dr. f. boutros - institute of kidney lifescience...

Post on 01-May-2018






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Dr. F. Boutros (The Insulin Man)

•Endocrine Fun Facts •Insulin Facts •Control your weight/Fuel Metabolism

•Endocrine education was always under-rated

•Average fellowship will take between 2-5 years

•Only 4 weeks needed in the Internal Medicine Program

•In Family Medicine…..1-2 weeks (if any)

•The Endocrine chapter comes 8th or 9th in medical text books

•Endocrine fellowship ranked 8th most desired in 1980

•Currently first with Cardiology and before GI

•The most abused in clinical medicine

•50% of Thyroids removed for NO clear indication

•Only 1% of amputations are done too soon/no indication

•22% of patients with Diabetes didn’t know they have a Pancreas

•37% of them didn’t know where is it located

•Fat cells,Testicles and Ovaries are Endocrine glands

The most famous for ALL the wrong reasons !!

•Thyroxine , # 1 Rx drug in North America

•Insulin , # 1 drug for human errors in a hospital setting

•64 % of Insulin orders are incorrect ( less than 5% for antibiotics)

•72 % of Insulin orders are in the form of a Sliding scale

•Sliding scales don’t exist in the medical text books !!!!

•Insulin is the most common drug patients tend to adjust themselves

•on the contrary.....Patients never adjust antibiotics on their own

•CRA will give you disability credit if on Insulin

Have the most bizzare names and description in clinical Medicine








•Type 1 , Type 2...... (Type one and a half )

•Eccentric.....(unpleasant training/fellowship) •Underweight •Have a Self inflated ego •When you control Hormones…..you control everything !! •They think all orders should be done over the phone !

•George Bush had Grave`s Disease

•Halle Berry has Type 1 Diabetes

•Rod Stewart had Thyroid cancer

•The giant Goliath had Acromegaly/Pituitary tumor

•The Ancient Egyptian king Tut had Gynecomastia

Insulin is the most important hormone of the human body Humans can not survive without Insulin for more than 1-2 days Physicians occasionally hold Insulin not knowing it is a life sustaining therapy

•Will shift fuel metabolism to fats •Glucagon will take over energy production •Ketone bodies •Acidosis •Cardiac Arrest

•Glucagon •Catecholamines •Thyroxine •Growth Hormone •Cortisol

•A storage Hormone

•Glycogen storage

•Protein synthesis

•Fat storage

•Is a KEY

•Insulin receptor…… Is a LOCK

•Key/Lock……open Glucose Gates at the cell membrane

•Glucose goes in and used for energy production

•Humans use about 40-50 units of Insulin/day

•Can you do with less ?

•Glucose is the most potent stimulus for Insulin release

•Excess Glucose is toxic to the B cells

Up-regulation •Exercise

•Low CHO diet

Down-regulation •High Insulin levels


•High CHO diet

•Starts in Intra-uterine life

•Overweight Moms with Diabetes

•High Glucose in utero and high Insulin levels

•Large babies


•Excess dairy

•Pizza lunches


•Shelf foods

•Soft drinks

•Chronic Glucose stimulation •Excess Insulin •Down-regulation of Insulin receptors •Lipogensis/Storage •Obesity

•Control your own fuel metabolism

•Use the least amount of Insulin

•Muscle building excercises

•25-50% Vegatables/greens/Fibres

•25% Protiens

•25% fats

•25% complex CHO

Endocrine Fun Rounds General Internal Medicine



Question 1 A 24 year old W came to your office with throat

discomfort and an ultrasound report showing a nodule measuring 2 cm… what's the best next step

A) Repeat U/S

B) Thyroid uptake/scan


D) Surgical consultation

Question 2 A 31 year old W , 16 weeks pregnant presented with

weight loss and fatigue.. Blood sugar was 21 mmol/l with no family history of Diabetes…. What's the diagnosis

A) Type 2 Diabetes

B) Type 1 Diabetes

C) Gestational Diabetes

D) Secondary Diabetes

Question 3 The best next step in treatment would be

A) Diet counseling

B) Metformin and diet

C) Once a day Insulin

D) Multiple daily injections of Insulin or MDI

Question 4 The most ( immediate) danger if the last case left

untreated or treatment delayed is

A) Fetal malformation

B) Early Labor


D) Fetal Death

Question 5 The most common type of Thyroid cancer is

A) Papillary

B) Follicular

C) Medullary

D) Follicular Variant of Papillary

Question 6 Most common cause of Hyperthyroidism in a normal

pregnancy is

A) Toxic nodule

B ) Graves Disease

C) Gestational Transient Thyrotoxicosis (GTT )

D) Multiple gestations

Question 7 Gestational Transient Thyrotoxicosis (GTT) is related

to excess production of this hormone

A) hCG

B) T4

C) T3


Question 8 A 27 year old women , 12 weeks pregnant had

suppressed TSH and wt loss

Best next step in diagnosis is :

A) Thyroid U/S

B) Thyroid Uptake

C) Thyroid Scan

D) TSH receptor antibodies (TRAB) and FT4

Question 9 The Fetal Thyroid starts to produce Thyroxin at

A) 10 weeks

B) 5 weeks

C) 3 months

D) 6 months

Question 10 The most common cause of Hypothyroidism in

pregnancy is

A) Iodine deficiency

B) TSH Deficiency

C) Previous surgery

D) Hashimoto Thyroiditis

Question 11 The most important step(s) in treating Thyroid cancer


A) Iodine ablation

B) Surgical Removal

C) Thyroxin therapy

D) All of the above

Question 12 The 2 Differentiated Thyroid cancers are :

A) Papillary and Follicular

B) Follicular and Anaplastic

C) Anaplastic and Papillary

D) Medullary and Follicular

Question 13 Differentiated Thyroid cancer points to the following

A) Cancer cells are different from follicular cell

B) Cancer cells are similar to para follicular cells

C) Cancer cells are similar to follicular cells

D) Cancer cells are more aggressive

Question 14 A 45 year man sent to ER by family MD for a sugar of

32 mmol/l , weight loss and family history of Diabetes

Whats the diagnosis

A) Type 2 Diabetes

B) Type 1 Diabetes

C) Secondary Diabetes

D) Pancreatic Cancer

Question 15 Best treatment option(s) :

Sliding scale as per Dr Vertes

Metformin alone

Fasting schedule as per Dr Fung

Metformin and once a day Insulin

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