double page article draft

Post on 20-Jul-2015






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Double Page Article Draft

Kicker - Svengali sit down with ctrl to discuss their big break through that surprised millions and their appreciation towards their rapidly growing fan club.

Two small town girls making it big, who would have known! We just want to show people that there’s more to us than what they think.

Ctrl: Thank you for joining us for the interview Svengali! We’ve got to say we’re very excited to be sitting with here with you both finally, and equally excited to hear about your very busy year!

Emily: It’s a pleasure to be here!

Shauna: I’m still quite nervous if I’m honest – you’d think I would have gotten use to all of these interviews by now! *Laughs*

Ctrl: No need to be nervous, we’d just like to hear about your very exciting year! Starting with your discovery, how did that happen? You became famous overnight!

Emily: It’s a funny story really! Shauna and I have always been interested in singing – you’d always find us humming little tunes to ourselves and making up little rhymes. Then one evening we decided to make a YouTube video and it all started from there really.

Shauna: We made a quick video of us singing our first song, “Solitary”, in Emily’s living room and uploaded it to YouTube for a bit of fun. We had no idea we would go viral within a matter of hours! The whole thing was surreal!

Ctrl: It was incredible! Am I right in saying you hit 1 million views in just 35 minutes?

Emily: Yes, we couldn’t believe it. Two small town girls making it big, who would have known!

Shauna: I remember the exact moment we checked the video back around 30 minutes later – we couldn’t believe our eyes! We we’re stunned in shock.

Emily: The comments were wonderful! There wasn’t a negative one in sight!

Ctrl: You already had a vast fan base from that initial point! Everybody loves your sound. Social media was blowing up; we received many emails and tweets praising you our systems nearly crashed! So, how did you come around to making your first single?

Shauna: Sadie Russell contacted us the following morning asking us if we would consider taking up a career in music, after she had viewed us on YouTube and complimented our talents. She was really lovely – she wasn’t pushy and let us take our time to decide what we wanted to do. It was still all quite bizarre.

Emily: The events of the night before hadn’t quite sunk in yet, but it didn’t take long for us to agree on accepting Sadie’s offer. We met up with her a week or so later and Svengali was created.

Shauna: We met up regularly, and booked time out in a studio – we made a full version of Solitary in a couple days, elaborating on our version from the YouTube video.

Ctrl: Your single was released in the early May, yet it stayed top off the charts for 16 weeks!

Emily: We took a lot of pride in our first single! We worked really hard on making it perfect spending most of our time in the studio day in, day out. We just want to show people there’s more to us than what they think – two teenage girls becoming big indie hits by chance, it was our chance to show how hard we could work to produce something wonderful.

Ctrl: I’m happy to say you succeeded in doing exactly that! The song is mesmerising. How has life at home changed?

Shauna: We’re still living in our home town – nothing can make us want to move away from there currently! It’s where we grew up and where all our friends are! The only difference really is the heavy security of our homes and the occasional group of fans screaming our names across the way.

Emily: And the amount of free things local shops want to give us is insane – I haven’t paid for my milk and bread for a year!

Ctrl: Free food is always a good thing! So girls, what’s next for Svengali?

Emily: We’ve recently finished recording our debut album ‘Pretty Little Things’ – we will be releasing it later this month. I can barely contain my excitement!

Shauna: After that we’re not too sure what’s next for us. All we know is that this is just the beginning!

Emily: At the moment, we just want to focus on our A Levels and college but as soon as we’ve sat our exams we will be doing lots of big and exciting things to further our music career!

Ctrl: Well me and the team here at Ctrl are positive you two young ladies have a fantastic future ahead of you! It has been a pleasure meeting you both and we wish you the best for the future! We hope to speak to you again soon.

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