dreams flea market guide

Post on 25-Dec-2014






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This is a guidebook about Dreams Flea Market. It covers things you want to find out from the second-hand sales to pet adoption!


Halo! 我们就是传说中的沪上怀旧跳蚤集市!



Come join us at the Dreams Flea Market held on the last Sunday of each month. Anyone can be a stall owner for a day, sell your wares and meet new friends and maybe even meet the love of your life! Food and drinks are available, eye can-dies are everywhere, second hand and originals are a must and the quirky vintage is definitely the bonus!

Who needs new and vogue when you can find classics that has last longer than we lived? RE-CYCLE! RECYCLE! RECYCLE! What‘s junk to you is perhaps gem to someone? Come on down and be a professional junk hunter!

创办怀旧跳蚤集市的灵感来源于欧美随处可见的跳蚤市场,从毛了边的旧书到传三代的首饰,从汽车零件到手绘明信片,从小时候用的橡皮到爷爷抽的烟斗…… 我们要办的跳市决不是文艺青年和小资贵族的专属,而是给所有男女老少交换二手货的聚会。


Dreams Flea Market was inspired by our visits to various flea markets around the world. With day to day articles to items of nostalgia, the culture of recycling is a lifestyle for everyone.

No fancy decorationst and preten-tious gimmicks. We strive to deliver the authentic “FLEA MARKET” expe-rience with passionate participants and hardcore junk hunters.

照片来自于我们走过的各地跳蚤市场:巴黎、尼斯、雅典、 阿姆斯特丹、 柏林、马德里、三番市等。 Flea markets at Paris, Nice, Athens, AMS, Berlin, Madrid, SF, etc.

我们来自Dreams Factory Asia,简称DFA,由资深摄影师Ken Goh于2005年创建,是一个向热爱摄影、插画、影像创作的年轻人开放的自由空间。 怀旧跳蚤集市从2012年2月第一期起,就成了我们生活和DFA社区的一部分。

Sisi 是怀旧跳蚤集市的始作俑者,也是跑全世界捡“垃圾”的。她相信这种简单而真诚的生活方式,可以给我们追求浮华物欲的城市沙漠,带来几许清新和平静。

Dream Factory Asia a.k.a DFA was started in 2005 by photographer Ken Goh. It is a platform for young artists to collaborate and exchange ideas. Since February 2012 Dreams Flea Market has become a family affair and way of life at DFA.

Sisi, the brainchild behind this event, started with collecting junks from around the world. She believe this simple and genuine lifestyle can give us a refreshing and satisfying experience despite living in a concrete jungle.

DFA在丽园路上的特色大门The unique entrance of DFA

我们平时在这里摄影,周末来这里赶集Studio in weekdays, flea market at weekends

集市分室内、走廊和院内三个空间There are indoor, the aisle, and the yard

常常光顾怀旧跳蚤集市的活宝们The little visitors at our market


DFA is also a haven for animals. We would love to have rescue organizations on board, helping abandoned animals find a loving home.

1. 除了禁止贩卖毒品和人口, 你可以出卖全部家当! You can sell anything you own but your wife and drugs.2. 鼓励出售各种二手旧货和手工创作,请务必避免批发商品。 All sorts of second-hand and hand made are welcome, except wholesale.3. 上午10点以后入场,室内和室外摊位由摊主自选。 Arrive at 10am and find your own sweet spot.4. 普通摊位面积约1.5平米,不提供桌椅;餐饮摊位面积约3平米,提供桌椅。 Each stall is 1.5 sqm without table; food stall is 3 sqm with table provided. 5. 货运及停车请自理。 Diligence required with parking and unloading.6. 给货品定价只有一个标准:心理价位。 Prices are subjected to customers attitude.7. 根据个人需要,准备垫布、箱子、桌椅、衣架等装备。 We provide the space you bring your shop.8. 现金购物,自备找零。 Prepare cash for change.9. 自卖别忘自夸!备上纸、笔和胶带,自我宣传一把。 Pimp up your stall! It’s all about PUBLICITY!10. 杂货陈列要杂而不乱,易于顾客浏览和挑选。 Layout! Layout! Layout! Show us what you’ve got!11. 准备购物袋,以方便顾客。 Provide carry bags so customers can buy more.12. 每个旧货和创作都有自己的故事,讲给顾客听,会卖得更好。 Customers love a story or two about the things they buy. 13. 通过微博、电话、Email,提前邀请朋友粉丝来捧场,为你的摊位造人气。 Invite your friends and fans to your stall for fun!14. 集市结束后,请务必自行清理摊位,乱扔垃圾者将列入黑名单。 Please clean up your stall after the flea market.15. 室内集市禁止吸烟。 No smoking is allowed indoors.


1. 集市不受天气影响,准时开放。 Rain or shine we will be open.2. 冬天带暖宝宝,夏天带花露水。 Frost bites in winter, mosquito in summer. Come prepared!3. 带足盘缠,别指望在跳蚤集市上刷卡。 Bring cash. No ATM at flea market.4. 自带购物袋。 Bring your shopping bags.5. 跟亲朋好友一起淘宝,保证乐趣翻倍。 Come along with friends and family to double the fun!6. 讨价怀旧欢乐多,有事有话好好说。 Bargain. Not war.7. 大家臭味相投,跟摊主闲聊几句,结识新朋友。 Flea market is a good place to meet new pals.8. 别跟摊主要发票…… Fapiao? Are you nuts?!9. 别把狗狗锁在家,带来集市一起逛! Don’t lock your dogs at home. We love pets!10. 环境卫生靠各位,买走旧货也别留下垃圾。 Loitering is welcome. Littering is NOT!11. 室内集市禁止吸烟。 No smoking is allowed indoors.12. 欢迎买家把建议和意见通过微博或电邮的方式留给我们。 Welcome to give us your advice via Weibo and Email.


怀旧跳蚤集市有幸被多家媒体采访和报道,感谢他们将DFA的理念传递到更远:TimeOut Shanghai,That’s Shanghai,风尚志,伊周,生活周刊,劳动报,上海教育台新闻坊,第一家居,1626杂志,网易,凤凰网,AnyWearStyle,新华网,AliceinMod.com,上海热线,沃会画报,等。

We have the honor to be reported by media from magazines to TV. Thank you: TimeOut Shanghai, That’s Shanghai, Fashion Weekly, Femina China, Life Weekly, Laodong Daily, SETV, I Home, 1626.com, 163.com, iFeng.com, AnyWearStyle, Xin-huanet, Online Shanghai, ShanghaiWoW! etc.

当家纹身师 Jaws Ong单幅作品 Jaws’work多幅作品 The full back

Johnny Two Thumb Singapore,新加坡久负盛名的刺青工作室,乃是DFA的兄弟搭档。三名主要艺术家Jaws, Chak, Lionel会在未来的怀旧跳蚤集市不定期出现,现场为跳蚤们进行纹身创作;或接受VIP预约,专程飞抵上海为你实现个人订制的皮肤艺术。

With a legacy of over 70 years and going strong, Johnny Two Thumb, Singapore in strong association with DFA would be guest appearing at our future markets. Customized skin art from this legendary team will be available through VIP reservations only.


联系方式 Contact

于斯斯 Sisi 13764356672 info@dreamsfactory.asia

报名方式 Stall Reservation

如需摊位,需在淘宝上付款预定 Please reserve a stall with us at


收费标准 Rental Fee

普通摊位150元/个 约1.5 平米 不提供桌椅 可多人拼摊 150RMB each stall for about 1.5 sqm 餐饮摊位300元/个 约 3 平米 提供桌椅 可多人拼摊 300RMB each stall for about 3 sqm

集市时间 Timing

每月最后一个周日 上午11点 - 下午5点 11am - 5 pm Last Sunday every month

集市地点 Address

上海市卢湾区丽园路565-9弄2层 靠近局门路 No. 565-9 Li Yuan Road Level 2, Near Ju Men Road, Shanghai

集市交通 Transportation 地铁为9号线马当路站1号出口 Metro Line 9, Stop Ma Dang Lu, Exit 1 停车可在丽园路边及周边小区内 Parking is available along Li Yuan Road 请勿停于场地院内 No parking in front of the flea market

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To receive the latest updates of Dreams Flea Marketsubscribe by emailing to info@dreamsfactory.asia or go to weibo.com/dreamsfactory

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