east griqualand fever 27 03 2015

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East griqualand fever 27 03 2015


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FEVERYour 24/7 local connection FREE 27 March 2015

www.egfever.co.za @egfever East Griqualand Fever

Chamber ‘boxing ring’>> Meeting turned into chaos with arguments and insults dominating


THE Greater Kokstad MunicipalCouncil Chamber was nearlyturned into a boxing ring by

dividedANCcouncillorsatapreliminarysession meeting in preparation for thepremier’s visit last Friday.

KZN Premier Senzo Mchunu was toarrive in Kokstad on Saturday to cele-brate Human Right’s Day. The meetingturned chaos as ANC councillors ex-changedinsults,pointing fingersateachother.

This paper is in possession of a videoclip that shows Deputy Mayor BhekiMichael Mtolo and Cllr NtomboxoloMqikela arguing loudly. The argumentwas sparked when Mqikela questionedwhy corruption investigation reportswerenot tabled to thepremier.Mtolo re-torted asking why councillors are con-cernedabout reports that havenot beenconcluded. The harsh exchange ofwords ended when ANC Cllr TsibisoMohlakoana shouted at them sayingtheymuststoparguinginfrontofopposi-tion party members.

Fever understands that Mtolo, theformer secretary of the ANC YouthLeague in KZN, insulted other ANCcouncillors, saying they are broke anduseless and they will not come back ascouncillors in the upcoming 2016 localgovernment elections.

Among the reports questioned byMqikela is the corruption investigationreportby theKZNTreasuryDepartmentwhichwas given to the Greater KokstadMunicipal Manager, Zamo Mkhize. Thereport is believed to implicate certaincouncillorsandmanagers inthemunici-pality.

DespiteKZNTreasury SpokespersonNtokozoMaphisaconfirmingthatthere-port had been given to the municipalityon 11 September 2014, Mayor NosisaJojozi and the municipal manager de-nied being in possession of the final re-port when the Fever asked about it.

“The recommendations of the find-ingswere included in thereportand fur-ther details required can be obtainedfromthemayorandmunicipalmanageras they arenow the custodians of the re-port,” Maphisa had said.

to council and made public, but our ef-forts have been blocked as they remainin theANC caucuses andwith someoffi-cials in the municipality,” he added.

GKM speaker, also ANC spokesper-son in the Harry Gwala region, ZolaniMhlongo said he is unaware of such anincident, but said as theRECof theANC,they will investigate the allegation andharsh steps will be taken if need be.

Regarding the investigation reportMhlongo said the ANCmaintains its po-sition that the report is not out yet.

Global Water Day inMatatiele

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDMatatiele Local Municipality spokesperson JacquelineBosman­Magangana (left) and Andrew Lucas, director ofWater Quality for Department of Water Affairs in EasternCape, catches invertebrates at the miniSASS station.

There are allegations thatthe municipality is faced withgross maladministration,bankruptcy and poor finan-cialmanagementchargesandas a result their coffers are re-portedly “empty”.

Since last year they adopt-ed a belt-tighten strategy, butthe strategy has not yieldedany improvements asmunici-pality continues in a down-ward spiral. Every monthcommunities march to themunicipality complainingabout the lackof servicedeliv-ery and corruption that ishampering the municipality.

DA councillor LwandaMadikizela confirmed that hewas part of the preliminarymeeting that turned intochaos.

“The chaos was a victoryfor the DA because lies wereexposedandwefeltthattrans-parency and accountabilityare no longer the business ofthe day.

“We have been advocatingfor thesereports tobebrought


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227 March 2015

east griqualand


Road reconstruction under way>> ‘Construction of these roads is an effort by the GKM to address community concerns about the poor state of our roads’NTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

COMPLAINTS from the commu-nity because of the bad state ofKokstad roads will soon be a

thing of the past as work to repairthem started this week.

TheGreaterKokstadMunicipalitysaiditwillremedyeveryservicedeliv-ery backlog the municipality is expe-riencing.

The construction of Coulter, Bark-er,BarcleyandDowerstreets isan in-dication of the municipality’s com-mitment to address the damagedroads.

In the past months Kokstad hasbeenthestage formanyservicedeliv-eryprotests andat the centrewas thedilapidated state of roads in andaround the Kokstad CBD.

“Theconstructionof theseroads isan effort by theGKM to address com-munity concernsabout thepoor stateof our roads. The roads under con-struction are under Ward 3,” GKM

spokesperson Sabelo Ncwane said.Ward3CouncillorZolaniMhlongo

told theFever that themunicipality isimproving the state of roads.


the community about our roads.Whileweareopentocriticism,peoplemust also acknowledge when some-thing is done to address their con-cerns.Wewill continue to respond to

demands of the people. We also askpeople to be patient and make surethat they are not used by those whowant to gain political mileage,” hesaid.

Mhlongo said there are moreroadsearmarkedforrehabilitationintown.

“All roads in Kokstad will be in anacceptable standard by 2016, ourpeople must just be patient and bearwith us,” he added.

According to information provid-ed to Fever the completion of repairsto these roads will be one year fromnow and c

ontractors are currently doingearthworks on them.

“Once that is doneall constructionprocesses will follow until the road iscomplete.

“We understand that during con-struction therewill be disturbance oftraffic flow and entrances to nearbyhouses.

“We also request people to avoidusing theroad, if possible.Theremaybe delays due to weather conditionssoonceagainweurgepatience in thisregard because whatever is happen-ingthereisforthegoodofthecommu-nity,” Mhlongo said.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAWork has started on Coulter Street.

Rapist gets 20 yearsKZN SAPS Provincial Commis­sioner Lieutenant General Mma­monnye Ngobeni welcomed the20­year sentence handed lastWednesday to the Melezile Sidi­

nana (29), accused of raping a 36­year­old Shayamoya woman on26 December, 2014 at 2pm.

“We remain committed to de­fending our women and children

and will do everything within ourcontrol to bring those who abusethem to book.”

The victim was walking withher boyfriend in Shayamoya, Kok­stad when they met an unknownman who claimed to be related tothe victim’s boyfriend. They said

Sidinana invitedthem to his housefor a braai and theyaccepted.

When the cou­ple arrived at thehouse they sawthere was no braai.Sidinana then at­tacked the victim’sboyfriend with aknife and chasedhim out of hishouse. The boy­friend ran for helpleaving his girl­friend with the ac­cused.

When the boy­friend returned heheard the victimscreaming for helpin one of the hous­es nearby. Sidinanawas found rapingthe woman and astruggle ensued.Sidinana managedto flee through abathroom window.

Kokstad policewere alerted andthe accused wasapprehended thesame day. A case ofrape was openedfor investigation atKokstad SAPS andthe Kokstad FamilyCS took over the in­vestigation.

After severalcourt appearancesthe accused wasconvicted and sen­tenced. ­ Supplied.

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Harry Gwalaruling partyspeaker sacked>> He blew the whistle on party members, alleging they went on aproperty buying spree using council moneyKHAYA MAGENU>>khaya.magenu@feveronline.co.za

THE Harry Gwala District Mu-nicipality speaker, MandlaNgcobo, has been suspended

from the ANC for a year, and firedfrom his post.

Ngcobo last year wrote aletter to the ANC provincialexecutive committee al-leging corruption by hiscolleagues. He blew thewhistle on party mem-bers, alleging theywent on a propertybuying spree usingcouncil money.

The letter wasleaked to theMail &Guardian. He wassubsequently chargedby the ANC’s regional

executive committee for bringingthe party into disrepute and sowingdivision within the party.

Ngcobo approached the KwaZu-lu-Natal High Court in October tostop themunicipality frommakingaalleged irregular payment to a com-

pany, which he claimed,hadbeenoverpaidbyR14 million.

Ngcobo wasalso suspendedas the speakerfor ill disciplineand miscon-duct after helost a caseagainst theawarding of asecurity compa-ny. He lost thebattle in courtcomplaining that

the companywas awarded a tenderto provide services at the municipaloffices and other properties forR241 858amonth, this is accordingto a report which notes the scope ofthe tender.

“By virture of his suspensionNgcobo will no longer be a speaker.Wehave foundhimguilty ofmiscon-duct,” said Harry Gwala regionalANC spokespersonZolaniMhlongo.

He said the disciplinary commit-tee found Ngcobo guilty of not re-specting the ANC’s internal processin line with the national generalcouncilof2010,whichstatesthatbe-fore taking the organisation to courthe had to exhaust all internal proc-ess.

“Wedecided toreleasehimas thespeaker of the municipality. At thenext council sitting in two weekstime we will select a new speaker,”said Mhlongo.

Ngcobo could not be reached forcomment.

Harry Gwala District MunicipalitySpeaker Mandla Ngcobo.PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENU

Water crisis hits HardingNTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

A WATER crisis has hit Harding,prompting the launch last Friday ofan intensive Ugu Drought Aware-ness Campaign aimed at urging thecommunity to reduce water usage.

According to Cllr Ace Houston ofWard3 inUmuziwabantuLocalMu-nicipality, Harding is experiencing aserious drought, due to the scarcityof rain, and the water levels at the

water is a precious resource thatneeds to be taken care of.

“Weareheretourgeyou,thecom-munity, to use water sparingly be-cause there is a severe shortage inour province, especially in Harding.RestrictionssimilartothatofEskom-’s load shedding will soon be imple-mented to avert the crisis.

“It is important to highlight thatthe water-shedding plan will notcompromise services at St AndrewsHospital,” he added.

Communication practitionerSiphelele Cele said the municipalitywill dispatchwater tankers toaffect-ed areas.

Mpendulo Msiya, a Kwa Mazak-hele resident said they will have toputupwiththewaterrestrictionsbe-cause there is nothing that can bedone if there is a shortage.

“Wedon’twant a situationwhereweareoutofwatercompletely,sowehave to save water and comply withrestrictions, unlike with electricitywedon’t haveanalternativeof light-ing candles. If there is no water ourlives will stop,” he said.

Premier askscommunitiesto forgiveKHAYA MAGENU>>khaya.magenu@feveronline.co.za

THE KwaZulu-Natal premier hasasked South Africans to forgive butnot forget thehumanrightsviolationsby the apartheid government beforethe dawn of democracy in 1994.

Speakingduringthecommemora-tion of Human Rights Day atShayamoyasportgroundsinKokstadon Saturday Senzo Mchunu said it isimportant that everyone feels thathisor her rights are protected.

History has shown that manycountrieshave, at onestageoranoth-er, been faced with the situationwhereasectionof thecommunitysuf-fers the pain of having their human

rights violated due to the system ofgovernment.

“Weareonamarch,marching for-ward, but also remembering wherewe have come from,” said Mchunu.

He said that holding a grudgeagainst the perpetrators of crimeagainst black people would befruitless because most have sincedied.

He said that the MEC for PublicWorks Ravi Pillay has promisedR1 million for an extended publicworks programme for Shayamoya.

Harry Gwala District MunicipalityMayor Mluleki Ndobe said they areexcited about the celebration of Hu-man Rights in Kokstad.

“Our premier wants to educatepeople about human rights, thisshows that we have done a good jobin both service delivery and humanrights.”

PHOTO: KHAYA MAGENUUbuhlebezwe Municipality Mayor Zamo Nxumalo, KZN Premier Senzo Mchu­nu, Greater Kokstad Municipality Mayor Nosisa Jojozi and Harry Gwala Dis­trict Municipality Mayor Mluleki Ndobe during the commemoration of HumanRights Day in Kokstad.

CorrectionWITH reference to the story titled”Accident atwedding parking con-gestion” in the Fever 20 March, itwasincorrectlystatedthatthedriv-er of the white bakkie was speed-

ing, hewasnot speeding. Itwasac-tually the driver of the white Polowho was in the wrong. The Feverapologises for any inconveniencecaused.

27 March 2015

east griqualand




reservoirs are at anall time low.

“Thewater situa-tion over the pastweekshasgonefrombad to worse. Thesituation is so direthat even waterpumps at our supplyreservoirs some-times do not work,they work for anhour at a time be-cause the water lev-els are very low,” hesaid.

The campaigncoincided with Na-tional Water Weekwhose theme thisyear is “Water HasNo Substitute”.

Officials fromUgu District Munici-pality took to thestreets of HardingCBD and residentialareas of Umuziwa-bantu Local Munici-pality to warn andinform the commu-nity of the watershortage.

Speaking at theKwa Mazakheletownship rank,Xolisani Zuma said

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Matatielewarder awarded>> Award meant a lot as it is the fruit of hard labour

BULELANI Letuka fromthe Kokstad Manage-ment Area working at

the Matatiele CorrectionalCentre was counted amongthe best nationally as he wonthe Masibambisane award.

Letuka received the awardat the Department of Correc-tional Services National Ex-cellence awards last Thurs-day.

Bongi Mbotshwa, commu-nications officer at the Kok-stad Management Area saidthe Masibambisane awardenhancesstakeholderpartici-pation.

“The Department of Cor-rectional Services Act 111 of1998 clearly specifies thatCorrections is a societal re-sponsibility,” he said.

Letuka champions partici-pation in corrections in com-munitygatheringssuchastra-ditional meetings, initiationschools andcrime-awarenesscampaigns. Last year hewrote and directed a drugawareness drama which wasperformed by MechaelingJunior Secondary pupils. Thedramawasabout theeffectsofdrug abuse as it is one of thefactorsthatdriveyouthtolandin correctional centres.

Letuka said the awardmeant a lot to him as it is thefruit of hard labour and a re-flection of his dedication and

love of his calling, which isCorrections.

“This competition wasnerve-racking. Bear in mindthat Matatiele is a small cor-rectional centre with limitedresources and I was compet-ing with the best nationallywith fully fledged resources.Through perseverance andhardwork Iwas able to clinchthis award. This year was mysecond attempt. In the2012/2013 financial year Isecuredpositionthreeprovin-cially, now I have securednumbertheonespotnational-

ly. I am very happy,” he said.Acting area commissioner

of the Kokstad ManagementArea, Deputy DirectorNtombizodwa Sibutha wasfull of praise for Letuka andsaid these awards were freeand fair.

“Whoever thought that outof all correctional centres inSouth Africa,Matatiele wouldbeamongthebest.It isapleas-ant surprise,” she said.

Shealso thankedadjudica-tors fromKokstadfor identify-ing Letuka’s profile.

- Supplied.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDBulelani Letuka from Matatiele Correctional Centre with theMasibambisane award he received at the Department ofCorrectional Services National Excellence awards in Cape Townlast week.

FROM PAGE 1Global Water Day in MatatieleSOUTH Africa is one of the mostwater­stressed countries in theworld, and climate change isthreateningthewaywedependonrainfall for water provision. Wateris the most basic of needs and wecannot survive without it.

Matatiele Local Municipality islocatedin the easternuppercornerof the Umzimvubu basin, provid­ing an important catchment sup­plyingoveronemillionpeoplewithwater. The Matatiele area boasts10% of its land area as wetlands,the highest in the country. Thesewetlands act as a sponge absorb­ing and filtering rainfall, and func­tioning like an engine rechargingthe ground and surface water sup­plies for the rest of the catchment.

The municipality and the Um­zimvubu Catchment PartnershipProgramme (UCPP) hosted anevent for Global Water Day, as partof National Water Week, on 19March. The UCPP team involvedthe Alfred Nzo District, the Depart­ment of Environmental Affairs,Endangered Wildlife Trust, De­partment of Water Affairs, Con­

servation SA, Lima, ERS, WESSAandtheMalotiDrakensbergTrans­frontier Programme.

Despite several challenges, likehaving to relocate the venue fromtheNchoduwetlandstwodaysbe­fore because of strike action on theQacha’s Nek road, the event wasa success.

The event was attended bynine schools from rural villages inthe area. These schools are sup­ported by WESSA’s EcoSchoolsprogramme.

Six activity learning stationswere set up near the Khoapa wet­lands.

These consisted of a display onwater­related careers, a waterquality testing station demon­strated by technicians from the Al­fred Nzo Water Service Authorityand three hands­on stations, in­cluding soil augering to delineatewetland margins, soak pits andclarity tubes, and a station forcatching and identifiying all thenoonoos which live in water andwhich indicate water health orproblems, using a system called

miniSASS.DWS, Lima and ERS sponsored

promotional gear including caps,stickers, bags, rulers and bucketswhich were distributed to partici­pants.

Andrew Lucas, DWS WaterQuality director from KWT, saidthat their department has tried toestablish many local water fo­rums, and none have survived,while he has watched UCPP gofrom strength to strength. Heloved the hands­on aspect andencouraged councillors to be pro­active in addressing water conser­vation and quality issues in theirconstituency.

Programme director Cllr No­masomi Mshuqwana said she fi­nally understands the water cycleand how we urgently need to actnow to avoid “water shedding”along with load shedding. Shewelcomed participants and facili­tated excellent plays provided bysome of the EcoSchools, whichprove that Matat has its very ownlittle celebrities.

­ Supplied.

This week

online www.egfever.co.za

The all new Opel Astra >>NewsPrison warder awardedHospice celebrates HumanRights DayPremier visits Kokstad

@egfeverEast GriqualandFever


427 March 2015

east griqualand




In terms of section 151 of the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, the Municipal Councilof Matatiele has both executive and legislative authority as well as the right to govern, on its owninitiative, the local government affairs of its community, subject to national and Provincial legislation,as provided for in the Constitution.

The Municipality has thus formulated draft by-laws in terms of Section 12(3) (b) of the LocalGovernment: Municipal Systems Act, 2000 (Act No. 32 of 2000). The Matatiele Local Municipalityhereby publishes for public comments prior to adoption of the following proposed draft By-laws interms of section 21A of the Local Government : Municipal Systems Act , 2000 ( Act No. 32 of 2000) :

1. By-laws on the Management and Control of Informal Settlements2. Public Roads By-Laws3. Electricity By-Laws4. Keeping of Dogs By-Laws5. Law Enforcement By-Laws6. Matatiele Airstrip By-Laws7. Lease of Halls By-Laws8. Municipal Commonage By-laws9. Library and Information Service By-Laws10. Municipal Taxi Rank By-Laws11. Pounds By-Laws12. Swimming Pools and Spa-Baths By-Laws13. Control of Public Recreational Facilities By-Laws14. Keeping of Animals By-Laws15. Cemetery By-Laws16. Environmental By-Laws17. Waste management By-Laws18. Nuisance By-Laws19. Matatiele Municipal Civic Honours By-Laws20. Credit Control & Debt Collection By-Laws21. Credit Management By-Laws22. Financial By-Laws23. Property Rates by-Laws

Copies of the proposed draft By-laws are available to be viewed, for inspection and comments dur-ing office hours (07:30 to 16:00) at the following places for a period of 21 (twenty ) calendar days asfrom the date of this publication:-

- Matatiele town library- Cedarville library- Maluti library

- Website of Matatiele Local Municipality www.matatiele.gov.za.

Written comments, objections and representations in connection with the proposed draft By-Laws,if any, must be lodged with the undersigned not later than 17 April 2015 16:30.

Any person who cannot read and / or write, disabled or requires translation to any of the local lan-guages may, during normal office hours, approach the office of the Municipal Manager at 102 MainStreet, Matatiele for assistance with lodging of comments, objections and representations, if any, inrespect of the proposed draft By-laws or can fax the same on fax at (039) 737 3611.

This further serves as a notice of a one-day public hearing on the draft by-laws to be to beheld as follows:

Date : 14 April 2015Venue: Matatiele Town HallTime : 10:00

All people intending to attend the public hearing must confirm their intended attendance nolater than 07/April/2015 by calling (039) 737 8100 between 07h30 and 16h00.

Enquiries in connection with the proposed draft By-laws as well as the scheduled public hearing ondraft by-laws may be directed to Ms T Motaung (Legal Services) at 102 Main Street, Matatiele Tel(039) 737 8100.


Matatiele Local Municipality102 Main Street,Matatiele4730

TLC Hospice news>> NandiphaZikholo, a socialworker fromSivile! spokeabout teenpregnancy

MANY young people from senior schools allover town flocked to iThembalabantuCentre,TLC’shome inShayamoya, to take

part an awareness event to commemorateHumanRights Day on 21 March.

The centre was alive with action and prepara-tionsbeganearly onFriday20March.TLCwanteda different way to host an awareness event com-memorating this day.

In collaboration with the Department of SocialDevelopmentTLCplannedaneventfocusingontheyoungpeopleofKokstadandthesocialillstheyface.We also felt the need to equip young people with

tools and skills to overcome these obstacles.The Race to Wellness Social Awareness event

started at 11am. Excited young people gathered inour training centre and listened to informative andfrank talks from two experienced social workers.

Nandipha Zikholo, a social worker from Sivile!spokeaboutteenpregnancy.SisterHedwig,alsoanexperienced social worker, then had an open dis-cussion with the teens on the different types ofabuse and where to go and what to do if they areexperiencing it.

Other speakers introduced the programmes of-fered at TLC namely Isibindi and our home-based

Participantswere divided into six teams eachwithteamcoloursintheformofbeautifulbandanas.Therace took a format similar to that of The AmazingRace with lessons for participants to learn aboutsocial problems, focusing on wellness.

Adults and young people alike had great fun onthe day.

Hotandbotheredparticipantsthengatheredforlunch and were then sent on their way home. Theday was a great success.

TLC is committed to acknowledging the impor-tant place that young people hold in society.

Weneed towork togetherasacommunity toen-sure that our young people are given the tools andeducation to grow into productive, healthy adults.

Thank you to all TLC staffwhomade it possible.- Supplied.

PHOTOS: SUPPLIEDThe Yellow Bandits after the Race to Wellness obstacle course at TLC on Friday.


627 March 2015

east griqualand



to access help if they needed it.After the speeches it was time to race.

Farmers attend meeting todiscuss land reform alternatives

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDFarmers from all over KZN gathered in Pietermaritzburg last week at a meeting presented byKwanalu to discuss alternatives on land reform to be presented to Minister Gugile Nkwinti atthe National Land Indaba. At the meeting (from left) Neville and Rosemary Hardman fromCreighton Ingwe Farmers’ Association, Shauna Hudston from Harding and Brett Kjonstad fromAlfred County Farmers’ Association

TLC care workers Neli Rasmeni and Vuyokazi have great fun on Friday at TLC's awarenessevent with care work Lerato Sivile (middle).



The Matatiele Local Municipality hereby invites the Community within the Municipal area in terms ofSection 29 (i) and (ii) of the Local Government: Municipal Systems Act, (Act 32 of 2000), to attendthe 2015/2016 IDP/Budget Community Outreach which will be held as follows:


UMasipala wase Matatiele umema lonke uluntu olungqonge loMasipala ngokomthetho olawulaooMasipala kwisahluko 29 b (i) and (ii) of Local Government: Municipal Sytems Act (Act 32 of 2000),ukuba lube khona kwindawo apho kuzabe kuboniswana khona ngenqubo phuhliso kunye nohlahlolwabiwo mali ka 2015/2016 eziwadini. Ezindibano zime ngoluhlobo:


Hoya ka molao o laolang bo Masepala karolo ya 29 b (i) and (ii), e leng Local Government: Municipalsystems Act (Act 32 of 2000), Masepala wa Matatiele o mema setjhaba ka kakaretso ho ba tengpitsong tse tla tshwarwa moo ho tla be ho bua ka moralo wantshetso pele hong le wa ditjeletete tsaselemo sa ditjelete 2015/2016, jwalo ka ha re lokisetsa ho amohelwa ha tokomane tsena ke lekgotlala Masepala kgweding ya Motsheanong selemong sena. Lenaneho la dipitso tsena le eme tjena:


Die Matatiele Plaaslike Munisipaliteit nooi hiermee die Gemeenskap binne die munisipale gebied interme van Artikel 29 (i ) en ( ii ) van die Wet op Plaaslike Regering: Wet op Munisipale Stelsels (Wet32 van 2000) , die 2015/2016 IDP/ Begroting Gemeenskap te woon Outreach wat soos volg gehouword :



13 April 2015 WARD 21 Gwadana Community Hall 10H00

WARD 10 Lunda Community Hall 10H00

WARD 03 Mademong Community Hall 10H00

WARD 02 Sassa Hall 10H00

WARD 04 Bethest Community Hall 10H00

WARD 13 Mpharane Community Hall 10H00

14 April 2015 WARD 24 Zibi Mayor Community Hall 10H00

WARD 15 Qhobosheaneng Community Hall 10H00

WARD 09 Mphoshongweni Community Hall 10H00

WARD 07 Pamlaville Community Hall 10H00

WARD 18 Mnyamaneni Community Hall 10H00

WARD 20 Nokhwezi Hall 18H00

15 April 2015 WARD 8 Mafube Community Hall 10H00

WARD 11 Pontseng Community Hall 10H00

WARD 26 Cedarville Town Hall 18H00

WARD 01 Maluti Civic Centre 18H00

WARD 06 Red Cross Hall 10H00

WARD 23 Mangolong Community Hall 10H00

16 April 2015 WARD 14 Thabachicha Community Hall 10H00

WARD 25 Khaue Community Hall 10H00

WARD 19 Matatiele Town Hall 18H00

WARD 22 Zitapile J.S.S 10H00

WARD 12 Nkau Community Hall 10H00

WARD 16 Likhetlane Community Hall 10H00

17 April 2015 WARD 05 Holly Cross Church 10H00

WARD 17 Sigoga Community Hall 10H00



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Shocking state ofschool questioned>> 197 pupils arecrammed into sevenmud classrooms


THE KZN Deputy Leader of theDA, Francois Rodgers, is towrite to the MEC of Public

WorksRaviPillayandMECofEduca-tion Peggy Nkonyeni about what heterms is the shocking state of Ham-banathi Senior Primary in Umzim-khulu.

Rodgersrecentlywentonanover-sight visit to the school.

“Uponmy visit to the school I dis-covered that 197 pupils are cram-med into seven minute, old anddilapidated mud classrooms withbroken windows, leaking corrugat-ed iron roofingandbare cement andmud floors.”

He said one of the classrooms ispartitioned off with corrugated ironand serves as a kitchen to preparefood for pupils.

“The principal and staff have touse a storeroom full of equipment asthe principal’s office and staff room.On my visit I witnessed young chil-

drenreceiving inoculations fromtheDepartment of Health officials withabsolutely no privacy,” he said.

“The irony of this situation is thaton the very same property stands amagnificent new school with anabundance number of classrooms,enough for each grade to have theirown classroom. It has staff roomfaculties, store rooms and even aguard room at the entrance.”

He said the only challenge is thatthe buildings have not progressedpast roof height.

The Fever understands that con-struction at Hambanathi Senior Pri-mary started in 2010. In 2012 thecontractors left the project, far fromcomplete, no further constructionhas taken place and the half-builtschoolandfacilitiesstandemptyandderelict.

Three years later and the build-ings resemble nothing more than ashell, with roof trusses rotting frombeing exposed to the elements.

The reason for abandoning con-struction is unclear.

Sihle Mlotshwa, the KZNDepart-ment of Education spokespersoncould not comment on thematter ashewasdrivingtoNkandla.Hesaidhewould contact the SisonkeDistrict toget clarity on the matter.

At the time of going to press nocomment had been received fromMlotshwa.

The unfinished HambanathiSenior Primary School.PHOTO: SUPPLIED

BERGVIEW Primary School was hon­oured with a visit and demonstrationby the Matatiele Fire & Rescue De­partment as part of the Grade 7 tech­nology curriculum.

How to use the jaws of life andother rescue equipment were dem­onstrated. Pupils thoroughly enjoyedthe demonstration and the fire­drillmarching by the fire and rescue staff.Thank you to the Matatiele Munici­pality and the Fire and Rescue De­partment for taking time to visit us.

ICE Pro Soccer TournamentBergview Primary participated in

the annual ICE Pro 7 A side soccertournament on 21 March at KokstadPrimary. Our boys played well, win­ning three games and drawing threegames. Our U11 boys lost in the finalsto Kokstad Public School with a pen­alty kick­out.

The day was full of tough compe­tition, lovely weather, hard playingand lots of enjoyment. Well doneboys, you made Bergview Primary,staff and coaches proud. A big thankyou to the hosting school and Mr. T.Cook, Mr. B. Oosthuizen and Mr. J. Ma­tubatuba for supporting the boys.

­ Supplied. Sisonke Rugby Trials for U12 and U13teams

ON 16 March our boys attended theSisonke Rugby Trials for U12 and U13teams.

We thank King Edward High Schoolfor hosting these trials which were wellmanaged and organised. Tendayi Msi­pha and Samkelo Majikijela made theSisonke U13 team that will be going tothe South Coast trials. Ashwin Kotze al­so made it to the Sisonke U13 team.

We congratulate these boys whowill beattendingtheGlenwoodFestivalat the end of March and again we thankSisonke for giving our boys an opportu­nity to showcase their talent.

­ Mr B. Sauli.

St Monica’s School news

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDU12 and U13 Sisonke rugby boys (from left) Tendayi Msi­pha, Ashwin Kotze and Samkelo Majikijela.


827 March 2015

east griqualand



TEL: 039 433 1205 FAX: 039 433 1208


Interested parties are hereby invited to submit Bid Proposals for the following vehicle:

Tender No Description Specification

UMUZ/ 09/2015 Six cube Tipper Truck -Minimum 5 speed gearbox-Fuel type – Diesel with capacity of 200 litres-Minimum 5 year service / 90 000km service planand warranty-Hydraulic pump, valve pneumatic cab controls-Minimum mass of vehicle should be 15000-Reflective tape along body length and on Cab-Under run bumper-Minimum fixed sides 900mm high-White in Colour-Service Centre within 100 kilometer radius

Proposals clearly marked “Proposal Number” to be deposited in the Umuziwabantu LocalMunicipality Bid box situated at 10 Murchison Street, Harding, on or before Friday 10 April 2015not later than 12h00 where all proposals will be opened in public.

Supply chain enquiries should be directed to Mr S. Stemela 039 433 3565 and Technicalenquiries should be directed to Mr K. Letebele at 039 433 2055 during office hours.

BIDDERS SHOULD TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:The Umuziwabantu Local Municipality Supply Chain Management Policy will apply.•Bid document will be available from cashiers office,at 10 Murchison•Street,Harding,4680 from 30 March 2015 upon payment of non refundable cashpayment of R 100.00 for each document.Original & valid Tax Clearance, company registration BBBEE Certificate & Vat•Certificate must be submitted.The Umuziwabantu Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any•other bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the bid.Service Providers would be expected to be registered on the municipal database•before undertaking any service for Umuziwabantu Municipality.Bids which are late, incomplete, unsigned or submitted by facsimile or electronically,•will not be accepted.The Municipality reserves the right to disqualify any service provider whose members•and or shareholders owe the municipal rates & taxes.

Umuziwabantu Municipality subscribes to the Preferential Procument Policy Framework Act (ActNo 5 of 2000)

SD MBHELEPrivate Bag X1023MUNICIPAL MANAGER Harding,4680


TEL: 039 433 1205 FAX: 039 433 1208

INVITATION TO SUBMIT BIDSuitable and experienced service providers are invited to bid for the requirements ofUmuziwabantu Municipality.

Bid no: UMUZ/6/2015 Closing Date: 10/04/2015

Closing time: 12:00

Description: 1. Supply and Delivery of Bulk Stationery

Only suppliers who have the experience and capacity will be considered.• Bid document will be available from cashiers office, at 10 Murchison Street, Harding,

4680 from 30 March 2015 upon payment of a non refundable cash payment of R100.00 for each document.

• The specification document is available upon request.• Service providers would be expected to be registered on the municipal database before

undertaking any service for Umuziwabantu Municipality.• Suppliers should ensure that quotations are delivered timeously to the correct address.

Late quotations will not be accepted. Quotations must be hand delivered and depositedin the tender box at Umuziwabantu Municipality of Murchison Street Harding 4680.Umuziwabantu municipality will not take responsibility for documents delivered orcollected via courier services.

• This quotation is subject to General Conditions of Contract (GCC) and, if applicableany other special conditions of contract.

• This quotation will be evaluated and adjudicated according to the following criteria:Relevant specifications, Value for money, Capability to execute the contract, PPPFA &associated regulations.

Enquiries regarding the quotation must be directed to Mr Sivuyile Stemela on 039-433 3500during office hours. Quotations must be valid for a period of 30 days. Umuziwabantu municipalitydoes not bind itself to accept the lowest quote, any quote and reserves a right to accept part ofyour bid.

Mr. S. MbheleMunicipal Manager













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1027 March 2015

east griqualand

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PUBLISHER:Neil Tapinosneil.tapinos@media24.comEDITOR: Vusi Mthalane079 389 5205editor@feveronline.co.zaREPORTER:Ntuntu DwebaNtuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.zaONLINE: Nicole JohnNicole.John@media24.comADVERTISING & SALES:Khaya Magenu:egeditorial2@feveronline.co.zaPhone: 039 7274301; Fax: 0397274411Cell: 073 218 3556

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Skills developmentexpo for the youth>> People of all ages gathered at Riverview stadiumNTUNTU DWEBA>>ntuntu.dweba@feveronline.co.za

INanefforttoaddressthehighlevelofunemploymentandskillsshort-ages in Kokstad the municipality

sought the intervention of ServicesSector Education and TrainingAuthority (Seta),whichisresponsiblefor skills development in the servicessector.

Peopleofallagesandfromallcom-munitiesaroundKokstadgatheredatthe Riverview stadium for the career

guidance,skillsdevelopmentexpoonTuesday and Wednesday.

Cllr Monde Nondabula said themunicipality approached ServicesSetaafternoticing that the levelofun-employment is high in Kokstad andpeople lack skills.

“We wrote to Seta seeking its as-sistance in giving our communitiesskills that will help reduce illiteracy,the level of unemployment and ulti-matelyreducepoverty inourcommu-nities,” he said.

Hesaideven though theeventwas

organised for the youth, the careerguidance and expo was relevant topeople of all ages as unemploymentaffects everyone.

AndileNongogo, Services Seta theChief Financial Officer said their in-tervention is through funding.

“WhatwedoasSeta iswecontrib-ute money towards the developmentof skills and we do that through run-ning internships, apprenticeships,bursaries and learnerships that pro-vide skills,” he said.

Attendees were required to fill in

to R50 million in funding, dependingon the skills shortage analysis withinGKM.

Clarifying questions from thosewho do not have matric, Tshepisosaid there are apprenticeship oppor-tunities that involve on-the-job train-ingandwhichare sometimesaccom-panied with study.

“We have NQF level 1 which isequivalent to Grade 9 that enablespeople to be trained in the sector oftheir expertise, this is usually forthosewhoaregoodinsay,bricklayingorcarpentry,butwhodon’thavemat-ric certificates, so those people are

trained in thatparticular fieldandre-ceive certificates,” she said.

She added after training in theapprenticeships offered by ServicesSeta people then undergo a tradetest which enables them to beregistered as artisans if they passthe test.

Nondabula asked on behalf of theyouth whether Services Seta offersassistance forpeoplewhowant to geta driver’s licence.

“Foranyissuerelatedtotransport,people can approach Transport Setawhich is a division that deals with allmatters of transport,” she said.

PHOTO: NTUNTU DWEBAWard 8 Cllr Monde Nondabula and Xolani from Seta at Career Guidanceand Skills Development expo at the Riverview stadium on Tuesday.

Splashy debuts best new artists this yearWELL­KNOWN for breaking newartists, this year’s Splashy Fen is noexception.

The festival, now in its 26thyear, has debuted countless youngbands, many of which went on tobecome household names acrossthe country.

South Africa’s internationalblues maestro, Dan Patlansky al­ways credits Splashy Fen withhelping launch his career. He callshis debut at Splashy in 2002 hisfirst “really big gig” and one thatopened doors to more bookings.

Says festival organiser, PedroCarlo: “As one of the premier livemusic showcases in the country,Splashy is obviously a great wayfor up­and­coming artists to sharetheir music with larger audiences,and we’re passionate about givingthem that opportunity.

“Of course it’s great to have topestablished artists in the line­up,but it’s often the lesser­knownnames that make the biggest im­pression and become the ‘finds’ ofthe festival. For us, a successfulline­up is one that includes a bal­anced mix of new and establishedartists.”

Last year’s winner of SplashyFen’s prestigious battle of thebands was Mickey Burns. The Dur­ban five­piece opened the festivalin 2014, which in itself is a huge ac­colade for any aspiring youngband, gaining them invaluable ex­perience on a big festival stage aswell as wide media exposure.

The band then went on torecord their debut single Recovery,which is currently receiving airplayand climbing the charts on radiostations around the country. Mick­

ey Burns will be back at Splashythis year and are set to bring thehouse down with their new mate­rial and energetic live show.

Some other new acts to lookout for:

Howie CombrinkEat It While It’s Hot is Howie

Combrink’s debut solo album, andwhat an album it is. Not only didhe play all the instruments on eachof the 11 tracks, but he also wrote,recorded and produced the entirealbum. Having just recentlybagged two nominations for the2015 South African Music Awards,in the categories Best Newcomerof the Year and Best Adult Con­temporary Album, Combrink iscertainly hot right now.

Based in Johannesburg, Com­brink describes his music as“acoustic funk reggae folk”.

Die WolwedansArising from the ashes of The

AK Massive, Die Wolwedans hasbeen around for six months. Leadsinger and guitarist Mark McMa­hon says the four­piece band wasformed because they missed thelive music scene.

Explaining the name, McMa­hon says: “It is taken from a cultseventies Afrikaans radio show,Wolwedans in die Skemer. Wol­wedans translates into ‘The Wolf’sDance’ which is the perfect SouthAfrican hipster rock n roll name.”

Moonchild SanellyIf a sexy underground take on

a fusion of jazz, R&B, pop, rock andpoetry sounds good to you, thenthe gorgeous Moonchild Sanelly isyour lady. Recording and perform­ing with a five­piece band, this un­conventional young artist honed

her skills on the Durban musicscene. She has since relocated toJohannesburg.

Held on a farm near Underbergin KwaZulu­Natal, the Splashy FenMusic Festival is coming up overthe Easter long weekend from 2 to6 April and will offer a line­up ofmore than 80 of the country’s hot­test acts. Also included on the billare Matthew Mole, Shortstraw,aKING, The Muffinz, Taxi Violence,KAHN (frontman for The Parlo­tones), MonArk, Beast, Dan Pat­lansky, Hot Water, Urban Creep,The Anti Retro Vinyls, NakhaneToure, Majozi, Reburn, VerandaPanda, The Kiffness, Pascal &Pearceand5FMDJCatherineGren­fell, among others.

Visitors can look forward tomultiple stages, a new EDM mar­quee featuring more than 30 dee­jays, as well as a craft beer arena,drum village, loads of food anddrink outlets, plus a craft marketand retail zone.

Camping for the entire four­night, five­day festival is includedin the ticket price. Another optionis Andy’s Tent Motel offering acomfortable and hassle­freecamping experience. There is alsoa separate family campsite, or youcan choose from a wide range ofaccommodation in the area.

Sponsored by Tourism KZN,Splashy Fen has been going strongsince 1990 and is South Africa’slongest­running annual music fes­tival. With its spectacular moun­tain setting, winding river, openfields and unique vibe and charac­ter, there is simply nothing elsequite like it.

­ Supplied.

forms withwhich Seta candetermineskillsshortagesindifferentsec-tors.

Nongogosaid althoughnot confirmedServices Setacould assistGKM munici-pality with up


TEL: 039 433 1205 FAX: 039 433 1208


RE-ADVERTInterested parties are hereby invited to submit Bid Proposals for the following vehicle:

Tender No Description Specification

UMUZ/ 08/2015 SUPER CAB- 4X2 BAKKIE -Minimum Power of 75kw-Minimum 5 speed gearbox-Minimum of 2,5 diesel engine capacity-Minimum 5 year service / 90 000km serviceplan and warranty-Airbags (driver + passenger)-ABS Brakes-Electric windows plus smash and grab-Bin Lining-Tow Bar-Towing capacity with unbraked trailer: min750 kg-White in Colour-Service Centre within 100 kilometer radius-Ground clearance to be minimum 212 mm

Proposals clearly marked “Proposal Number” to be deposited in the Umuziwabantu LocalMunicipality Bid box situated at 10 Murchison Street, Harding, on or before Friday 10 April 2015not later than 12h00 where all proposals will be opened in public.

Supply chain enquiries should be directed to Mr S.Stemela at 039 433 3565 and Technicalenquiries should be directed to Mr I. Ogle at 039 433 3552 during office hours.

BIDDERS SHOULD TAKE NOTE OF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS:The Umuziwabantu Local Municipality Supply Chain Management Policy will apply.•Bid document will be available from cashiers office,at 10 Murchison Street,Harding•,4680 from 30 March 2015 upon payment of a non refundable cash payment of R100.00 for each document.Original & valid Tax Clearance, company registration, BBBEE certificate & Vat•Certificate must be submitted.The Umuziwabantu Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any•other bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the bid.Service Providers would be expected to be registered on the Municipal database•before undertaking any service for Umuziwabantu Municipality.Bids which are late, incomplete, unsigned or submitted by facsimile or electronically,•will not be accepted.The Municipality reserves the right to disqualify any service provider whose members•and or shareholders owe the municipal rates & taxes.

Umuziwabantu Municipality subscribes to the Preferential Procument Policy Framework Act (ActNo 5 of 2000)

SD MBHELEPrivate Bag X1023MUNICIPAL MANAGER Harding,4680

27 March 2015

east griqualand



11GREETINGS to the people of Kok-stad.

GKM Career ExpoTheGreaterKokstadMunicipali-

ty, in partnership with Service Seta,hosted a two-day career expo on 24and25MarchatRiverviewStadium.Theaimoftheexpowastomakesure

weareable tobuildasolid foundationthat will enable the municipality toproducenecessaryskills thatwillcon-

tribute to the development of thetown. Unemployed youth and pupilsaround Kokstad were invited to at-tend the exhibitions. The youth andpupils were exposed in opportunitieslike learnerships, apprenticeships,internships and bursaries that areavailable. Thiswill be an opportunityfor the youth of Kokstad to acquireskills.WeneedKokstadthatisrespon-sivetosomeof thegovernmentpriori-

ties, which is education and decentjobs. The career expo was the begin-ning of putting that into action. Themunicipality is looking at securingmore opportunities for the youth aswe know that a successful country isone that invests in the youth.

Easter holidays have arrivedNextFriday3April isGoodFriday.

Therewill be a lot of people travellingto enjoy the Easter holidays. During

this timewewitnessmany road acci-dents because of the large number ofvehicles on our roads.

Wewill be enforcing traffic laws toeveryone entering and leaving Kok-stad. To those who will be travellingpleasemakesureyouobey the lawsofthe road. Let us contribute in the re-duction of road accidents.

Let us save lives.Siyaqhuba. Inkosi Inibusise.

WARMgreetings to all readers of thisviewpoint.

Matatiele drama on e.tvIn amove to promote Matatiele as

an investment and tourism destina-tion of choice, the Matatiele dramaseries isaimedatrealising thisvision.

The drama is filmed in NchoduWard 8 and Tsepisong Ward 2. Thedrama saw 11 unemployed youthbenefiting fromtheprogrammeas in-terns for two months.

This April we’ll take you to thebeautiful townofMatatiele,where anancient feud between two families,one Xhosa and one Sotho, is reignit-ed.

The story follows the forbiddenlove between a young Xhosa womanandaSothomanwhose familieshavebeen feuding since the iMfecane warin the 1800s.

Nontle,ayoungXhosawomanandLefa, a Sothoman, fall in love despite

the century-old feud that’s kept theirfamilies apart.

Now everyone must find a way tonavigatethenewandunwelcomedre-ality that’s forced their worlds to col-lide.

Themunicipalityviewsthisoppor-tunity as a positive socio-economicspin-off for this rural-based munici-pality.

This will go a long way in promot-ing Matatiele as an investment desti-

nationandwehopethat investorswillsee opportunities when the drama ison air.

This will assist in creating morejobs for the people of Matatiele.

What you need to know.Matatiele isaruraldramastarting

one.tvonTuesday,7Aprilat9pm.Thedrama will be screened every Tues-day.

One of the interns, ItshepelengMoholi in the make-up department

fromMabua inWard 11 says: “Thereisalotofworkwhichgoesintoproduc-ingthedrama,butIamenjoyingitandI am learning a lot about the industry.I would like to thank themunicipalityfor this opportunity.”

“Matatiele was selected becausee.tvhasalargeSothoandXhosaaudi-ence, but they are not well covered,”said director Rolie Nikiwe.

“Like” Matatiele on Facebook andfollow on Twitter. Are you excited?

That is all fromus for now, till nexttime, stay safe and be blessed.

Thank you sweet people fromsweet Matat, a destination of choiceand excellence.





Drug and substance abuse committeeformed

IN an aggressive approach to the fightof substance abuse, Umzimkhulu hasformed a drug and substance abuse com­mittee.

This committee had been formed in line

with the back­to­basics as a module. Thecommittee if made up of the Departmentof Social Development, SAPS, Departmentof Justice, Department of Health and Um­zimkhulu Municipality (community and so­cial service department). This committeeis chaired by Mayor Cllr Mpabanga of Um­

zimkhulu. It is our belief that through thiscommittee, with its integrated approach tofight drug and substance abuse in Umzim­khulu, it will succeed.

Awareness CampaignEmployees’ wellness is paramount to

the leadership and management of Um­zimkhulu Municipality and as a result work­ing relations with Department of Health(Rietvlei Hospital and St Margaret ofClydesdale) had been established where­by, on a monthly basis, this departmentrenders its services to employees.

Recently in Umzimkhulu MunicipalityEmployee

Wellness Pro­gramme and TB


TEL: 039 433 1205 FAX: 039 433 1208


BID NO: UMUZ/5/2015Umuziwabantu Municipality invites all suitable Service Providers to submit bids to supply anddelivery of ELECTRICAL MATERIALS for the period of ONE year to Umuziwabantu Municipality.

DocumentationBid documents will be available from cashiers office, at 10 Murchison Street, Harding ,4680 from30 March 2015 upon payment of a non-refundable cash payment of R 100.00 for each document.Cheque payments will not be accepted.Bid Documents will be released upon proof of a receipt ofpayment

Bidders shall take note of the following bid conditions• All prospective bidders must be registered / eligible to register on the Umuziwabantu

Municipal data base.• All bids submitted should remain valid for a period of 90 days after the bid closing date.• Original Valid Tax Clearance Certificate.• Certified copies of B-BBEE Level certificate.• Company profile• Joint Venture agreement (where applicable)• The material must be delivered to Harding.

Failure to supply all required and supplementary information will result in the bid beingdeemed non-responsive; and therefore the bid will not be considered for award. The bidwill be adjudicated on the basis of the Preferential Procurement Policy Framework Act (ActNo.5, 2000), and the regulations pertaining thereto (2001), as well as the UmuziwabantuMunicipality’s Supply Chain Management policy.90/10 preference point system will beused as per the Umuziwabantu SCM policy.


Bids must be submitted in a sealed envelope clearly marked UMUZ/5/2015 and depositedin the bid box at Umuziwabantu Municipality offices 10 Murchison Street Harding 4680 notlater than 12:00 pm, on the 10 April 2015 when bids will be opened in public.

Telegraphic or faxed proposals will be disqualified and may not be accepted whatsoever. Thelowest or any proposal will not necessarily be accepted and Umuziwabantu Municipality reservesthe right to accept or not to accept any proposal either in whole or in part.Queries may be addressed to: Mr GEORGE GOVENDER during office hours on 083 2803 819.



TEL: 039 433 1205 FAX: 039 433 1208


2015/16 – 2017/2018

Bidders are hereby invited to tender for the Annual Short Term Insurance Services.

Bid documents will be available from cashiers office, at 10 Murchison Street, Harding, 4680 from30 March 2015 upon payment of a non refundable cash payment of R 300.00 for each document.Cheque payments will not be accepted. Tender Documents will be released upon proof of areceipt of payment.

Completed tender documents clearly marked “Tender No. UMUZ/03/2015 Project Description:SHORT TERM INSURANCE SERVICE, must be deposited in a sealed envelope in the tenderbox at the Municipal Offices at Murchison Street, Harding, by no later than 12h00 on 10 April2015, where after all tenders will be opened in public. Telegraphic, Faxed and late tenders will notbe accepted.

Please take note of shortened tender period.

All queries in connection with this should be addressed to Ms Thanda Mhlongo 039 433 3551


• The Umuziwabantu Local Municipality Supply Chain Management Policy will apply.• Service providers will be expected to be registered on the municipal database before

undertaking any service for Umuziwabantu Municipality.• Original & valid Tax Clearance, company registration, BBBEE certificate & VAT

Certificates must be submitted.• The Umuziwabantu Local Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest bid or

any other bid and reserves the right to accept the whole or part of the bid;• Late, incomplete, unsigned or submitted by facsimile or electronically, will not be

accepted;• The Municipality reserves the right to disqualify any service provider whose members

and or shareholders owe the municipal rates & taxes.

S.D MBHELE Umuziwabantu Local MunicipalityMUNICIPAL MANAGER 10 Murchison Street

P/Bag 1023Harding4680

employees were educated about thesymptoms and implications of TB.

Till we meet again, stay responsibleand arrive alive.



1227 March 2015

east griqualand


autofeverFifth-generationOpel Corsa arrivesin South Africa

>> All new fifth­generation Opel Corsa setto continue strong 32­year history

THE new fifth generation OpelCorsa will reach Opel dealer-ships in South Africa this

month. The local introduction comesjust four months after the Corsa’s in-ternationalpremierat lastyear’sPar-is Motor Show.

The Opel Corsa has established it-self as a perennial bestseller throughfour model generations spanning 32years, with over 12.4 million unitssold globally.

Togetherwith theAstra, it isOpel’s

most popular model, accounting forover a quarter of the company’s salesevery year. The new fifth generationCorsa is set to build on its reputationas an all-rounder by offering seg-ment-leading levelsofcomfort,preci-sion and efficiency.

Initially, the new Corsa will bemade available with Opel’s state-of-the-art three-cylinder1.0-litre turbo-charged ecoFLEX engine with threetrim levels:Cosmo,Enjoy,andEssen-tia.

“We have shifted the goal postswith a totally convincing and desira-ble small car that makes driving eas-ier andmore fun. The newCorsa hasclass leading connectivity, conve-nience and comfort aswell as drivingsatisfaction,” says Opel brand man-ager at General Motors South Africa,Christopher Cradock.

“Affordability and value-for-mon-eyhavealwaysbeenCorsahallmarksandwiththenewvehicle,thesearesetto continue.

“We have ensured that all deriva-tives in the new Corsa range adopt ano-compromise approach to thosemost important vehicle aspects,along with the availability of ‘optionpacks’ to enhance the vehicle to the

owner’s taste and satisfaction.”With its inspiring design, innova-

tive technology and engaging drive,the new Corsa will appeal to singlemen and women, professionals withyoung families, and young-at-heartdriverswho love great cars andwantsomething that will set them apartfrom the crowd.

TheexteriordesignofthenewCor-sa is all about dramatic surfaceswithcrispsculpturedlines.AswiththeAD-AM, the design of the new Corsa isruled by Opel’s latest design philoso-phyof “sculptural artistrymeetsGer-

man engineering”. This design lan-guagecanbeseeninthecomplexcur-vature of all the surfaces, reinforcedbyqualitydetails suchas theOpel sig-nature “wing” LED daytime runninglightsandsilvervisionbulbs in the in-dicator lights to avoid an irritatingyellow tint when unlit.

TheCorsabenefitsfromOpel’sbig-gest powertrain offensive in the com-pany’s history which includes threenew-generation engine families andwillsee17newenginesintroducedby2018.

The new Corsa receives Opel’s


state-of-the-art 1.0litre ecoFLEX DirectInjection Turbo en-gine. First intro-duced in the recent-ly-launched OpelADAM, it also is thehighlight of the fifth-generation Corsa.

The engine offersoutstandingly so-phisticated drivingrefinement and re-sponsiveness to-getherwithfrugalfu-el consumption –proving that highdriving comfort andpleasurecanbecom-bined with excellentefficiency.

Developed from ablank sheet of paper,thisengineis thefirstof a new family ofsmall petrol three-and four-cylinderunits which will beprogressively intro-duced in the Opelrange.

A three-cylinderarchitecture hasbeen selected toreach new levels offuel efficiency forpetrol-poweredcars.

As some custom-ershesitate toopt forthree-cylinder en-gines due to theirhigh level of noiseand vibration, the200 engineers whodeveloped Opel’snew generation unitin Rüsselsheim overthe past three-and-a-halfyearsputcom-fort at the topof theirdevelopment priori-ty list.

- Wheels24.

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TITLE DEEDNotice is herebygiven that ReveredNomhle Mahlaweintends to transferthe title deed for ERF150 on R56 Road,Rietvlei location,Staffords Post, FromCharles Barnes toNomhle Mahlawe ofERF 150.

Anyone with objec-tions can lay themwith Ms N.K.Mahlawe at theaforesaid ERF or5 Hagan Place,Kokstad, within 14days after the publi-cation of this notice.

A workshop is schedule to be heldat the Kokstad Museum by Amafaon the 18/04/2015 at 10h00 lasting

the whole day on grading andidentification of heritage sites andland marks, associated with the

Griqua history.

All Griquas are welcome to attend.

Contact: Andrey @039 727 4975/078 3171253 or 071 255 4880

Measuringyour windowsfor blinds>> It is important to measure each windowmeticulously

MEASURING the dimensions of a window or door accurately can be achallengingtask.Windowsarenotalwaysperfectlyproportionedandashomesagetheyalsoshiftandsettle.Thiscansometimesthrowwin-

dows off, so that they aren't perfectly square.AtWindovertwerecommendthatyourelyononeofourprofessionalrepre-

sentatives to measure and install your unique blinds.As the blindswill be custom-made to fit a specific area (window or door),

even the slightest error inmeasurement couldmean that your blinds will nothangproperly. Itcouldalsoleadtotheliftingmechanismnotworkingcorrectly.

Measuring your windows properly will ensure that the blinds you hang lookgood.

Beware of unskilledworkmen

CARRYING out worthwhile im-provements to your home has timeand again been recommended bythespokesmenfor theSouthAfricanproperty sector on the grounds thatnotonlywill these increase theown-er's enjoyment of his property buttheywill, inmost cases, add more tothe value of the home than the sumoutlaid.

Bill Rawson, chairman of theRawson Property Group, says you

cannot be too careful in choosing ateam when it comes to upgradingyour home.

He says on an owner's primaryhouse, such improvements are de-ductible against capital gains tax,and in the case of enthusiastic im-provers, this has been known to re-duce the tax to negligible amounts.

Nevertheless, in undertaking up-gradeprogrammes, great caremustbe taken to employ qualified work

oper’srelativelynewmultistoryresi-dential developments, the owner ofa unit contracted with an organisa-tion to supply and install customde-signed shelving and cupboards. Incarrying out this task, the installerdrilled into awater pipe,which thenflowed strongly for several hoursflooding not only the unit, but alsoadjacent units and several of thoseon the floors below it.

"The water for the whole blockwas eventually turned off, making itimpossible for a largenumber of theoccupants to lead their lives inanor-mal way.

“Washing, cooking and othersuchactivitieshadtobeputonhold."

Rawson says when flooding oc-curs in a multistory building, thedamage costs can run into sixfigures, and although the owner'sinsurancemaycover it, inmanycas-es itwill not, and theperson respon-sible may well be sued by the bodycorporate for thefullcostof thedam-age.

In thecasedescribed, itwasclearthat the contractors didnot have thewater pipe detection instrumentwhich should be part of any installteam's kit.

If this instrument is run over thesurfaceofthewall,it immediatelyre-veals if there is awaterpipebeneaththe part tested, he says.

In another case, the installer of anew hot-water geyser adjusted thethermostat so inefficiently that thewater in it was constantly boiling.

It took almost a month for theowner todetectandrectify theprob-lem, his attention having beendrawn to it by the high electricitybills.

Rawson says you cannot be too

Makesure thebuilderyou hireis ade­quatelyqualifiedfor thejob.

If however, you would like to do your ownmeasuring, foraroughguidelineoncosts,keepthe following in mind:

It is important tomeasureeachwindowme-ticulously. Horizontally at the top, centre andbottom plus vertically along both sides and atthe centre. Then measure diagonally too.

Thesemeasurementswillgiveyouanexcel-lent indication of whether your window issquare or not.

What to do if your window is not squareIfyourwindowisnotsquareyoushouldcon-

sider a face fix where the blind is fixed to the"face" of the wall. To improve light control wewould recommend that the blind overlap theopeningbyat least 4cmoneach sideandat thebottom of the opening.

VisitWindovert toarrange forarepresenta-tive to visit your home or office.

Windovert takes no responsibility for anyproblemsresulting frommeasurement errors,should themeasurementsnothavebeen takenby a Windovert representative.

- Windovert.

teams.Rawson says one

would like to say lookfor fully qualified arti-sans, but there are fewto be found these days.

Inmost cases, one isdealing with a handy-man who initially ap-pears tobeable tocarryout almost any type ofupgrade on a building,but can turn out to be areal liability.

"In a recent incidentinoneofRawsondevel-

careful inchoosing ateam whenit comes toupgradingyour home.



1427 March 2015

east griqualand


KWASANI LOCAL MUNICIPALITYPO Box 43, Himeville 3256: 32 Arbuckle Street, Himeville 3256

Tel: 033 7021 060 Fax: 033 7021 148


Proposals are hereby invited from interested and certified service providers for the Supply and Delivery of Comput-ers. The service providers must meet the following minimum requirement:

Minimum RequirementsCompany must meet the following requirements:Company experience in the Industry minimum of 10 years.Valid Tax ClearanceCertified copy of Company registration and ID copiesCompany profile and contactable referencesSPECIFICATION:Detailed specification will be on the Terms of References.

Laptop Specification X 15 Laptop - specification X1 Bags X 27 Desktop specification X1

Processor Intel Core ™i5CPU@2.40 GHzMemory 4GBHard Disk 500GBSystem Type 64 BitOperating System

Windows 8Application Software

Office 2013Professional

Processor i78GB DDR3 RAM2 TB HDDWindows 8

ProfessionalArcGIS 10.2 SoftwareOffice 2013 professional

laptop bags 2.6 GHz Dual Core Intel CPU8Gb DDR3 1333mhz RAM500Gb Hard drive320W PSU with CaseKeyboard and MouseDVD writerWindows 8 professional editionMicrosoft office 2013Professional and business editionMonitor 19”flat screen

Terms of References will be available on our website www.kwasani.gov.za from the 30th of March 2015.BID SUBMISSIONSSealed proposals with the bid number and description of the project details clearly indicated must be deposited in

the Tender Box in the foyer of the KwaSani Municipality, 32 Arbuckle Street, and Himeville at or before12:00 on, 10th of April 2015, at which time bids will be opened in public. Proposals received after the saidclosing date and time and not clearly marked as prescribed will not be considered. Facsimile and emailed biddocuments will not be accepted.

BID ENQURIESEnquires can be directed to Supply Chain Management Unit Miss N Holiwe Tell No 033 702 1060. Emailsco@kwasani.co.za during office hoursBids will be evaluated and adjudicated according to the following criteria:• 80/20KwaSani Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender or any other tender may not furnish reasonsfor doing so.All tender Documents must be directed to the Municipal Manager


Ingwe’spromisingathlete>> Zaca said Ayanda’s achievements must be celebratedFEVER REPORTER

THE Ingwe Local Municipality continuestoproducetalentedathleteswhowillrep-resenttheHarryGwalaDistrictatnation-

al and international levels.Ayanda Phunugla (13) a Mashayilanga Pri-

mary School pupilmade both his schooland municipalityproud when he ex-celled at the nationalchampionship in Pre-toria last Saturday.

He came secondplace in the1500-me-tre race. Ayanda’soutstanding perform-ance qualified him toparticipate inanothermeeting to be held inCape Town.

Municipality spokesperson Phumlile Zacasaid Ayanda’s achievementsmust be celebrat-ed.

“Ayanda’s success bears testimony to thefact that IngweMunicipality is a fertile groundfor athletes. He comes from an area that pro-duced the great Willy Mtolo who won the NewYork Marathon.”

She spoke about the Comrades and NelsonMandela marathon winners - Bongmusa

MthembuandThobaniChagwe - saying theyare both from IngweMunicipality.

“With such per-formance AyandaPhundula is destinedfor great things as hewill grow among thegreats in themarathonfraternityasIngweMu-nicipality has got ahuge pool of marathonrunners.

“Wewishhimall thebest in his future endeavours and thank Ma-shayilangaPrimary for identifyingandnurtur-ing such talent,” she said.

PHOTO: SUPPLIEDSchool sports organiser Mr Shezi, Ayanda Phungula and Mashayilanga Primary principalSimon Nyide.

Mpharane Easter Soccer TournamentTHE time for theannualMpharaneEaster Soc-cer Tournament in Matatiele has come again.

The tournament is a major sporting eventaimedat reducing thehigh level of alcohol con-sumption among young people especially overthe Easter holidays.

ThisyearthetournamentwillbeheldatMot-lokofane-Skokong sports ground on 4 and 5April.

One of the organisers of the event BonganiSeloanesaidtheeventhasgrownfrompreviousyears.

“This year promises to be very exciting -more teamswill be participating and there aremany prizes to be won.”

The tournament includes football teamsfromMatatiele,Maluti and surrounding areas.

The winning team will get a full football kitsponsored by Nike and Adidas.

The winning team will also receive goldmedals, a trophy and R1 000. The losing teamin the finalwill be awardedR3 500, soccer balland silver medals. The team that comes thirdwill receive R2 500, a soccer ball and bronzemedals.Theteaminfourthpositionwill receiveR500 and a soccer ball.

Manof thematchwillbe identifiedpergameand be awarded with a trophy.

Other awards will go to the most consistentcoach, most improved coach and best coach,mostconsistentreferee,mostimprovedrefereeand best referee, three linesmen, the mostbeautiful goal, goalkeeper, most disciplinedplayer, topgoalscorer,player’splayerandplay-er of the tournament will get a T-shirt with thewords Mpharane Easter Soccer Tournamenton the front and back.

“We are going all out with tournament thisyear.Thisisalsoaninitiativetoupliftcommuni-ties as sport has unifying effect. It will also bea great opportunity to identify talented soccerplayers that can be seen by major footballclubs,” he said.

Last year 50 children in orphanages and atTayler Bequest Hospital were the recipients ofT-shirts.

“We urge people to come in their numbersandsupportthisinitiativeasitwillplayasignifi-cant role in the community. The project is cur-rently running without financial assistancefrom the municipality or any government de-partmentthereforedonationswillbehighlyap-preciated,” Seloane added.

LastyearQueensMercyUnitedwalkedawaywith first prize.

- Supplied.

SPORTeast griqualand FEVER

Ayanda’s success bearstestimony to the fact that Ing­

we Municipality is a fertileground for athletes. He comes

from an area that producedthe great Willy Mtolo who won

the New York Marathon

Did your team score the winning goal? Tell us about it ­write for us using the Citizen Journalism tool at www.egfe­ver.co.za

KWASANI LOCAL MUNICIPALITYPO Box 43, Himeville 3256: 32 Arbuckle Street, Himeville 3256

Tel: 033 7021 060 Fax: 033 7021 148


Proposals are hereby invited from interested and certified service providers for the leasing of Vehicle. The serviceproviders must meet the following minimum requirement:

Minimum Requirements

Company must meet the following requirements:Register with International Organization for Standardization (ISO)Company experience in the Industry minimum of 10 years.Valid Tax ClearanceCertified copy of Company registration and ID copiesCompany profile and contactable referencesSPECIFICATION:Detailed specification will be on the Terms of References.

Type of the Vehicle Engine capacity Color Fuel

3. • 4x4 SUV 7 seater• Automatic• 18’’ aluminium wheels• 7” customer configurable Multi-View Display• Leather-trimmed heated and ventilated front seats• 8-way power driver seat with 4-way power lumbar• Automatic headlights and rain sensor• Bright lower fascia accents• Electrochromatic inside rearview mirror• ParkSense front and rear park assist (on 4x4 model)• ParkView® Rear Back-Up Camera (on 4x4 model)• Power liftgate• Power folding mirrors

3.0l White Diesel

Terms of References will be available on our website www.kwasani.gov.za from the 30th of March 2015.BID SUBMISSIONSSealed proposals with the bid number and description of the project details clearly indicated must be deposited in

the Tender Box in the foyer of the KwaSani Municipality, 32 Arbuckle Street, and Himeville at or before12:00 on, 10th of April 2015, at which time bids will be opened in public. Proposals received after the saidclosing date and time and not clearly marked as prescribed will not be considered. Facsimile and emailed biddocuments will not be accepted.

BID ENQURIESEnquires can be directed to Supply Chain Management Unit Miss N Holiwe Tell No 033 702 1060. Email sco@

kwasani.co.za during office hours

Bids will be evaluated and adjudicated according to the following criteria:• 80/20KwaSani Municipality does not bind itself to accept the lowest tender or any other tender may not furnish reasons

for doing so.All tender Documents must be directed to the Municipal Manager


27 March 2015

east griqualand



15Fifth-generationOpel Corsaarrives in SouthAfrica


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