dsb asylum challenge

Post on 06-Jul-2015






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An asylum challenge for Sims2


Hello and Welcome to The Don’t Stop Believin’ Asylum Challenge! I think a quick explanation is in order before I continue. My husband, John, and I work in

Theatre here in the UK, touring around the country (and sometimes the world). Most recently we finished a tour of a show called “Don’t Stop Believin’” which was a musical concert based on Glee. Whilst on tour I got a new shiny laptop which is capable of running Sims 2, with all Eps and Stuff packs! John suggested I try my hand at writing up a Challenge and the idea of the “Don’t Stop Believin’” Asylum was born. All the Sims in this challenge are based on members of the tour and are dressed in clothing similar to what they wore during the performances. These 7 were picked at random from the company of 22 who toured (12 cast, 5 band and 5 technical).

So the first of our Inmates is the lovely Aveta. She was playing the Tina character and has

an amazing voice. She is Chinese and was in the finale of China’s Got Talent! A lovely girl mostly but often tardy, hard to understand (unsurprisingly since English is not her first language) and a bit of a prude. Which makes it hilarious that she rolled Romance.

I chose to use people’s actual star signs instead of rolling for them as I figured it would be fairly random. Aveta, being Chinese, has two birthdays. Her actual birthday in the Chinese calendar and the day she was born in the Western calendar. I used the Western date which makes her a Sagittarius (2/3/9/7/4)

Next up is sexy Billy. He played the Puck character but in real life he is an Essex boy. A fabulous dancer with a cheeky grin and the one of the best people on the tour. He was also best friends with another one of the Inmates, Lee as they shared a dressing room in 14 of the 15 venues, and boy they didn’t let it go that I split them up one week. He also was having a “secret” romance with one of our other Inmates, Jonty. I was very glad when the three of them all came up in the draw!

Billy rolled Pleasure and is a Gemini (4/7/8/3/3)

Inmate number 3 is Carl who was playing the Finn type character. He was a bit grumpy and illness prone but he and John got on very well.

Carl rolled Pleasure and is a Capricorn (7/4/1/8/5)

Next up is our Stagey Diva Lee who was playing the Artie character except due to legal reasons (and the fact he was one of the best dancers) he wasn’t in a wheelchair. Lee has been in theatre since he was a child playing Gavroche in Les Misérables and knows everyone. As mentioned before he and Billy were best friends by the end of the tour and he was very precious about it. He also did not like Aveta from the moment in rehearsals she jumped too soon in a lift and caused him to fall hard on his knee.

Lee and Billy were born two days (and four years) apart and so he’s also a Gemini (4/7/8/3/3) and has rolled Pleasure too!

Next up we have Jonathan, know to us all as Jonty. He was playing the Kurt character and was as camp as a row of tents. Another lovely boy Jonty who, as I mentioned before was having a “secret” romance with Billy.

Jonty rolled Pleasure and is a neat freak Virgo (9/2/6/3/5)

Naomi is our penultimate inmate and is known to us as Nims. She was playing the Mercedes character and had the most amazing ‘fro which no CC ‘fro could ever come close to replicating. The youngest of our company, celebrating her 20th birthday on tour, she will have the most amazing voice in a few years time.

Nims rolled Popularity and is a Libra (2/8/2/6/7)

Our final inmate is the only one not to be a cast member. Andy was our MD (Musical Director) and played keyboard in our live band. He was creepy, sulked like a little girl more than once whilst onstage but also was like a puppy that has been scolded if anyone was mean to him. Like Nims the CC hair he has does not do justice to the birds nest that his actual hair resembled. Also I put him in a polo shirt amazingly like one he wore to Blackpool Tower Circus as in the show he wore a boring white one.

Andy rolled Family…which is just his luck…and was born in July and so a Cancer (6/3/6/4/6)

Lastly we get to the controllable sim…John, my husband. Since this thing was his idea I thought he could be the one to suffer ;p Also it works well as he was the Company Stage Manager, which meant he was the one in charge of looking after all the company. He is wearing black (mostly) as that is what he wore during the performances, but he chose all his clothing.

He is a Gemini (4/7/8/3/3) and he rolled Fortune with a LTW of Head of SCIA

His simself is married to mine in this challenge as it did not add a friend to the count. Also ACR version 2 is running on my laptop and gender preferences were set. Which has lead to….

….this. Something that would never have happened in RL. As the rest of the household wandered

inside to “What’s this?” the sofa, Aveta jumped Lee and he responded. Then again, saying it wouldn’t have happened in RL, Lee did come a close second in the “who slept with the most people” during the tour (that honour was of course won by a member of the band).

Once everyone had stopped reacting to the sofa (or kissing outside) I set them on the

obligatory earning cooking points. However Carl was more interested in heartfarting Aveta at first.

Everyone sat or stood watching the TV to gain at least two skill points…except for one….

Yep that’s right John, the controllable sim gained no cooking points *sigh* Much like RL John

it seems SimJohn has the attention span of oooh look at the shiny thing!

The Welcome Wagon arrives and I tell SimJohn to get his butt off the Dance Sphere and

welcome Bianca, Patrizio and Isabella Monty. As you can probably guess the Institution is in Veronaville and I did some makeovers before playing the challenge.

Inside Billy and Nims have stopped earning cooking points and instead have found the

piano. Unfortunately for Billy, Nims doesn’t think much of his playing so far.

John serves up some Gelatin seeing as he has yet to earn any cooking skill points!!

Bianca and Andy join him

Once he’s consumed his plate of gelatin I send John back to earn some more cooking skill


Meanwhile Aveta and Lee fall in Crush. (please excuse the bad picture but as you can spot I only just caught one of Lee’s pink hearts)

Lee then immediately makes out with Nims, right in front of Aveta. Who seems to be

noting him on his technique. This began the first of the love triangles, with Aveta and Nims stalking Lee.

Jonty decides to show John how it is done and cooks spaghetti for the group

John meanwhile has once again defied my commands (he did manage to gain a cooking skill

point though) and has dragged Lee away from the girls to play catch outside. Hang on who’s that on the front stairs?

Oh wait, there are the girls. So after only a few sim minutes both Aveta and Nims have

followed Lee outside and are now waiting to interact with him…most likely ACR interactions. I say that because…

The phone rings and I send John to answer it. Nims makes her move.

Not to be outdone Aveta gets the next interaction. This continues with the girls tag teaming

until dark.

Lee decides he’s had enough and goes in for some food. Nims snags the Dance Sphere and so

Aveta has to content herself with a splashy puddle.

After eating the stalking of Lee reaches new heights with four other Sims trying to follow

him into the bathroom (there is a separate room for the bath, the toilet and the sink)

So that’s a stinky Aveta, Carl (probably wanting to tub pirate), Billy blending with the door and Andy trying to see where all the cool people are.

Aveta decides she can’t wait for Lee to finish and is the first sponge bather of the Challenge.

Andy watches Billy’s second attempt at piano playing and starts to show his creepy side as

the stalking begins.

It seems at least we’ll have a clean Asylum as Lee cleans the bath tub after his bath…

…and Jonty cleans up the plates in the kitchen…

…before making his way to bed.

From top left going anticlockwise we have John, Carl, Jonty, Andy and Nims

The three without a bed however make the most of it with some music and dancing.

That is until Billy has had enough and beds down for the night on the sofa

Lee takes over the piano but Aveta doesn’t think much of his playing…or maybe she’s just

trying to persuade him to stop playing so she can get in some more kissing.

After a short nap Billy wakes and decides to make everyone cereal for breakfast.

Aveta, Lee and an newly awake John join Billy for breakfast but the all night dance/piano

session seems to have taken its toll on Lee.

…and Aveta too, once she had started on her second bowl!

John has a way to wake them up – the dishwasher!

Billy, by the way, has already snagged John’s empty bed proving again his sensibleness.

As, for the second morning in a row, Intelligence has failed to show up in the newspaper,

today John spends his day skilling. First up Mechanical

The other members of the household are beginning to awake and Jonty has been patiently

waiting for Andy to finish his bath for several sim hours. Now he’s just got to wait for Andy to clean it!

John having gained a couple of Mechanical skill points greets a walk by, Vamsi Tomyoy, who

immediately goes and accosts Nims moments after she finishes the washing up in the sink room.

Jonty having finished his shower cleans the bathtub. You can never have a clean enough bath

you know

John goes to make lunch for everyone but Carl is too busy stuffing his face!

Vamsi meanwhile has decided to try our Dance Sphere but is annoyed to find Jonty has been

thrown off and is spewing his guts up.

Finally John manages to get to the fridge and make up some lunch meat sandwiches (he’s

still got hardly any cooking skill points) and Jonty and Vamsi come inside to join John, Billy and Carl.

Nims and Andy are having a chat in front of the television as Nims gains points for…well

threatening Andy I think?

Carl joins the ranks of the neat freaks by cleaning the worktop

Having tired of the television Nims has snagged the piano and has won the approval of Andy (remember he was the MD of the show and played Keyboard). However I sense an ulterior motive.

John is back on the learning to gain some more Mechanical points, but behind him Jonty flirts with Billy. Who is very receptive.

Less receptive was Lee, who was hiding out of shot having just got out of bed. Upon seeing

the flirting he immediately stepped up and asked Billy to go throw an American Football outside. Jonty followed hoping to get in another interaction….but it was no use. So in the end he used the Dance Sphere

Inside Carl comes across Nims and Andy and he makes it clear that he does not think much of

Nims playing. Andy disagrees still…

Jonty is once again thrown from the Dance Sphere and throwing up. Possibly the fact Lee has taken Billy inside was what caused the incident.

Inside the house Billy is talking to Lee about fried eggs, whilst Andy is up to his stalking tricks again. In the background you might notice that Aveta has woken up.

John cooks spaghetti for lunch and Jonty tries to forget his Dance Sphere incident by cleaning the worktop.

Then he takes the food from in front of Billy despite their being an available plate already on the table.

Billy takes the plate that was in front of Jonty and John and Lee join the group as Andy admits his ulterior motives from all the stalking

Lee cleans up his plate and breaks the dishwasher

Billy immediately leaps up and starts lecturing Lee on his destructive behaviour. Is this the end of the bro-mance already?

John tries to teach Andy about love

Vamsi (who is still here) decides to cheer Lee up by reminding him, he has already managed to kiss the only two female inmates. Aveta however hopes they’ll soon move before our first pee puddle is produced.

Billy is back on the piano

Lee takes Vamsi outside to play catch and allow Aveta to see to her needs.

But he soon gets bored and climbs aboard the Dance Sphere

Aveta comes out to thank Lee for moving before she wet herself.

Then Carl, who has just woken from a quick sleep, acts on the heartfart from the first day.

As you might have noticed by now Lee is quite possessive and immediately steals Aveta back.

Carl admits defeat, at least for the moment, and congratulates Lee on all the kissing.

As Carl enters the kitchen, Aveta falls in love with Lee

And it’s not long before the feeling is reciprocated.

Lee decides it is time for bed and leave Aveta to try out the Dance Sphere

Shortly afterwards John is up and serves up cereal to fulfil two wants (serve food & eat cereal). Nims and Aveta join him and by the points flying it seems they too were craving cereal.

Carl, after his failure to win Aveta from Lee, has washed and now is consoling himself with a spot of tubpirating

He’s soon thrown out of the bath so that he can have a shower and then clean all the nasty germs away.

Nims and Aveta are on their second bowls when Jonty joins them and Carl.

John meanwhile is gaining logic points and not spying on Consort Capp. No not at all. Honest.

A few moments later Consort Capp bursts into the kitchen and shoves John

John is not having any of it.

Don’t mess with my husband

As Consort Capp makes his way back to his messed up family, Billy gets the post in.

Back in the kitchen Jonty is not impressed at the green cloud which might have been coming from the empty bowls but Jonty seems convinced has come from John

Carl enters the kitchen and one quick flirt with Aveta later and the pair are in crush. Nims takes this opportunity to congratulate Jonty in being a fellow inmate.

John uses his new found Mechanical skill points to fix the dishwasher whilst he awaits the arrival of the newspaper.

As one thing is fixed another breaks. Andy causes a blockage in the toilet.

The dishwasher fixed, the paper read and a job found (not Intelligence but money is very tight) John takes time to throw a ball with Jonty…inside.

Billy has decided to make Grilled Cheese for everyone and John and Jonty stop their game to partake.

After cleaning up his plate, John congratulates Lee on all the kissing he has been doing.

Billy meanwhile is cleaning up the mess in the toilet room possibly to impress Jonty.

His ploy seems to have worked.

Andy in full stalker mode congratulates Jonty on finally kissing Billy

Then, not wanting him to feel left out, he congratulates Billy as well.

It probably helped the relationship that John was distracting Lee with a pre-work game of catch.

The carpool arrives and John changes into his Team Mascot outfit ready to earn us some food money

Inside the flirting and kissing as resulted in a crush for Billy

And moments later it’s reciprocated.

Aveta has a shower which results in a broken bath to go with the broken toilet.

Billy takes this moment to tell Lee that he’s hot

Aveta seconds that thought and begins her nightly stalk of Lee

While Carl decides it’s time he got in on this kissing lark as soon as Lee decides he’s too tired and heads for bed.

Aveta and Carl flirt their way to Best Friends. Carl heads off to watch TV whilst Aveta watches Nims stuff her face.

Billy has dressed and once again snags the piano. Nims (having finished at the fridge) and Jonty are both impressed with at his skill

John after going straight to bed after work has started his day with a shower in the broken bath before repairing it…

…and the toilet.

Then he makes toaster pastries for the inmates.

Billy however did not enjoy his pastries as he realised he should have gone to the toilet first.

Having relieved himself, Billy shows he has no shame and sits down for the toaster pastries. In an act of true love, or perhaps OCD, Jonty cleans up the pee puddle.

In the background John gives Andy some more advice.

Since Intelligence is STILL not available John finally invites my simself over. As mentioned before we are married in this ‘hood and in fact I made them as a couple in CAS and let ACR do a quick interaction or too in their home before moving John out. He didn’t gain any aspiration boost from that but my Knowledge Simself did have a big want locked.

Andy comes out to investigate and begin another stalking session.

By the way my simself is wearing all black as that is what I wore during the performance.

After watching us play catch for a while, Andy realises that his hygiene bar might be a little low.

John decides to go and make some grilled cheese.

Andy follows us inside and once there goes into Aspirational Distress.

However he then starts to stalk Lee.

After finishing her Grilled Cheese, Aveta gains her own green cloud, but unlike Andy she makes straight for the bathroom.

My simself decides that a go on the Dance Sphere is exactly what she needs after John has headed off to bed. Andy decides what he needs to do is stalk my simself rather than attending to his hygiene needs.

Aveta comes out of the bathroom and tries her hand on the piano much to Carl’s disgust.

Andy finally realises that the bath is free and goes and uses it.

Meanwhile outside, Lee has taken over the Dance Sphere but looses precious Aspiration points when he falls off.

Nims cheers him up however by leaping into his arms and causing them to fall into Crush (I missed the hearts)

A clean Andy comes outside and tries a flirt with Nims. She’s not interested.

So he goes back to stalking John and my simself. John having woken and showered by now. Shortly after this my simself has had enough and goes home.

Over in the end bedroom Jonty and Billy are flirting again.

They become Best Friends and Jonty realises he has something very important to do.

Cleaning the bath. (note he is still in Pjs and so this is before he uses it)

Carl tries his hand at chilli but manages to burn it and lose aspiration points. Whilst John is making sure the paper will arrive in the morning.

Nobody seemed to mind though as they all tucked into it. (note after cleaning the bath Jonty didn’t use it!)

Nims joins the ranks of those who have been thrown from the Dance Sphere and looses her lunch in the process.

Inside Jonty falls in love with Billy

Aveta took Nims place on the Dance Sphere and once finished she shows off to Carl her new fit status.

A flirt later and Carl and Aveta are in Love.

Inside Love is definitely in the air this evening as Billy falls for Jonty.

The boys celebrate their newfound love by playing catch outside. Carl has been thrown off the Dance Sphere and heads for Aveta is the hopes she’ll console him on the lose of more aspirational points.

Later in the evening and everyone is settling down to eat the spaghetti that Nims has made. Andy tries to flirt with her and once again she is not interested. No Andy it’s definitely not Billy’s fault that she is not interested.

John and Jonty become Best Friends as Andy takes the rejection badly.

Once again Andy is suffering from low aspiration.

However after a few hours of hand wringing he makes pancakes and gains two lots of aspiration points (I guess one lot for serving a meal and one lot for eating pancakes).

Finally on Friday morning of the first week Intelligence shows up in the paper. To celebrate John dances to Lee’s piano playing

He dances till the carpool shows up.

Andy meanwhile has returned to stalking Nims.

This time he finally wins over Nims

And after a quick shower he manages to serenade her as well

But then he goes for a caress and she turns him down.

As he is left stunned, Carl and Aveta make full use of ACR (well as much as they can without a double bed on the lot)

To cheer himself up Andy eats the pancakes he made several hours earlier and is joined by Jonty. Neither of them seem to notice the green fumes or the flies.

Carl has gone for a shower and so Lee takes the time to stake his claim on Aveta.

Jonty, having finished his funky pancakes, has once again fallen from the Dance Sphere and this time he’s lost points. However he gained 1000 from getting a body skill point whilst on it.

And also managed to get fit!

To celebrate he starts doing the gardening that I’ve been ignoring.

John returns home from his first day in the Intelligence track with a promotion. Yay, 1 down 8 more to go!! Unfortunately he’s not back at work till Monday so two days of skilling ahead for him.

But first of all he invites me over and then greets a walk by, Gordon Wolosanko

Carl is beginning to suffer from low aspiration and is worry handing everywhere.

Aveta and Nims become Best Friends

Which sends Nims platinum. (I collapsed everything then went to cameraman mode and cycled through to get this. No peeking)

Outside Andy is consoling my simself on loosing her husband to the asylum while behind us Gordon tries out the Dance Sphere. After this I head home.

Andy makes his way into the kitchen and worry hands his way through the fridge much to the concern of Billy

Aveta, having eaten the hamburgers that Andy made for all, is beginning to feel tired but all the beds have been taken.

So she sleeps on the sofa.

I think she looks very pretty in this picture.

Back in the kitchen we find that Billy does not fancy Andy.

The next morning gets off to a good start with Jonty and Carl becoming Best Friends in a bedroom

John, having spent a large portion of the night stargazing, invites my simself over in the morning. After greeting me however I direct him to greet a walkby Rose Dai and then to strike up a conversation with the postman – Armando Turner.

Inside Jonty and Nims become Best Friends and Aveta congratulates Nims on all the kissing she’s been doing.

While John is chatting to the postman, Rose and my simself make our way inside. Where Andy proclaims my simself to be hot.

Then, moments later, I find myself embarrassed to see my simself proclaiming Andy to be Hot!

After all of this I went to my simself’s home and discovered that we have a three bolt attraction.

However three bolts and proclaiming each other to be hot does not mean my simself will accept a flirt, especially when that “flirt” is a goose! After this my simself goes home.

In the background Billy really doesn’t like Rose’s playing.

Billy is worry handing again.

While outside Lee and a dressed Nims (for a change) fall in love over a kiss.

Inside Aveta tries to help Billy out by becoming Best Friends with him

When she returns to the main room, Lee and Carl tag team flirting with her for a few hours

In a break during the flirting, Billy enters and lets everyone know once again that he finds Lee hot.

Carl and Andy partake of the toaster pastries that John has thoughtfully provided between skilling and necessary taking care of needs. The meal brings them to Best Friend status.

Then Andy becomes Best Friends with Jonty as well

John invites me over again and once again also greets a walkby, this time Nawwaf Ray

He then heads inside to put those new Mechanical points to good use by tuning the piano.

Both my simself and Nawwaf play catch with the inmates, (Aveta and Billy respectively) while Jonty yet again loses his lunch on the Dance Sphere.

Andy then corners my simself in the smallest corner of the yard for a game of red hands.

After a few more games and other non-ACR interactions Andy and my simself become friends, gaining him some much needed aspiration points. My simself, her job done, then went home.

Inside Billy is feeling hungry but also wants us to know that he finds Lee to be hot.

I get John to call him over to the kitchen, where he manages to eat some chef salad that Aveta made earlier (and gained points for eating!)

After his chef’s salad Billy starts to cry about his low aspiration score.

Lee takes the moment to assure him everything will be okay

And they finally achieve Best Friend status.

Perhaps Lee needs some consoling too though as he begins worry handing later that night

But he soon forgets his worry with a spot of dancing!

So Sunday night arrives and Carl spends it on the sofa.

This is where I’ll leave you with John on Level 2 of the Intelligence track but with a lot of the skill points he needs to go all the way. So far I’ve been surprised at how well they’ve all looked after themselves. Only one person has peed themselves, the closest we’ve come to a fire has been burnt chilli and the only violence has come from John’s spying on the neighbours.

And the house has never been cleaner!

So until next time!

Just before I go I want to say a big thank you to all those people who made my CC. I didn’t make any of it! Oh and also to the members of Boolprop who helped me find some of it.

Big thanks to Leeseeter though who made the asylum building which can be found on MTS2 and Dicreasy who’s eye and skin defaults (and genetic eyes) I use.

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