early republic ppt

Post on 26-May-2015






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Early Republic

George Washington

What was the Whiskey Rebellion?• Farmers in Pennsylvania

rebelled against a new tax on whiskey in 1791.

• George Washington sent troops and crushed the farmers using the army.

• Whiskey Rebellion proved the new government was powerful.

What was George Washington’s advice in the Farewell Address(1796)?

(1) Told America to stay away from European events (stay neutral in foreign affairs).

(2) Political Parties are bad and will fight each other instead of helping America. America should not have political parties.

Political Parties

Who were the Federalists?• Believed in a strong, national


• Believed in a National Bank.

• Believed the government should help businesses.

• Mostly lived in cities.

Who were some famous Federalists and what did they accomplish? • Alexander Hamilton- First

Secretary of State of the U.S.

• John Adams- 2nd President of the U.S.

• John Marshall- 1st Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Who were the Democratic-Republicans/Anti-Federalists?

• Believed in a weak, national government.

• Against a National Bank.

• Believed the government should be as small as possible.

• Mostly lived in farms.

John Adams

What was the XYZ Affair?

• The French and British were taking American trading ships.

• John Adams sent diplomats to speak to the French, but the French disrespected the Americans by refusing to speak to them without a bribe.

Why did John Adams become unpopular?• Many Americans wanted

to go to war with France. Adams felt that the U.S. Army and Navy was not strong enough to fight a major power.

• Adams was labeled a coward.

What was the Naturalization Act?

• Increased the number of years someone had to live in America before being eligible for citizenship from 5 to 14 years.

• Immigrants voted Democratic-Republican.

What was the Alien Act?

• Authorized the president to deport any aliens considered to be dangerous.

• Authorized the president to detain any enemy aliens in a time of war.

What is John Adam’s Legacy?

• Keeps U.S. out of war, preserves neutrality.

• Strengthens the Navy.• Peaceful transfer of

power in 1800.

• Relationship with France damaged.

• New taxes imposed.• Party politics become


In weighing his presidency, we have to consider the negative along with the positive:

Bad Good

Thomas Jefferson

John Marshall

What is the Significance of Marbury v. Madison? (1803)

• The Supreme Court can now “check” the other branches of government with Judicial Review.

What is Judicial Review?

• Judicial Review means the courts can review laws and declare them unconstitutional.

What is the significance of Mcculloch v. Maryland? (1819)

• (1) States can’t stop the Federal Government from using its rightful powers.

• (2) The Government has more powers that are written in the Constitution; called implied powers.

James Madison

James Monroe

Who was James Monroe?



American President who wrote the Monroe Doctrine which changed American foreign policy by making it more aggressive/strong.

What was the “Era of Good Feelings”?• “The Era of Good Feelings”

was a period of national pride and political peace associated with James Monroe.

• Jeffersonian Republicans accept Hamilton’s economic plans.

What was the Monroe Doctrine?

• Warned European nations that they cannot set up colonies or interfere in Latin American problems anymore.

• The United States will protect North and South America from Europe.

What is the legacy of James Monroe?• James Monroe

changed America’s foreign policy from staying neutral to being involved and even forceful.

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