dr. abdullatif essajee chairman - ummah...

Post on 16-Mar-2018






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Dr. Abdullatif Essajee


Zool Nimji Ayub Khalid

Secretary General Treasurer



The Ummah Foundation is a national charity organization set up in 2006. Some of the

objectives of the organizations are:

1. To eliminate illiteracy amongst Kenyans in general, and Muslims in particular.

2. To empower the Ummah to be economically and socially self-sustaining.

3. To motivate Muslims to practice pure Islam according to the teachings of the

Noble Qur’an and Sunnah of the Prophet s.a.w.

For the few years of our organization’s existence, we have worked tirelessly to bring a

smile and a hope to thousands of needy people who are struggling through poverty,

underdevelopment and marginalization.


The Education Bursary Fund was established in 2007. The Ummah Foundation has

helped to pay school fees worth over Kshs. 20 m (UK₤190,000 or US $290,000) for over

400 very needy students in secondary and tertiary learning institutions.

Despite the dire economic aftermath of the post election violence in Kenya and the

Global Recession in addition to a devastating drought, we still managed to sponsor the

fees of 88 needy students to the total of Kshs. 2.7 m. (UK₤22500 or US$ 39,000) in 2009.

Above, left: The Chief Kadhi of Kenya presents a cheque, to one of the student beneficiary, on behalf of the Ummah

Foundation. Right: Education and learning materials are given to a student by an executive officer of the Ummah



Emergency Aid

It has been estimated that over 10 million people were adversely affected by the long

drought – lives were lost and livestock died! Seventy five percent (75%) of the affected

areas are Muslim inhabited. The government of Kenya, together with relief and

emergency civil organizations like the Kenya Red Cross and The Ummah Foundation,

acted reasonably fast to reduce the hardships and sufferings. We distributed emergency

food and water in Isiolo, Moyale, Marsabit, Wajir, Machakos, Kangundo and Sololo.

In collaboration with the U.K.s Caravan of Mercy, we provided food rations to more than

10,000 people as well as supplementary food supplies to over 5,000 children.

Above left, some of the areas worst hit by drought. People complained of water tasting of cow urine. On the right, the

Ummah Foundation`s water boozer that ferries clean water to some drought stricken parts of the country

Ummah Foundation`s food caravans leave for distribution of food in drought stricken areas.


The loving heart of the Ummah Foundation

People in Isiolo, one of the worst famine hit areas, are delighted after the Ummah Foundation`s food aid arrives just at

the right time. Thousands of their cattle died due to famine.


Religious Education

Up until now, the system of religious teaching (Madarassah) in Kenya is not coordinated

or well organized. Each Madarassah opts to follow its own private syllabus and teaching

method. The Ummah Foundation initiated a programme in 2009 aimed at:

- Providing a common upgraded syllabus that will be used by all Madarassahs in

the country.

- Selecting some pilot Madarassahs for this project. Currently, 5 Madarassahs are

under this programme.

- Training Madarassah teachers and imams to take this noble work to a higher and

more professional level.

- Improving the infrastructure of the Madarassahs. Already the 5 pilot

Madarassahs have had credible facelifts.

- Payment of teachers salaries.

- Supervision and evaluation of Madarassahs.

In conjunction with the government’s Kenya Institute of Education, The Ummah

Foundation conducted a training workshop in Nairobi for Madarassah teachers. A

total of 35 participants benefited from the professional training session that

included teaching methodology, child psychology, teaching management skills

and public relations.

Above left, children in a madarassah in Nakuru learn, thanks to the Ummah Foundation.

Right, more pupils in another madarassah built and supported by the Ummah Foundation.


A seminar organized by the Ummah Foundation.

Above left, our trustees visit one of the madarassahs assisted by the Ummah Foundation.

Above right, Madarassah teachers benefit from a training workshop organized by Ummah Foundation.

The Ummah Foundation Trustees meet the leaders of tomorrow in one of the sponsored madarassahs.

Simple Fundraising Methods

For a long time, there has been the simple idea of every Muslim contributing on a regular

basis, some small amount, even a shilling a day towards the Ummah’s Kitty. The effect

would be that if ten (10) million Muslims each contributed a shilling a day, one day`s

contribution would be Ksh 30 million. The annual collection would be Ksh 360 million.

This kind of money can build schools, universities, religious centres, water reservoirs,

hospitals e.t.c. for the Muslim Ummah! We need to implement simple ideas and let the

power of numbers do the miracles!!

Just imagine what we can do with this size of money! We The Ummah Foundation

helped to launch the One Shilling Foundation towards achieving this target and dreams.


In July 2009 the One Shilling Foundation was launched in Nairobi. The Chief Guest at

the launching ceremony was world renowned scholar Dr. Ameenah Bilal Phillips. The

One Shilling Foundation immediately helped to bail out 30 stranded Kenyan Muslim

Students in Russia after their sponsor, another charity organization, fell into financial dire

straits. This unique Islamic undertaking costed the new organization Ksh.1 million.

Above left, renowned International Scholar Dr. Ameenah Bilal Phillips is happy to launch the One Shilling


Right, the Chairman, Mr. Abdullatif Essajee gives a speech during the launch.

Below photo: The Chief Kadhi of Kenya Sh Hamad Muhammad Kassim delivers his speech during the launch of the

One Shilling Foundation.


Health Care

Many Muslims live in the impoverished slum areas of Nairobi and other urban areas. The

Ummah Foundation has initiated a programme to start addressing this problem.

In 2009, we started a pilot scheme in Korogocho slums of Nairobi. A modern health

centre together with a school was built. The cost of the health centre was contributed by

Haji Musa Quadir and members of his family in memory of their mother. The centre will

offer preventive and primary health care to the poor slum dwellers.

The Tawfeeq Health Centre in Korogocho slums

Information Technology

Kenya’s Vision 2030 goals state that every Kenyan should be computer literate. In 2009,

the Ummah Foundation was privileged to distribute some 120 computers to Muslim

institutions. These computers were donated by Muslim Care of UK.


Muslim run institutions benefitted from computer donations.

Ramadhan, Zakaat and Sadaqaat

The past Ramadhan period was busier than ever. Ummah Foundation provided food

ration to vast Muslim areas of the country. These were the North Eastern Province,

Nakuru, Kisumu, Malindi and Lamu.

Caravans of food went village to village distributing food to the needy. Fire tragedy

victims of Faza Island in Lamu and famine victims of Ngomeni, Malindi also benefited.

The exercise of food, clothes and medicine distribution is an ongoing exercise. Nairobi

slums, Isiolo, Marsabit, Sololo, Nakuru, Kisumu, Naivasha, Gilgil, Mombasa, Lamu,

Bungoma and Magadi are some of the beneficiaries of this noble cause.

Above left, Sh Abdallah Kheir distributes food to the needy in Malindi during the Holy Month of Ramadhan.

Right, Ummah Foundation staff, Sh Subki and Bro. Ali Khamis,assisted by Bro Nazir organize clothes for distribution

to the needy.


Above, preparation for food and clothes distribution during the Holy month of Ramadhan.

Prison Rehabilitation

The Ummah Foundation, in collaboration with the Prisoners Rehabilitation Programme

(PRP) has facilitated:

- The building of Muswallah and Education centres in prisons.

- The provision of hundreds of Islamic books to prison centres.

- Da`awah activities where hundreds of prisoners have reverted to Islam.

Above left,Ummah Foundation team visiting one of the prison centre. Above right Bro. Nassir Samji of Calgary, Canada seen performing a ground breaking for an educational centre at the

Naivasha High Security Prison.


Other Great Services

We have a religious scholar who goes round the hospitals of Nairobi everyday to counsel

and give guidance to the sick.

There are cases where patients cannot pay hospital bills due to extreme financial

constraints. The Ummah Foundation liaises with the hospital to remedy the situation.

Also, for the extreme cases where burial expenses have been a problem, the Ummah

Foundation has contributed.

During 2009, the Ummah Foundation received pleas for help from the disabled people.

We responded to this and were able to provide at least 50 wheel chairs.

There are cases of needy, deserving and hardworking students getting stranded due to

lack of finance for air tickets. The Ummah Foundation rescued a number of stranded

Kenyan Muslim students traveling to India, South Africa and Sudan.

Above left, Bro. Ahmad Yusuf presents a wheel chair to the son of a physically challenged person. Above right, Bro. Musa Wekesa visited Mama Fauzia Children’s Orphanage to present them with clothes. It’s just one

of the orphanages that benefited from clothes donated by the Ummah Foundation.



We want to thank and acknowledge the following organizations for all the support they

gave us in making 2009 a big success:

1. Human Concern International –Canada

2. Muslim Care – UK

3. Caravan of Mercy – UK

4. Ummah Welfare Trust - UK

5. 3Z Foundation

6. Jamia Mosque Committee

7. Al Moumin Foundation

8. Ma’ had Daawah Group

9. Parklands Mosque Committee

10. Park Road Mosque

11. Ministry of Home Affairs (Prison Dept)

12. Ministry of Education

13. City Park Mosque

14. Westlands Rabita Mosque

15. Madinah Centre

16. The entire Muslim Ummah.

Indeed, the Ummah of Rasulullah s.a.w was better off in 2009 as compared to 2008

thanks to you- Alhamdulillah!

3Z foundation Touching Lives

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