dusk legacy uni-2: superhero pose

Post on 14-Feb-2017



Entertainment & Humor



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Superhero Pose

The Dusk Legacy- University Gen 2Part 2


Foxie: “We did not invite you in.”

Boy: “We’re dark fairies. We can go where ever we like.”

Emily: “I’m Emily, This is Trent. We were sent by the higherups to observe.”

Caitlin Martin
Where ever should be one word.
Caitlin Martin
Okay, why are they introducing themselves? And why are they walking in and talking to them if they were sent to 'Observe'. And why mention the higher ups? (Which is not one word)

Wisty: “What is that supposed mean?”

Trent: “Exiled dark fairies aren’t supposed to have a family. It’s a part of the punishment.”

Foxie: “In other words…?”

Trent: “We were sent to determine whether or not we should leave you alive.”

Wisty: “What?!”

Foxie: “That’s it. Get out of our house.”

Hem: “Are they gone?”

Foxie: “Looks like it.”

Hem: “Can’t believe they listened to you.”

Foxie: “Exactly. I’ve got a bad feeling about this. We should call mom.”

Foxie: “Hey Mom.”

Nix: “Foxglove!”

Foxie: “Yeah, hey. Listen we had some interesting visitors.”

Nix: “…Foxie. Get everyone out of there.”

Foxie: “But mom-!”

Nix: “Get out of there. Now.”

Foxie: “Hemlock, Pack the Snapdragons. We’re going to Three Lakes.”

“Lab: Making your own Monarchy.” Hem’s subject for this semester.

Hem: *smile*

Hem: “Bright sun!”

You go to extreme lengths to uphold family tradition.

Ug. Why am I doing this again?

Wisty: “This looks like it’s going to be painful.”

Hem: “Ya!”

Foxie: “Careful, Hem. These are sharp.”

Foxie: “Whoa!”

At least you’ve got better aim them Hem.

Hem: “Hey!”

Wisty: “GustDragon. Explain.”

It’s called a tent, Wisty. You climb in it and sleep.

Wisty: “On the ground?”

There’s a tarp in-between.

Wisty: *disgust*

I’m sorry. It’s the only place you can afford.

Ha Ha! Look at this! The Chef is has dragon wings!

Hem, Wisty, and May: “New people…”

You can’t hide from these kids.

Cashier Michelle: “Aren’t you a poor legacy kid in university?”

Buttercup: “Why yes.”

CM: “Then why are you buying jewelry?”

Buttercup: “Because Gust can’t make us go on vacation without buying them.”

Yay, new lot!

Foxie: “I like this tree.”

The tree either likes you too, or hates your neck.

Hem: “Yes… Learn the massage… It will help in our plans…”

What is wrong with her toes?

Meanwhile May and Buttercup learn the slap dance, while Wisty walks away disgusted.

…Must be pretty hard doing that in 55 pounds of metal.

On a side note, watching this big group of sims jump around synchronized is extremely entertaining.

Yah she learned it! That disembodied hand is clapping for you, Foxie!

Foxie: “Thank you, disembodied hand.”


Hem: “The commander wins again!”

You call that winning?

Buttercup: “Uh, uh, hi.”

Braids: “Hey.”

Teen: “Ewww.”

Buttercup: “Ohh…”

Braids: He’s wearing the same coat as me.

Buttercup: “I kinda like you… tremendously.”

Braids: “…”

*twitch twitch* Another…flat face.

Braids: “I like you too.”

Buttercup: *Superhero pose*


Lets see what your siblings are up to.

Hem: *floating hands on water*

Old man: “Oh, yeah….”

Hem: “And that’s how you become a commander.”

*all stare intently*

Red head: *big sniff*

Dragon chef: “Here is your char-broiled catfish.”

Buttercup: “That’s supposed to be fish?”

You’re all going to have to make up the money for this food in treasure chests.

Alone in the sauna.

Butttercup: “My favorite time to be in the sauna.”

Unsavory Charlatan shows up while they leave. Dodged a bullet there.

Wisty: “Bracing for torture.”

*rolls eyes*

Hemlock, being the only boy, gets to sleep outside.

Hem: “Zzzzzzz… that’s a command, son. Zzzzzz”

Wisty: “Ahh…”

Well was it that bad?

Wisty: “Gust. I need a bed.”

It’s just two more nights, Wisty. You can make it.

Sim stare-> Buttercup stare -> Tour guide oblivious

Hemlock! You just made your own food! Why are you ordering some?

Hemlock: “The commander is tired.”

Alright then, off to digging with you!

Hem: *grumble grumble*

Old woman throws axes.

Old woman: *squints*

Wisty and Foxie: “Where are we?”

Hem: “At a secluded hut in the middle of nowhere that may or may not have a big furry guy inside! X marks the spot!”

Carter Bigfoot: Oh no. Not again. Maybe if I sneak into my hut they won’t notice I’m here.

Carter Bigfoot: Ignore them. Smile about times past.

Buttercup: “Whoa.”

Buttercup: “Whoa! It’s really you! You’re amazing!”

Hem: well this isn’t as cool as I pictured.

Foxie: This looks boring.

May: “Oh. It’s bigfoot.”

Carter Bigfoot: “And you aren’t dark fairies! Thank goodness!”

Wisty: *smile*

Buttercup: *excited*

The iconic Buttercup smile everybody.

Bigfoot disco

Carter Bigfoot: *disgust*

Hem: “Rah!”

May: “Is he going loco?”

Foxie: “I think so.”

And we’ll end on that note. See you next time! Hopefully this vacation will end next time….

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