inspections and investigation of complaints concern-

ing building, plumbing, and planning related problems• Office duties: plans and queries from the general public, architects etc.

Benefits include:

• 13th Cheque.• Subsidised Pension and Medical Aid Schemes.• Subsidised Housing Scheme / Rental Allowance (subject to certain conditions).

If you qualify as per the above responsibilities and requirements, please send yourapplication letter indicating the position being applied for, together with a comprehen-sive Curriculum Vitae, as well as certified copies of certificates to:

The Municipal ManagerUmuziwabantu MunicipalityPrivate Bag X1023Harding4680

Faxed or emailed applications will not be accepted.

The closing date for applications will be 16h00, Friday 11 July 2014. If you do nothear from us within 30 days of the closing date, regard your application as unsuc-cessful.

The Municipality is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. The Municipalityreserves the right not to make an appointment.



• MONTHLY PASSIVE INCOME FROM EVERY PACKAGE YOU BUY• From R90 000 (Bronze Business package) to R390 000 (Platinum Business package)

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NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

THREEmen fromDengwanevillageinMatatiele were arrested by policefor armed robbery last Wednesday.

It is reported that the suspects,whose ages range between 20 and27, went to a Chinese-owned shopat Jabulani in St Paul at around1.30 pm.

Theywerereportedlyarmedwithfirearms and one carried a bush

knife.According to Matatiele police

spokesperson Lieutenant RaphaelMotloung the men demanded mon-ey fromtheshopowneratgunpoint,but she refused to give them any.

“After being threatened she sur-rendered and the suspects took anundisclosed amount of money, cell-phones, cigarettes and airtime andfled,” Motloung said.

The owner’s husband and somecommunity members chased after

them but to no avail.“A short while later, the police al-

so joined in the chase andmanagedtocatchall threesuspects,whowerehiding in mealie fields not far fromthe crime scene,” said Motloung.

ThemoneywererecoveredbytheSAPS and a case of armed robberywas openedatMaluti Police Station.

TheyappearedattheMalutiMag-istrate’sCourt lastFriday forbailap-plication.

Motloung urged foreign shop

owners to be vigilant as robbers arenowtargetingforeign-ownedshops.

In another incident four peoplerobbed a Chinese-ownedMaluti su-permarketonSunday15June.Theyheld up the owners at gun point andthen put them in one of the rooms inthe shop.

Theytookanundisclosedamountof money from the safe and fled.

Anyone with information aboutthese incidents is asked to contactthe Maluti SAPS on 039 256 3800.

Foreign-owned shops targetted, SAPS urge vigilance

Are you on the pulse of what’shappening in your community?Write for us and get published

using the Citizen Journalismtool at



In accordance with Eastern Cape Department of Human Settlement records, people listedbelow received Housing Subsidy at Maritseng but failed to claim their subsidised houses/sites.

Cort & Fred consortium is therefore advising such people or/and their immediate familymembers to avail themselves at the office of the Cort & Fred Consortium Stand 136, MalutiTownship, next to Maluti Municipality office to claim their subsidy houses/sites. Offices areopen at 7:00am to 5:00pm from Monday to Friday.Any person, who fails to avail him/herself within thirty working days (30) from the date ofthis notice, will forfeit his /her subsidy house.


Ngokolwazi olugcinwe ngu, Eastern Cape Department of Human Settlements bonke abantuabavela kulomqulu ulandelayo baye bafumana ubonelelo lwezindlu eMaritseng kodwa aba-zamkela ngokusesikweni ezondawo zokuhlala okanye ezozindlu.Cort & Fred Consortium wazisa bantu bachaphazelekayo okanye abasondelelene kuboukuba beze ehhofisi lase Cort & Fred Consortium Stand 136, Maluti township, fishane na-kwa Masipala eMaluti ngentsuku zomsebenzi ukusuka ngentsimbi ye07:00 ekuseni ukuyangentsimbi ye 17:00 malanga ukuzolungisa lomba wezindlu zesibonelelo sikarhulumeneezingamkelwanga.Umntu ongenakho ukuphumelela kwintsuku ezingamashumi amathathu (30) kwenziwe esi-saziso uzakwehluleka ukufumana indlu yesibonelelo sakarhulumente.


Ho latela ditokomane tsa Eastern Cape Department of Human Settlements batho ba let-hathamong le ka tlase, ba ile ba fumantshwa ditshehetso tsa matlo a mmuso Maritseng.Kabomadimabe matlo ao ha a so nkuwe ke beng ba ona.

Kahona, Cort & Fred Consortium o eletsa bene ba matlo kappa ditho tsa malapa ao di itla-leha di officing tsa Cort & Fred Consortium Stand 136, Maluti Township, gaufi le Masepalawa Maluti, ka matsatsi a tshebetso ho tloha ka 7:00 hoseng ho isa 17:00 mantsibuya ho tlafuwa matlo ao. Motho ya tla hlolwa ho itlaleha matsatsing a mashome a mararo (30) a tshe-betso ho entswe tsebiso ena, o tla hlolwa ho fumantshwa ntlo ya hae.


In ooreenstemming met die Eastern Cape Department of Human Settlements rekords,mense wat hieronder gelys word behuisingsubsidie ontvang by Maritseng, maar versuimhet om hul gesubsidieerde huise / terreine te eis.

Die is beveel dus sulke mense hul onmiddellike familielede gebruik te maak by die kantoorvan die Cort & Fred Consortium, Stand 136 Maluti Township, anaastaande Maluti Munisi-pale.Kantore oop is om 7:00 uur tot 17:00 uur van Maandag tot Vrydag. Enige persoon watversuim om hom / haarself te maak binne dertig (30) dae vanaf die datum van hierdie ken-nisgewing, verbeur sy / haar subsidie huis

For more information please contact:Mr. Lucky Maziya 078 120 3503






Notice is hereby given in terms of the Municipal Systems Act, (ACT 32 OF 2000), Section 28(2)and in terms of Section 16(2) of the Municipal Finance Management Act 56 of 2003 that the FinalOperating and Capital Budget has been approved at a council meeting that was held on the 28thof May 2014. The following represents the summary thereof and the detailed document is availableat all municipal offices during the office hours 8h00 to 16h00 from Monday to Friday and on www.umuziwabantu.gov.za

REVENUE BY SOURCE 2013/2014 2014/2015 2016/2017Property Rates 10 016 10 728 11 371Service Charges 30 050 31 239 33 113Investment Revenue 3 067 2 508 2 659Recognised Operational Transfers 58 835 59 167 61 514Own Revenue 8 709 13 849 8 746Total Operational Revenue 110 677 117 490 117 403Employee Costs 31 212 38 856 41 187Remuneration of Councillors 6 023 6 238 6 612Finance Charges 152 105 111Materials & Bulk purchases 25 986 27 559 29 123Transfers & Grants 3 089 3 264 3 450Other Expenditure 38 648 35 563 31 630Total Expenditure 110 679 117 491 118 372Capital Expenditure 44 286 31 033 32 895Transfers recognised-Capital 44 286 31 033 32 895Total Sources of Capital funds 44 286 31 033 32 895

1 ELECTRICITY - subject to NERSA approval 2013/14 2014/15EXCL VAT EXCL VAT

1.1 Domestic – basic charge R 147.13 R 158.011.2 Domestic - consumption - (0 - 50) R 0.71 R 0.76

- (51 - 350) R 0.88 R 0.94- (351 - 600) R 1.12 R 1.21- (601< R 1.33 R 1.42

1.3 Office – basic charge R 147.13 R 158.011.4 Office - consumption R 0.87 R 0.941.5 Comm./Small power user – basic charge R 694.45 R 745.771.6 Comm./Small power user - consumption R 1.05 R 1.131.7 Comm./Large user(0-50) – basic charge R 837.63 R 899.531.8 Comm./Large user (0-50) - consumption R 1.36 R 1.461.9 Comm./Large user(51-75) – basic charge R 2 093.78 R 2 248.511.10 Comm./Large user (51-75) - consumption R 1.26 R 1.351.11 Comm./Large user(76-100) – basic charge R 4 187.86 R 4 497.351.12 Comm./Large user (76-100) - consumption R 1.21 R 1.301.13 Comm./Large user(101 < – basic charge R 8 376.03 R 8 995.021.14 Comm./Large user (101 < - consumption R 1.21 R 1.3021.15 Prepaid Domestic R 0.0001.16 Prepaid Business R 1.40 R 1.499


2.1 Residential R 0.0106 R 0.01122.2 Commercial R 0.0158 R 0.01682.3 Agriculture R 0.0026 R 0.00282.4 Public Service Infrastructure R 0.0026 R 0.00282.5 PSI & State Owned R 0.0127 R 0.01342.6 Communal Land R 0.0106 R 0.01122.7 Tourism & Hospitality R 0.0132 R 0.01402.8 Tourism & Hospitality - Rural 0.0055 R 0.00582.9 Residential- Vacant land-Impermissible -15000 -150002.10 Residential- Dwelling including Impermissible -75000 -750002.11 Agriculture rebate 55% 55%

3. REFUSE 2013/14 2014/15EXCL VAT EXCL VAT

3.1 Domestic R 57.60 R 61.633.2 Domestic additional clearance R 83.78 R 89.653.3 Commercial – Small business (>50m2 ) R 164.41 R 175.913.4 Commercial – Office premises R 164.41 R 175.913.5 Commercial – Large business (<50m2) R 790.80 R 846.153.6 Additional clearance(Commercial) R 205.23 R 219.593.7 Industrial premises R 656.67 R 702.643.8 Additional clearance (Industrials0 R 205.23 R 219.593.9 Government Properties(Schools, PO,SAP,SAR) R 638.34 R 683.023.10 Additional Clearance (Gov prop) R 199.50 R 213.473.11 St Andrews Hospital R 1 186.53 R 1 269.593.12 Additional clearance (Hospital) R 239.50 R 256.263.13 Churches R 40.00 R 42.803.14 Sport Clubs R 0.00 R 0.003.15 To dump Domestic refuse at site R 52.00 R 55.643.16 To dump Commercial refuse at site R 115.56 R 123.653.17 Garden refuse removal (per tractor load) R 250.00 R 267.503.18 Rubble/ top soil refuse removal (per tractor load) R 500.00 R 535.003.19 Removal of dead animals - Small(Cats and Puppies) R 100.00 R 107.003.20 Removal of dead animals - Large(Dogs) R 200.00 R 214.00








Cedarville youthfeel hopeless>> ‘Place is dead — no job opportunities, no electricity’

NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

LASTweek’s YouthDay celebrationswereheld in several parts of the country andyouth issuescontinueto takecentrestage

for the rest of themonth as June is regarded asYouth Month.

The youth of Dark City, a township of RDPhouses in Cedarville say they have lost hope ofabetter futurefor themselves.Themajorityarehigh-school drop-outs, alcoholics and are in-volved in theft andrape,withmanyyounggirlsraising their childrenthey had as teenagers.

Busiswa Kwinana(22), whose parentsdied when she wasyoung said life is verydifficult as she surviveson social grants andtemporary work.

“I have two childrenandhave to take care ofmy siblings. We some-timesgetworkonfarmsandwe earn about R60aday,whichisnotnear-ly enough because wehave eight mouths tofeed,” she said.

Selai said shedropped out in Grade 9 because of a lack ofmoney to continue.

“I decided not to go to school because itseemed unfair that I could buy uniforms andstationery when we didn’t have food to eat athome,” she said.

Nonzame Mathiyela (21), also from DarkCity, said there is no life in Cedarville.

“This place is dead, there are no job oppor-tunities, there is no electricity, we don’t evenhave a clinic — a mobile clinic comes maybeonce a month and does not even stay for thewholedaysoweareforcedtotraveltoMatatielecostingR30 inorder to accesshealth care,” shesaid.

Mathiyela said she wanted to be a teacherbut those dreamswere shatteredwhen she fellpregnantanddroppedoutofschool toraiseherchild.

“These days you can’t be anything withouteducation, sowhat is theuseofdreamingofbe-coming a teacher when you are uneducated,”she asked.

Lovers Barance (28) a resident of Khorong,another township in Cedarville also com-plained about joblessness. He said he spendsmostofhis timedrinkingwithhis friendsat thetavern.

“We have nothingelse to do, even when Iget maybe R70 from apiece job I just go to thetavern and drink it outbecause its too little todo anything with,” hesaid. “

Barance said thereare no workshops orskills developmenttraining to empowerthe youth.

However, ZukiswaMadadase, a teacher atAdult Basic Educationand Training in Cedar-ville said everyone whowants to complete their

education has an opportunity of registeringwith them every year from January to June.“Peoplewhowant to study can comewith theirID to register at Mzingisi Hall every weekday,”she said.

She said they take everyone and don’t havespecific classes.

“We take all ages and everything is free be-cause we fall under the government and thereis no registration fee, no tuition fees. Just comeas you are and you will be registered and stu-dents even get free stationery” she said.

Shesaid theyalso take thosewithno IDsbuthave birth certificates and they help them gettheir IDs while they are studying.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAYoung women spend their days in the sun thinking of where they are going to get their nextmeal.



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June 27, 2014

east griqualand





6June 27, 2014

east griqualand


Attention all rural schools/schools withEnglish as a second language

Rural/previously disadvantaged schools are invited to enter their top two(2) English spellers from Grade 10 and Grade 11 (one from each grade) into

the KZN Premier Spelling Bee South Coast regional event, to be held inAugust 2014 (Date and venue to be confirmed, keep reading your local

newspaper to find out the details!)

Words to be learnt for the South Coast Spelling Beewill be published in the 20 June 2014 edition of the

South Coast Fever & East Griqualand Fever.

Prizes:Cash prizes, book hampers, stationery hampers,bursaries and goodie bags for the top spellers,

schools and teachers!

To enter:Complete the entry form found in this local newspaper and fax it to us at

0865344256, or email it to kznspellingbee@media24.comOR

Send us the below information via email,kznspellingbee@media24.com OR fax, 0865344256.

* School name, school address, English teacher’s name and contactdetails, registration number of your school, district of your school

* Full names of your two spellers* Both spellers’ ID numbers OR copy of birth certificate


* Entries are limited per regional event* Get your entries in early to ensure your spot at the

2014 South Coast Spelling Bee* Entries close on 30 July 2014

WARM greetings to all readers of this view-point.

The Matatiele Local Municipality, in part-nership with Nedbank, continues to empowercommunities and this time, through acontribution towards sports development.

Nedbank responded positively when themunicipality requested it to sponsor a soccerkit forMimosaFootballClub inWard25.Thesepartners believe that sport contributes to-wards the development of the body, the mindand spirit, while helping to keep the youth offthe streets and keep them away from the lureof drugs, which destroy communities.

Furthermore, this initiative will contributetowards developing the soccer stars of tomor-row. This contributes towards making a posi-tive impact on the community andprovides anindication of a continuing commitment toassist communities in which the MatatieleLocal Municipality and Nedbank operate.

Vika Ngcobo, Nedbank KZN regional man-ager: public sector relations, said: “SouthAfrica’s ‘green’ and caring bank partnerswith

both the public and private sectors for socio-economic development. At local governmentlevel, the partnership is geared to support theachievement of service-delivery objectivesthrough supporting sustainable growth ofemerging businesses, hence local economicdevelopment,aswellascommunityupliftmentprojects that empower communities in whichNedbank operates. We understand that thisforms part of many crucial elements essentialfor creating a better South Africa.”

The Matatiele Local Municipality under-stands that public private partnerships forman important component of addressing someof the greater challenges facing our country.

“We call upon all social partners to followthe example of Nedbank and work togetherwith the government in order to change thelivesof thepeopleofMatatiele,” saidCllr JackieBosman-Magangana.

That isall fromusfornow, tillnext time,staysafe and be blessed. Thank you sweet peoplefrom sweet Matat, a destination of choice andexcellence.


DR DCT NAKIN MUNICIPAL MANAGERGREETINGS to all Kwa Saniresidents, East GriqualandFever readers and the HarryGwala District community.

It is with great pleasurethat we bring to you themunicipalviewpoint thatcon-tains updates, developmentsand upcoming events takingplace within your munici-pality.

TheKwaSaniMunicipalityIDP and the budget for the2014/2015 financial year willbe adopted on 26 June duringacouncilmeeting.This comesafter consultation meetingswith stakeholders and com-munity members in all fourwards of Kwa Sani.

There will also be stake-holder meeting on the samedayat10am,attheUnderbergfarmers’ hall.

Deliberations at this meet-ing will focus on developingour community by utilisingthe available assets, such asland, to put to good use by in-

volving experts in the agricul-tural field to transfer skills tocommunity members.

KwaSani iswell known forits success in agriculture andtourism, and it is for thisreason, that we, as themuni-cipality, came to the conclu-sionthatweneedtoutiliseandimprove on what already ex-ists in order to bring changeand development in oursociety. This is the first of itskind in the district andwill bea model that every local mu-nicipality will customise.

It is without doubt that theEPWPprojectcontributesalotto the Kwa Sani people, in so-cial and economic aspects.Many previously unemployedpeople have been employedthrough these projects, manysmall developments have oc-curred in and around Under-berg and Himeville throughtheseprojects andone canar-gue that its contribution can-not go unnoticed.

JuneisYouthMonth,henceasthemunicipalitywesaythatthe youthmust take the initia-tive to improve their lives.

“Sithi intsha ya kwa saniayivuke izenzele,’’ it is in yourhands to shape your future.

However, as the Kwa SaniMunicipality we have pro-grammesinplacetoassistanddevelop our youth who wantto venture into tourism, busi-nessingeneralorwhohaveaninterest in certain skill devel-opment—hence thesaying“acountry thatdoesnot invest inits youth does not have afuture”.

As Kwa Sani our doors arealwaysopen toassistwithanypositive initiative by ourpeople.

Until next time,besafeandbe responsible.

N.C. JAMESMunicipalManager



Sports development should bethe government’s priority

HARRY GWALA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYPrivate Bag X 501, IXOPO, 3276 • Tel: 039 834 8700 Fax: 039 834 2259



1. BID INVITATIONHarry Gwala District Municipality hereby requests proposals from suitably experienced servicesproviders for printing of municipal newsletter for 2014-15 financial year. Service providers are re-quired to comply with normal business ethics.

Invalid or non-submission of the following documents will lead to immediate disqualificationof the tender:• Original valid tax clearance certificate• Certified copies of company or CC documents together with certified copies of members’ IDs• Company profile

The following conditions will apply:• Prices quoted must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT• All tenders submitted shall be valid for 90 days after the tender closing date• A signed MBD4 form must be submitted with all Bids (included in the bid documents – Section

D)• A valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate must be submitted to claim preference points.• 80/20 Preference points system will be used in Evaluation.

2. DOCUMENTSDocuments may be obtained at, Finance Department, Ixopo from 03 July 2014 upon payment ofnon-refundable deposit of R300.00 per document. All payments are to be in cash or bank guaran-teed cheques made in favour of Harry Gwala District Municipality.

3. COMPULSORY BRIEFING MEETINGA compulsory briefing meeting will be held on the 07 July 2014 at 10h30 in municipal Boardroom

4. CLOSING DATEThe closing date for the bidders is on 18 July 2014 at 12H00. Bids must be enclosed inSEALED ENVELOPES and clearly labelled with the contract number and project name on theoutside of the envelopes addressed to The Municipal Manager.

Bids must be deposited in the Bid Box at the reception area of Harry Gwala District Municipal of-fices,40 Main Street, IXOPO, before the closing date. Telegraphic, telexed or faxed bids will not beconsidered and late bids will not be accepted.Harry Gwala District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Bid and reservesthe right to accept the whole or any part of the Bid.

4. BID ENQUIRIESAll tender enquiries and all other matters shall be directed toMrs.J.Khoatane during working hourson Tel: 039 834 8700.


June 27, 2014

east griqualand



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Ombudsman ofEG Fever

January to March 2014: 14913

Integrity, Respect, Accountability, Courage

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Matatiele local Municipality


I, D.C.T. Nakin, the Municipal Manager, as directed by the Speaker, Cllr. K. J. Bosman-Magan-gana, hereby give Notice that in terms of Section 19(b) of the Local Government: MunicipalSystems Act 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000) that a Special Council Meeting of the Matatiele LocalMunicipality will be held on Monday, 30 June 2014 at 11h00 in the Matatiele Town Hall. Thepurpose of the meeting will be the Amendment of the Adopted 2014/2015 Integrated Devel-opment Plan (IDP) Review, which is in terms of Section 34(b) of the Municipal Systems Act,To reconsider the approved 2014/2015 MTERF Budget. In terms of Section 20 of the quotedAct, members of the public, media and interested parties may attend the meeting as observ-ers.


Mna, D.C.T. Nakin, Umphathi ka Masipala, ngokomyalelo kaSomlomo, uCeba K. J. Bosman-Magangana , ndazisa, ngokwe Candelo 19(b) loMthetho woHlobo lokuSebenza kooMasipalabaseMakhaya (uMthetho 32 ka 2000) ukuba intlanganiso yeBhunga kaMasipala iyakubanjwangoMvulo, umhla ka 30 kweyeSilimela 2014 ngentsimbi yeshumi elinanye eMatatiele TownHall ukuyokwenza izilungiso kuhlahlo lwabiwo mali lonyaka 2014/2015, kunye nakumquluwophuhliso (IDP) 2014/2015. Ngokwe Candelo 20 loMthetho woMasipala uLuntu ngokuban-zi, iintatheli kwakunye namanye amaqela anomdla ayamenywa ukuba abe yi nxalenye yalentlanganiso.


Nna, D.C.T. Nakin, Motshwari wa Masepala, wa lehae wa Matatiele, ka ho laelwa ke Sebui,Molekgotla K.J. Bosman-Magangana, ke tsebisa hore tlasa karolwana ya 19(b) ya molaowa tsamaiso ya bo Masepala ba mahaeng (Act 32 of 2000) hore lekgotla la Masepala letla tshwara kopano ka Mantaha, mohla la 30 Phuptjane 2014 ka hora ya leshome le motsoo mong Holong ya Matatiele. Ho lokisa Moralo wa ntshetso-pele 2014/2015, le moralo waditjhelete tsa 2014/2015 wa Matatiele le ho pasisa kopanong ena. Ka hoya ka karolwana 20ya molao wa puso yabo Masepala, setjhaba ka kakaretso, baqolotsi ba ditaba le mekgatloemeng enang le thahasello eya mengwa ho nka karolo kopanong ena.


Ek, D.C.T. Nakin, die Munisipale Bestuurder, soos deur die Speaker, rdl. KJ Bosman-Magan-gana, gee hiermee dat in terme van Artikel 19 (b) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Munisi-pale Stelsels, 2000 (Wet 32 van 2000) dat ‘n Spesiale Raadsvergadering van die MatatielePlaaslike Munisipaliteit sal gehou sal word opMaandag, 30 Junie 2014 om 11h00 in die Mata-tiele Stadsaal. Die doel van die vergadering sal die Wysiging van die Goedkeuring 2014/2015Geïntegreerde Ontwikkelingsplan (GOP) Review, wat in terme van Artikel 34 (b) van die Wetop Munisipale Stelsels, die goedgekeurde 2014/2015 MTERF begroting te heroorweeg wees.In terme van Artikel 20 van die Wet aangehaal, kan lede van die publiek, die media en belang-stellendes om die vergadering as waarnemers bywoon. DCT NAKIN MUNICIPAL MANAGER:Notice No: 2013/2014-230

Municipality Munisipaliteit

Masepala uMasipala


GREETINGS to the people of Kokstad.Youth Day celebrationsAs we enter the last week of Youth Month,

the Greater Kokstad Municipality, in partner-ship with government departments and pri-vate business, invite the community of Koks-tad, especially the youth, to attend a YouthMonthcelebrationon27Juneat thecommuni-ty hall starting at 10am.

The celebration is aimed at commemorat-ing the role that has been played by the youthin shaping the South Africa we have today,while at the same time encouraging the youthto participate in shaping the future of SouthAfrica.

We all know that the 1976 youth paved theway for the democracywehave today. Like therest of the country Kokstad will be taking partin saluting the youth of SouthAfrica. Local art-ists will provide entertainment on the day.There is also a famous artistwhowill perform,

so peoplemust come in their numbers. I thankprivatebusinessesforsupportingtheevent, forwithout their support hosting this importantoccasion would be a failure.

End of 2013/2014 financial yearThisweekweconcludethecurrent financial

year andnextweek is thebeginning of thenew2014/2015 financial year. As you will remem-ber we have already approved the 2014/2015budget and it will start from1 July. There is notime to waste because our people are lookingup to us to give them service. As we end thisfinancial year there were ups and downs onour side, but the community stood behind us.

Wearethankfultothemandhumblyrequesttheir support in the next financial year. I knowthat due to financial constraints we were una-ble to undertake all the planned projects andhopefullythingswillbebetterforthenextfinan-cial year.

Inkosi inibusise.





GREETINGS to readers, particularly the com-munity of Harry Gwala District, moreover ofUmzimkhulu.

Ntsikeni electrificationAfter much distance travelled, it is with

pleasurethatIinformyouthattheUmzimkhuluMunicipality is continuing to successfullyrender some services as the community ofNtsikeni Location is being electrified. Progressin that regard is satisfactory.

Umzimkhulu Memorial HallThis historical hall is being renovated in

order to ultimately have a municipal gymna-sium,coffeeshopandmunicipaloffices.Indeedthis hall will be one of the best infrastructuraldevelopments this municipality has.

Angus farm hallIn order to advance dignified community

gatherings we are embarked on building acommunity hall. This hall is 95% complete.

Ward 13 community hallThecommunity of this areawill, for the first

time, have its own community hall as that hasbeen a challenge for them to have a dignifiedshelter for gatherings. This hall is 45% com-plete.

Sisonke Development AgencyThis agency is responsible for enhancing

the economy of Harry Gwala District. Itsuccessfully embarked on a three-day tour.Through this tour economy drivers of this dis-trict were elevated. Hosting four actors fromIsibaya was a privilege.

Our crafters had the opportunity of engag-ing more with broader clientel as the mediaalsocoveredit. Impibikerscreatedahugehypeas well.

I would like to commend all our social part-nersat theward levels forallowingcommunitymeetings to take place in their buildings.

Untilwemeetagain, in thisYouthMonth, letus soldier on service delivery objectives.

I thank you.We indeed have a good story to tell.

Don’t dim our light of freedomSINCEthebeginningoftheyearthegovern-ment has been preaching about what itcalls “a good story” since the birth ofdemocracy.

The truth about South Africa today isthat there are elements of a good story, asthe ANC puts it, but that story ismarred byhow much better we could be and howmuch further we could have progressed.


are one of the things that dim our light offreedom.

So as South Africa celebrates 20 yearsof democracy the question is, how muchbetter could our story have been. A lot hasbeendone,nodoubt,butmuchmoreneedsto be done.

Let us not allow corruption and poorleadership to take shine off our rainbownation.

Editorial comment




The Umuziwabantu Municipality received an application in terms of the KwaZulu-Natal Planningand Development Act, 2008 (Act No. 06 of 2008) for the proposed consolidation of land of propertyidentified hereunder:

1. Consolidation of Portion 2 of Erf 138 situated on Hawkins Street andPortion 2 of Erf 139 situated on Musgrave Street, Harding.

The consolidation will be designated as Erf 3633 Harding.

This application is submitted in terms of Section 22(2) (b) of the KwaZulu Natal Planning and De-velopment Act 06 of 2008. The above mentioned property is within the jurisdiction of UmuziwabantuMunicipality and within the Harding Town Planning Scheme.

A copy of the application and its accompanying documents will be open for inspection by interestedmembers of the public during office hours at Umuziwabantu Municipality Development Planning andInfrastructure Department, 7 Holman Street, Harding.

Any person having sufficient interest in the proposed development is invited to submit written com-ments to the Municipality within 30 days commencing from the date of this publication. Please notethat any comment/s received after the expiry date of the comment period will be considered invalid.

Comments may be lodged by registered post, by hand or e-mail to the following details: Z. Mncwan-go, 7 Holman Street, Private Bag X1023 Harding 4680, zmncwango@umuziwabantu.gov.za,Tel: (039) 433 2055/6, Fax (039) 433 1208.

S.D. MbheleMunicipal Manager

Response to Kwa Sani’s ‘video clip’

LETmestartbysayingthatitisnottruethatthe Kwa Sani Municipality has a socialnetwork called “WhatsApp”.

On the 27 January, I, Cllr Mdu Banda, al-lowedMrsThobileZulu, thecommitteeclerkofthe municipality to create a forum where shewill leavemessagesifcouncillorsorofficialsarebusy to take calls due to meetings or networkproblems.

There are no municipal resource utilisedandwehavemade it clearmany times to coun-cillors that this social network does not belongto themunicipality, but municipality can use itto communicate.

On18June inOSSmeetingheld inKwaSaniMunicipality boardroom I insisted about theneedtoholdcrimesummit (whichwearegoingto) in order to discuss all crime related issues,more especially, social ills, including the needofdealingwiththeproblemofdrugusageinourmunicipality.

Please do not forget the inhuman incidentsof brutal killing that has happenedmany times

in Kwa Sani.Women were and

childrenwere slaugh-tered by knives inmany incidents andrecently almost threefarmers were at-tacked in different in-cidents killed by dif-ferent weapons.

Ithinkbecausethisthings are happen-ing we need to dis-cuss and stopthemas leaders.

It’sonlymy-self whowrote state-ments andattendedmeet-

ings to condemning brutal killings in all racesunlike DA leaders who feel painful only if at-tacks happens to white.

IndeedDAsaid that Iwaswrongby sendingsuch movie on this social network. But sostrangelessthan72hours[later] theDA’scoun-cilloralsosenttheverysamemovieonthesamesocial network.

Iwould thenexpectCllrAdamandMrRodg-ers tobeconsistent.Not looking things throughthe eye of political parties or race.

Iwillwelcome the investigationby theHon-ourableMECDube,but it isnot for the first timeDAattack ruling people’s liberationmovementand the Office of the Mayor.

Ibelieve themotivebehind is tomakepublicto forget that Cllr Adam of DA was leadingfraudulent and corruption activity that lead togive one service provider a tender without fol-lowing proper processes.

Thoughthematterisstillpendingbutwearegoing to leave no stone unturned.

Just before election Mr Rodgers wrote astatement saying many negative things aboutour municipality, but DA councillors failed tobringthose issues forwardandaccordinglybutthey decide to go to the media instead.

Even on this matter I am expecting anyonewho will tell me which code of conduct, act orpolicy I have breached.

Yes to say it is shocking does not mean tosay always someone is guilty.

If someone is afraid of lighting that does notmean someone is guilty.

Lastly, I am not arrogant in a manner thatI do not apologise if I am wrong, but I believethat those who think I amwrong they will alsotell me which law I have not obeyed in this re-gard.

And let me say that I am very proud aboutthewaywecreateprosperous,safeandhealthyrainbow nation. I know that as we move KwaSani forward there are those whowish it to gobackwards.

• Published verbatim.

Video angers councillorsMAYIBONGWE MAQHINA

A KWAZULU-NATAL mayor has angered andupset councillors in the Kwa SaniMunicipalityafter he allegedly circulated a video clip show-ing four women being decapitated by a groupof balaclava-clad men as reported in the EastGriqualand Fever’s sister newspaper, TheWitness, on Monday 23 June.

Now the Democratic Alliance plans layingchargeswiththepoliceagainstmayorMduduziBanda and wants Co-operative Governanceand Traditional Affairs (Cogta) MEC NomusaDube-Ncube to takeactionagainst the first citi-zen of the municipality in Underberg.

DA MPL Francois Rodgers said yesterdayBandaallegedly circulated thevideoclipon theWhatsApp group used by the municipality tocommunicate council matters to the sevencouncillors, senior officials and committeeclerks.

“Itisinconceivablethatthemayorshouldin-tentionally use council communication plat-form to distribute a barbaric video clip.

“It has absolutely no bearing on municipalmatters and Banda had no explanation as towhy he circulated it to councillors and officialsof KwaSani,” Rodgers said.

The video shows the men first shooting thewomenand then cutting their heads and limbsusingmachetes and axes. One of themen evenholds up the head of one of the women to thecameraman.

A screengrab of the municipal WhatsAppservice shows that the video was sent just be-fore 3pm on Friday afternoon.

“This type of reckless behaviour is unbe-coming of a community leader and does noth-ingtobuildunityandcreate thespiritofubuntuin our rainbow nation,” Rodgers charged.

PatriciaCrawley, oneof the councillorswhoreceivedthevideoclipviaWhatApponhercell-phone, said shereceivedamessagecontainingthe video on Friday afternoon.

“OnFridayafternoon, Igot thevideowithnoexplanation from themayor.When I clicked it,I found that it was themost horrifying video. Itaffected me so badly.

“In that WhatsApp group, there are

councillors, directors and committee clerks. Idon’t know whether it was sent to us to inciteviolenceagainstwomenoras a threat. Iwas sodistressed after viewing it,” she said.

“It is the first time I saw it,” said Crawleywhen asked if any other videos had been sentbefore.

WhileRodgerswasunsureifacasehadbeenopened with the police, he said the KwaSanicouncillorswhowereoffendedbythevideoclipwould definitely do so. He added that Dube-Ncube should fire Banda.

“Heisclearlyunfit forpublicoffice,”Rodgerssaid.

Banda could not be reached for commentbecause his cellphone was switched off andANC provincial spokesperson Senzo Mkhizewas unavailable as he was attending the ANClekgotla in Empangeni.

Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso saidthe department did not have details on the vid-eo. “We are not privy to the video, its details orthe intentions of the mayor.”

He said mentioning the name of the MECwas uncalled for and called on parties to firstsensitise her regarding their concerns before

they rushed to the media.

PHOTO: SOURCEDA KZN mayor has angered and upsetcouncillors in the Kwa Sani Municipalityafter he allegedly circulated a video clipshowing four women being decapitatedby a group of balaclava-clad men.

Former thug turns life aroundMAKINGapositivedifferenceinthecommuni-ty where he caused many tears and fears,Morgan Pienaar will be telling his story onEast Coast Radio on Thursday 26 June be-tween 5pm and 7pm.

Morgan says he wishes to correct thewrongmessagehe sent acrossbyhispreviousviolent actions.

Beingachangedmannowandlookingbackat his past brings about many feelings ofshame and regret.

He bargained with God and God removedthe shackles. God “still performs miraclesthrough His earthly angels” he says.

Hemaynotbeable toundothedamage,butwants to commit himself to his community tochange the perceptions young people mayhave about drugs.

He wants to approach schools, churchesand NGOs as a motivational speaker andshare his horrific experience, where it allstarted, his life in darkness and the conse-quences of his actions.

His long-termgoal is to establish a founda-tionfor“angryandlostkids”calledtheMorganPienaar Foundation, hoping to correct the ef-fects of social constraints at root level.

Pienaarappeals to theKokstadCommunity,especially in Twist Valley, to support this pro-gramme.

He calls upon parents and organisations toassist and participate where time and circum-stances permit in achieving this goal.

“Let us work together to explore the worth,talent andpotential of our youth for the sake of

our community’s future role models,” he says.He says it took one person to explore his

worth and he thanks Sis Dolly.— Supplied.

PHOTO: SOURCEDBeing a changed man now and looking backat his past brings about many feelings ofshame and regret.


8June 27, 2014

east griqualand


4 | 21 1 | 21Margate10 | 23 15 | 24


033 342 4945Famsa DBN:031 202 8987Lifeline and rape crisis(24­hrs) PMB:033 394 4444Lifeline and rape crisis(24­hrs) DBN:

Gamblers Anon DBN:031 463 1616Forest Fires PMB:033 330 8421Safe City report crime viaSMS PMB: 083 767 7233911 Control Centre, PMB:

033 391 1911SPCA PMB: 033 386 9267SPCA DBN: 031 579 6500

MUNICIPALITYCall Centre: 0800 001 868Water: 033 392 2128Electricity: 033 392 5098/

5096/5029After­hours number:033 392 5098Traffic lights:033 392 2205Roads damage:033 392 2047,033 392 2059EMERGENCY CHEMISTS

ALITYFire Department andMetro Police: 031 361 0000Water and Traffic Hotline:

080 131 3013Electricity Contact Centre:080 131 3111Health Complaints Hotline:

031 311 3555Roads damage:080 131 3013Durban Transport BusRoutes: 031 309 3250For People Mover (InnerCity Bus service):031 309 2731 or031 309 2730

INGRID OELLERMANNPOLICE, as well as traffic officers and Home Affairs o

cials in Pietermaritzburg arrested 120 people in a massi

crackdown on crime in the capital on Saturday.

Thosearrested includedatleast 50alleged illegal imm

grants.Provincial police spokesperson Colonel Jay Naicker

said the operation, which was carried out by around 275

members, was personally led by KwaZulu Natal’s provin­

cial commissioner, Lieutenant­General Mmamonnye

Ngobeni.They held roadblocks, raided liquor outlets and

searched for illegal immigrants during the operation.

The joint operation incorporated members from the

visible policing, detective unit, public order police, the

family violence, child protection and sexual offences unit,

mounted police, as well as the Road Traffic Inspectorate,

municipal traffic police and the Department of Home

Affairs.Three police stations — Mountain Rise, Pietermaritz­

burg and Alexandra Road — took part in the massive

operation.Naicker said an estimated R20 000 worth of dagga

was also recovered during the raids from houses, cars,

on the streets and taverns in the city.In all, 120 suspects were arrested or charged for a wide

variety of crimes, including robberies, sexual offences,

possession of suspected stolen property, housebreaking,

assault, illegal dealing in liquor, possession of dagga, pos­

session of unlicensed firearms, drunken driving, and

fraud.Of these were as many as 50 alleged illegal immigrant

werechargedafter theywere foundnott h

Video angers councillorsMayor allegedly circulates video clip showing four women being decapitated


upsetcouncillors intheKwaSaniMunicipality

after he allegedly circulated a video clip show­

ng four women being decapitated by a group

f balaclava­clad men.Now the Democratic Alliance plans laying

arges with the police against mayor


anceandTraditionalAffairs (Cogta)MEC

musa Dube­Ncube to take action against

irst citizen of the municipality in Under­MPL Francois Rodgers said yesterday

Banda allegedly circulated the video clip on

the WhatsApp group used by the municipali­

ty to communicate council matters to the sev­

en councillors, senior officials and committee

clerks.“It is inconceivable that the mayor should

intentionally use council communication

platform to distribute a barbaric video clip.

“It has absolutely no bearing on municipal

matters and Banda had no explanation as to

whyhecirculated it tocouncillorsandofficials

of KwaSani,” Rodgers said.The video shows the men first shooting the

women and then cutting their heads and

limbs using machetes and axes. One of the

men even holds up the head of one of the

women to the cameraman.A screengrab of the municipal WhatsApp

service shows that the video was sent just be­

fore 3 pm on Friday afternoon.“This type of reckless behaviour is unbe­

comingofacommunity leaderanddoesnoth­


tu in our rainbow nation,” Rodgers charged.


received the video clip via WhatApp on her

cellphone, said she received a message con­

taining the video on Friday afternoon.“On Friday afternoon, I got the video with

no explanation from the mayor. When I

clicked it, I found that it was the most horrify­

ing video. It affected me so badly.“In that WhatsApp group, there are coun­

cillors, directors and committee clerks. I don’t

know whether it was sent to us to incite vio­

lence against women or as a threat. I was so

distressed after viewing it,” she said.“It is the first time I saw it,” said Crawley

when asked if any other videos had been sent

before.While Rodgers was unsure if a case had

been opened with the police, he said the

KwaSani councillors who were offended by


that Dube­Ncube should fire Banda.

“He is clearly unfit for public office,” Rodg­

ers said.Banda could not be reached for comment

because his cellphone was switched off and

ANC provincial spokesperson Senzo Mkhize

was unavailable as he was attending the ANC

lekgotla in Empangeni.Cogta spokesperson Lennox Mabaso said

the department did not have details on the

video. “We are not privy to the video, its de­

tails or the intentions of the mayor.”He said mentioning the name of the MEC

was uncalled for and called on parties to first

sensitise her regarding their concerns before

they rushed to the media.

ESBURG — Journalists wereake off their shoes, and get downeesbeforeVendatraditional lead­dia briefing in Johannesburg yes­re briefing was over a report bynewspaper lastweekthatSABCns officer Hlaudi Motsoeneng

en a wife as a gift.of the briefing by Mudzi WaVhavenda, a lobby group ofnal leaders and healers, re­nstructed to remove theirn bended knees so that theycultural ritual before begin­alists were stunned by theot down so that the brief­dzi, in brightly colouredand two young bare­nstantly bowed and didg throughout the brief­mber could speak.easted women was Va­3­year­old college stu­tedly given t

ried to someone else and that the June 13

report in the Sowetan was not true.“I’m saying with my own mouth, I was

not given to anybody,” Nethengwe inter­

preted for Mutswari. “That is not Venda tra­

dition. I’m proud of what I am and my cul­

ture. I was not half­naked. It’s a shedo

[Tshivenda traditional attire]. I will contin­

ue wearing it.”She said the report in the Sowetan last

Friday had caused problems for her and al­

most destroyed her pending marriage.TheSowetancarriedthereportwithapic­

ture of Motsoeneng next to the woman and

thecow,andSapa lifted thestory fromthem.

The group insisted on giving a hard copy

response to the Sowetan and Sapa on the

matter yesterday.They instructed the Sowetanjournalists separately to come to the front

to collect the document.Theleaders instructedthereporterstoget

down on their knees to receive th

enda leaders force journosget down on their knees

MUNICIPALITYFrom the Office of the Municipal Manager


Section 54/56 Performance Agreements for 2014/15 Financial YearNotice is hereby given that, in terms of Section 53(3)(b) of the Municipal Finance Management Act,No 56 of 2003, that the performance agreements of the Municipal Manager and Senior Managershave now been developed and signed by The Mayor of UBuhlebezwe Municipality.

Copies of the performance agreements for S54/56 Managers for 2014/15 Financial Year are openfor inspection at the Municipal Offices (reception) and Ixopo Public Library during office hours(08:00-16:30, Monday to Friday).


UBUHLEBEZWE LOCAL MUNICIPALITYTelephone 039 834 7700 P O BOX 132Fax 039 834 1168 29 Margaret Street, IxopoE-mail mm@ubuhlebezwe.org.za Kwa-Zulu Natal, 3276Website www.ubuhlebezwe.org.za South Africa

KwaZulu-Natal farms-blaze mystery

FIRES wreaked havoc inKwaZulu-Natal lastMonday 16 June , lead-

ing to eight confirmed deaths,extensive loss of livestock anddestruction of property.

KwaZulu-Natal MEC forCo-operativeGovernance andTraditional Affairs, NomusaDube-Ncube, sent disasterrelief teams to parts of theAbaqulusi Municipality(Vryheid area), Kokstad andsomeof theUgudistrict. Itwasreported that fires propelledby gales ripped through veldand residential areas.

Department spokesmanLennox Mabaso said: “Weknow of six deaths in KokstadandtwonearVryheid.Howev-er,ourteamsarestillassessingthe damage.”

The Kokstad fire was stillburning on Monday night.

Dube-Ncube said: “Thecause of these tragic wildfires

isunclearat thispointanddis-aster management teams areworking hard to contain thefires.”

The deputy mayor of theAbaqulusi Municipality, Non-kululeko Ndela said a mandied in KwaMnyathi, Ward 5,and a woman in Ward 22.

“The woman died on herwaytohospitalafterherhousecaught alight.”

Ndela said the woman’shome and 100 others werenear a dump, and the rubbishhelped spread the fire. Themunicipality was committedto finding better housing forthese residents.

Dube-Ncube said: “Thefamilies affected are receivingassistance, and disaster reliefkits have been dispatched.Households have also beenevacuated in areas wherethere is a possibility that thefire could cause further dam-

age. The priority is to containthe fire and rescue people.Weare engaging with depart-ments such as Home Affairsand Human Settlements tohelp families thathave lost IDsand birth certificates.”

Mabaso said: “People arewarned that the province isstillexperiencinghighlevelsofhumidity and strong winds,and remainsat high risk of ex-posure to veld fires.”

MalumeMasho tweeted onMonday: “Horrific scenes out-side Cedarville to Kokstad,wildfires killed cattle. Nothingand no one should die fromfire.”

Laura Johnson said: “Run-away fires in Kokstad and Ce-darville. Farmers have losteverything.”

Gutta Nyamela tweeted:“Fire is destroying everythinginHarding,KokstadandNgeleMountain.” — The Mercury.

Poet speaks out onBoko Haram

IN our fragile society we arenowfacedwithnotonly crimi-nals, butwithmonsters calledterrorists and Boko Haram isjust one such terrorist group.

The gangster group uses aNigerianHausaname—BokoHaram (pronounced b -kòhàrâm; figuratively meaning“Western education is sin”).

Islamemphasisestheseek-ing of academic and religiousknowledge for males and fe-males. Technology is part ofWestern education and for aperson to be able to operate acomputer youmust have edu-cation.

TheQ’uranandtheBibledonotencouragehumanity tokilleach other, in fact the Q’uran

says one should not force any-body to embrace Islam. Theholy book further says that ifyoukill oneperson it’s like youhave killed a large group ofpeople. Islam calls for peaceand true love.

The girls were abductedfrom their school inChibokon14April inNigeria. Islamcallsfor the love and respect ofwomen. Paradise lies underthe feet of mothers. TheProphet of Islam taught loveand respect to humankind.Even Prophet Jesus, peace beupon him, taught humanity torespect their neighbours. Weare all creations of God. Godloves those who love others.

The group took 276 girls,

but 57 escaped. It is very badto abuse anybody using thename of God like what hap-pened during the apartheidera and humanity should for-give and forget.

Boko Haram did not readthe part where the Prophet ofIslam stood up in respect ofnon-Muslim Jewish females’funerals. Some of the Prophetof Islam’s uncles were notMuslims, but he never killedthem. A group of Muslimswere sent to Ethiopia by theProphet of Islam for love andpropagation of Islam, nowwhy is Boko Haram killing in-nocent people in the name ofGod? It is very wrong.Terrorism is bad whether it isdone in Palestine, the UnitedStates or Africa. Humanitymust be respected. God is thejudge. Nobody should judgeanybody. We are all sinners.

Boko Haram should bringback our girl and also bringbackourIslamicdignity. Islamhates terrorism and the kid-napping of innocent girls.


Poet Sheik A. R Phiri is aKokstad-based poet, author,director and founder of acharity organisation.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDPoet Sheik Phiri condemns Boko Haram for abducting theschool girls.

Time tostand up andchallenge themunicipalityTHE exodus of senior managers atGreater Kokstad Municipality issomething that we predicted in2012. What is happening now isnot surprising, but rather confir-mationthatourmunicipalityisrot-ten to the core.

Previously we lost Mr Nkosi, MrNdzelu, Mr Somtesewu, Mr Masin-yane, Mr Matam, Mr Sangweni, MrZimu, Mrs Mbhele, Ms Matubatu-ba, Mr Vumase, Nelly Mbongwa,Konus Marais, Felix Nxumalo, toname just a few, including manyexperienced junior staff members

Recently we lost Mr Mtshengu,Mr Mfene and Mr Zimu who has al-so resigned and we are expectingthree more managers to resign. Toour surprise the CFO is sitting com-fortably and she should have re-signed a long time ago.

At the meeting we had with theformer municipal manager FelixNxumalo we informed him thatthe issues of maladministrationcan never be resolved, not even byAlbert Einstein. Where is he today— he could not even finish his termbecause he resigned as predicted.The current municipal managerwill also do likewise as he is on hisway out because there is nothinghe can do to rectify the mistakesof the past.

The situation has gone from

bad to worse. Senior managers arepicketing every day and if you fol-low the Labour Relation Act andthe way the municipality is dealingwith this picketing, we are aboutto see a full-blown strike soon.

Where have you seen Imatuand Samwu singing the sametune?Thisisasignthatourmunici-pality needs urgent interventionand that is Section 139.

Basedonthefollowingreasonswe demand that Section 139 to beput in place>> As disclosed in note 43 to thefinancial statements, irregular ex-penditure amounting toR16.11 million was incurred as a re-sult of contracts being awarded tosuppliers in contravention of theMSCMR.>> As disclosed in note 41 to thefinancial statements, unauthor-ised expenditure amounting toR29.32 million was incurred as themunicipality had exceeded thelimits provided for in the approvedbudget.>> As disclosed in note 28 on debtimpairment, material losses ofR13.20 million were incurred as aresult of the writing off of irrecov-erable trade debtors>> Ninety six awards, to the totalvalue of R8,640 million, were pro-cured without inviting at leastthree written price quotationsfrom perspective suppliers and de-viation was not approved by aproperly delegated officials>> One award, to the total valueof R1,654 million, was made with-out following bidding processes onthe basis that the contract was go-

ing to be month to month for un-specific period of time>> One contactor, to the totalvalue of R337 544 was awarded tothe bidder who did not score thehighest points>> Two construction contracts,with the total value of R5.637 mil-lion, were awarded to the contrac-tors without being advertised onConstruction Industry Develop-ment Board website.>> The appointment of FastMove Electrical, with the contractvalue of R200 000 and the dura-tion period, in excess of a year, wasnot procured by means of compet-itive process and the deviation wasnot approved by the accountingofficer in accordance with section36 of the SCM policy.

Total payments made for 2011was R611 891 and in 2012 wasR165 4922. The auditor recom-mended that all payments madeto this supplier must be regardedas irregular and disclosed accord-ingly.

These are just few findings thatwere picked up by the Auditor Gen-eral, and if, as the community, wedecide to fold our arms and hopefor the best, we are also contribut-ing to this corruption.

This is the time to stand upand challenge the municipalitywith one voice irrespective ofrace, colour or political affilia-tion.

Dumisani DlaminiKokstad Concerned


• Published verbatim.

June 27, 2014

east griqualand




HARRY GWALA DISTRICT MUNICIPALITYPrivate Bag X 501, IXOPO, 3276 • Tel: 039 834 8700 Fax: 039 834 2259



Harry Gwala District Municipality invites tenders with CIDB grading of 3EP or Higher for Supply andInstallation of 50 Lightning Conductors over 4 month’s period.

Only Bidders that have the required CIDB Grading can tender. Joint Ventures are also eligible tosubmit Bids provided that every member of the Joint Venture is registered with the CIDB and acombined grade of Joint Venture calculated in accordance with the CIDB regulations is equal to orhigher than the specified Contractor grading.

Invalid or non-submission of the following documents will lead to the disqualification.• Original Valid Tax Clearance Certificate from SARS;• Certified Copies of Company or CC Documents together with certified copies of member/s ID;• JV Agreement (if applicable);• A signed MBD4 form must be submitted with all bids ( available on our website or at reception)

The following will apply in all the above bids:

• Price(s) quoted must be firm and must be inclusive of VAT;• A firm delivery period must be indicated;• All tenders must be valid for 90 days after the tender closing date• A Valid B-BBEE status level verification certificate for claiming preference points.• 80/20 Preference point system will be used in Evaluation.


Bid documents may be collected from the 03 July 2014 between 09h00 and 16h00 at Harry GwalaDistrict Municipality Offices, Finance Services Department, situated at Ixopo 40 Main Street, Ixopo3276.Tender documents will be issued upon payment of a non-refundable cash fee of R 500 each.


A compulsory briefing meeting will be held on the 08 July 2014 at 10h30 in the municipal boardroom


The closing date for the bids is 18 July 2014 at 12h00. Bids must be enclosed in SEALED EN-VELOPES and clearly labelled with the contract number and project name on the outside of theenvelopes addressed to The Municipal Manager.

Bids must be deposited in the Bid Box at the reception area of Harry Gwala District Municipal, 40Main Street, IXOPO before the closing date. Telegraphic, telexed or faxed bids will not be consid-ered and late bids will not be accepted.

Harry Gwala District Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any Bid and reservesthe right to accept the whole or any part of the bid.


All enquiries and all other matters relating to this issue can be addressed to Disaster Manager:Mrs.T. Dzanibe during office hours on Tel: 039 834 8700

Mrs A.N. DlaminiMunicipal Manager


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10June 27, 2014

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TendermistakesNot following tender requirementsANOTHER mistake businesses make whentendering is not following the require-ments of a tender. This happens to compa-nies that have been tendering for a longtime as well as companies that have juststarted the tender process.

Each tender or bid advert will specifywhere you can collect the documents youneed to submit a tender, where they shouldbe submitted, compulsory meetings if any,other special conditions of contract andclosing dates — which we covered in thefirst column — and that this is a firmdeadline and no late tender will beaccepted.

Each tender will have certain forms tofill which must accompany the tender sub-mitted. You need to consider carefully allthese requirements and forms and theirorder of submission.

Once you are satisfied you have all thatis required you can start filling in the formsand remember, it is important to get adviceif you are not sure about something on theform.

Once you have done this, attach allsupporting documents in the order orformat which is specified in the tenderdocument. This makes it easy to includeeverything the tender requires. It alsomakes it easy for whomever is going to as-sess your tender.

In closing, always treat every new ten-der advert exclusively, cautiously study itsrequirements and do exactly as required.You must understand that deviating fromrequirements, no matter how small, cancost you that tender.

Youth Day celebrations>> Participants, marshals, spectators, Cedarville SAPS Warrant Officers thanked for assistance

A10-KILOMETRE race took place inCedarville to commemorate Youth Day on16 June.

Results:Males1. Luvuyo Mhlakaza 32min:34sec (Nedbank)2. Bokang Lepheana 32min:43sec(Tlokoa A.C)3. Thandabantu Rhafuza33min:53sec (Nedbank, Kokstad)Females1. Kefuwe Mtshayelo 45min:53sec(Black Diamond)2. Nobahle Mbabala 49min:40sec (Kokstad)3. Nosisa Maqhashalala 1hr (Mven-yane)Veterans 40-49 yearsMales1. Bokang Lepheana 33min:43secFemales 16-18 years1. Kefuwe Mtshayelo 45min:53sec2. Nobahle Mbabala 49mi:40secMales 16-28

1. Phumzile Mthwa (Cedarville, Khorong)2. Morgan Macubeni (Cedarville)

I would like to thank all the participants, mar-shals, and spectators, not forgeting CedarvilleSAPSWarrant Officers Mr. Cwele andMs. Vundi-sa. — Thabiso Mohoto

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDAdult participants.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDYouth participants.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDKefuwe Mtshayelo and Phumzile Mthwa with theirtrophies.

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In the Estate of the late:Josephine MachakaIdentity Number:4202200305082Date of Death: 04-10-1998Address: Kokstad OfficeNo. 5, Main Street, 4700Surviving Spouse: N/AEstate No: 2437/2013/PMBLiquidation and Distribu-tion of Account. Kokstad.Khajalethu NondabulaAttorneys. No 5 MainBuilding Kokstad,98 Main Street, 4700.039 727 2929



Notice is herebygiven thatI/We the undersigned,intend to apply to theGreater Kokstad Munici-pality for special consentto FINALISE ON EXIST-ING GRANNY FLAT ERF1142 situated in 28 ElliotStreet. Plans and/or par-ticulars may be inspectedduring normal office hoursat Greater Kokstad Munic-ipality. Any person havingany objection to the ap-proval of this applicationmust lodge such objectionin writing, in duplicate, to-gether with the groundstherefore with the Munici-pal Manager, P.O.Box 8,KOKSTAD, not later than29 July 2014.Name and address of ap-plicant:N.Z KUMBACA, 28 ELLIOTSTREET, KOSTAD, 4700.



K e n n i s g e s k i e dhiermee dat ek/onsdie ondergetekende,van voorneme is omaansoek te doen om diespesiale toestemmingvan die Groter KokstadMunisipaliteit teneinde FINALISEEROP BESTAANDEOUMAWOONSTEL opERF 1142, gelee in 28Elliot Street. Planneen/of besonderhedesai gedurende gewonekantoorure te GreaterKokstad Municipality.Belanghebbendes kanenige besware skriftelikindien in tweevoud by dieMunisipale Bestuurder,Posbus 8, Kokstad, voor:29 July 2014Naam en adres vanapplikant:N.Z KUMBACA, 28 ELLIOTSTREET, KOSTAD, 4700.

Dr. HachiNayi inyanga esiza konke ukuhlupheka komntu:• Uma unezinkinga noma zinzima kanjani siyamusiza• Siyabuyisa isithandwa 15 minutes, into entshontshiwe siyay-ibuyisa, siqinisa umuzi.

• Ubheke umthakathi esibukweni, umuntu oxoshwe emsebenzinisiyamusiza, owemali uma iphephuka, intando yemali.

• Ngitshelekisa ngegundane elincane nelikhulu, khipha isichithouthandwe abantu.

• Umuthi wokuthola ingane ushade, siyambuyisa umuntu oshonengendlela engaqondakali.

• Mabophe wenja ngeke bahlukane uyoze ufike, isikhwamasemali, ingane mayingaphasi esikolweni siyayisiza.

• Umuntu siyamukhipha ejele noma ehlale isikhathi esideengayitholanga ibheyili.

Ngitholakala eHarding, umuntu mengakwazanga ukufika eHard-ing imithi ngiyamdilivela, uma unenkinga ungafonela le namba073 544 0163

June 27, 2014

east griqualand




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Thishatchbackwaschosentofit inbetween the present, smaller i10 –which is retained in the local modelline-up – and the i20.

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The Grand i10has been launchedin South Africa in three derivatives:the1.25Motionmanual, the1.25Flu-idmanual(withaslightlyhigherspec-ification level)andthe1.25Fluidwitha four-speed automatic gearbox.

The new proportions delivergreater body and wheel control, aswell as ride comfort comparable tocars from higher segments.

The largerbody shell of theGrandi10 yields one of the roomiest occu-pant cabins on themarket, as well asan impressive 256 litres of trunk ca-pacity.

At 3 765mm, the Grand i10 is180mm longer than its smaller sib-ling, andoneof the longest cars in thesegment. Likewise, the Grand i10 isalso the widest in its segment at 1660mm.Alowerroofline,nowstand-ingat1520mm,yieldsanathletic on-the–road stance.

Among the many features of theall-new Grand i10 are luxury itemssuch as Bluetooth connectivity to thesoundsystem,keylessentryandelec-trically heated and folding side mir-rors (for the two Fluid derivatives),USBandAUXports for thesoundsys-tem, aswell as anair conditioner andcentral locking for all derivatives.

All three derivatives are alsoequippedwith front fog lamps, a full-size spare wheel, 14-inch alloywheels, a height-adjustable driver’sseat,a tripcomputerandremotecon-trols for the sound system on thesteering wheel.

Fuel consumptioncanbeas lowasa measured 5,9 litres/100km, withemissions of 130g/m in the 1.25Motionmanualand1.25Fluidmanu-al derivatives, and 6,9 litres/100kmwith emissions of 147g/km for the1.25 Fluid with the four-speed auto-matic gearbox. Dual airbags and anAdvancesBraking System (ABS) takecare of safety in the Grand i10.

At a price range fromR139 900 toR159 900, with Hyundai’s five-year/150 000kmwarrantyandroad-side assistance thrown in, the Grandi10 offers exceptional value.

More space and greatvalue in the Hyundai Grand i10

The HyundaiGrand i10 issmall indiameter, butfilled withfeatures thatmotorists inthis classwill love.

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King Edward High newsKEHS takes part in KJS hockey festivalTHE past weekend there was a hockey festi-val at Kokstad Junior School. King Edward’sU13 A team participated in the day’s festivi-ties.

Five games were played during the day.We drew a match 1-1 with KJS, won 1-0against Underberg Primary, won

2-0 against St Patrick’s and won 2-0against Kokstad Primary.

Eston was the better team that day and

they beat KEHS 2-1.Thank you to Kokstad Junior for a suc-

cessful and great day. The players enjoyedthemselves tremendously. What a great fin-ish to a lovely season.

Provincial hockeyCongratulations to Tiaan Prinsloo who

has been selected as the KZN Inlands U13Aboys’ hockey captain. He is a boy withtremendous ability and potential.

— Supplied.

Kokstad Rugby Club news

THE Kokstad Rugby boys played againstMatatiele on Saturday, in Matatiele, and de-spite having to put out fires during their prac-tice on Thursday night, they camehome victo-

rious. The score was 42-13, well done.KokstadwillbeplayingHardinginKokstad

onSaturday28June,all supporterswelcome.— Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDPlayers’ put out a fire during Thursday night’s practice.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDFire threatens Kokstad Rugby Club.

Kokstad Junior newsFirst team festivalOUR annual first team festival tookplace over the weekend and for thefirst time we expanded it over twodays.

On Friday 20 June the soccer andnetball tournaments tookplacewhenfour schools participated in each dis-cipline. On Saturday 21 June thehockey sawsix schools participating.Both days were enjoyed by partici-pants and spectators.

St Charles festivalAn enthusiastic group of U7 and

U8 boys filled the buses on a chillyWednesday morning last week. Thiswas the boy’s first trip to Pietermar-itzburg to take part in the St Charlesmini rugby festival.

Itprovedtobeabusyafternoonforthe boys playing four games in quicksuccession. Well done to all our up-and-coming Springboks, you madeus proud this season. — Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDNetball girls with Mrs Van Zyl.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDFirst-team hockey girls with Mrs Pride.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDSoccer players with Mr. Foley and Mr. B.

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