dr sea presentation

Post on 02-Apr-2016






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And The Uniqueness of Meditation in Islam

Shahin Etezadi-Amoli, M.D., M.P.H.(Dr. Sea)

Board Certified PediatricianReiki Master/ Teacher, NLP Master Practitioner

Silva and One Command Practitioner



1-Meditation as Complementary Medicine. 2- Mechanism of action of meditation 3- Evidence from Quran as to how Islamic prayer helps to meditate. 4- Present a short easy Meditation to practice to focus during prayer and on anything we wish. 5- The relevance of the presentation for physicians, their practice, and their patients.

Summery of the presentation


Wandering mind is the commonest addiction of mankind.

Not to be able to stop thinking is a dreadful affliction, but we don’t realize this because almost everyone is suffering from it, so it is considered normal.

(Eckhart Toll, The power of now)



Yakkedi yak

According to National science Foundation (NSF), humans have anywhere from 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day.

98 percent of our thoughts are repetitive.

80 percent of our thoughts are negative.

we lose touch with ourselves in such a busy inner traffic.


Introduction (2)


Ratio of Conscious to Subconscious

Subconscious mind has a tremendous ability to assist and to serve us if we can slow down our thoughts and communicate with it.

No effective communication when we constantly jump from one idea to another. It is as if we expect our subconscious to hear a whisper in a noisy room. 7

The power of subconscious mind

Meditation is an effective method to end the misery that has afflicted the humans for thousands of years.

meditation teaches us how to discipline our minds from automatic chattering to conscious mindful thinking.



Meditation is done in many different ways but their common goal is to control the chattering of the mind, and to focus on NOW.


The Goal of Meditation

Past 50 years Interest in the subject of Meditation:

34,800,000 results for meditation. 24,000,000 for meditation and medicine.

Google Scholar only narrowed it to about 153,000 citations.

Meditation and medicineGoogle


Interest in the therapeutic uses of meditation has increased in the past

30 years. A 2007 national Government survey

that asked about Complementary or Alternative Medicine (CAM) use in a sample of 23,393 U.S. adults found that 9.4 percent of respondents (representing more than 20 million people) had used meditation in the past 12 months

Interest in therapeutic use of



* To explore the benefits and the role of meditation in medicine * To present a unique daily practical way to do and continue meditation which will benefit the healthcare providers, the caregivers, the patients and their families especially at the end of life situations such as terminal cancers, HIV, etc. where Bio- Medical model reaches a dead end.



Medline/ PubMed 427 citations on Meditation and Medicine with 21 Review articles

Medline on Meditation and outcomes, 94 Reviews NIH, National Center for Complementary and

Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), 75 reviews Total 190 reviews, excluding repetitions, and other

forms of CAM the remaining 38 articles became the base of the first part of this presentation.


Methodology 1

1- Electronic and manual search of Holy Quran revealed 99 Versus on prayer, 20 of them that were in reference to improving the quality of our prayers and meditation were used for the second part of this presentation.

2- Scholar Google was searched for specific ideas and concepts.

Methodology 2


Result-1 Meditation reduces pain Pain relief (15) Improvement in fibromyalgia related symptoms

(1) Low back pain (11) Headaches (11) and Migraine headaches (3) Increased pain tolerance in PTSD (21) Muscle and joint pain in Menopause (9) Meditation reduces anxiety Reduction of Anxiety (14), (15), (22) Management of anxiety in caner patients (12) Reduced anxiety in chronic illness (25) PTSD (21)


Meditation reduces stress Stress reduction (15) (28) In cancer patients (2)(4) Reducing stress of chronic illness (7) (25) Stress in Menopause (9)Meditation enhances coping Coping in general Enhanced coping in Cancer patient(2) Ability to cope with stressful situations in PTSD

(21) Coping with the strains of long-term caregiving


Result 2

Meditation reduces depression Depression (23) (15) (22) Decreased depressive symptomology in breast and

prostate cancer continuing in one year follow up. Depressive relapses (13) (23) Depression in PTSD 21 Depression in chronic illness 25

Meditation improves mood Improved Mood , (14) (15) Management of depressed mood in caner patients (12) (4) Mood disturbance in Menopause (9) Enhanced mood in chronic illness 25


Result 3

Meditation Enhances Well Being Increased subjective well being (5) In cancer patient (2) In incarcerated people (18)Meditation Improves self-esteem In chronic illness (25) In PTSD 21 Meditation improves sleep Improved Sleep (6 ) In meditators experience (24) Decrease in sleep-interfering cognitive processes

(i.e. worry) (24)18

Result 4

Meditation and Treatment of addiction  Smoking cessation (10) Reduction of Substance and Alcohol abuse in prisoners

(16) (18)Meditation and reduction of blood pressure Reduction of Blood Pressure (28) (17) In prisoners (16)Meditation and AGING Protect from cognitive decline usually associated with

age (28) Meditation enhances antioxidant activity in elderly (28)

Demonstrates significant social and emotional benefits in elderly (19 )

Social isolation, Age related memory loss19


Cancer Alleviating psychological and physical

suffering of persons living with cancer.(2) Treatment-related symptoms of cancer (11) Decreased cancer mortality (14)  PTSD Decreased anger in PTSD 21. 22 Increased energy level in PTSD 21 Ability to relax in PTSD 21 Meditation is a viable intervention to

improve PTSD symptoms such as intrusive memories, avoidance, and increased emotional arousal  20


Asthma May temporarily help improve lung function

and quality of life and relieve anxiety in people with asthma.(38)

Relaxation techniques might help improve immune function in asthma

Misc. Enhancing the interactions of healthcare

providers with patients. Decreases the frequency and intensity of hot

flashes in menopause(9)

Results 7


Other areas that meditation was helpful 1

cardiac rehabilitation (11) incontinence,(11) Improved postsurgical outcomes (11)

Decrease in recidivism in criminal offenders (18)

Marital conflict In suicidal behavior meditation teaches

participants to develop moment-by-moment awareness, an attitude of non judgment and acceptance (27)

Results 8


Other areas that meditation was helpful 2 There is considerable evidence of efficacy

for several mind-body therapies in the treatment of coronary artery disease

One negative review One review on the effects of MBSR found no clear positive effects on depression symptoms in patients with comorbid medical disorders or in patients with mood disorders alone. 23


A- Body changes by affecting the autonomic nervous system. (31)B- Brain changes: 1- MRI shows increases in gray matter concentration in the left hippocampus (involved in learning, memory, and emotional control)(30). 2- FMRI revealed increased amygdala activation (Amygdala has a key role in emotion, memory, and attention)

Results 10Physical evidence of how meditation might

work 1


C- DNA protection Disease risk, progression, and premature mortality have been linked to telomeres, which are protective DNA protein complexes that keep cells genetically stable. NIH Report Spotlight quotes a study that life style modification; meditation being part of it is associated with 30% increased telomerase activity. (31)

Results 11Physical evidence 2


D- gene expression NCCAM suggest that one day of intense mindfulness by experienced meditators led to biological changes including expression of certain genes that play roles in inflammation and pain. Anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving drugs have similar effects on these genes. (32)

Results 12Physical evidence 3


E- Power of intention directed to perform a determined

action. Thoughts targeted to an end can

affect inanimate objects. The emission of light particles (bio

photons) seems to be the mechanism through which an intention produces its effects. (34)

Results 13Physical evidence 4


F- Response of DNA to human emotion

Gregg Braden in “Science of Miracle”:

Photons in a vacuum respond to DNA

DNA has different response to positive or negative emotions.

The effect is not distance related.

Results 14Physical evidence 5


Human mind is active, constantly thinking of different thoughts despite our will.

All disciplines dealing with spirituality present specific ways “to tame” the mind. However the common trend in all of them is Meditation.

The common goal of all meditations is to focus and to clear the mind from automatic thoughts.

It is only then that one could communicate with his subconscious and use its tremendous power to reach different goals from healing to excelling in sport, art, music, science, inventions, writing, etc.



Right and left brain function


Brain Waves Frequency


1000’s of programs

21 programs or less

Chattering of the brain before and after meditation


Power of intention reaching your goal


From a List of 54 Albert Einstein (Scientist), The Dalai Lama (Religious Leader), Clint Eastwood (Actor, Director, Politician), William Ford Jr. (Ford Motor Company), Various members of the Beatles

(Singers/Musicians), Isaac Newton Rene Descartes Benjamin Franklin Francis Bacon Victor Hugo 34

Google’s list of famous meditators

Rumi (Mystic Poet) Avicenna (Medicine, Philosophy, Mathematics) Al Razi (Medicine, Chemistry, Philosophy) Al Biruni (Physics, Mathematics, Astronomy) Few from a list of 262 David Letterman, comedian and talk show host. Mehmet Oz, surgeon, TV host, writer[

Sri Ravi Shankar, spiritual leader Oprah Winfrey, talk show host


Who meditates (2)

When we refine our ability to slip into a state of awareness and being, we can bring this focus into other areas of our lives and be in contact with self, subconscious and the Universe.

Besides the physical and psychological benefits, meditation helps us to develop and surpass our individual talents.

Why do famous people meditate? 1


Some artists whose talent hits a dead end resort to drugs, others learn how to “communicate” with their own subconscious or even the collective conscious of the Universe by meditation in order to continue to produce more of what they are good at, hence stay famous.

Whenever Avicenna had problem diagnosing a patient he would pray and meditate and would find the answer to his question.


Why do famous people meditate? 2

Communication with subcounscious


1- The mind has been automatic for as long as we live; it will take time to tame and keep it clear.

2- Like other acquired habits, we lose our vigilance over time.

Obstacles continuing Meditation


Compulsory Daily Prayers. Five times a day, all practicing

Muslims follow a ritual of silence and an attempt to only think of God's words. The uniqueness of this ritual is that since it is a God’s command, it is performed daily and continues for life.

Islam’s Unique way to Meditate and to continue


Practicing meditation clears our mind in order to perform mindful and meaningful prayers

Performing meditation at the end of prayers safeguards its continuation over time.

Daily Prayers and Meditation

are complementary


Prayers and the idea of meditation is emphasized in Quran in many verses:1- Rituals: ( repeating an action before a behavior anchors and establishes habit)  Abolition [5:6] Specific time [11:114] ,  Repetition of God’s attributes . [17:110]

Quranic Verses regarding prayer relevant to

meditation 1


2- Congregational prayer (Group meditation)

 Establish prayer…and bow with those who bow. [2:43]  

Friday prayer [62:9] then proceed and leave trade. That is better for you, if you only knew. [62:9]  

remember God often that you may succeed. [62:10] (Meditation could be performed with any activities, such as walking, eating etc.)

Quranic Verses regarding prayer relevant to

meditation 2


3- What helps the continuation of prayer and Meditation

… seek help through patience and prayer, and indeed, this is difficult except for the one that surrenders[2:45]  

…seek help through patience and prayer[2:153]  

Maintain with care the [obligatory] prayers and [in particular] the middle prayer. [2:238 

Quranic Verses regarding prayer relevant to

meditation 3


4-Perseverance …men whom neither commerce nor sale

distracts from the remembrance of God and performance of prayer…[24:37

…Maintaining their prayers [6:92]   .And they who carefully maintain their

prayers [23:9]  Those who are constant in their prayer

[70:23]    And those who maintain their prayer

[70:34]   And mentions the name of his Lord and

prays [87:15] (One thought meditation)

Quranic Verses regarding prayer relevant to

meditation 4


5-Clear the mind… do not approach prayer until you know what you are saying [4:43] 

…Wow to those who are unmindful of their prayers…[107:4-5]


Quranic Verses regarding prayer relevant to

meditation 5


6-Consequences…those firm in knowledge among

them and the establishers of prayer ….those We will give a great reward. [4:162]

Rewarded here not just in here after. (think of all those famous meditators and their rewards)

Quranic Verses regarding prayer relevant to

meditation 6


6-Consequences…Indeed, prayer prohibits immorality

and wrongdoing, and the remembrance of God is greater. [29:45] This is a huge claim, however Dr. David Hawkins who is a psychiatrist explains it in his chart about “Scale of Consciousness”. As we get more spiritual, we move up the scale leaving the low vibrational habits and beings behind.

Quranic Verses regarding prayer relevant to

meditation 6


Hawkins’ scale of consciousness


There are countless number of ways to meditate

Mindfulness, ‘Vipassana’, from the Buddhist tradition

Zen meditation in the Buddhist tradition Transcendental Meditation from

Hinduism. Using a mantra. Chakra Maditation, Walking meditation

Kundalini, Guided visualization. A relatively easy one is presented today. All, One , None (thoughts) Meditation

How to meditate?


1-Continue sitting where you just finished your prayer or chose a quiet place with least distraction.

2- close your eyes to avoid thousands of photic stimulation that comes with light.

3- Take 3 deep breaths and relax all your muscles from head to toe.

All, One, None (thoughts) Meditation


All thoughts: Start observing your thoughts for 2 minutes.

One thought: Chose only one single thought.

No thoughts: Do not let any thought enter your mind and as soon as one shows up simply say: “Not now”.

All, One, None (thought) Meditation


Sit (could be done lying down, standing, or even walking) in a quiet place (always same place to anchor) and close your eyes (to stop 60,000 photic stimulation that comes with light)

All, One, None (thought) Meditation


All thoughts: Start observing your thoughts for 2 minutes. After 2

or 3 thoughts the mind will wander off, especially in non-meditators. For example I say :

[Red pentable in your house)This table is kind of old I should get a new one The table I saw here last week was pretty I should have bought it then, now I’ll never find one like itWow this file cabinet is kind of nice for the office , I hope the nurse remembered to get the test result on Mrs. Smith? I wonder which doctor is covering for me-back here again.

Now consciously trace your thoughts back : here doctor test result nurse office file cabinet furniture store table at home, red pen back to the room.

This exercise will make you mindful of your thoughts

All, One, None (thought) Meditation


One thought meditation 1 Chose only one single thought and stay with

it. ” I am healthy, I am healthy, I am healthy”

and continue for 2 minutes without other thoughts entering your mind.

In Alpha the mind is very susceptible to language.

Use “go towards“ and not “move away” sentences. “I am healthy”

“ I am not sick” heard differently by subconscious.

All, One, None (thought) Meditation


Languages are full of negative sentences that bombard the listeners with negative energies.

“Pain in the neck”, “break a leg”, “it kills me”, “love it to

death” etc. Use positive words not just in

meditation but everyday life since words exert energy to our subconscious mind.

Cancel negative words ( cancel, cancel) and replace them with positive ones of the same meaning until it become a habit.

Effect of negative words


One thought meditation 2 Muslims could repeat one of the 99

attributes of God, “to Him belong the best names.[17:110]”

Ya Salaam (The Source of Peace) when we are stressed or tormented.

Ya Fattah (The opener) when we encounter an obstacle in our lives.

Ya Khalegh (The Creator) if an artist is at work.

Aleem ( All Knowing) when we need a brain boost.

A ladies favorite, would be : I am getting thiner and thiner every day, in healthy ways

All, One, None (thought) Meditation


One thought meditation 3Every time the mind wanders and the Mantra becomes repetitive with no meaning, bring it back to the one thought without judging. (When you are quiet with closed eyes your brain emanates alpha waves and you could program what you desire by repeating it 21 times, 3 times a day for 21 days

All, One, None (thought) Meditation


No thoughts Do not let any thought enter

your mind. Distraction or wandering

thoughts, not suppressed, no judgment, simply say: NOT NOW. (This way you are not judging it, you are acknowledging its existence and the fact that it has a right to come back later.)

All, One, None (thought) Meditation



After mastering all 3 parts for a total of 6 minutes, increase by one minutes each and continue until you do a total of 15 minutes once a day, then twice and finally 3 times a day.

The best times to meditate are after morning, noon and night prayers. Since the prayers are compulsory, combining the meditation with prayers soon becomes a habit. Then the more you meditate the clearer your mind become for prayer.


All, One, None (thought) Meditation


Prayer and meditation Complement each other, since not only one would get the health benefit of meditation, but also one would not associate any other thoughts during prayers.

As one meditates more, it will become easier.

Do not expect over night results since your mind has been automatic as long as you lived and it will take time to tame it

Prayer and meditation combined


Many Prophets have lived part of their lives meditating. Prophet Mohammed (pbuh) used to spend many hours meditating in Hara’s cave before his mind was clear enough to receive the Revelation.

If we clear our mind we will receive the guidance, and the amazing healing, stored in our subconscious as well as the collective consciousness of the universe.

The collective consciousness of the



Whatever we plant in our subconscious mind and

Nourish with repetitions and emotionsWill one day become a reality


Physicians will get the benefit of meditation by practicing it themselves, and suggesting it to their patients and caregivers. The best place to start for non meditators is to join group meditators. In large cities there are many “MEET UP” groups who perform weekly meditation at opportune times. In absence of such groups, one could obtain Meditation C.D.s, or find something on line.

Relevance of Meditation and Health


Meditation can not harm. No cost Easy to learn. No use of substance or expensive

technology. No diagnosis involved. None invasive Smart, non pharmacological energy

that encompasses any gender, religion or cultural belief.


Reasons for Meditation’s fast growth in Medicine

* Meditation is beneficial easing, stress, pain , anxiety, and depression specially in individuals that have been involved in many difficult intrusive and often painful medical or surgical procedures. It is extremely helpful in situations where bio-medical interventions has reached a dead end. This will make it a suitable complementary mode of therapy.* Meditation’s simplicity and its adaptability to many settings and situations makes it an ideal element of a Holistic approach to Global Health.


Conclusion 1

Critics and supporters alike note the conceptual and practical difficulties in studying meditation. since it does not lend itself to typical Bio-Medical instrumentation and research. However, well-standardized, controlled, outcome studies presented in this article are small steps towards understanding the healing abilities of meditation. However such studies will have the inherent bias of being narrowly focused trying to understand a holistic phenomenon.





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