drafting analysis

Post on 15-Jun-2015






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Draft Brief description of your piece.

What did you think you needed to change and why?

What changes did you make and why?

Summarise any audience feedback you received (positive and negatives).

Based on audience feedback, what further changes will you make?

Any additional comments.

Draft 1 We had loads of short clips, which was mainly narrative. These shots did not fit together very well.

We needed to make the clips fit together so that the narrative was clear. Also we needed to add more performance to the video.

N/A We were told that we needed to film performance footage of a better quality, to fit in with the narrative.However, we were told that the footage we had was good, but just needed some improvement.

We decided to do much more filming, especially of the performance scenes and we also decided to re film some of the footage that we already had as it wasn’t up to the standard that we wanted it to be.

Draft 2 We had much longer and better quality clips than the first draft but we still needed to do some more filming as when we edited the shots together, it didn’t look good.

We still needed to do some more filming and some more shots needed to be re shot. We then managed to do that and then also done some more filming to make up the whole 3 minutes and 30 seconds of the song.

- We filmed some more performance footage.

- We also improved some of the footage we already had by re filming.

We were told that the footage we had fitted in very well with the narrative of the song but we still needed to do some more filming as we didn’t have enough for the entire song. We did originally have a lot of footage but when it was edited and parts needed to be cut, it meant that we lost a lot of filming.

We then spent some of our spare time shooting some more footage.

Draft 3 We edited all the We decided that - We filmed We again, were told Re shoot some

shots together that we had but thought that we needed to use some different camera angles as they were all very similar.

our footage didn’t consist of many different camera angles. We then decided to film some more footage with different camera angles to what we had been using.

some more footage.

that what we had was very good but the audience agreed that we needed to use some different camera angles.

more footage using different camera angles, and also add some different effects to make it more interesting.

Draft 4 We then edited our video to include some different effects such as slow motion and fast motion effect.

We still thought that we needed to re-shoot one or two more shots to make sure the filming went perfectly with the timing of the song.

- We made sure that our video included many different camera angles.

We then had a presentation evening where we showed the audience our video, and asked them to fill in a feedback form, telling us how we could improve. We were told that we needed to improve the lip syncing as it was very slightly behind the music.

We then made sure we edited the music video perfectly so that the lip syncing fitted in time with the music.

Final Draft

We then made the final few changes by making sure that the editing fitted in perfectly with the music, and also that the lip syncing looked as if she was actually singing the song.

We did not think that any changed needed to be made; only to go over our video and make any tiny tweaks that needed doing.

We made sure that the music went well with the lip syncing and that the scenes that needed to be re shot were done.

We were told to make sure that our video was finalised.

We made sure any minor changes that we needed to make were done.

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