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Post on 13-Dec-2015






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DuPont & Diversity


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DuPont & Diversity

At DuPont we’ve always believed that our company is only as strong as the engagement, commitment and overall health of our nearly 60,000 employees. One of DuPont’s most cherished Core Values is “Respect for People,” which we recognize on a daily basis before meetings and continuously through communications. We define this value as “treating our employees and all of our partners with professionalism, dignity and respect, fostering an environment where people can contribute, innovate and excel.” We believe that fostering an environment where people can excel not only applies to the workplace, but also to the home and in the community. When people feel they are able to contribute meaningfully to all three pillars of their lives – they possess a balanced and healthy mindset that is ripe for innovation, performance and purposeful success. We do understand - better than many companies - the value of women’s perspectives in bringing about life-changing, meaningful innovation. After all, perspectives from women have led to some of the greatest breakthroughs in our more than 200-year history – most noteworthy being DuPont™ Kevlar®, which was invented by Stephanie Kwolek in 1965 and has saved millions of lives. DuPont’s respect and admiration for women is deep-rooted. In 1975, DuPont was among the first multinational companies to name a woman to the board of directors – a full decade sooner than the national average. Today DuPont is fortunate to not only have three strong and vocal women on the board of directors, one of whom is the company’s dynamic and powerful female CEO, Ellen Kullman (among only nine women CEOs in the Fortune 100) – but also a deeply formidable female Chief Sustainability Officer who also happens to be the first Chief Sustainability Officer in all of corporate America. Sound Commitment to Pay Equity and Robust Compensation Process for All Employees For many years, DuPont has systemically analyzed and reviewed compensation for employees to identify equity issues. A recent analysis performed by DuPont demonstrated overall pay equity across gender lines. We feel one of the best ways to ensure natural pay equity across the company is to offer a robust compensation process that recognizes skills, competencies, as well as contributions to business results. Our compensation package includes competitive base pay, variable performance pay and comprehensive benefits. DuPont’s approach to base pay is to invest in people at levels generally consistent with their contributions. We maintain a global job library to provide a framework for defining work, as well as to establish and maintain competitive compensation. Jobs are categorized by job family, based on the functions performed and the competencies required to achieve organizational success. Variable compensation, which includes recognition programs and incentive plans, are rewarded to employees through a rigorous process that evaluates employees’ execution of job responsibilities, relative contributions in their roles, and the estimated value of their roles in the competitive labor market. The goal of this approach is the company “investing” in people at levels generally consistent with their contributions. Over time, the strongest performers will have the opportunity to be paid the highest relative to the defined market – no matter what gender, race or ethnicity they are. Building our Business by Advancing Women With a brilliant and fierce CEO like Ellen Kullman – employees across DuPont have access to not only one of the best female leaders and role models of our time, but also daily reminders that breaking through the gender glass ceiling is not only possible, but also highly encouraged at DuPont. Ellen took over as CEO of DuPont during the global economic crisis and when DuPont’s financial situation was in a state of constant challenge. Under her strong and decisive leadership, DuPont emerged from the crisis a stronger and reinvigorated company and is in

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the process of transforming itself into an integrated science powerhouse with exciting growth prospects for the future. One of the most significant female professional advancement initiatives DuPont has embarked on over the last year is our escalated focus on women’s involvement in the Accelerated Leadership Development Program (ALDP). The ALDP has been in place for several years and routinely monitors high-potential employees (top five percent) from both functional and business line management in order to prepare these top performers for higher level roles in the company. The objective of ALDP is to build a "succession pipeline" for critical and strategic leadership roles in DuPont through a rigorous candidate selection process, as well as timed and planned critical job assignments and experiences. While the ALDP has had a strong representation of women in recent years, in 2014 DuPont leadership recognized that most of these women were in functions – not businesses. While functional leaders are important, the gap left the pipeline for women in line management lacking. Because of this insight, DuPont leaders at the President and Office of the Chief Executive level proactively performed a detailed review of every high-potential woman in the company in 2014. As a result of this thorough review, DuPont executives identified four women in the United States who they felt could rise to become future global business leaders. “Prior to the ALDP program, I had always been told that I had potential and was offered several training opportunities. While I appreciated all of the opportunities, I would not say that my career progression seemed to be much different than others. Since being part of the ALDP program, I see a significant change. Instead of being training-based, it is role and competency-based. Taking a serious look at what competencies I need to develop to be competitive for senior leadership roles is a completely different focus. I have advanced more quickly and my roles have been focused on building the competencies I need to be competitive for future roles,” shared Julie Eaton, North America Regional Business Leader, DuPont Protection Technologies. Priscila Vansetti, Director of Strategic Planning for DuPont Crop Protection, believes that the ALDP initiative provided her with unique leadership development opportunities - from formal executive education at Wharton and participation at the Leading Edge series, to extensive networking with senior leaders and peers, and individual career development planning with an external professional coach. “Critical to my leadership development were the opportunities I’ve had to take on increasingly challenging and impactful business, functional, regional and global assignments in Brazil, Canada and in our headquarters in the U.S. Equally critical were the many mentors I’ve had over the years, truly generous with their time and wisdom, and willing to listen, share and guide.” For Angela Strzelecki - North America Business Director, Building Innovations – the ALDP has helped her progress through her career through, as she notes, “external programs and support – [including] Women Unlimited and Executive Coaching - which have helped me develop as a leader and understand how to navigate to progress in my field as well as to recognize and manage potential barriers to achieving my career aspirations.” In addition, Angela commented that, “flexibility has been a key enabler – providing an environment where I have enough flexibility to succeed in my professional work while managing my family considerations.” Women’s Networks at DuPont Beyond Ellen’s leadership; however, lies a company that consistently champions the advancement of women. Our Global Diversity & Inclusion Champions Council was established in 2013 by the Office of the Chief Executive to heighten the focus on the recruitment, promotion and development of women and underrepresented ethnic groups. The DuPont Women’s Network (DWN) is dedicated to attracting and retaining women across the company by increasing networking opportunities for them. DuPont contributes tuition and travel expenses for high-potential women to gain external mentoring opportunities via WOMEN Unlimited, Inc. Additionally, over the last five years, DuPont has provided more than 100 women with advanced leadership development training via a program entitled Leading Edge. Believing that we should support women in all aspects of business, DuPont also collaborates with other companies to create and support the Inclusion Initiative, which establishes working

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relationships with minority and women-owned law firms to challenge other companies to provide greater opportunities for diverse lawyers. An employee resource group is crucial for women in the pursuit of successful professional and personal lives. Having colleagues women can turn to as valuable sounding boards is not only enriching, but also a surprising opportunity for collaboration and innovation. DuPont has several employee resource groups for women, the most prominent being the DuPont Women’s Network (DWN), which is dedicated to attracting and retaining women at DuPont by increasing networking and development opportunities for them. Participation is voluntary and open to all employees across the globe. The DWN, with strong leadership support, engages women in quarterly global webinars and discussions about topics crucial to women’s career development as well as regularly communicating about the contributions of DuPont women. Executive rank women are highly visible in the DuPont Women’s Network, serving as strong role models and helping to challenge the status quo. Brenda Franke, Business Director, Nutrition and Health, appreciates such interactions with senior leaders, “Of all the opportunities DuPont provides, I personally am most grateful for the outstanding people within the organization. The most meaningful contributor to my growth and advancement is a group of top ranking leaders who have personally engaged with me on career discussions, explored personal development topics, allowed me to learn from their advancement through the management ranks, and provided insight on everything ranging from tips to success to thought provoking ideas about how to handle a challenging project. Their motivation, inspiration, and support helped me learn to be a better leader. Any company can commit to programs or send employees to seminars, but when a company, like DuPont, has the personal commitment among its leaders to serve as mentors and coach on best practices – that is the most enriching tool you can provide for female leadership growth.” Walking the Talk It’s one thing to make policies available to support employees’ work-life balance. It’s another when a company’s most visible executives role-model these policies every day. DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman is a well-known working mother of three children. When her children were younger, Ellen often adjusted her midday schedule and worked split hours to be able to support her children during their afternoon sports and academic events. She has been a vocal advocate in employee meetings for work-life balance, demonstrating that a commitment to one should not preclude a commitment to the other. Linda Fisher, Vice President – DuPont Safety, Health & Environment and Chief Sustainability Officer, is another of the many inspirational working mothers at DuPont. As a top executive, Linda admirably juggles her numerous responsibilities. Linda is a single mother who adopted both of her children as infants. Despite her busy work schedule, Linda finds the time to be very present with her children while commuting between her offices in Washington, D.C. and Wilmington, Delaware. One key to Linda’s work/life balance is her flexible/dual working locations which enable her to be there for her family while still responding to the needs of DuPont headquarters. Our Executives are flexible with those who need flexibility, are aware of challenges facing working parents today, and actively mentor employees to avoid burnout. Colleen Pritchett, DuPont Performance Polymers Asia-Pacific Director, appreciated the strong support and guidance she received from DuPont senior leaders when she first started her expatriate assignment in China. She recalled Mark Vergnano, former DuPont Executive Vice President (recently named the CEO of the recently separated Performance Chemicals business – Chemours), advised, “You don’t have to do the job exactly like the person before you.” Likewise, Colleen noted that another female executive cautioned her to avoid letting people “schedule on both ends” all the time, meaning early morning and late night meetings. Colleen valued that senior leaders provided her the flexibility to mold the job so she could meet business objectives while still having time for family. Colleen strives to do the same with her staff and role model balancing hectic work and family schedules.

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A Reason-Blind Policy Our goal at DuPont is to help our employees make deliberate choices about work-life balance so they can engage meaningfully with work, family, and their community. We recognize that all jobs do not have to be located at company headquarters or at company facilities. Employees have the opportunity to take advantage of flexible working arrangements as long as business objectives are met. Even teleworking, utilized appropriately, is a workplace strategy that increases employee productivity, improves employee hiring and retention, reduces overall facilities cost, and helps employees balance the demands of their work and personal lives. Our current Flexible Work Practice policy makes flexible work options widely available to employees. We see flexible work arrangements as a means of providing balance to the business and to employees’ needs, while maximizing team effectiveness. A key differentiator with DuPont’s Flexible Work Practice policy is that it is reason-blind. The decision to accept or decline an employee’s request to engage in a Flexible Work Practice will be business-based and not because of the reason. The requesting employee and their manager will discuss the employee’s Flexible Work proposal and what impact the proposal may have on the company and their business unit or function - instead of discussing the employee’s personal needs or reason for the request. This ensures the fair implementation of this very important benefit for all employees across the board. In our policy, we also include many safeguards to prevent any performance discrimination as a result of an employee choosing a Flexible Work Practice. For instance, if management and an employee agree upon a flexible work schedule, our policy ensures that the flexible schedule should not negatively impact an employee’s career management, salary or hourly increases, career progression or performance ratings. In addition, access to job posting systems and granting of leaves of absences are required to be equally available to an employee using Flexible Work Practices just as they are for employees not working a flexible work arrangement schedule. Our policy ensures that employee performance should be measured by the quality and quantity of the work performed rather than the number of hours worked, when the work was performed, or where work was performed. Over the coming months, DuPont is planning to more broadly promote the Flexible Work Practice benefits that are available to employees around the world. While the policy is widely accessible and has been promoted in the past, we believe it is important to keep this vital option top of mind for people so they can have the discussions with their managers to make the best decisions for their personal and professional lives, as well as for the business. In addition to flexible work hours and locations, DuPont offers flexibility with regards to volunteerism and giving back to community. Work-Life Balance in Action Jennifer Lindsey, Global Lead of Strategy & Product Marketing for the Health division of Nutrition & Health, balances being a mother of three active children with her job managing a DuPont marketing team. Many days she will split her time between home and the office, routinely running her children around in the mornings, taking conference calls from home and then coming into the office later. Her colleague notes, “Jennifer is very involved with her family and they definitely come first, but she is able to maintain a high work load and deliver the results on time as expected.” Lisa Minshall, Area Safety Specialist, began working at DuPont at the age of 19. She says that since that time, “DuPont has allowed me to raise three children while working rotating 12 hour shifts. DuPont supported a flexible work schedule for me to attend many of my children’s sporting and life events. I am often asked ‘how do you do it’ and my answer is that I do not know any other way. But the truth is having understanding bosses and supportive co-workers is the key to any working mother’s success.”

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A Sales Manager, who works remotely from Kentucky, reflected on the flexibility and dependent care benefits offered by DuPont: “As a wife in a dual-career household, the mother of two very busy little boys (ages 4 and 2), and a Sales Manager for DuPont, I am very thankful for the support DuPont has given to me in several instances as I aspire to create better work/life balance. Foundational to the DuPont Core Values is Respect for People. I see this demonstrated routinely in the work role that I have. On many occasions, I have the need to participate in global conference calls that typically begin early in the morning or late in the evening. My colleagues are very understanding, especially during those morning calls, when I am taking the call at my kitchen table while my boys are enjoying their breakfast. Another area of support that is meaningful to my family is the financial assistance through our Dependent Care policy. This policy provides some reimbursement for childcare expenses incurred when I need to travel for business that requires additional childcare support outside normal daycare hours. Lastly, I am most appreciative of the office environment I home. I find that my home office working space gives me tremendous flexibility in managing the role of wife, mother and DuPont employee.” Another employee commended DuPont leadership with the way they responded to her need during a personal health crisis: “When I was diagnosed with cancer, it hit me out of blue and I was in a state of shock. My mind went into a sense of disbelief as I thought about my 3 small children all under the age of 9 at that time. I could not focus on my projects as I went to discuss this very personal and emotional issue with my organization’s leader. Without hesitation, he told me to take all the time I needed and told me to tell them what I needed. He said ‘we will work around your needs.’ His reaction definitely was not what I expected but was exactly what I needed. His support and offer of flexibility gave me breathing room. It gave me the time I needed to spend to research my illness, to visit doctors, to get the second opinions, to get myself together emotionally and to sort out my diagnosis. Leaders helped me identify colleagues who took over project work so our clients did not have any interruption in the service. The flexibility which my DuPont leaders showed me was a lifesaver and I have always appreciated the understanding which leadership demonstrated.” On the Horizon In addition to the numerous advancement programs in place to develop women leaders, DuPont is in the process of piloting two more exciting programs, which – if successful – will be rolled out globally in the next two years. The Sponsorship Program for Diverse Talents aims to provide women and ethnically diverse talent with a formal sponsorship relationship by leveraging the strengths, experiences and influence of senior leaders at DuPont. Through the program, which launched in late 2014, sponsors act as an explicit and purposeful advocate for protégés – who include women and ethnically-diverse ALDP high-potentials – to accelerate their pace of career advancement with constructive feedback and development opportunities. The program begins by identifying a sponsor who has a strong influence within the organization (ideally two levels above the protégé). This sponsor is someone who is outside the protégés’ immediate circle of mentors and someone who has real power to change a protégé’s career. That senior-level sponsor helps to fast-track the protégé’s professional development by advocating for them to be in leadership positions and helping them to continue to ascend throughout their career. From annual one-to-one strategic career development meetings to regular check-ins and coaching conversations, the sponsor routinely helps the protégé prepare for their next assignments, while challenging others to not make biased assumptions that could serve as barriers to the protégé’s advancement. The second pilot that is currently underway is the DuPont Women’s Leadership Program, which aims to unleash women’s success at DuPont. The program, in partnership with The Center for Creative Leadership, targets high-potential and ALDP Pool 2 (senior managers) and 3 (managers and professionals) female talent and sends them to an intense two-day workshop where they will discuss and learn about women leadership at DuPont by exploring leadership through challenge, assessment, relationships and support. In advance of the workshop, each woman undergoes a 360° assessment, which will provide developmental feedback on the leadership competencies that are critical for their success. Every participant will also take a 155-item personality self-assessment and identify a

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key leadership challenge to work on throughout the program. The goal is to increase the pipeline and improve the retention of women leaders and emerging leaders across DuPont. Beyond these two pilots, DuPont is also a partner of Lean In, through which we are exploring the creation of co-branded Lean In circles and using the existing Lean In technology and website to develop women internally. Susan Stalnecker, Vice President– Financial Strategies, shares her inspiring story on the Lean In website: “I was the first woman at DuPont to request and receive extended maternity leave. I had no fear in asking for this, it was simply what I needed… I went back to work in September, still nursing both babies. A relative stayed with us so we didn’t have to use day care. But I missed my little guys. I decided to ask for a part-time assignment, fully expecting to be denied….The company contemplated it for two months, but, with the sponsorship of the then-Treasurer, I got it. I was the first DuPont employee to work part time due to child care.” Conclusion A large reason for DuPont’s success in its more than 210-year history is its deliberate and holistic approach to the world’s greatest challenges of the time. And, one of the major challenges facing today’s society is the advancement of and equal pay for diverse talent, including women. We believe that big challenges require even bigger solutions. They require efforts that dive beneath the surface to not only identify root causes, but to also eradicate them for the future. When it comes to the inclusion and advancement of women, the objective is not to simply deliver an approach. The goal is to create systemic, holistic change that will create new pathways for women to unleash their natural and carefully-developed talent. We believe that by doing a better job of integrating women into the leadership fabric of the company, we will create a strategic business lever for DuPont and a competitive advantage in an increasingly diverse and dynamic global marketplace. The success of women is not only the right thing to do. It’s also smart business. At DuPont, we believe that our greatest asset on our journey to develop innovations that will solve some of the world’s biggest challenges is our people. That’s why we work every day to provide employees with the tools and resources that will allow them to be successful and engaged in this important work. Our people are at their best when they are able to advance both their professional and personal lives. We will continue to seek new opportunities to empower this balance for employees around the world, and in doing so, improve countless lives in the process.

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