
Post on 15-Nov-2014






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Prepared By: Scouter Nicholas Koh

Venture Scout Leader Date: 29 August 2008








CONTENTS PAGE 1.0 THE PARADE.............................................................................................................. 4

2.0 QUALITY OF INSTRUCTIONS................................................................................. 4

3.0 FACTORS TO CONSIDER BEFORE TEACHING DRILL....................................... 5

4.0 INSTRUCTION METHOD AND FORMATION ....................................................... 5

5.0 CHECKING FAULTS.................................................................................................. 6

6.0 WORDS........................................................................................................................ 6

7.0 OBSERVATION .......................................................................................................... 6

8.0 INSTRUCTORS ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY................................................... 7

9.0 POINTS TO REMEMBER........................................................................................... 8

10.0 VOICE PROJECTION ............................................................................................... 8

11.0 METHOD OF COMMANDING.............................................................................. 10

12.0 WELFARE AND WELL BEING OF TRAINEES .................................................. 11

13.0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS....................................................................................... 12

14.0 COMMANDS, EXECUTION AND COMMON FAULTS..................................... 13

15.0 LIST OF FOOTDRILL COMMANDS .................................................................... 20

15.1 Drill Commands.................................................................................................... 20 15.2 Stationary Drills .................................................................................................... 21 15.3 Mobile Drills......................................................................................................... 22 15.4 Movement Drills ................................................................................................... 23 15.5 Unit Drills ............................................................................................................. 24



16.0 SILENT DRILLS...................................................................................................... 25 16.1 Legend................................................................................................................... 25 16.2 Alert Signal ........................................................................................................... 25 16.3 Single Rank Formation ......................................................................................... 26 16.4 Horseshoe Formation ............................................................................................ 27 16.5 Troop Circle Formation ........................................................................................ 28 16.6 Open Column of Patrols ....................................................................................... 29 16.7 Closed Column of Patrols ..................................................................................... 30 16.8 Parallel File Formation ......................................................................................... 31 16.9 Dismissal............................................................................................................... 31

17.0 SCOUT SIGN & SALUTE....................................................................................... 32

17.1 Scout Sign ............................................................................................................. 32 17.2 Scout Salute .......................................................................................................... 32

18.0 SCOUT STAVE DRILL........................................................................................... 33

18.1 At Ease .................................................................................................................. 33 18.2 At Attention .......................................................................................................... 34 18.3 At Halt, Salute....................................................................................................... 35 18.4 On March, Salute .................................................................................................. 36



1.0 THE PARADE Below are some guiding principles for parades:

a) A parade should start with an inspection of all that are on it

b) A strict observance of Appointment should be shown; thus when a Scout

wishes to either join or leave the parade, he should report to the senior

Appointment and ask permission to do so.

c) Scouts should not walk across a parade ground when drills, in which they

have no part, are taking place.

d) The form and purpose of parade should be planned before-hand by those

who are to command it.

e) At the end of parade, all Appointment “dismisses” to show respect to the

senior Appointment on parade.

2.0 QUALITY OF INSTRUCTIONS Drill is exciting to teach, and to teach it successfully, you, as an Instructor

must have the following qualities:

a) PATIENCE: Never lose your temper

b) ENTHUSIASM: You must install your squad with a will to learn

c) CONSISTENCY: Set yourself and the squad a standard and do not divert

from it.

d) HUMANITY: Understand the squad problems, praise readily but not

too frequent and never humiliate individual members of

the squad

e) PERSONALITY: As an Instructor, you must impress your squad with your

personality and always control them firmly.



3.0 FACTORS TO CONSIDER BEFORE TEACHING DRILL Without considering these factors it may affect the effectiveness of the lesson.

a) Select the best location.

b) Comfort the squad - that they are not facing the sun.

c) Formation of the squad either 3 side of the square, half circle, straight line

or 3 ranks in open order i.e. depending on the strength of the squad.

4.0 INSTRUCTION METHOD AND FORMATION Instruction to the trainees must be in a firm and loud enough manner. Verbal

commands and demonstrations should always be clear and visual

demonstrations should be from all perspectives if possible i.e. all angles.

Instructions should always come in 2 parts.

a) Explanation - This is verbal and it is to get the trainees aware of the

requirement and the Expected movement associated with the command.

This is done with Demonstration by instructors and assistants to show

trainees when to move and how to move. This can be done in steps and

later, the full motion. Every trainee must understand this before moving to

the next step.

b) Practice - Trainees would now be given the opportunity to imitate the

instructor on the required movement. This imitation would later on be

corrected by assisting trainers and demonstrators to perfection and

required standards. Once imitation of steps and parts of a movement is

satisfactory, trainees can practice the full motion to get the required result.

Formation of a drill course trainee should be in a U-Shaped formation. This is

done with a percentage of about 1/3 of the total strength on each side and the



instructor located at the open end of the U-Shape. Assisting instructors should

take a length if possible, if not, should be the middle of U-Shape.

5.0 CHECKING FAULTS Instructors should always look for fault movement of the squad and individual. If

there is any mistake, the Instructor should immediately correct the individual or

squad as a whole.

For example, “XYZ, your elbow is bending. Straighten it by keeping your elbow

close to the side of your body.”

6.0 WORDS Use short precise words to convey the speed of a good drill. E.g. Words like.

“Crack”, “Drive”, “Force” & “Grip”, but remember action not words.

7.0 OBSERVATION • Ensure that everyone is alert and paying careful attention to the lesson.

• Ensure that the trainees are at proper position, i.e. either in “Senang Diri”

or “Rehatkan Diri” during demonstration.

• Ensure that the trainees call out the timing loudly.



8.0 INSTRUCTORS ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITY Teaching the squad on foot drill is a difficult task for an Instructor especially when

the trainees do not understand each other. Nevertheless as an Instructor, you

must have full confidence in yourself. The problem could be overcome, as a

common language for this both simple and easy to follow.

a) Role - The role of instructor is to teach and instruct cadets on the proper

procedures of the drill conduct. They are also to ensure that at the end of

the lesson trainee are clear on the required standards to be achieved.

Instructors play the role of a care giver in the situation of trainees feeling

unwell. They are to brief assisting trainers on safety precautions to be

taken and things to take note during training.

b) Responsibility - They’re to ensure many things in order to achieve the

desired outcome of effective and safe training. The instructor is to ensure

that the place for conduct is safe from hazardous and potentially

hazardous and dangerous situation. The instructor is also to update

oneself on the current situation and drill procedures this is to ensure that

the cadets get a productive lesson and are confident with the instructions

of the trainer. The instructor is to ensure proper training ground and

suitable location.



In teaching drills trainees would imitate their Instructors, the way they conduct

lesson in drill; and also judges by their bearing, personal appearance and

knowledge to maintain the high standard of discipline. It is by example that

they should learn most; therefore the Instructors should bear in mind the

following notes:

1) When drilling a squad, Instructors must always stand at attention.

2) When moving about from point to point, always march as you would

wish your squad to march.

3) When demonstrating, do accurately.

9.0 POINTS TO REMEMBER 1) Do not use bad languages.

2) High standard of turn out.

3) Never exaggerate a movement of drill

10.0 VOICE PROJECTION Instructors should always teach trainees as well as use the technique of proper

voice projection. Voice projection comes from the expelling of air from the

diaphragm. The lack of control from the diaphragm would lead to poor voice

volume control and sometimes embarrassing situations of command. (Squeaky

voice, etc.) Trainees are to put their palms flat on the upper region of their

stomach, near the end of the rib cage to feel the diaphragm’s movement.

Trainees should note that the expelling of air causes the diaphragm to deflate

and when commands are given through the deflation and forcing out the air, the

commands become very loud and audible. This is a sustainable method of

commanding a squad. The use of the voice box to throw voice will lead to the



damage and tear of the larynx and sometimes permanent damage to voice box


When giving commands trainees should be taught to open their mouths as much

as possible and not to squeeze the command through a small opening of their

mouths. This is to make the command come out loud and clear and allow air

from the diaphragm to expel.

Mouth exercises should be conducted by instructors before the start of the

course. O, AR, Ee sounding exercises to warm up the opening of the jaw

muscles for proper command technique.

One way of training the Scouts in terms of voice projection is to allow them to

experiment with their own techniques with guidance on diaphragm usage and

then put Scouts about 10 – 20 meters away in distance and instruct them to give

commands that may be audible to assigned trainees. Rotation to trainees is

important as everyone must be given the opportunity to feel being in command

and also ability to control the squad comes with good practice.



Clear Level Voice Extended Call Falling Sharp Loud Voice



Begerak ke-kanan bertiga-tiga… Ke-kanan, Pu… SING!

11.0 METHOD OF COMMANDING 1. Introducing - the introductory words of command, serve to generally

advise personnel of an intention; this is given in a clear deliberate level tone.

2. Cautionary - the cautionary words of command, which gives imminent

warning of the movement, is normally a word of one syllable. This is to be given as a loud extended call and for a large parade may need to be made to last several seconds.

3. Executive - this is immediately followed by the executive command (the

signal for the movement to be carried out) which is given distinctly and very sharply, care being taken not to lower the voice; thus:




12.0 WELFARE AND WELL BEING OF TRAINEES • The welfare of the trainees are of the utmost importance as it can be

strenuous activity where trainees stand under the sun (if there is no

shelter and in the afternoon, regardless of timing) and where trainees

stand for long hours with limited blood circulation to their body. These

contributing factors may lead to poor circulation and fainting spells or

dehydration when there is excessive loss of water from the body from

standing under the sun.

• Instructors are to take note that the first lesson for trainees should not be

more than 20 minutes continuously. Trainees should be trained

progressively to last an hour of parade time and even more.

• Instructors should also take note that there should be a break of 10

minutes for every 30 minutes of continuous training. A supervised water

parade should be done before and after the training to prevent

dehydration and trainees should drink beyond the point of thirst. At NO

time should trainees be force fed water as this will lead to complications

and vomiting.

• There must be a water point located with drinkable plain water, cooled if

possible and not iced as this will cause a dramatic drop in temperature

suddenly and cause discomfort to the trainees who will feel very hot after

a training session.



• There must be a medic present and this assigned medic should be able to

identify and treat a patient suffering from dehydration, low blood pressure,

shock and wounds such as fractures and scraps as well as blisters from

the training session. This medic will be briefed on the information channel

and the activating of personnel with regards to life threatening injuries and

serious injuries.

• A shady rest point should be identified so that trainees can rest

comfortably in the shade and not be exposed to the sun at all times even

during rest.

• Trainees should be given a channel of feedback in the case they are


13.0 SAFETY PRECAUTIONS • ALL trainees must be asked whether they are feeling well and should NOT

be forced to take part in the training if they are unwell.

• ALL trainees must be asked at the end of the training whether they are

unwell or whether they have suffered any injuries in the course of their

training to indemnify against the arguments due to negligence of trainees.

• ALL trainees who are on medication will NOT be allowed to take part in

the training and this must be ascertained as a group BEFORE training




• Relevant authorities must be kept informed of training and timing of

training must be adhered to. No unauthorized extension or shortening of

time schedule is allowed to prevent complications from pre planning stage.


Command Execution Common Faults



• Stand upright with heels together.

• Feet opened up to an angle of 30


• Arms locked to the sides, both thumbs

by the seams of the trousers.

• Shoulders pulled back.

• Head held up, neck touching back of


• Heels not touching

• Failing to close fists.

• Body sags, shoulders

tend to creep forward.

• Body not square to the

front. (Tilted at an


• Roving eyes.

"Senang Di-ri!"

"Stand At Ease"

• Right foot still, lift and bend the left leg

thigh high, drive left foot to the ground,

shoulder width apart. Shortest way


• Back of right hand on palm of left hand,

right thumb crossed over left.

• Fingers straightened and kept closed.

• There should not be a gap between

body and arms.

• Movement not done in

double quick time.

• Bending of waist.

• Arms swaying.

• Moving the right foot

instead of the left.

"Rehatkan Diri!"

"Stand Easy"

• In senang diri position, limbs, body and

head are relaxed.

• Feet Movements

• Adjustment of Uniform

without order



“Begerak Ka Kanan, Bertiga-tiga, Ka Kanan Pu-Sing!”

“Facing to the right

flank, in three rows,

Right Turn!”

• Turn 90º to the right with right heel and

left toe in contact on the ground, both

arms locked by the side of the body.

• Body weight kept on right foot flat on

the ground

• Both knees braced back with body


• Left knee lifted up 90º with toes

pointing down

• Left foot forced on the ground in double


• time to resume attention

• position

• Body unbalanced due

to wrong foot used for


• Knees bent, left knee

not lifted high enough,

not forcing left foot

down fast, leading to

movement not


“Begerak Ka Kiri, Bertiga-tiga, Ka kiri Pu-Sing!” “Facing to the left

flank, in three rows,

Left Turn!”

• Turn 90º to the left with left heel and

right toe in contact on the ground, both

arms locked by the side of the body.

• Body weight kept on left foot flat on the


• Both knees braced back with body


• Right knee lifted up 90º with toes

pointing down

• Right foot forced on the ground in

double quick time to resume attention


• Body unbalanced due

to wrong foot used for


• Knees bent, right knee

not lifted high enough,

not forcing right foot

down fast, leading to

movement not




“Menghadap Ka Belakang, Ka Belakang Pu-Sing” “Facing the Retire

position, About


• Turn 180º clockwise, completing a full

turn with body and shoulders

• Maintain balance by locking thighs


• Arms locked by the side of the body

• Left leg lifted up 90º and forced down

on the ground in double quick time.

• Weight of body not

kept on the forward

foot (right).

• Not completing a full

turn with body and


• Moving arms around

• Bending of the waist

upon turning.

“Menghadap Ka Hadapan, Ka Belakang, Pu-Sing” “Facing the

Advance position,

About Turn!”

• Turn 180º clockwise, completing a full

turn with body and shoulders

• Maintain balance by locking thighs


• Arms locked by the side of the body

• Left leg lifted up 90º and forced down

on the ground in double quick time

• Weight of body not

kept on the forward

foot (right).

• Not completing a full

turn with body and


• Moving arms around

• Bending of the waist

upon turning.

"Kekanan Lu-rus!"

"Right Dress!"

• All except the right hand man springs

head to the right.

• Men in front row extends right arm

parallel to ground, fists clenched and

thumb touching shoulder of man on the


• Men in the 1st column to raise arm

forward with knuckles reaching

shoulder of man in front.

• Adjust position, by shuffling feet, such

that the eye can only see the tip of the

chin of the alternate man.

• Sluggish movement of

arms and head.

• Body not

perpendicular to the


• Arms not straightened,

but bent.

• Dressing taken from

the adjacent man,

instead of alternate




“Pandang Kehadapan, Pan-dang!” “Eyes Front!”

• Turn the head sharply to the front and

return right hand to the side, keeping

the arms straight.

• Sluggish movements of

head and arms.

“Keluar Baris”

“Falling out!”

• Squad will execute a right turn

• After regulation pause, march forward

3 steps and break off.

• Movement not




• Squad will execute a right turn

• Salute

• Cut-down

• After regulation pause, march forward

3 steps and break off.

• Movement not


“Satu/ Dua/ Tiga/ Empat/ Lima Langkah Ka Hadapan/ Belakang Gerak”

“One/ Two/ Three/

Four/ Five Paces


Backwards March!”

• Each individual in the squad will shoot

out left leg, taking the instructed

number of step(s) at one-foot length


• Upon completion of the instructed

number of step(s), each individual will

simultaneously lift up the alternate leg

and stamp it to the ground at double

quick time.

• For odd number of steps, 1/3/5 steps,

the completion of the forward/

backward pace will fall on the left foot,

where right leg is to be lifted and forced

the ground in double quick time to

resume attention position

• For even number of steps - vice-versa

• Movement not


• Knees bent during the

paces taken.

• Dragging of the boots on

the ground whilst pacing.

• Each step taken being

too big, affecting the

dressing of the squad

and the banging of the

feet not synchronized.

• Looking down to the

ground while pacing




“Dalam Buka Barisan Kekanan Lurus”

“Open Order Right


“Pandang Ka Hadapan Pandang”

“Face the front”

• Men in the front row to shoot out left

leg one step forward, raise right leg

and stamp it down to ground.

Simultaneously take dressing from the

right after the bang.

• Centre row to keep still except in

executing dressing from the right.

• Rear row to take one step back to take


• Head to face front sharply, hand to cut

down to the sides sharply.

• Movement not

synchronized and


• Knees bent during the

paces taken.

• Step taken forward/

backward being too big,

resulting in the banging of

the feet not synchronized

• Looking down to the

ground while pacing


“Dalam Tutup Barisan Ka kanan Lurus” “Close Order Right


“Pandang Ka Hadapan Pandang”

“Face the front

• Front row to take one step back now

and take dressing.

• Center row to only take dressing

• Rear row to take one step forward now

and take dressing.

• Head to face front sharply, hand to cut

down to the sides sharply.

• Movement not

synchronized and


• Knees bent during the

paces taken.

• Step taken forward/

backward being too big,

resulting in the banging of

the feet not synchronized

• Looking down to the

ground while pacing


“Hentak Kaki Cepat Hentak” “Quick Mark Time”

• Given when body of men initially


• Raise to a 90º and bend left knee, toes

pointing down.

• Drive left leg down, and raise and bend

right knee.

• Repeat

• Arms not locked to the


• Body swinging about.

• Stamping of foot flat on

ground instead of toes

touching first.

“Berhenti” • Given when the left knee is at the • Not lifting up knees high




highest point. ( Right heel strikes the

ground )

• Replace the left foot and bend the right

knee and assume the position of


enough to force down

and achieve

synchronized banging.

“Satu/ Dua/ Tiga/ Empat/ Lima Langkah Ka Kiri/ Kanan Gerak” “One/ Two/ Three/

Four/ Five Paces

Left/ Right March!”

• Given when body of men who are

initially stationary to side paces

left/right at paces of shoulder width.

• Leg nearer to the direction of shift to be

raised to a 90º angle with toes pointing

downwards to achieve a side pace of

shoulder width distance away.

Alternate leg to be simultaneously lifted

to 90º angle and to assume new

position of attention. (1 cycle)

• Continue cycle to complete the

instructed number of pace(s).

• Upon final cycle, alternate foot to be

forced down to the ground at double

quick time to resume position of


• Arms not locked to the


• Body not upright

• Looking down to the

direction of shift.

• Stamping of foot flat on

ground instead of toes

touching first.

• Paces wider than

shoulder width distance.



BODY POSTURE AND MOVEMENT FAULTS The posture of their body when doing drills:

• Brace their body upright. • Do not stand on one leg. • Jerk their leg up to the highest point, and drive it down. • Position of their feet in:

• Sedia. • Senang Diri.

Movements to take note when doing drills:

• To march from point to point. • Dig the heels, when marching. • Not to move in the file. • No holes between their arm and body in Senang Diri. • Their arms to be by the seam of the pants in sedia. • In ke-kanan lurus, the heads should turn to right; eyes look at the

epaulette and adjust to the shoes of the scout on the right. • To be sharp in their movements. • Look in front, heads slightly raised. • Not to yawn in the file. • Not to follow any other commands given other than the drill commander. • Hand movements:

• Palms open be in Senang Diri. • Clench their fist. • Do not flap their arms. • To straighten their arms. • Lock their elbows.

Bearings and Attire when doing drills:

• Boots to be polished. • Uniform ironed. • Beret badge and belt clip to be polished. • Beret seasoned.



15.0 LIST OF FOOTDRILL COMMANDS Teach and explain the meaning of the following:

15.1 Drill Commands Sekuad Squad Pengakap Scouts Baris All / Parade Penanda Marker Kawalan Kehormatan Guard-of-Honour Diam Steady



15.2 Stationary Drills Sedia Attention Senang Diri At Ease Rehatkan Diri Stand Easy Ke-kanan Pusing Right Turn Ke-kiri Pusing Left Turn Ke-belakang Pusing Turn to Back Begerak Ka Kanan, Bertiga-tiga, Ke-kanan Pusing

Facing to the right flank, in three rows, Right Turn

Begerak Ka Kanan, Bertiga-tiga, Ke-kiri Pusing

Facing to the left flank, in three rows, Left Turn

Menghadap Ka Belakang, Ka Belakang Pu-Sing

Facing the Retire position, About Turn

Menghadap Ka Hadapan, Ka Belakang, Pu-Sing

Facing the Advance position, About Turn

Sparrow Ke-Kiri, Ke-Kiri Pusing Facing 45 º Left Angle, Left Turn

Sparrow Ke-Kanan, Ke-Kanan Pusing Facing 45 º Right Angle, Right Turn

Taat Sedia Scout Sign / Taking pledge



15.3 Mobile Drills Ke-Kanan Lurus Right Dressing Ke-Kiri Lurus Left Dressing Pandang Ke-Hadapan, Pandang Eyes to the Front Dalam Buka Barisan, Gerak Open Order Dalam Tutup Barisan, Gerak Close Order Dalam Buka Barisan, Ke-Kanan Lurus Open Order, Right Dressing Dalam Tutup Barisan, Ke-Kiri Lurus Close Order, Left Dressing (Nombor) Langkah Ke-Kiri Gerak (No.) Paces, Left March (Nombor) Langkah Ke-Kanan Gerak (No.) Paces, Right March (Nombor) Langkah Ke-Belakang Gerak (No.) Paces, Backward March (Nombor) Langkah Ke-Hadapan Gerak (No.) Paces, Forward March Hentak Taki Chepat Hentak Quick Mark Time Berhenti Halt Keluar Baris Fall Out Bersurai Dismiss



15.4 Movement Drills Dari Kiri, Chepat Jalan By Left Dressing, Quick March Dari Kanan, Chepat Jalan By Right Dressing, Quick March Maju Forward Ke-Kanan Belok Right Wheel Ke-Kiri Belok Left Wheel Ka-Kanan Pusing Move to the Right, About Turn Ke-Kiri Pusing Move to the Left, About Turn Ke-Belakang Pusing Move to the Back, About Turn Impek Kiri Quick March Left of Obstacle Impek Kanan Quick March Right of Obstacle Tukah Langkar Masa Berjalan, Tukah Langkar

Change Step on the March, Change Step

Hormat ke-hadapan, hormat Saluting on a March to the Front, Salute Hormat ke-kanan, hormat Saluting on a March to the Right, Salute Pandang ke-kanan, pandan Eyes to the Right on a March Pandang ke-hadapan, pandang Eyes to the Front on a March Dari Kiri, Chepat Lari By Left Dressing, Double March Dari Kanan, Chepat Lari By Right Dressing, Double March



15.5 Unit Drills Yang tinggi ke-kanan, rendah ke-kiri dalam satu barisan, paras

Tallest on the Right, Shortest on the Left, in Single File, Size

Dari Kanan dalam satu dua bilang From the Right, in twos, number Nombor granjil, satu langkah ke-hadapan, nombor genap, satu langkah ke-belakang, gerak

Odd number One Step Forward, Even number One Step Backwards, March

Orang di-sebelah kanan diam Right Marker Steady Barisan hadapan kanan pusing, barisan belakang kiri pusing, kanan dan kiri pusing

Front row Right Turn, Back Row Left Turn, Right and Left About Turn

Jadikan tiga barisan, chepat jalan Form Three Ranks, Quick March Dari kanan bilang From the Right, number




16.1 Legend

16.2 Alert Signal

The Leader raises his right hand in the Scout Sign high above his head,

indicating "Attention", "Silence", "I have an announcement to make".



16.3 Single Rank Formation

Signal: Leader extends both arms horizontally, parallel to the line he wishes

Troop to take.

• His palm turned front if he wants Patrols in front of him

• His palm turned back if he wants Patrols behind him

Execution: Patrol Leaders take up position in front of the center of their Patrols.

Patrols fall in line two paces behind their leaders, with a two-pace interval

between Patrols. Assistant Patrol Leader is on right of Patrol, the other members

on his left in order of sequence established by the Patrol. The line dresses right

without command.

Uses: For general line-up. For inspection in meeting room.



16.4 Horseshoe Formation

Signal: Leader raises arms from the sides, sideways about 45 degrees, palms

toward the body.

Execution: Scouts fall in, in a single line semi-circle around leader. Patrols

observe same order of sequence as in Troop Line, though Patrol Leaders fall in

on the right of their Patrols.

Uses: For demonstrations, announcements or special ceremonies.



16.5 Troop Circle Formation

Signal: Leader raises arms sideways 45 degrees, and then swings them from

front to rear and back several times.

Execution: Patrols form a complete circle around the leader in same order as in

Troop line.

Uses: For ceremonies and circle games.



16.6 Open Column of Patrols

Signal: Leader extends arms forward, but bent at right angles at elbows, with

fingers toward the sky.

Execution: Patrols fall in, one behind the other, dressing immediately on the front

Patrol and on the right. A distance equal to the length of each Patrol should be

left between it and the Patrol in front of it. Patrol Leader two paces in front of the

center of his Patrol.

Uses: For inspection and parade formation:



16.7 Closed Column of Patrols

Signal: Same as for Open Column of Patrols, except that clenched lists are

extended toward the sky.

Execution: Similar to Open Column of Patrols, except that each Patrol falls in two

paces behind the one in front of it, with the Patrol Leader on the right of his


Uses: For assembly in small room and crowded parade formation.



16.8 Parallel File Formation

Signal: Arms extended forward at shoulder height, palms together.

Execution: Patrol Leaders take positions two paces apart, their Scouts fall in

behind them.

Uses: For relays and other games.

16.9 Dismissal

Signal: Swinging arms from a crossed-front position, repeated several times.




17.1 Scout Sign

17.2 Scout Salute




18.1 At Ease

• Legs shoulder-width apart.

• Left fist clenched together.

• Right arm extended outwards, holding onto the Scout stave.

• Both arms locked.

• Base of the Scout stave placed next to the tip of the little toe.



18.2 At Attention

• Legs together.

• Feet placed in V-shaped position, 15cm apart.

• Both fist clenched together.

• Right fist positioned along the quilottes/pants’ seam, holding onto the

Scout stave.

• Both arms locked.

• Base of the Scout stave above ankle-height.



18.3 At Halt, Salute

• Legs placed together, feet in V-shaped position.

• Right arm locked.

• Right fist positioned along the quilottes/pants’ seam, holding onto the

Scout stave.

• Left arm raised to do a scout salute, index finger touching the scout stave,

with palm facing down.

• Base of the Scout stave above ankle-height.



18.4 On March, Salute

• Right arm locked.

• Right fist positioned along the quilottes/pants’ seam, holding onto the

Scout stave.

• Left arm raised to do a scout salute, index finger touching the scout stave,

with palm facing down.

• Base of the Scout stave above ankle-height.

top related