e-buletin nre e-buletin nre mei nre bil 4... · salam sejahtera dan salam 1 malaysia, ......

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Putrajaya, 20 Mei - Sebagai usaha untuk meningkatkan kemahiran dalam menghasilkan penulisan artikel yang berkualiti, Unit Komunikasi Korporat telah menganjurkan Bengkel Penulisan Artikel NRE 2010 khusus untuk Pegawai Perhubungan Awam Bahagian dan Agensi.

Bengkel yang bertempat di Hotel Palm Garden, Putrajaya. Ini telah dihadiri seramai 30 orang pegawai daripada NRE dan Jabatan dan agensi di bawahnya telah menghadiri bengkel ini. Bagi memastikan kejayaan bengkel ini, beberapa penceramah yang pakar dalam bidang penulisan artikel telah dijemput untuk memberi ceramah.

Bersambung di Hal. 3......


Kementerian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar

E-Buletin NRE Warisan Sumber Asli Untuk Kesejahteraan Alam Sekitar

E-Buletin NRE Mei

Sesi foto peserta Bengkel Penulisan Artikel NRE di Majlis Penutuoan

Perasmian Y.Bhg Dato Hj Azmi Che Mat, TKSU Alam Sekitar NRE

KUALA LUMPUR May 7 — Environment ministers and top officials from Malaysia and Singapore met here for the 23th Annual Exchange of Visits (AEV) meeting to review progress in several joint undertakings and issues.

Among issues deliberated were on control of vehicle emissions, joint monitoring of water quality of the Straits of Johor, progress report on the monitoring of ecology and morphology in and around Straits of Johor, pollution in Skudai water catchment and emergency response plan for chemical spill at the Malaysia second crossing.

In a statement issued after the meeting, Malaysia Natural Resources and Environment Ministry and the republic's environment and water resources ministry said there were fruitful discussions and exchanges of views on the areas involved.

Continued to pg 3 ..

Tinta Editor

Salam Sejahtera dan Salam 1 Malaysia,

Bertemu kita lagi dalam e-Buletin NRE Edisi Mei 2010.

Sesungguhnya Mei ini membuka tirainya aktiviti

kesukanan diantara Kementerian Sumber Asli dan

Alam Sekitar bersama-sama dengan Kementerian Air

dan Alam Sekitar Singapura. Perjumpaan dan lawatan

ini merupakan tahunan acara yang mengeratkan per-

hubungan diantara Malaysia dan Singapura dalam kon-

teks pengurusan Alam Sekitar.

Semangat kesukakan seperti inilah juga yang turut

membina meningkatkan lagi kerjasama diantara warga

NRE dan Jabatan beserta agensi dibawahnya dengan

berteraskan semangat 1Malaysia dibawah 1NRE bagi

membuktikan kebolehan kita. Kecemerlangan dan

kejayaan yang dikecapi sesungguhnya kejayaan negara

kita untuk dikongsi bersama,

Bagaimanapun, syabas kepada seluruh pasukan NRE

yang menjuarai hampir keseluruhan acara yang diper-

tandingkan disepanjang kejohanan tersebut berlangsung

pada kali ini. Semoga kita akan terus menghadapi den-

gan penuh semangat kesukanan dan lebih cemerlang

pada masa-masa akan datang.

Tahniah !

Renungan …

"Kegagalan hari Ini beerti pendorong, namun kejayaan semalam bukan beerti kemegahan, oleh itu gantungkanlah cita-citamu setinggi-tinggi bintang di langit, dan rendahkanlah dirimu serendah-rendah rumput di bumi"

2 E-Buletin NRE Mei

From page 1 ..

On the control of vehicular emissions, they said both countries would continue to share experi-ences, such as the tightening of vehicular emis-sion standards and promoting the use of “green vehicles”. The two-day meeting involved Malay-sia”s delegation led by Natural resources and Environment Minister Dato Sri Douglas Uggah Embas and his Singapore counterpart, Dr Yaacob Ibrahim.

The two ministers reviewed the progress of work carried out by the Malaysia-Singapore Joint Committee on the Environment.

The two sides also discussed an emergency response plan for chemical spill in the East Johor Straits, collaboration between them in the area of oil spill prevention and control in the straits, collaboration in training between the Environment Institute of Malaysia and Sin-gapore Environment Institute and trans-boundary haze pollution.

During the visit, Dr Yaacob and his delega-tion participated in the 23rd annual friendly games involving the two ministries (MEWR-MNRE) to renew old ties and establish new friendships.

Sambungan Hal. 1...

Antara penceramah yang telah menjayakan bengkel ini adalah Datin Paduka Omi Habibah daripada Penerbitan Dasar Negara, Jabatan Penerangan Malaysia, Puan Rohana Mustapha, Editor Rencana, Bernama dan Encik Hamzah Abdul Hamid, Pengarang Kosmo.

Majlis Penutupan telah disempurnakan Y.Bhg. Dato’ Hj. Azmi Che Mat, Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha (Alam Sekitar) NRE. Dalam ucapannya, beliau mengharapkan agar setiap pegawai yang hadir dapat menghasilkan artikel yang bermutu yang dapat menyumbang ke arah pembangunan negara dan meningkatkan imej kementerian melalui penghasilan bahan penulisan yang berkualiti. Antara lain, beliau juga turut memaklumkan bengkel ini merupakan salah satu sumbangan yang terbaik dalam menzahirkan konsep campus NRE.

“... setiap pegawai yang hadir dapat

menghasilkan artikel yang bermutu yang

dapat menyumbang ke arah pembangunan

negara dan meningkatkan imej kementerian

melalui penghasilan bahan penulisan yang


Bengkel Penulisan Artikel NRE 2010

3 E-Buletin NRE Mei

Puan Rohana Mustapha,

Editor Rencana Bernama,

menyampaikan ceramah

bertajuk “Asas penulisan




4 E-Buletin NRE Mei

Lensa @ 23rd MNRE-

MWRE Annual Friendly

Games pada 8 Mei 2010,

bertempat di Institut

Penyelidikan Perhutanan

Malaysia (FRIM) Kepong

5 E-Buletin NRE Mei


Majlis Perhimpunan Bulanan NRE Bersama YB Tan Sri Joseph

Kurup,Timbalan Menteri pada 5 Mei 2010,bertempat di Dewan


YB Tan Sri Joseph Kurup dalam sesi lawatan ke Booth pameran Ja-

batan Perhutanan Semenjung Malaysia di Pameran Domstic Tourism

Fair pada 14Mei 2010 di PWTC Kuala Lumpur.

YB Tan Sri Joseph Kurup menerima cenderahati dari-

pada Standard Chartered (SC) selepas menyempurna-

kan perasmian Kempen Green Fingers Standard Char-

tered pada 14 Mei 2010 di KLCC.

YB Tan Sri Joseph Kurup dalam sesi lawatan ke Booth pameran

selepas menyempurnakan Majlis Perasminan Waste Management

Coference & Exhibition dan turun dihadiri oleh Ketua Pengarah

JAS Datuk Hajjah Rosnani Ibarahim,pada 19 Mei 2010 bertempat

di Sime Darby Convention Centre,KL.

Majlis sumbangan Bantuan Mangsa-mangsa Banjir Pensiangan

kepada YB Tan Sri Joseph Kurup pada 19 Mei 2010 bertempat Peja-

bat Timbalan Menteri, Aras 16, Wisma Sumber Asli

Do You Know ?


“ One School, One Tree, One Gift to Nature”

6 E-Buletin NRE Mei

Tarikh : 22 Mei 2010 (Sabtu)

Masa : 10.00 pagi

Tempat : SMK Putrajaya Presint 8(1)

Perasmi : Y.Bhg Dato’ Hj Azmi Che Mat

Timbalan Ketua Setiausaha II, NRE

Putrajaya, 22 Mei - Bersempena dengan Hari Biodiversiti Sedunia, Ke-

menterian Sumber Asli dan Alam Sekitar bersama masyarakat dunia

menganjurkan program penanaman pokok - The Green Wave 2010 di

sekolah-sekolah terpilih di seluruh Malaysia pada 22 Mei 2010. Program

ini merupakan program global dalam memulihara biodiversiti dan Ma-

laysia sebagai salah satu dari 12 negara mega biodiversiti turut komited

dalam menjayakan program ini.

Penganjuran kempen merupakan sebahagian daripada sumbangan Ma-

laysia terhadap Kempen 1Bilion Pokok anjuran United Nations Environ-

ment Programme (UNEP) dan Kempen Menanam 26 Juta Pokok Pering-

kat Kebangsaan yang telah dilancarkan pada 22 April yang lalu.

Kempen Green Wave bertemakan ‘One School, One Tree, One Gift to Na-

ture’ dan bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesedaran terhadap penjagaan

alam sekitar dan pemuliharaan biodiversiti di kalangan generasi muda

khususnya pelajar sekolah. Usaha ini penting supaya khazanah biodiver-

Efforts to discourage deforestation, mainly through sustainable-logging initiatives,

are underway on a very limited basis but have had a negligible impact so far.

The rain forest is nearly self-watering. Plants release water into the atmosphere

through a process called transpiration. In the tropics, each canopy tree can release

about 200 gallons (760 liters) of water each year. The moisture helps create the thick

cloud cover that hangs over most rain forests. Even when not raining, these clouds

keep the rain forest humid and warm.

Plants in the rain forest grow very close together and contend with the constant

threat of insect predators. They have adapted by making chemicals that researchers

have found useful as medicines. Bioprospecting, or going into the rain forest in search

of plants that can be used in foods, cosmetics, and medicines, has become big business

during the past decade, and the amount that native communities are compensated for

this varies from almost nothing to a share in later profits.

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) estimates that 70 percent of the anti-cancer

plants identified so far are rain forest plants. A new drug under development by a

private pharmaceutical company, possibly for treating HIV, is Calanolide A, which is

derived from a tree discovered on Borneo, according to NCI.

Many trees and plants, like orchids, have been removed from the rain forest and cul-

tivated. Brazil nut trees are one valuable tree that refuses to grow anywhere but in

undisturbed sections of the Amazon rain forest. There, it is pollinated by bees that

also visit orchids, and its seeds are spread by the agouti, a small tree mammal.

In Brazil, which houses 30 percent of the re-

maining tropical rain forest on Earth, more

than 50,000 square miles of rain forest were

lost to deforestation between 2000 and 2005.

Biologists worry about the long-term conse-

quences. Drought may be one. Some rain for-

ests, including the Amazon, began experienc-

ing drought in the 1990s, possibly due to de-

forestation and global warming.

Source : http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/habitats/rainforest-profile/

Rain Forest : Incubators of Life

7 E-Buletin NRE Mei

The Impact Of Sea Level Rise On Mangrove Distribution Due To Climate Change.: MANGROVE DISTURB !!MANGROVE DISTURB !!MANGROVE DISTURB !!

Campus NRE

Mangrove forest is one of the most important eco-

systems in the world. It’s important because they

are the habitat for a lot of fish, marine aquatics,

bird, mammals and other animals. Furthermore,

in economics sector the history shows us the con-

tribution of mangrove forest through construc-

tion industries as well as source of fuel.

Sea Level Rise

NAHRIM projections show that by 2050, Malay-

sia’s going to be hotter with a temperature rise

of up to 1.5°C. We also expect more rainfall ex-

tremes—intense rainfall in the wet period and a

lack of rainfall in the dry period. This would

lead to higher high flows, meaning more severe

floods, and lower low flows, meaning longer

droughts. Sea level is also expected to rise any-

where from 15 to 95 centimeters over a hundred-

year period, threatening the increasing urban

population in our coastal areas. Coastal flood-

ing, inundation coastal area, land loss, mangrove

forest reduction and salt water intrusion at estu-

aries are the main impact due to sea level rise.

Imagine if the sea level rise phenomenon give signifi-

cant impact to our country, what would you think

would happens to our mangrove forest?

Mangroves only grow in the area between the Mean

Sea Level (MSL) and Mean High Water Spring

(MHWS). However, the best area for regeneration of

mangroves is between Mean High Water Neap

(MHWN) and Mean Sea Level (MSL). Figure 1

shows the type of mangrove species and their loca-

tion with relation of the tide levels is the lowest level

that is most suitable for mangrove growth. Man-

grove roots need to be exposed for at least 6 hours for

breathing. One tidal cycle normally (flooding and

Ebbing) take about 6 hours for each flood and ebb

cycle. Therefore, the mangroves root will be exposed

for breathing process. After sea level increased

across the mean sea level the mangrove starting to

changes in a stress the sea level rise impact this

process especially in area where the mangrove area

could be inundated by sea level rise.

Based on the Socio-economic Impacts on

High Rate of Sea if the sea Level Rise increased (0.9

cm/yr), loss of fisheries production is estimated

RM300 million based on 20% loss of mangrove due to

mangrove loss resulting in a loss of about 70,000

tones of prawn production valued at RM4, 500/tonne.

[From: MOSTE, 2000]

There are also studied carried out by NAHRIM in

salt water intrusion to investigate the mangrove for-

est zonation and habitat changes in mangrove forest.

In order to preserve biodiversity and sinks for green-

house gases, we can maintain an effective forest

management and conservation program. We’ve also

should undertaken a coastal vulnerability index

study (CVI) that served as a basis for recommending

proactive adaptive measures to mitigate the impact

of sea level rise. Again, the policy and R&D on

coastal Development should integrate together to

reduce the long term effect of sea level rise which

shows the significant changes on our social, eco-

nomic and development for next generation.

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