dr nadia algantri associated professor faculty of medicine

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Dr Nadia ALgantriAssociated professorFaculty of medicine

Antenatal care involves checking maternal health and fetal well being,assessing risk factor,screening for disease and abnormality and providing education and advice.

Understand and apply the concepts of preconception healthcare

List the components of and understand the rational for the initial prenatal assessment

Describe the purpose for and components of routine prenatal care visits

Prenatal advice before conception to assess maternal health.First visit ,complete obstetrical history,physical examination

and labaratory investigation.Discuss the following with the patientNutrition.Smoking.Medication.Exercise.Proper use of seat belt.Need for good dental care.Anticipated schedule of visit for prenatal care.Anticipated date of delivery.Symptomsto be reported to the physician.

Medical risk factor for,ex diabetes ,hypertension,epilepsy,cardiac disease,history of thromboembolism and autoimmune disorder.

Genetic factor,family history of genetic disorderSerious complication during

pregnancy(preterm.antepartum haemorrhage,stillbirth,hypertension).

Advanced maternal age.History of infertility.

Height and weight (body mass index) Anaemia Edema Cardiovascular

examination Breast examination Lower limb


Abdomanal examination

Presence of scar Fundal height Lie Presentation Fetal heart

ascultation Fetal growth


Full blood count.

Blood group and RH factor.Urinanalysis to detect aymptomatic bacteriuria.Screening test for gestational diabetes.Rubella status.Virology screen.HBsAg,HCV,HIV.Antibody screen.Additional test may be required based on the

patient history.

In low risk pregnancy ,the ante natal visit which required,booking(8-10weeks),at 18-20weeks at the time of anomaly scan and at 29,35,41 weeks for routine review.

For women with medical or obstetrical complication the shedule of subsequent visit as required by specific condition.

Estimated weeks of gestation

Weight Blood pressure Edema Fundal height Fetal movement Presentation Urine for albumine

and aceton

Antenatal care plan Danger sign and

symptom Test of fetal growth

and wellbeing

At booking to determine gestational age,number of sac,fetal heart

At 18-20weeks anomaly scan At 28-34 weeks to detect placental

site,fetal growth monitoring At 40weeks

Begins with preconception counseling Involves continuous risk assessment Represents a key time for preventative

counseling and interventions Ultimate goal: Healthy outcome for mom

and baby

Antenatal care involves checking maternal health and fetal well being.

Women are advised about lifestyles matters such as smooking,.exercise, diet ,and folic acid supplement.

At the first visit,women who require urgent referral should be identified.

An early ultrasound scan for dating can be very helpful.

Booking involves a detailed history, measurment of weight and height and urine analysis.

Abdominal palpation will detect the extremes of abnormal fetal growth.

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